Happy Birthday Son From Mom
1.My dear son, happy birthday! I’m blessed to have you as my child. You’re the best son in the world. Love you, dear! Know that, you can always count on me as you’re the most important part of my life. May God turn you into an honest and respected person!
2. For any mother, the best thing is to see her children’s healthy growth. I’m so happy that you’ve successfully completed 10 years of your life. Congratulations dear! May you get all the love and happiness! Be very happy!
3. Today is the most special day for me. I became a mother on this day. Thank you for coming into my life and for fulfilling me. Happy birthday, my prince! I wish every day of your life brings you new reasons to smile.
4. Happy birthday, my lovely son! I’m so thankful to God that he send you as my son. You are the blessings for me and the reason for my happiness. Love you! Enjoy every moment of life!
5. The long-awaited day has come again. Happy birthday, my child! Know that, you’ll always be my first priority and I’ll support you for every good work. May no sorrows ever come to your life! Have a blissful life!
6. A years ago, on this day, an angel came into my life who’ve brought the light of happiness. Happy birthday, my love! May God keep you free from all evils and give you the eternal happiness!
7. Happy birthday, my son! You are my pride, my love, and my everything. Never feel alone in the way of your life because your mom will always be with you in every situation. Many blessings!
8. My little munchkin, happy 5th birthday! Today is yours. So eat a lot of candy, cakes and celebrate the day with your little friends. Enjoy every moment of your childhood because this most beautiful phase of life will never come again.
9. Finally, the long awaited has come. Welcome to the adulthood, my son! This is the stage of life with a lot of responsibilities. I know you’ll be successful in every test of life. Always count on me. All the best for your life!
10. Happy birthday, my beloved son! You are the best son that any parents would like to have. You make us feel proud. May your desires are fulfilled and the happiness be your daily companion!
Quotes From Mother To Son On His Birthday
11. Congratulations my son for entering the new year. Sometimes I think that I must have done something very good in life that God has rewarded me with you. Always be like this happy and cheerful! Good luck!
12. My prince, you were the dream that comes true. I can’t imagine a day without you. My love, you’ll always be at the top place of my heart. Celebrate this day with much joy! Best wishes!
13. Happy birthday, my naughty boy! You’re the loveliest flower in the garden of my heart. I can do anything for your welfare. May God give you patience and make you a mature person! Have a blast on your birthday!
14. My adorable son, my best companion, happy birthday! Your smile gives me the eternal peace, your presence give me the unmeasurable happiness. May God enlighten the way of your life and make you the happiest person! Lots of love and affection for you, my child!
15. My baby boy, happy 1st birthday! I couldn’t understand how 1 year has passed. May God give you many years of healthy life! Many blessings!
Birthday Wishes For Son From Mother
16. Today you’ve turned into 20, my son. Congratulations on entering a new phase of life. You may have to face many new challenges and difficulties in life but never break down. You’ll always found me by your side to support you and I’m sure you’ll successfully overcome all the difficulties. Have a wonderful life ahead!
17. Happy 10th birthday, dear! You’re my love and my pride. Thanks for giving me the best 10- years of my life and hope to continue it. Don’t forget to follow the right path and be an honest and virtuous man.
18. Today is one of the most important days of my life. Because on this day God has sent you in my life which is the best gift ever. Happy birthday, my son! May you grow up with dignity and have the strength to remove all the difficulty! My blessings are always with you.
19. My dear son, today you’ve entered the teen phase. Many congratulations to you! You can make this new stage beautiful with your good nature and behavior. Always try to follow the good examples and listen to the good advice. Best wishes to you! Have a memorable 13th birthday!
20. Happy birthday, my superhero! May you have a day full of surprises, blessings, gifts, and warm wishes! Have an enjoyable and adventurous life! Know that, you are always in my prayers.
Birthday Quotes For Son From Mom
21. Congratulations my son for completing the twentieth phase. You’re now a grown-up man and I’m so happy to see your success. I wish you much peace, success, and wisdom. Many blessings!
22. Happy birthday, my dear son! Though you’re a man now, for me you’ll always be my little boy. Your smile is priceless to me. I’m so happy that you’ve become a great man with a big heart. May the intelligence, courage, joy, and success never be lack in your life!
23. The most handsome boy, happy birthday! You’re growing up and I want to tell you that, grab the opportunity that life offers you every day. If you ever lose, never break down and fight again for your goal. Always have faith in God, he’ll surely help you in every way. Best wishes!
24. Happy birthday, lovely son! On this special day, I promise you that, I’ll always listen to you, understand you and will try to guide you on the best path. My love and support will never be less. God bless you, my child!
25. Congratulations my son for another year of life! Whatever the situation, I will fight for you and love you forever. May this new year bring even more joy and hopes in your life! Have a lot of fun and enjoy every moment!
Birthday Wishes From Mom To Son
26. Happy birthday, my beloved son! I have loved you since you were in my womb. There’s no word that can explain how much love I feel for you. My boy, always respect the elders and love the younger. May you become a noble and ideal man in the future! All the love and blessings for you.
27. My handsome prince, happy birthday! Love yourself and all the people around you. Always be thankful to God because of your existence in this beautiful earth. May you always surrounded by your loved ones and have a wonderful life! Best of luck, cutie!
28. Beloved son, happy birthday! You’ve completed the teenage years and become mature enough. There is more way to go. Remember that, always hold your head high and follow only the honest way. God surely has kept the good thing for your life. Have a blessed life
29. My dear son, today is a happy day because it’s your birthday but I feel bad because for the first time you’re far away from us on this day. Happy birthday! I wish I could hug you tight to congratulate you. May you continue making us feel proud like today! Receive my love, affection, and kisses. Miss you!
30. Congratulations my son, you’re now in the adult phase. Happy 18th birthday! Learn more and try your best to gain your desired success. Never loss patient, courage, and hope and always focus on the goal. I know you’ll surely win. All the best, dear!
Best Birthday Wishes for Mother from Daughter
Go beyond the bare minimum for your mother’s birthday celebrations today by writing down your own unique wish for her on her birthday card. It’s time to get rid of store-bought birthday cards and wishes, and write in your own style instead! Not sure what to include in the meaningful birthday messages meant for your mum? Take a look at what we can provide you here and include your favorite birthday wish for your mother with a touch that only her daughter can provide on her card this year.
1. Mommy, your hug has always been the port and you have always been the anchor for your daughter. Sorry that I
am away from your port this special day. Happy birthday,Mom!
2. You are the one who stays out late for me every day, worry about my worries every night. I can’t find the words to describe the presence of life you gave me. Happy birthday my mother!
3. I want to happy, healthy and strong to watch me grow and gain more and more time together. Happy birthday my dear Mom!
4. You’ve always been the guide in my life, the path in my roads, making sure that I’m not taking the wrong way. For these reasons, and at least one hundred more, I love you. Happy birthday!
5. They say that relationship between mother and daughter is difficult and complicated. I say it’s unique. Happy birthday mum!
6. I always remember you say that you are growing older every year. No mommy, you are not growing older. We just steal more time together. Happy birthday Mom!
7. Every year the same question. What is the most fabulous present for the woman who gave me birth, has grown me up? The answer is always simple. There is no present that can reflect the gifts you gave to me. There is no present to reflect the love I feel for you. Happy birthday!
8. Every second that I breath, you do your best for me, just to see me smile. I owe you my happiness. Happy birthday mum!
9. Today is your day! And I wish we could just lounge on the sofa and watch movies together like the old good times. You can’t imagine how much I miss you. Happy birthday mum!
10. You are the touch in my pain, you are the cure in my heart. I feel peace in your hug and I can’t wait to see you grow older with me. Happy birthday my idol!
11. You gave me the miracle of life. Every time you cry , just remember these words. They are not said just for today. They will be said for a lifetime. Happy birthday mom!
12. All these years, you give the right rhythm to my movements. You are my guardian. Happy birthday mom!
13. There is no better thing in life than your love. There is no happiest person in the world than me,
Your daughter. Happy birthday World's best mum!
14. You are the friend, the idol, the courage, the road, the light. You are my mommy. Happy birthday!
15. Today, I just want to hug you, kiss you, feel the warm of your hug and the beat of your heart. For all the time you carried me, I will carry you in my heart. Happy birthday!
16. Roses are beautiful when they are grown. Happy birthday mum!
17. You are the fairy that made my life a fairytale. I love you mum. Happy birthday!
18. You know that I love you. You hear my voice in the silence. Happy birthday mom!
19. You are growing older, yes, but don’t worry mum. You’ ll always be my best mate. Happy birthday mother from your little daughter!
20. I have a kiss and I don’t know where to keep it for not getting lost. Is there any better place than your cheek? Happy birthday mum!
21. My Unforgettable Miracle. My mum! Happy birthday!
22. The first beat of my heart came from you. My first breath came from your soul. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful person in the world. I'll always be your little princess… Happy birthday mom!
23. When I run, you run with me. When I hide, you are the only one knows where I am, always waiting for me with a hug and a kiss. Today is my turn for hugs and kisses. Happy birthday mom!
24. Mum a word like an harmony in the world. My mum, the best harmony in the world! Happy
birthday mommy!
25. Have you ever heard of guardian angels? Yes, you are one of them. My special one. Happy
birthday my dear Mom!
Cute Birthday Wishes for Mother from Daughter
26. Mom, please enjoy your special day. Take care, rest, laugh, and hug, because you deserve to celebrate on your birthday. Happy birthday!
27. Mom, I hope you enjoy your birthday and spend the day laughing and smiling. You deserve it. Happy birthday!
28. You’re the only person I could ever imagine being my mother. I wouldn’t want anyone else in your place, not for the world, because you are my world. Love you mom. Happy birthday!
29. You’re the most perfect mother to ever walk this Earth. You’re smart, kind, beautiful, and courageous. The perfect woman, and the greatest mother. Happy birthday!
30. I could give you flowers, jewelry, money, and clothes, but that won’t tell you how much I love you. So I’ll do it now. Mom, you’re my best friend, my angel, and my first true love. You’re the best person in my life and I always want you by my side. Happy birthday!
31. Today is the day to celebrate how lovely you are. You’re a great mom who’s always done so much for me, so I want you to have a great day today. Happy birthday!
32. The bond between mother and daughter is like no other bond. You’ve taught me so much, and I can only hope I become the woman you are one day. Happy birthday!
33. I’ve loved you since the day I was born, and all these birthdays later, I love you just as much. I couldn’t ask for a better mother. Happy birthday Mom!
34. This is the day to laugh and celebrate. You’re with us and we’re so happy, and we want to celebrate many more birthdays with you. Happy birthday!
35. To a mom who has given her children so much, I say thank you. A thank you isn’t enough, nor is a kiss and hug. But I hope you know how much I love you, and how much I appreciate you. Happy birthday!
Beautiful Happy Birthday Mom from Your Daughter Messages
Moms are great. The efforts that they put into raising their children are just as great too, if not more. As such, it’s totally understandable to feel as if there is no way that we can ever fully repay our own parents for their love and care. Sure, there’s always handmade gifts & cakes to be gifted on Mother’s Day, and lots of hugs peppered through the days and weeks. However, like all mothers, sometimes it’s the kind words and gestures from their own beloved daughters that they yearn for.
36. Every great child was brought up by a wonderful, caring mother. Please know you did such a good job at raising me, teaching me, and loving me. Happy birthday!
37. To a mom who has taught me so much. Where do I begin? How do I express my love and gratitude for you? I don’t know if I can say it with words, so I’ll do it with a kiss. Happy birthday!
38. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. To smile and laugh and be content. I hope you can say that you truly feel that way, because you deserve it. Happy birthday!
39. You aren’t just my mom, you’re my best friend. You’ve always been there my side, looking out for me. I can’t thank you enough for that. Happy birthday!
40. You’ve done more than raise. You taught me to be strong, to be smart, to be independent. You taught what it’s like to be a powerful woman. I can’t thank you enough. Happy birthday!
41. Thank you for always being there for me, for giving me warm hugs and big kisses. You’ve always been in my corner. Happy birthday!
42. From day one, you took care of me, loved me, and made me feel so secure and happy. No one else could have done that for me. No one could ever make me feel that way. Thank you, mom. Happy birthday!
43. Moms do more than look after their children. They provide guidance and love and care. You went above and behind and still do to this day. I appreciate it so much. Happy birthday!
44. I’ve been so blessed to have you in my life. You brought me into this world and have done your best to care for me, love me, and nurture me. Happy birthday!
45. Mom, you’ve always believed in me, even when you knew I was making mistakes. You always let me live my life how I wanted, because you just wanted me to be happy. I want the same for you. Happy birthday!
46. You’ve always been such a devoted person. To the people around you, but especially your children. You show me such love and care that I can’t believe it sometimes. Thank you so much. Happy birthday!
47. Sometimes I feel like I’m not the best daughter, that I don’t do enough to make you happy. But you’ve still always shown me love and kindness and gratitude. Thank you for your loving way. Happy birthday!
48. All I can say is that I love you. I love you and everything about you. You’re the best mother in the world, and I hope one day I can be like you. Happy birthday!
49. I couldn’t ask for a better mother. You’ve always given me everything I could ask for in a parent. Thank you so much. Happy birthday!
50. Mom, you’re my best friend and one true love. You still teach me so much about being a woman, a mother, and a daughter. I’m so thankful to have you in my life. Love you mom. Happy birthday!
51. My lovely mom, today you’re celebrating another year of your life and I’m so happy for you. You’re my inspiration and I want to be like you. Thanks for all the support and love. Happy birthday mom! Enjoy a lot!
52. Today is one of the best most important days because it’s your birthday mom. Happy birthday! You are the best mom, the best guide and my best friend. I can never explain the love I feel for you. Always be very happy and keep smiling!
53. The most beautiful woman, happy birthday! I will never forget your sacrifices and dedication for me. I’m really lucky to be born from your womb and want to be your daughter in every life. May God grant you with many years of life and give you all the best things in life! Love you!
54. Happy birthday, my protector, my warrior mom! Your spirit, courage always inspired me. You’re like the light who spreads only the happiness in everyone’s life. May the Almighty give you all the strength and power so that you can always win! Have a beautiful day!
55. The most awaited day has come. Happy birthday, sweet mom! I’m so thankful to God for making me your daughter. You’re my true friend with whom I can share all my feelings. Thanks for being so lovely mother. Best wishes for your life!
56. The person I love the most is you, mom. We have the most beautiful relationship in the world. You’re the very special part of my life without which I’m nothing. Happy birthday to the best mom!
57. Dear mom, you didn’t give birth to me, but always considered me as your own child. You never differentiate me from my siblings. I’m really blessed that God has sent me to you. Happy birthday, mom! Love you a lot!
58. Today you’ve completed another year of your life, mom. My heartiest congratulations to you. Wish you a wonderful and blessed life forever!
59. Happy birthday, mom! You’ve raised me with much love and care. Whatever I’m today, is all because of you. Thanks for everything and I promise I’ll make you feel proud. May this day come repeatedly in your life!
60. Don’t think that you’re getting older, because you’re my evergreen mom with a lot of youthful spirits. All the love for you, mom. Wish you a very happy birthday!
61. The most pure-hearted woman, happy birthday! Mom, you're the perfect figure for the womanhood. I’m proud to have you in my life. You deserve all the love and happiness of the world. Love you!
62. Dear mom, your existence is fundamental for me because I’m incomplete without you. Always be by my side in every situation. The best mom, happy birthday! Stay blessed and be happy today and always.
63. The person who always being there for me is you. I can’t ever forget your unconditional love. Happy birthday, mom! May God keep you healthy and fit and give you the eternal happiness!
64. Today is one of the happiest days of my life because I’m here with you to celebrate your 50th birthday! Congratulations mom, you’ve done a great job during these years and deserve only the good things in life. Best wishes mom! Enjoy much and make this day an unforgettable one!
65. I know, I’m not the best daughter but you’re the best mom in the whole universe. Many many happy returns of the day, mom! Always enjoy your life and keep smiling!