Happy Pre Birthday

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Happy Birthday Waves Shot Glass


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Happy Birthday Waves Shot Glass

*This glass measures 1.69oz / 50ml when filled to the rim.

Happy Birthday Waves Shot Glass

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Everything was perfect. Never problem with delivery. I used the glass shot happy birthday for party favors.


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Happy Pre Birthday

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Whether you're celebrating with a Kardashian-level bash or keeping it simple with a smash cake and some family and friends, you're obviously going to need to take tons of cute photos to remember everything. You only turn 1 once, after all, and you and your child will both want to look back on the special memories someday. My oldest child is almost 4 by now, but I still love flipping through pics from her 1st birthday bash, and seeing how much she's grown and changed since then (and what an awesome job I did planning that party, to be honest).

These 29 cute captions are perfect for a special baby's big day, whether you want something funny, something sentimental, or something perfect for that epic cake smash.

• You may not remember today, but I'll never forget it.

• You're the one unwrapping all the presents today, but you're the greatest gift I could ever ask for.

• When you were born, I thought I couldn't possibly love you any more than I did in that moment. But I was so wrong, because I've loved you more and more every single day since then.

• I had no idea how much love and happiness could be packed into a single year, until this past one as your mama.

• Today and every day, I love you more than you could ever possibly know.

• On your very first birthday, I'm torn between wanting you to stay this little forever, and being so incredibly excited to see how you grow and change as you get older.

• No matter how grown up you get, I'll always think of you as my sweet little baby.

• On your first birthday and every birthday to come, may you be filled with as much joy as you bring everyone around you.

• We've celebrated your first smile, your first giggle, your first step, and now, we get to celebrate the biggest first of all — your very first birthday.

• It's fun to be one, but then again, every day with you is the best day ever.

Happy Pre Birthday

• One year ago, you made me a mom. I'm not sure what I did to deserve the incredible honor of raising an angel like you, but I'm so glad that you're mine.

• My one-derful birthday baby, I hope you're always as happy as you are on this momentous day.

• "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." — Robert Munsch

• "When I was one, I had just begun." — A.A. Milne

• "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." — Dr. Seuss

• "Every day is a gift. But some days are packaged better."― Sanhita Baruah

• "All children, except one, grow up." — Peter Pan

• Your first taste of sugar became your first bath of sugar.

• Let them eat cake! And let them stay little.

• A first birthday is the perfect excuse to try some cake.

• Hulk Smash? More like CAKE SMASH.

• To be fair, I want to eat all of my birthday cakes like this, too.

• If you can’t blow out the candles on your own cake, you might as well smash it.

Happy Pre Birthday

• You were all I ever wanted, and I still can’t believe you are mine. I also still can’t believe how loud you are.

• Happy first birthday to you and to my C-section scar. May you both continue to grow and stay strong.

• I can’t believe we made it one whole year, and tonight I’m going for this glass of wine like you went for that cake.

• Happy birthday to my baby, who does not even know it’s his birthday and cried all day. Same, kid. Same.

• You know, they should really make Happy 1 Year At Keeping Your Kid Alive hats for mom.


Simple and Quick way to create wonderful Disney Birthday Memories. Pages are Pre-Designed for you to simply drop in your photos behind the transparent photo openings and Print. Beautiful and Quick Album Pages.



• 6~ Pre-made Digital Scrapbook Pages featuring Mickey Mouse and Friends Happy Birthday Theme. Pages are created at an 8x8 size to allow you to create quick pages you can print on your home computer. Pages can also be printed as is so you can add printed photos into the layouts and add to your scrapbook album. No special Software needed. Pages can be re-sized to fit other popular album sizes such as 6x6 or 12x12.

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I thought with the New Year here that a Happy Birthday Pre-K Pack would be fun to add to our collection! It will be something fun that we can specifically pull out the days/week of Birthday's in our family! One of my boys cousin's birthday is coming up in a few weeks, so I wanted to get it done for my boys to do that week!

In this Pre-K Pack you will enjoy:

Prewriting Practice Sheets – Cutting Practice – Which one is different?

Finish the Pattern Sheet – Size Sequencing Sheet -Birthday Strip Puzzle

Happy Pre Birthday

4-piece Puzzles – Sorting Practice – Counting Practice Cards

Color the Cake – Letter and Sound Finding Cards

2-Part Vocabulary Cards – Letter Bb Identification

Birthday’s Matching – Letter Bb Sorting Page

Enjoy and have a great week!

Reader Interactions

Hello, I too am receiving a message that this is no longer available. 🙁 We would LOVE to be able to print this out for my daughters up coming birthday!

Oh thank you so much! This makes my day. We have a birthday coming up soon and this will be perfect to use!

So fun, thank you!! 🙂

Thank you! I LOVE IT!!!

If you have an Italian friend, significant other or relative whose special day is on the horizon, a sure-fire way to impress them is to learn how to say Happy Birthday in Italian!

The official greeting is Buon Compleanno, with buon meaning ‘good‘ and compleanno meaning ‘birthday‘.

IPA: /buò·n com·ple·àn·no/

Buon compleanno. Spero che tutti i tuoi desideri si avverino.

Happy birthday. I hope all your wishes come true.

In speech, another popular greeting is Tanti auguri (or even more simply Auguri) which is the Italian for Best wishes. It can be used, not only for birthdays, but any special occasion including anniversaries, the new year, graduations and so on.

Tanti auguri! Non vedo l'ora per la tua festa!

Happy Birthday! I can't wait for your party!

If you're writing a card or a letter, buon compleanno tends to be the primary choice. Sometimes you'll even see the two expressions combined:

Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!

Happy Pre Birthday

Best wishes for a happy birthday!

Tanti auguri di buon compleanno, figlia mia! = Best wishes for a happy birthday, my daughter!

Another popular expression is Auguroni! which is formed by adding the plural augmentative suffix -oni onto the end of auguri. It literally means big wishes.

Happy Birthday Wishes and Greetings in Italian

When writing a birthday card, it can be a challenge to think of something touching to write in English, let alone in Italian! To get you started, we've listed a few basic greetings that you might find inspiring:

• Tanti auguri di buon compleanno alla persona migliore che conosco. = Happy birthday to the best person I know.

• Auguri di buon compleanno dal profondo del cuore. = Happy birthday wishes from the bottom of the heart.

• Buon compleanno! Che questa giornata possa trascorrere serena e piena di gioia. = Happy birthday! May this day be serene and full of joy.

In lieu of using the birthday boy or girl's name in your card, you may wish to address them according to their relationship to you instead.

figlio = son
figlia = daughter

Buon compleanno, amico mio!

Happy birthday, my friend!

You may also wish to mention their age in your greeting, particularly if they are celebrating a landmark birthday. Below are a few of the most important milestones worth celebrating:

Buon primo compleanno!
Happy 1st birthday!

Buon sedicesimo compleanno!
Happy 16th birthday!

Buon diciottesimo compleanno!
Happy 18th birthday!

Buon ventunesimo compleanno!
Happy 21st birthday!

Buon trentesimo compleanno!
Happy 30th birthday!

Buon quarantesimo compleanno!
Happy 40th birthday!

Buon cinquantesimo compleanno!
Happy 50th birthday!

Buon sessantesimo compleanno!
Happy 60th birthday!

Buon settantesimo compleanno!
Happy 70th birthday!

Buon ottantesimo compleanno!
Happy 80th birthday!

Buon novantesimo compleanno!
Happy 90th birthday!

Buon centesimo compleanno!
Happy 100th birthday!

Lei sta festeggiando il suo sedicesimo compleanno. = She's celebrating her 16th birthday.

If a dear friend or relative has a good sense of humour, you can wish them a happy birthday by teasing them about their age.

Auguroni zio! Stai invecchiando, ma ti vogliamo bene lo stesso!

Happy birthday uncle! You're getting old, but we love you all the same!

Or you can turn the ageing joke to something complementary with a phrase such as:

Buon compleanno zio. È vero stai invecchiando ma, come il vino buono, invecchiando migliori!

Happy birthday uncle! It's true you're getting older but, like a good wine, getting old makes you a better person!

Happy Birthday Song in Italian (with Lyrics)

The Italian version of the Happy Birthday song is Tanti Auguri a Te, which literally translates as Many Wishes to You. The tune is identical to the English version and the lyrics are more or less a direct translation.

Version 1

Tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri a [person's name]
tanti auguri a te

Version 2

Tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri felici
tanti auguri a te

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