Congratulations On 2Nd Baby

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Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in your life. Nothing is more rewarding than the privilege of caring for this new life and providing an environment in which both you and your child will thrive and develop. Choosing the pediatrician that can best care for your child is an important decision. At Associated Pediatricians, we share your joy and enthusiasm and look forward to the opportunity in partnering with you on the exciting journey of raising a child.

Getting Acquainted
Please feel free to call our office if you have additional questions about us. Or, if you prefer, call today to schedule a prenatal, "get acquainted" meeting.

Upon Arrival
If your baby is born at Porter Regional Hospital, simply tell your obstetrician and the hospital staff that you have chosen Associated Pediatricians as your child's pediatrician. Our office will be notified of your baby's birth by the hospital staff.

Upon discharge, please contact our office about scheduling your baby's first visit to our office.

Useful Information
Visit our About Us section to learn more about our practice and doctors.

Again, Congratulations! Enjoy this exciting time.

Our Regular Schedule

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8:00 am-5:00 pm





"I believe Congratulations is the word you’re looking for." Words I never imagined I would hear from my husband more than once.

You’re getting married… Congratulations! Buying a new home… Congratulations. You got a new job… Congratulations!

A simple enough word expressing good wishes on a special occasion. Having a baby… CONGRATULATIONS! It comes so easily, right? You’re having your second baby… Congratulations (obviously you’re trying for the gender you don’t have).

15 letters. 5 syllables. 1 word.

You are expecting your third baby… your fourth baby… your fifth baby… Uh, , um, yeah.

Congratulations On 2Nd Baby

This is where my sweet, sensitive, loving husband comes in. Whether to family, friends, neighbors, or complete strangers, when they hear we are expecting (GASP!) our fifth child, he kindly tells them, "I believe congratulations is the word you’re looking for."

When we were married almost 11 years ago and started our life together we knew we wanted a big family. We never hid this fact. And as our family grew, our hearts did too. There were times I worried or wondered if I had enough love to give each of our children. My husband and I talked often about this in the early years. We were extremely committed to making absolutely certain that each of our children felt wanted and loved and belong to a family that honors, appreciates, and values them and their unique, amazing, specialness!

Earlier this year, my husband and I were ecstatic excited to find out we were expecting our fifth child.

That excitement gave way to worry and angst as it became clear that other people had some sort of problem or discomfort with it.

We have heard it all.

You know how this happens right? Really? You’re hands aren’t full enough right now huh? How will you pay for college? Oh my goodness. Why? That’s crazy! You’re a glutton for punishment. There should be a law against having that many kids. Good luck… Good… luck…

I wish they didn’t hurt. But they do.

So be careful with your words. Your opinions on family planning or college savings or the fullness of my hands are simply not welcome or appreciated.

Congratulations is the only word you are looking for.

Do you have the Second Baby Syndrome?

So you’ve become parents for the second time. Congratulations! Now surely you want to check if you have the Second Baby Syndrome (SBS). Below you’ll find a list of symptoms typical for parents — especially moms — who have the syndrome.

• You’ve forgotten to tell that your new baby was born to (delete — or not — as appropriate): one of your best friends, a family member, your manager.

• You don’t schedule visits for the first two weeks after your new baby was born. After this period, when you receive guests, you don’t get to the hassle of serving them cake and coffee. Or even water. You show them where the tap is.

Congratulations On 2Nd Baby

• You don’t keep track of every feeding, poop or bath anymore. You used to use baby manager apps with Baby #1 but now you uninstalled them because the notification "You haven’t fed your baby in 2 weeks, 4 days and 23 hours" became quite irritating.

• You don’t stress out if your new baby hasn’t pooped for 3 days or has been sleeping for 12 hours without feeding. Actually, you’re happy about it.

• You finish your shower, even if the new baby starts crying.

• You used to have a thermometer in the bathtub to make sure Baby #1 was washed in perfect water temperature. With Baby #2 you just check the water with your finger to ensure he won’t burn or turn into an ice cube.

• Your new baby doesn’t spend 99% of the time in your arms. Even though it’s tempting because she’s so cute, you have other stuff to do. Such as: hugging your older kid who’s jealous, piggybacking him (because who wants to drive two strollers…), or just letting you back get fully deserved rest.

• You don’t take a gazillion of photos of the new baby every day. But that’s not a problem, selecting photos for the Baby Photobook #2 won’t take you 3 months like with the Photobook #1. I mean, if you’ll do it at all. (You should, otherwise, Baby #2 will never forget you this unfairness). Sometimes you even forget to take any photos all day long. Well, unless the older kid does something cool. Because when he does it, it’s for the first time.

• You don’t compare Baby #2 with babies of your friends and family but with your Baby #1. Having a gazillion of photos of Baby #1 helps a lot here.

• For people who keep a journal: you don’t note down every smile, development milestone, or sleep regression. Actually, you stop having time to keep a journal.

• After Baby #1 was born you read all the La Leche League manuals, sleeping survival guides and "Baby genius — how to boost your baby development from the day they are born". So now you read books for pleasure.

• You start to think that (cross out as appropriate): pacifier opponents, attachment parenting, reusable nappies, and using slings instead of the stroller are perhaps unnecessarily fundamental. Because you’re not ambitious anymore and everything that makes your life easier — without causing permanent damage to your kids — is a blessing you now gladly accept!

• Many things that were a challenge with Baby #1 are a no-brainer with Baby #2. You’re not sure if this is because you’ve become a perfect parent or if you’re still lousy but now you have a rare example of a perfect child.

If you find yourself having 3 or more of these symptoms— rest assured, you’ve got Second Baby Syndrome! But don’t fret! SBS is totally normal! Actually, if you don’t have it, you may need to go to a psychiatrist… or at least a good massagist!

Having kids changes you. Having the first one helps you get a healthy perspective on your hitherto life problems. And having the second one helps you get a healthy perspective on having kids.

Information obtained from websites:
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