Happy Birthday Wishes To A Cousin Brother

Whether your cousin is amazing or downright annoying they are still someone you shared your childhood with. Love between family can be loud and messy, but it is also unwavering, so take a moment on their special day to wish your cousin a happy birthday. Below are some birthday messages to help inspire you on how to say happy birthday cousin.

Ranging from loving to witty there are a variety to choose from that will hopefully suit your cousin’s personality and style. Remember that while actions may speak louder than words sometimes saying the words is still important!

Happy birthday cousin list

1. A birthday is just the beginning of another year in that thing they call life. It’s long and sometimes beautiful, other times difficult, but it’s made all the better since I have a cousin like you. I hope that I can bring you that same comfort.

2. Cousins are a little slice of childhood. I’m grateful I had you in my life to love, cherish, and annoy. Happy birthday!

3. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I can never forget how blessed and fortunate I am to have a cousin like you. I hope your birthday is filled with joy and cheer.

4. Every birthday is a new page in your book of life. Make sure to fill your pages with generosity, kindness, and love. You should start with generosity, and share that delicious cake with your favorite cousin!

5. You are more adored than you could possibly realize. I hope that on your birthday you receive enough love to last a lifetime cousin. You can start with mine. Happy birthday!

6. Thank you for being the kind of person who knows all my flaws, but accepts and loves me anyway. You are more than my cousin. You are my bestie.

7. Family is connected not just by blood but by heart. Even distance and time cannot break apart our bond. I love you cousin and always will no matter what we go through. Have a wonderful birthday.

8. You mean the absolute world to me, because you are the type of person who gives so unselfishly. I hope to be even half the person you are one day. Happy birthday!

9. I am convinced I have the best cousin in the world, and I hope the feeling is mutual. From one phenomenal cousin to another I wish you a happy birthday!

10. I hope that this year you wake up with a smile on your face every single day. At least I know you will tomorrow, because I got you the best birthday gift ever. Cake. Happy birthday cousin!

11. I wish you a wonderful birthday filled with warm wishes and a whole lot of chicken and beer. Also, tacos. Everyone should have tacos on their birthday.

12. Your cake has so many candles that it’s become a fire hazard. Mwahaha. I meant congrats on getting older cousin!

13. You may not say it often cousin, but I know that deep down you totally care for me. Deep, deep, deep down where you can barely see it. I feel the same about you, and I hope your birthday is truly spectacular.

14. For all the years you ratted me out to my parents I forgive you, because it’s your birthday. Also, I may have ratted you out to your parents a couple times too.

15. I am so deeply blessed to have a cousin like you: fun, fearless, and little flighty. You bring endless joy into my life. I hope you get tons of presents, cake and love on your birthday.

16. I hope that you continue to reach higher and higher in life. You’ve already touched the sky, but I know you can also reach the stars. Happy birthday cousin!

17. I hope you have a birthday as epic as the day you were born. As I hear it, it was pretty darn epic. Stay classy, cool, and amazing this year cousin.

18. You are the kind of person whose impact on this world will leave lasting impressions. I can tell, because you’ve already impacted my life for the better in so many ways. May all the good you’ve done return to you two-fold this year cousin.

19. The bond of family is stronger than any argument or fight we’ve been through. I hope to continue to be a part of every journey you go through in life. Happy birthday!

20. Happy birthday to the sweetest, most adorable cousin in the world. I hope your birthday is filled with sugar, spice, and all things nice just like you.

21. Friendships come and go, but family is for life. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes that’s a bad thing. One thing is for certain, though, having a cousin as wonderful as you has brought nothing but joy into my life.

22. May you live long and prosper cousin, and may you never own a red shirt. Happy birthday you trekkie you!

23. You mean more to me than you will ever know. Even though I don’t say it often enough I hope my actions convey my feelings loud and clear: I have nothing but love and respect for you cousin.

24. As your cousin it’s my duty to wish you happy birthday and remind you that you’re getting old. Really, really, really old, but I still love you anyway.

25. I am so lucky I have a cousin like you: one who inspires greatness. I hope your year is filled with happiness, love, and exciting exploits. Happy birthday cousin!

26. I can’t fathom a life without you in it cousin. I can only assume it would be bleak and boring without you. You are one of the people that contributes the most to my happiness in life. Thank you.

27. Thanks for all the things you’ve done for me. I can’t even count all the ways that you’ve been there for me. I am deeply touched and immensely grateful to you cousin. Happy birthday!

28. Even through our many fights you have been patient and kind. I am really lucky that I have a cousin as loving as you. This birthday I hope you receive all the joy your heart can hold.

29. During childhood you were my greatest friend. Even though many birthdays have come and gone since then our friendship is as strong as ever. Thanks for always sticking by my side.

30. I love you is such a small and simple phrase, but it carries the depth of my feelings for you. I hope you feel the sincerity in my words, because I truly mean it. Happy birthday!

31. Your birthday is special, because it gives me the opportunity to celebrate the day that someone I love and respect came into the world. I hope it’s a wonderful day for you.

32. I hope that for your birthday you are showered in blessings, including mine. I know you will return them to me ten-fold. Thank you for always being my strength and support.

33. Your joy and zest for life inspire me to strive to be a better person. May your birthday be filled with wonder and awe. Happy birthday cousin!

34. Dear cousin, I knew I loved you since the day you were born. I’m so proud of all you’ve done so far in your life, but I’m even prouder of who you’ve become. Happy birthday!

35. There are some bonds that stand the test of time. Ours is one such bond. It’s deep and everlasting. You’ve had a profound effect on my life for the better. Thanks for being a constant source of love.

36. I hope you set the world ablaze with your dreams and aspirations. If so, you can use the flames to light all those birthday candles on your cake cousin. Happy birthday!

37. Cousins always know when to hold you and more importantly when to challenge you. Thanks for helping me grow as a person even when I didn’t want to. Happy birthday cousin!

38. You bring such glee into not just mine, but our family’s lives. May your deepest wishes and dreams come true this year. Happy birthday cousin!

39. Remember that at the end of the day age is just a number. What really matters is what you’ve done with all the years you’ve been given. Keep on being fabulous cousin, and you’ve got nothing to worry about. Happy birthday!

41. This birthday I wanted to let you know that you will forever be an irreplaceable part of my life. I hope your birthday is as phenomenal as you are cousin.

42. You are such a wonderful reminder of all that makes life good and whole. Happy birthday to my cousin that shines brighter than the sun. May you get tons of presents and food on your birthday!

Happy Birthday Wishes To A Cousin Brother

43. Congrats on being an awesome human being. You are the epitome of amazing. Even Daria would think you were cool. Happy birthday you misanthrope you!

44. This birthday let’s take a moment to fondly reminisce about all the fantastic memories we’ve shared in our lives. There are too many to count so we can take the whole day if you want. I love you!

45. I hate that we have to spend your birthday apart, but I am thinking of you even now. Sending you love and a little bit of crazy your way just in case you missed me.

46. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that my moments and memories with you are some of the ones that are closest to my heart. You’ve left an impression on my life like no other, and I can’t imagine not having you as my cousin. Happy birthday!

47. I know being related to me is really the only birthday gift you need, but just in case I also brought you cake and wine. You’re welcome.

48. You are such a kind and thoughtful soul. I am so fortunate that I get to celebrate having another year to bask in your awesome presence. May your birthday be filled with all the smiles a day can bring. Happy birthday cousin!

49. Even when you are down and out I have faith in you, because you’re the kind of person who doesn’t know the meaning of the word defeat. This birthday marks the beginning of the year you begin world domination. I’ll forever be your minion cousin!

50. Your presence in my life is a source of wonder and happiness. I’m so glad to be even a small part of your life. Have a spectacular birthday cousin!

51. If I was a vampire I would definitely give you the gift of immortality so I could have you as a bestie forever. Alas, you won’t be getting the gift of immortality this year, but at least my love is never-ending.

52. You have always helped me get out of trouble, and for that I am thankful. Although, most of the time you were also the person who got me into trouble. Thanks anyway cousin.

53. I am so lucky I have a cousin like you. You are someone I can always rely on, and I hope your birthday is filled with joy, love, and laughter.

54. When we were little you shared your toys, and as we’ve gotten older you’ve shared your heart. Thanks for always being someone I can confide in. I love you and happy birthday cousin!

55. As you embark on another year of life I am starting to feel nostalgic. Especially for those times when I was able to beat you at everything. Those were good times. May you never grow older (or stronger).

56. Happy birthday to the coolest cousin I know. I may only have one but who needs more when they have you? Just know that you’re my family by blood but my friend by choice.

57. Growing up with a cousin like you has been the best type of adventure. I’ve loved every crazy, stupid, and exciting moment spent with you. I hope your birthday is delightful.

58. I wish you health, happiness, and love this year for your birthday. If you don’t get them all this year then hopefully you at least get health. That way you can live long enough to achieve the others!

59. I have loved to disturb you, worry you, and more importantly annoy you. However, my favorite thing is to simply love you. Happy birthday to the world’s best cousin.

60. May your birthday be filled with the light of the living and the brightness of laughter. This year may have been rough, but your birthday marks the point where everything will turn around. Happy birthday, and may the rest of your year be filled with nothing but immeasurably joy and peace.

61. Throughout our childhood we have created some amazing memories together and every single one of them is as unforgettable as you. This year I hope you receive all the fortune life can unfold. Happy birthday!

62. Your birthday marks the start of a new and fantastic year. Don’t dwell too much on where you have been, and only focus on where you are going. May today and all of your tomorrows be better than those of your past.

63. Happy birthday to my awesome cousin who has caused mayhem since the day they were born. May you continue to do so for many years to come.

64. Happy birthday cousin! Take time this birthday to reflect on what you really want in life. It’s time to not just live, but to live spectacularly. You are capable of so much, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in life.

65. Happy birthday to my partner in crime. For every fun exploit you were always right beside me. Thanks for making life an adventure worth having.

66. I’m so glad that I have had a cousin like you to help guide and support me. I’m even more glad that now I’m finally taller than you! Happy birthday shorty.

67. You have so much potential in life and so much to offer the world. In all your successes don’t forget the people you have impacted and influenced along the way. People like me. Your favorite cousin.

68. The most valuable things in life can show up in the most unlikely places. Like cousins. You mean so much to me, and I adore you.

69. Happy birthday to someone who was always stuck being the Robin to my Batman. You will always be my favorite sidekick in life.

70. I’ve watched you grow over the years and I couldn’t be prouder of the young man you have become. Today I am wishing you many more birthdays filled with endless love and laughter.

71. Some wisdom for my favorite cousin: Don’t dwell on the dimness of the past, but instead press on for your future is incredibly bright. Happy birthday!

72. When I was lonely you were a friend, and when I cried you cried with me. I will never forget all the ways you’ve been there for me and all the things you’ve done. Thanks for being present in my life.

73. Even though every day brings new challenges great or small. Remember that you have an inner warrior ready to conquer every battle. I hope your birthday heralds a year filled with greatness.

74. Getting older really makes you appreciate things more than when you were a child. I really do appreciate and treasure every moment spent with you. Happy birthday cousin.

75. On your birthday I would love to tell you that you are handsome, young, and simply wonderful. But then I would have to lie! Happy birthday to my old, ugly, and simply annoying (but deeply loved) cousin.

76. Bickering with you over the years has become not only my favorite past time, but has taught me that there is more than one way to say I love you.

77. There are lots of parts of my childhood I would like to forget, but none of them include you. Thanks for being a fond memory I can always look back on with happiness.

78. To my little cousin, I remember having to love and care for you when you were small. Now that you’re a responsible young man I am fortunate that all I have to do is simply love you. Easiest job in the world. Happy birthday!

79. You help make life worth living and dreams worth dreaming. Wishing you all the very best on your birthday cousin.

80. Thanks for always setting the bar so high that my achievements have paled in comparison. I still love you. I just also hate you a little too. Happy birthday cousin!

81. When you were born, I was so sure that your mission in life was to ruin mine. Now I know that it was to enrich it in every way possible. My world is a better place because you are in it.

82. From daring adventures to the sweetest conversations, I am truly grateful to have you in my life. Happy birthday cousin!

83. I am so thankful for the way our relationship has developed over the years. I would never have known that we would end up the very best of friends.

84. When I look back on all the important times in my life I realized there was one thing that was constant: you. Thanks for being steadfast in your love for me cousin. I wish you all the very best for your birthday.

85. I may not get to see you all that often, but I certainly wish I could see you more. Thinking of you on your special day, and wishing you a day filled with rainbows, hugs, and kisses.

86. I wish you happiness as big as the ocean today. Thank you for being not only a sweet cousin but a great friend as well. I hope you have a spectacular birthday.

Happy Birthday Wishes To A Cousin Brother

87. This birthday you already have everything you could wish for including my love and respect, but just to be safe I am also bringing you a birthday drink. Or maybe two. You can never be too prepared.

88. Happy birthday cousin! Birthdays may come and go but to your family every day with you is a precious gift. Let’s celebrate in style this year cousin. Go big or go home!

89. On your birthday it’s my job to remind you how awesome you are. Our whole family’s life has changed for the better since you have come into it. I can’t imagine not having a cousin as phenomenal as you.

90. My childhood memories with you are priceless. I don’t just have a cousin, I have a life-long friend. Happy birthday!

91. You may have become a year older and wiser, but always remember that I’m still smarter than you! Happy birthday cousin.

92. This year I want to encourage you to reach for the impossible. Nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams when you put your mind to something. Not even your cousin who fondly loves to try and hold you back.

93. Thanks for always being the kind of person I could look up to. Someone who is steady no matter what life throws their way. For all the years you’ve given me friendship, courage, and love I am truly grateful cousin. I hope to always give the same to you.

94. This birthday remember to let the number of years you’ve lived not be a reminder of how old you are, but instead a reminder of all you’ve overcome. Congrats on being a conqueror of life. I’m impressed.

95. Thanks for not only understanding my special brand of crazy but also for being just a wee bit crazier. Happy birthday fruit loop! I still love you.

96. On your birthday I pray that God’s blessings light up all the paths you walk in life, and may your heart always be too small to hold all the love that he pours into your life.

97. There is no amount of money or gifts that could equal the value I place on the amount of joy and wonder you bring into my life. Stay priceless cousin.

98. Just know that in my moments of weakness it’s your love and adoration that help carry me through. Thanks for being my strength in times of need. You are my rock.

99. I hope your birthday is nothing short of spectacular and filled with unforgettable memories. Just remember that birthdays are only highlights in your life, and you have a whole year filled with happiness to look forward to.

100. For all the times I stole your toys just because they were yours I want you to know I’m sorry. A little.

101. As you become another year older I don’t want you to worry. It will always be my job to annoy you no matter how old we get. Happy birthday cousin!

102. I consider myself unbelievably lucky to have such a caring cousin like you. Thanks for always keeping watch over me. Your presence has been one of the biggest pillars of support I have had in my life.

103. Even though sometimes I want to murder you and bury your body in a shallow unmarked grave I restrain myself, because deep down I really do love you. It’s just so far down that sometimes I forget!

104. Thank you for always forgiving me. It’s such a simple thing, but it says so much about you as a person. Happy birthday to the coolest cousin there is!

105. Always remember how much I love you and that if you fall down I will always be there to help pick you back up. Right after I finish laughing at you.

106. You are strong, hilarious, and truly lovable. I must admit that life would be ever so boring without you. Thanks for being a shining light in my life. You’ve always helped to light the way for me in life.

107. When you make your birthday wish keep in mind that sometimes dreams really do come true. I ended up with a cousin as kind and caring as you. Happy birthday cousin!

108. When I was little and I needed someone to talk to you always listened. Thank you for always being my soundboard in life.

109. You are my motivation in life cousin. I know you couldn’t possibly want for anything for your birthday, because you seem to have it all. I’m still going to send you my love and respect anyway.

110. Happy birthday to the person who knows firsthand what it was like growing up in our family. I must say I think we only came out slightly crazy. Happy birthday cousin!

111. You are the type of cousin that always helped me celebrate like there was no tomorrow in good times, and when times were bad you were also the first person to remind me that there is always tomorrow. Thanks for always being a source of positivity in my life.

112. You shine so brightly that others can only look in awe. May your birthday sparkle just as much as you, because not many people make being awesome look as good as you do. Keep up the perfection cousin.

113. You are the perfect example of family. Your fearlessness inspires me, your determination challenges me, and more importantly your love supports and surrounds me. Happy birthday!

114. Our experiences in life help to define the people we become. Thanks to my phenomenal cousin I’ve become a better person. I want you to know I’ve always got your back if you ever need me.

115. I wish you the very best on your special day, not just today, but for every day for the rest of the year as well. If anyone deserves it, it’s you. Happy birthday!

116. Today is all about you cousin. You are a superstar, superhero, and super boss. Basically, you are amazing, and I hope every dream you wish will come true. Happy birthday!

117. People may call you my cousin, but the reality is that you are my sister. In my times of need you’ve always come to my aide. I couldn’t wish for better family than you.

118. As we have grown over the years our relationship has as well. It’s become deeper, richer, and stronger with age. Thank you for being amazing!

119. Family is often disguised in disagreements and fights, but underneath it all is unending love and adoration. I know that deep down you are a big fluffy marshmallow who lurvs me.

120. I can’t count how many times you have brought a smile to my face and laughter into my life. I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are.

Other birthday wishes

Happy birthday aunt – Maybe you need some birthday wishes for your cousin’s mother as well. If so, we’ve got you covered.

You become smarter in life lessons by sharing moments with your cousins. Moreover, they please you like real brothers and sisters and spoil you in every possible way. your dear cousin's big day, is another opportunity for you to make him realize how much you appreciate his presence in your life and his efforts for you in every way possible, wish your cousin from Happy Birthday Wishes For Cousin Brother. Since it's their birthday, you trust that they'll get smarter and smarter over time.

You might want to let them know that you're grateful to have them in your life and that you're happy for all the accomplishments they've made. You can do that by sharing our collection of Happy Birthday Wishes For Cousin Brother. Since they are such an amazing person in your life, you really don't have a clue what you want for them or how to wish them. We have spared you the trouble, no matter what, we should start with a lot of satisfaction, more achievements and great well-being, to be adored and cherished.

• Happy birthday wishes for cousin brother

• Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Cousin Brother

• Birthday Wishes for Cousin Brother

• Short Birthday wishes for cousin brother

• Sweet birthday wishes for cousin brother

• Happy Birthday Quotes for Cousin Brother

Happy birthday wishes for cousin brother

My lovely cousin brother, life is how you take it. So you always make it better for yourself. I wish you a happy birthday and success in life.

Happy Birthday Wishes To A Cousin Brother

Cousin brother, you are the most understanding man in my life. I wish all the best in life and wish you the happiest birthday.

You are not my cousin brother. You are my real brother. You are the only one I trust you without a doubt. Happy birthday!

Cousin brother, you remember how we used to fight together over just ice cream. Today is your birthday. I wish you all the luck in life.

I will always be there for you whenever you need me in life. Cousin brother, I wish you a happy birthday!

Cousin Brother, on your birthday, I want to give you a better mantra for living life. And that is – live as you wish. Happy birthday!

Brother, my friend. Always remember that your destiny is in your hands. Make your life the way you want. Happy birthday!

Remember brother, we share a special bond between us. Whenever you need me, I'm here for you. Wishing cousin brother happy birthday wishes!

My dear cousin brother, you remind me of my childhood. I love you and I wish you a happy birthday. Love and prayers for you.

Today I'm giving you your favourite brother cousin gift. You mean a lot to me. I want you to succeed in life. Wishing a happy birthday!

Dear brother cousin, there are two powerful forces that you must have: imagination and dreams. On your birthday, may all your dreams come true.

I wish you a happy birthday cousin brother. May your life be wonderful and surprising and full of happiness. Love each other and celebrate well!

My adorable cousin brother, you are a beautiful boy like me! You are not wasting your life. Study and work hard. Wishing a happy birthday!

My sweetest cousin brother, I wish you a happy birthday. Enjoy as you like but don't overdo it. Prayers and love for you.

Bro, I know you want to do something unique, something life changing. I wish you on your birthday. Love yourself and enjoy!

Always stand firm on your ground cousin brother. Never forget your values and try to be a virtuous man. Happy birthday!

I wish you to be a man of your word. Few exist like that. Happy birthday to you. May you be famous and rich in life.

You are really special to all of us!! You have made our life brighter, you have filled it with more laughter and more joy with your perfect character. I want you to know that we love you very much. Happy birthday take care.

No matter what happens in life, never give up on pursuing your dreams! You have this brother! Happy birthday!

A cousin like you is one of the best gifts I've ever received. Thank you for being an inspiration. May you have a fantastic birthday party and may you continue to inspire more people!

On your special day, what I really wish is for all your dreams to come true and for you to be happy on every birthday. Happy birthday big cousin!!!

To my dearest cousin, may your future see all your wishes and dreams come true. Happy birthday!

You are truly a blessing to us! We are happy every day to have you as a cousin. Happy birthday and always remember that we love you forever.

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Cousin Brother

We are brothers from different mothers. Yet, our bond is like real. You are so close to my heart that I wish you a happy birthday!

May you touch every zenith of your life and shine so bright that no one loves you. May your fragrance spread in the four directions and no one will be like you. Happy birthday brother cousin!

May you find the true love of your life. May she never betray you. May you all be happy and joyful. Happy birthday brother cousin!

Hello brother cousin, I wish you a very happy birthday. May your ship sail through all storms. Happy birthday to you!

What do I wish for you? Although a happy married life. May your wife always be by your side. Happy birthday, and yeah, never forget me!

You are my second cousin at heart and I can't beat without you. May God save our love and may no evil eye touch it. Lots of love and happy birthday wishes for cousin brother!

I remember our childhood. With you it was so beautiful and memorable. I wish those days would come back. Happy birthday my beer partner!

I wish and pray, that you always follow the right path. Let no one hurt you. May God always protect you. Happy Birthday brother!

May no suffering ever touch you. Let no poverty ever touch you. May you have all the blessings. May everyone love you. Happy Birthday my brother!

Life will never be easy my cousin brother. So don't take it easy. Make yourself like a rocky mountain and always move forward. Happy birthday!

Don't forget my brother, your mind is everything and it's the best weapon. Always sharpen that. I wish you a happy birthday !

Love is tragic cousin brother. I wish you love the real one and get the real love. May you always be empathetic and lovely. Happy birthday!

You are my partner, the most favourite partner with whom I have shared everything. I wish our bond would always be the same like this. I wish you a happy birthday !

May you not be in the crowd of fools. May you wield the sword of intelligence and power. That wherever you go, you reign. Happy Birthday my brother!

I wish you all the happiness in the world. I wish you no sadness. I wish you all the adventure. I wish you again and again in my life. Happy birthday cousin brother!

May you always laugh. May you never struggle in life. May you always be lucky. I always wish you my brother. Happy birthday!

I wish you greatness. May you have peace of mind and love life. May you rise and rise forever. Wishing everyone my best touching birthday wishes for my cousin brother!

Now that it's your birthday, I hope you continue to get wiser with each passing day. I would like to tell you that I am grateful to have you in my life and I am proud of all the success you have achieved.

Today I'm giving you your favourite brother cousin gift. You mean a lot to me. I want you to succeed in life. Wishing a happy birthday!

To my beloved cousin, remember that every birthday means a new chapter in your life. I wish you continue to do good things and fill this new chapter with more wisdom and great deeds.

No matter how long has passed since we saw each other, I feel like we were just together. Glad to be your cousin, have a great birthday!

I hope this year you will wake up with a smile every day. At least I know you will tomorrow because I gave you the best birthday present ever. Cake. Happy Birthday cousin!

Happy Birthday Wishes To A Cousin Brother

Cousin Brothers may not be siblings from the same mother, but they are as supportive as ours. So wish him his birthday with these beautiful birthday wishes for cousin brother.

Cousin, we are definitely family, tried and tested cousins. Best birthday cousin. I'm so happy to be related to you.

Happy birthday. Cousins forever. My cousin is very special and loved it too. Because my cousin is you because my cousin is wonderful. Friends are forever, cousins are for life.

If I had the ability to give immortality to the people I love, I would surely give it to you so I could have you forever. Happy birthday to my dear cousin!

It's such a blessing to have a caring, encouraging and supportive cousin like you. I wish you the greatest joy on your big day!

Birthday Wishes for Cousin Brother

Blessed be the day you came into my life. Today is the best day to encourage one more year in your life. I wish you a happy birthday, dear cousin.

The warmest birthday wishes to my beloved cousin! May your day be super positive and memorable!

In you I have found a true friend and brother, and that is why this day means so much to me too. Happy Birthday cousin! May your life be blessed with joy and success.

I wish you to be a man of your word. Few exist like this. Happy birthday to you. May you be famous and rich in life.

Happy birthday. Let the good times roll! I wish I was here to celebrate with you, cousin. Have fun and have fun today!

It's such a blessing to have a caring, encouraging and supportive cousin like you. I wish you the greatest joy on your big day!

Thank you for being the kind of person who knows all my flaws, but still accepts and loves me. You are more than my cousin. You're my best friend.

No matter how much you grow up, for me, you will always remain the youngest, dearest and smartest cousin!

A cousin so dear and not like the others will always look more like a real brother! Happy birthday, cousin brother!

You are just one of the best cousins I could have had. You have also been a great friend, and I hope you have a great day. I wish you a fabulous birthday.

Always stand firm on your ground cousin brother. Never forget your values and try to be a virtuous man. Happy birthday!

The warmest greetings are for my dear cousin. Your smile and your warm manners will conquer the world. You are the best! Happy birthday!

You are more adored than you could imagine. I hope on your birthday you will receive enough love to last a lifetime. You can start with mine. Happy birthday!

We might only be cousins, but I think of you as one of my best friends. You are definitely the coolest cousin, and I hope we share lots more unforgettable moments.

Cousin, on your birthday, I wish you continued progress with such success. Happiness awaits you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! This message may be small but the wishes it contains are huge for a cousin brother as big as you in the whole world, there are very few!

Bro, I know you want to do something unique, something life changing. I wish you on your birthday. Love yourself and enjoy!

Happy birthday. To my sweet cousin, you are all kinds of wonderful. I wish you the most delicious and delicious birthday ever!

Cousin, today is a very special occasion – your birthday! We all hope you have a happy time, that all sorrows come to an end, and that all your dreams come true!

Every birthday is a new page in your book of life. Be sure to fill your pages with generosity, kindness and love. You should start with generosity and share this delicious cake with your favourite cousin!

If you have happiness in your life, everything else will come with it. I wish you all the happiness in the world on this special day. Have fun, my cousin.

Cousin, I know you have a wonderful wife, so on this day, I wish you wonderful children. You will be a perfect father. Happy birthday!

Often crazy but always great fun to be around, you are my cousin brother and I wouldn't have you any other way! Happy birthday to you!

My adorable cousin brother, you are a beautiful boy like me! You are not wasting your life. Study and work hard. Wishing a happy birthday!

Cousins are a small slice of childhood. I am grateful to have had you in my life to love, cherish and annoy. Happy birthday!

Allow me to congratulate my favourite cousin on this important day. I wish you the greatest celebration and the best friends. It's time to shake your body!

Keep doing good things in your life and keep filling your pages of life with wisdom and good deeds. Happy birthday my dear cousin.

It's wonderful to have the chance to wish you on your birthday a lot of joy, luck, happiness, success and fortune in life!

Happy birthday, my dear cousin! May everything about your special day be as sweet as the guy you are, especially your cake!

I wish you a happy birthday cousin brother. May your life be wonderful and surprising and full of happiness. Love each other and celebrate well!

If only I had the power to gift immortality, then I would definitely give it to you so you could live forever. Happy birthday to you my dear cousin.

I wish you a happy birthday, even though we don't talk much, but I still wish you good luck, I hope you live an amazing life! Happy birthday!

Short Birthday wishes for cousin brother

Cousin, I wish you all the greatest success in your work and in your life. You are my best cousin. Congratulations!

My dear because you are so strong but also so gentle. Your future wife will be happy with you. Happy Birthday, cousin!

Cousin, I know you have a wonderful wife, so on this day I wish you great children. You will be a perfect father. Happy birthday!

Allow me to congratulate my favourite cousin on this important day. I wish you the greatest celebration and the best friends. It's time to shake your body!

Shake your head and clap your hands, it's a very special day! Congratulations my beautiful cousin. I wish you the best time!

I want to say happy birthday to my almost brother – to your cousin. I wish you to spend this day as well as possible, because you are really a good person. To love and be loved!

Happy birthday to my amazing cousin! You are a true source of joy and inspiration to me. May you have the most wonderful day!

Happy Birthday Wishes To A Cousin Brother

I wish you a happy birthday, even though we don't talk much, but I still wish you good luck, I hope you live an amazing life! Happy birthday!

It's so easy to be happy, it's so easy to be calm, just like you are all the time!

But today you have to let go! It's your birthday and we wish you lots of love!

The great moments we shared are among the best moments of my life. I am so happy to have such a special cousin! May you have a perfect birthday!

Cousin, on this day I want you to remember our jokes and hilarious moments from a childhood… it was a perfect moment! But now I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you don't lose your hilarity!

Wishing you a fabulous birthday and a prosperous year! Be happy!

Wishing you lots of fun, beautiful and unforgettable moments on your special day, dear cousin!

It's wonderful to have a smart and gorgeous cousin like you!

On this day, I wish you to try everything you are afraid to do. It's your day. Happy Birthday cousin!

Wishing a wonderful cousin a wonderful birthday! Make the most of what you have!

Happy birthday, dear cousin! May you have a joyful and exciting celebration!

My cousin, you are like a brother to me. For this day, I wish you to find your love. I know it's impossible!

My dear cousin, you are the only man I can trust. You're special to me. Happy birthday!

No matter how long has passed since we saw each other, I feel like we were just together. Glad to be your cousin, have a great birthday!

Yes we are related, yes we are family. But you are not only my cousin – also a friend indeed!

Have a fantastic birthday!

Regardless of us being cousins, I'm just glad to know you as a person because you're really cool!

My dearest cousin, you are part of my family and I am so happy to have such a wonderful cousin. You are like a second brother to me. Happy birthday, my perfect!

Happy birthday, my awesome cousin! I hope you have an amazing day and a more remarkable night. You are worth a great day. Congratulations!

I'm so glad you're my cousin brother! You are a perfect example of good family genes. Ha ha! Let your day be full of perfection!

Despite the fact that we rarely see each other in life, I follow you on social networks. I'm glad to see how your business is progressing. But today is a great opportunity to offer you to organise joint meetings more often!

My childhood passed without toys. I didn't need fictional friends, when I had a real one! You were him, cousin! Happy holidays!

I never wanted a brother. You drew my attention to you and I was not against it. I am convinced that happiness can have a human appearance. Happy Birthday cousin!

I know I won't find a better friend than you. You are like a diamond among millions of other ordinary people. I'm proud that you're my cousin!

I'm glad to hear that we look alike. I just wanna be like you. I admire your manners! Happy holidays!

Sweet birthday wishes for cousin brother

It's time to tell you the truth – I have the best cousin brother in the world and it's true! I hope that one day I will be like you, but today I can only send you all my best birthday wishes. Enjoy this beautiful day. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my amazing cousin! As a true lover of sport and gastronomy, I wish you a sporty and low-calorie year ahead. But, today is your big day and you can take a cheat day. So where will our first foodie stop be? Enjoy your lunch!

Your cake has so many candles, cousin, but I don't mean you're old. You are a mature, serious and strong man who deserved the best birthday party! So, forget about all your commitments and have fun. One day a year – nothing terrible. Happy and crazy birthday!

Our connection is much stronger than any word or argument. You are the best cousin brother, and no one can change that. So, on this anniversary, I wish you to always be such an open and true person. It's amazing and I love it. Happy Birthday cousin!

All of our encounters were so vibrant and so fleeting. Do we repeat them more often? I want to communicate with you as often as possible! Happy birthday, cousin and friend!

I love how unpredictable our relationship can be. You can swear all day, but forget it at night, as if nothing had happened. I know, I will never be bored with you! Happy birthday!

I love you not only because you are my relative, but also because you have done a lot for me. May your holidays be an excellent reason for the resumption of our communication!

Happy Birthday Quotes for Cousin Brother

I am so deeply blessed to have a cousin like you: fun, fearless, and not fickle. You bring endless joy to my life. I hope you receive tons of gifts, cakes and love on your birthday.

I hope you will continue to reach higher and higher in life. You have already touched the sky, but I know you can also reach for the stars. Happy birthday brother cousin!

Cousin, we are definitely family, tried and tested cousins. Best birthday cousin. I'm so happy to be related to you.

For your cousin, happy birthday to someone who is absolutely fabulous.

Happy birthday. Cousins forever. My cousin is very special and loved it too. Because my cousin is you because my cousin is wonderful. Friends are forever, cousins are for life.

You mean the absolute world to me because you are the kind of person who gives so generously. I hope to be even half the person you are one day. Happy birthday!

You are such a special person in my life; Honestly, I don't know what to wish you. But let's start with a lot of happiness, more success, good health, love and be loved.

Dear brother cousin, there are two powerful forces that you must have: imagination and dreams. On your birthday, may all your dreams come true.

My dear cousin, now that it is your birthday, I wish you continue to become wiser and I would like to let you know that I am grateful for all the success you have achieved in life.

The great moments we shared are among the best moments of my life. I am so happy to have such a special cousin! May you have a perfect birthday!

I am convinced that I have the best cousin in the world, and I hope the feeling is mutual. From one phenomenal cousin to another I wish you a happy birthday!

The warmest birthday wishes to my beloved cousin! May your day be super positive and memorable!

The warmest greetings are for my dear cousin. Your smile and your warm manners will conquer the world. You are the best! Happy birthday!

Cousin, today is a very special occasion – your birthday! We all hope you have a happy,

May all sorrows end and all your dreams come true!

Dear cousin, thank you for being here with me today, and I wish you well in your future, you have so much ahead of you, and if you need us, we will support you with anything! Happy birthday!

Above we have provided you with some of the most beautiful Happy Birthday Wishes For Cousin Brother

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