Birthday 30Th Wishes

Turning thirty is an important milestone. It is associated with being more responsible and abandoning the carefree lifestyle led during your 20s.

After turning thirty, many people start settling down, getting married and start a family. They also become settled in their careers and start pursuing promotions.

These realities may seem to make turning thirty a depressing event, but in reality it is just the beginning of a different but exciting chapter in life, a turning point for many people that brings even more joy.

It should be marked with special festivities and a thoughtful message to wish a friend or family member a happy 30th birthday is always a good idea.

Light-hearted happy birthday messages to a friend who is turning 30

“Remember when thirty seemed so far away that we never thought we’d get there? Well, it’s arrived, and I hope it’s everything you’ve dreamed it would be. Happy 30th birthday.”

“If college was anything to go by, I didn’t think you’d make it to the big 3-0! We were wild back then but look how grown-up we are now! Wishing you a happy birthday.”

“It makes me feel old to say it, but happy birthday! Who knew we’d make it? I’m so excited for all that your thirties hold and wish you the best.”

“Happy 30th birthday! You’re officially on the scrap-heap! Seriously though, thirty is a big milestone. You’re a special friend, have a very happy birthday.”

“Your 20s are officially over, so now you have to adult all the time – no more crazy parties for you! Happy birthday to a special person.”

“My friend has made it to thirty! Happy birthday. I hope your thirties are even more amazing than your twenties and that all your dreams come true.”

“Happy birthday! Does it feel any different from 29? Did a switch flip at midnight and change you? I hope not because you’re awesome just as you are.”

“I was really hoping we’d finish that time machine we tried to invent when we were 11, but since we failed, I’ll go ahead and wish you a very happy 30th birthday.”

Image from Pexels – under CC0 license

“I hope blowing out all those candles won’t be too hard! Happy birthday.”

“It’s finally here. The world is ending, because (name) is turning 30! But some people are like fine wine – they get better with age. Happy birthday.”

Happy birthday messages to your child

“We can’t believe our baby is turning 30. Watching you grow into such an amazing person has been a privilege. Happy birthday.”

“We’re so pleased to wish you a happy 30th birthday. You’ve grown up and changed so much over the years and we’re so proud of you. Happy birthday and best wishes.”

Birthday 30Th Wishes

“Looking back on your childhood, it seems like yesterday you were 10 years old and driving us crazy. But here we are wishing you a happy 30th birthday! Have a great day.”

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“We know that the last few years have been difficult for you, and we’re proud to call you our child because of the way you’ve overcome your problems. Happy 30th birthday.”

“The qualities you display as an adult make us honored to be your parents. We wanted to be the first to wish you a happy 30th birthday and tell you what a special individual you are.”

“I didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than I already did as a parent, but every day I love you more because you’re so special. I hope you have a happy 30th birthday.”

“You have accomplished so many wonderful things in your life. It’s been so humbling to be of the journey. Happy 30th birthday.”

“You’re the type of child a parent loves to brag about! Happy 30th birthday, and all our love and best wishes for the next amazing chapter of your life.”

“Happy birthday to our beloved son/daughter. This year marks a special milestone, and we’re pleased to be sharing it with you. Happy 30th birthday to you.”

“Your strength of character during the adversities you’ve faced in your life has made you a remarkable individual. We’re so proud. Happy 30th birthday.”

Birthday messages for your spouse/partner

“Darling, I hope you have a very happy birthday. Thank you for being in my life and letting me share your 30th birthday with you.”

“I can’t believe you’re turning thirty already! I hope you have a really happy birthday and look forward to celebrating with you later.”

“Happy 30th birthday to my special husband/wife/partner. I know you’re going to have an awesome day because I’ve got a great surprise for you later. Keep guessing while you enjoy a happy birthday!”

“Happy 30th birthday my love. This is one of the many birthdays that we’ll be spending together, but this one is a special one. I hope you know how much I love you and look forward to growing old with you!”

“Wishing my favorite person on the planet a very happy 30th birthday. You’re so amazing, and I love you so very much. I hope your day is amazing and look forward to seeing you later.”

“I am thankful for you every single day and for the richness you bring to my life. I hope you have a fantastic 30th birthday and can’t wait to celebrate with you later.”

“To the love of my life on your 30th birthday. You’re an amazing husband/wife/partner, and you mean the world to me. Have a happy birthday.”

“Happy birthday to the best husband/wife/partner. You only turn thirty once! I hope it’s a great day and that you enjoy every moment it has to offer. I love you with all my heart.”

“I’m glad to be able to share this happy 30th birthday with you. I wish you nothing but joy and health on this special day and love you very much.”

“I can’t imagine a single day without you, especially one as special as this. Happy 30th birthday my love.”

Happy 30th Birthday Wishes & Quotes with Images

Birthday 30Th Wishes

• Turning 30 is a milestone that allows you to feel more confident in your abilities and continue to go after what you want. My wish for you, dear friend, is that your worth is acknowledged and the drive that you have never ceases!

• Most people say 30 is the new 20. Probably they can to be right because all they are now 40th ages. They say too many things but I think you should accept this wish. Happy 30th birthday, take care of yourself.

• You are the most terrified 30-year-old I have ever seen. Don’t let turning thirty put a damper on your life! Your life is only about to get better, so embrace all the changes, experiences, and challenges. You know that I will be right here with you to explore the great unknown. I love you, sweetie. Happy 30th birthday!

• If you have a lot of funny time, you have so many memories to tell. And maybe they will be reflected onto coming years, who knows that? I want to wish you a wonderful 30th birthday!

• When you were twenty, you felt like growing up and becoming thirty. When you will be forty, you will wish you could go back to being thirty. So to conclude, being thirty is just perfect. Happy belated birthday.

• Here is a notebook with full of clean pages. You can write a plan of 3rd decade of your life. May this plan will be about progress and happiness. All they is your choosing. Tik tak, tik tak!! The time pass quickly, you should spend this chance with intelligent. Happy 30th birthday.

• How can I let this day pass unnoticed and unsung? It is impossible to forget your 30th birthday, that’s because you are so special to me! 30 Hearty Cheers.

• 30th age is very important because this age has very rich and necessary changes, as a result it has so many chance than you guessed. What I really want is you will catch up all and every one makes you happy! I want to wish you a wonderful 30th birthday!

• Life is too short to be spent worrying about fears and insecurities. Now that you’re 30 years old, just enjoy the ride and take it one day at a time. Make the best memories with your loved ones and look forward to the future. The best is yet to come! Happy 30th birthday, my dear!

• You have always think about and focused on the future. I think your effort will not waste and you will live a wonderful life. You can sure that mark will came this 30th ages. I hope you get over all obstacles. Happy 30th Birthday!!

• Congratulations for turning thirty. From here on, life is less about knowing how old you are and more about believing how young you feel. Happy 30th birthday.

• Most people say that most beautiful years pass already and 30. age is very late for wonderful things. You and I both know that is so wrong idea, also 30 age is not a old age. Unlike, the most amazing things start on this age and the most beautiful thing is yet to come. May God keep you in life with joy and laughter. Happy 30th birthday.

• The love and support you give me always astounds me. I can’t thank you enough for being such an extraordinary blessing in my life. Happy 30th birthday, my dear.

• While you accept many happy returns on your special day, may the candles shine more brightly like torch on your birthday cake. I hope you want to continue your life like old days. Because 30 is not late, also it is new starting. Don’t confuse your head, the numbers are just a joke. Most important thing is you how feel. Happy 30th birthday, have a wonderful birthday as you are.

• Turning thirty gives you the perfect bird’s eye view of your life. You know exactly what mistakes you made in the past and exactly how to correct them in the future. Happy 30th birthday.

• Happy 30th birthday to a person who has a wonderful heart. You are really very good friend and I am proud of you, for I have a friend like you are. I hope 30’s will bring you more happiness and more joy. Enjoy the day and take care of yourself! Happy birthday to my amazing cousin.

• I wish you the sweetest treats and surprises in this life, especially on your 30th birthday. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I don’t want to see you missing out on all the fun. Sometimes it’s okay to just have fun. Don’t be so busy working that you forget to live a little! I love you, my friend. I hope you have the best 30th birthday.

• 30 is incredible age because, as the youth begins to end slowly, senile appears. 30 is a great milestone. When you turning 30, I am so glad to celebrate your birthday. Happy 30th birthday, have a wonderful day.

Birthday 30Th Wishes

• For 3 decades you have beautified this world with your presence. If the world had more people like you in it, nobody would crave for paradise because we would have had paradise right here on earth. Happy 30th birthday to the most loving and caring friend a human being can ever have.

• As you came to 30th age, you have already made great things and you have won appreciation. Not everyone can’t made this like you made. You have been always understanding and inspirational person. I hope you will be always stay same. Take care of yourself. Happy 30th birthday!!

• You’re 30 and, gasp, unmarried, so you may feel like you’ve been left out in the cold. Don’t. Things are just starting to heat up. The 30s are going to be your hottest years. I will write the best birthday wishes for sister, bcs I love you!

• Being 30 is both amazing and sad because first white hair appear on this age. But 30’s brings you more opportunity and more joy. Of course you know already what you want. So life will be easier than your youth. Happy 30th birthday!!

• Now that you are thirty, you can actually use sentences like "I know better because I’m older than you". And also, now that you are thirty, teenagers are going to seriously hate you. Good thing I’m not one of them! Happy 30th birthday!

• Nothing makes me happy like your wonderful smile. May the 30’s brings always you laughter and joy. Be happy during you live, taste the beautiful things of your life. And I hope you don’t regret your 30s. Happy 30th birthday, have a day as wonderful as you are…

• I’ve had numerous friends over the years, but none has ever touched my life in such a positive way like you have done. So on your 30th birthday, I just want to express my gratitude to you for always having my back even in instances when I didn’t deserve it. Happy 30th birthday.

• Celebrating your birthday is as special to me as celebrating my birthday. Happy 30th birthday!! I hope your beautiful days begin from today and continue to forever and all dreams come true.

• Thirty years old is not that old. The best years of your life are only just beginning. You can make a brand-new start right now and just take all the valuable lessons of the past decade with you. I toast to you and your fabulous thirties. Happy 30th birthday!

• Firstly, I want to thank you for everything. You have been my closest friend and one of the few really friend in my life. I will always remember the memories that we shared. I pray to God for your happiness, love, peace. I love you so much. Happy 30th birthday!!

• Here are the my birthday wishes for brother. From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you the best and most special birthday you have ever had. I hope this brand new decade will be a thousand times better than the previous one! Happy 30th!

• You have shined my life like a golden, my life became more valuable with you. May you can shine on your special day as sun as you are. You have deserved all best things. Happy 30th birthday!!

• Now that you’re in your 30s (even if it’s just for a few hours), you’re actually nearer to the big 4-0 than the smaller 2-0. Yep, you’re officially old. Happy 30th birthday!

• Today is your special day but all days that being you is so special for us. Because you have made your around more wonderful for all who is your friends. I am so glad to continue our friendship for long years. Happy 30th birthday, I hope our friendship will continue forever.

• Try not to think about the fact that you will never be a 20-year-old ever again. Instead, focus on the positive side: at least I am not writing you a "you are over the hill" card quite yet. Happy 30th birthday!

• The time pass quickly than we guessed but I think each age has each beauties. Maybe you are not younger than you were yesterday but you can sure that you have more experience than yesterday. Here is my hope that you have a fabulous birthday as you are. Happy 30th birthday, take care of yourself.

• My beloved wife, two things are responsible for filling my world with sunshine and putting happiness in my heart. The first is you, and the second is your love. I would be totally nothing without your love, and that is why I have vowed to love and care for you until the end of time. Happy 30th birthday.

• Everyday there are you in my prayer, I hope 30’s brings you more happiness, laughter and joy. You deserve all best things because you are totally fabulous person that I know. May your 30’s helps you to reveal your potential. Happy 30th birthday, have an unforgettable day.

Birthday 30Th Wishes

• Now that you’re thirty, I just realized that we have been friends for over twenty years. That means I know all there is to know about you. I seriously need to be included in your last will and testament. Happy 30th birthday, my dear friend!

• I found the happiness in you. Thank you for show me the world as wonderful. Happy 30th Birthday, I love you so much!!

• I think the best idea you’ve ever had been not to actually buy 30 candles, but just the 3 and the 0. You are getting old and your lungs don’t have the energy they had when you were 29. Just teasing you! Just check your whatsapp, I will send a lot of happy birthday niece images today!

• Happy 30th birthday!! May your your youth (until 20’s end) rest in peace. You should make wonderful things that you never forget these years so that you never miss your 20s years. Happy birthday!!

• At 30, you suddenly become more mature, more responsible, more self-disciplined, more reliable, more grown-up: just like your parents. Happy 30th birthday!

• Wishing a happy birthday to a person who is my closest friend in the world. Still you can travel around the world or you can sleep until the lunch. the number are big lie, most importantly thing is how you feel now. Do you remember your young years? Remember, live and keep. Here is the human! Happy 30th birthday!!

• Aging is a hard process, especially when you begin a new decade. You start realizing that time is indeed going by and that you are growing old. However, aging is also a great thing. We become more responsible and mature. Let’s look on the positive side and let’s celebrate your wonderful milestone. Happy 30th birthday!

• Why do you stress over today? You will have 40th birthday, 50th birthday and more. I think you should keep your stress to another ages. Relax!!! It is just age, not moreover!

• I hope that this day turns out to be more wonderful than you expected, that you are surrounded by people who love you, and that you will receive the best birthday surprises. I wish I was celebrating your birthday with you. See you soon, sweetie. I wish you happy birthday nephew!

• Our life is too short to spend for unnecessary things or over worrying. Now you became 30s and you finally know what you want or where you like. Enjoy each moment now, spend the time with the people that you liked. Leave to make plans, live moment. Saving wonderful memories so that you have amazing memories that everyone listen. I am look forward your future. it will be very beautiful. Happy 30th birthday honey..

Happy 30th Birthday Messages

• Happy 30th birthday! I hope when you look back on your first 30 years, you can appreciate how much you’ve touched other people’s lives – including mine!

• Some people believe that the most important events in life occur before 30. You and I both know that each life is unique and often, the best is yet to come. May your 30th birthday bring more possibilities for the future! Happy birthday to our beautiful daughter.

• 30 happy birthday. This day is all about you so have the time of your life and remember that this birthday is an extra special one!

• My wish for you is that on this special day you are reminded of how much love surrounds you. I hope you feel its warmth. May that love follow you wherever you choose to go in this new chapter of your life. Happy 30th Birthday!

• You know what’s great about your 30s? Basically everything! Welcome to the club! Love you so much! Happy birthday to my fantastic friend.

• Happy 30th birthday! Thanks for gracing us with your awesomeness for the past 30 years.

• You have just entered into a new phase of your life. Don’t be scared to explore what it has in stock for you. Happy 30th birthday.

• 30 years. Happy birthday. It’s finally here, your special day that we are so excited to celebrate. I hope it’s the best!

Birthday 30Th Wishes

• Happy 30th birthday, to a friend who is always close to my heart. Your sense of humor and compassion make every day a thousand times brighter. Have a fantastic day celebrating you!

• Happy 30th birthday! You have been my best friend since the day we met! You are so beautiful inside and out! You are strong and amazing. You have such a light inside of you. Know that you are loved and get ready to birthday fun! Time to have fun for your thirty.

• This is your 3rd decade on planet earth, a great milestone worth celebrating. I wish you many more decades ahead. Happy 30th birthday.

• Happy 30th birthday to an amazing person. I can’t wait to see what you do with your next 30 years!

• Happy 30th Birthday to one of my favorite people around! I’m so grateful that I get to celebrate this moment with you. I hope you have a truly incredible day, filled with fun and laughter. You’re officially old!

• Your 30th birthday is a great time to look back at your life. Just remember that you’re still young and can go anywhere from here. Wishing you all the best on your birthday and in the years to come.

• Celebrating 30. Happy 30th birthday I hope your day is filled with excitement as well as a lot of fun. Congratulations to you on celebrating this wonderful and fantastic milestone. Enjoy!

• Welcome to 30! The age when you should know better, but really don’t!

• Congratulations on being three decades old! This is a huge milestone, and it’s time to go out and celebrate in style. Show them what you’ve got! Sending you warm wishes and positive thoughts, always.

• Happy 30th! You are thirty, flirty, and thriving! I know big things are going to happen this next decade in your life and so happy that our paths crossed this past decade and a forever friendship was made! Celebrating you today and always!

• Happy 30th Birthday. Everyone dreads turning 30, but you are killing it! Cheers to your best year yet. Happy Birthday best friend. I love you. P.S. Your gift requires a day off…

• Happy birthday 30. Your big day of cheer is finally here so be sure to celebrate today as well as all year. Hope you have a fun and special birthday!

• 30 Happy Birthday. Hoping you celebrate to the fullest because a very special birthday such as this can one only happen once in a lifetime. Enjoy!

• May your 30th birthday be filled with the peace and blessings of God’s favor upon your life today and every day. Happy birthday blessings!

• Congratulations on your 30th birthday! I hope your 30s are filled with joy and wonder and you continue living life to the very max. Wishing you extra happiness today, and every day. Here’s to you!

• Many friends have come and gone, but you sticked with me all through these years, through thick and thin, rain and shine. You are my friend indeed. This is why I will shout for the whole world to hear – it is my friend’s 30th birthday today!

• Happy 30th birthday. This is no ordinary birthday, it’s one that requires extra confetti and an extra special birthday cake. You deserve it!

• Happy 30th Birthday! I hope you find some time for yourself today to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished, and get excited about all the achievements to come. Have a wonderful day!

• Being in your 30s is perfect. You have the freedom of your 20s and the sense of someone who’s already made all their mistakes. What a time to be alive. Happy 30th birthday!

• Happy 30th birthday. A very big milestone has been reached, many great memories have been made, and good times are on their way! Be sure to celebrate all of these things on your special day.

• I bet that you thought that your 30th birthday would never come! I’m wishing you health, happiness and good fortune as you embark upon this new phase of your life. Sending you infinite best wishes and hugs! Happy 30th birthday!

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