What is a Newborn Welcome Message
A newborn welcome message is a personalized card that expresses your love and regards for the new little one coming into the family. It is typically an e-card but can also be printed out and mailed. This is a great opportunity to send them a message of love, excitement, and happiness personalized just for them.
What to Include in a Newborn Baby Card
Thoughtful messages are a great way to let the new parents know you care enough to send greetings. A great thing to include in your message is the parents' and the new baby's name. Make sure to make it personal and heartfelt.
You can begin your card by saying “Congratulations!” or “We are so happy to meet you.” Here are some other ways to start your card:
• To the proud new parents
• Dear Mom, Dad, and Baby
• To the Happy family
• Congratulations to the new mom and dad
• [Parent's names], congratulations on the birth of [baby's name]
• Congratulations on adding [child's name] to your family.
You can include a photo of the parents and the baby or a brightly colored, circle-themed representation of the welcoming event. If you want to go the extra mile, you can include a gift!. For a new family, it should be filled with baby essentials like pacifiers or diapers.
Newborn Welcome Message Examples
• You have achieved the most amazing gift in this world, parenthood. Congratulations on your new baby!
• Your baby is a precious gift. Congratulations!
• Dearest parents, I am so thankful for your newfound love.
• You will find happiness every day!
• You have been given such a priceless gift.
• Cherish her infant years!
• You have a happy heart, baby. Just like your parents.
• Your home just got sweeter with your new little one.
For a Baby Girl
• Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl's safe arrival!
• Your new baby girl will bring you lots of cuddles and fun adventures.
• Your new daughter makes a wonderful addition to an already wonderful family. I hope her smile makes your world seem brighter every day.
• The sparkle of promise is evident while you look into her eyes. As you listen to the whisper of her breathing and hold her in your arms, you will feel something precious
• What a precious life you have brought to the world. I wish you joy, smiles, and love in the coming days.
• The little girl has ten tiny fingers, ten small toes, rosy pink cheeks, and a cute button nose. Congratulations on your new love!
For a Baby Boy
• Congratulations on the arrival of your lovely baby boy!
• So the adventure begins. I can't think of any parents better suited to bring up this amazing baby boy. We wish you many congratulations and warmest wishes for the future!
• It feels like months ago, and you just wished for your baby boy. And the time has finally come! Congratulations on becoming parents to such a precious little boy!
• You just witnessed a miracle come into your life. It's a miracle made of little boy hugs, smiles, and lots of love.
• Your new baby boy will give you sleepless nights and sleepless days. But every single moment, bad or good, will be worth it!
To Wrap Up
A newborn's arrival is a significant event in the life of any family. It is important to recognize that by sending a welcome message to the new parents. You are not only congratulating them but also conveying the hopes and dreams you have for their family.
Pima Community College
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Elizabeth We want to let you know of how proud we are by having to see you here with your cap and gown . Your APA it
Inspirational Quote
You can fall 1 or 2 times but you will always get back up stronger .Nomater what
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Elizabeth tu eres la inspiracion mas grande que tus hermanas tienen. You are putting a very high standards for them and they will follow you in every step of the way.
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, ArizonaInspirational Quote
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
We are so very proud of you, we love you!
Well Wishes
Mom, Dad, Nana, Tata, Fil and Manny
Pima Community College
Culinary arts
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
Be the change you want to see in the world & Never let anything stop you!
I want you to know; We are so very proud of you. We are blessed to have you. I can never say enough about the struggles you have overcome and how inspirational you really are.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
We are blessed that you never let the bullies stop you. You are proving to them that they underestimated you and your willpower. Continue to be exactly who you are. We love you
Howard University
Architecture and Design Studies
Washington, D.C.Scholarships
Renewable Scholarship Award to Howard University #1 HBCU in America
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations to my baby girl! I’m so proud of all you have accomplished I love you!
Inspirational Quote
Never apologize for being authentically you.
Inspirational Quote
May God bless you on your new journey I will always be here for you. I Love You Son I’m so proud of you!
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
It seems like yesterday you received your Kindergarten Diploma and now you will receive your High School Diploma. You have filled our hearts with so much pride and love. Mom and D
Luis Antonio
University of Arizona
Studio Arts
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
Nothing in life is impossible as long as you take that first step
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Son, I remember this is the beginning of anything you want. Congratulations my love!
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaScholarships
UArizona Wildcat Recognition Award
Will be studying: Early Childhood Education at Pima Com. College and UofA
Congratulations & Well Wishes
You are Braver then you Believe! Stronger than you seem! Smarter then you think! And Loved More than you know! If you do your best, You Will Be OK! We Are So Proud of You! Mom&Dad
University of Arizona
Mechanical Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations Rosalie.. You did it!. We are so proud of you, my sweetheart.
We love you!!! God bless you and guide you through life
Cota Jr
University of Arizona
Mechanical Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
Congratulations & Well Wishes
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You
Inspirational Quote
Dharlyn Jannah
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations Jannah! We are very proud of you!
De leon
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
If you can get through doing things you hate to do on the other side is greatness
David has overcome and persevered every obstacle put in front of him. It has not always been easy but David has been relentless in his pursuit of his goals. We are all so proud.
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Juan Ramon your family is proud of you and love you, more than words can say. We expected great things from you. Todo lo puedes en Cristo que te fortalece.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
"Si se pudo burro" ~ Shrek
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congrats Princess! We’re so proud of all the great things you’ve accomplished. You made our job as parents easy but also so rewarding. May God always bless you & always guide you!
Accomplishments & Awards
Throughout school we’ve always seen you excel & be recognized for your hard work. This year was different because you were rewarded for all the years & countless hours you put in!
Sports Achievements
We’ve enjoyed seeing you grow into a great player & leader on the court. We will miss seeing you play the game you grew to love & look forward to seeing that same drive carry you!
Encinas Garcia
Arizona Culinary Institute
Scottsdale, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Iliana we are so proud of you! Mom, Dad, Amelia, Daniel ,Tata Pete and Nana Amelia know your next steps in life will be great!! We ADMIRE your tenacity!
Accomplishments & Awards
In Culinary class you proved your pastry skills will be your future for the next phase of your journey!
Inspirational Quote
Always remember that you are BRAVER than you think, STRONGER than you seem and LOVED more than you know! Your WINGS already exist, all you have to do is FLY!
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Well done Patrick!!! We are proud of you, love mom, dad and Ian
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations future UA cat!!!
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Best wishes from all his family in Tucson Arizona and Veracruz mexico
Williams College
Public Health
Williamstown, MassachusettsScholarships
Williams College Award, Steve Holmes Scholarship
Inspirational Quote
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
Galvez Rosas
Adams State University
Aalamosa, ColoradoInspirational Quote
Todo lo puedo en Cristo q me fortalece. Dios ha puesto en un gran sueño de ser enfermera y ayudar a otros. De jugar deportes y ser de ejemplo para los demás.
Sports Achievements
Desde los 8 años he practicado, jugado y disfrutado el deporte que amo. Gracias a Adams State University podré hacer el deporte que tanto amo Softball.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Felicidadez Briannay Gálvez Rosas por cada sueño que no soltastes a pesar de todas las dificultades de la vida te aferraste a ellos y los estás haciendo realidad uno por uno. DTB.
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations Ariane, you did it. You made it through the challenges of the last few years and now you have a whole new adventure waiting. I love you lots, Mom
University of Arizona
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations
Your entire Family from here to Sierra Vista and to Compton , Ca is very proud of you.
U of A Scholarship
Well Wishes
Matthew we are all so very proud of the young man you have become I remember years ago that you told me that you would bring honor to our last name Garcia and you have.
Florina Isabel
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations on this accomplishment in life. This only is a stepping stone to your next adventure.
Inspirational Quote
Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you all you need.
Sports Achievements
Soccer has been a great part of your life.. many years we have spent on a field watching you play. Let us see it take you further.
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations
Chanel we’re all so proud of all of your hard work and accomplishments. The possibilities are endless and this is only the beginning of your bright future ahead. We love you!
Well Wishes
We wish you well in all of your future endeavors. I know you will continue to strive and be successful. Reach for the stars beautiful. Chanel is the recipient Senior Jaguar Award.
Inspirational Quote
Don't live someone else's dream, find your own. "If you follow your dreams, you are capable of anything." "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." ...
University of Arizona
Legal Professions and Studies
Tucson, ArizonaScholarships
University of Arizona Wildcat Excellence Award; NAU Lumberjack Scholars Award
Inspirational Quote
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~ Walt Disney
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations and always remember to keep reaching beyond the stars!
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Amaya your family is beyond proud of you. Your determination, your dedication, and your discipline has been admirable to anyone that knows you.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
As you move on to you next chapter in your life take your time, learn from your mistakes, and live your life with a purpose. We will always be here to love and support you.
Inspirational Quote
"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars".
University of Arizona
Computer Science
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations
Congratulations son on your graduation! Your entire family is so very proud of your accomplishments throughout high school. We all know that you will be successful in all you do.
In his years at Sunnyside, Jacob was a marching band member for 2 years and photo club member this past year. Hats off to him for persevering through the pandemic without struggle.
Jacob will be attending The University of Arizona, where he will study Computer Science with an interest in Web Design. We’re excited to see what the future brings!
Lopez Alonzo
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
We are very proud of our daughter and we always wish for the best. Congratulations on your graduation, we love you so much, Jhoanna.
We are proud that Jhoanna will attend the University of Arizona and that she has always had excellent grades and done everything to always be one of the best students.
López Alonzo
University of Arizona
Jhoanna M Lopez Alonzo
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations
Muchas felicidades para nuestra hija Jhoanna M López Alonzo estamos orgullosos de ti y con tu esfuerzo alcanzaste el scholarship mas alto en la Universidad de Arizona.
Siempre estuviste haciendo lo mejor,Coro,Orquesta,Volleyball,JROTC Obteniendo excelentes calificaciones en todo. Eres nuestro orgullo hoy y siempre,te adoramos hermosa.
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Leslie we are very proud of everything you have set your mind to and accomplished. wishing you the best in this new chapter in life. Keep up the good work! We love you!
Dollars for Scholars $5,000 renweable, UA disntinction $10,000, ASU presidents award, NAU Lumberjack Scholarship, NMSU $18k +4,000 Honors, GCU presidents +$1000, UNM- $17k
Accomplishments & Awards
Accepted to UA,ASU,NAU,NMSU,GCU,UNM with scholarships and full rides to ome schools like University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your our purpose and potential.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
I want you to look back and see everything you have accomplished. From your first day of school to your last day, be proud of who you have become.
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
To my dearest daughter Yaritza. Congratulations on your achievement. A proud moment for you, for me, and for the entire family; you strived so hard, and your work paid off.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
I have seen you smiling, crying, fearing, stressing, and being hopeless. But I always saw you fight through every time like a confident young woman.
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
We are so proud of you Rachel, you have worked so hard to get here. We love you so much!
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations!! We cannot wait what the future holds for you mama!!
I love you to infinity and beyond!!
Medrano Jr
University of Arizona
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Hiram, may your high school graduation be the beginning of a lifetime of achievement and success in all aspects of your life.
Inspirational Quote
Always remember, you can achieve whatever you want in life. All you got to do is believe that you can.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations on your graduation Hiram! I am very proud of you and I can
Miranda Robles
Arizona Academy of Beauty
Tucson, ArizonaAccomplishments
Joined the Afjrotc, 4 years preformed with Mariachi del Desierto, 5 years preformed in orchestra, multiple times student of the month
The national award from the enlisted association
Inspirational Quote
Set out each day believing in your dreams, know without a doubt that you were made for great things.
Waldorf University
Business Managerial Economics
Forrest City, IowaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations! We wish you all the Love and Blessings as you set new foundation for your Future! We Love You!
Baseball Athletic Scholarship to Waldorf University
Inspirational Quote
Faith does not make things easy, it makes things possible
Tucson Bartending Academy
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
Be bold enough to use your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart and strong enough to live the life you
Inspirational Quote
Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. Make good art.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Take pride of how far you have come and how far you can go.
Montaño Barnett
University of Arizona
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
To our Son, always remember you are Braver than you believe. Stronger than you seem. Smarter than you think and Loved more than you know. We Love You. From Dad, Mom and Brother
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Our wish to you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay strong and your worries stay small. We will always be here standing behind you, supporting you.
Accomplishments & Awards
We are so very proud of all your accomplishments, you are an inspiration and a great role model to your little brother. Congratulations on getting accepted to the University of AZ.
University of Arizona
Business Administration and Management
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
My Daughter I wish you strength to face challenges with confidence… along with wisdom to choose your battles carefully. I wish you adventure on your journey.
Inspirational Quote
Always remember you are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem, Smarter than you think, we are so proud of you Love Dad and Mom
Congratulations & Well Wishes
My wish for you is that life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, and while your out there getting to where your getting to be.
University of Arizona
Mechanical Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaAccomplishments & Awards
National Hispanic Scholar
Inspirational Quote
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Congratulations & Well Wishes
We are so proud of Kadence and excited to see where life takes her.
University of Arizona
Biological Sciences
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations, Amaya! Love you to the moon and back.
Inspirational Quote
"You already have everything you need inside of you right now, today."
Inspirational Quote
"Whatever you choose for a career path, remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose."
Tucson, ArizonaAccomplishments & Awards
Nothing is impossible today omly happens once make it amazing
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Goos luck on the next adventure whatever you wish for I wish for you too and pray that your dreams and wishes come true
You never fail everyday is a change to be better
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations Mya, Aim for the stars because the sky is the limit. Love you always mom and dad.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
You can achieve whatever you want in life as long as you believe, and we believe in you.
Inspirational Quote
"Take pride in how far you
Pima Community College
Business Administration and Management
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
the sky is the limit!
Congratulations & Well Wishes
We were new to Tucson schools and you made it happen! So proud of you for not giving up!
Sports Achievements
Congratulations on completing three years of Sports Med - so proud of you!
Pima Community College
Animal Sciences
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
One day you will thank yourself for never giving up, even when you really wanted to. You have to remember that success is just around the corner.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
May your High School graduation be the beginning of many more wonderful achievements in your life!
We love you Lyza, continue being you and continue pushing thru.
University of Arizona
Mechanical Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Lucas!! Congratulations!!! You are graduating High School and moving on to your next chapter... The University of Arizona, BEAR DOWN! We are so proud of you!!
Accomplishments & Awards
From honors and AP classes to band and manufacturing, you rocked every challenge you faced and became a leader in the process. Your multiple scholarships are well deserved!
Your commitment to your community through your work with LPKNC and YES are inspiring. You are a role model to those around you and definitely for your little brother! Well done!!
Air Force
Muchas felicidades Josue! Que sea el principio de muchos logros y metas cumplidas en tu vida. Dios te bendiga hijo!
Inspirational Quote
Siempre recuerda lo que dice la palabra de Dios: Miro que te mando que te esfuezes y seas valiente... Jehova estara contigo dondequiera que vayas. Josue 1:9
Well Wishes
Te deseamos mucho éxito en el camino que has escogido... que tengas mucho éxito en las fuerzas armadas.
Perez Ayala
Pima Community College
Business Managerial Economics
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
Hijo mio no hay palabras exactas para describir lo feliz que me haces por tu graduacion estoy muy orgullosa de ti apesar de altas y bajas lo lograste si se pudo te queremos mucho.
Pima Community College
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
"Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good." —Minor Myers Jr.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations! We are all so very proud of you Joaquin!
Congratulations & Well Wishes
We love you!
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Congratulations mija. We are all so very proud of you. Can’t wait to see what your future holds for you.
Inspirational Quote
Start each day believing in your dreams . Know without a doubt you were made for great things. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you 💜
Rivera Rodriguez
Pima Community College
Industrial Engineering
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
We are proud of all your accomplishments and know that there is a very bright future ahead of you.
Romero Guerrero
University of Arizona
Computer Science
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
. Continue to work hard to strive for your dreams and goals, the sky
ASU- Presidents Scholarship, Dollars for Scholars Alumni Association Scholarship, Garcia Scholarship(UA),NAU Presidents Scholarship, NMSU Honors out of State, UA Wildcat Excellence
Congratulations & Well Wishes
We are very happy and more than anything proud of you, Eric. Congratulations on all your great efforts.
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations
AJ we are extremely proud of you! Your hard work and dedication has paid off as you graduate class of 2022.
University of Arizona
Public Health
Tucson, ArizonaScholarships
Dollars for Scholars Cuco Del Cid Scholarship. Victoria Teresa Arias Foundation Scholarship Recipient.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
May God Bless you and all your projects. May you choose to do whatever makes YOU happy. We will be there to support you and help guide you!
Accomplishments & Awards
National Honor Society Member, Trio Member, Los Diablitos Mariachi Member, JTED Certified Medical Assistant and AVID Member.
University of Arizona
Animal Sciences
Tucson, ArizonaCongratulations & Well Wishes
My future is Bright!
Arizona State University
Tempe, ArizonaInspirational Quote
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream. Not only plan but also believe.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
You did it son! There is nothing easy in life and there is nothing impossible in life. Congratulations on graduating and making our family proud. I love you with all my heart! Dad
Congratulations & Well Wishes
Son, I am so proud of your accomplishments. The past 2 years had so many obstacles and you overcame every battle. I love you mijo! Congratulations I
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.
Congratulations & Well Wishes
You have the freedom to define who you are. Find your passion. You will fail. Don
University of Arizona
Business Administration and Management
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
You life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential. -Kerry Washington
University of Arizona
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Major
Tucson, ArizonaInspirational Quote
You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so...get on your way! Oh, the Places You'll Go! ~ Dr. Seuss
Congratulations & Well Wishes
I am so proud of you, Arianna! More than anything else I admire your beautiful heart! I admire your courage and your ability to dust yourself off and always try again.
Inspirational Quote
The world needs you. It needs your voice, your smile. It needs your talents, your passion. It needs all the gifts you have to give.
University of New Mexico
Political Science and Government
Albuquerque, New MexicoCongratulations & Well Wishes
We are so PROUD of you and Love you so much. Stay Courageous, Strong & Positive. We wish you all the success and BEST in LIFE. God Bless you Always Baby Girl.
Vega Alcorn
University of Arizona
, , A:2:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";}, a:2:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";}Congratulations
Congratulations Brian, we are very proud of you. You are a wonderful son and a great example to your brother.
You've worked so hard, running from DV to JTED, most of the time neglecting your social life. But now you are not only a HS graduate, but also a State Certified CMA & Phlebotomist.
Well Wishes
Best wishes on becoming a Neurologist. You will have so much success. Now, go on your new and exciting journey, which will be filled with new projects, places and lots of friends.