Birthday Wishes For Niece On 1St Birthday

Birthdays are always special occasions that call for celebration, and first birthdays are all the more special to everyone around as it signifies many starts and while the Baby cannot remember it, the memories and stories are always around and interesting so shower love as much as you can on the little one.

Below is a list of beautiful, heart-warming and best wishes that expresses feelings on a first birthday.

Best 1st Birthday Wishes for Your Niece

The best collection of 1st birthday wishes for your niece.

1. My first year with you has been the most special year of my life. I continue to love you more and more with each passing moments of every day."

2. "Wow, little princess, your reign over the kingdom of my dear heart has reached a full year and it’s been exciting.

3. You may not remember how your first birthday cake felt, but you will always feel the warmth and love that everyone put into making it a special one as it is a special one indeed. Happy birthday!

4. Happy birthday to the sweetest one-year-old little girl I have ever known in my lifetime till now.

5. It’s been a whole year since we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl who is the firstborn of the house. We count it as a blessing every day."

6. Enjoy your special day. You deserve a lifetime of happiness.

7. This is just the first of many "happy birthdays" for you. Have an amazing 1st birthday, little cutie.

8. It’s been awesome watching you grow day by day. I’m sure you’ll grow up into a wonderful person just like your parents. Happy first birthday.

9. My favourite lil princess, you are one year old already? Where did the days fly? We hope to celebrate many more birthdays. Happy birthday, darling.

10. Your first year has flown by so quickly here we celebrate the first birthday, baby girl. Please try not to grow up too fast so I can enjoy the memories.

11. May your first year be the first of many more years filled with just as much love and happiness. Happy first birthday Niece.

12. Happy 1st birthday my sugar plum. May your special day and every other day bring you as much happiness as you bring to all of us.

13. It is my prayer that your life continues to be a blessing to your family and that your family continues to be a blessing to you. With lots of love, Happy first birthday.

14. The warmest birthday greetings to my cute little niece! May this carefree happiness and joy of your first birthday continue for many years to come. Love you, dear.

15. Life will have its twists and turns, ups and downs, but your innocent smile will always wipe off our frowns……happy first birthday!

16. My little darling, may every year of your life be as happy-go-lucky as your first one. Happy first birthday.

17. I want to give you a big hug, my precious little niece. Happy birthday to an incredibly great-looking one-year-old.

18. Hoping you have a great start in life, my precious, little darling. May it begin with your first birthday.

19. You might not be able to blow out the candles on your cake. But your love is like the light of a thousand candles that brightens up our lives in a way that no one can explain. Happy birthday our pearl.

20. Your angelic smile and your innocent eyes give reasons for my belief that life is worth living despite all the troubles. Happy birthday, my only niece.

21. Whether you turn one, fifteen or twenty, you will always be my favourite reigning queen. Happy first birthday.

22. You may be just a toddler and may not really care, but we promise to celebrate your birthday with pomp and flair. Happy first birthday.

23. Hope you get spoiled on your first birthday. You are an awesome kid and deserve the best things in your life. Enjoy your first special day little princess.

24. Here is a toast to you Having an awesome day today! You might not remember it, but we all will because it is a special day – the first of many birthdays to come.

25. It is your big day today my little princess. I wish you a very special birthday because you only get to turn one once.

26. You are one today, and this is a very special day. You might not know it yet, but you are loved by all. Have a great first birthday.

27. Happy first birthday! You are going to be a big girl, my favourite one at that and we all look forward to seeing you continue to grow.

28. Are you ready to turn one? Ready or not, you are now one! Hurray here is to you enjoying All the best life offers in the new age, lots of love dear.

29. Nothing can explain how proud we are of you and how blessed we are to see you turning one. Have a great birthday today.

Birthday Wishes For Niece On 1St Birthday

30. Many great wishes to you on your first birthday. I wish you nothing but happiness today.

31. I can’t believe you are now one! Have a joyful day today and always. Bless you!

32. You are loved, an awesome niece and my favourite girl, and you are only one! I look forward to celebrating your birthday today.

33. Many great wishes to you on your first birthday ever. I want to wish you nothing but happiness today and always.

34. You may only be turning one, but you have already made a huge impact in our world and filled my heart with much love. Have a good birthday.

35. Are you really one today? Wow, time has gone by fast. You are the best niece anyone could have. Enjoy your first birthday."

36. Dear birthday girl, when you came into this world, you made everyone around you happier. We all gratefully look forward to another year of joy as we watch you grow.

37. You’re not just one year old. You are 12 months old. That makes you sound a lot older. Happy first birthday anyway

38. One year ago you came into our lives and brought with you so much sunshine and joy! Am so glad having a niece, a first one at that. Happy birthday, little darling. Kisses my dear.

39. Are you sure that you haven’t learned how to write yet? Because you carved your name all over my heart on the very day you were born. Happy first birthday.

40. You seem to have miraculous powers, little niece. You can’t walk or talk but the entire household functions and ensure your demands are met. Happy birthday.

41. Don’t worry if you don’t understand what is happening around you. First birthdays are always special occasions and the memories are always around for you to catch up on. Happy birthday little one."

42. Happy first birthday! Remember there’s always more to life than birthday cake, balloons, and presents. There’s also ice cream. Whether your mom likes it or not, you will always be spoilt by me. Happy birthday to my lovely niece."

43. Everyone says you have my charming looks and nature! Well, you are definitely beautiful my little girl. Happy birthday my beautiful niece!

44. Turning one year old is AWESOME! You get to smash cake all over the place, get kisses all over, pampered by everyone excessively and if anyone gets mad at you, just cry a lot, and they’ll forgive you. Have a Happy Birthday,

45. I am really lucky to have you as my niece, and I want to say happy birthday to you.

46. I thank God you are my niece, and you will have a blessed day today.

47. You have the sweetest laughter I have ever heard and the sweetest cry. I can’t stop loving you no matter how much I try. Happy birthday, niece.

48. You are the family’s little wonder. Today is your day to steal the love and we love you exceedingly. Happy first birthday.

49. First birthday is special because it‘s the only time when you can eat your birthday cake with your hands, face or feet! Happy birthday, niece.

50. On your first birthday, we want to celebrate the miracle of your birth and new life by stuffing our smiling faces in front of you and singing many songs of Happy first Birthday.

51. Let’s toast to a year of sleepless nights and immeasurable joy! You turned one.

52. I’m not sure how it happened, but you have managed to ensnare my heart with your cute and adorable ways. Happy First birthday.

53. The day you were born, you melted my heart. I never knew I could love someone so quickly and easily until I met you, little Niece. May your birthday be full of as much amazement and joy as you bring me.

54. Hoping you shake, rattle and roll every second of your first birthday. Enjoy the Love.

55. Happy birthday to the world’s most adorable niece! I hope that your big day is filled with too many happy moments to count and that you receive everything your heart wishes for. You deserve to have every happiness in life.

56. Unwrapping gifts, blowing candles, playing games, eating cake and having fun. There is so much work to do, and you are just one. Happy birthday.

57. Niece, I want to take this day to tell you how grateful I am that you were born. Without you, my life would have been so empty. I am so fortunate to have such a daring, stunning, and loving niece like you. Happy Birthday.

58. On my cloudiest days in life, you are a beautiful rainbow. Thank you for always bringing light, laughter, and love into my life. May your year be so full of wondrous moments. Love you, ill niece.

59. Niece, you have an amazing talent even at such little age: you always know how to bring a smile to people’s faces. Am glad I have you as my niece.

60. You are the kind of person who spreads joy and happiness with your cute laugh and smile. You have certainly brought joy and happiness into my life and I hope that your birthday brings you and everyone joy.

61. Everyone in our family has one thing in common: they all adore and love you. Thank you for making it so easy to cherish you. I hope your birthday is full of many wonderful surprises.

62. When you were born you enriched my life with your cute, beautiful, and adorable ways. I am so lucky that I have such an exceptional niece who brings me so much joy, love, and happiness. Happy first Birthday Lil’niece.

Birthday Wishes For Niece On 1St Birthday

63. I hope your special day is filled with endless luck, laughter, and love. No one is worthier of that than you. Happy birthday to my darling niece!

64. Happy birthday to my little sweetheart of a niece! I hope that your life, as well as your cupcakes, will be just as sweet as you are.

Happy first birthday to you, bhanji. My wishes are for are a lifetime of peace and a daily experience of joy. I love you so much.

65. I want you to know that there are so many moments when I am unbelievably jealous of your parents because they have such a cute and lovely daughter. They are so lucky to have you. Happy first birthday niece.

66. Your parents may be unbelievably happy and proud that you are their daughter, but don’t forget that I am equally as happy and proud that you are my niece. I hope you know that I love you so much.

67. I couldn’t ask for a better niece than you, and I am so grateful that you came into my life. Thank you for showing me all the beautiful things and joyous moments that I was missing. Happy Birthday, Niece.

68. Over the years to come, I hope that your joy never ends, your laughter never ceases, and your smiles are endless. No one is more deserving of much happiness and joy than you. My only niece.

69. There is nothing I don’t love about you. Your happy smiles, loud laughter, and precious love bring me so much peace and joy. I hope your big day is as glorious as you are. Happy birthday, Niece!

70. Having a lovely niece like you is one of the best parts of my life. You bring so much peace and love into my world, and I am extremely thankful that you were born. Happy fun first birthday.

71. Niece, you are certainly like your dad even at this tender age. I remember how your dad was at your age, and he was just like you: stubborn, annoying, and somehow completely lovable.

72. You fascinate me so much, Niece. How do you fit so many qualities in such a tiny body? You are so cute, energetic, beautiful, and expressive that your cries are like many bells. I am in awe of you. Happy Birthday Lil’niece.

73. Do you know what the word niece stands for?
I- Intelligent,
I know you have all these traits and more as it runs within us.
I hope your first birthday rocks!

74. Niece, I have no worries about how we would get along, I know You’re going to be super amazing Princess and also a lively wise girl. Happy first birthday from your favourite uncle.

75. There is nothing I would rather do than spend a whole day celebrating how amazing you are. Although one day is not nearly enough time, we can start with today, and then take the rest of the year. Happy First Birthday.

76. When you were a much younger baby you brought so much stress into my life: crying, screaming, and let’s not even mention those diapers! But I wouldn’t trade even a moment spent with you because you also brought me so much happiness and love. Happy First Birth anniversary.

77. Thank you for filling my life with wonderful memories of you in the last twelve months. It never ceases to amaze me that I am lucky enough to have such a cheerful and loving niece. Happy Birthday, dear.

78. Since we resemble each other so much, people always think that you are my daughter. If only it were so! You are very welcome for the good looks and even more so for engulfing my heart by showing your love. Happy First Birthday Niece.

79. Whenever I am alone, I just think of you and the many stress of caring for you. You always make me feel a sense of inner peace and joy. Thanks for always being such a comfort to me. Happy birthday, Niece!

80. May your birthday be full of only sweet things: sweet candy, sweet cupcakes, and sweet love. I’m sure it will be because you’re loveable. Happy birthday.

81. Having an amazing niece like you have given me a little taste of parenthood, and I’ve never felt such love and adoration I see in your eyes every time I look into it until you came into my life. Happy First Birthday.

82. Niece, in the first twelve months of your life you have filled my heart with warmth and peace. Thank you for bringing so much love into my life. I hope that your special day will be just as gorgeous as you. Happy First Birthday.

83. Ever since you were born, it has been impossible not to love you. You just make it so easy to do! I really hope that every of your dreams come true as you grow up. Happy First Birthday.

84. you feel my heart with so much love that I sometimes ask if you’re not mine I really think your parents stole you from me. Happy first birthday to my niece who I wish was my daughter.

85. Niece, since I am older, I am also wiser. So, when I say that you are the most lovable person in my world, you can absolutely believe it! May your day sparkle as much as you do. Happy First Birthday.

86. You are the cutest niece ever. You are so cute that sometimes I can’t look directly at you because then I would be overwhelmed by cuteness overload! Happy First Birthday niece.

87. Amazing niece Before you were born, I thought only of myself, but now I think of you as well. You consume my thoughts and time with your cute little adorable ways. I hope your first birthday is super amazing!

88. Niece, I am so lucky that you inherited only the positive parts of your parents as seen in the first twelve months. I remember what your mom was like as a child, so I can vouch that this is a good thing! Happy First Birthday Niece.

89. I must’ve done something truly amazing in another life to be rewarded with such a loving and cute niece. I am so grateful, and I hope your birthday is filled with lots of joy. Happy First Birthday.

90. Whenever I look at you, I am overcome by one emotion: love. Words can never express how deeply I love you, Niece. May your birthday be full of merry moments and joyous laughter. Happy first Birthday.

91. Nothing gives me more joy than being able to make you happy, Niece. I hope your birthday is full of good moments, food, and people that bring lots and lots of smiles on your face. Happy First Birthday.

92. There is nothing your aunt looks forward to more than holding you in my arms for hours at a time. Well, maybe when you smile at me. It’s hard to choose between the two! Happy birthday to my niece who delights me with all she does.

93. I hope that every year your birthday candles follow your lead: may they shine brighter and brighter every year. I hope that your special day is as luminous as you are. Happy First Birthday Niece.

94. Becoming an uncle became so much more interesting once you were born. Suddenly feeding time, naps, and changing diapers became my everything! Thanks for opening my eyes to how wonderful it is to have a beautiful niece in your life. Happy First Birthday.

Birthday Wishes For Niece On 1St Birthday

95. I hope that you are always surrounded by merriment, laughter, and lots and lots of love. You are such a delightful niece, and I marvel at how lucky I am to have you in my life. Happy First Birthday Niece.

96. Sometimes it makes me sad when I think about how not everyone is blessed with a niece in their life. Who do they pamper, adore, and love to death? I will just have to make sure I cherish you even more. Happy first birthday to my darling niece!

97. Once you came into my life, I was surprised to find that with you my world became filled with precious giggles and adorable smiles. Nothing was a more welcome surprise to me than this. Happy First Birthday Niece.

98. Our relationship is about much more than blood; it’s about joy, smiles, hugs, laughter, and love. You mean so much to me, and I hope your day is every bit as perfect as you are. Happy First Birthday Niece.

99. Whenever I am having a really bad day, nothing comforts me more than your smiling face and adorable giggles. I hope that you enjoy your birthday as much as I enjoy all my time with you. Happy First Birthday Niece.

100. It is the first one, your very first birthday and the start of many more birthday celebrations. Happy first birthday dear Niece.

• Birthday Message For Niece

• Heart Touching Happy Birthday Niece Wishes

• Sentimental Birthday Wishes For Niece

• Birthday Wishes For Little Niece

• Birthday Wishes For Adult Niece

• Short Birthday Wishes for Niece

• Birthday Wishes For Beautiful Niece

• Birthday Wishes For Niece From Aunt

• First Birthday Wishes For A Niece

• 2nd Birthday Wishes For A Niece

• 3rd Birthday Wishes For A Niece

• Happy 16th Birthday Niece

• Happy 21st Birthday Niece

• Funny Birthday Wishes For Niece

Birthday Message For Niece

Nieces play an integral part in your life; they are to be adored & loved. On this day, your lovely niece was born, your heart and your family grew in love and size. Also, her little feet and hands fell you into affections. As soon as your niece has grown, you've loved each and every moment you spent with her. Your beautiful niece makes you happy, laugh, teaches you about life, and makes every day just a bit much better than yesterday.

If you are looking for finding the perfect way to say happy birthday niece, then look through this 160 happy birthday to my niece and make this birthday never forgettable by letting her know how much you love her by giving her the best blessings.

Heart Touching Happy Birthday Niece Wishes

Happy birthday to my beautiful niece! You are my true gift to the world. Have the best birthday, cutie pie! 😘

On my cloudiest in life, you are an exquisite rainbow. Thank you for always bringing love, laughter, and light into my life. May your year be full of wondrous moments. Happy birthday niece!

Today, my cute little niece is turning 1. May God bless you with many, wonderful, healthy years bless your life as you continue to grow. Happy birthday to my beautiful niece! 🎈🎉

I am so lucky to have a such beautiful niece like you in my life. Happy birthday, cutie! I love you so much!

You are a ray of sunshine in our life, sweetie. Wishing you an amazing and wonderful birthday just as you deserve!

Dear niece, I want to take this beautiful day to tell you how thankful I am that you were born. Without you, my life would have completely been so empty. I am so lucky to have such a stunning, daring, and loving niece like you. Happiest birthday,!🍰

I hope in this beautiful day you get everything you could ever wish for. I've brought you a cake, candy, and chocolate, but I am still working on that pony. Have a beautiful happy birthday to my lovely niece!

Wishing you an outstanding birthday, sweetie! Sending you a beautiful birthday wish to my beautiful niece. May God bless you with wealth, health, prosperity, and great success!

Many happy birthdays to my sweet niece, your beautiful smile makes me happy all the time. Always be happy and never stop smiling, my lovely niece!

I wish you the happiest of happy birthdays to a perfect and practically fantastic in every way. You are one in a million, dear.🎉

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but not as sweet as you. Happy birthday to my exquisite niece! Have a wonderful day!

Sentimental Birthday Wishes For Niece

Birthday Wishes For Niece On 1St Birthday

Dear niece, best wishes to you on your special day! am sending you warm wishes with a big hug and smile.

You are so cute and adorable inside and out. You have the biggest and most caring heart. You are more beautiful than anyone I know. I am so fortunate to be able to call you my baby niece!

I am sending you a lot of positive energy your way to help you celebrate your big day. May you have the happiest and wonderful birthday in the history of your birthdays. Happy birthday to you! 🍰🎈

My cute niece, your little eyes warm my heart your little laugh warms my spirit. Happy birthday to you!

Each day I spend with you has been the prettiest always. I will act as your protector and guide. I love you so much, niece. Have an awesome birthday!

Hello, my adorable niece, I hope your birthday is as amazing as you have always been! You are one in a million and I couldn't ask for a better niece. Stay blessed! Happy birthday, girl!

Many happy birthdays to you my beautiful niece! You are truly a very special girl. May your day be full of happiness and wonderful Moments.

Birthday Wishes For Little Niece

Have an outstanding Happy birthday little niece! Everyone loves you whenever they meet you. You are so adorable and cute. I am so pleased to be your uncle. Enjoy this special day! 🎈

Many congratulations to your little niece! Even if you're not able to recognize anyone right now, but I will be right there for you when you can recognize people. Happiest birthday to you, cutie! 🎂

Happy birthday beautiful little niece! Everyone loves you more than himself whenever they meet you. You are so adorable. I am ecstatic to be your uncle. Have an awesome day!

Wishing you the happiest birthday to one lucky little niece! You are so blessed to have me as your aunt and even I am also very blessed to have you as my niece!

Dear little niece, I was there last time when you were in mouther's womb but now you came into this beautiful world making it more beautiful on a daily basis. Happy birthday, niece, I love you! 😘

Wishing you a splendid birthday, my cute and little niece! I hope this special day is filled up with laughter, endless luck, and love. No one is worthier of that than you.

Birthday Wishes For Adult Niece

Growing up requires some level of work and experience. However, it is not visible. I am pleased you are well gown niece. Happy birthday to you, dear! Enjoy your best day! 🎉🎈

Even if you have grown up well but you still bring happiness, love, and respect to people's life. Have the happiest birthday ever!

Happy birthday to your lovely niece. Gone are those days when you used to be a little girl. No matter how old are you today, but I am still your uncle. Have a great year full of love and success!

A warm happy birthday, dear niece! I am fortunate to have a beautiful niece like you in my life. You are such talented and brilliant-minded.

Have the best birthday to my handsome and sweet niece! May the sun shine brightly on your birthday & may you always know your true worth. You are a kind-hearted and daredevil girl. I wish you the happiest year ahead! 🍰

Happy birthday to my beautiful niece. I hope your day is filled with loads of sweet surprises and filled with fun. You are amazing and I love you so much. Stay blessed!

Short Birthday Wishes for Niece

I will be there for you my sweet niece. I wish you great happiness and have a life full of joy, fun, opportunities, and success. Have a wonderful birthday! 🎉

You are an outstanding personality and I love to be sharing fond moments with you. Happy birthday niece.! May God bless you!

Happy birthday adorable niece! Today is your day. Do whatever you love. Smile big and laugh loud.

Dear, cute niece, may this special day give you more reason to smile and be cheerful. Happy birthday to a spectacular girl!

May each and everything work as per your desires on this very special day my lovely niece. You make all of us smile. Happy birthday niece to you and have an amazing year ahead!🍰

Never change your personality for the sake of others, because to me, you are a perfect niece. Have a wonderful birthday!

The happiest birthday to my cutest niece! Wishing you a splendid year ahead!

Birthday Wishes For Beautiful Niece

Dear niece, forget about the past. Don't fret about the future. Always live in the present and have fun with little things. My warmest wishes to my adorable niece! I wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. 🎂

You are so sweet, sensible, and a better dancer than me. Now, let's celebrate another year you have survived.

Wishing you the happiest birthday to my lovely niece! May God bless you with good health, wealth, and success.

I wish you a lot of love, laughter, and cake today. I hope next year grants you each and every dream. Stay happy, stay blessed! Happy birthday, niece!

Have a blast on your special day! You are not aware of how many things were actually done for you to make this birthday as amazing as it will be. Have fun!

Beautiful girl, not every lady is as blessed as you are. You have the beautiful and best parents and you have the best boyfriend. I pray may God keeps you happy forever. Happy birthday niece! 🎁🍰

Birthday Wishes For Niece From Aunt

Wishing you a wonderful happy birthday niece to my lovely niece! You are our favorite and adorable girl around. Trust me, your aunt knows the best in you. Have an outstanding future! 🎉

Birthday Wishes For Niece On 1St Birthday

45. For your kind information, you are loved beyond measure by our entire family. May your birthday be full of delicious things and delightful moments. Happy birthday to our little angel of the house!

You are a so beautiful niece. Your auntie wants you to know that I am always there for you to help in any situation. Have a fantastic day, dear!

I wish you the best birthday ever, my sweet niece! I would like to let you know that your aunt loves you more than anything. Now me and your mom gotta ready to make your day even more incredible!

Happy birthday to my brilliant niece! You are a talented girl in our family. Keep spreading your smile and shining your light. You have a lot to offer this world.🎈🎂

First Birthday Wishes For A Niece

Dear niece, the love I feel for you is so amazing. I love to the moon and back I wish you many congratulations on your first birthday. May God bless you with love, good health, and immense success. Happy birthday, cutie pie.😘

Hello my darling niece, we don't know how much time we will stay here, but we might as well enjoy the time with you full of joy and fun. Happy 1st birthday baby, niece. Enjoy your special day a lot!

Happiest 1st birthday to my gorgeous niece! You have always danced to the rhythm of your heart with your little legs. I pray and hope you never stop in your life, chase your dream, and get success. Stay blessed!

You have surely graced our lives for a full year now, niece! Thank you for giving us beautiful moments and spreading the love around. Happy first birthday niece!

Turning one year old is an amazing feeling. You smash cake all over the place and spit it back on your mom. If anyone gets angry with you, you just cry a lot, and they forgive you. Have a beautiful birthday, kiddo! 🍰💖

You have the sweetest cry, sweetest smile, and sweetest smile, and sweetest laugh. I am not able to stop loving you more than myself. Happy birthday, baby!

2nd Birthday Wishes For A Niece

Baby, you are a real blessing to those around you. You always fill our hearts with so much pride. Keep smiling, stay blessed! Happy 2nd birthday to my beautiful niece! 🎊

I am very sure being a mom is great and all, but being an aunt is much cooler. Thanks for bringing so much love, joy, and excitement into my life. I am exceptionally happy that I am your aunt. Happy birthday niece!🎈🎉

Time moves very fast with every year I have spent with you so far. I have seen nothing but joy in our life after you were born. I love you, baby girl. Have an outstanding birthday!

The sweetest 2nd birthday to my fashionable niece! May your special day be as stylish as you are always!

59. Dear little baby, you know that you are an exceptionally gifted child with such a shining future. I wish you all the best in the coming years. Have an incredible 2nd birthday!

Happy 2nd birthday to my terrific niece! It doesn't matter where the road of life takes you, I pray and hope it's all a fun and happy journey!😘

3rd Birthday Wishes For A Niece

The happiest third birthday wishes to my cute niece! Now, you have turned 3rd year. But this the beginning of your beautiful life. I will always be here each and every step of your life. Have a great year full of happiness! 🎈🍰

My little niece is now growing up. Nothing gives me more happiness than the fact that I was there to see. Enjoy this lovely day with a lot of fun! Happy birthday!

You must feel very pleased as you have wonderful parents who do each and every small thing to bring a smile to your face. You are so cute. Happy birthday, lovely niece!

Have a beautiful nice like you is the most wonderful gift I've ever received. Happy birthday niece to you beautiful girl!

As you turn 3 years, I wish every phase of your life to be filled with fond moments and happiness. Have a wonderful day, baby niece!

Happy 16th Birthday Niece

Now, you are sweet 16th and your sweet 16th birthday only comes around once in a lifetime. Enjoy your special day with loads of fun spent with your amazing family and friends. You are so fortunate to have this moment with a lovely family. Happy birthday to you!

Our best wishes to you on your 16th birthday. These next few years you will experience so much. It is surely going to be a rollercoaster of emotions. Always remember

You are 16th, what am I going to do. I will wish you a very happy birthday full of joy, happiness, and fun. Much love to you my very cute and special niece!

Dear niece, you have the sweetest and kindest heart that is beyond compare. Wishing you happiness, respect, and love on your 16th birthday.

My best of best wishes to you on your sweet 16th birthday. I wish you get everything that comes from you. We love you so much!

Hey, lovely niece! You are an amazing and bright girl who always brightens many lives. I wish you the best year and a happy 16th birthday niece.

Happy 21st Birthday Niece

To our adorable niece a very 21st and safe birthday! Now, you have grown from the most cutest child to a beautiful, talented, and intelligent, girl! Enjoy these joyous moments with lovely family and friends! 🎉👬

Our best blessing to you on this very specials day! You are only turned into 21 once. So, make it memorable but don't let on your parents. We are sending you the warmest wishes, my favorite niece.🍰

You fill my world with countless joy and immense love. I am so thankful that I have an outstanding niece like you. May your day be full of joyous moments and love. Happiest birthday niece!

The happiest birthday to my sweet and lovely niece! It still seems like yesterday you were learning to talk & now you are learning to drink. Hey, God how time flies when you are having fun. Have a fantastic birthday ever! 🥰

Funny Birthday Wishes For Niece

The fire department is active and the fire extinguisher is under the table. It is high time to blow out the candles on your cake. Wishing you an exceptionally happy birthday niece! Stay blessed and happy! 😍

The more cake you eat today the more chances there are of you exploding. So please, avoid everything that gives me your birthday cake. Happy birthday to you, dearest niece!

I have seen you growing up my cute niece and if you want to keep things secret about your boyfriend, so, give me a big piece of cake. Have an awesome day! Have a wonderful birthday!

Best wishes on this auspicious and exceptional day! Statistics show that nieces are way much better than nephews. That's why I am pleased we got the better after the bargain.😛

You know the weird age will pass but more is coming your way. Have the best and crabby birthday niece.

The older you are going to be the more wrinkles will appear on your face. Have the greatest birthday to my darling niece! Take a note, each birthday is a gift and each gift is a gesture of mercy.

Time fades very fast my adorable niece and I can't resist waiting to chase boys away from you, but I will try to be a little more patient with your husband. Happy birthday niece!

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