Meaning: Congratulations
If you were to use a translation app to ask "how do you say congratulations in French", the answer you’re likely to get is this word. It is the most basic and common way to say congratulations in French.
Félicitations pour
Meaning: Congratulations on
It is perfectly acceptable to just say "Félicitations!" if you want to congratulate someone, but if you want to be more specific, you can say "Félicitations pour" then add the event that you are congratulating them for.
Here are a few examples:
French: Félicitations pour ton mariage!
English: Congratulations on your marriage!
French: Félicitations pour ton avancement!
English: Congratulations on the promotion!
French: Félicitations pour l’achat de ta maison!
English: Congratulations on buying a house!
French: Félicitations pour la naissance de votre fille!
English: Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
French: Félicitations pour la naissance de votre petit garçon!
English: Congratulations on the birth of your son!
French: Félicitations pour ton nouvel employ!
English: Congratulations on your new job!
Félicitations pour avoir/être
Meaning: Congratulations on
If you want to congratulate someone on an action, you need to add either "avoir" or "être" then add the action that you are congratulating them on.
Here are a couple of examples:
French: Félicitations pour être arrivé sain et sauf.
English: Congratulations on arriving safely!
French: Félicitations pour avoir gagné le match
English: Congratulations on winning the game!
Other Phrases French-speakers Use When They Want To Say Congratulations
Now that we’ve explained the three basic ways to say "congratulations" in French, let us look at a few other ways that French speakers express their good wishes and admiration for someone and their accomplishments.
The following are other ways to say "congratulations" in French. Some of these words and phrases can be used in general situations, but we’ve also included a few phrases that are used for specific life events or accomplishments.
Mes sincères felicitations
Meaning: My sincere congratulations
Nos sincères felicitations
Meaning: Our sincere congratulations
Mes vives felicitations
Meaning: My enthusiastic congratulations
Nos vives felicitations
Meaning: Our wholehearted congratulations
Je te félicite
Meaning: I congratulate you (informal)
Je vous félicite
Meaning: I congratulate you (formal); I congratulate you (more than one person)
Bien joué
Meaning: Well played or nicely done
Bon travail
Meaning: Good work
Chapeau bas
Meaning: Hats off
. Je suis heureux/euse pour toi/vous
Meaning: I’m happy for you
Je suis fier/fière de toi/vous
Meaning: I’m proud of you
On va fêter ça!
Meaning: Let’s celebrate
Tu l’as bien mérité!/Vous l’avez bien mérité
Meaning: You earned it.
Tous mes compliments
Meaning: All my congratulations or sincere congratulations
Tous nous compliments
Meaning: All our congratulations or sincere congratulations
Tous mes voeux
Meaning: All my wishes (mostly used during weddings)
Tous nos voeux
Meaning; All our wishes (mostly used for just married couples)
Tous mes meilleurs vœux de santé et de bonheu
Meaning: All my best wishes for your health and happiness.
Je t’adresse mes felicitations
Meaning: I extend my congratulations to you
Je lui fais mes felicitations
Meaning: I congratulate you
Bonne réuissite
Meaning: Great success
Addressez tous mes compliments à
Meaning: Give my compliments to (name)
Je veux vous féliciter
Meaning: I want to congratulate you.
Je tiens à vous féliciter pour
Meaning: I must congratulate you for
Bonne chance!
Meaning: Good luck
Bon courage
Meaning: I wish you well
Tous mes voeux vous accompagnent
Meaning: I wish you the best
Je te souhaite plein de bonheur en cette journée spéciale.
Meaning: Wishing you every happiness on your special day (often used on someone’s birthday)
Joyeux anniversaire!
Meaning: Happy anniversary
Nous voudrions te féliciter pour
Meaning: We would like to send you our congratulations on
Nous savions que tu pouvais le faire.
Meaning; We knew you could do it.
Félicitations pour la nouvelle arrivée dans votre famille !
Meaning: Congratulations on the new arrival in your family (used when a baby has been born)
Félicitations pour ton entrée à l'université
Meaning: Well done getting into university
Bien joué pour les examens.
Meaning: Well done on your exams.
Félicitations pour tes examens!
Meaning: Congratulations on passing your exams.
Félicitations pour ton diplôme!
Meaning: Congratulations on your graduation!
Félicitations pour tes fiançailles
Meaning: Congratulations on your engagement.
J'espère que vous serez très heureux ensemble.
Meaning: I hope you’ll be very happy together.
Félicitations. Nous vous souhaitons à tous les deux tout le bonheur du monde.
Meaning: Congratulations. We wish both of you all the happiness in the world.
Félicitations et meilleurs vœux à vous deux pour votre mariage.
Meaning: Congratulations and best wishes to you both on your wedding day.
Félicitations pour vous être dit "oui" !
Meaning: Congratulations on saying yes/I do (informal way to congratulate newlyweds)
Félicitations pour avoir décroché ce poste
Meaning: Congratulations on getting the job.
Nous te souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans cette prochaine étape professionnelle.
Meaning: We wish you every success on your latest career move.
Tout le Meilleur
Meaning: All the best
Soyez chanceux!
Meaning: Be lucky
Je te souhaite bonne chance et tout le succès que tu mérite.
Meaning: I wish you the best of luck and every success.
Bien joué pour les examens et bonne chance pour le futur.
Meaning: Well done on your great exam results and all the best for the future
Félicitations pour tes examens et bonne chance dans ta future carrière professionnelle.
Meaning: Congratulations on your exam results. Wishing you all the best in your future career.
To be prepared to celebrate important life events and accomplishments, you need to know phrases and words that mean congratulations – and the appropriate times and places to use them.
To help you learn the different ways to say congratulations in French, we’ve compiled the list of words and phrases we’ve discussed here into a downloadable PDF file. You can take this list and study it at your own pace.
If you really want to know the proper times and places to use these different ways to say congratulations, however, we suggest you take this list and discuss it with an online native French-speaking tutor.
By going through this list of the ways to say congratulations in French with a tutor, they can correct your pronunciation and accent in real-time. They will also be able to give you some tips on when to use the different words and phrases we included here and might even be able to add a few more that we might have missed.
Félicitations! You are starting your French language learning journey on the right foot!
How to say Congratulations in French?
Félicitations, 2. Félicitations pour, 3. Félicitations pour avoir/être
What are some alternatives to Felicitations in French?
Mes sincères felicitations Meaning: My sincere congratulations 2. Nos sincères felicitations Meaning: Our sincere congratulations 3. Mes vives felicitations Meaning: My enthusiastic congratulations 4. Nos vives felicitations Meaning: Our wholehearted congratulations 5. Je te félicite Meaning: I congratulate you (informal) 6. Je vous félicite Meaning: I congratulate you (formal); I congratulate you (more than one person) 7. Bien joué Meaning: Well played or nicely done 8. Bon travail Meaning: Good work 9. Bravo Meaning: Congratulations (French slang, informal). 10. Chapeau Meaning: Congratulations or “Hats off” (French expression) 11. Chapeau bas Meaning: Hats off 12.. Je suis heureux/euse pour toi/vous Meaning: I’m happy for you 13. Je suis fier/fière de toi/vous Meaning: I’m proud of you 14. On va fêter ça! Meaning: Let’s celebrate 15. Tu l’as bien mérité!/Vous l’avez bien mérité Meaning: You earned it.
Want to convey your greetings, thanks, congratulatory messages or condolences in Spanish? If you’re at a loss on what to say to your Spanish-speaking friends during the most important occasions, take your cue from this list and get the Spanish greetings, phrases and sentences you need.
Quick Navigation
Download this list in PDF format
1. Spanish Birthday Greetings
2. Spanish Wedding Anniversary Greetings
3. Bereavement/ Offering Sympathy
4. Spanish Christmas and New Year Greetings
5. General Congratulations in Spanish
6. Congratulations: New Baby
7. Congratulations: Academic-Related
8. Spanish Engagement and Wedding Greetings
9. Congratulations and well wishes (work-related)
10. Get Well Wishes
11. General Thanks
Download this list in PDF format
No time to read everything now? If you want to check this again later or want to keep a copy, you can also download this list in PDF by clicking the yellow button below.
1. Spanish Greetings for Birthdays
Let’s start off the list with birthday greetings. This list will help you with how to greet someone in Spanish during their birthday.
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy birthday!
¡Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad!
May all your wishes come true!
¡Que cumplas muchos años más
May you enjoy many more years!
¡Que tengas un maravilloso día!
Have a wonderful day!
Mis mejores deseos en este día tan especial para ti.
Wishing you the best on your special day.
2. Spanish Greetings for Wedding Anniversary
Do you wish to greet a married couple in Spanish during their wedding anniversary? Here’s how.
¡Feliz aniversario!
Happy anniversary!
¡Felicidades por su aniversario número ,,,!
Happy _th anniversary!
¡Felicidades por sus bodas de ...!
Congratulations on your ___ wedding anniversary!
... de plata
silver (25th)
... de oro
golden (50th)
... de diamante
diamond (60th)
3. Bereavement/ Offering Sympathy
Expressing condolences can be quite challenging especially in another language. How do you express your sadness at someone’s loss in Spanish? Here are some simple Spanish phrases to help you.
Estamos con ustedes.
We are with you.
Mis condolencias para la familia.
My condolences for the family.
Mi más sentido pésame.
My deepest condolences.
Lo siento.
I´m sorry.
Que encuentren pronta resignación.
I hope you recover promptly from your grief.
Lamentamos su pérdida.
We are sorry for your loss.
4. Spanish Christmas and New Year Greetings
The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song says. You simply couldn’t miss out greeting your Spanish-speaking friends during Christmas and New Year! Here’s how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Spanish.
¡Feliz navidad!
Merry Christmas!
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Happy New Year!
¡Que este año que llega esté lleno de bendiciones!
May the coming New Year bring you blessings!
¡Felices Fiestas!
Happy Holidays!
¡Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
5. General Congratulations in Spanish
Are congratulations in order? If you need to pat someone on the back for a job well done, here’s how to congratulate someone in Spanish.
Bien hecho.
Well done.
Sabíamos que lo lograrías.
We knew you could do it.
Estamos orgullosos de ti.
We are so proud of you!
¡Lo hiciste excelente!
You did an excellent job!
Te quiero felicitar.
I want to congratulate you.
6. Congratulations: New Baby
Hooray! A little bundle of joy have just arrived! Time to congratulate the new parents. Here are some ways to do that in Spanish.
¡Felicidades por el nuevo integrante de la familia!
Congratulations on the new arrival in your family!
¡Felicidades por el nacimiento de su niño/niña!
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy/girl!
¡Qué gusto saber que ya nació!
We are delighted to hear that he/she has already born!
7. Congratulations: Academic-Related
Did someone just aced an exam, graduated, or got into some University? Tell them how thrilled you are with these phrases. Say congratulations in Spanish!
¡Felicidades por tu graduación!
Congratulations on your graduation!
¡Buen trabajo!
Good job!
¡Felicidades por tus buenas calificaciones!
Congratulations on your good grades!
¡Felicidades por tu maestría!
Congratulations on getting your Master´s degree!
¡Felicidades por entrar a la universidad!
Well done on getting into University!
¡Felicidades por pasar el examen!
Congratulations on passing your exam!
8. Spanish Engagement and Wedding Greetings
Engagements and weddings are among life’s most important events. When you need to extend your warm wishes on somebody’s engagement or big day, take your pick from this list on how to congratulate them in Spanish!
¡Felicidades a los futuros esposos!
Congratulations to the future spouses!
¡Felicidades a los novios!
Congratulations to the groom and bride!
¡Salud por los novios!
Cheers to the newlyweds!
Espero que sean muy felices.
I hope you will be very happy.
¿Ya tienen fecha para la boda?
Have you set the date of the big day?
¡Felicidades por esta nueva etapa!
Congratulations on this new stage!
¡Mis mejores deseos para los dos!
Best wishes to you both!
¡Felicidades por su boda!
Congratulations on the wedding!
9. Congratulations and well wishes (work-related)
Did someone just move up the corporate ladder or got the job he or she had been eyeing? Greet them in Spanish! Here’s what to say.
¡Felicidades por tu nuevo empleo!
Congratulations on your new job!
¡Felicidades por tu ascenso!
Congratulations on the promotion!
¡La mejor de las suertes en tu nueva etapa!
We wish you the best of luck on your new stage!
We wish you success!
¡Suerte en tu nuevo trabajo!
Good luck on your new job!
¡Suerte en tu primer día de trabajo!
Good luck on your first day at work!
10. Get Well Wishes
Do you have Spanish-speaking friends or colleagues that are sick and need some cheering up? Wish them a speedy recovery! Here's how to say get well soon in Spanish!
Recupérate pronto.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
¡Que te mejores!
Get well!
Alíviate pronto.
Get well soon.
Espero que te sientas mejor.
I hope you feel better.
11. General Thanks
Finally, for some ways to express your gratitude to someone, here’s how to say thanks in Spanish.
Thank you.
Muchas gracias.
Many thanks.
Se agradece.
It´s appreciated.
Mil gracias.
Thanks a thousand times.
No sé como podría agradecertelo.
I don’t know how to thank you.
Estamos muy agradecidos.
We are very grateful.
Que amable de su parte.
It is really nice of you.
Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With this handy list, you'll know exactly what to say during the right occasions.
For more Spanish phrases, check out the e-book below!
Mazel Tov
• English Version: Mazel Tov!
• Hebrew Version: "!מזל טוב"
"Mazel Tov" is the Hebrew version of "congratulations" (although the literal translation is "good luck"). It is by far the most common blessing in Jewish weddings. You’ll hear it, say it and use it everywhere…
• Guests congratulate the couple and their family with "Mazel Tov" as they enter the Kabbalat Panim (the reception area).
• You’ll likely write "Mazel Tov" at least once in your wedding card
• When the groom breaks the glass after the seven blessings, the crowd cheers "Mazel Tov".
When in doubt, say Mazel Tov!
May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
• English Version: May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
• Hebrew Version: שהאושר ימשיך למלא את חייכם לעד
Mazel Tov on your wedding day
• English Version: Mazel Tov on your wedding day
• Hebrew Version: מזל טוב לרגל חתונתכם
May you build a loyal home in Israel
• English Version: May you build a loyal home in Israel
• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית נאמן בישראל
May you build a Kosher and loving home
• English Version: May you build a Kosher and loving home
• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית כשר ואוהב
Bracha & Hatslacha!
• English Version: Bracha & Hatslacha! (Hebrew for "blessing and success".)
• Hebrew Version: !ברכה והצלחה
• English Version: L’Chaim! (Hebrew for "To life")
• Hebrew Version: !לחיים
L’Chaim is chanted after every toast. And my oh my, are there plenty of toasts in Jewish weddings.
Jews are particularly fond of wine (don’t worry, we don’t discriminate against the other members of the alcohol family).
It is considered a Mitzvah (a commandment from the Torah) to bring joy to the bride and groom. And last time I "checked", wine is a wonderful way to bring joy to the bride and groom (just don’t do anything foolish, yes?).
To quote King David:
Tip: If you’re the one giving the toast, just remember to conclude the blessing with "L’Chaim" (now’s the time to start practicing your "Cchh").
L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom
• English Version: L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom (Hebrew for "Good life and peace")
• Hebrew Version: לחיים טובים ולשלום
May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• English Version: May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• Hebrew Version: !שתגשימו יחד את כל החלומות
Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha
• English Version: Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha (Hebrew for "blessing, wealth and success")
• Hebrew Version: ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחה
Wishing you lots of Nachat/Naches
• English Version: Wishing you lots of Nachat/Naches
• Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם הרבה נחת
May God grant you all your wishes!
• English Version: May God grant you all your wishes!
• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא כל משאלות לבכם
May your lives be filled with love, joy, and laughter, BH
• English Version: May your lives be filled with love, joy, and laughter, BH
• Hebrew Version: !'שחייכם יהיו מלאים באהבה, שמחה, וצחוק, בעזרת ה
May you be blessed, always!
• English Version: May you be blessed, always!
• Hebrew Version: !תבורכו תמיד
May your marriage be blessed with a lifetime of love and happiness
• English Version: May your marriage be blessed with a lifetime of love and happiness
• Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם נישואין מלאים באהבה ושמחה
May God fill your home with love and happiness
• English Version: May God fill your home with love and happiness
• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא את ביתכם באושר ואהבה
May God bless you and shine a bright light in your home
• English Version: May God bless you and shine a bright light in your home
• Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם וישרה אור בביתכם
May God bless you with a lifetime of love, peace, and joy
• English Version: May God bless you with a lifetime of love, peace, and joy
• Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם בחיים מלאים באהבה, שלווה ושמחה
Here’s to a long and happy marriage, L’Chaim!
• English Version: Here’s to a long and happy marriage, L’Chaim!
• Hebrew Version: !לחיי נישואין ארוכים ושמחים, לחיים
Jewish Wedding Quotes & Sayings
The Jewish tradition is full of beautiful quotes, sayings, and phrases about marriage and love. I could easily fill an entire book just with quotes (maybe one day)…
"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."
• English Version: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." – Song of Songs 6:3
• Hebrew Version: "אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי"
King Solomon’s famous verse from Song of Songs is by far the most common quote in Jewish weddings. You’ll see it featured anywhere from Jewish wedding invitations, modern Ketubahs, and of course – on Jewish wedding cards.
"I have found the one whom my soul loves"
• English Version: "I have found the one whom my soul loves" – Song of Songs 3:4
• Hebrew Version: "מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"
"Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"
• English Version: "Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"
• Hebrew Version: “קוֹל שָׂשׂוֹן וְקוֹל שִׂמְחָה קוֹל חָתָן וְקוֹל כַּלָּה"
This blessing is recited (and chanted) at the seven blessings ceremony. The blessing is concluded with the groom breaking the glass, which marks the end of the Jewish wedding ceremony, and the beginning of the wedding reception.
"He who is mightier than all; He who is blessed above all; He who is greater than all; He who is distinguished beyond all; He should bless the groom and the bride."
• English Version: "He who is mightier than all; He who is blessed above all; He who is greater than all; He who is distinguished beyond all; He should bless the groom and the bride." – Mi Adir
• Hebrew Version: “מי אדיר על הכל, מי ברוך על הכל, מי גדול על הכל, מי דגול על הכל, הוא יברך את החתן ואת הכלה”
This quote comes from the "Mi Adir", a song commonly chanted in Ashkenazi weddings.
"He Who understands the speech of the rose of thorns, the affection of lovers, the joy of the beloved, may He bless the bridegroom and the bride.”
• English Version: "He Who understands the speech of the rose of thorns, the affection of lovers, the joy of the beloved, may He bless the bridegroom and the bride." – Mi Adir
• Hebrew Version: “מי בָן שיח שושן חוחים, אהבת כלה משוש דודים, הוא יברך את החתן ואת הכלה”.
"A husband and wife are one soul, separated only through their descent to this world. When they are married, they are reunited again"
• English Version: "A husband and wife are one soul, separated only through their descent to this world. When they are married, they are reunited again" – Zohar
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh."
• English Version: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh." – Genesis 2:24
• Hebrew Version: "עַל-כֵּן, יַעֲזָב-אִישׁ, אֶת-אָבִיו, וְאֶת-אִמּוֹ; וְדָבַק בְּאִשְׁתּוֹ, וְהָיוּ לְבָשָׂר אֶחָד"
This quote describes the connection formed between Adam and Eve, another great symbol of two souls uniting into one.
Enjoy life with the woman you love"
• English Version: "Enjoy life with the woman you love" – King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 9:9
• Hebrew Version: "רְאֵה חַיִּים עִם-אִשָּׁה אֲשֶׁר-אָהַבְתָּ"
As you can see, King Solomon has lots to say about love and marriage. This quote is another classic.
"A person should always be careful about the honor of his wife, for blessing is found in a person’s home only due to his wife"
• English Version: "A person should always be careful about the honor of his wife, for blessing is found in a person’s home only due to his wife" – Talmud, Bava Metzia 59a 1
• Hebrew Version: לעולם יהא אדם זהיר בכבוד אשתו שאין ברכה מצויה בתוך ביתו של אדם אלא בשביל אשתו” – תלמוד, בבא מציעא נט’ א
The Talmud is full of quotes stressing the importance of loving, caring, and respecting your spouse.
"A person should always eat and drink less than what is within his means, and he should dress and cover himself in accordance with his means, and he should honor his wife and children more than what is within his means; as they are dependent on him and he is dependent on the One Who spoke and the world was created."
• English Version: "A person should always eat and drink less than what is within his means, and he should dress and cover himself in accordance with his means, and he should honor his wife and children more than what is within his means; as they are dependent on him and he is dependent on the One Who spoke and the world was created." – Talmud Chullin 84b
• Hebrew Version: "לעולם יאכל אדם וישתה פחות ממה שיש לו וילבש ויתכסה במה שיש לו ויכבד אשתו ובניו יותר ממה שיש לו שהן תלויין בו והוא תלוי במי שאמר והיה העולם"
Another great quote from the Talmud. Plus, it gives us another great reminder to stay off the snacks :).
Popular Wedding Wishes
Just because it’s a Jewish wedding doesn’t mean you have to stick to Jewish blessings. What works in other weddings works just as well in Jewish weddings (unless it’s a blessing that involves another religion, of course).
In fact, I strongly recommend combining the best of both worlds! That way, you can knock it out of the park with a blessing that is truly one of a kind!
Here are some of the most popular wedding wishes and blessings…
• May you accomplish all your dreams together!
• May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy!
• Today you begin a new chapter in your life.
• Wishing you joy, love, and happiness on your wedding day
• Wishing you a fun, exciting, and peaceful life as you embark on your journey together.
• May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• May your love grow stronger and stronger every year
• May today mark the beginning of a long, happy, and fulfilling life
• May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
• We’re so excited to celebrate this wonderful day with you as your guest
• I wish you two a lifetime of joy, success, and fulfillment together as a happy couple
• Hugs and kisses
• Best wishes
Funny Wedding Wishes
Are you good friends with the couple? Are you known for your witty jokes? Are you willing to go above and beyond to put a smile on people’s faces?
Well, you better be… because the following wishes can either make you:
• Stand out from the crowd
• Stand outside in the rain
Warning: Some married couples will find these wishes hilarious; others will find them obnoxious. Before you put these wishes on your wedding card – make sure you have a close relationship with the couple, and that they can take a joke. In other words: Know your audience (and don’t come crying to me if your blessing backfires!).
• Who needs Netflix, when you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller all in one marriage?
• Listen to Me… Listen to Her!
• So excited to get wasted on your wedding day!
• Thanks for all the free snacks!
• Congratulations on your transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".
• Did you hear that the divorce rate was 50%? So, heads or tails?
• From now on, guys night out = "Honey, take out the trash"
• It’s been nice knowing you…
• Congratulations, you’re married! (My condolences)
• Wishing you a long life together, Romeo and Juliet!
Jewish Wedding Card Message Examples
OK, you found a bunch of great Jewish wedding blessings and greetings… now what? How do we translate that into a beautifully-written wedding card?
In this section, I’ll give you a bunch of wedding card examples and templates you can use as inspiration.
Important: You’re welcome to copy, borrow, or steal any of these blessings. But don’t be lazy and copy it word for word. Customize it a bit, change it to match your tone, sprinkle some of your unique fairy dust…
You don’t want the bride and groom to find out you "cheated", now do you?
The Traditional Blessing
"I have found the one whom my soul loves" – Song of Songs 3:4
Mazel Tov on your wedding!
May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
May God bless you with love, joy, and laughter, BH. May your love grow stronger and stronger every year!
I wish you Bracha, Parnasa & Hatslacha together.
May you build a Kosher and loving home.
Wishing you a long and happy marriage.
The Hebrew Blessing
"מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"
!מזל טוב לרגל חתונתכם
שהאושר ימשיך למלא את חייכם לעד.
!שה’ ימלא את ביתכם באושר ואהבה. שאהבה שלכם תגדל כל שנה, אמן
ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחה בכל אשר תעשו.
שתזכו להקים בית כשר ונאמן בישראל, בעזרת ה'.
!לחיי נישואין ארוכים ושמחים… לחיים
The Funny Blessing
Congratulations on your wedding day! (dude, my condolences)
Oh, and you probably don’t need Netflix anymore… Now that you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller in your own marriage.
Anyway, congratulations on your transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".
It’s been nice knowing you… From now on, guys night out = you taking out the trash.
Mazel Tov!
Congratulations! With these Jewish wedding wishes in your toolkit, you’re now ready to unleash the most beautiful stream of blessings ever known to mankind!
Whether you’re looking to congratulate the bride and groom with a thoughtful blessing, give a funny toast at the wedding ceremony, or write a personal Jewish wedding card.
Notice how I highlighted the "personal" part?
That’s because no matter how many blessings I present to you, nothing beats a warm, heartfelt blessing that comes from you.
A Jewish wedding card with a bunch of copied & pasted blessings will only get you so far. If you want to give your card that extra "oomph", inject some of that special personality of yours into the blessing.
Besides, you know the bride and groom much better than I do (I wasn’t even invited! 😡)
So steal away (but don’t copy!).
Mazel Tov 🙂