Introduce Yourself
While it may seem obvious as to what your role is at this wedding, not everyone will already know who you are. Begin your speech by stating who you are in relation to the couple.
· Good evening everyone. My name is Martha and I’m the mother of the groom.
· Hello everyone! I’m Martha, the proudest mother of any groom that there ever was.
· My name is Martha, the mother of the groom, and I want to thank you for being here today.
This sets the stage for your speech by stating a clear fact. Everyone will understand what is about to happen—the mother of the groom is going to give a speech.
This is also a nice way to begin your speech if you have a fear of public speaking. When we’re scared to speak in front of a room full of people, it can help to say something "easy."
In other words, you can feel confident when you state your name and relationship to the groom versus trying to explain a more complex idea. This will immediately calm your nerves and allow you to sound confident from the very first beat of your mother of the groom speech.
Thank the Guests
Before you dive in to talking about your son and his new marriage, be sure to thank your guests for attending the event.
· Thank you for helping me to celebrate the marriage of my son Jason and his new bride Donna.
· I want to thank you all for being here today. It’s such a special occasion and it’s been made more meaningful by having each of you with us today to celebrate.
· Thank you for sharing in the love of Jason and Donna today.
Talk about your Son
Next, you’ll want to focus on our son. Oh where on earth to begin when writing about your son on his wedding day! This can be the most overwhelming part. To help determine where to focus, start by conducting a brainstorm using my "pen to paper" method.
Start by setting a timer. I suggest 15 to 30 minutes. When you set a time restriction, you’ll have enough time to write down what’s most important without wallowing in details that aren’t necessary for your speech.
Once the timer starts, put your pen to your paper and begin writing. Write about any thought, feeling, or memory that comes to mind when you think about your son. The key is to not take your pen off the paper. Just keep writing. Keep writing even when you don’t have a clear thought to transcribe. When you do this, you’ll eventually tap into your subconscious. That’s when the real creative juices start to flow. You may write down ideas you would have never considered.
Once you’ve completed the brainstorm, highlight or underline thoughts that you’d like to use for your mother of the groom speech. When you have identified themes, you’ll polish these concepts by expanding on each thought and tying it back to the idea of marriage.
Let’s look at an example to see how to accomplish this within your mother of the groom speech.
Brainstorm Note: I love how my son has a compassionate heart.
Expand on the Concept: When Jason was six years old, all of his classmates were invited over to the house for his birthday party. Most of them were playing together except for one boy who was sitting by himself. I witnessed my six-year-old son walk away from the pile of new gifts he had just opened to walk over to that boy. Jason was carrying his brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figure. Jason handed Donatello over to the boy and said—"Here, this one can be yours. Let’s play together."
Tie it Back to Marriage: I’ve witnessed my son show compassion from when he was just a little boy through to becoming the amazing man he is today. It’s his kind and caring heart that will serve his marriage from this day forward.
You can see from the example that you use a specific story to show your chosen idea or trait—his compassion. Then you wrap up the story by bringing everyone back to the present moment and reminding them why everyone has come together—to celebrate a new marriage.
Talk about your New Daughter or Son-in-Law
While the main connection is between you and your son, a good mother of the groom speech also mentions your thoughts on his new wife or husband.
You can follow the same brainstorm exercise used earlier and come up with material for this section too. Once you have a character trait that you’d like to focus on, turn it into a story and detail out at the end why you’re happy that this person is now part of your family.
Let’s look at another example.
Character Trait: Your son’s partner is thoughtful.
Story to Show Trait: When I first met Donna, she came to my home and I was greeted with a bouquet of purple lilacs—my favorite flower. Over the years, I’ve witnessed Donna remember the little things that are important to the people she loves—like my son—and she acts on these gestures with pure love.
Close with Why You’re Happy: When I think about these completely selfless and thoughtful gestures that Donna regularly gives, it warms my heart to know that my family will be surrounded by this kind of love as she joins our family today.
Explain Why Their Marriage Makes You Happy
The key to a strong mother of the groom speech is to touch on why their marriage brings you joy. Think back to when you first met your son’s partner. What did you think? How did you feel?
Maybe you were overjoyed and you have a ton of memories to use as material for your speech.
But what if you didn’t have a great first impression or are still not sure of the person your son is choosing to marry? You need to find the silver lining. What is the one redeeming quality that makes you happy or what is one act you’ve witnessed your son’s future spouse do that has comforted you?
Focus on those memories and use one within your mother of the groom speech.
Let’s look at some examples.
· As a mother, all I’ve ever wanted for my son is for him to be happy. Seeing how happy Donna has made him is the greatest gift a mother could ask for her son.
· Marriage is about two people supporting each other through the joyful and difficult times in life. It brings me such joy to know that Jason and Donna will be that support for each other.
Close with a Wish for the Couple
Finally, close your mother of the groom speech with a wish for the newly married couple. This can be a simple sentence that wraps up how you feel and encourages guests to raise their glass to toast the couple.
Here are a few examples.
· Jason and Donna…may you continue to love, grow, and laugh together from this day forward.
· Let’s raise our glass to Jason and Donna. Today we celebrate your wedding and may you continue to celebrate your marriage from this day forward.
· I wish you both all the happiness that life has to offer and my love is with you both always.
What if you’re still struggling to write your mother of the groom speech?
You can receive help from a professional. At Wedding Words, I work with tonged-tied couples to write their vows and overwhelmed mothers of the groom to write their speeches.
To get started, simply complete the form below.
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I will respond within 48 business hours. Wedding Words is closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Not a mother of a the groom?
If you’re the father of the groom but could still use help with your speech, we’ve got you covered. Here’s my advice for the father of the groom speech. Also, if you’re a mother of the bride, you can reference these tips for how to give your speech. And for the father of the bride, be sure to check out this speech writing guide.
You grab your wallet, phone, and keys and rush out the door, crossing your fingers you won't be late to your friends' wedding ceremony. In the back of the Uber you pull out the card you carefully selected вЂ" only to find yourself completely stumped on what wedding wishes to write.
Knowing what to write in a wedding cardВ can be a tricky process. You want it to be heartfelt and personal, yet you don't want your wedding wishesВ to be too over the top. You want to sound natural, friendly, sincere вЂ" most of all, you want to sound like you. ​
Don't worry one bit, because crafting genuine messagesВ is sorta our sweet spot.
In fact, rumor has it we switched to online greeting cardsВ because of all the tear stains we caused in print. (Ok, that might not be true вЂ" but you have to admit it would make for one heck of a startup story.) Below, we're working our wedding wordsmithВ magic to your benefit, giving you a few pass-the-tissues-messages to use as your own.
Wedding WishesВ Etiquette: A Few FAQs
Before we dive into what to write in a wedding card, let's talk mannersВ for your messages.
If you're close to the couple, use your best judgement on how to best communicate. Follow your instincts as to whether they'd be more receptive to warm, sweet sentences or would find your snappy one-liners a total hoot. And while each couple is unique, there are a few global guidelines to consider.
Is It Ok to Write “Congratulations” in a Wedding Card?
Fun fact: It used to be considered insulting to write “Congratulations!” to a brideВ on her wedding day. In fact, it was considered improper to say congratulations (“best wishes” being the preferred term) because you were insinuating the bride was lucky to land herself a man.
Queue the eye rolls.
Luckily the Victorian-era rule has fallen out of favor, and it's completely acceptable to congratulate modern brides and grooms. In fact, we'd warrant a guess that many lovestruck couples haven't even heard of this timeworn taleВ (and its probably best to wait until after the ceremony before giving them the history lesson).
Can You Send a Wedding Card After the Ceremony?
Technically, you have up to one year after the ceremony to send a wedding gift. If you're really crunched for time, simply focus on enjoying the ceremony and send your card and gift later on. However, try to get this done as soon as possible after the big dayВ so time doesn't slip away from you.
What to Write on a Wedding Card: Ideas for Your Wedding Wishes
Even when a wedding cardВ comes with a message included, it's always nice to add your own personal touch. You don't have to write multiple paragraphs вЂ" although, if the inspiration hits you, be our (wedding) guest вЂ" just a couple sentences will be enough to wish the couple well.
Below, we'll share a few sample messages to send your best wishesВ to the happy couple.
Casual Wedding CongratulationsВ
If you're friends with the couple, a casual “Congrats!” might be a wonderful message to send on their special day. Make your note short and sweet as much as it is natural and conversational. Here are some examples:
• Sending you lots of loveВ on your special day. Can't wait to watch you two love birds walk down the aisle!
• Wishing the two of you the very best вЂ" can't wait to witness the two of you say, “Yes!”
• Wishing you well as you begin your new lifeВ together. HopeВ youВ have a happy day and an even happier marriage.
• I hope you two have a beautiful weddingВ today. Sending you warm wishesВ as you begin your new journeyВ together.
• Wishing you nothing but a lifetime of happinessВ together. Thanks for letting us be part of it!
Welcoming Messages to Send to Your New Family MemberВ
If you gained a son- or daughter-in law, or a brother- or sister-in-law today, try your best to welcome them into your family. Remember: Gaining an entirely new family can be intimidating вЂ" try to acknowledge and celebrate this new relationship.
• I waited twenty-five years to have a sister! CongratsВ to you two and welcome to the family!
• To my new son-in-law: Allow me to give you a little piece of marriage advice. Things will go a lot smoother if you remember, “The wife is always right.”
• I couldn't have imagined a better husband for my brother. I'm so happy you two found each other, and so excited to have you in our lives forever.
• To our new daughter: We always thought of you as part of the family вЂ" today just makes it official. Congratulations, and welcome (officially) to our crazy family.
• Sending our warmest wishesВ for our ever-growing family. Happy wedding dayВ you two. Mazel tov!
Formal Wedding WishesВ
If you're invited to a more formal ceremony, you may want to reflect that in your messaging. Extend your best wishesВ and heartfelt congratulations, but perhaps save your quirky one liners and inside jokes for the cocktail hour.
• We're so happy you asked us to celebrate with you on this joyful day. We hope you share a wonderful lifeВ together.
• We share such special memoriesВ with both of you, and we're so excited to witness this new chapter of your love story. Congratulations to you both!
• We hope you share a lifetime of loveВ together. Congratulations and have a wonderful dayВ at your wedding.
• The two of you have been such wonderful, meaningful friends to us. We wish you nothing but a happy lifeВ and happy marriage.
• We wish you all the best todayВ as you begin the rest of your livesВ together. May you have a wonderful journeyВ as Mrs. and Mrs.
Funny Wedding WishesВ
If you're sending a note to a best friend, buddy, coworker, or someone who always appreciates a good laugh, a funny wedding messageВ can be appropriate. After all, a sense of humor is part of any healthy marriage, right?
• Thank you so much for having us as part of your wedding day. But more importantly, thank you for the open bar and free booze.
• Now that you two are newlyweds, you better not go disappearing on us. If we go 30 days without seeing you, just know we fully intend to kidnap you for a night out. Love you guys!
• Lesson number one: There is no such thing as a perfect coupleВ вЂ" there is only the perfect way to makeup (wink, wink).
• Remember in high school when we all thought we'd be a bunch of “old married couples” by 23? Wow, I'm so glad we were ten years late on that deadline. Congrats!
The Best Wedding Card MessagesВ Come From the Heart
In other words, try not to overthink it.
If you received a wedding invitationВ to join in on their ceremony, then you share some sort of connection with the couple. Whether you're lifelong friends, family members, or colleagues, the message you write should reflect your relationship. Use your best judgement when deciding whether a humorous, formal, or casual message will be best received.
If you're still on the hunt for wedding wishes, be sure to scroll through the full collection of wedding dayВ invitationsВ on Greenvelope. Our creative designers typically publish their cards with a short and sweet note, which can give you plenty of ideas for how to best craft your message.
Mazel Tov
• English Version: Mazel Tov!
• Hebrew Version: "!מזל טוב"
"Mazel Tov" is the Hebrew version of "congratulations" (although the literal translation is "good luck"). It is by far the most common blessing in Jewish weddings. You’ll hear it, say it and use it everywhere…
• Guests congratulate the couple and their family with "Mazel Tov" as they enter the Kabbalat Panim (the reception area).
• You’ll likely write "Mazel Tov" at least once in your wedding card
• When the groom breaks the glass after the seven blessings, the crowd cheers "Mazel Tov".
When in doubt, say Mazel Tov!
May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
• English Version: May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
• Hebrew Version: שהאושר ימשיך למלא את חייכם לעד
Mazel Tov on your wedding day
• English Version: Mazel Tov on your wedding day
• Hebrew Version: מזל טוב לרגל חתונתכם
May you build a loyal home in Israel
• English Version: May you build a loyal home in Israel
• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית נאמן בישראל
May you build a Kosher and loving home
• English Version: May you build a Kosher and loving home
• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית כשר ואוהב
Bracha & Hatslacha!
• English Version: Bracha & Hatslacha! (Hebrew for "blessing and success".)
• Hebrew Version: !ברכה והצלחה
• English Version: L’Chaim! (Hebrew for "To life")
• Hebrew Version: !לחיים
L’Chaim is chanted after every toast. And my oh my, are there plenty of toasts in Jewish weddings.
Jews are particularly fond of wine (don’t worry, we don’t discriminate against the other members of the alcohol family).
It is considered a Mitzvah (a commandment from the Torah) to bring joy to the bride and groom. And last time I "checked", wine is a wonderful way to bring joy to the bride and groom (just don’t do anything foolish, yes?).
To quote King David:
Tip: If you’re the one giving the toast, just remember to conclude the blessing with "L’Chaim" (now’s the time to start practicing your "Cchh").
L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom
• English Version: L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom (Hebrew for "Good life and peace")
• Hebrew Version: לחיים טובים ולשלום
May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• English Version: May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• Hebrew Version: !שתגשימו יחד את כל החלומות
Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha
• English Version: Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha (Hebrew for "blessing, wealth and success")
• Hebrew Version: ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחה
Wishing you lots of Nachat/Naches
• English Version: Wishing you lots of Nachat/Naches
• Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם הרבה נחת
May God grant you all your wishes!
• English Version: May God grant you all your wishes!
• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא כל משאלות לבכם
May your lives be filled with love, joy, and laughter, BH
• English Version: May your lives be filled with love, joy, and laughter, BH
• Hebrew Version: !'שחייכם יהיו מלאים באהבה, שמחה, וצחוק, בעזרת ה
May you be blessed, always!
• English Version: May you be blessed, always!
• Hebrew Version: !תבורכו תמיד
May your marriage be blessed with a lifetime of love and happiness
• English Version: May your marriage be blessed with a lifetime of love and happiness
• Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם נישואין מלאים באהבה ושמחה
May God fill your home with love and happiness
• English Version: May God fill your home with love and happiness
• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא את ביתכם באושר ואהבה
May God bless you and shine a bright light in your home
• English Version: May God bless you and shine a bright light in your home
• Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם וישרה אור בביתכם
May God bless you with a lifetime of love, peace, and joy
• English Version: May God bless you with a lifetime of love, peace, and joy
• Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם בחיים מלאים באהבה, שלווה ושמחה
Here’s to a long and happy marriage, L’Chaim!
• English Version: Here’s to a long and happy marriage, L’Chaim!
• Hebrew Version: !לחיי נישואין ארוכים ושמחים, לחיים
Jewish Wedding Quotes & Sayings
The Jewish tradition is full of beautiful quotes, sayings, and phrases about marriage and love. I could easily fill an entire book just with quotes (maybe one day)…
"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."
• English Version: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." – Song of Songs 6:3
• Hebrew Version: "אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי"
King Solomon’s famous verse from Song of Songs is by far the most common quote in Jewish weddings. You’ll see it featured anywhere from Jewish wedding invitations, modern Ketubahs, and of course – on Jewish wedding cards.
"I have found the one whom my soul loves"
• English Version: "I have found the one whom my soul loves" – Song of Songs 3:4
• Hebrew Version: "מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"
"Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"
• English Version: "Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"
• Hebrew Version: “קוֹל שָׂשׂוֹן וְקוֹל שִׂמְחָה קוֹל חָתָן וְקוֹל כַּלָּה"
This blessing is recited (and chanted) at the seven blessings ceremony. The blessing is concluded with the groom breaking the glass, which marks the end of the Jewish wedding ceremony, and the beginning of the wedding reception.
"He who is mightier than all; He who is blessed above all; He who is greater than all; He who is distinguished beyond all; He should bless the groom and the bride."
• English Version: "He who is mightier than all; He who is blessed above all; He who is greater than all; He who is distinguished beyond all; He should bless the groom and the bride." – Mi Adir
• Hebrew Version: “מי אדיר על הכל, מי ברוך על הכל, מי גדול על הכל, מי דגול על הכל, הוא יברך את החתן ואת הכלה”
This quote comes from the "Mi Adir", a song commonly chanted in Ashkenazi weddings.
"He Who understands the speech of the rose of thorns, the affection of lovers, the joy of the beloved, may He bless the bridegroom and the bride.”
• English Version: "He Who understands the speech of the rose of thorns, the affection of lovers, the joy of the beloved, may He bless the bridegroom and the bride." – Mi Adir
• Hebrew Version: “מי בָן שיח שושן חוחים, אהבת כלה משוש דודים, הוא יברך את החתן ואת הכלה”.
"A husband and wife are one soul, separated only through their descent to this world. When they are married, they are reunited again"
• English Version: "A husband and wife are one soul, separated only through their descent to this world. When they are married, they are reunited again" – Zohar
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh."
• English Version: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh." – Genesis 2:24
• Hebrew Version: "עַל-כֵּן, יַעֲזָב-אִישׁ, אֶת-אָבִיו, וְאֶת-אִמּוֹ; וְדָבַק בְּאִשְׁתּוֹ, וְהָיוּ לְבָשָׂר אֶחָד"
This quote describes the connection formed between Adam and Eve, another great symbol of two souls uniting into one.
Enjoy life with the woman you love"
• English Version: "Enjoy life with the woman you love" – King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 9:9
• Hebrew Version: "רְאֵה חַיִּים עִם-אִשָּׁה אֲשֶׁר-אָהַבְתָּ"
As you can see, King Solomon has lots to say about love and marriage. This quote is another classic.
"A person should always be careful about the honor of his wife, for blessing is found in a person’s home only due to his wife"
• English Version: "A person should always be careful about the honor of his wife, for blessing is found in a person’s home only due to his wife" – Talmud, Bava Metzia 59a 1
• Hebrew Version: לעולם יהא אדם זהיר בכבוד אשתו שאין ברכה מצויה בתוך ביתו של אדם אלא בשביל אשתו” – תלמוד, בבא מציעא נט’ א
The Talmud is full of quotes stressing the importance of loving, caring, and respecting your spouse.
"A person should always eat and drink less than what is within his means, and he should dress and cover himself in accordance with his means, and he should honor his wife and children more than what is within his means; as they are dependent on him and he is dependent on the One Who spoke and the world was created."
• English Version: "A person should always eat and drink less than what is within his means, and he should dress and cover himself in accordance with his means, and he should honor his wife and children more than what is within his means; as they are dependent on him and he is dependent on the One Who spoke and the world was created." – Talmud Chullin 84b
• Hebrew Version: "לעולם יאכל אדם וישתה פחות ממה שיש לו וילבש ויתכסה במה שיש לו ויכבד אשתו ובניו יותר ממה שיש לו שהן תלויין בו והוא תלוי במי שאמר והיה העולם"
Another great quote from the Talmud. Plus, it gives us another great reminder to stay off the snacks :).
Popular Wedding Wishes
Just because it’s a Jewish wedding doesn’t mean you have to stick to Jewish blessings. What works in other weddings works just as well in Jewish weddings (unless it’s a blessing that involves another religion, of course).
In fact, I strongly recommend combining the best of both worlds! That way, you can knock it out of the park with a blessing that is truly one of a kind!
Here are some of the most popular wedding wishes and blessings…
• May you accomplish all your dreams together!
• May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy!
• Today you begin a new chapter in your life.
• Wishing you joy, love, and happiness on your wedding day
• Wishing you a fun, exciting, and peaceful life as you embark on your journey together.
• May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• May your love grow stronger and stronger every year
• May today mark the beginning of a long, happy, and fulfilling life
• May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
• We’re so excited to celebrate this wonderful day with you as your guest
• I wish you two a lifetime of joy, success, and fulfillment together as a happy couple
• Hugs and kisses
• Best wishes
Funny Wedding Wishes
Are you good friends with the couple? Are you known for your witty jokes? Are you willing to go above and beyond to put a smile on people’s faces?
Well, you better be… because the following wishes can either make you:
• Stand out from the crowd
• Stand outside in the rain
Warning: Some married couples will find these wishes hilarious; others will find them obnoxious. Before you put these wishes on your wedding card – make sure you have a close relationship with the couple, and that they can take a joke. In other words: Know your audience (and don’t come crying to me if your blessing backfires!).
• Who needs Netflix, when you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller all in one marriage?
• Listen to Me… Listen to Her!
• So excited to get wasted on your wedding day!
• Thanks for all the free snacks!
• Congratulations on your transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".
• Did you hear that the divorce rate was 50%? So, heads or tails?
• From now on, guys night out = "Honey, take out the trash"
• It’s been nice knowing you…
• Congratulations, you’re married! (My condolences)
• Wishing you a long life together, Romeo and Juliet!
Jewish Wedding Card Message Examples
OK, you found a bunch of great Jewish wedding blessings and greetings… now what? How do we translate that into a beautifully-written wedding card?
In this section, I’ll give you a bunch of wedding card examples and templates you can use as inspiration.
Important: You’re welcome to copy, borrow, or steal any of these blessings. But don’t be lazy and copy it word for word. Customize it a bit, change it to match your tone, sprinkle some of your unique fairy dust…
You don’t want the bride and groom to find out you "cheated", now do you?
The Traditional Blessing
"I have found the one whom my soul loves" – Song of Songs 3:4
Mazel Tov on your wedding!
May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
May God bless you with love, joy, and laughter, BH. May your love grow stronger and stronger every year!
I wish you Bracha, Parnasa & Hatslacha together.
May you build a Kosher and loving home.
Wishing you a long and happy marriage.
The Hebrew Blessing
"מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"
!מזל טוב לרגל חתונתכם
שהאושר ימשיך למלא את חייכם לעד.
!שה’ ימלא את ביתכם באושר ואהבה. שאהבה שלכם תגדל כל שנה, אמן
ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחה בכל אשר תעשו.
שתזכו להקים בית כשר ונאמן בישראל, בעזרת ה'.
!לחיי נישואין ארוכים ושמחים… לחיים
The Funny Blessing
Congratulations on your wedding day! (dude, my condolences)
Oh, and you probably don’t need Netflix anymore… Now that you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller in your own marriage.
Anyway, congratulations on your transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".
It’s been nice knowing you… From now on, guys night out = you taking out the trash.
Mazel Tov!
Congratulations! With these Jewish wedding wishes in your toolkit, you’re now ready to unleash the most beautiful stream of blessings ever known to mankind!
Whether you’re looking to congratulate the bride and groom with a thoughtful blessing, give a funny toast at the wedding ceremony, or write a personal Jewish wedding card.
Notice how I highlighted the "personal" part?
That’s because no matter how many blessings I present to you, nothing beats a warm, heartfelt blessing that comes from you.
A Jewish wedding card with a bunch of copied & pasted blessings will only get you so far. If you want to give your card that extra "oomph", inject some of that special personality of yours into the blessing.
Besides, you know the bride and groom much better than I do (I wasn’t even invited! 😡)
So steal away (but don’t copy!).
Mazel Tov 🙂