Birthday Wishes For A One Year Old Grandson

How to Write a Time Capsule Letter

When writing a time capsule letter to an existing or future child:

• Adress them directly in the letter

• Note why you are writing to them

• Express how you feel in this moment and share some relevant memories

• Discuss why you included certain objects in the time capsule

• Note your hopes and wishes for them

• Offer any words of wisdom or advice you'd like them to know

Time Capsule Letter to Child Examples

Looking at time capsule letter examples for a child can help you get started if you aren't sure how to write this letter. Reading through a few examples can begin to inspire your own letter. Keep in mind if you are writing to a future child, you can say "Dear future (insert relationship)".

What to Write in Time Capsule Letter to Daughter or Son

An example of a time capsule letter to a daughter or son:

Dear Blake,

I am writing you this letter to let you know how much I love you and to give you a glimpse into what your world is like today. Today's date is May 22, and as of right now, you are three years old. Today we celebrated your birthday, and you had the best time. You ate lots of chocolate cake (that's your favorite), and opened presents from friends and family members. I love you so much and had such a wonderful day celebrating you. You have grown into such a kind, curious, and hilarious toddler, and I love watching you explore the world.

My hope is that when you're 18, you open up this time capsule and get a snapshot of your toddlerhood. In this time capsule I've included:

• Pictures of your loved ones

• Memorabilia from our favorite neighborhood cafes and restaurants

• A lock of your hair from your first haircut

• A few pieces of artwork that you made

My wish for you is to always know how loved you are, and to forever live your life with the curiosity and kindness that you have now.

Lots of love,


How to Write a Time Capsule Letter to Grandchild

Dear Sheng,

I wanted to create a time capsule for you to enjoy long after I'm gone. I want you to know how much I've enjoyed our time together and also give you a glimpse into what my life was like when I was your age. I've included some pictures of myself when I was 16, as well as one of my favorite books, a list of my favorite movies, and a few napkins from my favorite restaurants. You'll find images of:

• Me with my parents

• Me with your grandmother (we met when we were 15)

• Me with my dog

• Me eating at my favorite restaurant

• Lots of pictures of us together

While things are certainly different for a 16-year-old today, I want you to remember how much we have in common. I am very proud of the person you are developing in to and my hope for you is that you always follow your dreams. When it came to work, I wasn't able to follow my passion, but I really hope you do. Even after I'm gone, remember that I will always be with you. I love you so much.


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Time Capsule Letter From Parents

Dear Kiara,

Right now we are still patiently awaiting your arrival. Your mom is 8 months pregnant, and we are so beyond excited to meet you. We decided to create a time capsule for you that you can open when you're 18 and see what it was like for us before you came into the world. In this time capsule we've included:

• Pictures of our the house where you will live

• Images of your nursery

• A list of nursery rhymes and music that we've been singing to you every night

• Sweet notes from your baby shower from loved ones

• A list of the "it" toys and baby gear that are popular now

• The prices of baby accessories and clothing

You are already so adored and we hope that you always feel unconditional love, guidance, and support from us. While we know we'll make mistakes as parents, we will work hard every day to ensure that you have the best life possible and grow into the person you want to be.

Love you,

Mom and Mommy

Time Capsule Letter for 1-Year-Old

A sample time capsule letter for a one-year-old:

Dear Aliyah,

You are only one-year-old and we couldn't love you more. You have brought so much light into our life and we could not imagine our world without you. We wanted to create a time capsule that you can look back on when you're a bit older, so you can see what the world was like when you were growing up. In our time capsule we've included:

• Clippings from newspapers stating major world events

• A list of prices of groceries that we typically buy

• Memorabilia from our favorite places to take you

• Business cards from our go to restaurants

• A list of the typical gadgets and technology we use on a daily basis and the cost of each

• A list of our favorite movies and music

• A list of your favorite songs, shows, and books

Our wish for you is that you always go with your gut and follow your dreams. We will always support you and stand by your side no matter what. We love you so much!


Dad and Mom

Time Capsule Letter

Crafting a time capsule letter for a child or future child is a sweet way to tell them about this moment in time, while also expressing your feelings towards them, as well as any hopes you have for their future.

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Birthday Wishes For A One Year Old Grandson





1st Birthday Wishes

• 1 Year Old

Choose from 1st birthday wishes with birthday messages that are as sweet, playful and unique as the birthday boy or girl.

Pick the 1st birthday greeting that feels just right for this baby's first big day — and, of course, for his or her parents, who will be reading it to him or her. 

Jump to These Sections

Don't know what to write? For ideas, jump right to the section below with the examples of 1st birthday messages that you need today.










1st Birthday Wishes

- Baby Girl -

One-year-old babies cannot read, so write 1st birthday wishes that their parents, who will read them, will appreciate.

To find out exactly what to say in a card or eCard for a baby girl, take a look at the example of 1st birthday wishes below:

Happy 1st birthday to a beautiful, little girl who has blessed everybody's lives, just by coming into this world.

Wishing you, sweet darling baby, the best 1st birthday ever! May you have many more birthdays as sweet as you are.

Happy 1st birthday! Your beautiful smile brings such joy to everyone's heart and soul. May you know only joy your entire life.

Happy 1st birthday! To the loveliest baby girl I know and love, may joy, adventure and love follow you wherever you roam.

Happy 1st birthday! I have never laid eyes on a cuter, sweeter and lovelier baby girl than you. You are truly one in a trillion.

Happy 1st birthday to you, sweet little baby girl. You light up wherever you go with your precious smile and laughter.

Happy 1st birthday! You are such a beautiful, sweet baby girl that everybody who meets you comes away with more joy and love than they ever imagined. That's how special you are.

Happy 1st birthday! This is a very special day for you. It's an even more special day for us, because it's the day we met the loveliest, cutest and nicest baby girl in the world. You.

Happy 1st birthday, precious little girl. Everywhere you go, you bring your special brand of joy, wonder and love. 

Happy 1st birthday, sweet baby girl. It's only natural that we love you so much. You are naturally lovable.

Happy 1st birthday. I live for your sunny smile, warm eyes and sweet, cuddly hugs. I never thought I could love somebody like I love you.

Happy 1st birthday. Little girl, you're simply the best thing that's ever happened to our family. Period.

Happy 1st birthday. You are not only Daddy’s princess and Mommy’s mini me. You are a godsend. Bless you, sweet baby girl. I know we are blessed.

Happy 1st birthday. Anybody could see the joy that you give your mom and dad every day. What I didn't expect was the joy you bring me. I melt whenever I see you.

Happy 1st birthday. You are everybody's little princess now. We all bow to your awesomeness. You reign above all in our hearts and minds.

Happy 1st birthday. It's easy to see why your Mom and Dad are so happy. Who wouldn't be with a sweet little girl like you in their lives.

Happy 1st birthday. Little darling girl, your parents are the luckiest Mom and Dad I know. That's because they have an incredible angel like you in their lives. I'd be jealous if I wasn't so happy for you and them.

Happy 1st birthday. You are an amazing little princess. Watching you go about your day fills me with more joy than I've ever felt. 

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest and cutest baby girl in the universe.

Happy 1st birthday. Since you were born a year ago, beautiful baby girl, it has been 12 months of the sweetest sugar, spiciest spice and everything that's nicer than nice.

Happy 1st birthday. Your laughter, babbling, shouts, screams, and even your tears, are music to my ears. I can listen to you all day!

1st Birthday Wishes

- Baby Boy -

Typically, one-year-old babies are not able to read, so write 1st birthday wishes that will appeal to their parents, who will read them to their son or daughter.

For the right words to write in a card or eCard for a baby boy, check out the example of 1st birthday wishes below:

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy! It's your first-ever special day since you were born! We wish you the very best birthday since you only turn a year old once in a lifetime.

Happy 1st birthday, darling baby boy! I think I love you like your Mom and Dad do. Hope you get so many gifts that your parent won't know where to put them. You deserve the best.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful baby boy. You may not remember anything about your first birthday, but we will since it's the first day we get to celebrate our little treasure.

Happy 1st birthday, little cutie. It's a special day for you, your Mom and your dad. We are so glad to be a part of your first birthday celebration. Hope you have the best time (and the best gifts).

Birthday Wishes For A One Year Old Grandson

Happy 1st birthday, dear, dear child. It's hard to believe that you're already a year old. It seems like you were only born a moment ago. But here we are celebrating your first birthday, and we're so glad to take part in it.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy! You're only 1 once, so enjoy every second of your birthday celebration, eating as much birthday cake and ice cream as your little tummy can take.

Happy 1st birthday, little cutie. Wishing you a wonderful first birthday with lots of birthday cake, balloons and fun.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful baby boy. Hoping it's as special as the day you were born (and that was pretty special for all of us).

Happy 1st birthday. Darling boy, we hope you celebrate many amazing birthdays in your lifetime, starting with this one, the first time we get a chance to celebrate you.

Happy 1st birthday. Sweetie, this is your first birthday today! You deserve only the best special day, because you're the best baby boy in the world.

Happy 1st birthday to the world's sweetest and cutest baby boy. We love you sooooooooooo much!

Happy 1st birthday to the most lovable boy ever. You are so loved by everybody, especially us. We just can't get enough hugs, kisses and cuddles from you.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful bundle of love. You are growing up into a big boy so fast. We are looking very forward to spending as much time as we can, watching you grow up into a beautiful man.

Happy 1st birthday. Dearest baby boy, you turn one today. This is a special, special, special day. You may not realize it yet, but it's our most special day of the year, too, because we love you so much.

Happy 1st birthday. We think that you're the best boy in the world. We love you more than life itself. You bring so much joy and love to everyone, especially us.

Happy 1st birthday. Little baby boy, we love you very much and wish you the greatest of first birthday celebrations.

Happy 1st birthday. We felt blessed when you were born, beautiful boy. Now that you're 1, we are doubly blessed. May you live only a blessed life.

Happy 1st birthday. I thank our lucky stars every day that we have you, the cutest and sweetest boy in the Universe, in our lives. This is a blessed day, indeed.

Happy 1st birthday. You are only 1 once. On your very first BIG day, we wish you nothing but the joy, wonder and love you bring everybody.

Happy 1st birthday. You're growing up so quickly, little boy. Time really flies. You are already a year old and, before we know it, you'll be two. Let's enjoy today and the next 12 months, one day at a time, so I can savor every precious moment with you.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy! You are so special that I don't think I need to have babies of my own. Yes, you're that special. Have a truly special 1st birthday.

1st Birthday Wishes

- Granddaughter -

A baby's 1st birthday is a very special occasion, especially for grandparents like you.

Your granddaughter may not remember anything about her birthday party, but she will always cherish the 1st birthday wishes you write for her today, as she grows up.

To find out exactly what to say, take a look at the examples of the 1st birthday wishes below:

Happy 1st birthday! You are our darling, dear 1-year-old granddaughter, more precious to us than the rarest treasure in the world.

Happy 1st birthday! You are more than precious to us, your ever-loving Grandma and Grandpa. You are priceless. We love you so much!

Happy 1st birthday! For Grandma and Grandpa, it has been a truly wonderful journey watching you grow up since you came into the world a year ago. We looking so forward to many more years of  wonder with you, our darling granddaughter.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's to 365 of the best days of our lives. We feel blessed being your Grandma and Grandpa.

Happy 1st birthday to our sweet granddaughter! You are so sweet and cuddly. We love your little kisses and hugs. We love everything about you, from your beautiful face to your chubby toes.

Happy 1st birthday to our little honey bun! You are so sweet that even your birthday cake is jealous of you. We just want to eat you up, with hugs and kisses.

Happy 1st birthday! Our darling granddaughter, you have given us so much joy, hope and love, magically filling our lives with long-forgotten childlike wonder. We are hopelessly and happily under your magic spell.

Happy 1st birthday! It’s your first birthday, so have a blast! Play with all your new toys and, most of all, eat lots of birthday cake (with your hands, of course), smearing it everywhere.

Happy 1st birthday, little girl! May all the joy, smiles and laughter of your first year be multiplied a million times over in the years ahead.

Happy 1st birthday, our precious little princess! You're only a year old and you've already stolen our hearts! You can be our little love thief anytime.

Happy 1st birthday, cutie pie! To us, your first birthday is more important than anything else. It's because we love you so, so, so much! And because of your big princess birthday cake.

Happy 1st birthday, little sweetheart! We're going to give you BIG grandma and grandpa hugs and kisses. Don't worry, we don't bite (only your birthday cake, if anything).

Happy 1st birthday, our precious sweetheart! I know that you want to start walking everywhere, but don't go too fast. Mommy and Daddy are tired from all your late-night feedings and diaper changes.

Happy 1st birthday, sweet granddaughter! May the days, weeks, months and years ahead be as happy as your very first birthday!

Happy 1st birthday to the most adorable princess in all the land. You are so beautiful, both inside and out. We love you.

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest sweetheart we know! That's you, honey. Have a wonderful time today, even if you don't remember anything at all by tonight. Live in the present (that's code for eating your birthday cake with your hands).

Happy 1st birthday to a honey of a granddaughter. You won’t remember your first birthday, but we will. We can assure you that it was a blast. We had so much fun. Of course, we have fun just staring at your beautiful face.

Happy 1st birthday, darling. A year ago today, you came screaming into our world. Now you always have a big smile on your face and a song in your heart. You fill our hearts with such joy. We love you.

Happy 1st birthday, my beautiful granddaughter. You may only weigh 20 lbs, and may still be tiny enough to hold in my arms, but you've brought me more joy and wonder in one year than I've had my whole life.

Happy 1st birthday, my dear, sweet granddaughter. My love for you is larger than life itself. I never knew I could love someone as much as I adore you.

Birthday Wishes For A One Year Old Grandson

Happy 1st birthday to the cutest granddaughter ever! You've only been on Earth for merely a year but you've already made so many people's lives so much better. Imagine how much joy you will bring all who love you in the years ahead. It's unimaginable!

1st Birthday Wishes

- Grandson -

It's truly a special occasion to celebrate a baby's 1st birthday, particularly for grandmothers and grandfathers like you.

Although your grandson may not remember his 1st birthday celebration, he will cherish the 1st birthday wishes you write for him today, from the moment he can read them (and for the rest of his life).

To find the right words for your eCard or card, check out the examples of the 1st birthday wishes below:

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy. You are a gift from God. When you came into our lives a year ago, everything became brighter for your parents and us. We couldn't be happier right now.

Happy 1st birthday, our darling grandson. You are turning 1 today, so we want to shower you with lots of love and joy on this special day and forever more.

Happy 1st birthday, dearest grandson. When you grow up and can read this birthday wish, you will know that we love you more than life (and always will) and that we only wish you the best that life has to offer.

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest grandson ever. We will always love you and will be there for you when you need us.

Happy 1st birthday, our little, darling boy. Our family has been incredibly blessed since your arrival and feel doubly blessed today, the day our sweet baby turned a year old.

Happy 1st birthday, little one. We feel so fortunate to have you as our grandson and feel more love for you every day. We are so glad to be your grandparents.

Happy 1st birthday to the most adorable grandson in the world. When you need a break from your Mom and Dad, remember that you have us to support and love you (even when you're naughty).

Dearest grandson, happy 1st birthday. Watching you blow out your birthday candles and eat your birthday cake (with your hands) will give us, your ever-loving grandparents, such joy

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy. When you blow out the candles on your birthday cake and make a wish, we will be there to make it come true. We love you so much and only want to make you happy.

Happy 1st birthday to the cutest grandson ever. We think you're the most incredible kid anywhere (since the day you were born a year ago.

Happy 1st birthday, little one. We only have warm wishes for you. We love you and will always be there to support you (and spoil you rotten).

Happy 1st birthday, dearest grandson. Wishing you a special day packed with lots of fun, joy and cake (we got the gift part covered).

Happy 1st birthday, little sweetie. May your special day bring you all the love and joy your beautiful, tiny heart can handle (and then some).

Happy 1st birthday to the world's cutest grandson. You are cuter than the cutest puppy, kitten or teddy bear. Nobody compares to you. 

Happy 1st birthday, sweet grandson. May today bring the immense joy and wonder that your smile, laughter, kisses and hugs have brought us since you arrived a year ago.

Happy 1st birthday, our little, darling boy. A year ago, we were blessed with the most precious gift of all: you. Each day since your birth has been filled with even more of the joy and wonder you bring to our hearts.

Happy 1st birthday to our precious grandson. We hope that the joy you feel today is multiplied a million-fold throughout your lifetime.

Happy 1st birthday, dear grandson. Today, you should do all the things you love even more, so eat, play, poop and sleep to your little heart's content.

Happy 1st birthday, little one. Have a wonderful birthday party. Have an even more wonderful life. We will always be there for you to make sure of it.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful grandson. You've completed one year of your life, making your parents and us happy beyond belief with your wonderful smile, laughter and heart. We can't wait to see how wonderful you'll be in the years ahead.

Happy 1st birthday, sweet grandson. Today, with all the birthday candles, cake and gifts for you, will not make any sense to you, but we hope you will know, deep in your tiny heart, we are celebrating the blessed event of your birth the only way we know how: by showing you how much we love you.

1st Birthday Wishes

- Friend's Baby -

The best 1st birthday wishes come from the heart.

With all the love in your heart, write 1st birthday wishes that express how adorable, sweet and beautiful your friend's baby girl or boy is to you.

If you can't find the right words to say, get inspired by the examples of 1st birthday wishes below:

Wishing you a Onederfully, Onederful birthday full of Oneder.

Wow, I can't believe you've already turned one. You’re so cute and precious. Happy 1st birthday!

One is more Onederful than you ever Onedered. Happy 1st birthday!

Happy 1st birthday! At your age, life is full of so many throw food at grown-ups.

Eating with your hands is a privilege and duty at your age. Time to get down and dirty. Happy 1st birthday!

Happy 1st birthday! Remember that there's more to life than birthday cake, balloons and presents. There's also ice cream.

I want to be the 1st person to wish "happy 1st birthday" to the 1st baby for our group of friends.  

This is just the first of many "happy birthdays" for you. Have a deliciously fun 1st birthday, little cutie! 

Turning 1 is a big deal! It's time to rattle and roll! Happy 1st birthday!

Happy 1st birthday. You, Mom and Dad make the perfect family. I'm so happy for all of you. Love each other, today and forever.

Little darling, may every year of your life be as happy-go-lucky as your first one. Happy 1st birthday!

It’s your 1st birthday! May it be the first of many incredible birthday celebrations for you, full of all the things you love as much as Mom and Dad.

Birthday Wishes For A One Year Old Grandson

You're growing up so fast. Wow, you're now 2 feet tall. Happy 1st birthday, honey bunch.

Now that you're 1, I have some important advice for you: don’t eat the sand in the sandbox. You can do everything else, though. Happy 1st birthday!

Turning 1 means never having to say you’re sorry. Just cry and only stop when your Mom and Dad give you what you want. Enjoy the good times, while they last!

Happy birthday to a magical one year old who has put me deep under an incredibly happy spell.

It's so much fun when you turn 1. Happy 1st birthday, little sweetheart! Enjoy every moment!

I want to give you a big hug, precious little angel. Happy birthday, beautiful!

You've grown up so much already, little one. Happy birthday!

You can do whatever you care to do because you're turning one today. Have as much fun as you want. Happy 1st birthday!

Happy birthday to an incredibly adorable one year old (considering your genes, this isn't a big surprise).

Happy 1st birthday to the cutest little scamp of a kid I've ever known!

Hoping you have a great start in life, you precious, little darling. Let's start with your 1st birthday! Hope it's so happy!

You've turned one today, so you may have your cake and eat it — with your hands, feet, face, whatever. You're only one once! Happy birthday!

Happy 1st birthday to my favorite 1 year old. You're so special that even the birds sing when they see you come their way. 

Happy 1st birthday to my favorite rolly polly of love, my honey bunch of joy.

Blow out your candle, make a wish and I will give you a gigantic, juicy kiss. So be swift because you know what comes next. That's right, your gifts. Happy 1st birthday!

Happy 1st birthday to a super-cute bundle of joy so full of energy. Lots and lots of beautiful, cute, lovable energy! 

Happy 1st birthday to the beautiful darling who convinced the rest of the gang to have kids. That's how special you are. You are a born leader, straight from Day 1.

Happy 1st birthday! Okay, I'm going to teach you the ropes. The orange, purple and red baby food in jars is so much better than the green stuff on your plate. Don't let your mom and dad tell you otherwise.

Yahooooo! We finally get to celebrate your 1st birthday! So let’s party until the last piece of birthday cake is eaten. Happy birthday!

Yay, it’s your very 1st birthday with your 1st birthday candle on your 1st birthday cake. Even better, it’s your 1st year of birthday gifts.

Hoping you shake, rattle and roll every second of your first birthday!

Your parents are so fortunate to have you. And, guess what, you're lucky to have them as your Mom and Dad. I should know. I'm their best friend. And I'm lucky to have you and them in my life, too.

Your first birthday is the best one. It’s the only time in your life you get to eat cake with your hands and feet! Have a yummy, messy 1st birthday!

Happy 1st birthday to you! We adore you as much as your parents do. That's how wonderful you are.

It seems like only yesterday you were crawling everywhere your little hands and feet would take you. Now you’re running circles around everyone. Keep it up, champ! Happy 1st birthday!

When you turn 1, it’s just about time to stand on your own two feet and see the world differently — two feet off the ground. Happy 1st birthday!

With your Bette Davis eyes, Mona Lisa smile and Shirley Temple dimples, you’re going to be the next (name of pretty celebrity)! Have a wonderful 1st birthday, beautiful!

1st Birthday Wishes

- Niece -

Your baby niece has a very special place in your heart.

Beautifully written 1st birthday wishes are the perfect way to show her (and her parents, of course) just how much you love her.

To find out exactly what to say, get inspired by the examples of 1st birthday wishes below: 

Happy 1st birthday to my beautiful niece! There’s more to life than birthday treats like cake, ice cream and gifts. But not much more. Well, there's you, the best treat of all.

Happy 1st birthday to loveliest niece in the world. You deserve only the best and I plan to spoil you rotten with all the best things life has to offer.

Happy 1st birthday to the world's cutest niece. I should know. You look just like me.

Happy 1st birthday, sweetie. Everybody tells me that you look like me. You must be the world's most beautiful little darling.

Happy 1st birthday to my favorite sweetie. Everything about you is sweet, from your smile to your laugh. You make everything sweeter.

Happy 1st birthday! You can always count on me for the best advice, starting now: Don't just eat your birthday cake. Eat it with your hands and smear it all over your face.

Happy 1st birthday! I've loved you from the very first moment I saw your beautiful face. I'll never stop loving you.

Happy 1st birthday! I never thought I could love a baby as much as I adore you. You are my favorite, now and forever.

Happy 1st birthday! Our family couldn’t ask for a more precious gift of love! You are the cutest niece that this world hasn't ever seen.

Happy 1st birthday! Only one year ago, your mom and dad blessed us with a little bundle of love and joy. You. I thank them every day for the loveliest niece anybody could ever want.

Birthday Wishes For A One Year Old Grandson

Happy 1st birthday, little princess. Your wish is my command. I plan to spoil you with anything you want, no matter what your mom and dad say.

Happy 1st birthday! May your first birthday be as full of love and joy as my life is now, because of you, my lovely niece.

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest little treasure I know and love. It's not because you're my niece. It's because you're sweet, you're little and you're a treasure. Yep, I'm biased.

Happy 1st birthday, darling niece! You have blessed the lives of everybody in our family for a year now, especially mine. Every new day, I feel even more blessed to have you in my life.

Happy 1st birthday. Time flies when you're having fun. For a year, we've had so much fun as your uncle and aunt. We love you so much!

Happy 1st birthday to the niece I plan to spoil rotten with hugs, kisses, cuddles and everything else that will make you feel like the sweetheart you are to me.

Happy 1st birthday, sweetheart. May your first-ever birthday be as special as you make everybody feel (and that's pretty special, just like you are).

Happy 1st birthday! You've only been with us for a year and you've already stolen our hearts a million times over. We love you so, so, so much!

Happy 1st birthday! I used to think that the best things in life were free. I was wrong. You are.

Happy 1st birthday! For your first birthday, sweet, beautiful niece, we wish you a lifetime of kisses, hugs, cuddles and, most of all, love, so you only know joy forever.

1st Birthday Wishes

- Nephew -

You want to shower your baby nephew with hugs and kisses every time you see him. The best 1st birthday wishes for nephews let you shower him with all the love you have to give.

To find the right words for your nephew, glance at the examples of 1st birthday wishes below:

Happy 1st birthday! We are so fortunate to have you as our sweet, adorable nephew. From the moment you were born, we've loved everything about you.

Happy 1st birthday! I'm so blessed that you are my nephew. May your first birthday be as blessed.

Happy 1st birthday, sweet baby boy. You've stolen my heart and I don't want it back. Keep it. I've never felt better. I cannot put into words how much I love you.

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest scamp I know and love. You are more than my nephew. You are my favorite nephew.

Happy 1st birthday! Dearest nephew, you've melted my heart and lit up my soul. You are one of the greatest wonders of the world.

Happy 1st birthday, cute, cuddly boy! Spoiling you with anything you want will be a piece of cake (starting with birthday cake). I love you so much that I think it's my duty to give you whatever you want.

Happy birthday to my favorite little boy. You must be a magician, because you have me under your spell. The love I feel for you is the most magical feeling in the world.

Happy 1st birthday! You may not realize it but you don't turn one every day, so you have to enjoy every second of your first birthday celebration. That means lots of birthday cake.

Happy first birthday, my sweetheart of a boy. As my nephew, you have a right to know that I will spoil you rotten, starting today.

Happy 1st birthday! You may not understand a word I say to you, so I'll let your Mom and Dad explain everything I write. I LOVE YOU, sweet nephew. YOU ARE MY FAVORITE PERSON.

Happy 1st birthday! My darling nephew, enjoy all the goodies that come with turning 1. And I don't mean all the birthday cake, ice cream, balloons and gifts you'll get. I'm talking all about all the love that went into getting you all this stuff. That's what counts.

Happy 1st birthday! What I feel for you, I can't say. I just know that I love you more than I ever thought possible. You are the most lovable nephew anywhere.

Happy 1st birthday to my sweet nephew. Nothing's sweeter than you, not even the birthday cake and ice cream you'll eat at your first birthday party. You're the sweetest part of this special day.

Happy 1st birthday to the cutest nephew in the world. May your first birthday be filled with chocolate birthday cake, vanilla ice cream and balloons in every color under the rainbow.

Happy 1st birthday, cutie pie. May you live long, make the world better, prosper and eat all the birthday cake you'll ever want out of life.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy. Enjoy your first special day. You only turn 1 once in life, so let's make your first party rock, rattle and roll.

Happy 1st birthday, little baby boy. You are sweeter than any sunrise, warmer than the sunshine and nicer than the nicest sunset. You make everything sunnier.

Happy 1st birthday, sweet nephew. Your toothless smile and endless giggles fill me with such joy that I can't help smiling and giggling myself when I'm around you. Now that's a gift.

Happy 1st birthday, little cutie. You are the most huggable, lovable and kissable nephew in the world. You are love.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy. May your first-ever big day be as wonderfully sweet as you are, my dear nephew!

Happy 1st birthday. You, my darling nephew, are the most incredible gift anybody could ever receive. I hope that your first birthday is as incredible as you are.

What are the best 1st birthday wishes?

You would think that writing 1st birthday wishes for the 1-year-old boys and girls of family and friends is easy to do, but it isn't. And there's a very good reason for the difficulty: your 1st birthday wishes may be focusing on the wrong recipient.

When we think about writing 1st birthday wishes, our thoughts naturally go straight to the birthday girl or boy, not the parents of this wonderful child. But that's not the right approach. It's not the child who will be reading your 1st birthday wishes. 

One-year-old kids, unless they're geniuses, cannot read, so you should really focus on Mom and Dad. As soon as you start checking out the 1st birthday wishes on this page, it's very important to ask yourself this question: will Mom and Dad like this 1st birthday message?

If you want to make it a little easier on yourself, pick 1st birthday wishes that best express just how cute, sweet, playful and unique this baby is to you. You can't go wrong with flattery.

Every parent likes to hear that their child is the belle or beau of the ball. And a birthday card with flattering 1st birthday wishes is the best way to let them know.

With your 1st birthday wishes, you can also be funny, poking fun at all the changes junior has brought to the lives of his or her parents. A little laughter never hurt anyone, especially mothers and fathers who may still be deprived of sleep or laughter (or both).

My favorite 1st birthday wishes have a simple, yet deep message: enjoy your life from the beginning. That is probably the nicest wish you can give a baby just starting out in life, even if he or she can't understand a word you've written.

Message Guy

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