The Best Marriage Advice
loving home.the rainto stay off marriage. This quote is , a Kosher and • Stand outside in another great reminder
about love and , May you build the crowdfrom the Talmud. Plus, it gives us lots to say websites:
Bracha, Parnasa & Hatslacha together.• Stand out from Another great quote see, King Solomon has Information obtained from I wish you make you:והיה העולם"
As you can Mazel Tov 🙂stronger every year!wishes can either תלוי במי שאמר • Hebrew Version: "רְאֵה חַיִּים עִם-אִשָּׁה אֲשֶׁר-אָהַבְתָּ"(but don’t copy!).grow stronger and Well, you better be… because the following תלויין בו והוא
love" – King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 9:9So steal away you with love, joy, and laughter, BH. May your love on people’s faces?שיש לו שהן the woman you
Remember:May God bless put a smile ובניו יותר ממה • English Version: "Enjoy life with I do (I wasn’t even invited! 😡)life forever!and beyond to
לו ויכבד אשתו love"much better than to fill your to go above ויתכסה במה שיש the woman you bride and groom May today’s joy continue jokes? Are you willing שיש לו וילבש
Enjoy life with Besides, you know the your wedding!for your witty וישתה פחות ממה uniting into one.the blessing.Mazel Tov on
friends with the was created." – Talmud Chullin 84bEve, another great symbol that special personality my soul loves" – Song of Songs
Are you good and the world between Adam and "oomph", inject some of the one whom • Best wishesOne Who spoke the connection formed card that extra
"I have found • Hugs and kissesdependent on the This quote describes to give your you "cheated", now do you?coupleand he is
• Hebrew Version: "עַל-כֵּן, יַעֲזָב-אִישׁ, אֶת-אָבִיו, וְאֶת-אִמּוֹ; וְדָבַק בְּאִשְׁתּוֹ, וְהָיוּ לְבָשָׂר אֶחָד"so far. If you want to find out
as a happy dependent on him become one flesh." – Genesis 2:24only get you bride and groom
of joy, success, and fulfillment together within his means; as they are and they shall & pasted blessings will
You don’t want the two a lifetime than what is to his wife bunch of copied dust…• I wish you and children more
mother and cling card with a your unique fairy guest
honor his wife father and his A Jewish wedding match your tone, sprinkle some of you as your with his means, and he should
shall leave his comes from you.bit, change it to wonderful day with
himself in accordance • English Version: "Therefore a man warm, heartfelt blessing that word for word. Customize it a to celebrate this dress and cover become one flesh."to you, nothing beats a
and copy it • We’re so excited his means, and he should and they shall blessings I present of these blessings. But don’t be lazy life forever!what is within
to his wife matter how many copy, borrow, or steal any to fill your drink less than mother and cling That’s because no
Important: You’re welcome to • May today’s joy continue always eat and father and his highlighted the "personal" part?inspiration.a long, happy, and fulfilling life
• English Version: "A person should shall leave his Notice how I can use as
the beginning of was created.""Therefore a man card.and templates you
• May today mark and the world again" – Zoharpersonal Jewish wedding wedding card examples stronger every yearOne Who spoke
married, they are reunited wedding ceremony, or write a a bunch of grow stronger and dependent on the
this world. When they are toast at the In this section, I’ll give you • May your love and he is their descent to a thoughtful blessing, give a funny
a beautifully-written wedding card?together!dependent on him soul, separated only through and groom with
translate that into all your dreams within his means; as they are wife are one congratulate the bride and greetings… now what? How do we • May you fulfill
than what is • English Version: "A husband and Whether you’re looking to
Jewish wedding blessings together.and children more
again"known to mankind!
Mazel Tov
bunch of great
on your journey
honor his wife married, they are reunited of blessings ever OK, you found a as you embark with his means, and he should this world. When they are
most beautiful stream long life together, Romeo and Juliet!fun, exciting, and peaceful life himself in accordance their descent to
to unleash the • Wishing you a • Wishing you a dress and cover
soul, separated only through your toolkit, you’re now ready • Congratulations, you’re married! (My condolences)your wedding dayhis means, and he should
wife are one
May today’s joy continue to fill your life forever!
wedding wishes in knowing you…• Wishing you joy, love, and happiness on
what is within "A husband and
Mazel Tov on your wedding day
Congratulations! With these Jewish • It’s been nice
in your life.drink less than
May you build a loyal home in Israel
החתן ואת הכלה”.Mazel Tov!trash"
a new chapter always eat and
May you build a Kosher and loving home
דודים, הוא יברך את the trash.= "Honey, take out the
• Today you begin "A person should
Bracha & Hatslacha!
חוחים, אהבת כלה משוש
= you taking out
• From now on, guys night out
with lasting joy!
spouse.• Hebrew Version: “מי בָן שיח שושן knowing you… From now on, guys night out rate was 50%? So, heads or tails?ahead be filled
of loving, caring, and respecting your the bride." – Mi AdirIt’s been nice that the divorce • May the years stressing the importance
the bridegroom and transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".• Did you hear together!full of quotes the beloved, may He bless Anyway, congratulations on your transition from "madly in love" to "just mad".all your dreams The Talmud is lovers, the joy of
your own marriage.• Congratulations on your
• May you accomplish אשתו” – תלמוד, בבא מציעא נט’ אthorns, the affection of anymore… Now that you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller in the free snacks!and blessings…
L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom
אדם אלא בשביל the rose of
don’t need Netflix
May you fulfill all your dreams together!
• Thanks for all popular wedding wishes בתוך ביתו של
the speech of Oh, and you probably
Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha
your wedding day!
of the most
Wishing you lots of Nachat/Naches
שאין ברכה מצויה • English Version: "He Who understands
wedding day! (dude, my condolences)get wasted on
May God grant you all your wishes!
Here are some זהיר בכבוד אשתו the bride.”
Congratulations on your • So excited to
May your lives be filled with love, joy, and laughter, BH
of a kind!• Hebrew Version: לעולם יהא אדם the bridegroom and
ושמחים… לחיים• Listen to Me… Listen to Her!
May you be blessed, always!
is truly one 1
the beloved, may He bless
May your marriage be blessed with a lifetime of love and happiness
!לחיי נישואין ארוכים in one marriage?a blessing that wife" – Talmud, Bava Metzia 59a
lovers, the joy of כשר ונאמן בישראל, בעזרת ה'.
May God fill your home with love and happiness
• Who needs Netflix, when you’ve got Comedy, Drama, Action, and Thriller all the park with due to his
thorns, the affection of שתזכו להקים בית
May God bless you and shine a bright light in your home
your blessing backfires!).it out of person’s home only the rose of
תעשו.to me if
May God bless you with a lifetime of love, peace, and joy
of both worlds! That way, you can knock found in a the speech of
ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחה בכל אשר (and don’t come crying
Here’s to a long and happy marriage, L’Chaim!
combining the best of his wife, for blessing is "He Who understands
כל שנה, אמןjoke. In other words: Know your audience
Jewish Wedding Quotes & Sayings
In fact, I strongly recommend about the honor weddings.באושר ואהבה. שאהבה שלכם תגדל can take a religion, of course).always be careful
chanted in Ashkenazi !שה’ ימלא את ביתכם couple, and that they
that involves another • English Version: "A person should from the "Mi Adir", a song commonly את חייכם לעד.
relationship with the
(unless it’s a blessing wife"This quote comes שהאושר ימשיך למלא have a close in Jewish weddings due to his החתן ואת הכלה”חתונתכם– make sure you
just as well person’s home only הכל, הוא יברך את
!מזל טוב לרגל your wedding card other weddings works found in a
הכל, מי דגול על
"מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"
these wishes on
to Jewish blessings. What works in
of his wife, for blessing is הכל, מי גדול על L’Chaim!them obnoxious. Before you put have to stick about the honor הכל, מי ברוך על marriage.wishes hilarious; others will find wedding doesn’t mean you
always be careful • Hebrew Version: “מי אדיר על long and happy will find these Just because it’s a Jewish "A person should the bride." – Mi Adir
Wishing you a Warning: Some married couples the snacks :).another classic.distinguished beyond all; He should bless the groom and the bride."
mightier than all; He who is end of the recited (and chanted) at the seven • Hebrew Version: "מָּצָ֔אתִי אֵ֥ת שֶׁאָהֲבָ֖ה נַפְשִׁ֑י"my soul loves"Jewish wedding invitations, modern Ketubahs, and of course
Songs is by beloved is mine." – Song of Songs "I am my beautiful quotes, sayings, and phrases about
marriage, L’Chaim!lifetime of love, peace, and joyin your home• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא את ביתכם • Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם נישואין • Hebrew Version: !תבורכו תמידlove, joy, and laughter, BHwishes!
of Nachat/Naches• Hebrew Version: !שתגשימו יחד את peace")conclude the blessing foolish, yes?).I "checked", wine is a It is considered fond of wine
after every toast. And my oh • English Version: Bracha & Hatslacha! (Hebrew for "blessing and success".)• English Version: May you build • English Version: May you build
את חייכם לעדWhen in doubt, say Mazel Tov!• When the groom (the reception area).use it everywhere…version of "congratulations" (although the literal Hide Photo List
relationship tips and imperfect people who impact them in pursuit of lesser 29. Don’t put your 28. Work together as your mind. Clearly communicate your
and never start other. Instead, work together with they’re doing right in the middle 22. Make your faith to your spouse and in all
about your spouse 19. Be your spouse’s biggest encourager, not his/her biggest critic. Be the one porn or anything 17. Be patient with will promote healing humbly seek forgiveness. You should be and trust is
13. Never keep secrets
kids or else for your entire other. Your words matter, but the tone after you’ve given your be 100-100. It’s not splitting to build a
8. Prioritize what happens taking turns being strong marriage rarely
you’ll either win laugh.5. Make laughter the
and remove yourself
4. Your friends will "currency of relationships" so consistently invest when you’re together with 2. Always answer the when you struggle greater than all; He who is
the groom and "He who is glass, which marks the This blessing is 3:4the one whom featured anywhere from from Song of
beloved's and my quotes (maybe one day)…is full of long and happy you with a a bright light love and happinesslove and happinessblessed, always!
be filled with you all your • English Version: Wishing you lots together!• English Version: L’Chaim Tovim U’le Shalom (Hebrew for "Good life and giving the toast, just remember to
groom (just don’t do anything and groom. And last time family).Jews are particularly L’Chaim is chanted
כשר ואוהבנאמן בישראלחתונתכם• Hebrew Version: שהאושר ימשיך למלא "Mazel Tov".cardthe Kabbalat Panim Jewish weddings. You’ll hear it, say it and "Mazel Tov" is the Hebrew for later!For more great "perfect marriage" is just two your decision will marriage in the encouragement, partnership and each other.spouse to read with your spouse
25. When you’re facing struggles, don’t blame each your spouse! Focus on what stronger with God that you’re off limits!you that you’re always connected at all times 20. Never talk badly physically monogamous; be mentally monogamous.18. Stay away from quick to say, "I love you. I forgive you. Let’s move forward."forgiveness instantly which mistake, admit it and each other. Lies break trust empty marriage.while you’re raising your set the tone respectfully to each to each other, not your leftovers
isn’t 50-50, divorce is 50-50. Marriage has to marriage, but it’s nearly impossible other feels weak.husband and wife 7. Remember that a in everything so the hard times, find reasons to character.strengthen your marriage marriage takes time.
consistent date night. Time is the your phone off those moments blessed above all; He who is
Popular Wedding Wishes
distinguished beyond all; He should bless reception.groom breaking the • Hebrew Version: “קוֹל שָׂשׂוֹן וְקוֹל שִׂמְחָה קוֹל חָתָן וְקוֹל כַּלָּה"my soul loves" – Song of Songs "I have found Jewish weddings. You’ll see it King Solomon’s famous verse • English Version: "I am my book just with
The Jewish tradition • English Version: Here’s to a • English Version: May God bless you and shine your home with a lifetime of • English Version: May you be • English Version: May your lives
• English Version: May God grant • Hebrew Version: ברכה, פרנסה, והצלחהall your dreams your "Cchh").
Tip: If you’re the one the bride and to the bride
of the alcohol Jewish weddings.• Hebrew Version: !לחיים
• Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית • Hebrew Version: שתזכו להקים בית • Hebrew Version: מזל טוב לרגל
life forever!blessings, the crowd cheers
in your wedding family with "Mazel Tov" as they enter common blessing in • Hebrew Version: "!מזל טוב"and save it
other!as an option. Remember that a decision you make, because all of
other pursuit. Don’t sacrifice your struggle without your other AND listen
27. Don’t expect your 26. Never stop flirting they’re doing wrong.
about your spouse, try bragging about each other. Every marriage is of the world
wedding ring. It will remind them online. Protect your spouse who causes them.your spouse. Don’t just be that your schedule.
to be rebuilt. You should be trust, give them your 15. When you’ve made a 14. Never lie to nest and an
marriage on hold
your words can
Funny Wedding Wishes
11. Speak lovingly and 10. Give your best 9. Remember that marriage build a strong moments when the same time. It’s usually a find a solution."winner" and a "loser." You are partners joy, and even in
to compromise your friends who will shortcuts. Building a strong
a priority. Budget for a and when possible, try to keep
commitment, not just a each other even
mightier than all; He who is greater than all; He who is of the wedding concluded with the • English Version: "Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"the one whom cards.common quote in • Hebrew Version: "אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי"beloved is mine."fill an entire ושמחים, לחייםמלאים באהבה, שלווה ושמחהאור בביתכם• English Version: May God bless
• English Version: May God fill be blessed with
באהבה, שמחה, וצחוק, בעזרת ה
לבכםנחת• English Version: Bracha, Parnasa & Hatzlacha (Hebrew for "blessing, wealth and success")
• English Version: May you fulfill to start practicing
David:bring joy to
the Torah) to bring joy the other members of toasts in
• English Version: L’Chaim! (Hebrew for "To life")loving homein Israel
your wedding dayto fill your
after the seven
"Mazel Tov" at least once couple and their
Jewish Wedding Card Message Examples
far the most • English Version: Mazel Tov!Pin this image up on each 31. Never consider divorce 30. Consider your husband/wife in EVERY
of your career, hobbies or any spouse face a talk to each else!find solutions.pointing out what
24. Instead of nagging other and for remind the rest 21. Always wear your or vent about their tears, not the one fantasy apart from always more important opportunity for trust
16. When your husband/wife breaks your a strong marriage.enemy of intimacy.with an empty
The Traditional Blessing
12. Don’t put your matters too. The tone of everything they’ve got!
it!than sex to
other in the people at the together. Work together to
won’t be a marriage. Share moments of may tempt you friends wisely. Surround yourself with
marriage. There are no 3. Make time together
husband/wife is calling other. Love is a 1. Choose to love
• English Version: "He who is blessed above all; He who is Jewish wedding ceremony, and the beginning
blessings ceremony. The blessing is
The Hebrew Blessing
"Kol Sasson V’Kol Simcha, Kol Chatan V’Kol Kala"
• English Version: "I have found – on Jewish wedding
far the most 6:3
beloved's and my marriage and love. I could easily • Hebrew Version: !לחיי נישואין ארוכים
• Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם בחיים • Hebrew Version: שה’ יברך אתכם וישרה
באושר ואהבהמלאים באהבה ושמחה
• English Version: May your marriage • Hebrew Version: !'שחייכם יהיו מלאים
The Funny Blessing
• Hebrew Version: שה’ ימלא כל משאלות • Hebrew Version: מאחלת לכם הרבה
כל החלומות• Hebrew Version: לחיים טובים ולשלוםwith "L’Chaim" (now’s the time To quote King
wonderful way to a Mitzvah (a commandment from
(don’t worry, we don’t discriminate against my, are there plenty • Hebrew Version: !ברכה והצלחהa Kosher and
a loyal home
• English Version: Mazel Tov on • English Version: May today’s joy continue breaks the glass • You’ll likely write • Guests congratulate the translation is "good luck"). It is by Show Photo List
advice go torefuse to give some way.things.marriage "on hold" for the sake partners. Never let your thought and feelings. Take time to flirting with anyone
mutual respect to instead of always
of it.a priority. Pray with each and it will other people who wipes away
that creates sexual each other. Your spouse is and create the quick to say, "I was wrong. I’m sorry. Please forgive me."the foundation of from each other. Secrecy is the you’ll end up marriage.of those words best to everyone everything in half, but both partners strong marriage without
in the bedroom. It takes more strong for each has two strong together or lose
6. In every argument, remember that there
soundtrack of your from people who
impact your marriage, so choose your