Bride To Be Quotes For Sister

Sentimental Bridal Shower Wishes

Share your heartfelt sentiments with a message of love and congratulations. Use any combination of these for a bridal shower or bachelorette card message to let her know how happy and excited you are to celebrate with her.

• After the "Yes," before the "I do," happy shower to you!

• Congratulations on a wonderful partnership and the many happy years to come! I can’t wait to celebrate you on the big day!

• Happy shower. Happy couple. Happy wishes!

• Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and in the many blissful years to come.

• Just wanted to shower you with happy wishes!

• Love and blessings to you on this joyous day!

• May your marriage be filled with love, laughter and happiness!

• Cheers to many happy years!

• The best is yet to come! Cherish each moment along this journey.

• May your wedding day be as beautiful as you! Can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.

Funny Bridal Shower Wishes

If you want to give the bride a laugh, share a funny moment or joke in your card. Just be sure the bride will appreciate the message and that it is appropriate for the setting. You don’t want to embarrass her in front of all her family and friends!

• Congratulations on finding the one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life!

• There has never been a happier occasion for me to buy a blender!

• You two are like Cholula and tacos; hot and perfect together!

• I can’t wait to watch you act surprised as you open the gifts from your pre-selected wedding registry.

• Not sure if I’m more jealous of the fact that you’re getting married, or of all the cool gifts you’re going to get. (Just kidding, it is definitely the gifts.)

Related Gift Guides & Inspiration

Advice for the Bride-to-Be

If you want to give the bride-to-be advice as she gets ready to start a new chapter of her life, use these ideas or offer wisdom from your own experiences!

• Success in marriage is the sum of small efforts focused on showing love and appreciation, repeated every day.

• Choose to love each other, even in the moments when you are struggling to like each other.

• In every disagreement in your marriage, remember that there is not a winner and a loser. You are partners in everything. It is you two working together to find the solution to a problem.

• The ingredients for a happy marriage are trust, patience and communication. Their combination creates a love that will last for years to come.

• It’s not about getting married, it’s about staying married. Take time to cultivate your love so it continues to blossom.

Bridal Shower Quotes

Sometimes the perfect words have already been said. These quotes are great for any bridal shower card message. Use them on their own, or combine them with another sentiment to wish the bride well.

• "The best thing in life to hold onto is each other." – Audrey Hepburn

Bride To Be Quotes For Sister

• "A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short." – André Maurios

• "Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years." – Simone Signoret

• "We love because it is the only true adventure." – Nikki Giovanni

• "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." – Aristotle

• "Before you marry a person you should make them use a computer with really slow Internet to see who they really are!" – Will Ferrell

• "You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not." – Jodi Picoult

• "It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life, and suddenly, you can’t remember how you lived without them." – Anurag Prakash Ray

• "A marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s the way you love your partner every day." – Barbara De Angelis

• "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." – The Beatles

Choosing a Gift for Your Bridal Shower Greeting Card

If you're still shopping for the perfect bridal shower gift to go with your card, we can help with that too.

While registries are great to help the bride stock up on home essentials, sometimes they lack a personal touch (because let’s face it, towels aren’t exactly inspiring). If you’re looking to go off-registry, check out these bridal shower gift ideas.

Buy a Happy Bride Gift Card

No matter which bridal shower card sayings you use, the best message is one that is heartfelt and sincere. Having friends and family around to celebrate her love is the best gift of all, but a meaningful gift and a handwritten message are great ways to remind the bride how much you care.

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Wedding wishes for a sister on her big day can prove difficult, but luckily a variety of wedding messages for a sister in the form of poems are already written for you. If you're looking for sister wedding quotes to write or deliver in a speech, check out some examples to make your task easier.

Poems for Your Sister

Traditionally the sister of the bride is only required to make a speech if she is the maid of honor. However, in today's modern culture many family members make speeches at the wedding reception. At your sister's reception, express your support by beginning your speech with, "To my sister on your wedding day" followed by reading a loving poem like this one. For the best delivery, take some time to memorize your poem. Reciting it from memory will be more meaningful than reading it from a card or piece of paper.

From sentimental to silly, consider one of these poems to read to your sister.

To My Sister and the Right Mister

by Danielle Reed

I never knew if my sister
Would meet the right mister,
But once [husband's name] starting coming around,
We knew you were making a turnaround!

He's such a good guy,
It almost makes me want to cry.
You've grown to be my best friend,
And I know this marriage is one that won't end.

You've had some tough times,
And I am not so great with rhymes,
But I know you both are truly in love.
Just don't put anyone above

Your husband or your wife.
Here's to your new life!

Thankful for You

by Monica Patrick

We made mud pies and played in the sand.
We shared secrets while holding hands.
With giggles a plenty and many tears,
We shared the growing pains of many years.

With your wedding, it's true, some things will come to an end,
But you are so happy I can't help but extend
My very best wishes and deepest love to you two.
I am so thankful to you have a sister like you!

On Your Wedding Day

by Danielle Reed

All of those hours we talked and dreamed,
About the guy you'd have by your side.
We imagined someone kind and loyal,
To share your wedding day.

Sister, I am so happy you've locked,
Your life in with a man that I am happy to say
Is better than I could have chosen for you,
On your wedding day.

I teared up when I saw you in your dress,
And saw your face as you walked toward your new husband,
A look I have imagined for some time
On your wedding day.

So before you make a toast and jump in your honeymoon ride
I just want to say,
I am happier for you than I could have ever imagined,
On your wedding day.

You're the Husband's Problem Now!

by Danielle Reed

So, I guess it's my job to say,
Congratulations on your wedding day.

Dear sis, you're a fun gal,
But lucky for me, you're [husband's name]'s problem now!

From messes around the bathroom sink
To always challenging me to think.

I was raised with a tough sister,
But now you are happy with a new mister!

I've been your first call for [your age] years,
And been around to dry your tears.

Bride To Be Quotes For Sister

[Husband's name] better treat you right and always stay true,
Or he'll have me to answer to!

So from me, my father, and mother,
Dearest sis - have a wonderful life with my new brother!

Wedding Cards for a Sister

If you are not required to give a speech, you can still offer your wedding wishes with a handmade card. Sentimentality is expected at your sister's wedding so it is okay to be nostalgic and emotional. Use some vintage fabrics, ribbons and heavy card stock to create a one-of-a-kind wedding card. Use a calligraphy pen and write a simple heading like "To My Sister on Her Wedding Day." Place a picture of the two you together on the front cover. Inside the wedding card, write a short but sweet message like the following:

• No longer a Miss but always a Sis! I love you!

• Sending you a smile, while shedding a tear - You may be far away but in my heart you are near.

• You bake a mean mud pie and give the best hugs - To you my sister I wish lots of love.

• More than a sister, you are my best friend. Best wishes dear sister, may your happiness never end.

• Thank you for always being you. Take some time to step back, and enjoy your big day. Love you forever.

• If you get cold feet, just send me the signal and we can go Runaway Bride in this place.

• From holding your toys to holding your hair to walking you into school to picking you up from practice, I never thought I'd be holding your bouquet. Here we are, so let's go! go get your man.

• I am so happy you and [husband's name] found each other. Can't wait to see what life has in store for you both!

• You know, a sister is a friend you always have throughout your entire life. We've seen each other in our highs and our lows. I'm so happy to watch you get married. I love you forever my sister!

• Don't mess up on your first dance. Love ya!

• Just give me the signal and I'll bring a fresh drink to your table for you. I know you get stressed being the center of attention! Just sit back and enjoy your day. I'll handle the details (and mom)!

• Have the best day. Love you.

Sister Speech Wording Example

Using a speech example is a good way to get started if you're giving a toast or speech. Just fill in the blanks, maybe make a few changes here or there, and you have a speech without the stress. If you are having trouble downloading the template, use an Adobe printable guide for help.

A well written or spoken wedding message will make you sister feel loved and supported. Show her how much you care by showering her with words that touch the heart.

Tips for Writing a Wedding Speech

If you want to create an original personalized speech, you should jot down beforehand what you want to say. Use these guidelines to create the perfect wedding speech.

• Keep it brief. Time is important and you should be considerate of the couple's schedule. Other guests may be asked to make speeches so keep your speech short.

• Begin your speech with a quote that is relevant to the special day. You could pull a quote from a popular love ballad or an obscure poet that your sister likes.

• Share a special memory, not a collage of memories. Relate a memorable moment to the gathered guests.

• End with well wishes and supportive statements.

Gifts for My Sister on Her Wedding Day

You and your sister have shared so much and known each other for so long that you need a truly special wedding gift to mark this important day. Consider these unique and meaningful gifts for your sister on the day she gets married:

• Create a scrapbook album that tells the story of your years together with room for a page about her wedding day.

• Collect the best recipes in your family and make her a recipe box filled with the foods she loved as a child.

• Give her a gift certificate for a "sister honeymoon" after the wedding so you can catch up and adjust to her new role.

• If you're artistic, make a sketch of your childhood home that she can take with her to her new house.

Bride To Be Quotes For Sister

• Write her a "love letter" of your own filled with all the ways you love her and are proud of her.

• Use a board from your playhouse or old family home and paint a special saying on it for her to hang in her new house.

• Make a photo album with pictures of all the brides in your family, leaving room for a photo of her.

My Sister's Wedding Day

You are in a unique position on your sister's wedding day. Be sure to treat her with love, care, and even a bit of patience. This is an awesome day, not only in your sister's life, but in the story of your own family. Your relationship is different than any other one in the world. No matter what you say, it doesn't have to be perfect - it just has to be honest.

To My Sister on Her Wedding Day

• No, bridesmaid duties do not include actual maid duties.

• You said you’d always catch me if I fall — will you hold the train of my wedding dress?

• "A true friend is someone who thinks that you’re a good egg even though he knows that you’re slightly cracked." —Bernard Meltzer

• It’s my turn to pop the question… Will you be my bridesmaid?

• Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway.

• Unlike Barbies, me and my girls aren’t sold separately.

• Friends bring happiness, my squad brings the wine!

• We’re not your typical bridesmaids, we’re women of awesomeness.

• Time to drink champagne and dance on the table.

• All you have to do is show up (and hold my dress when I pee).

• We’ve been friends for so long, I can’t remember which one of us was the bad influence.

• The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.

• Find your tribe. Love them hard.

• Turns out I like him more than I originally planned…Will you be my bridesmaid?

• A bridesmaid’s super powers include loyalty, humor, and punctuality.

• Good friends don’t let you do stupid things…alone.

• I don’t know what’s tighter, our jeans or our friendship.

• Keep calm and get your bachelorette on.

• As in cases of wine that improve with age, the oldest friendships ought to be the most delightful.

• ‘Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense and have her nonsense respected.

• Yes, we know how obnoxious we’re together. We don’t care.

• Obviously, you’ll be my bridesmaid. So let’s make it official. 

Bride To Be Quotes For Sister

• F.R.I.E.N.D.S stands for: Fight for you. Respect you. Include you. Encourage you. Need you. Deserve you. Stand by you.

• Without you, it wouldn’t be a bridal party. Help me make the day even better. Will you be my bridesmaid?

• "Asking your friend to be a bridesmaid is one of the modern paradoxes: no one actually wants to do it, but everyone would be offended if you didn’t ask." —Mindy Kaling

• There’ll be single groomsmen. Will you be my bridesmaid?

Wedding Wishes for Sister: Having a sister feels like a blessing. If your sister is getting married, then it is a big thing for you too because siblings share one of the strongest bonds in this world. If you don't know what to write on her wedding card or how to congratulate her, we have a good number of wedding wishes messages to send to your sister. Wish her a happy married life and tell her how much you are happy for her new start. We hope our compilation of wedding wishes for sister will help you wish your sweet sister a happy married life.

• Wedding Wishes For Sister

• Emotional Marriage Wishes for Sisters

• Sister Marriage Quotes

• Wedding Wishes for Friend’s Sister

• Funny Wedding Messages for Sister

Wishes Messages For Sister

Dear sister, I wish you a happy married life. May all your dreams come true.

I am so happy that you have finally met the man of your dreams. Congratulations on your marriage.

You are the happiest bride I have seen in decades, I hope your happiness never fades away. God bless you both.

My pretty little sister, you have the best man as your life partner, and he will cherish you forever. Have blessed married life.

God has blessed you with a perfect partner for life. Preserve and cherish him forever. Let the bond of love grow sweeter and stronger between you!

My sweet sister, don’t make your husband’s life as tough as you make mine. Jokes apart, I wish you both a happy married life.

The way you are the best sister to me, I am pretty sure you will be the best wife to your husband too. Congratulations to both of you.

I pray for your marriage to be filled with happiness, love, and support. Giving you my prayer is the best gift that I can send you for your wedding.

Today I have no worries. Because you have chosen the best life partner for yourself, who will be shielding you from all the negativity of this world.

Finally, you are marrying the love of your life. I hope the love between you both only get deeper with time.

Getting such a caring life partner is the fruit of the love and care that you have always given us as a sister. Have a blessed marriage life, sister.

You have fulfilled our every expectation as a sister. Now it’s time to take responsibility for your life partner and his family with determination. I wish you a successful marriage!

Your husband deserves every bit of love and care from you. Accept his love and multiply it in return! Keep holding his hand tight no matter what situation you face.

You will face lots of ups and downs in your marriage. With the strength of our blessings, you will be able to face them all. But never let him go because you have been blessed with a gem.

I can’t believe my eyes, you are going to look so beautiful in that wedding gown. Your husband will go crazy.

Dear sister, finally tomorrow is your wedding day. Best wishes for your special day. Don’t get too nervous.

I have always felt like a proud brother for having a sister like you. Make your life partner even prouder by being the greatest wife. Keep smiling always.

I pray that the Almighty remove all the black clouds of sorrow from your married life and fill it with the light of his blessings. My best wishes are always with you, sister.

Emotional Marriage Wishes for Sisters

Bride To Be Quotes For Sister

Dear sister, You deserve all the happiness of this world. May God bless you with a happy family who will cherish you forever. Have a happy wedding day.

My precious sister, Thanks for being my support system and helping me always. On your special day, I am only asking for happiness from God.

I have always dreamt of having my own room, and now when you are leaving, I am actually sad. I will miss you a lot. I pray for your great married life.

My lovely sister, now that you are a part of a new family, I hope you will bring lots of happiness to your new family the way you make us happy. Always be happy!

Nothing can replace the happiness and light bestowed by your presence in our home. I will miss it all very badly. Stay happy in your marriage life, sister.

You have chosen the most modest person as your life partner. I need not worry about your protection as he will be beside you protecting you from all the world's negativity.

The emptiness of this house can never be filled without your presence. But we feel happy knowing that the journey will be filled with love and happiness for you!

Your place will always be in our hearts, and no one can ever replace it. Begin the journey of your marriage with a broad smile on your face.

Sister Marriage Quotes

Celebrate togetherness and cherish every moment of happiness throughout your marriage life for love to grow even stronger. Congratulations!

To the world’s best sister and her husband, I hope your married life fills up with only happy moments. Always be each other’s support system. Have a happy married life.

Stay surrounded by happiness and with blessings of your loved ones in this endless journey of marriage. My heartfelt wishes will always be with you, my sister.

My little sister, not a very long ago, you used to cry over a doll. And today you're looking like a doll in your wedding dress. I hope God blesses you with all the happiness of this world.

My lovely sister, Thanks for always thinking about our family before yourself. I am happy that now you have someone who will take care of you the way you take care of others.

Let the light of love to be always shining through the clouds of your life whenever you both face tough times in your lives. Stay blessed and happy with your soul mate!

Along with accepting each other’s perfections, accept each other’s imperfections happily to enjoy a blissful marriage. My best wishes are there with you always.

As the wedding bells are ringing, accept heartfelt wishes. Have a successful marriage life full of love and blessings. Congratulations, my sister on your new life!

Religious Sister Marriage Wishes

My one and only sister, may God bless you both and your married life. Always respect each other’s feelings and trust in God’s guidance.

As god sent us in pairs and you have finally met your soulmate. I pray for both of your happiness. May the almighty bless the love between you two.

As you are starting a new chapter of your life, may God guide you in every step of this new beginning. Congratulations on your marriage, my sister. I wish you both a happy married life.

Dear sister, may God bless you on your special day and lead you on your new journey. You both make a wonderful couple. May God always look upon you. Happy wedding day.

Let the love of you two conquer all the odds in life. And I will pray to the Lord to always surround you with happiness and blessings. Congratulations, my lovely sister.

Wedding Wishes for Friend’s Sister

You are no less than my own sister to me. I will always be there for you whenever you need me. Many congratulations to you on your wedding!

The best wedding gift a brother can give is to pray for your marriage, so your life be filled with the blessings of the Almighty. Stay blessed and happy in your married life.

Always keep your life partner happy and support him when facing a tough time in his life. I will always pray that love grows between you two with every year that passes by.

You don’t need to make huge sacrifices to show your love. Just a little effort to bring a smile on his face is all that you need to do. Have a blissful married life.

A prayer that I will always say is that may the Almighty grant both of you successful married life. Congratulations dear on getting married.

Funny Wedding Messages for Sister

I hope you’ll not be fighting with him as you do with me. Because he might regret marrying you. My best wishes are always with you.

I really wish he doesn’t yet know how pathetically talkative you are. I really feel so bad for the guy. Anyway, have a blessed married life!

Improve your cooking skills, please! I’m really concerned about his health after marriage. Have a married life full of spicy humor!

Don’t ever shout at your husband. This guy seems so humble that he might have a heart attack. Hold your temper and have a blissful marriage!

Shopping excessively has always been your weakness. Please control it! Otherwise, you’ll get him bankrupted within a year!

Marriage is a special occasion of human life. At this time, everyone goes through mixed feelings. Witnessing a sister getting married is the most emotional moment for a sibling. We should congratulate and encourage them with some heartwarming words. If your sister is getting married, then you must send her wedding wishes. Our happy wedding messages for your sister will help you to express your emotions if you have lost your words. We have a great compilation of wedding wishes and messages to send to your sister and brother in law. Pick the right one and send it to wish them a happy conjugal life ahead.

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