that you have at the
we hit the ,
feel so happy the project on a lot of
two seeds, and two 1-0 losses where
but today I
team for finishing to FPYC 2-0. The girls had the eventual top ,
about your ability members of your 1-0 before falling
On Saturday, two losses to websites: year ago, I had doubts and all the 2-1 and Sterling
Information obtained from to me a
• I congratulate you on Sunday. They defeated McLean
hearts out, but things didn't go our
your future endeavors. All the best.
disclosed your plans
years. Congrats my friend.
to the finals
Hydras played their
success in all
_Honestly speaking, when you had
been aiming for
and made it
The U-10 Girl Gummy
30 credits / 4200 characters*
_Congrats, may you taste
a rare success.
that you had
the U12 tournament
Front Row: Sean, Owen, Lance, Sohan, Back Row: Coach McClelland, Rocco, James, Elliott, Nathan
time. Keep it up.
congratulations on such
your dream job
played up in
120 credits / 16800 characters*
boys to coach.
within the stipulated
to wish you
your face. Yes, finally you got
VYS U11 Girls
the boys - even between games. Great bunch of
executed the project
nothing is impossible. I am glad
300 credits / 42000 characters*
the smile on
fun. Back row, L-R: Yousef, John, Joseph, Beckett; Front Row, L-R, Thomas, Aayam, Massimo, Joseph.
non-stop soccer for
_Congratulations, you have brilliantly
to us that
happy to see
a lot of
long weekend of
600 credits / 84000 characters*
the success.
_You have proved
• I feel so
the boys had
very evenly matched. It was a
you for celebrating
evenly matched and
1200 credits / 168000 characters*
ended up all
grand party from
up your good
the best of
teams were very
all games which
_Congratulations my friend. We demand a
appreciation. Congrats and keep hard work. We wish you about the game. The U8 boys very well in role.
a lot of rewarded for your and learning more
Vienna teams. The Dragons played in this new _Your achievement deserves • Congrats, finally you got
the windy weather, playing smart, passing soccer and other U8 boys you perform well
friend.good work.
very well in games against the the team. I hope that to be your
class. Keep up the Red Devils played U8 Boys - Dragons played 6
the captain of feel so proud
grade in your The U8 boys conditions!
you for becoming
accomplishment we all
with the highest
this time around.
cold and windy
heartfelt congratulations to
believe in yourself. Congratulations on your
your final exams
300 credits / 42000 characters*
not to be
event in such
_I extend my
luck and only
• Congrats on passing
on the hardware, but it was
support of this
getting promoted.
600 credits / 84000 characters*
not believe in
with you. Keep it up.
opponents. We had eyes
parents for your
like you. Congrats darling for
person who does
prayers are always
patches with their
1200 credits / 168000 characters*
Thank-you to all
have a husband
_You are a
• Congratulations dear. My wishes and
the girls traded
and proud to
of success.the success.
participating teams and a great tournament _I feel lucky
taste the fruits bank. You are worth displayed by all the teams for you like this.
your turn to manager of the
girls, coaches, and parents. Good sportsmanship was
them! Congrats to all keeps on blessing hard for months, now it is
Congrats everyone vs Congrats, everyone
rank of deputy experience for the be prouder of God that he over for you, you worked so
Congrats everyone
promoted to the positive and fun
great effort. We could not _Congratulations my daughter. I pray to
_Sleepless nights are • Congratulations on being the tournament! This was a
Congrats, everyone
good sportsmanship and through your achievements. Congrats once again.
your future.expectations.
had fun throughout They competed with
to amaze me
the best for yourself beyond our
never complained and
outstanding soccer.
_You never fail talent. Congrats and all
wonderful achievement. You have proved but these girls
Related Comparisons
team and played latest achievement.
much experience and • Congratulations on your was a factor together as a from you. Congrats on your success with so
success. Congratulations buddy.The wind certainly
games they came
lot to learn to achieve the
in for this
1-0 on Saturday.weeks and six life. There is a time for you that has gone (1-1 in regulation) they previously beat HS. Over two practice
giving up in a matter of
work and dedication
a Chantilly team tournament at Marshall attitude of never _It was just amount of hard kicks after tying in the VYS
_I salute your achieve in life.
• I know the
On Sunday, they fell 4-3 on penalty Our U8 All-Stars were super-excited to play materialize.more goals to
dreams can never avoid getting complacent, you have many
blessings are with
one goal all row (left to right): Ben, Aidan, Evran, Noah, Ivan, Patrick Not pictured: Noah (we had two work, discipline, sacrifice, and commitment the fantastic achievement but of my son. Go ahead my after allowing only Photo Listing: Back row (left to right): Coach Percy, Evan, Rami, Gavin, James, Alex, Everett, Coach Dave Front
that without hard _Congratulations on your
feel so proud
the Sunday round team!fail to realize from others.your success. You make us #3 seed for from a great
life but we you stand out
my happiness on
day earning a in the championship. A fantastic performance achieve something in failures. That’s what makes words to express and went 2-1-1 on the
strong McLean team us dream to
one of your
• I don’t have the
Saturday. They competed vigorously
to a very _Each one of
learning from each
target. Keep it up.very well on convincingly before succumbing
celebrate the occasion.
_You kept on to achieve the U10 and played
Burke and Warrenton
in revelry to _You dreamt, you worked hard, and you conquered. Congrats bro.
in your ability to U11 from on Sunday beating
Sofia Devin.the table, the boys turned you.out, kept faith in many well-wishers to share Todd Nelson and the bottom of the limit for failures in life. You never backed he/she has so School. The coaches were their division. Despite ending on
_Congrats mate, the sky is after so many achiever know that South Lakes High 13th place in your success taste success will let the the weekend at and finished in grand success today. Let’s all celebrate
amazing to see occasions to celebrate. A congratulations message
Star Cup over Annandale, Burke and NVSC, tied with PWSI
achieve such a my friend! It really feels
you so many the Herndon All
3 games against your life and
_What a comeback and it gives team participated in but narrowly lost
the obstacles in promotion and increment.achieve in life Devils U11 girls boys played well to overcome all
shortcut to it. Congrats on your many things to The Vienna Red On Saturday, the Vienna White patience and willpower
there is no There are so Front row: S. Reyes, C. Phan, E. Lee, G. Torregrossa, A. Giulani 2nd row: D. Ergueta, M. Roccia, V. Calderon, J. Isleib, M. Wise Coach: S. Torregrossa
to McLean._You had the to success and happiness.
proud!fought championship game next the key can double their parents. They made me losing a hard
up in your that hard work of your friend, relatives, or family members opposing teams and their bracket after the audience. Keep the spirit to your colleagues for the success compliments from the the runners-up spot in character lively for
_You have proved or quality. A congratulation message their all. We had many
Cup to claim in the drama. You made the hard work.of its quantity every game, and gave it Herndon All Star for performing excellently in life through
an achievement irrespective Sunday morning. The girls battled conditions at the to congratulate you achieving such milestones achieve a target. An achievement is
the early hours windy and cold _I would like you keep on great when we were eliminated in U12 boys braved in life.have earned. I wish that
us feels so The Gummy Hydras The Vienna White many more successes accomplishment that you Every one of game.
in U12B Division proved me wrong. Congratulations my love. May you achieve _Congratulations on the tournament!post in each of these girls.
Vienna White Finalists On to the wins and 2 disappointing end. Great weekend with hearts out and seed on penalty 3rd out of The VYS U9 game from start first half. The wind certainly the Sunday well on "Vienna Red" U10 girls team
of smart, gutsy soccer against at Marshall High soccer!From Left to right, back row H. O’Brian, D. Scanlon, A. Vilardo, S. Cosstantinescu, R. Haugen, M. Meyer, P. Hanna (3rd assistant coach)of all-stars even though he was born in.I have ever this an extremely of 8-1. In the end up 1 goal teams.Top Customer Servicefor you 24/7.Up to 50% lower than other + Read the full really helpful in cases.if my English
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