Send with invoices & quotes
Here are just a few ways that attaching documents to quotes and/or invoices can help with your sales process:
No more questions about your invoices
The new attachment feature means that you can include additional documentation such as payment terms, delivery details, or add copies of documents needed in the sale.
By including these with your invoice, you can provide your customer with all of the information they need to understand the sale, make a timely payment, and reduce any potential back-and-forth with extra questions.
Make your quote more persuasive
You can also, for example, add a price list for all your services or products to your quote. Or perhaps sample photos. Sketches. A portfolio. Things that could be additionally interesting to your customer.
Essentially, you are free to include anything that presents your customer with the best image of your business. This allows you to make a more appealing offer to your customer.
How to add attachments
Now, you can simply create an invoice or quote in Debitoor as usual:
And when you scroll down to the bottom of your invoice template, you’ll see a new section where you can either drag & drop or select files to upload that will be attached and sent with your invoice.
When you send your invoice from Debitoor, any files you upload will be sent along with it.