Send a Card
One of the best ways to say farewell is to send a card. Everyone in the office can collaborate and make or purchase a card, and some flowers to go along with it. You can also write a small farewell note on the card wishing good luck to the person.
If you are leaving the organization, then an amazing way to say farewell
Leave your contact details at the end to enable coworkers to get in touch with you in future.
Send a Gift
Sometimes, when a coworker is leaving the organization, gifting them with something is a common practice. This is usually done for someone at a managerial role, someone who has served the company for decades, or a colleague who was loving and courteous.
However, remember that this gift should be something that would help them in their future endeavors. For example, gifting them a personalized organizer makes sense.
Have a Party
A nice way to say goodbye is to organize a party. This works both ways: when you are leaving or when a colleague is leaving. When you are leaving, you can arrange a small get-together to say goodbye. When your colleague is leaving, you can arrange a farewell party.
A formal way to say farewell
Polite ways to say farewell
It is obvious that farewell messages have to be polite. If you send a farewell message which includes you cribbing or complaining, no one will receive it well. This would be more like taking out your frustration rather than leaving the organization on a good note. Hence, always say something good in your goodbye message and never demean or belittle anyone.
Examples of farewell phrases
To help you understand different ways to say goodbye we have discussed some examples below. Read on to explore ways to say farewell.
Messages For A Departing Co-Worker
• Best wishes for your new journey. All the best!
• Congratulations! I know you are going to excel in your new job role as well. Good Luck!
• During our time together as a team, I have learned some of the best business moves from you. Heartiest congratulations and all the best for the future.
• It was great knowing you as a manager and a friend. I wish you good luck for your new job. Congratulations!
• As a team, we will always remember you in our memories. Stay connected. Best wishes for the new job.
• Your new employer is truly lucky to have you on the team. You have been a great help and motivation in the team. Good luck for the future.
• Thank you for encouraging and supporting me over the years. You have been a mentor to me. I hope we’ll stay in touch. All the best!
• I am positive that you are going to be great at your new job as well. Let me know if I can help you in any manner. Let’s try and stay in touch. Congratulations and best wishes.
• I am sure that we would always stay in touch no matter where you work. It was a great experience. Good luck for the new job.
• It was a pleasure getting to know, working with you, and learning from you. I have truly enhanced my skills under your guidance. Congratulations on the new job. Good luck in the future.
• We are going to miss the best member of our team. You have always kept us motivated, and we hope you would continue to do so at your new job. Best wishes from the team.
• It was amazing to work with someone with a nice sense of humor. You kept us motivated. Thank you, and congratulations.
• Your guidance has affected me professionally. I feel I have been able to handle work more efficiently than I did when I joined the team. That’s all you! Thanks for the support. Best wishes for the future.
• You are my go-to person in the office. I would miss coming to you with my problems. I hope to stay in touch. Good luck in the future.
• Great leaders make a change wherever they go. I am sure you would be amazing at your new job. All the best.
Messages for coworkers when you are leaving
As the manager, you have influenced me a lot professionally. I have developed great work ethics and improved my knowledge working with you. I hope we will keep in touch. Thanks!
I appreciate that not only did you take me in your team but also helped me grow personally and professionally. You would always be a part of the success I have achieved.
I will miss working with you. Throughout my time in the company, you have been an amazing friend and mentor. I hope we will stay connected.
The reason why I enjoyed my time in this office is that I had a great team to work with. Here are my contact details. Let’s stay in touch.
As I am preparing for the next stage professionally, I would like to thank everyone. All of you have helped me grow professionally. Farewell!
I am thankful for the support and guidance I have received from you. It only helped in building my skills. Please stay in touch.
All through these years, you have been a teacher to me. It is because of you that I am able to progress in my career. You are amazing. Thank you!
Thank you for being the best team and the best work-family. You people are the catalyst in my success.
Keep up the amazing work! You guys were the best team. Stay connected!.
I loved every day of work because of you people. Thank you for your guidance and support.
I have learned to become so much better at what I do. You have been an amazing team. Best of luck for the future.
As I start a new journey, I would like to remind you that you played a key role in my success. Wishing you all the best for the future.
I may be moving on but I am not leaving the team. Let’s promise to stay connected and share updates.
Thank you for giving me a reliable friend in the workplace. Feel free to reach me anytime you have any issue.
Most of all, I will miss our brainstorming sessions. Let’s not stop this tradition. Stay connected. Good luck in the future.
Tips for bidding goodbye to a coworker
Here are some tips that would help you bid goodbye to your co-worker in the right manner:
Talk in Person
You can skip using a fancy way to say goodbye to the entire office if there are thousands of employees.
Keep It Short and Sweet
Don’t drag farewell messages. Just keep it short and simple. You don’t need to write 3 pages to explain how you hated the job just to thank everyone in the end. Most will not read it and the rest will get offended. Your future connections would be lost and relationships would become sour.
So, appreciate everyone even when you didn’t like the job. You need to remember everyone is just doing their job and you need to respect that.
Remember Old Times
One different way to say goodbye is to remember the good old days. You can quote special incidents when you have enjoyed your relationship with co-workers. You can tailor this message for a few important co-workers who are also a great friend.
Promise to Stay Connected
If you are finding a good way to say goodbye, let’s see some tips to write farewell messages:
Use the Right Subject Line
Before hitting send, work on the subject line. Make it right and light. For example, you don’t need to make it too formal but not too casual as well.
So, select a middle route and keep the subject line having words like thank you, moving on, keeping in touch, or bidding goodbye.
Show Gratitude
Hence, appreciate the fact that your co-workers were also doing their jobs. So, a good way to say goodbye is to say something nice and end with let’s keep in touch.
Here, you can mention the time you have worked with the organization. This will improve the impact of your goodbye message. You can also talk about adventure, journey, etc.
Talk About The Next Chapter
Avoid comparing your new workplace with the old one. This will only make everyone feel bad and you would sound disrespectful.
Say Something for the Future
Say something nice about the future. Maybe you can end with saying how you would like to stay in touch with everyone and meet occasionally.
Here’s an example of a good way to say goodbye
Subject: Thank You! I am bidding goodbye.
Dear Team,
As this is my last day in the office, I would like to take a moment to appreciate the support and guidance I have received in the company.
In these 3 years, I have enjoyed work, received new opportunities, and grown as a person. I have worked on various group projects and I seriously don’t regret even a single minute of collaborating with you amazing people. I would like to thank you for helping me grow and guiding me when I was not able to move in the right direction.
Thanks again!
Best regards,
Samples Farewell Messages For A Retiring Co-Worker
• It is hard to say goodbye to a co-worker who is also a dear friend. I wish all the good luck for your life head. Stay happy and healthy.
• I would miss the way we used to collaborate during work. You are amazing. All the best for the future!
• You made this team. We would always appreciate the work you have done. You are and will always be a mentor to us.
• Even after your retirement, you will still have your team. Stay connected with us.
• It was my privilege to work with you and learn from you. Good luck in the future.
If you are leaving the organization or a coworker is retiring, it’s a good idea to say goodbye in the right manner This farewell note presents the perfect opportunity to stay connected and reach out for future endeavors. If you are not sure how you can bid goodbye, check the above data, explore some amazing methods, see various examples, and write that farewell message. Don’t forget to leave your contact details in the message to stay in touch!
Farewell and Good Luck Wishes and Messages
• Goodbye, dear friend. We know you're moving on to bigger and better things, but your absence will take some getting used to. Farewell and best of luck.
• It's very hard to say goodbye to a friend and a colleague. Sending you all my best wishes!
• May luck and success always be on your side. Farewell!
• As you take a step forward towards your future, I wish that luck and success may always be with you. Farewell and good luck!
• Nobody can do your work the way you do it! How are we ever going to make things work around here without you? Our whole team is going to miss you. Goodbye and best wishes!
• While I am truly sad that you're leaving, I wish you all the best for your future. Good luck and keep in touch!
• Thank you for being there for me, it won't be easy to get used to your absence. I will to miss you dearly. Farewell and best of luck.
• You joined as a colleague, but over the years, you have become a true friend. We shared so many wonderful memories, but unfortunately nothing lasts forever, and the time has come to say goodbye. Best of luck in the future.
• Good luck to the greatest coworker! It's been great working with you. Wishing you all the best... We're going to miss you!
• It may not feel like it right now, but goodbyes are happy times that lead to new opportunities. It is time to fill your heart with fresh dreams for a brighter future. We're still going to be in touch no matter where life takes us!
• Although it hurts me to say goodbye to you as you begin a new chapter in your life, I sincerely wish you all the success in all your future endeavors. Goodbye and good luck.
Funny Farewell Wishes and Messages
• If you ever miss me, just remember that you're dead to me now. Bye!
• In the years we worked together you were firstly my boss, and a friend second. Now, I look forward to being just your friend, and giving you a good ribbing when you deserve it! Goodbye, and all the best for the future.
• I know I'm supposed to be crying now, but I'm just relieved that finally get my life back on track now that a bad influence like yourself is leaving. Goodbye!
• Now that you're no longer the captain of this leaky little ship, I worry who will be crazy enough to take on the task of navigating us through rough waters. Goodbye, boss, and all the best for the future.
• This is officially the end of shouting at us under the pretext of being our boss. All the best to our favorite boss!
• Goodbye to you, and good luck finding a better friend than me!
• I can't believe you'd give up friends like us -- who's gonna roast you now??
• Goodbye, my dear friend. I hope our paths will cross again -- so I can give you a good kick to the shins for leaving in the first place!
• I can't even believe that you're leaving! I hope you know that you're dead to me, and that you fail at everything. See ya soon!
• You're a great friend, and an even better drinking buddy. We're all going to miss you! All the best as you head out to a fresh start, and don't lose my number!
• I thought this day would never come -- you're finally leaving! What a relief!
Farewell Wishes and Message to Friend
• A friendship like ours can't be ruined by distance. Today we say goodbye, knowing full well that one day we'll meet again. Until then, goodbye my dear friend. Take care.
• Every time we leave somewhere, we leave a piece of ourselves behind. It lives on in the memories of others, awaits our return, and can only be retrieved at the place it was left. For now, my dearest friend, goodbye.
• Wishing you all the best as you begin your new journey. I'll remember you always. Goodbye!
• Don't say "goodbye" -- goodbye means parting ways and forgetting, but I know we'll see each other soon. Until then, remember that you're always in my heart.
• Your friendship has truly been a blessing, and I must admit it won't be easy getting used to not having you around anymore. Goodbye and best wishes!
• In the time we've known each other you've been more than just a friend -- you've been a family, a home, a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on. Goodbye, and best wishes for your future.
• Even though we don't live a stone's toss away any more, I want you to know that I'm grateful to have had you in my life. Goodbye, and all the best.
• The distance between us may be greater than ever before, but so is our friendship. Goodbye for now, my dear friend, and all the best for your new journey. I hope we will meet again soon.
• Our goodbye is never forever, it doesn't signify an end. It only means I'll miss you, until we meet again.
• You may not always end up where you planned to go, but you'll always end up where you're meant to be. Goodbye, and good luck.
• I can say "goodbye" with a smile on my face because I'm sure that life will find a way to bring us back together again. Wishing you all the best on your journey ahead -- farewell!
Farewell Wishes and Message to Boss
• Most bosses teach how to work more efficiently and how to be more productive. You taught us what was even more important -- how to really enjoy our time at work. Thank you to a great boss, and farewell.
• It's hard to say goodbye to someone who has taught me so much, and has become such an important part of my day to day. Thank you for everything, farewell.
• You're the kind of boss that makes ordinary employees truly shine. Goodbye and all the best to my favorite boss.
• I'm sorry to see you go, and I know I'm not the only one who'll miss you around here. Wishing you all the best for the future.
• Many people find themselves in a leadership position, but few are as suited to truly being a leader as yourself. Thank you for your guidance and support, I wish you all the best in the future.
• Goodbye to an exceptional leader, mentor, and friend. You will be sorely missed!
• You were the best boss anyone could ever ask for. I truly enjoyed our time working together, and learned so much under your guidance. Goodbye, and all the best for the future.
• I've had the opportunity to learn and grow so much under your guidance. You've been such a supportive boss, a helpful teacher, and a wonderful mentor. Wishing you all the best for the future -- goodbye!
• From the whole team -- Thank you for being a wonderful boss! Farewell, and all the best for the future.
• Before you go, we just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed working with you, and how much we appreciate what you've done for the team. Best of luck on your new journey.
• You've always been both a mentor and a boss, a friend as well as a colleague, a leader as well as a manager. Thank you for the great memories and the laughs, and even those late overtime nights! We'll miss you!
How do you wish someone goodbye?
Saying goodbye can be difficult, but finding the right words to do it doesn’t have to be! The most important thing when saying goodbye is to make sure that the person knows how much they mean to you, and how much you value the time you’ve spent together. Begin your goodbye wish by saying how much you enjoyed the time you spent together and how much you valued their company and time. You can recall special memories you’ve shared, share a small inside joke, or recount genuine moments you experienced together. Finish your goodbye by wishing them the best for the future, and tell them that you’ll miss them. If you’re saying goodbye to someone you know well and expect to see again, let them know that you’re looking forward to seeing them in the future. If not, simply wish them well on their future endeavors. If you need some help finding the right words to wish someone goodbye, take a look at our goodbye messages section here at Styiens!
What’s a good way to say goodbye to someone who’s leaving?
Saying goodbye is never easy, and when someone is leaving, even if it’s for greener pastures, it can be hard not to get emotional. Saying a proper goodbye is important to both parties, and it’s important to find the right words to do it. Don’t rush yourself, and really think about what you want to say. Think about the person who’s leaving, what they mean to you, and what your relationship is like. With these things in mind, begin writing a nice farewell message that you can give to the person. Focus on shared moments and memories, and tie them into your best wishes for the future. Don’t worry about making your goodbye message longwinded or overly sweet – just make sure it is heartfelt, honest, and authentic. If you’re having trouble coming up with a goodbye message, check out our farewell messages section here at Styiens for some ideas!
How do you write a nice farewell message
The right farewell message is a great way to see someone off with a smile and help them start the next step in their journey on the right foot. A farewell message does not need to be long or extravagant, or include any fancy words. All it needs to be is kind, genuine, and sincere. Start by letting the person know how much you valued your time with them, and maybe even include a short anecdote of an experience you’ve shared. Conclude your farewell message by wishing them well in their future endeavors, and by telling them how much they’ll be missed. Approach your farewell message as a way of saying thanks and expressing your appreciation. A simple message to let someone know they’ll be remembered fondly, that their time and company has been valued and appreciated, and that they’ll be missed is the perfect way to say goodbye. If you find yourself struggling to come up with a message and want a little bit of inspiration to get started, take a look at our farewell messages here at Styiens!
What’s the best way to wish someone a farewell?
Whether you’re saying your farewell to a colleague leaving a job, a friend leaving town, or anyone in between, a thoughtful farewell message is a great way to say goodbye. Every ending is also a new beginning, and it’s important to keep your farewell message positive to ensure that they head into their new chapter in life with a smile. If you’re saying your goodbye to someone you’re very close to, include sincere and heartfelt words to let them know how much they’ll be missed. If you’re parting with someone not as close, you can write a short farewell message with a few words of encouragement for the future. Depending on your relationship with the person, you can tell them you’ll miss them, that you’re happy for them, or that you’re sad to see them go. No matter who you’re writing to, however, your message should be genuine and warm. Browse our farewell messages section here at Styiens for some help on writing a nice farewell message!
How can I write a good farewell message?
A good farewell message is one that is sincere, warm, and personal. It is always important to write your farewell message in a personal way, as this shows not only how much you appreciate the person you’re writing to, but also shows that your message is genuine. Your farewell message should always be positive, and you should focus on the good times you’ve had spent together. You can also include a short sentence about how you will miss them, or mention looking forward to possibly seeing them again in the future. You can even share some funny memories you’ve had with the person, or bring up something specific that you’re going to miss about them. No matter what you choose to say, make sure that it’s heartfelt and sincere. For some inspiration and help getting started, check out some examples of farewell messages above.