Happy Birthday To Me Message

Birthday parties are fun! The tips and examples below will show you how to write a birthday thank-you note or message for those that attended your party.

There will also be simple examples if you'd like your kid to write thank-you notes if the party was for your child, and they are old enough to write.

• Quick Tips:

• Your birthday party

• Adult birthday party for a specific age

• Your child's birthday party

• Your child's 1st birthday party

• Birthday party thank you messages written by your kid

Quick Tips:

• I recommend specifically mentioning any gifts, but if you don't know who gave what, being generic “thank you for the gift” is better than not recognizing the gifts at all.

• The words “coming” and “attending” can be swapped out based on your preference.

Your birthday party

#1 [Spouse's Name] and I were glad that you were able to celebrate my special day with us. I was surprised by the party. We enjoyed visiting and catching up with you. Thank you for helping make my 50th birthday a day I will never forget!

#2 Thank you for celebrating my birthday at the party! What a wonderful day it was to be among our friends and family at the park. Your dog was popular with the kids. Maybe next year I will ask for a dog for my birthday.

#3 I want to thank you for taking part in my birthday celebration. [Name] let me know that you helped to organize most of it. The decorations and food were terrific. I am glad that we are friends.

#4 My birthday party was so much fun! Thank you for being there and celebrating with me. I will remember this party for a long time!

#5 Thanks for coming to my birthday celebration! You making the trip down to be part of it meant a lot to me. Chatting with you in person was great, and I value our friendship. Also, thank you for the [whatever gift they brought].

Happy Birthday To Me Message

#6 I was shocked that [Spouse Name] threw a surprise birthday party for me. Thank you for attending and taking part in the celebration. I feel blessed to have many friends and family.

#7 I am grateful that you are part of my life! Thank you for being at my birthday party. Celebrating with you and other friends was the best part of the day.

#8 Thank you for attending my birthday party. Having all my friends and family together was so much fun. Also, thank you for the [gift]. I will think of you when I use it.

#9 The people in my life are the best party of my life. Thank you for coming to my surprise birthday party. I was definitely surprised! I had so much fun hanging out with everyone and having a good time. Thank you again for being part of the celebration.

#10 I am thankful that you were able to attend my birthday party. Flying home to take part in the celebration was a huge surprise. You are a wonderful lifetime friend.


Adult birthday party for a specific age

#12 Thank you for attending my 70th birthday party. I am starting to feel over the hill. I had a great day with my friends and family celebrating together.

#13 You have always been special to me, and I am thankful that you were able to attend my 50th birthday party. We've had a lot of fun over the years and last night's party is another time I will not soon forget.

#14 The party last night was fun and a big surprise for as I turned 60. The cake you made was excellent too. Thank you for being part of my special day. I am amazed that [Spouse/Partner] was able to keep the party a secret.

#15 I feel so blessed to have such great friends at the age of 75. The party felt very special as its been many years since I had a birthday party. Thank you for coming and enjoying the cake. It's always nice to visit with you as well.

#16 Thank you for coming to my 30th birthday party! I feel like an adult now that I'm out of my twenties. The dinner at [Friend's name] house was perfect.

Your child's birthday party

#17 We were so excited that your family was able to come [Child's Name]'s birthday party. We know the drive was long for you and appreciate that you made the trip up for the party. The party was so much fun, even if [Child's Name] didn't quite understand why so many people were watching him eat cake. Also, thank you for the [write what the gift was] you brought for [Child's Name].

#18 Thanks for attending the birthday party for [Child's Name] and for bringing him a gift. We always enjoy having you around as you are super fun. [Child's Name] is still talking about the jokes you told him and trying hard to retell them his friends. It's adorable.

#19 Celebrating [Child's Name]'s at the bowling alley was fun! Thank you for bringing your kids and for the gifts. We appreciate that your family took time out of your weekend to spend the afternoon with us.

#20 Thank you for coming to my daughter's birthday party. [Child's Name] was excited to meet you. Turning 5 was a big deal for her. She loved the outfit that you gave to her.

Happy Birthday To Me Message

#21 We were delighted that you came to our son's birthday party. We also appreciate the clothes and the new game for him. The gifts were thoughtful and will be put to use soon!

#22 Thank you for coming to celebrate [Child's Name] birthday. The party was so much fun, and I enjoyed visiting with you while the kids played. Also, thanks for bringing the cake!

#23 The birthday party was a huge success! [Child's Name] had a great time playing with your children. We were all happy that you were able to make it! Thanks for the gifts too!

#24 Thank you for coming to the birthday party for the twins. They had fun and also will enjoy playing the [game] you gave to them.

#25 My son was thrilled that [other kid's name] was able to attend his party. They love playing video games together, and thank you for giving him [Video game title]. I also enjoyed visiting with you while the kids played.

Your child's 1st birthday party

#26 Thank you for attending the birthday party for [Kid's Name]and for the diapers. The pictures you took of him smashing the cake were excellent. They captured the scene very well and will be included in the scrapbook. We were also happy to have you there to share in the celebration.

#27 Thank you for celebrating [Kid's Name]'s 1st birthday with us! We are grateful for the clothes and diapers you gave her too. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

#28 You are wonderful parents! I appreciate your help with [Kid's Name]'s 1st birthday party. Everyone seemed to have a great time and enjoyed watching [Kid's Name] playing with his birthday cake.

#29 I hope you had fun at [Kid's Name]'s 1st birthday party! It is a party that I will always remember and will be able to tell [Kid's Name] about it someday. Also, thank you for the gift card. We will likely buy more diapers with it.

#30 Thanks for coming to the birthday party for the twins. Celebrating their first year was special, and we made some lovely memories. Spending time with you is always a job, and I was delighted that you were able to attend.

Birthday party thank you messages written by your kid

Note: If you have twins and are having the kids handwrite the notes, you can use one thank you card that is blank on the inside. Have each kid write a message on opposite sides. I am a twin and this is how my mom had my brother and I write notes. And it's best if the message isn't identical. Depending on the age of the child, one or two short sentences may be sufficient.

#31 Thanks for coming to my party! I hope you had a nice time. The new board game will be fun to play with friends.

#32 I had fun at my party and hope that you did too. I appreciate the cash that was in the card and will do something wise with it.

#33 Thanks for the money for my birthday. I will have fun spending it.

Happy Birthday To Me Message

#34 You give the best presents! Also, thank you for making the Batman cake for me. My whole day felt extra special.

#35 Thank you for the birthday gift.

Happy Birthday To Me: Birthdays, like any other special occasion, should be adorned with heartfelt messages and wishes from friends, family, and even yourself. While most people do not wish themselves a happy birthday, we strongly advise you to do so. Write yourself a birthday card or a birthday message full of positivity and new-year affirmations if you want to.

• Happy Birthday To Me
• Funny Happy Birthday To Me
• Happy Birthday To Me Quotes
• Long birthday wishes and Messages for Me
• Happy Birthday Images
• Final thought on Happy Birthday Wishes

One of the greatest forms of self-love and self-appreciation revolves around making affirmations to yourself and treating yourself like you would treat a loved one. It is always good to celebrate your own birthday as this shows how much you love yourself.

Do you feel you lack the right message to wish yourself a happy birthday? Worry no more, because I have the most amazing birthday messages and wishes all for you.

Beautiful Happy Birthday Messages To Me

As I am becoming more mature every year, I am starting to realize one great truth. Legends don’t come on this earth in great numbers. They are rare, just like me. Happy birthday to myself!

Growing up is the best journey that I’ve ever embarked on. I enjoy my life and I enjoy being alive all the time. May the blessings of God be with me forever! Happy Birthday To Me

Happy birthday to someone amazing, talented, beautiful, smart, yes that’s just it, I am celebrating myself today—happy birthday to me!

‘Drum rolls’! Let the party begin! I can’t hold back my excitement because it is my birthday. Happy birthday, sweet me. More blessings to me.

The cake is here and I’m ready to blow all the candles as I make some wishes. Wishing myself a wonderful year ahead. Happy birthday to me!

I will put a smile on my face and won’t let the troubles of life get me down because it’s my birthday today. A very happy birthday to me!

A new year of life is a priceless blessing, so I pray to God today with thanks and wish more happy years to come. I hope that my closest people will share with me this day in the warm and friendly atmosphere. Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to me. You are one-in-a-million! You are intelligent! You are beautiful! You are another year older and another year wiser! Woo hoo!

What a wonderful day! What a wonderful life! It is the best day for me, and it is my favourite holiday. I congratulate myself and get myself ready for new happiness. Happy birthday pretty me..

I believe that I am the equivalent to a fine wine or a delicious old cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older today! Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday To Me Message

I beseech the Lord to cover me with His garment of light for me to see clearly in the matters of life, I ask the Lord to wrap me in His power to prosper, happy birthday to me!

Angels are on guard over my life. Here is to many more years of exploits in life and good health. Happy birthday to me.

It’s another 365 days of existence. Thanks to the Lord of all creation for the grace to be alive. Happy birthday to myself.

My being alive and healthy today is as a result of none other than the almighty God. I’ll forever be grateful to you, God. Happy birthday to myself.

Wine is getting better over the years, a man is getting wiser over the years. I get older today, but this is the reason for the happiness, not sadness. I’m so thankful for these years of life and these people who surround me. Let there be new beautiful moments and days of inspiration. Happy birthday to me.

Have you heard that today is a great holiday? It is the best day to have a party because it is a birthday of some awesome person. I'm ready to take gifts and have a happy time. Happy birthday to me.

I just can’t keep quiet because it’s my birthday. You heard right, it’s my birthday! I mean my birthday Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s that special day again when I always paint a smile on my face and cast all my cares away because I feel superb and abundantly blessed. Very happy birthday to me.

I create within me a vacuum that no one can and will ever fill except God who has protected me all through the years. Happy birthday to me. And I’m grateful.

Much love and success to me, I am plus one today, I pray that the Lord shall ease my ways and bequeath my situations with prosperity!

It is awesome that I don’t look like what I’ve been through. God really, has got my back. He will see me through more years. Happy birthday, dearest me.

Happy birthday to a beautiful and strong soul, yeah you guessed right. It’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me!

I might not be the richest person in the world or the world’s president but I have happiness, peace of mind, and most importantly the gift of life. Thank you, God, for blessing me with such priceless gifts. On my birthday, I celebrate these little but priceless things. Happy birthday to me

Another beautiful year of my life has come. I’m thankful for the past years, and I wonder about the new turns of the future. I hope to see a lot of smiles today, to spend this time with the closest people. Happy birthday to me.

Happy Birthday To Me Message

They say that having birthdays are just like going over speed bumps through life before you get old. Well, today’s my birthday and I’m flying over this one right to the cocktail party. Happy birthday to me!

Today humbles my knees and I reflect on God’s blessings as I also pray for yet another year to love and be loved. Happy birthday to me. I wish myself a lifetime of peace and prosperity.

I don’t need the world to see what’s going on behind closed doors. When it materialises, they will and this year is looking so promising. Happy birthday to me.

Happy Birthday from me to I! It’s time to party because I’m super-fly! Cheers to a brand new year full of laughter, love and new friendships!

Many rains have fallen and the barren land had absorbed, but here I am alive today, Lord I appreciate your wonders in my life. Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to the person I am today, and cheers to the person I’m becoming. I have seen tremendous growth and resilience amidst tough situations. I pray that this new year will bring divine happiness.

I certainly consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in this world, which is why on my birthday, I don’t want to ask God for anything but thank Him for all the good things He has blessed me with over the years. Thank you, Father.

Hello, new and happy year of my life! I’m happy that you came on this sunny day. I’m sure that you brought a number of delightful moments and funny stories. I welcome you with joy and ready for new adventures. Happy birthday to me.

It is such a lovely day and a special occasion for me. Turning a year older has never felt so good. I hope to be treated like the queen I am for the rest of my life.

On my birthday, I might celebrate with the youth and vigor of someone who can dance and party, all night or in the manner of someone who can eat too much cake and pass out on the sofa watching a bad movie…I am pretty sure I am going to pass out on the sofa. Happy birthday to me!

Happy Birthday from me to I! It’s time to party because I’m super-fly! Cheers to a brand new year full of laughter, love and new friendships!

I love myself and I want to wish myself the best happy birthday ever. May the success of this life never miss my way; I ask God to increase me in knowledge and bless me with fruitful children!

I owe God everything I am, and everything that I have. Without Him, I wouldn’t have been alive to celebrate this day. May His unending love light the path for me. Happy birthday to me.

The world is my stage and I have played diligently so far. I hope to display a noble and fierce expression of reign in the years to come. Happy birthday to me. Today, one of the greatest men to walk this earth was born. Happy birthday to me and best wishes to all my endeavors.

Singing, dancing and praising the Lord is the least that I can do to show appreciation for including yet another age to mine. I pray for more jubilant days ahead. Happy birthday to me!

It’s my birthday and I feel super special. Happy birthday to my inner woman who has been mostly responsible for my wonderful deeds. I wish myself a superlative new year.

Happy Easter Messages

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