Happy 30Th Birthday Son Funny

As I turn 30

I can't help but think
About all the things that I have yet to do.
There's still so much out there for me to see,
So many places I want to go,
So many people I want to meet.
It's an exciting time, full of possibilities,
And I can't wait to see what the next few decades bring.

30 Is Just a Number

30 is just a number
A milestone that we pass on our way to bigger and better things.
So don't be sad or scared
When you turn 30 –
Be excited for all the adventures that await you!

The Journey Has Just Begun

30 is only the start
So many places to see
So many things to do.
It's a new age. A good time.
These birthday greetings,
are for a short time.
But you my friend, are like fine wine.

30 Years Now

30 years now
So many things yet to be done
Middle age is not quite here.
Exciting times ahead!

It's Not So Bad

It's not so bad being 30
I've accomplished quite a lot
My body's starting to feel the wear
But that's okay, I don't care
I'm wiser now, more experienced
So bring on the celebrations
For my 30th birthday!

No One Like You

Happy birthday! I hope this day is as wonderful as you are.
You make every day a joy, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life.
I wish you all the happiness in the world on this special day.
May your birthday be just the beginning of a wonderful year full of joy.


T – thankful for you
H – happiness in all that you do
I – interest and passion
R – rarely hold back
T – think…
Y – your best years yet

Life Is Beautiful

life is beautiful,
but it can also be hard.
we go through so many highs and lows,
but in the end, it's all worth it.
because when we look back on our lives,
we'll see that we've had some amazing moments.
so don't give up,
keep fighting,
because life is beautiful.

Wonderful Adventure

Turning 30
Is a wonderful adventure
It's happiness in small things
Looking forward
to 40.

Getting Older

As time goes by,
We all grow old and grey.
But our memories stay alive.

Old age is like a worn out book
With pages we've read too many times
Faded memories inside

30 Is…

Bones creaking
Joints aching
Muscles hurting
Oh wait…
That's 60.
Happy birthday.

As I wander through the world
I see so many things that amaze
The colors and the shapes
The way the light reflects in the water
It's all so wondrous to me
Every time I see something new
I can't help but feel wonder
It fills my heart with happiness

Just One Year Older

Happy Birthday to you,
You are one year older today.
I hope you have a great day,
And enjoy all the things you do.
May your birthday be happy and fun,
And may all your dreams come true.
I wish you all the best on this special day,

30 Is a Number

30 is just a number
Yours is just a name
Everything behind us
Will always stay the same.
The future's looking bright
Everything could change.
Happiness is inside you
If you call to it by name.

Cheers To You

Happy birthday to my best friend
Who always makes me laugh
No matter how bad the day is going
Your sense of humor is unrivaled
I don't know what I would do without you
Especially on this special day
I hope you have a birthday that's fun and funny
Filled with all the things you love
So cheers to you my best friend
Here's to many more years of laughs and fun
I love you and I hope you have a birthday that's amazing!

Thoughts on 30

If turning 30
Feels old
How 90
will be.
Happy birthday, dear friend.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
You're turning 30
Which means I will be too.

Everything and Nothing

Thirty is both
everything and nothing.
It's a milestone. And a stone mile.
You have
Nothing to lose.
Everything to gain.
But don't worry about that now…
Cake awaits.


When you were a teenager,
you were a catepillar.

In your 20s,
you were wrapped, in a cocoon.

Your 30s,
these are your butterfly years.
Spread your wings. Fly.

If You're 30 And You Know It

If you're 30 and you know it, clap your hands
Stomp your feet.
Shout hooray!
It's your birthday!
And these things might not work tomorrow so
use them today!

Cheers To Me

Happy 30th birthday to me,
A decade ago I was just a teen,
Now I'm all grown up, or so they say,
Though I don't feel much different today.
I don't really care about getting old,
My wrinkles and gray hairs are fine with me,

Happy 30Th Birthday Son Funny

I'll just keep on doing what I do,
And hope that I'll stay young at heart.
So cheers to me, on this special day,
Let's raise a glass and celebrate,
30 is just the start of something new,

A journey that I'm excited to take.

The Big 3-0

You know what they say about the big 3-0
You dread it
Until you've knocked on the door
And know for yourself
That the big 3-0 is the best birthday yet.

Thirty Is For…

Loving life.
Standing up.
Enjoying your time.
Taking it slow.
Embracing it all.
Happy birthday.

Thirty Means

T – Thinking
H – How
I – I'm
R – Really
T – Thirty

Simple HBD

Happy birthday, dear friend,
May all of your dreams come true.
We all love you very much,
And we hope this special day is just perfect for you.

Bring It On

I don't feel old
But I do feel a change
A maturity that wasn't there before
A perspective that wasn't there before
My 20s were fun and wild
But now I want more
I want to be wiser, I want to be kinder
I want to be all that I can be
And I'm excited to see what the next decade brings
It's a new chapter in my life
A chapter that I'm ready to write
Bring on the 30s!

Just a Dream

It's just a dream to be
An age that felt so far away
One that means “freedom”
It's just a dream to blow
out 30 candles. On a cake
Made with love.
30. I'm ready for you.

This Is Nothing

30 is nothing I'd thought it be
It's better than anything I ever dreamed.
20 is for figuring it out.
The foundation is built.
Now you get to live in the house.
It's a great time.

This Is Everything

Hip hip hooray
It's your 30th birthday!
Happy, happy, happy
we'll be! As we celebrate
You! On the day as it was meant to be.
Happy thirtieth birthday!

As Unique Gifts

If you are looking for the perfect, customizable 30th birthday gift, Etsy is a great place to start!

Happy 30Th Birthday Son Funny

Add inspirational 30th birthday wishes, a short friendship poem, or an important line from a favorite song to customize your gift.

As Card Messages

It’s typical to give a birthday card as part of a present to the birthday gal or guy, but what if you can’t think of the right words to say? Memorable 30th birthday messages can be hard to think of. These poems can make that hard moment easier!

Add one of these to a 30th birthday card for a friend or family member to make it a birthday they'll never forget.

As Wall Art

Print one of these out and hang it on your wall for embracing your thirties! Add one to a gallery wall or use it as the background of your computer for an awhile.

Something Funny

I hope you or your loved one has a happy birthday! Turning 30 years of age really isn't scary at all. It's ultimately just a number. Which of these turning 30 poems was your favorite?

Happy Birthday, Dear Son

Happy 30Th Birthday Son Funny

For me, you are brighter than the sun,
And lovelier than the moon.

Today you got a year older,
Only making me wonder,
How you could grow so fast,
With cute memories flying past.

Most times, you seem to be matured,
But sometimes, you are a terrible pain to be endured.

I can see you are abundantly intelligent,
That’s why my heart aches when you are negligent.
Your talent should not go wasted,

For that, you need to be dedicated and motivated.
You are a God’s gift, all packed into one.— BN

I’m So Lucky To Have You

You are colorful like the rainbow,
You are bright like the sun,
You are sweet like chocolate and candy,
You’re so good to each and everyone.
I’m so lucky to have you as my son.
Happy Birthday!

Gift Of Happiness

Happy 30Th Birthday Son Funny

Dearest son, you are a miracle by God,
You are a gift to us from heaven above.
Even if at all, I forget to remind you what you mean to me,
Remember, you are the one who fills my world with glee.
Happy Birthday to my little one!

We’re Proud Of You

My dear son, you always manage to make us so proud,
For you are light, a silver glint on a cloud of doubt.
We are so happy to have you as our son,
Each time we look at you, you look so bright like the sun.
Happy Birthday dearest son.

Your Birthday…

Your birthday takes us back to the day when you were born,
Like a little angel, you opened your eyes, your beauty it adorned.
You looked at us and gave us a smile that was so divine,
Even in the darkness, your bright smile would shine.
Today when we look at you, the smile is still the same,
So are the lovely set of eyes from heaven that came.
But even more than your physical beauty is your heart,
As for your mind, it is concerned, son, you’re ultrasmart!
Happy Birthday to our darling son.

Precious Birthday Wishes for Son

I held you in my arms when I saw you first,
The first time ever, I felt my emotions burst.
My heart filled up when I saw your serene face,
I don’t think I can ever get over that phase.
Happy Birthday, My Love,
My life and everything above.
Happy Birthday My Son!

Hugs and Kisses on My Son’s Birthday

Your hug is the best I have ever got,
The love from your kiss can never be bought.
You will always be my little one,
Even when you grow up and give the girls a run.
It’s a very special bond between a mother and her son,
That heightens on the birthday of the little one.
Happy Birthday My Little Baby!

You Lift My Spirits Up, My Baby

My life’s star and sun,
So you will always be my little one.
Your presence and your face has always lit me,
Even in times of distress, as tough as it can be.
My love for you can never change, my sweetheart.
And I promise this on a very special day, my stalwart.
Happy Birthday, Super Sonny!

To My Son, On Your Birthday

Happy 30Th Birthday Son Funny

From the first time, I saw you,
My heart always knew.
That you’d grow to be an important part of my life.
Even in moments of great strife.
Son, it is your birthday today,
And I will strive to celebrate it in the best way.

Happy Birthday, My Little Boy

Years have rushed past,
Little did I know that little boys grow up fast.
All those years of walks and talks
Will continue to give my life its sparks.
Son, your birthday is the most special to me,
And your beautiful face is all that I always see…

The Apple of My Eyes

You have made me so proud, my son,
When you stand out of the crowd,
You have given me so much of joy,
Still, remember your favorite toy,
For me, you will always remain my special boy,
Love you so much,
Wish you a very happy birthday!

Stay Blessed Forever

My dear son,
Wish you a very happy birthday,
May you always stay blessed in life,
Work more and equally strive,
Achieve what you want to do,
May you get everything pleasant and new,
Stay as you are,
As the bright shining star,
Happy birthday dear!

There Will Come a Day

There will come a day.
When you will get wings of your own
You will start seeing life’s realities.
In a way that you had never known
The world is a nasty place, my son.
But you can make it better.
Don’t succumb to the negativity.
Instead, just keep flying higher.
Rise above and show ‘em how it’s done
Because no matter what you do
For us, you will always be number one.
Happy birthday!

We Don’t Know If We Can Call Ourselves

We don’t know if we can call ourselves
Parents who are perfect in every way
But we are sure that we can call you
A son, who amazes day after day
We are not certain if we have achieved
Everything we wanted to so far
But all our shortcomings are negated
Because of the awesome son that you are
Happy birthday.

When You Smile

When you smile
A rainbow forms across my heart
When you laugh
My soul melts like a gooey tart
When you cry
My stomach twists and turns
When you are glum
My heart starts to burn
You are that precious
To me, my dear son
Your presence in my life
Can be compared to none.
Happy birthday.

You Are The Joy

You are the joy
That grows in our hearts each day.
You are the bliss
For which we are thankful in every way
You are the cheer
That shows us our life’s worth
You are the fun
That ensures sorrow’s dearth
You are the happiness
That comes only to a lucky few
Dear son, we are fortunate
To have a child like you.
Happy birthday!

If All Parents

If all parents
Had a son like you
They would be able
To feel our emotions too.
The feeling of euphoria
The sentiment of joy
To be blessed for having
Such an awesome boy.
We pray to God for this
Feeling to always stay.
We wish for you to have
A very happy birthday.

Life Would Be Incomplete

Life would be incomplete.
It would have spelt defeat.
Life would be unworthy.
It would mean nothing to me.
Life wouldn’t be promising.
If it weren’t for your loving
Life would be insipid.
If you were not my kid
Happy birthday son!

You Have No Idea About

You have no idea about
How much you mean
To your mother and me
How fortunate we have been
How blessed you’ve made our lives
Of that, you have no clue
All I can say is that we are
Lucky to have a son like you
Happy birthday!

From Video Games To Fancy Smartphones

From video games to fancy smartphones
You have grown up quick
From baggy short to chic suits
You have learnt the trade and the tricks
But there is one thing that is still the same
From the time you were a boy
That every time you smile and laugh
Bring us endless amounts of joy
Happy birthday!

Dear Son…

Dear son…
May your life turn out to be
Cute and colorful
Just like your birthday balloons
That look so beautiful
May your life always present
Opportunities that are enticing
Just like your birthday cake that has
A delicious cream icing
May you always have many friends
Like the ones invited to your party
Just like your mood on your birthday
May you always be happy
Happy birthday!

Do You Remember When

Do you remember when
We used to play with a Frisbee
And when we took road trips
To enjoy picturesque journeys
Do you remember when
We went camping and hiking
And then when we got tired of it
We settled with some laid-back fishing
These are my most precious memories
Of all the dad and son times we had
In a way, I am happy that you have grown up
But from inside, I am also a little sad.
Happy birthday sonny.

Dear Son… There’s So Much Love

Dear son…
There’s so much love for you that I store
But there is always place for more
So don’t expect that I will ever
Stop fussing over you, my dear
As you walk along life’s journey
All I want to say to you, sonny
Is that no matter how old you grow
All I need to feel happy is the sound of your hello.
Happy birthday!

The Day You Were Born

The day you were born.
And lay curled up in your mother’s arms.
That very moment
We succumbed to all your charms.
Nothing has changed
From that day to this one
I hope it always stays this way.
Happy birthday, our dear son.

My Dear Son

Dear son…
People look for riches
And treasures in every corner
But I am one lucky fellow
Whose wealth is right here
My well-being and affluence
Comes from being your dad
If not for you, this prosperity
I would never have had.
Happy birthday!

There Can Never Be a Tear On My Cheek

There can never be a tear on my cheek
Because you will wipe it before it can fall
There can never be a reason to feel low
Because you will help me stand tall
There can never be a frown on my face
Because you will convert it into a grin
There can never be a moment of unhappiness
Because you will help me hold up my chin
Can there ever be anyone like you?
I don’t think so
You are the best son in the world.
Is all that I want you to know.
Happy birthday!

In Spite Of Our Differences

In spite of our differences
In spite of our arguments
To remember you from my heart
I have never lost a single moment.
In spite of our incessant fights
In spite of our misunderstandings
There hasn’t been a single second
That I haven’t stopped reminiscing
About the dear son that you
Have been to me no matter what.
The way you’ve always respected me
No matter how much we’ve fought.
Happy birthday, son!

The Only Thing

The only thing that a mother wishes for
On her son’s birthday
Is that he remains happy in life
And always has his way.
The only thing that a father wishes for
On his son’s birthday
Is that he always gets what he wants
And never faces dismay.
In short, as parents, we both wish
That you have an awesome life ahead
Rather than just fit in with the crowd
We wish you stand out instead.
Happy birthday!

I really had a ball
I always thought that you were shy
But gee, you are one popular guy
Girls are all over you.
And you are flirting back with them too
Son, when did you grow up so much
Of time, I seem to have lost touch
When did you become a man from a boy?
Thinking about it gives me immense joy
Happy birthday!

We Don’t Like Showing Off

We don’t like showing off.
The house, the car, or other belongings
We don’t like showing off.
All the expensive things
What we do like showing off though
Is one wonderful person
Because of whom life is worth living
Dear son, you are the one.
Happy birthday.

I Hope Your Year Ahead Is Full Of Good Things

I hope your year ahead is full of good things.
I hope that all your dreams get wings.
I hope for you, there is tons of good luck in store.
I hope this year brings you happiness galore.
In whatever you chose to do
May success always be next to you.
As you begin an awesome birthday celebration
I wish you a happy birthday, my son.

As time passes, little memories will remind children that they are so special for their parents. And they can always count on them under any circumstances. Poems can be the best blessing and a thoughtful birthday gift children can ever ask for.

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