long life together, Romeo and Juliet!ובניו יותר ממה the bride." – Mi Adir• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא כל משאלות , • Wishing you a לו ויכבד אשתו
the bridegroom and wishes!, • Congratulations, you’re married! (My condolences)ויתכסה במה שיש the beloved, may He bless you all your ,
knowing you…שיש לו וילבש lovers, the joy of • English Version: May God grant websites: • It’s been nice וישתה פחות ממה thorns, the affection of נחת
Information obtained from trash"• Hebrew Version: "לעולם יאכל אדם the rose of • Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם הרבה Mazel Tov 🙂
= "Honey, take out the was created." – Talmud Chullin 84bthe speech of of Nachat/Naches(but don’t copy!).• From now on, guys night out and the world • English Version: "He Who understands • English Version: Wishing you lots So steal away rate was 50%? So, heads or tails?One Who spoke the bride.”
• Hebrew Version: ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחהRemember:
that the divorce dependent on the
the bridegroom and • English Version: Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha (Hebrew for "blessing, wealth and success")
I do (I wasn’t even invited! 😡)• Did you hear
and he is the beloved, may He bless
Wedding Messages From Parents to Couple
כל החלומותmuch better than transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".dependent on him lovers, the joy of • Hebrew Version: !שתגשימו יחד את
bride and groom • Congratulations on your within his means; as they are thorns, the affection of together!
Besides, you know the the free snacks!than what is the rose of all your dreams the blessing.
• Thanks for all and children more the speech of • English Version: May you fulfill of yours into your wedding day!
honor his wife "He Who understands • Hebrew Version: לחיים טובים ולשלוםthat special personality get wasted on with his means, and he should weddings.peace")"oomph", inject some of
• So excited to himself in accordance chanted in Ashkenazi • English Version: L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom (Hebrew for "Good life and card that extra • Listen to Me… Listen to Her!
dress and cover from the "Mi Adir", a song commonly your "Cchh").to give your in one marriage?his means, and he should
This quote comes to start practicing so far. If you want • Who needs Netflix, when you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller all what is within החתן ואת הכלה”with "L’Chaim" (now’s the time only get you your blessing backfires!).
drink less than הכל, הוא יברך את conclude the blessing & pasted blessings will to me if always eat and הכל, מי דגול על giving the toast, just remember to bunch of copied
(and don’t come crying • English Version: "A person should הכל, מי גדול על Tip: If you’re the one
From Parents to Son
card with a joke. In other words: Know your audience was created."הכל, מי ברוך על David:A Jewish wedding can take a
and the world • Hebrew Version: “מי אדיר על To quote King comes from you.couple, and that they One Who spoke the bride." – Mi Adirfoolish, yes?).
warm, heartfelt blessing that relationship with the dependent on the the groom and groom (just don’t do anything to you, nothing beats a have a close
and he is distinguished beyond all; He should bless the bride and blessings I present – make sure you dependent on him greater than all; He who is bring joy to matter how many your wedding card within his means; as they are blessed above all; He who is
wonderful way to That’s because no these wishes on than what is mightier than all; He who is I "checked", wine is a highlighted the "personal" part?them obnoxious. Before you put and children more • English Version: "He who is and groom. And last time Notice how I wishes hilarious; others will find
honor his wife the bride."to the bride card.will find these with his means, and he should
the groom and the Torah) to bring joy personal Jewish wedding Warning: Some married couples himself in accordance distinguished beyond all; He should bless a Mitzvah (a commandment from
wedding ceremony, or write a the raindress and cover greater than all; He who is It is considered toast at the
• Stand outside in his means, and he should blessed above all; He who is family).a thoughtful blessing, give a funny the crowd
what is within mightier than all; He who is of the alcohol and groom with • Stand out from drink less than "He who is the other members congratulate the bride
From Parents to Daughter
make you:always eat and reception.(don’t worry, we don’t discriminate against Whether you’re looking to wishes can either "A person should of the wedding fond of wine
known to mankind!Well, you better be… because the following spouse.Jewish wedding ceremony, and the beginning Jews are particularly of blessings ever on people’s faces?of loving, caring, and respecting your end of the Jewish weddings.most beautiful stream put a smile
stressing the importance glass, which marks the of toasts in to unleash the and beyond to full of quotes groom breaking the my, are there plenty your toolkit, you’re now ready to go above The Talmud is
concluded with the after every toast. And my oh wedding wishes in jokes? Are you willing אשתו” – תלמוד, בבא מציעא נט’ אblessings ceremony. The blessing is L’Chaim is chanted Congratulations! With these Jewish
for your witty אדם אלא בשביל recited (and chanted) at the seven • Hebrew Version: !לחייםMazel Tov!couple? Are you known בתוך ביתו של This blessing is • English Version: L’Chaim! (Hebrew for "To life")the trash.friends with the שאין ברכה מצויה • Hebrew Version: “קוֹל שָׂשׂוֹן וְקוֹל שִׂמְחָה קוֹל חָתָן וְקוֹל כַּלָּה"• Hebrew Version: !ברכה והצלחה
= you taking out Are you good זהיר בכבוד אשתו • English Version: "Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"• English Version: Bracha & Hatslacha! (Hebrew for "blessing and success".)knowing you… From now on, guys night out • Best wishes
• Hebrew Version: לעולם יהא אדם "Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"כשר ואוהבIt’s been nice • Hugs and kisses1• Hebrew Version: "מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".couplewife" – Talmud, Bava Metzia 59a 3:4loving homeAnyway, congratulations on your as a happy
due to his my soul loves" – Song of Songs a Kosher and your own marriage.of joy, success, and fulfillment together person’s home only the one whom • English Version: May you build anymore… Now that you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller in
two a lifetime found in a • English Version: "I have found נאמן בישראלdon’t need Netflix
• I wish you of his wife, for blessing is my soul loves"• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית Oh, and you probably guestabout the honor
From Parents to Son in Law
the one whom in Israelwedding day! (dude, my condolences)you as your always be careful "I have found
a loyal home Congratulations on your wonderful day with • English Version: "A person should cards.• English Version: May you build ושמחים… לחייםto celebrate this
wife"– on Jewish wedding חתונתכם!לחיי נישואין ארוכים • We’re so excited due to his Jewish wedding invitations, modern Ketubahs, and of course • Hebrew Version: מזל טוב לרגל כשר ונאמן בישראל, בעזרת ה'.
life forever!person’s home only featured anywhere from your wedding dayשתזכו להקים בית to fill your found in a Jewish weddings. You’ll see it
• English Version: Mazel Tov on תעשו.• May today’s joy continue of his wife, for blessing is common quote in את חייכם לעדברכה, פרנסה, והצלחה בכל אשר
a long, happy, and fulfilling lifeabout the honor far the most • Hebrew Version: שהאושר ימשיך למלא כל שנה, אמןthe beginning of always be careful Songs is by life forever!באושר ואהבה. שאהבה שלכם תגדל
• May today mark "A person should from Song of to fill your !שה’ ימלא את ביתכם stronger every yearanother classic.King Solomon’s famous verse • English Version: May today’s joy continue את חייכם לעד.grow stronger and
marriage. This quote is • Hebrew Version: "אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי"When in doubt, say Mazel Tov!שהאושר ימשיך למלא • May your love about love and 6:3
From Parents to Daughter in Law
"Mazel Tov".חתונתכםtogether!lots to say beloved is mine." – Song of Songs blessings, the crowd cheers
!מזל טוב לרגל all your dreams see, King Solomon has beloved's and my after the seven "מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"• May you fulfill As you can • English Version: "I am my breaks the glass
L’Chaim!together.• Hebrew Version: "רְאֵה חַיִּים עִם-אִשָּׁה אֲשֶׁר-אָהַבְתָּ"beloved is mine."• When the groom marriage.on your journey love" – King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 9:9beloved's and my cardlong and happy
as you embark the woman you "I am my in your wedding Wishing you a fun, exciting, and peaceful life • English Version: "Enjoy life with
quotes (maybe one day)…"Mazel Tov" at least once loving home.• Wishing you a love"book just with • You’ll likely write a Kosher and
your wedding daythe woman you fill an entire (the reception area).May you build • Wishing you joy, love, and happiness on
Enjoy life with marriage and love. I could easily the Kabbalat Panim Bracha, Parnasa & Hatslacha together.in your life.uniting into one.beautiful quotes, sayings, and phrases about family with "Mazel Tov" as they enter
I wish you a new chapter of two souls is full of couple and their stronger every year!• Today you begin Eve, another great symbol
The Jewish tradition • Guests congratulate the grow stronger and with lasting joy!between Adam and ושמחים, לחיים
use it everywhere…you with love, joy, and laughter, BH. May your love ahead be filled the connection formed • Hebrew Version: !לחיי נישואין ארוכים Jewish weddings. You’ll hear it, say it and May God bless • May the years This quote describes marriage, L’Chaim!common blessing in life forever!
together!• Hebrew Version: "עַל-כֵּן, יַעֲזָב-אִישׁ, אֶת-אָבִיו, וְאֶת-אִמּוֹ; וְדָבַק בְּאִשְׁתּוֹ, וְהָיוּ לְבָשָׂר אֶחָד"long and happy far the most to fill your all your dreams become one flesh." – Genesis 2:24• English Version: Here’s to a translation is "good luck"). It is by May today’s joy continue • May you accomplish and they shall מלאים באהבה, שלווה ושמחהversion of "congratulations" (although the literal your wedding!and blessings…to his wife • Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם בחיים
Wedding Congratulations Messages to Parents of Bride
"Mazel Tov" is the Hebrew Mazel Tov on popular wedding wishes mother and cling lifetime of love, peace, and joy• Hebrew Version: "!מזל טוב"3:4of the most father and his you with a • English Version: Mazel Tov!my soul loves" – Song of Songs Here are some
shall leave his • English Version: May God bless the wedding ceremony. the one whom of a kind! • English Version: "Therefore a man אור בביתכםthe bride at "I have found is truly one become one flesh."• Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם וישרה any parents of you "cheated", now do you?a blessing that and they shall
in your homeuse to wish to find out the park with to his wife a bright light that you can bride and groom it out of mother and cling you and shine sweet text samples You don’t want the of both worlds! That way, you can knock father and his • English Version: May God bless some beautiful and dust…combining the best shall leave his
In fact, I strongly recommend "Therefore a man • Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא את ביתכם Bride’. We hope that match your tone, sprinkle some of religion, of course).again" – Zoharlove and happinessto Parents of bit, change it to that involves another married, they are reunited your home with of ‘Wedding Congratulations Messages word for word. Customize it a
(unless it’s a blessing this world. When they are • English Version: May God fill this beautiful guide and copy it in Jewish weddings their descent to מלאים באהבה ושמחהa look at of these blessings. But don’t be lazy just as well soul, separated only through
• Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם נישואין much for taking copy, borrow, or steal any other weddings works wife are one love and happinessThank you so Important: You’re welcome to to Jewish blessings. What works in • English Version: "A husband and a lifetime of hesitation. inspiration.have to stick again"be blessed with her without any can use as
wedding doesn’t mean you married, they are reunited • English Version: May your marriage you can send and templates you Just because it’s a Jewish this world. When they are • Hebrew Version: !תבורכו תמידwedding day that wedding card examples the snacks :).their descent to blessed, always!bride on her a bunch of to stay off soul, separated only through • English Version: May you be parents of the In this section, I’ll give you another great reminder
wife are one באהבה, שמחה, וצחוק, בעזרת הmessages to the a beautifully-written wedding card?from the Talmud. Plus, it gives us "A husband and • Hebrew Version: !'שחייכם יהיו מלאים these marriage congratulations translate that into Another great quote החתן ואת הכלה”.love, joy, and laughter, BHmessage. We have developed and greetings… now what? How do we והיה העולם"דודים, הוא יברך את be filled with deserve a congrats
Jewish wedding blessings תלוי במי שאמר חוחים, אהבת כלה משוש • English Version: May your lives costing. That’s why they
bunch of great תלויין בו והוא • Hebrew Version: “מי בָן שיח שושן לבכםwho do all OK, you found a שיש לו שהן day congratulations message?the big day. daughter both are daughter in that human life and my prayers and who has been because it’s not just the bride on for her married wonderful parent and
her. I hope you to your cute life right now to start will and joy in wonderful achievement in done everything in to Parents of for her blessed everything in this we have to your daughter to parent and raised to start a day with some
Mazel Tov
lots of blessings
with so many
Hey, first of all, I want to any parents’ on the day and loving message. Here are some the happiest and how happy for to be wishing On the most
wedding messages will so happy makes so much happinessus to witness will make him
time together after becoming part of is filled with last for all
and how you've become such wifeyou. You've brighten his our love• We are over
love that never
May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
to have such as man and baby. Congratulations and all
what a fantastic last through the
Mazel Tov on your wedding day
• We wish you moment you met. And now you're making an
best wishes for you make our
May you build a loyal home in Israel
to have you • We are thrilled new son in
stolen your heart. May every day you have found. May all your
May you build a Kosher and loving home
have a magical share your life incredible day and
girl who we believe you're getting married. Life goes by
Bracha & Hatslacha!
wedding day. May it bring
of such joy
happiness and today
we know you've found it blessings and love won't be tears daughter on this and wonderful day
than any other the dayget married. We hope you about more than you a life special for us. Congratulations and all
forever. Have a wonderful loveis just the and all the raising our glasses parents we are • You have found love of your and get up marriage brings you you get married
this for years. You have grown our best wishes
this joyous daytogether as man in the magic we are so our darling son/daughter get married best for your
L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom
to be filled future as man
you begin an
May you fulfill all your dreams together!
people so in as each day a lifetime
wonderful live together• We couldn't be any
Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha
• Wedding Messages From
Wishing you lots of Nachat/Naches
will help you what you've been looking
proud for them overwhelming.
May God grant you all your wishes!
what you're feeling? To see your day or in it can be
are probably running the two persons
May your lives be filled with love, joy, and laughter, BH
on the wedding for her on things. You and your
to raise a wonderful step of
May you be blessed, always!
to her. I have all a wonderful lady
of your life
May your marriage be blessed with a lifetime of love and happiness
the parents of and education, all the best life. You are a and blessings to
Hey dear, all the best stage of her
May God fill your home with love and happiness
daughter is going all the happiness you for her
and she has Wedding Congratulations Messages
May God bless you and shine a bright light in your home
to keep praying daughter more than this process and It’s time for
were a wonderful her life. She is going
May God bless you with a lifetime of love, peace, and joy
to face this daughter. I am sending to remember and
sweet messages. you to wish
Here’s to a long and happy marriage, L’Chaim!
sending a sweet is one of to show just
want their parents wedding.
Jewish Wedding Quotes & Sayings
We hope these son. You making him bring each other an honor for marrying our son. We know you to spending lots • Here's to you
a life that a real joy. May your happiness your love grow
becoming husband and he is with to the family! Congratulations and sending – congratulations!
our daughter a
time together. We are thankful in your life you marrying my daughter true happiness. You have proven conquer all and right!from the first blessings and our just how happy we couldn't be happier
very happy• We welcome our man who has
celebrate you, our daughter, and the love love and blessings the person to who deserves an
were that little
us to really
daughter on your
love today and
to a future us than your the world and • Wishing you our can't promise there wish to our you. Have a blessed us more proud the magic of our little princess
person you care dad, we are wishing to be so you can treasure such happiness. With all our • We know this a spectacular day
we will be else, and as your your wedding dayhappiness with the you grow, seen you fall forever and your delighted to see
looking forward to son getting married. Congratulations and all us share in wedding and lives letting us share perfect couple and
• Just to see you all the to look forward a truly magical
your parents as to witness two only grow stronger that will last you both a Daughter in Law• From Parents to a card.
from parents that should be just emotions and how going to be their lives, you truly express on their wedding But as parents married then emotions
her parents are of the bride and good wishes all these beautiful
on your daughter’s wedding. It’s not easy Weddings are a man, all the best goes every week. Your daughter is for the rest good wishes to a wonderful manner
rest of her lots of love great with her, all the best. the most perfect the life your the girl. May she find congratulate both of
a wonderful kid kid. well. I want you things. You love your to go through to her. and plans. I know you
crucial time for Every parent has raising an amazing daughter’s wedding. I know it’s a day these cute and Bride’ that can assist help them by
of a daughter
wishes and messages are going to children a happy for the weddinglife with my perfect couple and
• It will be ecstatic you are and look forward
smile. Congratulationsand our son and wife is
our sons and
see you two as happy as daughter in law a perfect couple • Wishing you and such a happy
the first day delighted to see will bring my wedding. May your love you treat her for each other both. You have our • We can see
wonderful partner and make our daughter from now ondaughter and the joyous day we you both. With all our • You have found our arms. But you're a grown, beautiful woman now only yesterday you
• It's hard for to you our you all our those first steps more important to the happiness in
that aisle!bride and we • Our loving Best happy we for day – you have made
and enjoy all happy to see laughter with the • From mom and wedding is going a lifetime and will bring you future. Congratulations• We wish you love today. Congratulations son and happier than anyone our love on you find true • We have watched that you remember and we are • We have been to see our
you for letting happiness for your • Thank you for imagine. You make the joy and love• We are wishing years you have the start of • Best wishes from to be there wedding day. May your love happiness and love you get married. Congratulations and wishing • From Parents to Sonor write in of wedding messages these wedding wishes
fully reflect those the aisle is biggest day of to your children well as you!son is getting from planning to is getting married to the parents each of you, all the best
her married with a great off her, all the best.to a wonderful that comes and
Popular Wedding Wishes
day to remember Sending all the your daughter in her for the at her wedding. I am sending everything will be happiness, blessings, and joy. She is on I wish that wishes, love, and blessings for in her life. I want to
Your daughter is to the great know that very a few little with her husband. Every girl has a great way, all the best so many dreams so much happiness. It’s a very
to her. a wonderful job you on your you will love
to Parents of parents’ life. That’s why it’s important to The wedding day
best. So use these their lives they to wish your
happy! All our blessings long and happy son. You make the
and best wishes• We are absolutely
with open arms make each other • We wish you you becoming husband pleasure to see
are thrilled to seen our son welcome our new
gets more powerful. You are such in lawthe beginning of
• May today mark and I am • I know you
a truly wonderful of our daughter. Congratulations son, and make sure • You were meant
love between you in law. Congratulationsfund such a that you will love and laughter
• Congratulations to our • On this truly are overjoyed for forward to. Congratulationsand hold in
it feels like
that lasts forever
Funny Wedding Wishes
and best wishes parents and wishing see you take • There is nothing happy day. You deserve all you walking down the most beautiful your new husbandcan't express how
on her wedding of your dreams • We are so
with love and your loving parents
• To witness your memories that last
exciting future that world for the your partnershare in your who makes you – congratulations and all get to see never though possible. Congratulationsa special day incredible young man dayjoy we feel • Congratulations and thank every bit of both
gift we could each other untold
happiness. Congratulations!
• May all the together. This is just happily ever after
• We are delighted both on your
both! Wishing you endless thrilled to see
Son in Law• From Parents to thing to say
a great selection Well if you're struggling then you use to
son walking down How can, on arguably the
what to say
day. For them as If you're daughter or
Jewish Wedding Card Message Examples
the hard work When a girl What to write lucky to have way and get I have done
good wishes for getting married now a regular day the wedding day. It’s a wonderful life. you have raised
will be supporting, caring, and loving to and sweet daughter and I hope be full of her life. life, lots of good a great way Bridelife, all the best
world and I accept and sacrifice tie the knot your daughter in
The Traditional Blessing
new life with sadness and with and good wishes mixed feelings. Overall, you have done
congratulate both of of the wedding. I am sure
‘Wedding Congratulations Messages memorable days in them you are.
them all the important day of have helped you us almost as
• Wishing you a you marrying our
so happy. All our love the weddingour little family! We welcome you
only the best. May you laugh, love and always timea strong couple. So to witness
• Its been a
The Hebrew Blessing
world and we
• We have never the moon to
dies and only a great son
wife and be my loveman you are
agesand our daughter
honest woman out your marriage
daughter and the as our son
The Funny Blessing
our daughter has law and know
be filled with dreams come trueweddingwith and we
future to look could pick up
so fast and you a happiness • Sending our love and love. Congratulations from your
we get to
with your husband-to-be. Congratulationson such a when we see amazing day. You will be and life with parent and we • To our daughter
have the wedding anyonethat is filled the best from day• To our son, may you make beginning of an love in the
to you and so happy to
that one person life. To our son again, and now we a joy you • May you enjoy into such an
for your big • We can't express the and wifeof today. We wish you happy for you is the greatest married life. May you bring with love and and wifeamazing new life love get married. May you live passed
• Here's to you • Congratulations to you happier or more • From Parents to
Parents to Couple
find the perfect for. We've put together
you are?