Happy Birthday My Angel Daughter

From Parents

Here are some birthday wishes for a little girl from Mommy and/or Daddy.

• Happy Birthday, little girl! Ever since our little angel was born, our lives have never been the same.

• Our little girl came into our lives [number] years ago, and she's been rocking our world ever since. Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

• Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl. You're growing up so fast, and Mommy and Daddy are as proud as can be.

• Happy Birthday to the special little girl who brings love and chaos into our lives every day.

• Happy Birthday to the little girl who has driven me completely bonkers. But hey, sanity is overrated. I wouldn't have things any other way.

• Happy Birthday, princess! You've brought so much love into our lives. I hope it call comes back to you when you grow up and have your own family.

• Happy Birthday, angel. I love you more than I can say.

• Happy Birthday to my little girl. You can be rowdy, headstrong, and sometimes downright naughty. That's how we know you're ours.

• Happy Birthday to the little girl who means the world to us. You're turning into a young lady right before our eyes, and we couldn't be prouder.

From Grandparents

Here are some birthday wishes from Grandma and Grandpa.

• Happy Birthday to my perfect little granddaughter. Try not to grow up too fast, sweet one.

• Happy Birthday from one proud Grandma. What a beautiful little lady you're becoming!

• Happy Birthday to the cutest little granddaughter who ever lived.

From Aunts and Uncles

• Happy Birthday to my sweet little niece. I know she's going to grow up to be strong and kind, just like her mommy and daddy.

• Bestest Birthday Wishes to my adorable niece. If Mommy and Daddy don't spoil you rotten, I sure will.

• A extra-special niece deserves an extra-special birthday. Hope you get everything your little heart desires, kiddo.

1st Birthday

Happy Birthday My Angel Daughter

Here are some birthday wishes for a baby girl who's turning one.

• Happy Birthday to a one-derful little lady.

• Happy Birthday, baby girl! One year ago you were brand spanking new. Now look at all the things you can do!

• You're one year old. You're also one sweet little girl. Happy Birthday!

More Birthday Wishes

Finally, here are some miscellaneous birthday messages for a little girl.

• You're still a little girl, but I can already tell you're going to be a wonderful person when you grow up. I hope you always know how loved you are.

• Look out, world. This little girl is growing into a smart, kind, fierce, curious, loving, and adventurous young lady.

• Happy Birthday, you little sack of sugar you.

• How can such a little girl be full of so much love? Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

• Happy Birthday, little princess. I wish you a life full of happiness and meaning. Stay sweet.

• Happy Birthday, angel. I'm convinced your wings will sprout any day now.

• God sent down a little angel [number] years ago, and she's been spreading love and sweetness ever since.

• I'm sending a big birthday hug to a special little girl. I hope you have a wonderful day full of toys, games, decorations, cake, and all the things that make birthdays great.

• Another 365 days of sweetness, and the best is yet to come. Happy Birthday, little girl.

We celebrate our loved ones’ birthdays by buying presents, singing songs and having parties, but the most important thing we do on a birthday is tell the ones we love how much they mean to us. It’s an important opportunity, one that can be accomplished with seriousness, playfulness, sentimentality or maybe just with some good old-fashioned love.

How ever you say it, just make sure you find the best way to wish a happy birthday to those important friends and family in your life.

• Birthday Wishes for My Angel Daughter

• Birthday Wishes for my Granddaughter

Happy Birthday My Angel Daughter

• Birthday Wishes for a Baby

• Birthday Wishes for a Little Girl

Birthday Wishes for My Angel Daughter

There is nothing more heartwarming than celebrating the birthday of a daughter.

• They used to say that girls were made of sugar and spice and everything nice but they never mentioned my daughter – made of grit and determination and strength. I’m so proud of you! Have the happiest birthday ever!

• The moment you entered this world, my world was changed forever. I am so blessed to have a daughter like you. Have a very happy birthday!

• Attention world! It’s my awesome, super-cool, totally fierce, crazy-hilarious and so-very-special daughter’s birthday! Scream it with me, won’t you and help her have the best birthday ever!

• You may have outgrown childish games and teenage silliness, but you will never outgrow my love for you. Have a wonderful birthday full of love and happiness.

• Remember all of those sleepless nights, fits of worry and general stress that you caused your parents? Well, we’re here to tell you…it was all totally worth it. Have a fantastic birthday!

• You’re more than a daughter. You’re a best friend, a confidant, a problem-solver, a peacemaker and a true hero of mine. You deserve to have the best birthday ever.

• How is it possible that the little girl I loved all those years ago has turned into such a beautiful and talented young woman? Still, no matter what happens, you will always be my little girl. Have a wonderful birthday.

Birthday Wishes for my Granddaughter

If life was a feast, then granddaughters would be the sweetest dessert of them all.

• What’s the fun of being a grandparent if you can’t spoil your granddaughter rotten? So here’s a million kisses and hugs for your birthday. Have a wonderful and special day, my dear.

• I thought I knew what love was. Then I had a granddaughter. I hope you have a birthday as perfect as you are to me.

• Generations are an amazing thing. I’ve seen my eyes in your mother’s eyes and now I see her eyes in yours. I’m so very blessed to have been given such a special granddaughter like you. Happy Birthday.

• Most people receive gifts on their birthday, but you have given me the best gift of all—a granddaughter’s love.

• If I can teach you anything, it’s to laugh a lot and not to take life too seriously—and to cherish each and every birthday. Enjoy your special day!

• I was there when you were born and I’ve been lucky enough to watch you grow into a beautiful young woman. Today, I just want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you. Celebrate your birthday with an extra sprinkling of love from me.

• I never knew how much I wanted to be a grandparent until I was one. You bring me so much joy every single day. Have a sweet and special birthday.

Birthday Wishes for a Baby

Happy Birthday My Angel Daughter

Those first birthdays are their most special birthdays.

• Before you were even born, I loved you so much. Now that you’re here, I love you a thousand times more. I wish a forever of happy birthdays for you.

• I promise to always be there to – watch you grow – hold your hand – wipe the tears away – belly laugh with you – and cheer on everything you do. Happy birthday!

• My wish for you is a lifetime of smiles, happiness, comfort and security. May each new birthday be happier than the last.

• ABCD—you’re a precious little pea. EFGH—babies are the cutest age. IJKL—Mama knows you’re doing well. MNOP—you’ll soon be taller than a tree. QRST—sweeter than a honeybee. UVWXYZ—so very proud do you make me. Happy Birthday!

• A baby is a miracle. A birthday is a blessing. A baby’s birthday is the best kind of happiness. May this birthday be followed by many, many more.

• A bundle of joyous firsts awaits you and I will be there to celebrate each and every one. I love you and wish for you to have the sweetest of all birthdays.

• It’s like heaven knitted you together with little pieces of love and hope and sweetness. On this day, I wish for you to have happiest of all birthdays.

Birthday Wishes for a Little Girl

Be they soft as a whisper or tough as a tiger, thank heaven for little girls.

• Wishing you the happiest of birthdays filled with snuggly love, kittens and sunshine. Oh, and a great big piece of birthday cake!

• I have a feeling that it’s someone’s birthday today. Hmm. Let me think. Who might that someone be? Ha! It’s you! (I actually knew the whole time!) Hope you have the best birthday in the universe!

• The world hasn’t been the same since you’ve been in it. There’s been more flowers, more sunshine, more butterflies and a lot more love. May this birthday be your happiest birthday yet.

• I’m gazing into a crystal ball. What do I see? A little birthday girl who will most certainly have a very happy, totally awesome, super duper, extra-special birthday! Make my prediction come true and have an amazing birthday!

• The kitty cat told me, MEOW. The dog said, WOOF WOOF. The cow muttered, MOO. The donkey brayed, HEE HAW. The duck shouted, QUACK QUACK. And I said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

• In every hopeful little girl lives a strong and proud woman just waiting to soar. Make this birthday the most special of them all! Happy birthday!

• What is the best kind of cake? Is it chocolate? Vanilla with sprinkles? Strawberry with whipped cream? Nope. The best kind of cake is birthday cake! Have a scrumptiously wonderful birthday!

The first time you took her into your arms, you couldn’t get over her cute face, closed eyes and her tiny body. And that day you promised her that you would never let anything happen to her.

If you have a cute daughter and her birthday is coming soon, you would want to do something special. Express your love and blessings through some lovable wishes as MomJunction brings you 101 birthday wishes for a daughter.

Birthday Wishes For Daughter

Happy Birthday My Angel Daughter

Your daughter’s birthday celebrations start at least a week ahead as you have to buy pretty dresses, matching accessories, and of course a gift. Simultaneously, prepare small birthday cards using these touching birthday wishes from mom and dad depending on the age of your daughter:

• "No matter how far you are, my heart will always beat for you. Happy birthday my dear, may your day be filled with happiness."

• "I used to love the times when you would climb up to my bed and try to wake me with your little hands. How I wished you never grew up. But I am now proud of the amazing person you are today. Have an amazing birthday daughter."

• "You are not only my daughter but also my best friend; thank you for being so understanding. Have a happy birthday dear."

• "The day you were born was the happiest day of my life. Looking at your face, all my stress melts away. Happy birthday to you princess."

• "Time just flies away. Just yesterday you were in my arms, and today you are ready to go to high school. May you keep on achieving greater heights in life. Happy birthday, dear."

• "On your special day, I wish that all your dreams come true and you have the strength to reach great heights in life."

• "Being your parent has been the most meaningful part of my life. Thanks for making me a proud parent. Happy birthday dear daughter."

• "My heart will always beat for you; my thoughts will always revolve around you for you are the most precious gift given by God. Have a happy birthday dear."

• "We feel so blessed to have you as our daughter. Have a happy birthday angel."

• "Dear daughter, on this day I wish you a very happy birthday and pray to God to give you the strength to overcome all obstacles in life."

• "No matter how far away we are, you will always be there in my heart, and I will always call you to find out if you had your lunch. Happy birthday my little one."

• "On this day I would like to tell you that I will be there for you, whenever you are tired of fighting with life, you can always come to me and rest. Happy birthday dear daughter."

• "Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you as my daughter. I always thank God for giving such a thoughtful, loving and kind person as my daughter. Happy birthday dear daughter."

• "May this day give you plenty of reasons to smile and shower you with countless blessings. Wish you a happy birthday my sunshine."

• "Through the ups and downs, it was your smile that made me go on. Thank you for coming into my life and making it worth it. A very happy birthday to you."

• "Life is never easy, and you would face certain hurdles. During dark times travel towards the light. Always believe in yourself and do not forget you will always have us beside you. Happy birthday my warrior."

• "Daughter, you are an amazing person; you are thoughtful, kind and loving. Continue making my world a happy place. Have a fun-filled birthday!"

Happy Birthday My Angel Daughter

• "The day you arrived I was clueless of how and what, but today I can say I am one of the lucky parents to have such an amazing daughter. May God bless you. Happy birthday sweetie."

• "When God gave you to me, I was blessed with a best friend for life. We share our joys as well as sorrows. On this special day, I would like to thank you for being such a blessing in my life. Happy birthday to my dearest daughter."

• "You will always be my princess and my baby girl, and my forever love. Happy birthday, daughter! I wish life gives you everything you have dreamt of."

• "If there were a competition for best daughters, undoubtedly you would come first. You have been so great to me over all these years. Happy birthday my superstar."

• "As you blow the candles and wish on your birthday, I would pray to fulfill all your dreams and always keep you happy and healthy. Happy birthday daughter."

• "The most awaited and celebrated day of the year is here. On this day, we would like to tell you that we are proud to have you as our daughter. Happy birthday munchkin."

• "To my gorgeous girl, a very happy birthday to you. It is your smile which gives me the motivation to go on in life. I hope all your dreams come true."

• "All the words in English are not enough to tell you how much I love you. All I can say is you are my life, and I will do anything to see a smile on your face. Happy birthday my cutie pie."

• "My angel! Today is your birthday. I know you are equally excited; we wish this day to be filled with happiness and joy. Have a great birthday princess".

• "No one could take your place in my heart. You are my precious daughter; you are the most wonderful person in this world. Have a great birthday darling."

• "When you smile it makes my day, my heart aches to see you unhappy. All I ever wanted is you to be happy and always smiling. Happy birthday darling daughter."

• "I could act tough to the rest of the world, but do you know what my biggest weakness is? It is you! Yes, I would do anything in life to see you happy. Happy birthday my precious."

• "Many happy returns of the day kiddo! You are growing up to be the woman I knew you would be, strong, independent and kind. Keep on making us proud."

• "I hope you achieve great heights in life and fulfill all your dreams. Always remember I will always be there to support you. Happy birthday to my supergirl."

• "I know I do not often tell you how much you mean to me. On your birthday I would like to seize the opportunity to tell you that you mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t mind working hard to give you the life you deserve. Happy birthday my precious daughter."

• "After a hard day’s work, it is your smile which takes away all the stress. Have a wonderful birthday dear."

• "Here is to another wonderful year. With each year you are growing to be a responsible and loving woman. I wish you keep on making me proud. Happy birthday my angel."

Emotional Birthday Wishes For Daughter

No matter how old she gets, for you, she will always be the little girl who once asked you to chase away the ghosts under her bed. She may find her prince one day, but you will still be her knight in shining armor. Here are a few emotional birthday wishes to your daughter.

• "When you are sad, I will be your shoulder to lean on. When you are happy, I will be a smile on your face. Darling, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will treasure all our memories in my heart forever. Happy birthday munchkin."

• "My days would have been dull and boring if God hadn’t sent you to me. Now, each day is filled with your nonstop questions, your smiles, and your laughter. I wish you a very happy birthday darling, stay my cutie pie forever."

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