Wishes For 30Th Wedding Anniversary

Messages for a Spouse

• Thanks for continuing to decide to stay married to me for 30 years in a row!

• You have taken up a lot of space in my heart and mind over the last 30 years. You don't just live with me. You live in me.

• We have gotten to know each other well over the last 30 years, but I'm not done learning from you yet.

• 30 years felt like just a few years because time has flown while we've been having fun.

• Well, we've been married for 30 years now. I guess it has been long enough for us to make a well-informed decision about staying together.

• I can't imagine what my life would have been like without you for the last 30 years. I'm looking forward to another great 30 years with you.

• 30 years ago was an awesome day!

• 30 years multiplied by 365 equals the number of days I've been glad I married you. That's 10,950 days, by the way.

• I hope that 30 years is only 30% of how long we'll be married.

• 3 decades down, many more to go!

• How in the world did the time go by so fast? It seems like just yesterday we had only been married for 29 years!

Wishes for Parents, Friends, or Family Members

• Wow! 30 years is a long time to stay married just so that you can get this card! Happy 30th!

• I bet you feel like you've been married for three decades. That's because you have.

Wishes For 30Th Wedding Anniversary

• You guys have been married since the stone age. That's why they call it a "milestone."

• You've had 30 years to create the perfect marriage. Since I know you don't have a perfect marriage yet, you'll need to stay married much longer to keep working on it.

• Congratulations for being together for 10,957 days! That's an accomplishment.

• 30 years is considered a generation. You have been married for an entire generation. Congratulations!

30th Anniversary Quotes

There are not a lot of quotes out there specifically tailored to 30th anniversaries. The following are a handful of quotes that will work well for the occasion. I'll also add a few original ones.

Famous Quotes

• "Being in a long marriage is a little like that nice cup of coffee every morning—I might have it every day, but I still enjoy it." —Stephen Gaines

• "Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that is a treat." -—Joanne Woodward

• "Our wedding was many years ago. The celebration continues to this day." —Gene Perret

Original Ideas

• The best time of a marriage begins after 30 years together.

• 30 years of marriage can feel like a day or an eternity. That's why every married couple should have a time machine.

• It takes a couple years to learn how to talk as a child, but it can take 30 years of marriage to learn how to talk to your spouse.

• What you want in a marriage when you get married isn't always what you want after 30 years of marriage. Change expectations, but don't change spouses.

• The good thing and the bad thing about being married for 30 years is that you're halfway through "til death do us part."

30th Anniversary Poems

These are some simple and short poems you can write in a 30th-anniversary card.

Wishes For 30Th Wedding Anniversary

30 years we've been together
Through all types of weather
I'm glad I get to be with you
For the next 30 years too

After three decades, we know each other well
We know the quirks and the pet peeves
We know how to make each other yell
But our strength is what 30 years weaves

Wishing all the best for 30th wedding anniversary wishes for husband. This is complete collection of wishes and messages that you can share with your husband on the special day.

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Husband

• Dear husband, on this 30th anniversary of our wedding, I want to thank you for all the times you were there for me, for all the things you’ve done for us these 30 years. I also want to tell you how much I love you and how grateful I am for being with me in this life. I love you.

• Happy 30th Anniversary, Husband! These have been the best years of our lives. I am so glad that we decided to tie the knot 30 years ago. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I wouldn’t trade our marriage for anything in the world! I love you!

• Have a happy 30th anniversary and many more to come. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you and our children smiling. I love you very much.

• The years have passed, the past is gone but I still remember the love and our romance. Thank you for choosing me, thank you for loving me. Thank you for being by my side as I did the same for you. Your presence in my life has brought happiness, joy and love to my world. Thank you for a wonderful 30 years of being your wife!

• I hope that the upcoming year is filled with peace, happiness and most of all lots of love. I am blessed to be celebrating my 30th wedding anniversary with you! May our journey continue and may it be as successful as the last 3 decades have been. You bring me laughter, joy and complete fulfillment. I am lucky to have you in my life my darling husband. Love, Lois

• Dear Darryl, Thanks for out 30 years of marriage! I will always treasure this time we have had together. You are my best friend and you’ve always supported me. Happy anniversary!

• What a great life we’ve had! With each new year comes new memories that make me love you more. I am so glad we found each other and started our family. One of the greatest things about you is that you support my dreams and make me feel like a million bucks every day.

• 30 years ago, we had a truly unique wedding. It was simple – just our parents and siblings. Nothing fancy or over the top. But after 30 years together, I have to say it was the best wedding I ever attended! I hope our next 30 years are every bit as wonderful as the last.

• You and I have been through thick and thin, ups and downs. You are my best friend who always helps me up when I’ve fallen. You are my universe and I am your moon. So hey, 30 years has been pretty fun so far! I’m so glad to have you by my side, my number one fan in life!

• Happy 30th wedding anniversary my love! I can’t believe we have been together for 30 years! We have had our ups and downs, and have been through a lot but we are still going strong. I love our life and love being married to you. Thank you for always being there for me, and I hope we are here celebrating another 30 years together.

• Happy 30th anniversary to my wonderful husband. When I think back to that day, I am amazed at how much our lives have changed. You are still as handsome, charming and loving as the day we first met. I am so lucky to have you by my side, and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Wishes For 30Th Wedding Anniversary

• 30 years! Wow, that’s amazing. I can’t even think how many millions of kisses we have shared over the years. I still feel my heart skip a beat every time you smile at me and your eyes light up when you see me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more with every passing day and I just can’t imagine my life without you by my side. You mean the world to me, sweetheart!

• Happy anniversary darlin’! I know this is cheesy but I am so grateful and thankful for you, honey. You fill my life with such joy and make my heart beat faster. My love for you grows every day! Surround yourself with those that love you because one thing is for sure, your friends love you. 30 years strong and still going strong!

• I never thought that I would be one of the lucky ones to have found my soul mate. On our wedding day you made me feel like the luckiest woman alive, and now 30 years later, I feel even more blessed than ever. You are my best friend and soul mate, and I love you with all my heart.

• One of the toughest things I have ever done was the day I walked down that aisle and made the decision to spend the rest of my life with you. I know it sounds sappy but it is so true. I love you more every single day. We have made some great memories over the last 30 years and I look forward to making many more in the future! I love you, Babe!

• Here’s to another 30 years of friends and family, work, learning and sharing. To a lifetime of adventure and romance and dedication, I love you bubby.

• With each passing year my love for you is even more special. The day I met you was the luckiest day of my life, and every day we have together just keeps getting better. I am proud to be your wife.

• I love you, most adoring husband in the universe! I hope our love grows with every passing year, each day, every hour. My love for you will never fade in my heart!

• There are 12 million people in the world and I am so happy you are my husband. The journey is not over, but at the same time I want to thank you for being such a wonderful partner. There is no other man who I would trade places with. Happy 30th anniversary!

• To my dearest husband, we have come so far in this past 30 years together. Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive by marrying me. Thanks for staying true to our vows, I love you so much! Cheers to 30 more years!

• Our love has grown stronger with each passing year and I hope it continues as time goes by. I have loved you from day one, but as time moves forward that love gets deeper and deeper. I could spend an eternity telling you how amazing you are, but I know you don’t want to read a novel. So, all I can say is happy 30th anniversary and there will be many more to come with our love growing ever stronger!

• Dear Husband, 30 years ago we married, and my life was exchanged forever. Thank you for the love and support you’ve given me over all these years. Thank you so much for growing old with me. I love you now and forever.

• Thank you for being my best friend through everything. You’re the one that sees me for who I truly am. I couldn’t ask for a better life than I have with you by my side. We are celebrating thirty years of happiness together, and it’s all because of you. Happy 30th anniversary!

• I am so lucky to celebrate another year of marriage with you. You are my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. Each day I want to be near you and make all your dreams come true. I love you!

• Happy 30th anniversary! We have come so far, yet at the same time stayed true to ourselves. We have always loved each other and done what made us happy. I don’t think anyone could ask for more than that! Thank you for being such a great husband, I will be forever grateful to you.

Wishes For 30Th Wedding Anniversary

• 30 years seems like a long time, but when I think of the memories we have made and the love we have shared, it doesn’t seem so long. To be honest, I thought our marriage would last a few months at most. But we proved everyone wrong and after 30 years I still want you in my arms just as much as the day we were married. You are the love of my life and for always!

• We’ve been married for 30 years now. We have had our ups and down, but we have always gotten through it together. I am so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you. You are more than just my husband; you are my best friend! I love you forever.

• Happy 30th anniversary, my darling husband. I love you more than ever and can’t wait to spend our next big milestone together. You’re the best!

• I can’t believe it has been 30 years! The kids have grown up, finished college, gotten married and have their own kids. We have been through it all and still love each other more than ever. I know that the years ahead will bring so much fun and excitement, I can’t wait to see what is in store for us. Thanks for your love, passion and undying commitment to me. You are truly my best friend!

• Dear Husband, I’ve put off writing you this letter for a long time now, but I wanted to put in as much effort and detail as possible. To be honest, I wish I hadn’t waited so long to put this into words, then maybe we wouldn’t have been stuck with just the standard "I love you."

• When you find the person, you want to share your life with, be ready to give them everything. Being your wife for 30 years has been a blessing, and I feel truly lucky. Thank you so much for making me a priority and giving me the best of yourself every day. I am in 100% agreement that we make a great team!

• Happy 30th anniversary! Thanks for being an amazing partner. I am so lucky to have you by my side through life’s ups and downs. You are such a special man who’s been dedicated to making me happy. Thanks for all the late nights, phone calls and love. I am so glad we found each other!

• I love you with all my heart and soul. Every day I love you more and more. Life wouldn’t be the same without you to share it with. I am so blessed to have been blessed with a man that is so caring, gentle, and loving, like you are. Happy 30th anniversary! I can’t even imagine what another thirty years together will bring!

• I may not have been the prettiest girl in school, but you thought I was and that is why I fell in love with you. I will always cherish these 30 years we’ve shared together. You are and always will be the love of my life and a great friend. Happy 30th!

• You have always had my heart, and it still skips a beat every time I see you. Happy 30th anniversary, I love you!

• 30 years is a long time. It’s time to celebrate! I don’t know where our time has gone, but I’m so glad that you have been by my side all these years. Thank you for being an amazing partner. I love you and always will!

• Happy 30th anniversary from Mark and Rachel! We loved being with you today and spending this special day with you. Thanks for being the best role models for our family. We appreciate you so much!!!

• Wishing you a lifetime of happiness on your anniversary. I could have never done this without you. Thanks for putting up with me all these years!

30th Wedding Anniversary

Our 30th anniversary is going to be a grand one! It’s hard to believe that we have only been together for 30 years, isn’t it? It feels like we’ve been together forever!


Wishes For 30Th Wedding Anniversary

Happy 30th wedding anniversary to my dearest husband/ wife. Life would have been so much more different without you in it, and I wouldn’t have it any other way than what we have now.


To finally be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary! Our friends have always believed that we would be together for a long, long time and won’t you believe it, it actually came true!


Happy 30th wedding anniversary to the most amazing partner in the world. It’s true what they say, that you’ll know when you have found the one. I’m just so glad that we found each other!


We’re celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary today, and I hope it doesn’t sound too corny when I say that I’m already looking forward to our next wedding anniversary. Life is going to be amazing with you!


30 years have come and went since we first got married, and now we are settled with our children all grown up. Thank you for everything that you have done for our family.



It’s our 30th wedding anniversary today, and there is so much to celebrate for both of us! You have been nothing short of an amazing partner, and today, we celebrate us.


Happy 30th wedding anniversary, my dearest husband! Life hasn’t always been easy for us, but I’m so glad that we were determined enough to make it through. Thank you for everything.


We used to celebrate our anniversaries grandly, and we stopped doing that as the years go by. Today marks our 30th wedding anniversary, and I think it’s high time we celebrate again!


30 Year Anniversary

We’re well on our way to our 50 year wedding anniversary! We’ve been together for so long, sometimes it feels as if you know me more than I know myself. Cheers to us!


Happy 30 year anniversary to my best friend, my partner in crime and someone I am so, so proud to call my husband/ wife! Thank you for everything that you have contributed to us in the present.


I never knew that love could be so unconditional and relentless until I met you. You showed me what love could be like and made me a better person. Thank you, and happy 30th anniversary.


When I was still a kid, I thought 30 years was a very, very long time to be together with someone. Now that I’m here celebrating my 30th anniversary with you, it just feels like the years will never be enough.


Happy 30 year anniversary to my dearest partner! Years of being together have made you older, but you have stayed so youthful at heart even today. You’re the best!


30 Year Wedding Anniversary

When we first met, there were many things that I’ve thought would happen between us. But to be here, celebrating our 30 year wedding anniversary – this has to be the best thing to happen.


 In our first year together, I promised that we will celebrate years and decades of happy years together. I hope I have kept up my end of the promise. Happy 30 year wedding anniversary.


You have a knack of making me feel like the happiest man/woman in the world. I must be the happiest person in the world today to be here celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary!


Thank you for staying with me for so many years. The past 30 years would have been such misery without you by my side. Here’s to our 30 year wedding anniversary and many more.


I don’t think anyone else can stand being by my side for as many years as you did. Thank you for staying, regardless. Happy 30th wedding anniversary and I love you.


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