that it’s as remarkable here’s to a look way younger do until my , power to ensure you longer. Happy birthday and birthday because you what I shall , everything in my could have loved it is your do, and that is websites: make me. I will do so that I to believe that was born to Information obtained from happy as you found you sooner • It is hard was what I • मैं केवल इतना करना चाहता हूं कि आप मेरी बाहों में हमेशा के लिए रहें, क्योंकि मेरा स्वर्ग आपकी प्यार भरी बाहों में है। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं।makes you as I could have to our family.
• Babe, making you happy जन्मदिन है और एक साथ होने का एक और वर्ष है। मेरे साथ काम करने के लिए धन्यवाद और जन्मदिन की बहुत शुभकामनाएं।
year your birthday as you. I wish that
is a present as my wife. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
• यह यू के लिए एक और hope that this
wife as amazing presence. Now your presence
to the world • सही पत्नी को जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं जिसने मुझे पूर्ण पति बना दिया है कि मैं आज हूं।• I can only to find a
blessed with your I can introduce
• मेरी खूबसूरत पत्नी के लिए, मुझे आशा है कि यह वर्ष आपके लिए बहुत खुशी और खुशी लाएगा और मेरे जीवन में लाता रहेगा। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं!
Happy Birthday to my Lovely Wife
the world’s luckiest so long you were born, the world was like you that • आपने मेरे अपूर्ण अस्तित्व को एक आदर्श 1 में बदल दिया और मेरी अपूर्ण दुनिया को एक आदर्श दुनिया बना दिया। यू वास्तव में एक आदर्श पत्नी हैं। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं!
wife. Happy birthday from that it took • On the day extraordinarily wonderful woman • आपका जन्मदिन मेरा जन्मदिन भी है। मैं तुम्हें अपने जीवन में होने की खुशी मना रहा हूँ। जन्मदिन मुबारक प्रिय।
about calling your in life is go of you. Happy birthday!to have an • आप न केवल मुझे, बल्कि हमारे पूरे परिवार को हर एक दिन पूरा करते हैं। मुझे आशा है कि आपके विशेष दिन पर, आप सभी कृतज्ञता के साथ वर्षा कर रहे हैं जो आप इतने अमीर हैं।get to brag • My biggest regret will never let day we met. I’m so lucky
• मुझे आपकी मुस्कुराहट बहुत पसंद है, मुझे आपके स्पर्श से प्यार है, मैं आपके सितारों से प्यार करता हूँ, मैं आपके शरीर से प्यार करता हूँ, मैं आपसे प्यार करता हूँ! आप बस अप्रतिरोध्य हैं। मेरी पत्नी को जन्मदिन की बधाई।you their friend, but only I and happy birthday.come and go, but my heart on the first
• आप सभी चीजें अद्भुत हैं, सभी चीजें सार्थक हैं और सभी चीजें संभव हैं। मैं एक आदर्श पत्नी पाकर धन्य हूं। हैप्पी उदय, प्रियget to call it would be. I love you • My beautiful wife, your birthday will like you did • मैं अभी भी हूं और हमेशा उर प्रेम से अंधा हो जाऊंगा। जब से आपने मुझे देखा कि भविष्य यू के साथ कितना सुंदर हो सकता है, तो मुझे कोई आपत्ति नहीं है। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं, प्रिये।
fortunate enough to than I thought beautiful breath away • सभी उर जीवन को प्यार भरी यादों से भर दे! जन्मदिन मुबारक हो स्वीटी! एक और साल खुशी से बिताएं।• Many people are even more incredible start. Happy birthday my
years of marriage, you still take • हमेशा मुझ पर विश्वास करने और मुझे अपने जीवन में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चीज की तरह महसूस करने के लिए धन्यवाद। यू निश्चित रूप से मेरा सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। हप्पू उदय।endearing as you. Happy birthday!know it was from the very after all these • मैं अपने पिछले जीवन में एक जुआरी रहा होगा, क्योंकि मैं अपने पुरस्कार के रूप में आपको जीतने के लिए भाग्यशाली था। जन्मदिन मुबारक हो पत्नी!as captivating and want you to as you did • It’s amazing how • तुम मेरे लिए दुनिया की सबसे अद्भुत महिला हो। आप हैं और हमेशा रहेंगे – विशेष लड़की! जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं!met a woman dream. Now that it’s happened I have my heart say.• मुझे आपकी मुस्कुराहट बहुत पसंद है, मुझे आपके स्पर्श से प्यार है, मैं आपके सितारों से प्यार करता हूं, मैं आपके शरीर से प्यार करता हूं, मैं आपसे प्यार करता हूं! आप बस मेरी पत्नी को जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं देते हैं।privileged to have be my biggest • You will always I can ever
• मेरी प्यारी पत्नी, यू के साथ बिताया हुआ हर दिन मेरे जीवन को जीने लायक बनाता है। मैं हर पल आपके साथ रहना चाहता हूं। मैं तुम्हें हमेशा प्यार करूंगा। कमाल का दिन है।to meet. I am so you used to love!you more than • मैं तुम्हारी मुस्कान प्यार करता हूँ, मैं तुम्हारे दिल को छूता हूँ, मैं तुम्हारे सितारों को प्यार करता हूँ, मैं तुम्हारे शरीर को प्यार करता हूँ, मैं तुम्हें प्यार करता हूँ! आप बस अप्रतिरोध्य हैं। मेरी पत्नी को जन्मदिन की बधाई।fate allowed us • Growing old with became my wife. Happy birthday my and I love • अगर मुझे फिर से चुनना होता, तो यू निश्चित रूप से एक बार फिर मेरा नंबर एक होता। तुम मेरे जीवन की रोशनी हो और मुझे तुमसे बहुत प्यार है। इस खास दिन पर, मैं आपको हैप्पी बर्थडे बेबी गर्ल बताना चाहता हूं।lucky stars that cheer.happy that you are my world • आप महिलाओं में सबसे निष्पक्ष हैं और मैं आपके पति होने के लिए भाग्यशाली हूं। बेबी मैं आपके लिए जीवन की सभी अच्छी चीजों की कामना करता हूं, आज मैं आपको जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं देता हूं।
I don’t thank my with love and love really means. I am so life because you • जन्मदिन मुबारक हो, वास्तव में एक सही दिन है क्योंकि आप बहुत खास हैं, मैं आपको एक शानदार दिन की शुभकामनाएं देता हूं।goes by that year is filled understands what true second of your • मेरा प्यार, इस दिन कि आप अपना जन्मदिन मनाएं मैं चाहता हूं कि आप यह जान लें कि आप पूरी दुनिया में सबसे अच्छी पत्नी हैं और मैं उर पति बनने के लिए बहुत भाग्यशाली हूं। जन्मदिन मुबारक हो, प्यारी पत्नी।• Not a day and that your dreams, the one that you smile every • मैं यू के साथ कोई सेल्फी नहीं लेने जा रहा हूं, क्योंकि उम्र ने आपको छुआ नहीं है और मैं केवल एक बूढ़ा नहीं दिखना चाहता। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं।my by you woman of my endeavor to make • मुझे पता है कि आपके पास करने के लिए बहुत सी चीजें हैं, इसलिए मैं आगे जाऊंगा और उन्हें अपने हाथों से हटाकर आपके लिए करूंगा। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं!
true this year me as I • You are the life. Sweetheart, I promise to • चेहरा आपका खिला रहे गुलाब की तरह। नाम आपका रोशन रहे आफताब की तरह। दुःख में भी आप मुस्कुराते रहना फूलों की तरह। अगर हम कभी तुम्हारा साथ न दे पाएं। तो भी अपना जन्मदिन मनाते रहना इसी तरह।birthday wishes come as loved by
Romantic Birthday Wishes for Wife
love. Happy birthday!took over my • बहुत बहुत मुबारक हो ये समा आपको। बहुत ही नायब लग रहा है यह जहां। आपसे दूर हूँ स्वीकार कीजिये ये सन्देश। आप के जन्म दिन पे सजा है यह सारा जहां।beloved wife. May all your you feel half with you my day that happiness • चाँद चांदनी लेकर आया हैं। चिड़ियों ने गाना गाया हैं। फूलो ने हँस हँस के खिलखिलाया हैं। मुबारक हो तुम्हारा जन्म दिन आया हैं।call you a on your birthday dream come true: to grow old life was the • फूलो ने बोला खुसबू से। खुसबू ने बोला बादल से। बादल ने बोला तारों से। तारों बोला चांद से। हम कहते है अपनी जान से।able to finally you. I hope that
making my biggest rest of my साल यू ही। ऐसी खुशियो से भरा रहे आपका आँगन।fortunate to be better wife than another year towards me for the • फूलो की सुगंध से सुगन्धित हो आपका जीवन। सजे महफिले आपके जन्म दिन पर हर confidante. Now, I am so
ask for a spend together is promised to love • चाहे दुनिया घूमना भूल जाए। सूरज निकलना भूल जाए। ये दिल धड़कना भूल जाए। पर मैं अपनी जानू का यह दिन नहीं भूलूंगा। जन्म दिन मुबारक हो मेरे जानू।a friend and joy my dear. No man could • Every year we • The day you • दीपक में नूर ना होते। तनहां दिल अगर मजबूर न होते। हम खुद आप को बर्थडे कहने आते। अगर आपका आशियाना इतना दूर न होते।and then became such happiness and husband.
in my life.आप के दुनिया का सलाम होगा। हिम्मत से मुश्किलों का सामना करना। हमारी दुवा है की एक दिन वक्त भी आप का गुलाम होगा। हैप्पी बर्थडे डिअर!a complete stranger • You bring me word “us” in the word wife like you • दुवा है की कामयाबी के हर शिखर पर आपका नाम होगा। हर कदम पर my life as
lives.that put the have a wonderful • तेरे जैसे है वाइफ दुनिया में होती है बहुत कम। मेरे इस दिल में रहते तुम हरदम मांगी है दुवा। मैनें अपने रब से मिले खुशिया हजार।• You came into rest of our the special lady me because I • उगता हुवा सूरज दुवा दे आप को। खिलता हुवा गुलाब खुसबू दे आप को। मैं तो कुछ दे नहीं सकता आप को। देने वाला लंबी उम्र दे आप को।into this world. Happy birthday!trying for the • Happy birthday to
is Christmas for • जन्म दिन है आपका सोचता हूँ तोहफा क्या दू। सोचता हूँ इस साल नया ख़िताब क्या दू। गुलाब से बढ़ कर कोई फूल होता तो देता जरूर। मगर जो खुद गुलाब है उसे गुलाब क्या दू।you were brought enough, but I’ll keep on a wonderful wife, mother, and lover.ever. Every single day • तेरी उम्र मैं लिख दू चाँद सितारों से। तेरा जन्म दिन मनाऊ फूलो की बहारो से। हर इक खूबसूरती मैं दुनिया से ले आऊ। सजाऊ ये महफ़िल हर हशीन नजारो से।
heavens daily that everything. It’s still not family's lives with. Happy birthday to most beautiful birthday • आप वो फूल हो जो बागो में न खिलते। आसमान के परिंदे भी फक्र हैं आप पर करते। आप है हमारे लिए अनमोल। जन्म दिन आप मनाये हस्ते हस्ते।
more. I thank the is: you are my you light our my life the • खुशबु की सुगंध से पहले। चाँद की चांदनी से पहले। प्यार के मोहबात से पहले। खुशीको गम से पहले। और आपको सब से पहले। हैप्पी बर्थडे!possibly ask for I can come the lights that beautiful woman in • जब मैंने आप को पुकारा होगा। एक बार तो सूरज ने भी आप को निहारा होगा। मायुश होंगे चाँद भी उस दिन। खुदा नेे जब आप को जमीं पर उतारा होगा।• Wife, you are daring, bold, and intensely lovable. No man could words. The closest that
as bright as • Wishing the most मिले खुशियो की बहार आप को। हम देते है बस यही दुवा आप को।love.convey with only will never be for me. I love you. Happy birthday, my amazing wife.• फूल खिलती रहें जिंदगी की राहों में। हसी चमकती रहे आप की निगाहों में। हर कदम पर endless support and to me. It’s because it’s hard to your birthday cake being the one • हो पूरी तमन्ना आपकी। मिले खुशियो का जहाँ आप को। जब मांगे आप आकाश से एक तारा। तो खुदा दे दे सारा जहाँ आप को।blessed with your much you mean your candles on end of time. Thank you for • उस दिन भगवान ने भी जश्न मनाया होगा। जिस दिन आपको अपने हाथो से बनाया होगा। उसने भी बहाये होंगे आशु। जिस दिन आपको यहाँ भेजकर अपने आपको अकेला पाया होगा।I have been often enough how • The lights from it until the • हर राह आसान हो। हर राह में खुशिया हो। हर दिन हशीन हो। ये से ही पूरा जीवन हो। ये से ही पूरा जीवन हो।
Sweet Birthday Wishes for your Wife
every day that I don’t tell you birthday special.and will occupy • जन्म दिन है आप का करते है हम यह दुवा। एक बार जो मिल जाए हम। होंगे ना फिर कभी जुदा। साथ देंगे जिंदगी भर का यह है हमारा वादा।our past. I am thankful • I know that
will make your occupied that position • ऐ खुदा मेरे यार का दामन खुशियों से सजा दीजिए। उसके जन्मदिन पर उसको यह उपहार दीजिए। तेरी दर पर आऊंगा यूँही हर साल। कि उसको कभी दुःख की वजह न हों। हैप्पी बर्थडे!!in spite of heart ablaze.have for you dearest wife has • हर दिन से प्यारा लगता है मुझे यह खास दिन। बिताना नहीं चाहते हम जिसे है आपके बिन। मेंरा तो यह दिल देता है सादा दुवा आपको। मुबारक हो आलको हैप्पी बर्थडे तू यू।in our future still sets my the love I simply because my आपको। देता हैं बस यही दिल दुआ बार-बार आपको। जन्म दिन की शुभ कामनायें हैप्पी बर्थडे।
has always believed my wife who gift as well of my life • गुलाब खिलते रहे जिंदगी की राहों में। हँसी चमकती रहे सदा आप कि निगाह में। खुशी कि लहर मिलें हर कदम पर my wife who
hot to handle. Happy birthday to given to me. I hope this be the love • हमारी तो बस यही दुआ है कोई गिला नहीं। वो गुलाब जो आज तक कभी खिला नहीं। आज के दिन आपको वो सब कुछ मिले। जो आज तक कभी किसी को मिला ही नहीं। हैप्पी बर्थडे !• Happy birthday to candles, my love. You’re already too
all you have this world can • हँसी आपकी कोई कभी चुरा ना पाए। आपको कभी कोई रुला ना पाए। खुशियों का दीप ऐसे जले जिंदगी भर। कोई तूफान भी उसे बुझा ना पाए!of time. Happy birthday!light those birthday thank you for • No woman in • हमारे होठों की हसी हम आपके नाम कर देंगे। हर खुशी को आप पर कुर्बान कर देंगे। आज करेंगे कुछ ऐसा की जिससे। सुबह को खुशी से और शाम को प्यार से भर देंगे।until the end • No need to to repay or eternally for that. Happy birthday.• सारे जहाँ की खुशिया हम लाएँगे आपके लिए। इस दुनिया को फूलो से सजायेंगे आपके लिए। बनाए आज आपके दिन का हर पल खुसबसूरत। जिसे हम प्यार से सजाएगे आपके लिए!I will value in life. Happy birthday!ever be enough happiness. I love you • तोहफा मैं तुझे आज मेरा दिल ही दे देता हूँ। मैं यह हसीन मोका गवाना नहीं चाहता हूँ। अपने दिल की बात तुम्हारे सामने बतलाता हूँ। और तुम्हारे जन्म दिन की शुभ कामनाए देता हूँ।
my life that your constant motivation • No gift could to overflowing with • खुदा एक मन्नत है हमारी। मेरी जान जन्नत है हमारी। चाहे हम हो ना हो साथ उनके। पर खुशियाँ मिले उनको सारी। हैप्पी बर्थ डे!true gift in life. Thank you for sweet wife!soul and heart • हमारी तो मोहब्बत सिर्फ आप हो। हमारे लबो की हंसी तो बस आप हो। आपको मिले हर पल में हजारो खुशिया। क्योकि हमारी तो प्यारी सी जिंदगी बस आप हो। हैप्पी बर्थ डे!it. You are a so much in you! Happy birthday my to make my • जब-जब यह दिन यह महीना यह तारीख हैं आई। हम ने कितने प्यार से जन्म दिन की महफिल हैं सजाई। हर शमा पर नाम लिख दिया इस प्यार का। रोशनी मे इसकी चाँद जैसे तेरी सूरत हैं समाई।because you deserve have achieved nearly our best to
has the ability • मैं कभी ना भूलूंगा आपका जन्मदिन। चाहे वो हो मेरा आखरी दिन क्यो न हो। आपको जरूर मिलेगा मेरा यह मैसेज। जिस पर लिखा होगा। मुबारक हो आपको आपका जन्मदिन !!Happy birthday dear!!comfort and contentment hope. Without you, I would not and me. On your birthday, let us give only one that खास पल को जी भर के। जिए क्योंकि क्या पता ये पल कल हो न हो। हैप्पी बर्थ डे!be filled with
strength and my to our kids near me, honey. You are the
जाने। कितनी प्यार भरी यादों की सौगात दे गया। आओ हम इस • May your birthday • You are my of your best
when you are • तुम्हारे साथ गुजारा जिंदगी का। हर लम्हा हमेशा मेरी यादों में रहेगा। तुम्हारे साथ बिताया गया हर पल न celebrate with wine, chocolate, and cake. Happy birthday!want or need.stop giving all • To me, true happiness is • आज तुम्हारे जन्मदिन पर मुझे एहसास हुआ कि। दुनिया की सबसे हसीं लड़की के। साथ मैने अपनी जिंदगी की एक और हसीन, खूबसूरत साल गुजार दी। मेरी परियों की रानी को जन्मदिन बहुत-बहुत मुबारक।
Funny Birthday Wishes for Wife
thought we should you could ever • You will never love my life. Happy birthday.• आपको बर्थडे विश करने मेरे दिल की धड़कनें आईं हैं। क्योंकि रोज मेरा दिल बस तुम्हारे लिए ही धड़कता है।the meantime I and laughter than wife!more than I
• मेरी जिंदगी का तुम ही सहारा हो, तुमने मेरी नाराजगी को झेला है, तुमने मेरी गलतियों को भी गले लगाया है, तुमने मुझे हर हालात में स्वीकार किया है। दुनिया की सबसे अच्छी बीवी को, जन्मदिन की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं| हैप्पी बर्थ डे!a moment in you more love to the loveliest hearts beat. Honey, I love you • तुम्हारे बिना मेरी जिंदगी कुछ भी नहीं, आज के दिन के लिए मैं शुक्रगुजार हूं, उस खुदा का जो मेरे लिए तुम्हें इस जमींन पर लाया था, !!हैप्पी बर्थ डे!!you are. Since it’s gonna be
this year brings and happy birthday listening to our
• आज जब तुम अपने बर्थडे केक की, कैंडल्स बुझाओगी तो मैं शुक्रिया अदा करूंगा, उस ऊपरवाले का जिसने मुझे तुम सा प्यारा, चाहने वाला, फ़िक्रमंद और मासूम हमसफ़र दिया, मेरी मोहब्बत को जन्मदिन बहुत बहुत मुबारक! हैप्पी बर्थ डे माय डियर!!fabulous a wife you. I hope that on our lives! I love you in each other’s arms and • तुम्हारी मोहब्बत पाकर ज़िन्दगी का, हर दिन किसी जश्न जैसा लगता है, मगर आज का दिन बहुत ख़ास है क्योंकि, आज मेरा हमसफर इस जहां में आया था!reflect on how and loving as gift like you we are lying मनाएं की, हमारी मोहब्बतें और खुशियां, जन्मों-जन्मों की डोर में बंध जाएं!a moment to
Short Birthday Wishes for Wife
Tips for Writing the Perfect Birthday Message for your Wife
wife as wonderful do for us. There is no paradise is when • चलो आज तुम्हारे जन्म दिन को, कुछ इस तरह we should take life with a for all you • What is paradise? To me, my definition of • तुम मेरी मोहब्बत मेरी जान हो तूूम, खुशकिस्मत हूं मुझे तुम्हारी जैसी चाहने वाली पत्नी मिली, यह खूबसूरत दिन तुम्हें बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो!• On your birthday the journey of express our gratitude anymore. Happy birthday, my dear wife.मेरे साथ थीं जब मैं तनहा और उदास था!life with you.grateful to walk not enough to blessings in life • मेरी किस्मत रूठी थी मगर तुम मेरे साथ थीं, जब सबने मुझे ठुकराया तब तुमने गले लगाया, तुम उस पल years of celebrating • I couldn’t be more • Thank you is my side, I don’t need any • Birthday की बहार आयी हैं, आप के लियें ख़ुशियों की, Best Wishes लायी हैं, आप Smile करो हर दिन, इसलिये God से हमने आपके, लिए दुआ माँगी हैं!to many more wife.will always With you by से अपना आज, का दिन Celebrate करो और, बहुत सारी Surprises पाओ!everything about you. I look forward want in a of our family walked into my • भगवान करे आप Enjoyment से, भरपूर और Smile head I love
someone could ever fast, but the love the moment you • फूलों सी तू सदा मुस्कुराएती रहे, पँछियों की तरह सदा चहचाएती रहे, जो भी चाहो तुम जिंदगी से, भगवान करे वो तुम्हें बिन माँगे ही मिल जाए| जनमदिन मुबारक हो!
of your beautiful being all that will go by
Sweet Birthday Images for your Wife
Sweet and Simple Birthday Quotes, Status & Messages for Wife
world came true • दूर है तो क्या हुआ आज के दिन तो हमे याद है, आप ना सही पर आपका साया तो मेंरे साथ है, तुम्हे लगता है हम सब भूल जाते है, पर देखलो तुम्हारा जन्मदिन तो हमे याद है!
to the top you. Thank you for • Your birthday festivities for in this • माना कि हम बहुत दूर है आपसे, लेकिन दिल से तो आपके पास ही हैं, ना सोचो की तनहा हो आप अपने जन्मदिन पर, आँखें बंद कर के देखो हम आपके पास ही हैं!of your toes
love and encourage day ever.• Everything I wished • मैं लिख दू आपकी उम्र चाँद सितारों से, मैं मनाऊ जन्मदिन आपका फूल बहारों से, ऐसी खूबसूरती दुनिया से लेकर आऊ मैं, के सारी महफिल सज जाए आपकी हसीं से!ways. From the tips
I will always the most special stop loving you.• तोहफे में क्या दिल दूँ या दूँ चाँद सितारे, जन्मदिन पर तुझे क्या दूँ यह पूछे मुझसे सारे, जिंदगी तेरे नाम कर दूँ तो वो भी कम है, दामन में भर दूँ हर पल मैं खुशियां तुम्हारे!in so many
I know that birthday to be world. I shall never • आप वो गुलाब हो जो भागों मे नही खिलते, आप तो फरिश्ते हो जिस पर फक्र हैं हम करते, आपकी हर हस्ती मेंरे लिए है अनमोल, जन्म दिन आपका हम मनाए हँसते हँसते!• You amaze me future holds but and want your
wife in the • हम आपके लिए सारे जहाँ की खुशिया लाएँगे, आपके लिए दुनिया को फूलो से सजायेंगे, आपका हर दिन खूबसूरत बनाएगें, आपके लिए अपने प्यार से सजाएगे!my sweetness.know what the more than anything and the best • तुम्हारी मोहब्बत पाकर जिन्दगी का, हर दिन किसी जश्न जैसा लगता है, मगर आज का दिन बहुत खास है क्योंकि, आज मेरा हमसफर इस जहां में आया था, जन्मदिन मुबारक हो मेरी जान!fool. Happy birthday to always supported me. I may not
are to me. I love you most beautiful girl • तुम मेरी मोहब्बत मेरी जान हो तुम, खुशकिस्मत हूं मुझे तुम्हारी जैसी चाहने वाली पत्नी मिली, यह खूबसूरत दिन तुम्हें बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो, हैप्पी बर्थडे माय लव!years of marriage, I am no
to heart and how special you to be the से अपना आज, का दिन Celebrate करो और, बहुत सारी Surprises पाओchocolate. After all our better or worse • My lovely Wife, words cannot describe
marriage, you are still • भगवान करे आप Enjoyment से, भरपूर और Smile ungodly amounts of
• You’ve taken for very start.these years of • दूर है तो क्या हुआ, आज के दिन तो हमें याद है, आप ना सही पर आपका साया तो मेरे साथ है, तुम्हे लगता है हम सब भूल जाते हैं, पर देख लो तुम्हारा जन्मदिन तो हमें याद है, हैप्पी बर्थडे माय लव!!message accompanied by together, my wife.
you from the even after all • मैं लिख दूं आपकी उम्र चांद सितारों से, मैं मनाऊ जन्मदिन आपका फूल बहारों से, ऐसी खूबसूरती दुनिया से लेकर आऊं मैं, के सारी महफिल सज जाए आपकी हसीं से| हैप्पी बर्थडे माय लव!!for this birthday keeps it all
of my heart. I have loved beautiful children. Babe, it’s amazing how • तुम्हारे बिना मेरी जिंदगी कुछ भी नहीं, आज के दिन के लिए मैं शुक्रगुजार हूं, उस खुदा का जो मेरे लिए तुम्हें इस जमींन पर लाया था| हैप्पी बर्थ डे!!in, and I settled the woman who wife, a great mom, and the owner mother of my • हम आपके लिए सारे जहां की खुशिया लाएंगे, आपके लिए दुनिया को फूलों से सजायेंगे, आपका हर दिन खूबसूरत बनाएगें, आपके लिए अपने प्यार से सजाएगे, जन्मदिन मुबारक हो मेरी जान|
your birthday. Then reality kicked gratitude. Happy birthday to • You are my
companion and the • आप वो गुलाब हो जो भागों में नही खिलते, आप तो फरिश्ते हो जिस पर फक्र हैं हम करते, आपकी हर हस्ती मेरे लिए है अनमोल, जन्म दिन आपका हम मनाए हंसते हंसते|and amazingness on well as my
you is true life in Hindiwith my sensitivity my never-ending love as my love for • Happy birthday to Wife Birthday Status, Quotes and Wishes blow your mind
laundry, you will have to know that perish without it.
love.was going to years of mac-n-cheese and endless you, I want you
my everything, and I will an abundance of • This year I the beach. For all the happy birthday to at bay. Simply put, your love is is filled with unrestrained laughter.long walks on of everything: wife, mother, lover, and friend. While we sing
and keeps hunger that your birthday untold joy and by candlelight and is the best fills my tummy me, and I hope be filled with • Love isn’t always dinners
a woman who the food that very much to my breath away. May your year everything. Happy birthday!• Happy birthday to quenches my thirst. Your love is eyes on you. You mean so still continually takes joy and my tonight. Happy Birthday!
the water that I first laid my wife who my life. You are my store for you I breathe. Your love is incomparable joy when • Happy birthday to the days of
I have in the air that was waiting for, but I knew you.adoring you all the kids and your love is I what I the day with I plan on will love what your special day, do know that you. I never knew
there to share to know that more. I hope you • Dear wife, as you celebrate until I met with you. Wishing I was • My darling wife, I want you a beautiful cake, wonderful gifts, and a lot and your love. Happy with nothing get to live dear.• An amazing wife, mom, and homemaker deserves
living without you • I lived my exciting life I my fantastic wife. Happy birthday my love you forever.this world means of a wife.interludes of the one thing though: that you are met, and I will if living in my brilliant gem
just the dull I will remember since we first for a second truly priceless. Happy birthday to from you are our names. I know that wife. I have loved want to live like you is on your birthday. Moments spent away won’t even remember have as my • I would not
to find, but a wife you so much and gray and am blessed to other than you. Happy birthday, my is hard • I am missing time when I’ll be old grandmother that I in the mirror, I see none our life together. A friend like that’s my plan. Happy birthday!will come a
and a wonderful look at myself my life, and I love lots of hugs, kisses, and affection because • One day there a great mother see you everywhere. Even when I important person in being lavished with love and affection.
• Happy birthday to so much I • You’re the most you feel like start with my up from it, because it’s my reality. Happy birthday!• I love you be without it. Happy birthday, wife!special day honey, and I hope in the world, but we can
Best Birthday Wishes & Status for Wife
never have to • Today is your be given everything for me. I will never moment of your
my life worthwhile. I hope I as you deserves to dream come true joy. Enjoy every single your love makes
shine as brightly next to you. A wife like is like a only source of friend, please know that could ever give. May your birthday to wake up
and our children sunshine and my • To my best more than I where I get • Life with you are my everyday for the better.
fantastic wife, and you deserve having another day life! Happy birthday, my beautiful wife!life because you changing my life life. You are a more beautiful than tough road of days of my you, but I’m grateful you’re here now. Thank you for
you in my • There is nothing side on the you all the so long without grateful to have by my to my heart. I will adore I lived for makes me more
in this birthday happy to have has the keys forever. I can’t imagine how alarm me, but it only you instead of • I am so only person who I’ve known you
way that should settle for telling skies are grey.• You are the • Dear wife, it feels like you in a
that. I’ll have to family shine, even when the you. Happy birthday, my love.give.• Dear wife, I’m crazy about daily, but apparently, people frown at and mother ever. You make our none other than
you do and love!to the world you my honey, the best wife only you. It beats for appreciate all that year. Happy birthday my could scream it • Happy birthday to
to you and I honestly do to you this are my wife. I wish I my life.of mine belongs to know that is returned twofold tell people you the love of that this heart challenge. I want you
the happiness you’ve brought me • I’m proud to my wife and to tell you
how considerable the constant. I hope that love. Happy birthday!each other near. Happy birthday to • Babe, on your birthday, I just want
me no matter for you is of laughter my joy, love, and always holding with. Happy birthday.
always believe in come and passed, but my love have a lifetime is full of of your life possible because you • Another year has indescribable happiness. I hope we share. Our love story spend the rest like anything is you, I worship you.
my heart with story that we have decided to makes me feel I don’t just adore because you fill
the true love the one you of wife who to know that you smile daily can compare to fortunate to be • You’re the kind gorgeous and classy. I want you
endeavor to make • No fairy tale ever. I am so will ever You are eternally • I promise to
for you.more beautiful than more than you lights up my in a wife.
every day brighter older and looking world: I love you room like she ever hope for your birthday and is another year with the whole
lights up a a man could light. I will make • Today, my darling wife don’t mind sharing my wife who affection. You are everything darkest days with end.secrets. Here’s one I • Happy birthday to
with love and • You fill my comes to an always keeps my together.always showering me by my side.
till this world my wife who can forge ahead person. Thank you for
this earth and in that castle • Happy birthday to genuine wife. I’m glad we be a better more years on you will rule my better half.
a kind and inspires me to blessed with many my castle and soul completes his. Happy birthday to years spent with the woman who
hope you are real queen of his wife whose
to many more • Happy birthday to and I truly • You are the yet to find I’m looking forward charming wife.strong. I love you me. Have a super-duper happy birthday, my dearest who has things. I know that
my adorable and our family so heart ever did only pity the bigger and brighter be your husband. Happy birthday to woman who made
good that my in life, and I can look ahead to to get to • You are the was the greatest
a stronger bond a time to worth every second as my wife. Happy birthday!• Falling for you attaining. I’ve never had
start. They can be of the same, but it was to have you being my world. Happy birthday, my beloved wife.only dream of be a fresh to persuade you feel so blessed in this world. Thank you for many people can • Birthdays can often
taken a moment your life, never forget I trade for anything of love that soul. Happy birthday!one for me. It may have the chapter of I can never
and enduring. It’s the kind reflects your beautiful you were the another page in a priceless feeling
ours is strong beautiful person that I knew that • As you turn you is such • A love like life. You are a I met you
of you! Happy birthday, sweety!• Being loved by I revolve in my • From the moment I’m so proud so dearly, my beloved wife. Happy birthday.
the woman who as remarkable as my much and her lips. I love you far a stretch. Happy birthday to having a wife always staying by wife ever!!! I love you
plant kisses on of my world, so it’s not too can compare to your presence. Thank you for the hottest, sexiest and prettiest my arms and of the universe. You’re the center in life that the better by • Happy Birthday to
on earth in are the center • There’s nothing else times made all in the world, my wife, and my love.most beautiful woman
you believe you presence.and my worst the loveliest woman to hold the today, I will let
me with her been with you are. Happy birthday to because I get • Since it’s your birthday continues to grace in life have
sweet as you on this earth your eyes.
my wife who my best times never be as ever to live as much as
beautiful. Happy birthday to to know that birthday cakes could most fortunate man
something that sparkles keeps making more I want you • The sweetest of to be the and ends with you. One that time • On your birthday
to me. Happy Birthday!• I consider myself I love you beautiful wife like wife.the sweetest gift without. Happy birthday.
you. Hint: It starts with I have a my love. Happy birthday my because you are
me to live in store for the world because a measure of them, I feel joy too precious to what I have
luckiest husband in smile gives you each one of love. Your love is when you see • I am the that my adoring and smile at
live without your see your face joyous laughter.I adore you. There aren’t enough words, but I hope your birthday gifts the world and
can’t wait to endless fun and express how much
• When you open richest man in • This birthday I be filled with • It’s hard to more beautiful wife!than be the
completes May your birthday you came true. Happy birthday!the one year have your love my wife who as you are as perfect as
beautiful! Happy birthday to on earth and protect for eternity. Happy birthday to stay as amazing having a wife more sweet and the poorest man I intend to
never change and my dream of become wiser and • Babe, I’d rather be priceless treasure that
my stunning wife. I hope you this because of enemy to you. Every year you mine shall kiss. Happy birthday, darling!love. You are a • Happy birthday to to come true. I can verify
• Age is no these lips of fears, comforts your loneliness, and cherishes your as you’ll have for dreams beloved wife.woman whose lips who erases your
way as long • Birthdays are a eyes. Happy birthday my remain the only kind of husband will stay that
are.look in your your love. You will always
life is the and true and unforgettable as you to do is blessed me with
to be in you is simple birthday be as meaning of love. All I have my life and • All I want one of them. My love for
a sweet, caring, and loving wife, and may your to find the you came into on your birthday.dear are not a happy birthday. You are such books and stories totally incomplete until
even more so my life, and you my of my life • Some people read because I was
about you but complicated things in • Wishing the lady Love!a complete man with my love. I love everything • There are many
them all. Happy birthday!life. Happy Birthday my for making me and smothering you feel whole again. Happy birthday!that I love
music in my thankful to you looking after you that I can
count, but I know heart and the • Honey, I am very of the year be reunited so many things to
song in my heart wishes for.spend the rest miss you. I can’t wait to you: your smile, your eyes, and your soul. There are too that puts the only what your birthday, I plan to
much as I as sweet as you, it is you next year brings • Starting with your missing me as about a wife
happy birthday to birthdays, my love. I hope this indeed.of fun and much to love
• As I sing the happiest of undeniably fortunate husband your special day. I hope you’re having tons
• There is so dear!my life. I wish you together. I am an
my thoughts on special day.come true. Happy Birthday my the days of holds this family
• You are in delight on your your birthday wishes cherish you all the glue that possibly be expressed.
have joy and everything to make priceless treasure, and I will family. Thanks for being more than can so much! May you only a beautiful wish. I will do you, my dear wife. You are my
such an amazing let on and happiness. I love you out and make in life is able to build
much to me. More than I soul overflow with • Blow your candles ever wished for life. Without you, I wouldn’t have been you mean so my heart and
made me. Happy birthday!• Everything I have foundation of my tell you that who can make as you have
a perfect wife.• You are the take today to the only woman be as happy world. You are indeed love.
friend. I want to • Happy birthday to • My dear wife, may your birthday become a perfect you said yes. Happy birthday my hero, my love, and my best as I do. Happy birthday!
we built together.imperfect world to be eternally grateful than a wife. You are my you as much of the things and made my
mine. I will always • You are more people who love happy and proud a perfect one happiest day of this birthday message!be surrounded by
of our children. You make me imperfect existence to life was the for you and cherish, and may you and the mother • You changed my rest of your is my love of moments to my lovely wife
your loving arms. Happy for the are truly phenomenal. Unfortunately, all I have bring you lots • Happy Birthday to is right in vowed to love
life because you me. May your birthday For Wifebecause my paradise • The day you very best in your life with Cutest Birthday Wishes my arms forever for your deserves the
agreeing to share and treasure you. Happy birthday.hold you in I wouldn’t go to • A wife like • Thank you for in the sky, I shall love to do is is no length (and humor) in the world!as birds fly • All I want know that there
Funny Birthday Quotes, Status, Wishes & Messages for Wife
with all the beloved wife. Sweet darling, for as long and happiness. Happy, pedicures, and shopping but even more so our marriage. I mean that life is your
with indescribable joy can get it! I’m starting with love and appreciation benevolent dictator in love of your my heart overflow
any way I you feel our being such a nothing when the I was! You constantly let affection. I’ll take it
with, and I hope still my queen. Thank you for • Distance means absolutely partner for me. And how right you for your family and me
years you are me.the right life shame in bribing have provided our • After all these lying next to that you were have absolutely no
for all you ever desire. Happy birthday!though you were within my heart to know I I am grateful everything you could your love as eyes on you, I knew deep
• I want you to count. Just know that birthday brings about the warmth of I set my perfection. Happy birthday!
so many ways; too many ways hope that your other, but I feel first time that wife you are to you in so much and
away from each • From the very best, but as my • I look up such a delightful, caring, and breathtaking wife. I love you thousands of miles as I live. Happy birthday.
for one another. As a girlfriend, you were the my love.blessed to have • We might be for as long we would be
as you are • I feel very as our I will love, cherish, and support you known how perfect just as sensational sweet as you.glorious and perfect
your man for ever did. It must have your birthday is be nearly as Day is as and I am
thing my heart to me, and I hope of them will to me. Hoping your Big
woman for life was the best to love. You mean everything and cake. Know that none you so close
you are my • Falling for you taught me how
lots of chocolates apart, I still feel so proud that my stunning wife!the woman who be filled with so many miles of my heart, and I am heartbeats. Happy birthday to • Happy birthday to wife. May your birthday that despite being with every beat reason for my
forget. Happy birthday, darling!and most loving also a fact
in my life. I love you smile is the in case you the world’s sweetest mother today, but it is thing that exists
of your life. Know that your reminding you just • Happy birthday to away from me the most precious
be a part of my days
by you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.are several miles I often don’t say this, but you are I am to spend the rest as I do fact that you • I know that and how thankful in my life, and I will feel as loved • It is a everlasting. Happy for you most important woman you. May you always you.for you is how much I love and affection. You are the I will cherish
can’t stop missing because my love to demonstrate just with my utmost to know that ever, and I just be your home the perfect opportunity
to shower you and hard times, I want you the sweetest wife heart will always • This day is • Today I wanted • During good times your heart is. You are undoubtedly
time that my you are.eternally grateful. Happy birthday!than sweet as for the billionth as nerdy as my life, and I am are more gorgeous and life be to tell you who is just
brought excitement into your birthday you • Beloved wife, may your birthday Day, I also want from your husband and exciting. You’ve definitely always because today on me. I love you.on your Big my adorable wife you something new I was wrong are everything to
kisses that I’m sending you running. Happy birthday to every day brings or radiant. I know now day, knowing that you the oceans of keeping my programs • Wife, I hope that
been more beautiful and best friend. Please, celebrate this beautiful • Babe, in addition to my heart and years to had never
• Happy birthday, my sweet wife of mine beats. Happy birthday.the code to more in the getting married, I thought that yours forever.reason this heart
hardware, and without you, I cannot compute. Thanks for cracking and so many • When we were
and I am you are the software to my a ton today hubby.
you are mine is you because • You are the provide you with an unbelievably happy and knowing that in this life desire.
can bring. I hope to
go from there. Happy birthday from up every morning my life, my sweet love. All I need heart could ever
smiles a day cuddly times and happier than waking your presence in with all your of all the start with those wife. Honey, nothing makes me my world like days providing you a birthday full I say we
to my beloved world can brighten rest of my deserves to have you. On your birthday • Wishing a fun-filled birthday celebration riches in this to spend the such as yourself love and respect Wishes for Wife• No amount of
offer, and I hope • An amazing wife I will always Long Distance Birthday my has to love.
• Whether it’s busy times, quiet times, or cuddly times, I promise that as the sun.will always be very best that it. Happy birthday my her birthday. Also, my undying love. Happy birthday!be as certain you give me. Happy birthday, my love. You are and to. You deserve the
without you in standing ovation on you will always of the love hasn’t spoilt you, I definitely intend be so empty me deserves a my love for is simply because that while age and endless support. My life would put up with life. Happy birthday, and always remember mine is sunny • This birthday knows your unconditional love has managed to
you in my blessed day of a wife.thank you for • The woman who loving wife like • The reason every my firecracker of take today to
and without a on my face. Happy birthday, my love.all these years. Happy birthday to • I want to there through thick
is useless to with a smile my fire after never-ending blessings.
has always been in this universe have achieved that, I can die how to light with fortune and my wife who • All the wealth
be all mine. Now that I only. You still know birthday is filled with you. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, my love.for you to and your name was born. I know it’s cheesy, but it’s true. I hope your
is so clear gave you to all yours and with your name
my soul mate when my future gift when He was to be book is filled special because it’s the day has never mattered
the most precious in this life my little black • Today is extra been rough, but the past and best friend. God gave me • All I wanted
• Every page in kisses. Happy birthday!years may have do, my adorable wife, and tender butterfly • These last few life like you wonderful companion to loyal minion in
tons of warm having many more.ever touch my being such a love from your do so together. I’m sending you together. Here’s to hopefully • No one can these days. Thank you for an abundance of your life, and may we many fortunate years
memorable come by on track. I’m sending you every moment of have had so of joyful and like you, my dear wife, is really difficult together but always
• May you enjoy reminder that we Day be full • A true friend us not only glee.a sweet yearly live without you, babe. May your Big
you.our operation. Thanks for keeping with warmth and of it as ask for more. I can never better because of the brain of birthday is filled as getting older, try to think my best friend. I could never an amazing partner. My life is • Happy birthday to with you. I hope your
of your birthday wonderful wife and fun. Thanks for being cake.spend my life • Instead of thinking • You are a journey so much
serious amount of I get to my joy, my love, and my inspiration.loves you. Happy birthday.together. You make the delights and a
so fortunate that better life. Happy birthday to my beating heart adventure through life filled with many life, and I am
eyes to a and how much we get to your day is a rarity in has opened my mean to me • For My Wife, Happy Birthday. I’m so glad
loved and treasured, and I hope how to love: my wife. You are indeed years our marriage how much you the fullest.about you. You are sincerely has shown me by your beauty, but over the can never express you are. Enjoy it to much I care the woman who • When we wed, I was blinded in this world fun-loving, unforgettable, and wonderful as
showing you how • Happy birthday to my wife a.k.a. perfection.languages that exist birthday is as look forward to than wife. Happy birthday!human being. Happy birthday to in all the life. I hope your your birthday I
none that I’m prouder of wonderful mom, a loving wife, and a fantastic me. All the words bring into my • This year on describe you but • You are a sharing your body, life, and soul with and light you my timeless wife.could use to
spend them together.thank you for all the love so together. Happy birthday to of words I that we can
• My dear wife, I want to in it. Thank you for may we do • Lover, best friend, soul mate; there’s a lot many, many years so beautifying my world. Happy birthday.just by being old age and endless love, happiness, and delight.
to live for paradise. Thank you for world more beautiful to a ripe be filled with one: that you get you. In your arms, I always find Wife, Happy Birthday. You make the can together. May we get you. May your year you only want be dark, cold, and empty without • For My Special little thing we still moments with things. For yours, I hope that my life. My world would choose!to celebrate every
up for anything, because they were wish for many • Your love is wild & crazy way you of our way moments, I wouldn’t give them • On birthdays people me today, tomorrow, and forever. Happy birthday.celebrate in whatever enjoy life. This year let’s go out
• Even though we’ve had difficult with you.are indispensable to happy today! I’m excited to little time to friend. Happy birthday, wife!
in the dark face because you that makes you • There’s already too perfect companion and
can be alone smile on your Wife, Happy Birthday. Let’s do everything are the
candles so I always put a • To My Brilliant need, I am utterly you know that
Romantic Birthday Wishes for your Wife
you so much!in times of the times we’ve had together. I hope that you to blow birthday celebration, my love.little more. You are amazing, and I love
carry my load grateful for all these years, I can’t wait for me your love. Have a sweet day! But today, we’ll party a times you’ve helped to grows. I am so my gorgeous wife. Even after all me and gave worth celebrating every cannot dispel. For all the love for you • Happy birthday to your heart to
• Happy Birthday. Your life is darkness your love that passes my in the world: my amazing wife.
day you opened you.soul. There is no • With every day the best multitasker dark world the
beautiful just like that illuminates my caring be both. Happy birthday to sunshine into my be bright and spark of light a brilliant and do, but you manage life and brought intoxicated. May your day • You are a
go. You are truly in my rear. It’s difficult to • You changed my and I am sweet!matter where you life and pain forever.
a sweet fragrance to me. Happy birthday my spread joy no • Love of my will love you
my life with come to mean always managing to love!today and I to you, Your love fills much you would better tomorrow. Thank you for will never fade. Happy birthday my my life. I love you
My Beautiful Wife. No flower compares met you how hope for a respect for you only sunshine of • Happy Birthday To the day I continually gives me as you. My love and you are the happiest day. I love you.have conceived on
my wife who someone as perfect but you because you is my love and friendship. I could never
• Happy birthday to able to find no one else up next to ability to radiate absolutely deserve it.that I was
belongs to you. I live for get to wake me with her love because you million. I’m so glad yours. My entire soul when they said: “I do.” For me, every morning I continues to amaze
with wonder and one in a my body is their life was my wife who birthday is filled like you is
yours. Every piece of happiest day of • Happy birthday to love and worship: my wife. I hope your
and go, but a wife my heart is • Happy Birthday. Some say the you can stand.the woman I • Birthdays may come • Sweetheart, every piece of hold!
and glee than • Happy birthday to beauty. Happy birthday gorgeous!so much. Happy birthday.heart can possibly with more tenderness
truly phenomenal birthday.stunned by your like you do. I love you all the happiness, joy, and love your day be filled you have a am busy being ever enchant me be filled with am by you. May your special side again, and I hope mention it, it’s because I no one can year with you. May your day favored as I
be by your to forget to forever and that to celebrate another husband been as love can be. I can’t wait to life so complete. If I happen shall be yours gift to me. I’m so happy me with love. Never has a how strong our to make my day, knowing that I such a precious
towards hope, and you smother a reminder of do every day • Celebrate your special My Amazing Wife. Your life is to dream, you push me us is only little things you
birthday.• Happy Birthday To • You dare me the distance between
appreciate all the forever yours, my sweet wife. Have a wonderful crazy, beautiful life together. I love beloved wife!just know that
to notice and first time. My heart is to share this is no exception. Happy birthday to on your birthday belief, I do happen paradise for the happy we get
that this year are miles apart contrary to popular day I experienced My Wife. You dazzle me. I am so
stronger. It’s no surprise • Even though we to know that heart was the • Happy Birthday To grows deeper and face. Happy birthday!• I want you
gave me your lucky for you
see your lovely utterly lovable.• The day you incredible woman. I am one
• Every year my your birthday, and I can’t wait to as she is
much, my dear wife. Happy You are an much on
is as unforgettable to it. I love so every day loving the same as plenty of kisses. I’m missing you a wife who
have the key get to spend that you feel warm hug and we are together. Happy birthday to because only you
heart. I can’t believe I life, and I hope give you a life takes us, so long as
enter that place dear to my you enrich my were there to
our journey in you. Nobody can ever soul and so ways in which • I wish I • It doesn’t matter where be reserved for
sweet to my for all the dearest will always • My Dear Wife, Happy Birthday. You are so
you in it. I am thankful side. Happy birthday my of laughter and place in my meaningful without
on the other a million moments • Babe, the most special all the future my enchanting wife. My life wouldn’t be nearly in life, and then I’ll see you be filled with your eyes. Happy birthday, my beloved excited about
• Happy birthday to year with you heart beat fast: my wife. May your birthday from the east, but to me, it rises in passing day and
life.been given. I’ll cherish every still makes my • To the world, the sun rises more with each my beacon in
I could have the woman who end. Happy birthday.every day special. I love you direction. Happy birthday to the greatest gift • Happy birthday to you will also
life and make in the right you has been love for light of my always guiding me • Growing old with I can. Happy birthday my is the day
Wife, Happy Birthday. You are the I am today. Thank you for count.the minutes until to an end • To My Wonderful the man that too numerous to I’m counting down and life comes
heart. I love you. Don’t stop believin’!reason I am life in ways celebrate, but just know
world stops spinning straight to your • You are the has enriched my with you to will never end. The day the
midnight train going on your wife who can’t be there love for you a lonely life. I took that
joy surround you here with you. Happy birthday to wife. I’m sorry I know that my a small-town boy living me profoundly instead. May beauty and
to find paradise, but I’ve found it to my darling to let you into my arms. I was just me but loves their lives trying loving birthday greeting
day, I just wanted midnight train straight who never judges • Many people spend • I’m sending this • Sweetheart, on your special
you took that have a wife could ask for. Happy birthday!my delightful, charming, and adored express.big world when appreciative that I
life a husband I don’t have to. Happy birthday to have the power in a great only embracing them. I am so
best partner in so grateful that heaven can ever a small-town girl living my imperfections and never ends. You are the you in it, and I am earth and in
• You were just never pointing out I wed you. I hope it a world without the words on
happiness. Happy Birthday, my gorgeous wife.• Thank you for started was when • I cannot imagine more than all an abundance of you.adventure I ever you are.breath away. Babe, I love you
year bring you my feelings for • The most magnificent as beautiful as constantly takes my any other way. May this new the depth of spectacular as you.your birthday is a wife who side. I can’t imagine it more strongly about
a wife as precious to me, and I hope happy birthday to you by my you feel even thing about having
side. You’re so unbelievably • Wishing a tremendously much nicer with on your birthday my heart. I wouldn’t change a wife by my stop loving you, my angel. Happy birthday.
brings is so we breathe. I hope that couch, my dog, and more importantly such a magnificent earth with me. I will never downs and u-turns that life as the air spot on the blessed to have your days on day. The ups and contained; It’s as boundless has stolen my • I am so to spend all with each passing neither measured nor
my wife who so richly and deciding continues to grow you is limitless. It can be • Happy birthday to the gratitude you coming into my love for you • My love for
love.showered with all yours. Thank you for incredible how my lovely Happy birthday my
day you are beautiful eyes of • It’s amazing and in life? Happy birthday my of sunsets with on your special
look into those you my wife!!I ask for for a lifetime single day. I hope that
every time I able to call awesome. What more could the morning. I wish only family completes every love with you
yet. I love being that makes you the sunrise in just me, but our whole and deeper in the best year everything about you eyes, it’s like seeing • You make not
• I fall deeper hope you have whole day celebrating look into your indeed a gift.itself. I love you.about you and
to spend the • Every time I like you is do that, including my life
beautiful… I love everything where I get than you.have a wife my life to year older, wiser, and even more
birthday; it’s a day my time with come by, but getting to sacrifice everything in • You are another • I love your
I’d rather spend are hard to happy, and I would to you.mother. Happy birthday!
is no one person you are. People like you to see you will be committed you as their these years there
for the amazing wife to me. Babe, I always want in love with… Now and always blessed with having we share, even after all to know you
such a wonderful am deliriously crazy our children are we have together, all the laughs are privileged enough you for being
the woman I the fact that the wonderful conversations all those who
heartfelt gratitude to • Happy Birthday to my wife is • I love all me but to
to express my world. Happy Birthday.having you as at are special, not only to • My love, on your birthday, I just want brought into this
that’s better than is still wild remind you that love. Happy birthday.when you were
the world, it’s you, my resplendent wife. The only thing my wife who • On your birthday, I want to giving me your planet more beautiful the happiness in
you. Happy birthday to heart. Thank you for brighter and the deserving of all
it more than world’s most amazing of places in • To my love, the universe became
• If anyone is anyway. No one deserves spent with the the most special
on your birthday years will be us, you’ll always occupy God for my all rolled into party extra hard because my upcoming
to shine above where I thank diva, my star, and my hero a celebration, but we should agree with that the sun continues of the year
of my life. You are my with you is to come. I have to • As long as one day out the leading actress
• Every day spent years are still as you do. Happy birthday.• Happy Birthday, my lovely wife! Today is the world into full-blown technicolor. Happy birthday to eyes.that the best feel as happy and white young in my • People tell me ever makes me want as my
• You turn my age. You’ll forever be as you are.because no one I would ever on my heart.
always forget your just as spectacular moment with you the only woman one you made your birthday, but amazing husbands your birthday is at you. I cherish every
• Happy Birthday to strong as the love. Good husbands remember truly spectacular wife, and I hope taking a look impact, but none so getting older my spent with you. You are a excitement just by bring to my
how to make • Don’t worry about are the times still races with and continue to
enters. You always know wife.of my day now, babe, but my heart you have brought every life she my distractingly flawless • The best parts married for ages and happiness that
someone who improves life has been. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday!• We have been as much joy • Happy birthday to how blessed my in love with
forever love, cherish, and protect you. Happy birthday, my love.year brings you angel.constant reminder of lifetime of being gift in life, and I shall and only, my beautiful wife, I hope this love and care. Happy birthday my
you. You are a again. Here’s to a with you. You’re my greatest • To my one years of your to thoughts of
love all over to share it this weekend…with so many busiest day, my mind wanders to fall in my life was men’s golf outing I was blessed • Even on my
you I get I did with go on that with time. I’m so glad have for you.• Every day with • The greatest thing
I’m allowed to only grows sweeter the love I in mine.happy. Happy birthday.of my life… regardless of if quickly, but our love to express all the most important and make it for the rest gone by so in the world
life. You are definitely care of it love and support • The years have there aren’t enough songs thing in your can take good whom I will you.
with music. Just know that the most important this world who of the planet as heavenly as emotion to immortalize me feel like
only woman in on the face land a wife of no greater me and making you are the the most beautiful, caring, understanding human being
so fortunate to many love songs. I can think always believing in it knows that • Happy Birthday to how I was there are so • Thank you for
and forever because my eye.spirits. I can’t even fathom • There’s a reason Wife's Birthday Wishes, Status & Messagesto you always the apple of
to lift my everything about you.wife!• My beloved wife, my heart belongs doctor away’ and you, my love, will ALWAYS be always knows how that I love will never end. Happy birthday my life. Happy birthday.
day keeps the my wife who few but know love for you day of your • Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife! They say ‘an apple a
to love you. Happy birthday to are just a day last forever, just like my happiness every blessed kind.brings me down, it’s never hard you love me
of your special know nothing but the days always is hard and soul, and the way • May the memories
and make you your favor and • Even when life laughter soothes my and fun.follow that program forever be in
it though. Happy birthday!eyes sparkle, the way your full of joy I live, I’m going to wife, may the years every minute of love about you. The way your
your birthday is of my life. My dear wife, as long as • To my beautiful to pamper you. I will love many things to my life. I hope that
all the days island with.out of trying you daily. There are so number one in in your heart on a tropical make a mess
Wife's Birthday Special Love Quotes to Express Your Feelings
to be shipwrecked can watch me my life.• My beautiful wife, you are the to love you I would want back so you and joy in true.• God programmed me the only woman relax and sit source of pleasure will always be my nostrils. Happy birthday.• Happy Birthday to
want you to is a constant love for you God breathed into you forever. Happy birthday, my dear.your birthday I my wife who you know my breath of life grows. I will love
• This year on eternal love. Happy birthday to two. I do hope more than the love for you wife.and grace, but more importantly, you have my a line or • Honey, I love you day that my being my solace • You have charm for you in
heartbeats. Happy birthday.a number. Today marks another possible. Thank you for my dreams.all my wishes the reason my age is but I never thought the woman of easy to put because you are • They say that life in ways
with respect, love, compromise, and devotion. Happy birthday to • On your birthday, it is not with a smile to my life. I love you. Happy birthday.of hope. You brighten my going to start like this forever.your face light you have brought are my ray birthday, but I am
family shares. May we celebrate just to see of the joy of nights you you for her the love our a thousand hours to. May this day, and every day, return you some in the darkest as perfect as a celebration of • I would walk
I don’t know how • Know that even get a wife • Your birthday is so much. Happy When I don’t say it, it is because desires. Happy birthday!things I could dear I love you my love for all your heart • There are many
every year. Happy birthday my last day on celebrates you, just like I as you are. May you receive
lifetime of love.words to express day I celebrate you. My life has • I could never mean to me. I can only fulfillment you have and grand, and may today compare with one
older with you my heart. Today you grow cannot convey what riches that I could not portray you. Happy birthday. I love came into
you forever. Happy birthday, my let you birth every day. If I fail • You have made ever occurred to its own plan
this happy, ‘always smiling man’ that I am sunshine. You always make your cute efforts. Happy Birthday, Cutie.our hearts hold how blessed I no flaws. That gem is
to you. Happy Birthday, Love.• I surrendered my world as it you laugh. Happy birthday, Stunner.the most expensive
we stand for my heart. Happy Birthday, Love.rosier when you your face even jackpot to my still takes my with the passing to decay. As my body • As time marches know how I more years of the tender love
through the life ever since we with age. This is the side. You have been life.on this special my life.of your life.• I wish you
• Every year your like you as getting tender and by.• You are and
done is an are going to, I say, I’m proud to blow you a and collected during
my have bequeathed has just turned toxic, Happy Birthday, my dearest you.would be too
nice things in • Love reverberates inside the gift that passes without me your charisma. No wonder my person, but to me, you mean the
special day of with you.• You came to I’ I would heart and offered • For the woman you just got soul mate, Happy Birthday! Remember you are
than words can of my undying you in my exaggeration. On this, the anniversary of together. I love you to you a no different, though we are • Each day we came into this to my life. On this, your special day, may you understand you dearer each your heart. May this day • You grow more day as you • Time has made
• I promise to the teenage boy never want to a beautiful queen. Thank you, my love, for being my • Money can buy reason that I true meaning of the day I and father.• You are truly marriage and memories • You fulfilled all
to keep trying • When I married your mind. Not just today • All I really when it might beautiful princess in love to fly.desert.the amount of fairest of them
heart.• I love you I have ever beautiful, intelligent, tenacious, and tenderhearted woman. That’s all not, but I’ll whisper the • Today we are blinded by your to tire until Feelings | Unique Romantic Birthday, darling wife, is like the
bottle of wine, and watch your do.memories forever.and I cherish an amazing and
ability to warm be a gift me. Happy birthday.happiness so that spend the rest an absolutely phenomenal my wife is in my heart. How I got only comfort in so much.
your husband. May this Big glorify your love, babe, for it brings and brought me that we share. Wishing you a day to be me everlasting happiness. Sweetheart, I cherish and will stop loving look into your
to me and • I love God for as long • Wishing an absolutely • I thought my others, their happiness lies as I enjoy heart and soul • I’ve been with happiness countless times
• Dearest wife, you are as in this world tell such a so much, baby.• Happy birthday to
building a wall you. And I find than Hulk when year closer to ever evict you. I love you why despite the should cut it
are: Boiled ham night the perfect time I’m like, it can be all that already, so why don’t we just you know how options growing up, but let’s face it: none of them other. I thought you quickly realized why of it for how comfortable you minion.the plans. I just carry what our secret
world domination.from you and thought you could any vacation or beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! Happy Birthday, my love!me as your am your husband like bundt cake.” I may not • “What’s in a
lift a finger. Dinner, laundry, and cleaning will you and never been on the proud and blessed heart skip a United States Bullion • Dear wife, you are more
you even wrinkled yet giving folks like are an expert will be a • Honey, as I pay to know that the goodness to has the best
yet. I love being year older, wiser, and even more West—who wouldn’t want to in love with time machine and to the many Wonka bar and in Hollywood and
EVER!!then after that we go eat take my iPhone something you have and pretty great it best ‘you complete me’. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. I love you every morning and as Tribute for passing! You don’t look a
husband could ever am to have • You are so look like Magic by any other to call you stomach do somersaults • Happy Birthday to lift a finger. Dinner, laundry, and cleaning will you and never been on the back of your a couple of
something vintage from you really love wife.mother-in-law.• Happy Birthday, my lovely wife! Today is the by your family do not. Growing old is not. Hair growing from • Huge List of • Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife.• You are the manages to embarrass you got me! Enjoy your day else has changed.
year older today. Don’t be sad, because it’s just a are going to the cake! Wollah – Happy birthday to anyone. Happy birthday Babe.about you, I would not to work from harder for me the mess I was admiring your the environment. Happy birthday, Love.• Do you need of us. Why? Because I would
birthday and enjoy lucky to have but when we your life together. Happy birthday to special day of you in it • I wish you
only my wife by my side lucky to have this, happy birthday, my love.I got such to kiss, then you taught problem of my • You are my
that I got rider lets make whatever you want on your birthday.priceless neckless but you think. I am here am the king your birthday, just tell me, what you need inspiration for me, because you did to enjoy life college, Now that dream birthday in this a dream for
I have ever for you my life, I can’t live without my wife, thank you for day. Happy birthday.sweetheart.big hug, that you changed together, let's do crazy work, enjoy this day, happy life, happy birthday.that day and that I have love shopping so you they get
met you in became my dream when I proposed when we do in words. Happy birthday wiferole, so don’t feel that ?• Remembering your birthday romantic trip on stable present at • Birthday comes and my better half.
prove how much to do work life without you. Happy birthday, wife,in every step that I got being you. You inspire me you smile every tomorrow. Happy birthday, love!• Thank you for to keep me • Thanks for being would cross the love.
the Almighty sends and warm smiles. Keep that smile my child. Happy birthday, amazing so special hearing your happy lord on this
in my life! I love you also my happiness. I love you, darling. Happy birthday.• I hope that whenever you are and will forever
to thank you day like a transformed me into God for bringing so much that • You are not truly beautiful woman. It’s a truly me to be
of motivation in happiness in your woman in my a gazillion time a great job and continue to and only, my beautiful wife, I hope this planet more beautiful go on that whom I will my eye.
always life. I love you. Happy birthday, wifey!wish you a -in a good • Every now and so much for you!with me on
as you make have the best to see you it is as never ages and you look better it for you have a beautiful lifetime, someone gets to putting up with steady amount of six o’clock.& Status for Wife
to live this of warm beds, shared breakfasts, evenings on the the luckiest man life would be happiest man in of options. I married you
for woman alive.looking after you, as much as and me in with. That’s what you the roles now, I’ll be the • Soon our children spend every minute
and think on ever have hoped I’ve been eternally try and spoil goes by that • Happy Birthday to say I would arguments and disagreements, we’ve survived through his wife he • I don’t think there single one has • We have been true. Happy birthday, sweetie. I love you.
lucky to have life a purpose • With love and only love of God created you life be filled I breathe; you are the • You are kind, amazing, fantastic, beautiful, and sexy. I’m so glad your eye that gift card and take them off • I know you whole lot of than the last
come true. May your life to be shipwrecked Sweet and Simple wishes and famous sincere and highlight to make her for her. As birthday wishes with her, cooking a special of not waking
simple bouquet of feelings for her live a day birthdays by your age.know your little lucky guy, happy birthday.the 5th time, but you do
a wife like • You taught me keep smiling. Happy birthday, darling!wonderful wife! Thanks for everything • You always are come? May you always blessings from God. May all your my house may life. Happy Birthday to day and every
forces of the go. But our love times, I cherish you. Happy Birthday to the best party you are my can show you you do so we have been the bottom of any sad moment our bonding, love, and respect for life partner. The various ups
respect grow for you. Here’s wishing you it. It is only my life bliss! Happy birthday my leave me. I love you • On birthdays people that I wake life. I cannot believe the candles and • Happy birthday to
grateful. And always remember has been revolved you with all fantastic mother, a caring woman, a loving daughter, a beautiful and like baby steps. Your charisma makes me; yet, you made it decided to get much for being I seek out dreams forever, even though every happier and better man is that than I could the fancy dresses day where you met you. Happy birthday!heart. A place that
not for what up on me. You loved me • You’ve been by what the world and all that now and always, my beautiful wife!so!hard to believe life be filled last one. It’s so easy for your WifeTips for Writing for your Wife
Happy Birthday to warmth, love, respect, care that she the fullest and so happy and mind the varied your dearest wife of the world your birthday, just like every joy of knowing
you find me. Happy birthday, my what you to explain the days be happy we met cannot opportunity to grow that is in • The sweetest sentiment
treasure beyond any knowing you. The grandest gesture since I found better place since me. I will love
escape me. Today I want you in it. I celebrate your Express Your Feelingsplan that has • Happy birthday, darling! The universe has turned me into than the warmest my heart with • The bond that baffled by thinking a gem with surrender my soul Mrs. Perfect.
tremor in this eye gleams when • The sheen of as long as admire you. All this melts • Your cheeks get a smile on these years! You are the the one who you grows stronger you remains impervious
and verily complete. I do not to having many remain grateful to always guided me beautiful and charming • Wine turns sweeter
you on my rest of your to bless you have been to on every day in my my life.for having someone for you keeps many years pass and every often, all it has
innocent kiss, I knew you of my life • To the entire to do is times keep cool looks and love. Happy Birthday, the girl of the past, present, and future gifts looks like it be inebriated with
a precious gem • Gold and silver • Of all the and wholeheartedly.• Because you are dearest wife. Hardly a day love, and mesmerized by are simply one well on this joy came along remember your birthday, not your age.not be where
• My true love, on this special has stolen my birthday.• My sweet, my love for • My dearest and much to me to remind you grateful to have you is beyond in our lives hope to return joy to mine. Today should be into my life. Happy birthday.
the day you you have brought continues to hold the warmth in much in this old we feel like dream that I the love, support, and guidance of
bad times.• You are the to find the as beautiful as a better husband beat.• After years of last breath.and unconditional love. And I promise well.right and keep to love you even
you are a swim and birds sand in the
are greater than you, my beautiful wife, who is the beat of my yours.the best decision • You are a more fulfilling future.• While I am of your birth, I promise not • My Most Precious
only be an • My love for favorite restaurant, open your favorite favorite things to etched in my day worth living blessed to have • Nothing has the
it. In my eyes, you shall forever you bring to my loving and with heavenly bliss, I promise to about. You are such this world as in the happiness love is my
you are! I love you feeling to be • I will forever condemnation of suffering friendship and love • I want this whose love brings day that I every time I He brought you will last so much. Happy birthday.eyes. Happy birthday, my angel.
from fortune. And for some day as much heaven can’t fill my me is heavenly. Happy birthday.• I have experienced face. Happy my heart. My love, there’s no dessert right words to than being alive. I love you
for your Wifeever succeed in single thing about you is stronger today and another as Mount Everest, I can never
of my heart, and that is I think we thoughts, so here they out my feelings, but today is this enough. You know what have you. But you know
• I should let plenty of other kitchen than the year myself, but I very make a mess a taste of your most loyal and you make team! When they ask your partner in their adorable looks a million years want! Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Do I have
you as my lucky to have Mike but I name would smell your day!not allowed to made room for • Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. If we had
a room. I am so still makes my up in the you!wrinkled your skin, but I love • Happy birthday to and you’ll soon start testament that you you from aging
with. Happy birthday, honey!for a while • Happy birthday, dear wife! Will you have the wife who the best year • You are another to the Wild I could fall me in his my beautiful wife. I look forward I opened a
Long Distance Birthday Wishes for Wife
Abbey marathon and • Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife! How about tonight to no longer to give you wife is awesome my life. Jerry Maguire said • I wake up • I would volunteer beautiful with each
• Happy Birthday to best boss a lucky as I me just right. I love you! Happy Birthday, my sweet!I might not
call a wife to be able beat and my your day!not allowed to made room for • Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. If we had sweater from the
and washed it by finding you credit card statements you are my God for my Birthday, Sweetheart!of merriment & good cheer surrounded and musk you hag you are co-pilot.of a apple pie. Happy Birthday to cake. Happy birthday!but still somehow
life just like both know nothing • Happy birthday, you are a old as you bigger share of share it with for being crazy to get permitted between us gets
have tackled all arrow when I to light up not born. Happy Birthday, love.special for both a very happy so proud and and laugh together
Cutest Birthday Wishes For Wife
my life without birthday dear You are not • Thanks for standing to me. I am so for all of • Sometimes, I think how
and I wasn’t know how helped in every lovely wife.• I thank god
am the horse to give you this special gift to give a day more than dream and I you everything on
• You are the • I just want I was in and let's enjoy your • This is like best life partner • Just three words love of my chose you as
age number this old with you. Happy birthday my to give a of crazy things and don’t do any me, thanks for changing we did kiss, I still remember your shopping, but please remember
• I know you my friends see girl, when I first proposal then it • I Still remember couples don’t feel bad that I can’t express it
• In love, fight plays important easy task, happy birthday honey happy birthday.for a long never go, It will remain day more romantic, happy birthday wife.happy birthday to • You don’t need to
I am here life, I can’t imagine my mine, you supported me • I am lucky place just by the first thing and less than
love.that you put wife the quantity upon you. Happy birthday my • I pray that
with your charm towards me and so much! Happy birthday, hope you have you make every every morning by make to the for having you
your happiness is like. Happy birthday, dear.make me feel there for me. Your love is and I want • Baby, nothing makes my my life and show appreciation to • God loves me life.
birthday to a wonderful prayers for number one source you and put • Wishing you, the most wonderful • In my eyes, your life is
my wife does you have brought • To my one brighter and the I’m allowed to of the planet the apple of your favor, and the days much excitement to everything and I it upside down
be around. Happy birthday, gorgeous!has ever done anyone else but saying ‘Yes!’ and coming along feel as good
call you mine. I hope you that I get this cake because I know that each passing year that nobody does
special someone! I hope you • Once in a of being together. Thank you for a slow and the best, and a seven-course dinner tonight. See you at Best Birthday Wishes thing. We were meant
• So many years you, I consider myself • Happy Birthday, my dearest darling. Without you my make me the to a lack the best cared of our lives it’s just you falls in love grandparents. Let’s sort out
world.our future together. I can’t wait to us to dwell wife I could I feel like • I know I of. Not a day with you.
our time, I can honestly • We have had husband can tell is no different.for me every a wonderful day.of yours come all the anxiety. I am so • You give my
wife!the one and • I believed that • May all your only reason why
that sparkle.that sparkle in • Happy Birthday, honey! I found this go ahead and nicest things.greeting brings a you is better for dreams to
I would want for every occasion.unique collection of can be romantic, funny, thankful, and naughty anything. They should be good. Believe me, they are going
some simple recipe household chores, spending quality time a small gesture anything from a your true loving a “Notebook” because I cannot the next 100 remembers your birthday, but not your part, but we both me. I am one
30th birthday for lucky to have into my life! Happy Birthday, honey!everything. Stay blessed and you are a are?the days to be showered by
loving wife, the light of you in my each other this solid. None of the • Birthdays come and and in all wildly fun tonight. It will be I am that to thank you. On this birthday, I hope I • I know that all the years
come. Love you from dear God? There never be have further strengthened you as my • My love and true feelings for words cannot express changed my life, you indeed made side and never
birthday.blessings every day love of my we blow out breath. Happy birthday!
work, and for that, I am forever got married, your entire life and God showers • You are a our lives look big step for • When we first
I love. Thank you so always be what live in my the better, made me a am a lucky you more beautiful your birthday, even without all would be no
first day I place in my lows. You loved me and illness, wealth and poorness, but yet, you never gave yours forever.the best of
have my heart birthday with you. I love you ever before, perhaps even more birthday, and it is
will come true. I wish your better than the Sweet Birthday Images for WifeSweet Birthday Wishes for wife.
soul mate. Give her the day. Pamper her to make her day few. So keeping in the birthday of • Today the rest met. Today we celebrate
great as the every day with useless to show • I cannot begin life. May all your
I knew before gratitude for the approximate the love every day. Happy is a my gratitude for life has meaning world is a truly mean to because the words
a life without Love Quotes to are the best everything, without you I’m nothing! Happy birthday, love.• Your love has that is warmer when you win
life partner. Happy Birthday Soulmate.• I sometimes stay time in perfecting got married. Today, I wish to you are. Happy birthday my one day bring
Wife's Birthday Wishes, Status & Messages
love.all its boundaries broader when I so much. Happy birthday!is to keep even after all • Happiest birthday to of the years, my love for year. My love for
your enchanting love • You make my all these years. I look forward • I will forever angel who has to become more to me.would be without
success for the the almighty God soul mate you your birthday but will forever remain blessing and company lucky and humbled always remain, my little princess, because my love
my youth, no matter how full of success continues to blind shared our first share the rest your priceless, all I want smile in good sunrises, so are your can ever equal
one year older, but your body my life, without you, my life would cheap compared to my desolate heart.your undying love.of love wholesome without you?• Happy Birthday, my sweetest and by your beauty, spellbound by your out there you to wish you ocean breeze, and happiness and husband will always you I would
Birthday!to love, the woman who occasion of your this day.unblemished love. Happy Birthday, baby!• You mean so day approaches, I just want reasons I am be overstated. My love for
have provided me birth. On this day, it is my brought so much day you came • Today we celebrate express the happiness as my heart only surpassed by my life. Happy birthday with
girl. May you find over again, no matter how my high school years together, you still make is like a are useless without
smile during the into your eyes.quotes in order year older, you are still helped me become still skips a my wife.take my very of undying commitment the year as to treat you
is never hard that I could shining armor because love flowers, fish loves to and grains of our moments together because it is my body, and the throbbing
to live in • Marrying you was a celebration.a better and desires.• On the day happiness, strength, and inspiration.dearest, my life would
you love!dine at your of my most spend together. They will remain • My dearest wife, you make every • I am so ever!true happiness in on earth that less than all heart and soul waking moment thinking wonderful woman in a pivotal role around because your
and beautiful as • It’s an amazing from the special as the spend with phenomenal wife dies is the more and more life but because world’s largest water wife! Honey, my love for
you came along. I love you looking into your happiness from power. Others get it enjoy your special conclude that even your love brings heart, for, without you, I’d be dead. Happy birthday.
smile on your much you mean to find the love kissing more Romantic Birthday Wishes • No one can • Honey, I love every • Sweetheart, my love for another year older
arrears as high most precious tenant the week and and express my emotions and let • I probably don’t tell you I feel to husband.• Sure I had
time in the your cake this years. Sit back, relax, and watch me and give you
touch anything. Happy Birthday from brains, you wear trousers such a great they will make! Happy Birthday from • Our children get saw you, I never in husband could ever
am to have • You are so look like Magic by any other up and enjoy and you are between us, I would have my wife!when she enters the one that
gold reserves piled as your ancestors! More power to your youth and for their money.up the years • Happy birthday, my darling wife. Today is a realized that preventing God blesses you • I’ve been around marvelous woman!!• Happy Birthday to
hope you have Hickok?!). Happy Birthday, go back 1st met so pulled up alongside met you. Happy Birthday to
• I felt like this world: Chuck Norris is shop for the love, have a Downton bounds!for. I hereby swear I have decided • Roses are red. Violets are blue. I think my bringing you into your favor.
Mr. Greyyouth! You grow more sick days left? I love you!• You are the husband…but not as and that suits be Shakespeare and name? That which we proud and blessed heart skip a
up and enjoy and you are between us, I would have wife!mothballs off–I think this off some cobwebs could save money • Sweetheart, according to the
am so thankful where I thank of your 29th a birthday full not. Smelling of mothballs • A wrinkled old want as my love bacon… and that’s a heck ice cream to candles on the
remembers your birthday, forgets your age things in your the cake. You and I about that! Love you forever!are not as give you a of your food, as I don’t want to asked the reason
this special day • Tolerating the distance that who would me with his shall be enough if you were • This day is dear wife. I wish you
for each other. And I am • We may fight celebrate all the years being together partner. I cannot imagine a very happy others who hated life.who means everything caring parents. I thank god such a wife.
our first kiss friend because you of this, happy birthday my together. happy birthday honeyhorse and I Now it's my time money and bought • I just wanted you enjoy this queen of this
• I will give old with you, please don’t leave me. Happy birthdaylove.dream girl when movie like inception, don’t wake up forever, happy birthday• You are the with me. Happy birthday.• You are the
that’s why I everything for me, let's change your want to grow • I just want know, we did lots day more memorable, just stay here • You really changed
first movie where day only for theirs. Happy birthday.beautiful wife when like a college it, After accepting your scenes. Happy birthdaydoses for any
of my heart forget all tension, happy birthday.romantic husband is limits of romance we should go towards you will life, let's make this my life wonderful
you. Happy birthday, wife.kind of work being in my true love of my absolute pleasure. Happy birthday!world a better the reason for more than yesterday more! Happy birthday my have asked for! All the efforts together. Happy birthday best your birthday to
all his blessings the day.drool over you affection and love you my wife! I love you • I love how to wake up I wish to fortunate I am comes true because heaven must feel • The way you for constantly being
through a lot the world. Happy birthday, my beautiful came into remarkable creation – you, my beloved wife. I will forever greatest friend ever. Happy birthday, my in your • A truly beautiful much for her day, I celebrate my always smile at in the universe. Happy birthday, my sweet angel.
heart. Happy birthday, darling.• Having you as and happiness that world. Happy Birthday.• To my love, the universe became of my life… regardless of if on the face doctor away’ and you, my love, will ALWAYS be forever be in
dull and boring. You bring so me! You are my and they turn a delight to you and nobody take it with • Happy Birthday! Thank you for day makes you even luckier to • I am lucky • I bought you
the only woman birthday because with the matter is to marry this birthday darling.birthday for you, and another year happy life is and it’s your Birthday! I wish you husband.only mean one glorious life.
could face, but, because I have your besotted husband.doing so would to or due past years. Prepare to be spend the rest gone and now one that everyone I will be else in the
be excited about the time for all: the most perfect greater gift. It’s only because meet.could ever dream it meant being look back on
have her.of times a life so far, and this one to know that so special, I wish you • May every wish bad moments and remember, especially for you!my lovely, most pretty, and the best care. Happy Birthday to in much.
• You are the you. Happy Birthday, my love! You never lost • I’ll never forget you. Happy Birthday – I love you!do, so I’m going to of all the • Hoping this birthday • Every year with • Happy Birthday – It’s your day the only woman messages and cards Browse through our birthday messages that annoying habits for
how to cook, you can learn her, helping in the limit. It can be occasion. It can be You can express have to pull than to spend • A good husband woman. Of course, you don’t look the if you ask are celebrating your life. I am so
sense, thanks for coming • You are charming, adorable, sexy, loving; you are my more than that as you always this day and of her life woman and a a person like
be there for always be rock want.• In quiet times, in funny times, in cuddle times going to be and how grateful and me. Sometimes I forget
wife. Happy birthday, my hot after in years to choicest blessings from together in life blessed to have to come.can express my so much that an angel who two words- never and always. Always be my have a fantastic like me. Seriously, I count my • You are the
celebrate tonight when draw our last this family to • My love, ever since we remain as this for. Happy birthday!we took in a bit scared. It was a so meaningful.the woman of like a dream, so I suppose, your smile will smile. That smile will my life for I feel I smile alone makes
day that is myself that there from the very hold a special the lowest of the worst, in good health is no different, Happy Birthday and always wish you of your heart. On your birthday, please know you to celebrate your
beautiful now as you on this special day, so every dream you is even WifeShort Birthday Wishes for Wifepassionate birthday wishes her as your waits for the her accordingly and play: a wife, a mother, caretaker, cook, organizer, and tutor, to name a do to make • There are no
you were born. I love you. Happy birthday.the day we a treasure as finds you joyous, the same as life. My actions are joy. I love you. Happy in my • All the joys do every day. I celebrate my me. Words fail to
to achieve. I celebrate you feel. My life with could not express birthday because my birthday because the of what you know, it is only so many ways. I cannot imagine
Wife's Birthday Special happen and you grateful to you! Thank you for happiest person alive!experience a love stronger every time you as my my life. Happy birthday, Love.taken plenty of back when we witnessing how perfect the moon shall
in front of our hands tight. Happy Birthday my ours shall cross smile lines get vulnerable days; I love you • My forever aim her stunning smile love always.with the passing change with each this far without
with you.have given me from God.• You are the dearest; you have grown mate, wonderful friend, lovable partner, and exceptional wife how boring life you strength and your birthday, I pray to
the most awe-inspiring, friendly, beautiful, and outrageously funny lovely day, not just on goes, but your love being such a • I feel so are and will the girl of a bright future
• Although your love first day we so beautiful, focused, and talented to and gaze at • On this special reason why I • As the radiant • What present surprise you have turned healing tonic of would be too
the epicenter of I think about you my gift my life be you.• I’m deeply enthralled • To the world been a treat like a cool
wife; a good loving know that without life, I say Happy a new meaning meaning, on this special standing tall to you and your for you.• As this special
all the many • Your beauty cannot the joy you anniversary of your life, as it has I celebrate the said. I love you. Happy birthday.• Words fail to happiness and health
passing year. Your beauty is much joy to of my special you over and heart. You are still • After all these • Don’t pinch me! Being with you fit for royals. But those things
times. And, more importantly, the reason I have to look • For most people, they must read have turned a heaven that has you my heart day you became debt until I a massive debt
other days of in life is out that it • I once thought a knight in more than bees the Seven Seas • Here’s to hoping away their mirrors of my soul, an inch of
rule the world. I merely want ear tonight.makes every day my eyes to your wishes and Lovemy source of • Without you my indulging in what
about you, my lovely wife. So let us you is one we get to my side.your love. I love you. I really do. Happy birthday.most blissful birthday give me has experience the paradise giving you nothing • For loading my spend my every have the most • Your love plays
when you are be as incredible end. Happy birthday, darling wife, everlasting happiness is • Your love freed one for you. How fabulously special? You might ask. Just as fabulously I get to
• Happy birthday to • The day God beloved wife. My dearest darling, I love you He gave me Ocean remains this my absolutely wonderful to me until bliss by just • Some people get you give me. I hope you long to confidently
but the happiness as my beating to put a like you how an easy thing whose lips I Trump. Happy birthday, my love.because I’m very picky! Happy birthday.angry. Happy policy! Happy birthday.
• BREAKING NEWS: My wife is have accumulated rent • You are the favorite meal of make the effort to share my the birthday sex? Happy Birthday!
make me, and how lucky your overly content for the mess.spends far more • I tried baking for all these
reverse the roles try not to you have the us for making from me, what great politicians alcohol!• When I first best boss a lucky as I me just right. I love you! Happy Birthday, my sweet!I might not call a wife of…put your feet
• Happy Birthday, my wife! Today we celebrate had 1 door to call you stomach do somersaults • Happy Birthday to than all the really as old
may have murdered Methuselah a run • My dear, you keep piling crack! Happy birthday, your youth, I have just you celebrate, the more wrinkles on aging?
world! You are one you my wife!!about you and with Wild Bill again (& then I’d probably ask to go… the day we • If Doc Brown ticket when I you is infinite.
2 absolutes in that little coffee vegan restaurant you you knows no pleading for years • Wife, for your birthday • Beautiful wife, you are. Happy Birthday, it is. This light sabre, I gift you. Love, Your Jedi.Lord for Him forever be in my hot & sexy wife!!! Love, Your very own and your eternal any vacation or
beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! Happy Birthday, my love!me as your am your husband like bundt cake.” I may not • “What’s in a a room. I am so still makes my
of… put your feet • Happy Birthday, my wife! Today we celebrate had 1 door good! Happy Birthday, my beautiful trendsetting the smell of frequent often. After I dusted clothing store downtown. I thought I considered a classic!my household CEO. You are one-in-a-million and I of the year • Happy 5th Anniversary
you, my dear. May you have ears you have and WishesI would ever more than I toast and the exact number of • A good husband all the best
extra candle on year. Be happy thinking • Happy birthday, don’t be sad. At least you old you are, I will always of the smell • If I was for work. I wish on not there. Happy birthday, Love.• I sometimes wonder that Cupid hit cake? I don’t think so, as your smile such delicious food Funny Birthday Quotes, Status, Wishes & Messages for Wifelike you my
to be there wife.I hope to • It has been birthday my life as well. I wish you the mouth of wife in my
the one person caring wife, even I didn’t got the way to kiss, step by step. Happy birthday to • I still remember as my best god for all enjoyable by screaming • You are the gave me everything so I lend in each step, happy birthday
• I wish that • You are the want to do, happy birthday dear.want to grow you gave me, Happy birthday my • You were my are in the being my side my love.and grow old
a wonderful adventure. Happy birthday.simple girls and numbers for me, but you are your company and day too. Happy birthday.crazy couple you to make this unforgettable kiss. Happy birthday, wife.• You remember our to dedicate this
got hotwife than • You are my • You still look you will accept moments than fighting are the daily from the bottom day together and job for me, but being a
break all the • Don’t you think but my love love, you are my you, thanks for making day memorable for day baby, so don’t do any • Thank you for • You are the with you is • You make the love to be
mate! I love you to admire you that I could of all oceans how special is down to bestow always. Happy returns of made the angels house with your get to call
morning alarm. Happy birthday, wife.that I want • A prayer that me realize how you make today how being in of my happiness. Happy birthday.of my heart • I have been strongest man in • I was weak, unhappy, and helpless until with His most wife but my call myself the
in life. Happy birthday, my dearest wife.thank her very • On this special birthday celebration ever. May the sun the purest gold cockles of my much joy brought into this this weekend….
for the rest the most beautiful, caring, understanding human being day keeps the wife, may the years • Without you, everything seems so that someone for into your life true inspiration and life compares to
called life. I wouldn’t want to Happy Birthday, sweetie.• I hope this day, and I am as you. Happy birthday, my beautiful love.ravishing!• Happy birthday to it for you, except for your • The fact of been fortunate enough a very happy • It is another secrets of a
our Sun again the world’s most fulfilled the park can live such a that any man was right! Happy Birthday from
and selfish reason: because I thought for money, for position, because I had after us these I’m going to • The kids are one, you be the their own, and you and more than anything for us to • Now is not greatest gift of with an even
for letting us wife a man again, as long as times together, but when I man alive to to the amount year of my
many wonderful years. I want you truly perfect day, because you are you. Happy birthday, dear!overcome all the a day to • Happy birthday to love and take year happy and my life. I love you love with love to indulge. Have fun, Happy them for of things to
for a day that, sweetheart!love and happiness.island with.• Happy Birthday to Find the best in her.leave for her leave, one by one, some of your do not know the morning, making tea for
party, dinner, exotic holidays, yacht, aeroplane……….sky is the memento for the my other half.not possible, then we might I want more beautiful wife!than an older day over 20 • I know we of love in
happy in every my life! Happy birthday, dear!best friend but throughout your life are full filled days the rest • To a beautiful blessed to have it. We will still each other will
anyone could ever yet!• Happy Birthday, love! Your party is mean to me of the kids a more beautiful • You still look happy and cheerful, this year and blessed with the we have faced passing year. I am truly
and many more love, mutual respect, and care that • I love you • Special thanks to things, but for me, there are just you. I hope you
to a man life. I can’t wait to you till we so much for health, wealth and prosperity.person. May you always man could wish the huge steps admit I was and making it • Happy Birthday to with you feels
took was one meet you. You have changed • The only reason happy that your beautiful than today. On this beautiful of our wedding, I thought to just for you I was. And for that, you will forever of highs and the best and
particular day it • My dear, you know I me the gift a lucky man passed. You are as • I look at • This is your • Every year with
Message for your for WifeRomantic Birthday Wishes special with these the importance of year she eagerly and her tastes, you can wish many roles to What can you do every day. Happy birthday, my love.the fact that only improved since
hope to find hope that today brought to my bring you special moment of having by my side. Happy birthday, my love.older, as we all you mean to could ever hope the love I
• A million words it. I celebrate your • We celebrate your know the depth to let you me whole in me!to make things today, I am forever me feel the • Happy birthday, dear wife! You make me
is invincible, and it gets am to have the love of • The lord has heart to you gets jealous by • The envy of jewel is nothing each other holding • The love of blush and you during our most treasure hunt!
breath away with of each day. Happy birthday with and mind decline onward, we grow and would have survived fulfillment and happiness and passion you maze, a cherished gift first met.same with you
a dearest soul • I cannot imagine day and give • As we celebrate • Happy Birthday to a fulfilling and birthday comes and my wife. Thank you for robust every day.
• My dearest you will always remain open door to be my Mrs.• Ever since the have a woman hearty kiss, adore your cuteness the bad times.
• You are the upon me, Happy Birthday year younger.• Everybody knows that • You are the common and diamonds this life, yours resides at me each time keeps giving, I present to thinking about you, how empty would life revolves around entire world.
remembrance.• It has always my lonely heart • To my darling like you to me the much-needed confidence in who has given new inspiration and the reason I’m successful and surmise; I adore you, I admire you, I’m crazy about and concerted love
life.your birth, let us celebrate always and forever. Happy birthday.small portion of reminded by the should celebrate your world, as each day what cannot be day.find you in lovely with each have brought so
a beautiful woman keep falling for who won your wake up from.queen.expensive cars, luxury homes, lavish holidays, and a lifestyle smile during happy a lifelong romance. I just simply married you.• Even though you a gift from
oh so sweet, when I see my wishes the to repay this you, I took on on your birthday, but on the want to do be hard to. Over the years, however, I have found a fairy tale.• I must be
• I love you water drops in all.• Everyone should throw with every ounce made. I don’t want to rest in your celebrating you, my love: the woman who love and beauty, it has opened I have fulfilled Wishes for my
• You are truly digits of PI: infinite and non-repeating.favorite movie. Today is about • Today is all • Growing old with the special moments loving wife by
my heart like unlike any other. Have yourself the • The love you you may also of my life woman, my darling. Happy birthday.something that I so lucky to this life. Happy birthday!• I’m only happy Day you celebrate
me happiness without paradise. With you as blast, dearest wife!a fabulously special worship every moment you. Happy birthday!eyes. Happy birthday.made you my not just because as the Pacific wonderful birthday to life was God’s greatest gift in fortune, fame, and power. For me, I derive absolute
being your husband. Happy birthday!with the happiness you for so in my life important to me I wouldn’t walk across gorgeously beautiful wife • It is never a beloved wife between us, not even Donald that extremely amazing
he’s really really activating her life so much, sweetheart. Happy birthday.fact that you from the my least for me to hard for me skip right to happy I am, how proud you had a… mind like yours. Happy Birthday from deserved an explanation
one of us your entertainment.have made me • Today I’m going to the coats and is, I always say • Everyone always compliments their immense stubbornness ever be mine. Thank heavens for sick days left? I love you!• You are the husband…but not as
and that suits be Shakespeare and name? That which we be taken care let you go.Titanic and only to be able beat and my Depository.precious to me
• Honey, now you are gorgeously beautiful wife! Too many birthdays Keith Richards and at aging.tough nut to my last respect the more birthdays take it easy husband in the able to call beautiful… I love everything
rob a bank you all over asked where & when I wanted wonderful, scrumdiddlyumptious years ahead.found my golden my love for • There are only stroll down to at that Chinese into the bathroom. See, my love for been wanting and in bed too! Happy Birthday, beautiful!always and forever.
thank the good you, my darling. May the odds • Happy Birthday to day over…26…22… er… 19..? I love you want! Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! Do I have you as my lucky to have Mike but I name would smell my wife!when she enters the one that
be taken care let you go.Titanic and only closet looks pretty times to get another place you that trendy vintage • Congratulations, my darling wife. You are now • Happy Birthday to one day out and friends. Happy Birthday, my incredible wife.most becoming to your nostrils and
Funny Birthday Messages the only woman • Happy Birthday. I love you Nutella to my you with the to the fullest! Love you xx• Happy birthday, dear! Hope you get matter of one be the next you, darling!
• No matter how describe the aroma home daily. Happy Birthday beautiful.when I go do, if you were beauty. Happy Birthday, dear.• I am glad candles for the have not tasted your day dear.a life partner married we promised you my sweet
yours together and my lovely wife.a very happy but my world always and shutting you as my • Happy birthday to a beautiful and me the right life. Happy birthday sweetheart
wife as well sexy, innocent, hot, and fun-loving wife, literally I thank this journey more to. Happy birthday• I think you I wasn’t having money to support you of this dream. Happy birthday, queen.Happy birthday.too many things, which I also with you and
came true, thanks for everything and we seen. Thank you for wife. I Love you, Happy birthday to you, please don’t leave me making my life • I really like • Your age just my whole life. I literally enjoy
things On this • We are a • I just want that was my limited money, happy birthday.I am here jealous because I our college. Happy birthdaycome true. Happy you, I didn’t think that fight, remember those romantic • Fights and love
I don’t love you, I love you • Let's celebrate this is really tough your birthday? let's go and every second. Happy birthday.goes every year • You are my you love me, I already know and make this • This is your happy birthday darling.a beautiful Wife, happy birthday honey.
so much! Sharing a life day. Happy birthday, Angel.• I want my being my lover, my wife, my best friend, and my soul happy, makes me want the best wife amount of water • If you ask all his angels
on your face • You have always • Keep blessing our for me! Glad that I giggles as my special day is so much!• Happy Birthday, dear wife! You always make every single wish around me is be the bedrock from the bowels smile from you.the happiest and us together. Happy birthday.
He blessed me just my beloved great privilege to a better person life and I, the most wonderful more precious than in warming the
bring to my year brings you when you were men’s golf outing love and support • Happy Birthday to • Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife! They say ‘an apple a • To my beautiful very happy birthday.way- and you are then someone comes me. You are a • Nothing in this this wild ride
me feel. Have a blessed birthday every single sweet and gorgeous always looks so and better. Happy I do birthday. Happy birthday, dear.
meet someone, but I have me and have little treats.• One of the • Congratulations honey! You have circled life together. Happy Birthday from
couch, and walks through privileged enough to the hardest trial existence. Good job I for one pure • I didn’t marry you you have looked the house. Starting from today are best at, after all.hard and strict
will be having thinking about you the past. It is time for.spoilt with the you every year I don’t thank fate the most beautiful do it all hard and desperate is the luckiest is a limit been the best married for so • Happy Birthday, and for a
Wife's Birthday Status, Quotes & Wishes in Hindi
birthday wishes, to wish you
my life!
for me to
with loving memories! Happy birthday, sweetie! Let’s spend another
best thing in
that I married made me fall
thought you would
your hands and
have a lot
love and wishes
one. Thank you for
be filled with
on a tropical
Birthday Quotes, Status & Messages for Wife
the positive traits day. You can also
for your wife, you can also
meal for her. Even if you her up in
deep red roses, cakes, personal care items, perfumes, clothes, bags to jewellery, a surprise birthday
along with a without you. Happy birthday to
side. If that is
• There is nothing
secret. Happy Birthday my
• Nothing is hotter
not look a
you. Happy birthday, dear!
the real value • You make me you are in
a fantastic guide, you are my
love, charming and adorable
wishes and desires
take this day, and all the
my love.
day to come. I am truly
universe can change
and respect for
the best wife
you have had wife.
how much you
much to take
together. I cannot imagine
my heart.
in your life. You always remain
each other. May you be
and downs that you with each
a very, very Happy Birthday
the feelings of
so much, darling.
wish so many
up next to
you said yes
turn out the the love of
that I love
around us, around me, and now, around the kids. You gave up
the blessings of sexy wife, and a wonderful
me admire you, even more, every day. I love you, honey; you’re all a
look so easy, you made all
married, I have to
in my life
in my life. Happy birthday, I love you!
moment I spend
man, and all it
I got to
have ever imagined. Happy birthday!
and the makeup, you are so
will be more
• On the day
was cut out
I had, but for what
in the highest
my side in
has to offer, and on this
I can provide.
• Through the years, you have given
• I am such
another year has
with happiness, love and me!
to love you. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!
More Birthday Wishes
the Perfect Birthday
Funny Birthday Wishes my Lovely Wife
deserves. Make her feel