Bhabhi Anniversary Wishes


Anniversaries are such a special time for celebrating the pure love you have witnessed of two people. You’re definitely looking for the ideal anniversary messages to express your love for your bhaiya bhabhi. Although it can be challenging to convey your joy to them, these anniversary wishes for bhaiya and bhabhi will surely help you convey your feelings to them.

Happy Anniversary Wishes For Bhaiya Bhabhi


Those moments which you enjoyed at your brother’s marriage must still be refreshing in your thoughts. If you haven’t forgotten those, then you shouldn’t forget to wish a happy anniversary to them either. Your brother is the first person to whom you go when anything goes wrong. So, you must make their anniversary pretty special. Organize a party and give them wonderful gifts. But, first of all, be the first person to wish them a happy anniversary.

Happy Anniversary Wishes For Bhaiya Bhabhi

1. भैया भाभी, आप दोनों एक दूसरे के लिए एक दम Perfect हो। आप दोनों के बीच ऐसे ही प्यार बना रहे। आपको शादी की सालगिरह की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ।

Bhaiya and Bhabhi, both of you are perfect for each other. Keep the love like this between you two. Lots of best wishes for your wedding anniversary.

2. भैया भाभी आप दोनों में जो प्यार है, मेरी दुआ है कि वो सारी ज़िन्दगी ऐसा ही रहे। शादी की सालगिरह मुबारक

Bhaiya Bhabhi, the love that you both have, I pray that it stays the same always. Happy marriage anniversary.

3. भाई और भाभी आपको शादी की सालगिरह मुबारक। जैसा कि आप एक और साल एक साथ मना रहे हैं, यह तो स्पष्ट है कि आप एक दुसरे के लिए बने हैं। शुभकामनाएँ!।

Bhaiya Bhabhi, wish you a happy wedding anniversary. As you are celebrating another year together, it is clear that you are made for each other. Congratulations!

4. दुनिया की सबसे खूबसूरत जोड़ी को शादी की सालगिरह मुबारक। आपकी सालगिरह के दिन आपके दिल को ख़ुशी और पहले से भी ज्यादा सुखद यादें मिलें।

Happy wedding anniversary to the world’s most beautiful couple. May your heart be happy and have happier memories than ever before on your anniversary.

5. आज आपके लिए वो दिन याद करने का समय है जब आपकी शादी हुई थी। आप दोनों के बीच में इतना प्यार और एक दूसरे के लिए सम्मान देख कर मुझे सच्चे प्यार में विश्वास हुआ है। सबसे प्यारे भैया भाभी को शादी की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं।

Today is the time for you to remember the day you were married. Seeing so much love and respect for each other between you, I have believed in true love. Happy anniversary to the dearest Bhaiya Bhabhi.

6. मेरे प्यारे भैया और भाभी, आपके प्यार की कोई सीमा न हो और आपका रिश्ता और भी गहरा होता जाए।

My dear brother and bhabhi, wish that your love has no limits and your relationship deepens. Happy Wedding Anniversary.

7. आपके बीच का बंधन और विश्वास की डोर कभी कमजोर न हो और सालों साल आपकी जोड़ी ऐसे ही सलामत रहे। शादी की सालगिरह की बहुत सारी बधाईयाँ।

May the bond between you both and your trust never get weak and your togetherness may remain safe for years. Many-many happy wishes for your anniversary, dear Bhaiya Bhabhi.

8. आप दोनों के रिश्ते में समर्पण की भावना है और विश्वास की अनोखी गाथा है। तुन दोनों का रिश्ता प्यार की मिसाल है। भाई भाभी आपको शादी की सालगिरह की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं।

Both of you have a sense of dedication in the relationship and a unique saga of trust. Your relationship is an example of love. Bhaiya Bhabhi, I wish you a happy wedding anniversary.

9. पूरी ज़िन्दगी में एक जीवनसाथी ढूंढ़ना बहुत मुश्किल होता है, लेकिन जब मैं आपको भाभी से बहस में हारते हुए देखता हूँ तो मुझे लगता है कि आपको परफेक्ट जीवनसाथी और मुझे परफेक्ट भाभी मिली है। हैप्पी एनिवर्सरी भैया भाभी!!

It is very difficult to find a life partner in life, but when I see you losing in an argument with Bhabhi, I think you have found the perfect partner and I have found the perfect Bhabhi. Happy Anniversary Bhaiya Bhabhi !!

10. मैंने आप दोनों के बीच का रिश्ता महसूस किया जब आप पहली बार एक दूसरे से मिले। तब से आपतक मैंने आप दोनों के बीच का प्यार बढ़ते हुए ही देखा है। मेरी दुआ है हर साल आपका प्यार ऐसे ही बढ़ता रहे। शादी की सालगिरह की बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं!

I felt the relationship between you two when you first met each other. Since then I have only seen the love between you grow. May your love continue to grow like this every year. Happy wedding anniversary!

11. भाई, मैंने जिस चीज़ की कामना की वही आपने मुझे दी है। लेकिन जब आप भाभी को इस घर में लेकर आए तब मुझे पता नहीं था कि आप मेरी एक बहन की इच्छा को भी पूरा कर रहे हो। शादी की सालगिरह की शुभकामनाएं!

Bhaiya, you have given me what I wished for. But when you brought Bhabhi to this house, I did not know that you were fulfilling my wish for a sister. Happy Anniversary!

Bhabhi Anniversary Wishes

12. जिस तरह आप दोनों ने अपने प्यार को बनाए रखा, मुझे आपका ये अंदाज़ बहुत पसंद है। आपकी जोड़ी सबसे प्यारी है। आप दोनों को सालगिरह मुबारक!

The way both of you maintained your love, I like your style very much. Your pair is the sweetest. Happy Anniversary to both of you!


So, these were the sweet bhai bhabhi anniversary wishes in Hindi, which you can personalize and share with them. They have been through a lot together, and their relationship has only grown stronger since then. Send them a whale heartfelt wish and let them know how special they both are. They are truly amazing people who have made an impact on our lives, and we hope to continue to see great things from them in the future. With this blog, we encourage you to send them this special wish and make up their day memorable.

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About Tejasvi Jain

Tejasvi is an excellent SEO Content Writer and has more than 2 years of experience in content writing. She loves to explore new places, takes active part in adventurous activities, and also has a genuine interest in new trends going around social media.

Happy Anniversary wishes for Bhaiya Bhabhi: The most crucial thing in someone's life is their family. Every time we accomplish something, parents and grandparents always wish for us. Among family members, brothers are our best friends and partners in crime with whom we can share anything. They are the ones who wish and love us unconditionally. We are responsible for congratulating them on their anniversary and helping them recall memories. Our collection includes all the best anniversary wishes for bhaiya and bhabhi that will make them blush. You can wish them well or greet them with a card containing these quotes to make them smile.

Latest Happy Anniversary Wishes for Bhaiya Bhabhi

• This is not the time to look back on the good days of your life. This is the time to look ahead to the best days of your life that are yet to come. Happy marriage anniversary bro.

• Dear brother, it is your day, thanks coming our way. May you be blessed in all that you do.

• The support you give to each other, the love you share with each other and the trust you show to each other earn you the best couple’s crown in the world. The love you have for each other grows more and more as the year passes. Happy anniversary.

• Happy anniversary to my wonderful bhabhi, you are extremely talented, you are the best fit for my brother, only you can tackle him. Our family becomes complete after your marriage with my brother. Wish you a very happy married life.

• Wish you a very happy wedding anniversary and many more, dear brother. You two are my most favorite people in the world.

• Both you look perfect together! may you hold this perfection tight till end breath? Wishing you a very happy life in future and happy anniversary.

• Dearest brother, you look the best when you stand with your partner. On your anniversary day, may you be blessed with such years of togetherness forever. May the love between both of you prosper over the years.

• A special wish for a special couple in my life; Bhai and bhabhi, you together connect with your heart and live a beautiful life together. May God turn your all dreams and desires into truth. Stay together always and enjoy your joyride. Happy anniversary.

• Happy wedding anniversary bhabhi, I do not believe that so many years passed with you and happily while living with you and I didn't even know. May you always carry your beautiful smile on your face. It makes our day.

Bhabhi Anniversary Wishes

• Happiest marriage anniversary to the most perfect couple in the world. To many of us, you are an inspiration, brother.

• Congratulations to spend another blessed year of your marriage. May your remaining life be spent in happiness and laughter. Anniversary greeting to my dearest brother!

• Today, tomorrow and always, may your all dreams come true…..may your life be full of beautiful surprises….In the company of each other, May you enjoy every bit of life! On this special day, wishing you a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

• When two wonderful persons become one soul, a true couple of love is born, just like you both. Don’t let each other alone, because you are perfect when you are together. Make a home in your heart with love and trust and be together forever. Happy anniversary.

• Happy wedding anniversary dear bhabhi, may God fulfill all your wishes and dreams. You filled our life with lots of happiness, we are so lucky to get you as our family members. Hope your life journey with my brother goes longer and longer with lots of excitement and enjoyment.

• I pray to god that keep your bond strong and blissful in all the years to come. Stick to each other as always. Happy Wedding Anniversary, brother.

• Whenever I thought about my past, I felt nervous because what could have happened if you were not my brother. You supported me in taking the right decisions of my life without wasting my precious time. You are a real model for me. Accept my anniversary wishes!

• Best wishes to the beautiful couple! May the freshness of your love remain in your hearts forever…HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

• I wish you both enjoy your togetherness today and always. Share your emotion with each other and plan a journey longer together. Highs and lows are the part of life, so accept it with a beautiful smile. You together make wrong things the right and be happy always.

• Happy anniversary to my sweet bhabhi, you are not only the wife of my brother but also my best friend and a well wisher, your presence around me gives me a comfortable zone to act on things, you have given me courage to do something better in my life. Thank you for accepting us as your family.

• Happy anniversary brother! Keep holding on to each other till death do you apart and beyond.

• My heartiest wish is that may God show His blessings upon you both. I usually pray for you both because I learned much more from you, my dear brother and sister in law. Well wishes.

• I’m wishing you have a happy day And happy heart on your anniversary, Happy Anniversary

• Another year has come full of happiness and joy. Create beautiful memories and capture it in your canvas of love. Each picture of your togetherness tells some stories of your life, so keep it safe in your mind. Create precious moments together in the coming year. Happy anniversary.

• Lots of happiness and joy of togetherness, a very happy wedding anniversary to my sweet and simple bhabhi, your simplicity is your true ornament, I am finding you the same since last so many years. After my marriage I have to take some tips on how to maintain oneself along with playing lots of responsibility perfectly. You are just the perfect one.

Bhabhi Anniversary Wishes

• I am so happy for you as you celebrate another year of marriage with happiness and smile on your face. Happy marriage anniversary.

• I wish you both enjoy your togetherness today and always. Share your emotion with each other and plan a journey longer together. Highs and lows are part of life, so accept it with a beautiful smile. You together make the wrong things the right and be happy always. many many happy returns of the day for marriage anniversary.

• Congratulations to spend another blessed year of your marriage. May your life spend in happiness . Anniversary greeting to my dearest brother!

• It is the special day in your life where affection and love gave their best to make you both a nice couple. I wish the happiness and love lasts forever in your life and you together enjoy some of the brightest colors of your journey. Happy anniversary.

• You both are the perfect match for each other, bhabhi you are the only one who can manage my brother’s crazy reactions and bhaiya you are the only one who can bear bhabhi’s all tantrums. A very happy wedding anniversary to both of you, may you compatibility and compassion with each other keep continue till eternity.

• May your wedding life forever bound with happiness and love, warmth. I wish all the nice things in the world to you.

• Though anniversary comes once in a year but you guys enjoy every single day of your married life, I have never seen a couple like you how much respect, love and care you guys are doing for each other. God save you from all evil eyes. Happy wedding anniversary to my best of the best Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

• Another year of great love spent by you and brother! Now it's time to celebrate, so sip the dark with the same straw!!!

• When two wonderful persons become one soul, a true couple of love is born, just like you both. Don’t let each other alone because you are perfect when you are together. Make a home in your heart with love and trust and be together forever. Happy anniversary.

• May you both enjoy each part of achievement together and suffer with a lot of confidence and believe in each other and the god!! Happy Anniversary!!

• Happy marriage anniversary to the wonderful couple, you laugh together, you are sad together, you both are great support for each other. To do a celebration you don’t need any other person, you both are enough for each other. I am feeling so proud that you are my Bhaiya and Bhabhi. Stay happy and healthy together. God bless both of you.

• Dear bro, you struggled against the whole world to prove that your love was true. And the reward for your struggle has been the sweetest of all. Happy Anniversary!

• I Wish you Happy Marriage Anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi, May the love increases more as the days passes and makes both of you stronger to face all the situations in life.

Happy Marriage Anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi Wishes & Greetings

Before arranging a party or some big gifts for your brother, you must wish them. Yes, parties are good, but whenever you wish someone, it will be a special moment for them. Likewise, your brother will be looking forward to your wish as well. So we have brought some of the best anniversary wishes for your bhaiya and bhabhi. On their special anniversary day, send them wonderfully warm and loving quotes and let them know how much you care about them. Despite being out of town and far away, you can send them your best wishes. These quotes are completely free to use. 

You can arrange some cards and paste these anniversary wishes for bhaiya and bhabhi there. You can take some photos of your brother's marriage ceremony and then combine them to make a video. In that video, you can also put these anniversary wishes. Your greetings for your very own brother will make him happy. As a younger brother/sister, you are the one who has spent most of the time from your childhood with your brother. So obviously, your brother adores you the most and hence expects a lot from you. So make sure to wish them on the big day of their life.

Bhabhi Anniversary Wishes

Anniversary Wishes Bhaiya Bhabhi

🌷 Love and much happiness to one of our all-time favorite couples! I wish you continue to make each other happy every year to come.

🌷 Cheers to your special day. Sending you my heartiest wishes on your special moment, happy anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

🌷 It’s time to celebrate all over again. May you two continue to love each other have a memorable anniversary to you Bhaiya and Bhabhi

🌷 Here’s wishing you another year of true love. Congratulations on your 5th anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

🌷 Warm wishes to you on your marriage milestone. Many many congratulations to Bhaiya and Bhabhi. Happy Anniversary!

🌷 Here’s to another love-filled year together. Sending my best wishes to Bhaiya and Bhabhi on your anniversary. Happy Anniversary!

🌷 Every day, continue to love each other more and more. Happy Anniversary!

🌷 Congratulations for another wonderful year of falling in love with each other. Happy Anniversary!

🌷 Another year’s passed and you continue to show the world that true love does exists – Happy Anniversary!

🌷 May each new day you share be ever more beautiful than the last. Wishing a perfect pair a perfect day. Happy Anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi!

🌷 Sending you many blessings and best wishes. May you continue to live a full and joyous life together for many more years yet to come. Happy Anniversary!

🌷 I just wanted to send you my best wishes and congratulate you both on your anniversary! You guys make it look easy

🌷 Congratulations on your Anniversary! Many best wishes and blessings as you continue walking life’s paths hand-in-hand and heart-in-heart. Happy Anniversary!

🌷 Congratulations on another year of falling deeper in love with each other, happy anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

Bhabhi Anniversary Wishes

🌷 Happy Anniversary to you Bhaiya and Bhabhi! May God continue to bless you and keep you happy.

🌷 I hope every day you share together is more beautiful than the last, Happy Anniversary my beautiful couple, Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

🌷 Accepting to spend the your rest of life together was one of the best decisions you both have ever made. Happy Anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

🌷 To another year walking life’s path hand-in-hand and heart-in-heart, Sending love to our favorite couple on their anniversary!

🌷 Wishing you an anniversary as special as the love you two share. Happy Anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

🌷 Another year, another great reason to celebrate! Happy Anniversary Bhaiya Bhabhi.

🌷 Warmest wishes to the wonderful two of you on your 5th anniversary. Cogratulations Bro and Sis-in-law

🌷 Sending love and good wishes to some of our very favorite people, happy anniversary Bhaiya Bhabhi.

🌷 Your faith on Bhabhi and faith in each other is a beautiful thing to see. Happy Anniversary.

🌷 May you continue to love, cherish and honor one another for years to come. We all love you so much and hope you both have a wonderful anniversary.

🌷 Happy first anniversary to my favorite couple. Congratulations on another year spent with love and laughter!

🌷 Happy Wedding Anniversary to my beautiful bhabhi and amazing Bhai. Congrats on completing another wonderful year together. Lots of love to both of you.

🌷 Congratulations on your wedding anniversary are. You deserve all the happiness in this world and more! Hope this day makes you happier and showers you with blessings every year.

🌷 Dear Bhaiya and Bhabhi, it is so wonderful to see the two of you happy with each other. Thank you so much for being the best brother and sister-in-law a man could ask for. Happy Anniversary to you both.

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

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