Message For Baby Girl

birthday wishes for baby girl

Let’s celebrate our baby girl’s first birthday together. Our best wishes to your little angel on her special day. May she touch the sky.

Little cherub of mine, who is cuter than you? You are the most charming baby on the planet. Congratulations on your birthday, my girl! May the Lord give you overflowing blessings and love.

Sending my best wishes to my little girl! Happy bday sweetheart! Your blissful charm makes everyone smile! May the Lord bless you year after year with his boundless love and care.

My charming baby girl, today you are one year older, happy birthday! I’m praying that you have a healthy growth, endless happiness and many blessings from God. Enjoy your special day!

Happy Birthday my little cutie! You are growing up so fast! I adore you to the moon and back. May the Lord fill your path with flowers, rainbows and never-ending love.

You are the gem of our home and wishing you lifetime happiness on the biggest day of your first birthday celebration. I hope you enjoy every bit of the moment. Happy birthday baby girl!

Happy Birthday little princess! No one can resist your adorable smile, my pumpkin. You are coloring the world with your cute laugh and charming face. May the Almighty always guide your path, my girl.

You are the most special baby girl, so you really deserve such special treatment. I hope we are giving you exactly as you want. Happy birthday to you!

May God bless you with the right direction, great knowledge, and great success. You are the queen of our home. Happiest first birthday for little baby!

There is no other prettiest gift than you I have ever found in my life. Enjoy this special moment with great enthusiasm. Happy birthday to the sweetest one-year-old baby girl.

birthday wishes for baby

Wish a fabulous birthday to the cutest baby.

Sending oceans of good wishes for the entire life of the gifted child.

Today is your day, so you can put away your homework and enjoy your presents, songs, sweets, balloons, party games, and more!

Let all the desires of the little kid be fulfilled on a very special Birthday.

Sending you tons of kisses and hugs on the Happy Birthday of my sweet baby

Tiny hands and feet, tiny little coo’s, tiny little smiles… ENORMOUS happiness for those who love you. Happy Birthday, Sweetie.

On your first birthday we want to celebrate the miracle of your birth and new life by stuffing our faces in front of you. Yum! Happy 1st Birthday! Hope that you have a sweet 1st birthday.

You are growing up right before my very eyes. I can’t believe it. I’m just happy that you are still small enough for me to hold in my arms.

Happy 1st Birthday Kiddo! You won’t remember much about this day down the road, but you can rest assured the cake was AWESOME!

I can’t believe how tall you have grown already. You are growing up way too fast. Happy Birthday, my little one.

100+ Best Birthday Wishes For Baby Messages And Quotes Images

1st birthday wishes for baby girl

We are wishing you unlimited happiness, hugs, and cuddles for your special day!

We hope that your birthday is filled with all of the fun that you can handle.

Baby girl, we could never give you a gift that is as great as what you have given to us. We are blessed to have such a beautiful daught

Best birthday wishes and a wonderful baby girl. You are an incredible treasure to us.

Happy 1st Birthday to our beautiful baby girl. Now in about 25 years or so maybe Daddy will let you start dating!

We are sending the heartiest birthday wishes with countless cuddles, love, hugs, and happiness. Happy 1st birthday to a baby girl.

It’s been 1 year passed since we were blessed with a stunning baby girl. We never forget those blessings. Happy first birthday, cutie!

Message For Baby Girl

Wishing you a very happy first birthday to the soul of my heart! Since you have come into our home, brought happiness and fun. May you fill our home with your laughter and smile. Happy 1st birthday, dearest baby angel!

I feel on cloud nine today because today is my baby girl’s first birthday. This is an undying feeling which is completely unconditional just like my love your you. Happy first birthday baby, girl!

You are my lovely and cutest baby of the year. I thank God that you have come into my home and being a part of this family. We love you so much. Happy 1st birthday to you, baby!

1st birthday wishes for baby boy

You may not remember this day but we’ll keep the photos for you. Someday you’ll know how special your 1st birthday was!

There’s not a single day in 365 days when you did not make us smile. God is so kind for giving us a wonderful baby boy like you!

Finally, we have started counting your age by years., not in months or days. Today we celebrate the 1st birthday of everyone’s favorite baby boy!

Happy Birthday to our little champ! You filled up our lives with eternal joy and happiness! May you grow up beautifully as well. We love you!

Our little prince, whenever you smile, our heart melts at your cuteness! Happy First Birthday! May you always keep spreading happiness like this!

My baby bear, you’re a big boy now! Welcome to being 1 and here’s to hoping that you won’t become as mischievous as your Dad! Happy First Birthday!

My sweet boy, no matter which age you reach, you’ll always remain our precious little hero! Happy First Birthday! We love you to the moon and back!

Happy Birthday, boy! You truly are an angel in disguise because you have the power to make everyone smile! Lots of love to you!

To our little hero who is obsessed with his spider-man action figure, Happy Birthday! May all your future birthdays be as special as this one!

A special kid like you deserve a special day, so Happy First Birthday! May you turn into a true gentleman and treat everyone with love and care!

happy birthday baby girl

Hey, sweetie, it’s your day! Although you are small in size, you bring a huge amount of cheer and joy to everyone who is around you! Happy birthday!

I want to give you the moon, the stars, and the sun in the sky. Have a wonderful birthday!

Pink lips, bright eyes, and beautiful hair, you already look like a doll! My pretty one, you are going to grow up into a star. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my little sweetie! Today you are one year older and that means you are a whole year cuter now!

Tiny hands and feet, tiny little smiles, but huge happiness for those around you. Happy birthday our baby, you are loved.

This cute princess has stolen everybody’s hearts from day one. I hope that her big day is as special and adorable as she is.

Your future is as bright as the candles on your cake, birthday greetings to you, dear Lil girl!

You are living your dream, and I am here to cheer you on. Happy Birthday to a champion!

I’d paint a rainbow in the sky just to be able to wish you a beautiful birthday!

Have a fantastic birthday filled with loads of fun! Happy Birthday, Little One!

birthday wishes for baby boy

Happy birthday, little boy! May god shower his blessings on you and make you a successful boy and bring lots of happiness and love in your life.

You are such an amazing child. You are a kind, smart, loving, patient and naughty son. Best birthday kiddo! I am hoping to see you reach every milestone and be successful.

Wish you happy birthday, my sweetheart, you are the best and we all love you a lot.

Happy Birthday to the cute boy who is going to be a future rock star.

Lots and lots of love to the adorable baby on his birthday. Your cute smile is already winning hearts of girls, I’m scared what you’re going to do in the future.

Dear sweetheart, you are not just the favorite of your mother but all of us. Happy Birthday, have a rocking day.

Message For Baby Girl

Your killing smile is not going to spare anyone, we know this well. Happy Birthday little rock start.

Happy growing.Happy birthday baby boy, you are stubborn as your father so I have a team to fight with alone. I love you, my boy, hope an amazing day!

Life could be normal and happy but then you happened. And you changed everything miraculously as if there were no yesterday before you. Happy birthday baby boy!

Hey toddler, you have started to walk and a little talk. Happy birthday baby boy, it feels amazing to see you growing. God bless you!

happy birthday baby

It’s hard to believe that you’re a whole year cooler than you were last year.

You have brought so much joy into our lives, little one. Happy Birthday and I hope you have fun today.

From the day you were born we knew that you’d be the most ideal son (daughter etc.) ever. You were always special and you always will be. Birthday wishes and blessings are coming your way!

Lots of love and good wishes to the most beautiful child of this universe on his Happy Birthday.

You’re getting older today and that’s cool, but you’re still not old enough to quit going to school.

Today you have the right to eat more cake, demand more allowance and become more annoying.

This amazing world is waiting to see the amazing person.Welcome sweetheart.

May this new small world bring you big amount of love and care.

Dear baby girl/boy,we are awaited to see you grow and to make the most memorable moments with you.Happy to have you.

This lips are awaited to kiss you darling.Loads of love.

baby birthday wishes

My little boy/girl you are the nicest person i have ever met.Love you to the moon and back

May you three achieve a wealthy and prosperous life.Congratulations guys.

Being a mother is really the best feeling in the world.Congratulations to the mother of beautiful girl.

I really cant imagine my loving life without you.Dear prince/princess.

Lots of love,tons of happiness,hugs,kisses, everything deserves to my little angel.

Finally you are here,you have filled this eyes with tears of happiness. Most welcome.

Have an awesome bday, honey, and may your year be full of joyful achievements and wonderful discoveries!v

Today is our favourite day of the year, because it is the day when you came in this world. We wish you all the best on this day!

Happy birthday to my darling child, No one could be as proud of you as I am. You are my pride and joy and deserve all the happiness in the world. Enjoy your birthday my special child.

I wish you an amazing birthday filled with hugs, kisses and plenty of love and happiness.

To my baby girl,

Before you even entered the world, you were anticipated, loved, cherished, and wanted. Now that I can hold you in my arms, those feelings have multiplied tenfold. I look at you with complete wonder, melt with each coo you make, and fall deeper in love every time you rest your tiny head on my chest. You are actually ours – our perfect gift from God — a precious life whom He has trusted to our care.

Though it pulls at my conscious, I refuse to live in fear of this new beginning, but instead, am approaching each day with overflowing thankfulness, each moment with a spirit of love.

I’m soaking in the sweetness of lullabies from the rocking chair at 2am and the vision of your daddy holding you in the crook of his strong arm.

How you drift to sleep as I walk around the house, reading from random books on the shelf so you learn to feel safe with my voice.

Right now your are so innocent and soft. You are our baby girl. And before you start changing and growing before our very eyes, there are a few things I want you to know.

Message For Baby Girl

I love your daddy with all my heart. He is kind and warm, fiercely loyal, and the most driven man you’ll probably ever meet. On the day you were born, he held my hand and amidst the pain and fear I was experiencing, he made me feel like both the most beautiful and strongest woman in the world. He makes me feel like that every day. He makes me laugh every day. He encourages me to be active and enjoy that piece of cake. We are a team and always will be.

It is more important to us that you explore, challenge yourself, try new things, and give your best that that you "succeed" by any score or standard. You must not let a fear of failure or of judgement ever stop you from trying. Audition for the solo. Volunteer to go first. Try out for the team. Life is full of adventures and surprises and bravery is what will allow you to experience them fully. Be brave, little one, for you were made to do great things.

Great things are not always big. We hope to show you the power of a kind word or simple gesture. Boldness is admirable, but so is gentleness. Many a friendship has grown or life has changed because of something as simple as a hug.

People will continually tell you to be a lady, to smile, to behave. These are all good things, things I hope you’ll do often— You are allowed to have emotions—they make us human. You don’t have to hide them or fear them— in fact, I’d prefer you to recognize them, come and talk to me about them. I’ve experienced every emotion in the book and want to help you through yours, too. It’s okay to be heartbroken, angry, goofy, quiet, and strong willed. You are not obligated to any certain personality type simply because of your gender and the world’s perception of it.

You are beautiful. People told you this from the day you were born. But I hope as you grow, you see beauty as a rounded quality— not just superficial. You were created with purpose and uniqueness— crafted to stand out, not fit in. So be your own kind of beautiful, my darling. Don’t let the world tell you what that looks like. Have confidence, be healthy, be genuine, be kind— this is beauty.

You never have to feel alone.

Life is too short to give up chocolate.

There’s only a certain time in your life you can get away with wearing whatever you want anywhere you want— enjoy it.

You will find more happiness and excitement outdoors than through any screen or toy.

Music has healing powers.

Our love is unconditional.

Family is first and forever.

God is for you, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

So are we.

We can’t wait to do life with you, sweet baby girl. We won’t always get it right, but we promise to do our best.

Lovely baby girls and princesses deserve the warmest wishes on their birthday. Find here many options to say happy birthday girl to your little angel, and share with her a special wish, blessing or prayer. Beautiful greetings with the sweetest messages and blessings from God will show how much you love and appreciate your little girl. They are charm and joy to the world: “Happy birthday princess! You make my life happier! "Happy birthday baby girl! You are so adorable, and my heart melts for you”. "My sweetie, I love you, Happy birthday little girl!" May the Lord fulfill his purpose for you, Happy birthday, little princess! 

Click and jump to each section below:

• Baby Girl 

• Little Girl

• Princess and Beautiful Girl


• Receive my warmest wishes on your birthday my cute baby girl! May the Lord embrace you with his boundless love and protect you forever.

2. Have a fun birthday! You are the joy of my eyes, my adorable girl. May the Almighty let you know his deep love and guard you under his wings in every stage of your life.

3. I wish you the happiest birthday, my sweetie-pie. You have brought unbounded love to our house! May the Lord protect you, give you health and fill your heart with happiness.

4. My little teacup, you are the most beautiful baby girl I know! I send you the warmest hugs and kisses on this special day. May God always hug you with his sweet love. Happy Bday!

5. Best wishes on your birthday, my cutie! Exciting discoveries are waiting for you, my little girl. You are so important for God and me, nothing can compare with your extraordinary value!

6. Happy Birthday to my amazing baby girl! Since you came into my life, my heart started melting of love. May the Almighty enlighten your way today and every day.

7. Wishing you a fantastic celebration, sweetie! My little girl, thanks for bringing into my life so much love and pure happiness. May you have a fun birthday and God always takes care of you.

8. Wonderful little girl of mine, I love you with all my heart. Happy Bday! You are a beautiful flower from your head to your toes. May the Lord cause you to flourish with his presence and bless you.

Charming Baby Girl:

9. Wishing you the best bday, my cute little star! I'm crazy about you with your bright eyes and lovely face. May the Lord take care of you year after year.

10. Have a fabulous birthday, my enchanting doll! Your beauty, smile, and adorable cheeks are like a breeze in the ocean. My prayer is the Almighty give you eternal joy.

11. One year older, my dear, and you are getting even cuter every day! Happy Birthday my gorgeous girl! May God give you a long life, filled with joy and too much love.

12. Happy Birthday little princess! No one can resist your adorable smile, my pumpkin. You are coloring the world with your cute laugh and charming face. May the Almighty always guide your path, my girl.

13. Little cherub of mine, who is cuter than you? You are the most charming baby on the planet. Congratulations on your birthday, my girl! May the Lord give you overflowing blessings and love.

14. Sending my best wishes to my little girl! Happy bday sweetheart! Your blissful charm makes everyone smile! May the Lord bless you year after year with his boundless love and care.

15. My charming baby girl, today you are one year older, happy birthday! I'm praying that you have a healthy growth, endless happiness and many blessings from God. Enjoy your special day!

16. Happy Birthday my little cutie! You are growing up so fast! I adore you to the moon and back. May the Lord fill your path with flowers, rainbows and never-ending love.

Precious & Sweet Baby Girl:

Message For Baby Girl

17. My little sunshine, you are a wonderful gift in our lives! Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! May you have a memorable day and blessings that overflow.

18. Sweet baby girl, you are more precious than gold and rubies. May God let you know how important and beautiful you are to him and me. Happy Bday honey!

19. Pearls, gemstones? Gold, silver? Nothing is brighter than you, my lovely little girl. Your bright eyes and smile have me captive. Enjoy a delightful birthday, cutie! May God send his angels to guard you always!

20. Sweetest hugs and kisses for a lovely angel! Happy Bday precious girl! You share the joy with your sunny smile and bright personality. May God fulfill his purpose for you and always give you loads of cheerfulness.

21. I thank God for your life, my little honey bee! Happy Birthday baby girl! Your sweetness melts my heart, and everyone's else. May God always give you uncountable reasons to laugh and smile.

22. May you have an incredible birthday my sugar pie! You are a gift from God, may he give you the very best every single moment of your life.

23. How fast you grow! Your existence makes everything better, my little pumpkin. I wish you the sweetest birthday, my dear girl. I pray that you have unlimited blessings and loads of loving hugs!

24. Beautiful baby girl, your existence makes this world even more amazing. Happy bday my little cherub! I pray that God grant you an enjoyable day and many blessings from heaven.

25. Have a great birthday, my sweet little angel! Keep growing with health, beauty, and joy. May the Lord fulfill all the amazing plans he has for you, my precious girl.

Happiness & Joy:

26. Happy Bday sweetie! You are a ray of light to me and everyone. May God give you happiness all the days of your life. I love you!

27. Sweetest wishes to my sparkle little star! You shine and bring joy to everyone. May the Lord grant you countless blessings and even more light to share. Best Bday, my dear girl!

28. Have a fabulous birthday, honey! Every year you get even prettier! May the Almighty fill this special day with joy and give you the very best of his blessings.

29. Wishing you all the best on your birthday, my darling! You, my sweet girl, are the sparkle of my eyes. May the Lord give you endless happiness!

30. Wonderful birthday, my lovely girl! May God guard your steps and give you tons of joyful moments all your life. And guess what? I got you a piñata! Let's celebrate your special day with cheer!

31. Warmest wishes to my lovely angel! You are a joy to the planet, my girl! May the Almighty let you soar high and fulfill all your dreams. Happy bday with all my love!

32. Sending the best wishes to my little sunshine! Happy birthday dear, may the Lord bless you today and the upcoming years; you are always in my prayers!


33. Wishing you a delightful day with a lot of fun, darling! You are so lovely, smart, and brave, may the Lord always be with you and fill you with his love. Happy Birthday!

34.  My girl, you are so awesome and sweet! Have an exciting birthday with lots of candies, cake, and presents! May God let you enjoy every day of your life with his care, my gorgeous little bee!

35. My heart is feeling so happy because a precious doll is one year older today! Have a fun birthday, my pretty little girl. Be blessed forever! God is always with you!

36. Sending you lots of bear hugs for your birthday, my beautiful girl! May the Lord always walk by your side, so you can feel his love any time. Have fun and enjoy to the fullest your special day!

37. Warm wishes on your birthday, little pumpkin. You are part of my heart, my adorable girl. Enjoy lots of pizza, cake, and ice cream on your special day. May God bless you today and always!

38. Have a fabulous celebration, honeybunch! We are grateful for your life; your energy and joy make us happy. We love you, sweet girl! Enjoy a lot, and may God always bless you!


39. May God give you a colorful and blissful birthday, my sweetheart! You are the most incredible gift to our family. Tons of kisses and hugs only for you my amazing and lovely girl!

40. Happy birthday girl! I'm so grateful because God put you on this earth; you are a gift to me, and everyone around you. I love you, my little angel! Let's celebrate this incredible day!

41. Happy Bday to my amazing and sweet little girl! I feel so lucky that you are my daughter. I love you, and I pray that God grant you endless blessings and joy today and every day.

42. Best Bday to my lovely ballerina! The little girl you are turning into makes me proud. May God dance with you and guard you in every stage of your life; may he grant you blissful days without limit.

43. Happy bday sweetie! Your dad and I feel so blessed to be your parents. You are a wondrous gift from God to us, and we love you from the bottom of our heart.

Lovely & Amazing little girl:

44. Happy Birthday my little lady! Dear, you are growing like a strong, delightful and beautiful girl. Remember to seek the Lord, and he will grant you the desires of your heart. Have a fun day! I love u!

45. Honeybun! You are a wonderful little girl, so intelligent, sweet, and gorgeous at the same time. Your good heart makes melt mine. Have a fantastic birthday! May God always fill your days with his deep love.

Message For Baby Girl

46. Happy birthday precious girl of mine! You are a lovely creation of God and deserve the very best. May the Lord fulfill the perfect plans he has for you. Have fun at your party, sweetie!


47. I feel so happy to be your mom, sweetheart. You are a wonderful girl, and I love you. Happy Birthday my beautiful flower! May God let you discover his goodness and never-ending love.

48. I feel that just yesterday we were celebrating your first birthday, my dear. I love you, and I'm so proud of you! May God guide you and guard you every single day of your life. Happy birthday little girl!

49. My lovely sunshine, happy birthday! I hope this special day brings you many presents, hugs, kisses, and cake. Remember how much your family and God love you!

50. Have a fun birthday, my little girl! I pride myself for being your dad, and your happiness means everything to me. May the Lord always embrace you and be the light of your path. I love you.

Beautiful Little Princess:

51. Who is the most beautiful princess in the world? You are, of course! Happy Birthday my amazing girl! May God give you a life filled with blissful moments.

52. You look so well with your crown, my princess! Nothing can compare with your beauty, you are precious inside and outside. Remember that your father God is the king of heaven & earth, and loves you! And I love you too, Happy Bday!

53. Happy birthday beautiful girl! May God's presence always be with you and be a compass to your life. Enjoy your day and receive overflowing blessings, sweetheart!

54. Happy birthday to my adorable princess! Let's eat cake and enjoy you are growing healthy and gorgeous. May you have a delightful birthday, my beautiful girl; may the love of God always enfold you!

55. My dear girl, God has given you a bright heart to enlighten everyone. You are a beautiful star! May the Lord grant you more of his light, so you shine even more! Happy Birthday princess!

Happy Moments:

56. Happy Bday to my angel! You are the princess of my heart, and I wish you all good things life has to offer. May the Lord grant you tons of joyful moments, filled with his love.

57. My lovely princess and admirable little girl, may God grant you many years ahead; may he fill your life with rainbow colors, with tons of flowers and beautiful blessings. Happy Bday honey!

58. My little bee, your life is a true blessing to me and everyone. I wish you a wonderful birthday with lots of chocolate cake, ice cream and the unlimited love of the Lord. Love you, princess!

59. Let's enjoy together this beautiful day, my sweet girl! You are like a field of colorful flowers that brings beauty and joy to everyone. I wish you a fabulous birthday, princess! May God grant you plenty of blessings!

60. Have a happy birthday, pretty princess of mine! May the Lord give you an exciting day, full of presents, delicious cake, surprises, and too much love. You deserve it!

61. May God give you a long and blessed life, princess. May he add over the years more and more blissful days to your journey. Happy Bday little girl of mine! Enjoy your cake and presents! I love you.

62. I wish you a fantastic day, my girl! Happy Bday darling! Enjoy the biggest fun, delicious popcorn, and cake on this special day. I pray that you have never-ending happiness, and angels to protect you wherever you go.

Celebration & Gratitude:

63. Have a fun birthday, adorable princess! May the light of God always enlighten you, my dear girl! I celebrate your life and pray that the Lord give you boundless joy.

64. I'm so grateful for your life and your angelic smile, you are so adorable, sweetie. Happy birthday baby girl! May the Almighty protect you and fill you with happiness.

65. Happy Birthday princess! Wishing you a delightful celebration with your lovely dress and crown. May the Lord fill this day and your whole life with sweetness and cheerfulness.

66. Celebrating you, sugar! You are another year more amazing, my enchanting princess. Have a birthday full of joy and sweet love. May God always give you tons of reasons to smile!

67. Happy birthday sweetie pie! I am so thankful for your life, my beautiful princess; you are an incredible little girl! May your birthday be full of blessings, colorful balloons, as well as tons of hugs and kisses!


68. How much God and I love you? Do you know it, sweetie? God and I love you to the moon and back; we love you without measure. Have a wonderful birthday, full of blessings and hugs!

69. Wishing you the best, my little sunshine! May God give you countless blessings and let you feel his everlasting love. Happy birthday girl! I love you!

70. A little princess is one year older today! I wish you spend this day with lots of love and tons of hugs. Happy Bday, my lovely girl! May God let you know how beautiful and loved you are.

71. Cuddliest wishes to my little princess. Happy Bday sweetie! Can you see how valuable you are? You worth more than gold or any gemstone! I love you, dear, may God bless you today and every single day!

72. Wishing you fun on your birthday, honey! Enjoy every moment with your family and friends. I pray that many blessings come into your life and God fill you with his boundless love.


73. Happy Birthday my stunning girl! Have a wonderful day! I hope you get a lot of presents and cake. May your dreams come true, and the Almighty give you countless blessings.

74. That cute smile of yours means the world to me. Happy birthday little princess! May all your wishes come true, and the Lord embraces you on this special day. Many blessings to you!

75. Life is an incredible journey, my charming little girl. May God be your partner in every dream you have and give you wings to fly to the highest mountains. Have a wonderful birthday, sweetie!

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