Happy New Year To You Too And Your Family

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Thanks a lot! Wish you very happy new year too. Wish you be blessed with happiness and property in new year 🙂

You sure pick pretty pictures for your greetings. :>} Happy New Year to you, too! I really feel new since I'm off gluten!

Diane: Thanks! Happy New Year!

A veryh happy New Year to you too indeed!

Happy New Year, Jeanne! Love the vintage greeting! 🙂


How to Say Merry Christmas in Italian

The most common and direct way to say Merry Christmas in Italian is Buon Natale

Ti auguro Buon Natale, I wish you a Merry Christmas.

However, there are other expressions that are used as well.

Buone Feste corresponds to the English Happy Holidays and implies best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You could also say, tanti auguri di buone feste, best wishes for a happy holiday season.

Slightly more formal, used in writing rather than in person: Auguri di un Natale sereno (best wishes for a peaceful Christmas). For example, if you’re sending a card to someone in Italy, you could write:  "Auguro a te (or ‘lei’ if you don’t know the person well) e alla tua (‘sua’ if using lei) famiglia un sereno Natale e un felice anno nuovo (I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year).

If you want to be fancy and try a slightly longer phrase (why not?!), you could say: Ti auguro un Natale pieno di amore, pace e gioia sincera, My best wishes for a Christmas filled with love, peace and sincere joy.

So now you have a few options for how to say Merry Christmas in Italian, but what about the ‘Happy New Year’ part?

Let’s take a look.

How to Say Happy New Year in Italian

Happy New Year is Felice Anno Nuovo, as in Ti auguro un felice anno nuovo (I wish you a Happy New Year). You use ‘ti’ if you’re talking/writing to one person you know well, ‘le’ if you’re writing to one person you don’t know very well or have a formal relationship with, and ‘vi’ if you’re writing to a group of people, say a family. Le auguro un felice anno nuovo, vi auguro un felice anno nuovo.

You could also use related expressions, such as, Auguri per un felice 2022 – Best wishes for a happy 2022, or Auguri di buon anno, best wishes for a good new year.

How to Write a Christmas Card in Italian

Now let’s put together what we’ve seen so far to write a sample Christmas card so you can wish your loved ones Merry Christmas in Italian.

Caro/a/i/e (Dear – o for male singular, a for female singular, i for plural, e for female plural) – name -,

Ti/Vi (ti for singular, vi for plural) auguro Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Con affetto (with love),


The version above is the simplest. If you want something fancier, here’s another example.

Carissimo/i ____,

I miei migliori auguri per un Natale pieno di amore e pace, e per tanta gioia, serenità e salute nell’anno nuovo (My very best wishes for a Christmas filled with love and peace and for a New Year filled with joy, serenity and health).

Useful Italian Vocabulary for the Holidays

Now that you’ve learned how to say Merry Christmas in Italian, see below a list of useful words related to the holidays – le feste:

Vigilia di Natale – December 24, Christmas Eve

Santo Stefano – December 26, a national holiday in Italy

San Silvestro – New Year’s Eve

Capodanno o primo dell’anno – New Year’s Day; in Italian, we also use Capodanno to refer to the New Year’s Eve festivities, as in the most common asked question this time of the year: cosa farai a Capodanno? What are you doing on New Year’s Eve?

Epifania – Epiphany, January 6. And of course, Befana, the good witch who arrives on January 6 with sweet treats for children who behaved well, and coal for those who misbehaved. It’s a common joke for female friends in Italy to send each other messages on the day of Epifania to wish to one another, Buona Befana!

Happy New Year To You Too And Your Family

Now, without looking at your notes, how do you say Merry Christmas in Italian?

Buon Natale, cari lettori!

Christmas is one of people’s favorite holidays. But along with the delicious food and the great company, there’s also the need and convention to give our beloved ones and acquaintances our best wishes. If you’re learning español, you may be wondering what phrases you could use to say ‘merry christmas’ in Spanish.

In Spanish, there are different ways to wish people a merry christmas. Some of the most common expressions that speakers use include:

• Feliz Navidad

• Felices fiestas

• ¡Que pases una feliz navidad!

• ¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

• Mis mejores deseos en esta Navidad

• Te deseo una feliz navidad

By the end of this, you will be ready to say ‘merry christmas’ in Spanish like a pro!

1. Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas

As you may have already known, Feliz Navidad is the Spanish phrase for ‘Merry Christmas’. So, this is probably the most popular expression that you could use during this holiday. In addition to being used to wish a merry christmas, ‘feliz navidad’ is also used as a greeting or a farewell. 

To put it simply, you can use this expression to say ‘merry christmas’ to your family and friends, but also as a Christmasy way to say goodbye in Spanish to people that you just happen to run into (like the lady in the grocery store). 

Here are some examples of how to apply this expression:

¡Lana, feliz navidad para ti y toda tu familia! 
Lana, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Merry Christmas everyone! I love you, guys! 

Muchas gracias, amiga, feliz navidad para ti también. 
Thank you, honey, Merry Christmas to you too. 

In Spanish speaking countries, many families hold a big celebration during Christmas Eve (Noche Buena in Spanish). You can use the following expression as a variation of ‘Feliz Navidad’.

¡Feliz Noche Buena! Pásenla bien mañana. 
Happy Christmas Eve! Have a good time tomorrow. 

Familia, feliz noche buena, los quiero mucho. 
Happy Christmas Eve, I love you, family. 

Take Note: Feliz Navidad literally means ‘Happy Christmas’. This is because the word ‘feliz’ is the direct translation of ‘happy’ and is used to congratulate people in Spanish on different holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, etc.  

2. Felices fiestas – Happy holidays

In Spanish, Felices fiestas is an expression that we use during Christmas time to congratulate and wish people happy holidays. To put it simply, as its direct translation ‘happy holidays’, ‘felices fiestas’ is inclusive of the different holidays that we celebrate during this period (Christmas, New Year, Christmas Eve, Day of the Three Wise Men, Hanukkah, etc).

Something to keep in mind is that, due to its formality, ‘felices fiestas’ is more commonly used among Christmas cards or Christmas messages delivered by corporations, stores or institutions.

Felices fiestas de parte del departamento de marketing. 
Happy Holidays from the marketing department. 

De parte de la administración, les deseamos unas felices fiestas
On behalf of the administration, we wish you all happy holidays. 

Lucas, ¡felices fiestas! Espero que la pases bien con tu familia. 
Lucas, happy holidays! I hope you have a great time with your family. 

3. ¡Que pases una Feliz Navidad! – Have a Merry Christmas

In Spanish, ¡que pases una Feliz Navidad! is a more casual way to wish people a Merry Christmas. As a result, this expression is more suitable for informal situations. ‘Que pases una Feliz Navidad’ is the direct translation of ‘have a Merry Christmas’.

As a variation, you could use instead: ¡que tengas una Feliz Navidad! Below there is a phrase structure that you use to build your own wishes with this expression. Notice that you can use the verbs ‘esperar’ and ‘desear’ as supporting verbs to make this sentence a little more complete and formal. 

(‘Esperar / Desear’ conjugated) + que + [‘pasar’ in present subjunctive] + [complement] 

Amiga, que pases una feliz navidad. ¡Saludos a tu familia!
Dude, have a Merry Christmas. Give your family my love!

¡Que pases una feliz navidad, Ellie! Nos vemos pronto.
Have a Merry Christmas, Ellie! See you soon.

Henry y yo deseamos que pasen una feliz navidad
Henry and I wish you a Merry Christmas, guys. 

Happy New Year To You Too And Your Family

Jóvenes, espero que pasen una feliz navidad en compañía de los suyos. 
Kids, I hope you and your families have a Merry Christmas

Take Note: As a variation for this phrase, you can replace ‘pasar’ with the verb ‘tener’. So, you could say ‘que tengas una Feliz Navidad’. However, this expression is slightly more casual.

Amor, espero que tú y tu familia tengan una feliz navidad. 
Honey, I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. 

4. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo – Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

Another popular expression that you can use during these holidays is Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo which means ‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’. It’s a standard term, you can use this Spanish phrase in both formal and informal context to wish people the best during these holidays. 

‘Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo’ not only wishes people a Merry Christmas, but it also expresses that we hope that the upcoming year will be prosperous and successful. So basically, you’re giving your best wishes for these two important holidays.

Here are some examples of how to apply this expression:

Familia, ¡feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, family!

Ally, ¡feliz navidad y próspero año para ti y tu familia!
Ally, ¡Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for you and your family!

Mamá, Gina les desea feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo
Mom, Gina wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Take Note: As you may imagine, this expression can only be used before or during Christmas. If you only want to wish people a Happy New Year in Spanish, you can simply say ‘Feliz Año Nuevo’.

5. Mis Mejores Deseos en Esta Navidad – Warm Wishes

In Spanish, mis mejores deseos en esta Navidad is also another way to wish people a Merry Christmas. This expression is close in meaning to ‘warm wishes’ or, literally, ‘my best wishes’. ‘Mis mejores deseos en esta Navidad’ is kind of a formal expression, but you can still use it among your friends and family.

Unlike other expressions, you’ll need to change some possessive adjectives to customize your expression. Also, notice that you can omit ‘en esta navidad’ if the context is pretty clear, which it usually is during these holidays. Here are some examples:

[Possessive adjective] + mejores deseos + [complement]

Mis mejores deseos para ti y tu familia en esta Navidad
My best wishes this Christmas for you and your family. 

Nuestros mejores deseos en esta navidad, saludos a los niños. 
Our warm wishes this Christmas. Send the kids our love. 

El Sr. Smith les manda sus mejores deseos a ustedes y su familia. 
Mr. Smith sends you his best wishes for you and your families. 

Take Note: ‘Mis mejores deseos’ is a standard Spanish expression that you can use to give people your best wishes in any kind of situation. As a result, if it’s not clear why you’re wishing them the best, you might need to add some context.

Nuestros mejores deseos en tu nuevo trabajo. 
Our best wishes for your new job. 

6. Te deseo Una Feliz Navidad – I wish you a Merry Christmas

Since it’s the direct translation of ‘I wish you a Merry Christmas’, Te deseo una feliz navidad is another common phrase that you can use to wish someone a Merry Christmas in Spanish. Some popular variations that you can use instead of this expressions include:

• Te deseo paz y amor en estas fechas – I wish you peace and love during these holidays.

• Te deseo lo mejor en esta navidad – I wish you the best this Christmas.

Given that this expression can be customized, you can use it in both formal and informal situations. Below are some examples as well as a phrase structure that you can use in this case:

[Indirect object pronoun] + [‘desear’ conjugated] + [complement]

En TMIS, les deseamos una muy feliz navidad
From TMIS, we wish you a Merry Christmas. 

Mónica, te deseo una feliz navidad en compañía de tu familia. 
Mónica, I wish you a Merry Christmas in the company of your family. 

Hola, guapo, Mary y yo te deseamos lo mejor en esta navidad
Hey, handsome, Mary and I wish you the best for this Christmas. 

Samantha y su esposo nos desearon una feliz navidad. 
Samantha and her husband wished us a Merry Christmas. 

Wrapping Up

Though you might not use these expressions every day, knowing how to say ‘merry christmas’ in Spanish allows you to wish your Spanish-speaking friends the best during these holidays.

Happy New Year To You Too And Your Family

For that reason, we’ve learned 6 different Spanish phrases that you can use and combine with your personal messages to wish a Merry Christmas to your friends and family.
Now, you’re ready to start saying ‘merry christmas’ in Spanish. ¡De parte de Tell Me in Spanish, les deseamos una muy Feliz Navidad a todos! (Yes, I’m starting to feel too Christmasy)

Buon Anno a tutti!

Happy New Year to all!

Felice Anno Nuovo!

Happy New Year!

If you want to address the greeting to a specific person or group of people, you can begin the phrase with ti / Le / vi auguro… (I wish you…):

• Ti auguro un buon anno! (informal – used with friends and family)

• Le auguro un buon anno! (formal – used with people you don't know well, elders, people of a higher status, etc.)

• Vi auguro un buon anno! (plural – used toward more than one person)

Ti auguro un buon anno!

I wish you a Happy New Year!

Alternatively you can add …a te / Lei / voi (…to you) onto the end to create the greeting Happy New Year to you!

• Buon anno a te! (informal – used with friends and family)

• Buon anno a Lei! (formal – used with people you don't know well, elders, people of a higher status, etc.)

• Buon anno a voi! (plural – used toward more than one person)

A common response to Buon anno! and any of the greetings above is Anche a te / Lei / voi! or Altrettanto!, both of which mean And to you! or Same to you!

Buon anno, Marco! – Altrettanto!

Happy New Year, Marco! – And to you!

Did you know that…?

Buon Anno! – Happy New Year!

Italian New Year Greetings and Messages

If you are looking for some touching New Year greetings (frasi di auguri di buon anno) to include in a greeting card, why not choose one of the options below! 🙂

Che questo 2022 sia pieno di gioia e soddisfazioni! Buon anno!

May this 2022 be full of joy and satisfaction! Happy New Year!

Ti auguro tanta gioia e tante risate in questo nuovo anno!

I wish you much joy and laughter in this new year!

I toast to the year to come and to your happiness. Happy New Year!

I wish you and your entire family a 2022 full of peace, health and prosperity. Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22nd, 2022

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and see you in the new year 🙂

Shannon Ryan

Saturday, December 27th, 2022

Thanks, Nicola! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22nd, 2022

Beautiful family pic! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday weekend!

and fresh, new beginnings.

Happiest New Year Greetings!

I hope this bright new day has been one of positive reflection and renewal and that you feel recharged for a new venture into the universe.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful holiday adventures and memories and for your visits, each of which please me no end.

Every one of you has my sincerest desires that your hopes, dreams and wishes come true and that 2022 is a year of joy, health, prosperity and delightful surprises. I would love to know what you are wishing for this year, so I can send lots of sparkly energy your way.


– g

p. s. a collection of images gathered from the past few years. ♥

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dear georgianna, wishing you and family much happiness and blessings each and every day of 2022 and may you delight us with your wonderful photography.
hugs and kisses
maria cecilia

Ooooooh Aaaaaaah LOL that's pretty much all I can say right now. You're gorgeous photos have left me speechless. I really love the one with the bunch of heart shaped leaves that look like a garland, so beautiful! Happy New Year!!! 🙂

Your photos are so lovely! Happy new year! 🙂

Sweet lavender and silver. Such different images all working together in perfect harmony.

Happy New Year To You Too And Your Family

What am I wishing for this year … inner tranquility comes to mind. A sense of calm and purpose. All sparkly energy is much appreciated : )

Good wishes being sent your way as well!


Happy wishes of delightful surprises back to you too dear Georgianna, and thank you for all the blessings of beauty you give to the world.

And my wish for this year is to boldly walk a joyful and heartful path in life.

Hello G, and Happy New Year
Isn't it interesting how charged everyone seems to be a the start of a new year? We all have great hopes of things to accomplish and I'm no different. Some bloggers have chosen specific words to describe how they plan to deal with their challenges; I just want to say I'm ready with a positive attitude for whatever comes along. Sparkly energy can be put to use any time or possibly held in reserve, so send some my way please! 🙂

Beautiful photos especially the rose! Love purple flowers. And the soft muted colours in the background to really make the rose pop!!
I am not so much one to make resolutions but more to reflect back on my year and learn from it! I posted a list on my blog along with matching photos! I hope you have time to pop over and check it out.
I am looking forward to visiting here in the future, your photos are always beautiful to see!! Eye candy!!
Hope you had a good New Year!!

Dear G.
Beautiful images today – your rose in the teacup is just lovely and heart shaped leaves are divine!
May 2022 bring you many happy times ahead. I believe it is going to be a wonderful New Year x

Oh, yes … the best way to start the New Year with your delightful photos and kind words! Sending the very best wishes to you and your family as well Georgianna … 🙂 I'm so looking forward to following all your creative endeavours this year … xoxo

Pure LOVE:)
Happy New Year

my new year is starting off right…..getting happily lost in your soft images today!! the chandy is just gorgeous. so glad i met you last year and i look forward to much tantalizing beauty and inspiration from you in 2022!!


dearest Georgianna, i wish you and your family a magical year 2011 !!! i am so happy i have met you through BYW and that we have kept in contact ever since, thank you for your support, lots of love 🙂

I love your soft touch on all your shots…….they are always so beautiful ………..you are an inspiration to me!

Happy New Year to you, dear Georgianna! I hope this year brings you peace, happiness and joy.


Bright, joyous days for you this year! That is my wish for you and yours! That pussy willow with dew makes me want to weep with sweetness. gifted are you my friend. gifted. Blessings.

2011 will be a defining year for me….lots of big changes and hopefully success in new directions and projects.

i'm truly hoping for some delightful surprises this year….

hugs, cindy

Oh, I love these photos – especially the one of the chandelier 🙂

I hope the new year will bring you all the wonderful things that you wish for your readers 🙂

Take care! xo Moa

Lovely photos, thank you for this wonderful beginning of the new year. Happy new year to you too! Best wishes and greetings – moni

Happy New Year – beautiful images g…

It's been months since I have had time to sit and enjoy any kind of blogging. Looking at your gorgeous pictures makes me wish I'd have more time. great job and happy new year!

I settle in to stare at your lovely photos and just relax and say: "ahhh…" And feel such peace.

Always so beautiful here Georgianna!
I wish you a wonderful New Year!


Hi Georgianna,
My wish is that I could take pictures as good as yours!!!
Once again I love them all.

Thank you for all the beauty you share and I look forward to seeing more this year.

Wishing you all the best for this new year.


Oh, it is always such a joyous moment when I visit and see some new bits of gorgeousness to savor!

Wishing you and yours much joy in the new year, dear g!

Oh, and my wish is to work on portrait photography, and explore the possibility of starting a business… and wow, just writing that scares me half to death! lol

I LoVe fresh new beginnings and the beauty & purity YOU have captured with you camera !

happy new year!!!

Georgianna, your images capture such great emotions, and I can totally relate to them this year! I don't know why, but I have a sense of giddy excitement for the new year……I think it will be a great year for bloggers. Who knows where we'll be in another year? I wish much success, peace, joy and good health for you and your family in 2022.


Wonderful, soft images….thank you and many wishes for a creative, fullfilling year ahead….smiles.

those pine cones…gah…beautiful!

xo Alison

Happy New Year To You Too And Your Family

Stunning work. I just love the pine cones in the pots.

HI Georgianna, what wonderful dreamy images you make. I love your colour palette. Have a great 2011. Carla

Fabulous and delightful!
Happy Near Year Georgina.

Happy New Year Georgianna!! Thank you for all the beautiful visual inspiration. Wishing you all the best in 2001. May this year be filled with love, blessings and creativity. Wini xo

Dearest sweet g, your beautiful photos always make me smile and warms my heart! Happy new year to you sweet friend! Wishing you LOVE and JOY this new year. Thank you so much for your love, support and blessing in year 2022 and i look forward to sharing more adventures with you this new year. Have a lovely merry happy first week of 2022! Love to you!

Georgianna these photos are so heavenly such an enchanting way to start the year which is full of many wonders and discoveries to behold. I wish that this year will bring many magical moments discovering and walking along the path of life's adventures. xxx

Happy New Year to you both. Wishing you a magical year with lots of new delights to discover and photograph 🙂 Love the soft dusky pink and silver tones in the photos, so pretty. C x

There is NOTHING more beautiful then your photographs, Georgianna! Pure heaven.
So unique and thoughtful.
Those cutie pussywillows are precious! Made me smile, because you KNOW how cats hate to be wet! hehe

Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us all. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Sherilyn 🙂

It almost seems redundant to say how lovely these are ! Especially love the chandelier, leaves and puffy flower (ah, I see now… pussywillows). xo

Glorious, oh so glorious.
Love the pussy willow……

Beautiful photos. Your photography is such an inspiration to me.

beautiful images! Happy New Year!

Beautiful soft images G. … they're almost a whisper! What a lovely way to welcome the new year! xo ~ Lynda

Oh, G. These photos absolutely reflect the positivity and refreshing scents of the new year. That photo of the chandelier is beautiful.

Hope the new year has been nothing short of brilliant for you.

Love. x

wishing you a happy new year filled with love and joy, g!!

I love the softness of these pictures!
A happy new year to you to Georgianna!

oh, what an absolutely lovely set of photos!

happy new year, georgianna!

Hi G, I am so late getting around to visit everyone. Stunning pictures for the new year. I hope you had a wonderful celebration ringing in the new year.

Oh wow Georgianna, you never failed to melt my heart every time I am here, I am speechless, these are way too dreamy, and beautiful!

Love this beautiful and fragile collection! Wishing you a happy 2022 too – hope it's full of light and hope, sweet and blissful moments… xo Janine

You know how I name everything? I think you should name your camera MW. That's short for magic wand. Every time I see your pictures, I'd swear that's what you were holding instead of a camera.

Great sequence of photos with delicate and subtle tones and soft textures. All very nice. Excellent execution. Greetings.

Always a beautiful atmosphere and images!
I wish you a great 2022!


Georgianna, I love this! What an incredible artist you are.
Thanks for sharing & inspiring!
Mandy Lynne

How did I miss this fabulous collection…Georgianna, these are gorgeous…each and every one of them

Thanks for all the beauty you shared in 2022, looking forward to 2011 and might it be beautiful for you dear.

Absolutely breathtaking photography!


[…] 2. The Wild Fleur 3. Georgianna Lane 4. […]

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