Joe Moran
books and they
the first graphic
Carl W. Smith
in Miami in those whose early
, many of these Certainly, they were among AIGA National Conference long list of
Saint Dwayne
Tanner Woodford
and publications. My bookshelves contain
Bobby Martin
the world.
sexism at the goes on the Information obtained from of your collaborations your books around about the blatant My name also Jobs | May 14- and the quality the impact of letter of complaint design community. Happy Birthday.(again, belatedly) and thank you.range of interests
not aware of a very cranky service to the All best wishes your seemingly inexhaustible Perhaps you are with my writing you have written. what a great Steven like this!)thank you for And happy birthday, Steve, from Australia too.It all began amount of books opportunity to acknowledge So I'd like to Happy Birthday!in design comprehend the giving people an art.Thank you Steve, and a belated hardest working man
I can't even begin (And thanks, too, to Jessica for Michelangelo, Rubens and Indigenous to write better.his influence. Steve is the This is lovely.find that it's still available!mixed up with helped me learn of work and afternoon.a flood, so I'm delighted to
- 'Design' - instead of being Journal. His expert editing
(or PhD thesis) someone does, reviewing his body early that Monday was lost in a new category
Christina Jackson
for the AIGA to the book which I couldn't have considered my favorites but - and soon encouraged another small piece Steve Heller. I'm looking forward masters program — the likes of Incidentally, 'Trylon and Perisphere' was one of hit Australian bookstores me to write were boosted by that has truly are titles to the early 90s. Steve Heller encourage design writing careers prepared me for know that I'd be meeting gentleman, scholar, and have made the joy in
Liz Danzico
York Times, for AIGA, for Print Magazine
Allan Chochinov
Thank you, Steve, for all you my gratitude; I owe him and influenced so what makes Steve world would be a dreary and
suicidal protagonist, (the character played was a little full of you.ever.un-numbered projects, ideas, collections, introductions, internships, more mentorships, and now a friendship and mentorship of preparing me, then introducing us, nothing could have AIGA let me Happy birthday Steve! You are a you. You deserve all of Visual Arts, for the New without his help.him more than
Gunnar Swanson
and quietly helped zeroed in on is what the never born. Turns out, that world is angel shows a In 1946 there of our profession. My bookshelves are Happy Birthday Steven! I hope it's the best spawned unseen and afternoon, leading to a a wonderful job Several years ago, mutual colleagues at the blinddreary without you. A most Happy, Happy Birthday to community, for the School
I would never, ever have had that I have. But I owe
Elizabeth Resnick
of spirit. He has selflessly
extraordinary output (101 books! Hundreds of forewords, introductions, articles, blog posts, and so on!), Jessica has accurately Drab and dreary if he was Life," in which an Happy Birthday!
advance the intellect Design 101others in turn, as that conversation had that sunny the first time. While they did richer.the blind leading be drab and me, for the design introductions and opportunities
have the life treasure: his pure generosity Heller. Aside from his saves his life.would be like out titled "It's A Wonderful Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!you've done to Happy Birthday Stev(en)!changed my life, but more importantly, the lives of
the conversation we Steven Heller for all our lives the world.and so on! My life would
have done for for so many many, many designers, illustrators and writers. In fact, if it weren't for Steve, I would not a true national
like without Steve drab place. The angel thus
Jessica Helfand
by James Stewart) what the world