Short Love Poems For Boyfriend

A glimpse through sunshine, the reason I

a future without you. I love you drivers in a bar-room around the an interstice caught,Of a crowd of workmen and
Of a youth who loves me stove late of a winter night, and I unremark’d seated in a corner,hold me by the hand,
and whom I love, silently approaching and seating himself near, that he may going, of drinking and oath and smutty A long while
amid the noises of coming and word.

When my soul jest,There we two, content, happy in being
together, speaking little, perhaps not a tune it then to other things?
touches yours a great chord sings!How shall I
That does not vibrate when’er your depth O! That some spot
in darkness could be foundme
Welds us as sound.But everything that
touches you and instrument whence the sounds flow?
played strings sound one melody.Where is the
O! Sweet song—

-Rainer Maria Rilke

And whose the master-hand that holds
the bow?and walk this journey with me.
Take my heart; I'll give it with ease.Take my hand
Take these fears and make them Take these scars and heal them
all up.and make it stretch so wide.
vanish when things get tough.Take this smile
Take these feelings and make them Take these arms
and hold me oh so tight.

-Mariah Chandan

The course of real.
At the end, show me how to feel.

-William Shakespeare

— 5th of 25 true love

never did run smooth.
when I only saw rain.
Short Love PoemsYou brought me
sunshinefelt pain.

– Donna Donathan

You brought me laughter
when I only for you
and tuck it
I want to

a new world
to you
is like taking
inside your heart.-Alexandra
Sitting next
the sky,
never tasted
a sip of


the sun, the stars,
the long
way home
so good.
– Christy Ann Martine
With you

you wrap your fingers
never felt
long enough
-Ben Maxfield
is how you make music
around my hair

and pull

thisShort Love Poems


out of me
-Rupi Kaur
— 10th of 25

have an apple

say sleep
shall we

shall I move?
do you dream?
you are

as I need

– Tom Pickard

When I saw
shallow snow
fleshmelt this
and you smiled
I fell in


Finding you
was like

knew.-William Shakespeare

I felt it

as plainly as coming home.

I didn’t see her


because they are perfect,

the sun.– Atticus

You don’t love someonethey’re not.

– Jodie Picoult.

you love them in spite

of the fact fall?"

Oh, my darling

— 15th of 25 Short Love Poems

"What if I

Wine comes in at the mouth
What if you fly?– e.h.
That’s all we shall know for And love comes
in at the eyes;
I life the glass to my truth
Before we grow old and die.

-William Butler Yates

I love her mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
of everything.

– F. Scott Fitzgerald

and that’sthe beginning and
the mind; and
therefore is a Look looks not

the eyes, but with

You asked me what you mean winged
Cupid painted blind.-William Shakespeare

-Nikita Gill

— 20th of 25 to me.

My darling, you are my poetry.
and little it cost in the Short Love Poems
It was only a sunny smile,
it scattered the night
giving,but like morning
– F. Scott Fitzgerald

I want to and made the
dayworth living.

I don’t ask
for the sights be your for
longer than this moment.
only the depths
of my seeing.

in front

of me to change,

Make room for me
– Mary OliverGive me your
beyond this rage of poetry.

to lead and
and love of loss
Let others have

the privacy of
touching wordshand.

-Maya Angelou

of love.For meGive me your
O is for ‘optimism’ you gave me L is for
‘laughter’ we had along the friend.
E is for every day.V is for

‘value’ of being my

— 25th of 25 Short Love Poems

‘eternity,’ a love that has no end.-John P. Readmy mind.
It's a beautiful I wake up every day with
your smile on filled with the thought of me sight to behold, so soft and
so kind.My dreams are have come true.
I have you and you.I awake and smile, for my dreams
I'll always be here for you to guide me through my troubles
and fears.more than my words could ever through your struggles
and tears.I love you you to know.
I'll be here show.You mean everything
to me; I just want be first on my agenda.

for you no

matter the dilemma.

You will always best lines that are out there.

-Luke O. MeyersMore for You:From Ponly The poems for your boyfriend? A lot of will always love. <3Short Romantic Love Poems for Boyfriend: Looking for short and romantic love love poems, but they’re stuck on what to write. This is especially people want to express their feelings by writing special

of poetry.That’s why most true if you are more comfortable writing novels instead so much better if the person short and romantic love poems don’t meet their full potential. They could be

Short Romantic Love Poems for Boyfriend

wants.1. My whole world writing them knew exactly what the person reading them light up the darkest nights, and when I revolves around your smiles and laughter. The sound of your voice could one else could ever match. Your love makes am with you my heart disposes happiness that no having you in

my life!me feel so alive and I can’t imagine not look into my eyes and kiss 2. I love you so much. You make me a better person. The way you love we share. I hope we

are together melts away my day and leaves only the can say is that I love 3. There are a

million things I want to say. But all I

to say goodbye.5. When I get you, I need you, and without you I am nothing.4. I never want hug, I know that everything will be home from work to a warm smile and a past our troubles with the help alright. No matter what the day brings, at this time

tomorrow, we’ll have moved 6. I want to tell you how of each other. To the only man I want for my husband!how lucky I am to have much I love you. I want you to always know today when I realized that this such an amazing guy like you in my life. I couldn’t stop smiling day is filled with all the Valentines Day will be one of our best yet!I hope your very happy person

indeed.things that make you happy, because knowing you makes me a and taught me what love is 7. You’re one in a million! You’ve improved my outlook on life to me in every way possible. I hope you all about. I will forever

Short Love Poems For Boyfriend

be grateful for our relationship. Sweetheart, you are special for the kind and caring way know that, because I am yours forever! 8. I love you together and even the silly ones. I love you you treat me. I love you for the fun times we have help me work through it. I love you because when the times are rough, you are by my side and is in store

for us.because you put 100% into our relationship, and can’t wait to see what else one that makes me hum on 9. I never get tired of making you smile. You are the put into words. Will you be

mine forever?the inside with happiness. I love you so much it’s hard to sunshine and I am lost without 10. You are the sun that lights my darkest days. You are my my fears and doubts. You have shown you. Your love has a way of

driving out all 11. My boyfriend of three years is me what love really is, and I have never been happier.last at night. He makes me feel like I’m the only always my first thought in the morning and my ex-wife or a trophy. Sometimes I just girl in the world, not like a replacement for an I appreciate him; most of all his loyalty, support, and eternity of

wish he could hear me tell him how much much I love and appreciate you. You are always love.12. I want to tell you how to have met you because you there for me, even when I am not very nice. I am lucky anyone this much before and it

More From I Love Messages

make me happy more than you could ever know. I’ve never loved everything! You have brought me so much feels wonderful.13. You are my whole heart, you are my sky. Here is a little something for

joy and happiness. I love you more than the sun in the will. You see the best in me, even when I your beautiful eyes….

14. I love you and I always secret admirer 🙂 You sweetheart, you! I hope you enjoy these poems sometimes don’t see it

myself.15. Hello from your something about you. I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve been kicking as much as I did.16. There is just feeling earlier. What can I say? In love, like art, the lingering questions

myself, thinking I should have told you how I was my life. I can’t wait to be with you remain unanswered.17. You are my best friend, my love and we can be best friends for forever. I want to grow old with you so that and there is nothing in this life. I love you more than anyone in the world

mine forever!18. You know how world that I want more than to make you never change. You’re the only one I want I feel about you and that my love will with you and enjoy everything that to end up with. I want to spend my life a great friend. I am so lucky to have

life has in store for us. You are a wonderful boyfriend and how to make me smile and met you.19. I love you so much! You always know like running errands, washing the car and fixing things. You make my laugh. I appreciate the many things you do for me to spend forever

with you.heart skip a beat every day and I want know how happy you make me. Thank you for 20. My love, my life, my world. I’m so thankful that we have each other. I hope you with me. 🙂 It’s a little poem just for every smile and loving laugh, and thank you for putting up keep. Here’s to many more years with

you. Here it goes… Our moments are like diamonds in the sky: Precious, brilliant, and mine to things I feel for you in you!21. Your kindness, your strength, your wit and charm. All of these sky. And I love

you so!my heart. You are the

moon and stars in my night many things in my short time 22. My sweet boyfriend, baby I love you so23. I have loved as much as you. Your intelligence, your wit, and your overall as a living human, but never have I loved anyone hope that one day we will

demeanor are amazing; so amazing, in fact, I can’t imagine falling in love with anyone else. I can only wine, more precious than the rarest jewel. I am so be together forever.24. You are sweeter than the finest

forever.25. I could never lucky to have found you. My love for you will last than a boyfriend, YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND! Every day with thank you enough for everything you

Short Love Poems For Boyfriend

do. You are more 26. Day by day, hour by hour, you are always on my mind. Because I love you is a better day. I can’t imagine my life without you!you of how much "bella" (that means beautiful you with all

my heart. This little note is to remind me that I will know I in Italian) I think you are. Love, Lorenzo27. Someone once told to convey my feelings for that am in love with someone when

I can’t find words 28. You may not always be right, but you will person. The mere thought

sends shivers down my spine.boyfriend ever! Really, I do. I wish to spend every second always be in my heart.29. I think you’re the best the mere sight of you and of everyday with YOU! My heart skips a beat at my dear sweet boyfriend and I it constantly aches to hold you in my arms. I love you

together.30. When we first hope that we have many more years to come found someone so beautiful and loving. We had a started dating I couldn’t believe my luck to have getting even better with time. Every time I lot of good times and we seem to be I do is miss you. I love you

see your face I can’t stop smiling and when we’re apart all want to be better, why I stay sweetie, happy valentines day!31. Dear my life, Long story short: I love you. Lots. You are the reason why I miles for one of your smiles. There are not up late and why I would walk a thousand you mean to me, there is no enough words in the dictionary to

describe how much 32. I love you so much my

song that can capture our love. It’s timeless and endless.the one person that understands me boyfriend.33. I love you. You are my

best friend and 34. I don’t say it enough but I the most. I think of you constantly, even when we’re apart, you are always in my heart.see what the days ahead hold love you. You are my everyday adventure and I can’t wait to my heart. Our life is amazing, our future is for us. You make me smile and laugh, you bring so much joy into

every day worthwhile.35. I cannot fathom bright. I hope to grow old with

never makes me 36. You are my you and make wait. You are the best boyfriend ever, you are sweet like chocolate and hot like curry. All my love,

88. You are a man that has it all; brains, great looks, killer dance moves and love for your woman.89. My dear boyfriend, my heart is full of love for you. It seems that the more you

love me, the more I love you back. You’re my everything and I can’t wait to spend our lives together. Love you always!90. I’ll never be able to find the words to express how much I love you! When I kiss you, my heart skips a beat and that’s a feeling I could never

forget. Together we make one soul, forever devoted to each other. My love for you will always

grow!91. I actually swear that I love you, as much as you mean to me. To see you or spend time with you is

my wish. You are the best of all that I have seen, and have proven yourself a hundred times, in many ways that words could not express. I really need and appreciate your love, so time will never erase what we share and for the rest of our lives our love will grow stronger.92. I am crazy about you, you have no

idea. You make me smile every time I see you and all I can think about is making you feel loved and cared for. You are the guy that all girls wish they had and I am so lucky to be by your side.93. Every time I look into your

eyes, I fall deeper in love with you. You are more than I could ever ask for, a wonderful man and my best friend. The way you treat me is so special and unlike anyone else, you make my person who truly understands me and loves me no matter what. May all your troubles disappear, may your days become brighter, may your nights become hotter, but most of all may our love forever grow

Short Love Poems For Boyfriend

deeper. 44. Thank you for being you, loving me unconditionally and always putting a smile on my face. You are the best boyfriend in

the world. I love you!45. I love the way you open up to me. I love the way you smile. And most of all I love how you make me feel so special. You’re the best thing that’s ever been

mine.46. You mean the world to me. I could never ask for a better boyfriend than you. You make my heart melt. You’re the glue that keeps me together. I love you and will always be by your side through thick

and thin!47. It doesn’t matter if we are miles apart, or just in the same room. When I am thinking of you all day, or looking at a picture of you; I know I am in love. I hope that one day you will realize how much I truly love and care

for you.48. There are not enough words to tell you how much I love and enjoy your company. I awake every morning with a smile, excited to see what the day will bring. Though many times always and forever.get out of bed every day. Thank you for showing me what love is. I truly cherish you.37. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You bring amazing serenity to my life. I love reading

and writing your cards, but my favorite thing is knowing you are mine.38. It’s easy to love you – for reasons that I wish to share, but somehow can never find the words. Love is more than a feeling and a moment in time, but an always

near devotion that involved two minds and hearts. With our souls intertwined, together we make a perfect pair39. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you!40. I once told

you that a kiss is like a comma, but never explained what a period

is. A kiss says

"I love you," a period says "the end."41. I was looking through my poems, I wrote one just for you. A small love note that I’ll dedicate to you. In an effort, one will love you all of the time.I am glad

that we are together forever, You are the best partner who helps me in the times of worry or distress. You always look so handsome and cool, my heart beats fast if I see you sitting in the corner!42. I will be with you everyday. With every new day, I grow more

and more fond of your sweet smile. Even when we’re apart, my love for you deepens and holds strong. From the moment our eyes met, my life has changed in so many ways. You brought happiness that I have never known before and I see my future with

you.43. Just wanted to let you know that I love you. You make my days better, keep my nights warm and fill my heart with joy. I am happy to have one my side I can do anything. Thank you for being my light at the end

of the day.57. You’ve woken up a passion in me that burns as brightly as the sun. You showed me what it means to love and be loved in return. I could never fully express how I feel about you, but know this, you fill my heart with joy, my days with sunshine and my

life with love.58. I’m really in love with you and have been for a long time! I think of you most times, even if I don’t tell you. You are the greatest guy ever! And I know that I am going to be with you forever, because you are my soul mate! I love that we can just get along so well and that we are a team. You mean everything to me and I would choose you over anything or anyone!  I hope that

makes you59. You’re worth the smile you bring me; you’re worth the laughter in my day. I’m glad our path crossed, and you stopped by my way. I love you

so much!60. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are a sight that words cannot describe or do justice. You are the greatest boyfriend and person I know. I am very lucky to have you in my life, and I hope that all your

dreams come true.

61. I love you.62. You are my the day seems long, I look forward

to our evening together because the dinner table is where we spend most of our

Short Love Poems For Boyfriend

time talking, laughing, and enjoying each others company. You are my best friend…my confidant…and my lover. I am so glad you are in my life!49. You are the air that I breathe, that keeps me alive. You are the candle in my dark, when my hopes have died. You give me purpose, and make everything worth while. I could spend every minute of every day by your side, without a moments regret!50. I found a love so rare, I’m glad I get to share my life with you. There’s no one

else that makes me feel the way you do, day and night you are on my mind.51. You’re always there for me with nothing but your love52. Hey handsome,53. I love you

so much, than words could ever express. My heart cannot even contain the love I feel for you. I hope these short poems show how much I love you.54. You are my boyfriend and I Love You. From the first day we met, we just clicked. And even though I didn’t know how much you meant to me and how much love was in my heart, that moment made

all my previous relationships seem dull and pale in comparison.55. You are my soul mate, my buddy, my friend and also my lover. You’re the only one I want to be with, the only one I look forward

to seeing each day. You’re all I need to be happy in this world. I love you so much!56. Dearest Chris, I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and appreciate you! You are a terrific boyfriend: thoughtful, caring, and always fun to be with! You’re loving and respectful of me, regardless of how

low my self-esteem might be. With you by 69. I remember the first time I laid eyes on you, the way the sun reflected off your hair. You were wearing a football jersey, with beautifully ripped blue jeans. I fell in love with you right then and there. You were a shy, geeky little boy with big brown innocent eyes. Every day my love for you grows stronger. I long to feel your touch and see your sweet smile again

and again.70. Hey there handsome! People told me I’d find love, but they never said it would happen with a guy like you. Thanks for making my life a better place. I hope nothing but goodness comes

your way.71. Darling, your friendship warms my heart. When I am with you I can relax and not be worried about anything else in the world. Boy, do I love to run my fingers through your hair! It feels amazing being wrapped in your arms. I love you

lots!72. Remember, you’re my best friend and nothing can ever change that. I love you so much, and will always be here for you through good times and bad. Always remember how lucky I am to have you

in my life.73. Oh pretty little sweetheart. For you I have nothing but bountiful joy. Here I am spilling my love out on the page, just so you know precisely how

I feel.74. You’re mine and

top choice. You are always there for me. You have my back. You are my63. Life is an

innertube, love is a wave. Life just keeps bringing me back to you. 64. I am so happy you are in my life. I never want to be without you. Your smile lights up my world and I look forward to waking up every day with you in my arms. You are the yin to my yang — the peanut butter to my jelly — the bacon to my egg sandwich

— the cheese to my macaroni – but only if its Kraft –the cream to my coffee –the frosting to my cake –the sprinkles to a party cupcake –the65. Dearest boyfriend,I love you

more than you can imagine and I will always be by your side. You mean the world to me and there is nothing that I

wouldn’t do for you.66. I will love you till the last star falls from the sky. Your love has made me feel so alive and I hope that you can feel this too. Whenever we’re together it’s like nothing else matters. When I look into your eyes, I see my future, my present and my past. You are everything

to me and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!67. You are my best friend, love and amazing companion. I love you more than words can say. You are the man of my dreams and I am happiest when I am with you.68. I didn’t know what love was until the day I

met you. You make me feel so special, and I don’t want to waste one second without you by my side. You’ve become my

Short Love Poems For Boyfriend

world, my reason for living and my heart tells me that you are the one I about you.The way you dance, the way your eyes light up when I say something funny, or even just your crooked smile. The way you always surprise me with your honesty and silliness. You are everything to me and everyday I fall in love with you just a little bit more than before.I have found my best

83. Honey, I could write you a thousand love letters, but none of them would ever hold the same meaning as I’m about to say now. I love you. I don’t think that there is any other place in the world that I could be except right here with you. Thanks for making every day worth getting up for.

84. My dear boyfriend, I have a poem for you.

85. I just want to say that I love you. Thank you. Thank you for keeping my heart and being such a wonderful boyfriend, amazing best friend and a caring man. I have so much fun with you and love every second of it. I hope we never grow apart.

86. I will love you til the day that I die,I would stay awake just to watch you sleep,’Cos seeing your face melts all my fears.

87. You’re the goofy one I share my jokes with and whine about bad drivers with.  You’re the knight in shining armor that kisses my forehead when it’s icy outside, you’re the man that is always on time and I’m yours,75. Roses are redViolets are blueSugar is sweetAnd so are you.I love you.

76. If somebody told me a year ago that I was going to be in love

with a narwhal, I would have punched them in face. However, here we are, and that punch wound is all healed up. Do you know why? Because you are the best boyfriend ever. You listen to me complain about

my day, give me everything I need, and best of all you love unicorns as much as me. What more could I ask for?77. dear boyfriend,just a few words to make you feel special on your birthday.nothing much,just wishing you a very happy birthday and lots of love and good health always.

78. You are my best friend, the love of my life and soon you will be my husband. I absolutely can’t wait for the future that we share together. You are my everything!79. My love for you is without end and without measure, too deep to know, too strong to tell. We may be miles apart, but I will always think of you as my soulmate. I’m glad we found each other and I can’t wait for the day when our paths cross again. Your loving girlfriend

80. Every time I hear your voice it makes my heart flutter. Every time you say my name I smile a little bigger. From the moment I saw you, my life has been full of so much more happiness than I have ever known before. I love everything about you and am looking forward to spending the

rest of my life with you.81. Hey honey, I love you so much. I never want to lose you. You are the best thing in my life. 82. I love you. This may not be the most original thing I’ve ever said to you, but it’s true. I love all the little things days so much brighter.

94. You are my everything, my life, my love, the air I breathe. Your laugh is what gets me through each day. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my rock and I love you!

95. I want to be with you forever because you make my life complete. I love you and forever will

96. I want to be with you every day. I never want us to fight or to be sad, just happy and in love. I will love you until the end of time because its what’s right for me. We make each other better people. So please don’t ever leave.

97. I am thinking about you, hoping that you are doing well. Distance may have separated us for a time, but it does not mean my love is any smaller. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.

98. It’s not that you see, it’s what you see in me; It’s not that you want, it’s all that you give to me; I love the way you look into my eyes and hold my hand; I love the way you say "I Love YOU", More than anyone else can.

99. I never want to let go

100. You shine like the brightest star in all of the heavens,

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