You're such a special person
you love and • ♥ To a woman you again! Happy and warm us!,
brighten my day! I can feel for others: Happy Birthday Granny!
grandmother, I would choose
One of the best things in life
you here with , To be GRATEFUL for –
for me to is always there choose a new
Have a lovely Birthday
happy to have
A Grandmother always understands
websites: have a smile • ♥ To someone who a chance to to come. We are all
Information obtained from • ♥ Grandma you always
my adorable Grandmother.
When this lovely day is over
the world. If I had for the years to Grandmalittle girl!
lovely day to best Grandma in
Happy Birthday
healthy and happy
A wonderful birthday
Happy Birthday Messages be my antique • ♥ Wishes of a • ♥ You are the
the best grandmother! You will always
An extra loving wish, that
a precious Granny!and lost.beloved old woman!
HAVE THE BEST • ♥ Happy birthday to
shining Birthday for
You are so special
was feeling down as today! Happy birthday my to you.evidence!
• ♥ Wishes of a
With a heart of gold
strength when I happy and healthy someday follow, one leading directly me despite the
love you granny!
Happy Birthday Grandma
you gave me
You'll have a perfect birthday
to be always which I will young girl! You always blessed of life! I will always you, is the way
• ♥ My sweet Grandma, I wish you
With Love Nana, Happy Birthday.
To the path
If you'd like to know the wishes
is like a giving me examples happy to have full of happiness!
will lead mebut your heart
Then think of pleasant days ahead
stops, you never stopped you Grandma, but the one, I truly feel be endless and the winter years, I know you old in age
river that never
Happy Birthday
reasons to love
A Grandmother is never far
your age. May these years with you through The joy you bring
• ♥ You may be • ♥ Just like the • ♥ I have many the years of
As I go sweet Grandma!
All these are things
the best wiser. Happy birthday granny.are tired counting
love.sent! Happy birthday my
Happy Birthday Grandmother
better person. Happy birthday to
Grandma, you're the very best
inspiration for me. Your wisdom made • ♥ I’m sure you an example of you were heaven to be e
• ♥ You are the of their grandchildren.
I hope you have a lovely time
grow older, you continue setting love, warmth and laughter. I believe that and helped me me.
special, happy and proud
With love on your special day.
Even as you
For You Dear Grandmother,
always filled with all you experiences I hope that your birthday
so special for make her feel — my Mom.for me. Your house was
was unique. You transferred me me calm. You are always
Happy Birthday Grandma
your Grandma and
Today is a special time
gift of all an open door were spending together angry you made birthday wish for
the best nurturing
With lots of love on your Birthday
• ♥ You always had
Thinking loving thoughts of you
• ♥ Each day we happy. When I was sweet and touching You gave me for me!
me Grandma!
sad, you made me
This brings more special wishes
Pick one really and leadsplenty of time all you taught
• ♥ When I was
Happy Birthday
I hope you enjoy your Birthday
MOTHER – on who nurtures time to listen, to play, to talk, to laugh. You always had just like you. Thank you for Grandma.opportunity to do
by all.
As you count the happy total
had plenty of and kind person in our family! Smiles, hugs and greetings have a unique generations and respected
the one who into a good
the hard work
Warm wishes for the happiest
their birthdays we This special card is sent to you
impressive: reaching to several • ♥ My sweet Grandma, you were always me to grow you superwoman! You always did
way and in Your influence is
Happy Birthday
wise words.
Wishing you a special day
for me. They've all helped • ♥ Happy birthday to in a special knowledge.that these were
told me, was a lesson too!
Happy Birthday
honor our grandmas
My Nan is something special
gap in my have to go”. Now I know • ♥ Each story you hug for you
We ought to such a wide
When others talk about their Nan’s
know where you woman I know! Happy birthday!have a warm are very busy.your wisdom covers
and you show to the greatest
for me. Happy birthday Grandma, I will always
You're FAB and ACE
these days, when both parents The scope of from your past needed! Many warm hugs a warm hug
the family particularly toward others.
Happy Birthday
to say, “You should learn
First I'll wish you a Happy Birthday
me all I crying, you had always important role in in your attitude what you used you need, as you offered
me. When I was They play an
I thought you were called GRANDMOTHER
days, you were impressive • ♥ I always remember offer you all there to help for her.
From my earliest
Happy Birthday Grandmother
all you did, happy birthday!
Thoughts of you are filled
be able to you were always feel very grateful than I am.
me.Thank you for
• ♥ I wish to
Grandmother and love
• ♥ When I needed and we should would be less sprinkle stardust over
healthy.Love you! Happy birthday Grandma.
our second mother
You're not only a wonderful Mother
important to me. Without you I me what you, grandma, did for me! You were like be happy and my mother. I will always be extremely special. Our Grandma is
You are very
Happy birthday
ever did to
I just want you to know
you taught me! May you always as you were to Grandma should GRAND – Important; impressive; wide in scope.• ♥ Nobody can have all those things
• ♥ You raised me Happy birthday messages
The many things you’ve done mine too!I am for
birthday!the best.
Even though I might not say
it less. Have a super a special place you how thankful greetings for your
you really were
when You deserve
With special thoughts
you are holding enough to show you my warmest
you, Grandma
cuddles You more
Enjoy your birthday.
to know that
To wish you a happy birthday
wishes are not and I send We'll always love that a Grandma
heart. I want you • ♥ One million birthday
With best wishes
always love you
This message comes on your birthday
rest –a Mum is place in your for me. Happy birthday gran.
family. Grandma I will
Happy Birthday
in your eternal
Here's hoping for a day
a Grandma and in a special your arms open keystone of our day.
• ♥ The difference between you hold me
like you! You always kept
Because you make life happier
• ♥ You are the is remembered every day Grandma.• ♥ I know that an amazing Grandma brought us
Happy Birthday
that can’t be bought. Have a special
Hope your day, Grandma
moments together! Happy loving birthday!lucky to have inherit from you. Happy and warm
But the happiness
With love on your birthday
value of things
This brings a wish, for all the best
do! We spend unique • ♥ I am very I wish to away –teaching me the
I will always million birthdays.
Happy Birthday
are the things
You're the one who's there to listen
since you went • ♥ You keep on of you and you have another
Grandma. Your kindness, love and wisdom to be.
Be happy on this special day Granny
my family!• ♥ Dear Grandma, I'm still thinking you and may
proud of you a Grandma ought
Happy Birthday Granny
of my Granny. The memory of
With special love on your Birthday
beautiful Grandma. Happy bday!a new level. I deeply love • ♥ I am very things
the special day • ♥ Whether it's your 80th, 90th, or 100th birthday, you still very
Happy Birthday
and kindness to
You will have a perfect birthday
your grandchild!For you were, all the special • ♥ Best wishes for offered to me. I love you, Grandma!you took cuteness
happy to be
May today be happy
wishes!all you have • ♥ My sweet Grandma
were my mother, sister and friend! I am very in loving memory
And I hope today
count on You. All the best in my failures. Thank you for the greatest granny!in a child’s life. For me you
–can still always
Enjoy your special day.
It really means a lot to have
as a child you. Happy birthday to the second mother the side I
you've given me will never lose
With Birthday Love, Grandmother
• ♥ A grandmother is
A Birthday card to tell you
to remember throughout else is by all the encouragements my life. I wish I Grandma!
And brings about, happy times
• ♥ When no one • ♥ I'll never forget
Happy Birthday
big part of
You're the loveliest Grandma
child. Happy birthday my –my beloved Grandma.a child's eyes!
• ♥ You are a as a little
full of cheer is your hug. Happy Birthday to
the world through cooking.
Happy Birthday
is still young
You're one in a million
is packed up • ♥ My favorite place ability to see while You are
shows your age. But your heart whole lot, too.
Have A Fantastic birthday, Grandma.
… she loves. Happy Birthday.
Hope your Birthday is filled with
my real mom. You have the a princess also You're the greatest Grandma
only thing that and loved a and my grandmother more experience than
to look like skin is the
Enjoy Your Birthday
warm hearted
This comes to tell you
• ♥ The sun shines, the water wash mother with much showed me how
• ♥ Your face and
And also to wish you, all the best
So kind and of our family: Happy Birthday Grandma.• ♥ You are my my granny who
healthy and joyful!–
Have A Great Day.
• ♥ To the founder
This comes to bring you lots of wishes
times. Happy birthday Grandma!• ♥ Happy Birthday to birthday wishes! May you stay all year through
of my day. Happy B-Day my difficult
Hope You Have The Best Day!
do. Happy B-Day Grandma.
With love, because you're special
the best warm and a star in the darkest
that protects me she wants to
Wishing you a lovely and relaxing day, Grandma.
like you deserves –who loved me
angel on earth
Hearts are warm at Birthday times
professional in everything • ♥ An old woman of happy memories, too!• ♥ To the one
• ♥ You are an
And hearts are filled with memories
who can be be unforgettable.add its shareday Super-Grandma!!of friend!
• ♥ For a woman love! May your birthday
And every Birthday
This wish is sent, just for you
my super-hero. Have a lovely a little bit my live and –
• ♥ Happy birthday to of teacher and
And hope the coming year
love. Best wishes to taught me how good to you
more. Happy birthday Grandma.of mother, a little bit
With Lots Of Love
with lots of
Every wish for happiness
woman I admire. A woman who may life be your stories even a little bit always feed me
• ♥ You are the –
And then an extra wish is made
learned to love • ♥ Happy birthday Grandma! You were always the one who
and protection! Happy birthday Grandma!who is wonderful, all year round.
• ♥ Growing older I
Think of someone special
grandmother like you! Happy bday!• ♥ Thanks for being offered me love Grandmother
birthday have a
Then think of every happiness
harder challenges smiling: Happy birthday Grandma!experienced woman who Because it's for a at first sight. Have a lovely
with nobodies else. I am blessed to deal with
With Love For A Happy Birthday
can see an
A little Birthday wish
found –always be love love for me • ♥ To your power
beautiful eyes I is the best, that could be
• ♥ Between us will deep and true
Love You Grandma, Happy Birthday.
up. Happy birthday Granny!
Grandma Love-Filled Birthday Wishes,
in to your This special ‘Happy Birthday' wish
are with you, throughout the together. Happy B-Day Granny.• ♥ I can't compare your who never gives
• ♥ When I look special wishes sent
Have A Very Happy Birthday
• ♥ To the "glue" that keeps the
Wishing you so much love
love. Happy Birthday grandmother.• ♥ To a woman years old woman!The love and aren’t one anymore. Happy birthday.
just lines of
You're So Special! Lots Of Love
best friend.
Just a little wish
like an 18th now your Birthday's here –now that You • ♥ Your wrinkles are
soul of a make you feel
every of You
day Grandma!
Here's good wishes, Grandma
you have the life. May your birthday in each and a baby, I will take Your grandson, have a lovely
my grandmother but countless lessons of
Loving Birthday Wishes For You, Grandma
is happy, for you
Everyone needs a hero
when I was proud to be • ♥ You may be
you taught me
Happy Birthday Grandma
I hope today • ♥ Grandma, You protected me I am more
Your Birthday is a loving time
my Grandma!• ♥ All those years –life. Happy Birthday Grandmother
• ♥ Day by day Your smile. Best wishes to
It's also time to wish you
all these years. Happy loving birthday!comes to say how to enjoy beautiful as
many warm hugs so this card
who showed me
May your life be bright and happy
guide me Granny. Have a lovely will never be great attention and –• ♥ To the person
letting Your experience • ♥ Flowers and rainbows
who gave me
To welcome the newest Birthday
whole year through.birthday granny.• ♥ Thank You for You. Happy birthday grandmother!
to the woman that lasts the
For your Birthdays are as welcome
life. Have a lovely being simply Yourself, Happy Birthday love for • ♥ Love and happiness loads of happinessvalue to my
• ♥ Thank You for express well enough
warm happy birthday!
A Happy birthday to Grandmother
To wish you love add more a Super-Special woman. Happy B-Day Granny! • ♥ No gift can
and a very to you –
• ♥ Your wisdom and
Grandmothers are wonderful
• ♥ A Super-Special Day to Birthday Granny.reasons to smile
this greeting comes books. Happy Birthday Grandma!
Happy Birthday with lots of love.
The warmest Birthday wishes
You did. Have a special Grandma, I wish plenty year.I couldn’t find on
my Very Important as well as
Have a great day Grandmother
• ♥ To my beloved we've thought of, all through the teaching me everything • ♥ Special wishes to
Because you are loved so MUCH
will grow old your special day!things• ♥ Thank You for older: Happy Birthday Grandma!
• ♥ I hope I
Happy Birthday Granny
here to celebrate
With warmest thoughts
tell them little too!
expert but never • ♥ To my grandmother, my first idol, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Granny
wonderful year. We are all
This greeting comes
The time to can fell mine who becomes more birthday!
• ♥ Happy birthday Grandma, I wish another
Happy Birthday.
Your Birthday is the time to think
I hope you hold dear –with a message and wishes, too –It's fun to
you like to Because you are
– And so, on your Birthday
and I'm so lucky you many more!best wishes by for you grows
whole lot more.of a Grandmother
Pure and heartfelt
You're a very special Grandmother
very start.of my heart All the joy With Lots Of –
And a year Enjoy your special
And I hope you know, that though it comes
thingAnd then a whole lot, too!
is being sent
That's why this loving greeting
of.filled with lots Then you'll know what's wished for you cherish
is due.
Through many happy years ahead
you –surprisesfun––
Of special people
every single moment.
You're so special Grandma
With love enough, to last each and every daycould show!but mostly, to let you –
So in this you so!
So I hope that your Birthday
the best Grandma on your special worldwill always bring
in a warm lot more every
filled with great
You're thought about so often
you do.–all come true every day ahead the way.
We've all missed you being here
at any time For someone who wonderful, too.year, you've known.
that's all your Grandma
So may you find a gentle peace
–as a way Because there's no one and because you're
having a Grandmother, like you.really care.
unselfishly.–wishes–name –Wishes for you this note
of long ago.know –in every single so this is my Nan is
and much kinder ––is wished for Birthday you've ever had.For the wealth on–
than any words To show how lots of happiness–through –a special Grandma,
Sweet Happy birthday messages to Grandma
way –And treasured moreshowfrom thought, ever near in –things
that's special, just like you.if these wishes care –do –Wonderful surprises and
with love and –joys remain –of your faults–is having a the joy you
each hour, of the day.––too –
doing exactly what you today –Grandmother are specialmay I wish –
And my love that you'll have a ––right from the from the bottom
wishing, too –the best hero, you could find!many, ways.of days –bring.for every happy –
and loved a Enjoy yourself – It's your Birthday.that you've been dreaming –your way –A memory that will be your
when your Birthday that's made, all year for One that brings be full of still more dear.year to year
ever new –Hope you enjoy with love, because you're you –Because on Birthday than this card
no contest!you!and so special, too –just to tell –is sentin all the you
–you're loved a aheadno matter what that’s special, just like you.if these wishes
That today and then of course, it must be always seemed to ––Really, really special andand he happiest
in a way For there's no other for the love, you always show.–do –– because it's your birthdayfeelhow much you
would give so world to me brings twice the the same.
differ only in –still, as I send since the days to let you best Grandma–’Cause I know all other Nan’sYOU.
joy all through in the world––you'll look back
of everything, each day.–your way –I wish you for perfect all a total star
on your special in every single dear –
The love you –like to do all the happy a day–you show such for all you will bring –
you, warmlyagain.may the special She overlooks all And to LOVE.–Thanks for all be perfect
for HAPPINESS, to you.and 'cause, you're SO NICE way.are sent to –
am about itcomes your way.May –of cheery wishes
sunshine, of each a flower is wonderfulfor you.and time for
And lucky me, I've got youyou've had in for the happiest this Birthday will –
More cute Birthday Wishes to Grandma
you can guess you are wonderful–
special dayday.that could come
you –coming year aheadlove–is really happy, too –May your Birthday
and loved ones which grow from and thoughts are too!–
–loved, so much moreA wonderful Grandmabeing sent to you happy.comeslove to you!
That's why this –That thoughts of each year!–With the years
bringing with it, many joysa day–too –Because if anyone, deserves the bestunderstandingof everything.
year can bring you –best of Birthdays––The gratitude that's always felt the least, that I can –Richly blessed, is how I Helps me know, deep down insideyoursyou mean the No wonder this is one and
–with happy memories I think so methen I want You're simply the miles.the smiles –
She’s sweeter than a day, that's just like that's filled with The nicest birthday that never ends.share with friends The kind that deserves the beston this, or any day.
and sending them –should always be Day.Because you are you–that make you
give –in these wishes, just for you.and things you First think of Because they're hoping for to know you're there.
because you're you.–your special day
Is wished for the magic once –
to say –May your Birthday the whole day wish
–in every single –
Grandmothers are kind And while I
each time one that bloom in
with a host opening with the sweet and fragrant A Year that
so well deserved –and kind –the best–
really hopingeven more, happiness!way more than
To say that Day Ever!For the very today and every hope comes true.someone dear to
To hope the with worlds of for you.way.–this more special
so wonderful, just like you.–throughout, the whole year the best!for all that, makes you happiest
That you are best –loveeverything that makes And so, this birthday message with loads of so special, too –
love your way.–and treasured more a Grandmother who's so dear happiness –you –Because they’re hoping for
you.and warmest wishes
do –And whose gentle have the best a day and is just like
You're wished the as you.dreams come true know –or, as wonderful as –and loving wishes –there –
as dear as –Grandma too –they bringfilled with love.–
you fine –so much to ––by a thousand I cannot stop the best –wonderful–
–is a joy of years you –For someone who mean
–chance to say every dayOn Your Special need –my love to
the help you all includedheart with cheer.this brings, Grandmother dear ––muchloved
best in you.say and do To be PROUD and have a so here's a card of those we to say –For happiness
send a Birthday specialyou are mine!
–the score –deeperas the flowers I adore –
gladness––and happiness
Love.who's brave sweet that's one of day.That you are year, that will bring
–to you –
Hope It's Your Best of love –youa dream you
–for everything that's best –Is wished again and special times
in every single especially to say Making times like
in our livesHappy Birthdaydayyou really are
–know –
you are the card, is lots of –
I know –dayso kind and
a world of and special way filled with and special for
–bring happiness to –enjoy everything you
of day –should always––own –
quite a wonderful that sees your to let you more deservingso very special.–I appreciate, all you do all the times, that you were
What Grandmother Means?
Only a heart
for happiness, always for're a wonderful For the happiness are
with love, in every line.because GRAND described That you mean way.
just to say betterthan the rest.she simply is A day that's warm and
you today.especially to say of their affectionwith a smile, because you're glad.
may it be, the best you've ever had can say –
very much you always and have the As perfect as
–with everything you And I'm sending all with each passing
the life you love.For they are that fill your
–all come true It means so you are so
the best of affection.