Anniversary Wishes To Parents From Daughter

• Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

• Funny Anniversary Quotes for Parents

• 25th Anniversary Quotes For Parents

• 50th Anniversary Quotes For Parents

• 60th Wedding Anniversary Quotes

• Anniversary Wishes For Parents

• Tug-At-Your-Heart Quotes

If you’re getting overwhelmed and can’t find the right words to express the love you feel, then our list of anniversary quotes for parents will help you do so. There’s no need to stress what to write on an anniversary card. Our anniversary quotes for married couples will make it easy for you.

We have a list of funny, heartfelt, and unique husband and wife wishes that will tug at the chords of their hearts. Your parents have loved you and treated you like their friends; it’s time to make their wedding anniversary one that they can remember for years to come. Take them back to the day their love began and remind them of how beautifully it has grown over the years.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Nobody can replace the love that parents have for their children. On this anniversary, choose from our list of happy anniversary quotes for parents from daughter and son and make this day unforgettable. A sincere quote is sure to make a home in their hearts forever.

• Couples like you are hard to find nowadays. Your long-lasting marriage almost seems like a fairy tale to us. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!

• Nobody cared for us like Mom and nobody protected us like Dad. On this day, we wish both of you a very happy and romantic anniversary!

• "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." – Victor Hugo

• "All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." – Leo Tolstoy

Anniversary Wishes To Parents From Daughter

• "There are no two dearer parents than you, mom and dad. May your anniversary give you all the happiness and joy that you both deserve. Happy anniversary!"

• "Your anniversary is also a day of thanksgiving because of the year that has passed and the challenges that have been overcome. Thank you for loving each other and giving us a happy family. Happy anniversary!

• "Whenever this day comes, we cannot help but reminisce and feel grateful for all that you have survived as husband and wife. I know that it has not been easy over the years, but it’s also a testament that true love survives. Happy anniversary to you, mom and dad!"

• "You have always taught us to attain milestones in life. Congratulations on attaining one yourself. Happy anniversary to our dear parents."

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Are your parents the funniest couple, you know? Your parents will love and appreciate getting a few laughs out of your quote about them. Our list of funny anniversary quotes will add so much more happiness and humor to your celebration.

• "For marriage to be a success, every woman and every man should have her and his own bathroom. The end." – Catherine Zeta-Jones

• "When someone is murdered, the police investigate the spouse first. That tells you everything you need to know about marriage." – Katherine Hepburn.

• "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." – Helen Keller. Happy anniversary to you two. Thank you for showing us all some of the best and most beautiful things.

• "They say marriage makes you live longer – this must be true, because you two have been married for eternity. Here’s to forever, mom and dad! Happy anniversary!"

25th Anniversary Quotes For Parents

A 25th anniversary also known as the silver jubilee is no less than a milestone for your parents. If you’re looking for 25th-anniversary quotes to honor your parents, then our list will do the job for you. Make your parents feel like the king and queen that they are.

• Love would have a better reputation if more couples like you and the world would be a better place if more parents like you. Happy 25th-anniversary wishes.

• Mumma-papa you are 25 years older in terms of marriage. And I know these 25 years would not have been easy. So celebrate your hardships you made to this relationship.

• 25 years of love… 25 years of care.. yes 25 years! You made it mom-dad! Happy silver Jubilee.

• You married life has come a long way and you have made it successful too. Happy 25 years of love, trust and joy.mum-dad..

• Mom-dad,you guys have set a true example of love. You love for each other has reached the peak. Congratulations for your 25th marriage anniversary!

Anniversary Wishes To Parents From Daughter

• I just want to ask you that how you guys make it look so easy? I know its not easy at all. Married life includes lots of sacrifices and patience. You have truly inspired me by your dedication towards your relationship. Happy 25 years of successful married life parents.

• I bet you must’ve mastered what it takes to become a good friend, a good lover and a good guardian by now. Many, many hearty congratulations to you both.

• Only great partners can stay together all these years and raise children with love and care. You are the happiest couple I have ever known. Happy 25th-anniversary dear mom and dad!

50th Anniversary Quotes For Parents

It takes fifty years to make a marriage gold! If you’re struggling to find the right words to express your sentiments, our list of 50th-anniversary quotes for parents will aim for their hearts. Choose the perfect quote that makes them reminisce about half the century they have shared.

• "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller

• "The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that." -Woody Allen

• "True love doesn’t come to you, it has to be inside you." -Julia Roberts

• "True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together." -Ricardo Montalban

• "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything." -T. Tolis

• "Thanks, Mom and Dad, for setting an extraordinary example of lifelong love."

• Dear parents, i think you guys should get an award, for making your relationship super-cool and easy. Kudos to you guys. Wish you a great 50th anniversary! Make your day memorable.

60th Wedding Anniversary Quotes

Honor the memories your parents made and the time they spent loving, supporting, and being there for each other in these sixty years. From silver to gold, the 60th anniversary is a diamond anniversary and calls for a great celebration. The perfect message will be a cherry on the cake. Choose from our list.

• Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! Wishing you a wonderful day

• I can’t believe it’s been 60 years! The time has just flown by. Congratulations

• Happy diamond anniversary. Here’s going you have a lovely day and maybe get a diamond or two!

Anniversary Wishes To Parents From Daughter

• You’ve been through thick and thin together and weathered every storm. Now, after sixty years that bond is still as strong as ever. Congratulations and happy 60th anniversary!

• Congrats and big hugs for reaching a huge milestone. 60 years is a long time! Happy diamond anniversary

• On your Diamond Anniversary All the diamonds in the world Cannot outshine the diamonds you found When you found each other. Happy Anniversary!

• I hope that we will never part I've loved you since we met You have a place within my heart My love, you wont regret

• Married for 60 Years With not many tears Only tears of Joy You are an example Of How love and communication Can last so long Please have a Very Happy Wedding Anniversary

Anniversary Wishes For Parents

When it comes to your parents, there is no better way to express your love and respect for them than by writing down heartfelt words of gratitude. If you are a son or a daughter and wish to celebrate your parent's 25th, 30th or 50th anniversary, give them a piece of writing they’ll never forget.

• Wishing my lovely parents a happy anniversary. May God always keep you happy!

• You two make me realize true love does happen! Whatever I am today is only because of both of you. It’s my honor that I’m your son! Happy anniversary.

• Congratulations on passing one more year in loving each other and creating memories together. Many more to come for sure. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!

• You are definitely the cutest couple ever. You two have made my life beautiful with your love. May God bless both of you in the coming years. Happy anniversary!

• Its been a long journey but surely filled with so many happy memories together. Wishing both of you a happy anniversary. May you continue to bless us for another thousand years!

• You two have taught us how to love someone unconditionally and how to hold on to each other even when times are tough. You are the perfect couple in the world. happy anniversary!

Tug-At-Your-Heart Quotes

We hope our list of anniversary quotes for parents has helped you find the best one for yours. Celebrate your parent’s anniversary just like they celebrated you and everything about you when you were younger. Praise them for raising you the way they did

Take this opportunity to let them know how much you love, care and appreciate them. Every year should be celebrated with the same amount of love.

15th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Parents: Now you are celebrating the 15th anniversary of happy wedding, I am sure that it makes your parents feel prouder to have children like you. As children, now it’s time for us to give some care and love for them as they have always taken the best care of us over the years.

15th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad

Anniversary Wishes To Parents From Daughter

• 15 years, here we are. Words cannot say how much I love you both. You’ve raised me well, through good times and the tough ones too. I could never thank you enough for always being there for me. Making sure I had everything I needed was your main goal and today, that has not changed. Time goes by fast, but no matter how many years pass, your love for each other will never change.

• You have been a wonderful example for us to follow. We have loved having you as our parents and we want you to know that we love you very much! Happy anniversary!

• Mom and Dad, you have been married for fifteen wonderful years. I can’t even begin to understand all the ways that you have affected my life and all the ways that you have supported me and instilled in me traits that I hope to instill in my own children one day. Thank you so much for everything that you do and thank you for being such a wonderful role model.

• I am sending you a note to say I know that we haven’t spoken in a while. And I know we haven’t had the best relationship, but I want to let you know that you will always be my parents. No matter what has happened in the past, you are still my mom and dad, and I love you guys so much! I wish you all the best on your anniversary.

• You two have been my role models for a successful marriage during my whole life. Working with you both everyday has taught me so much about love, togetherness and the true meaning of marriage. I love you both so much and I’m so happy to call you both Mom and Dad!

• I’m so lucky to have the best parents in the world and I strive every day to be as great as you guys. I love you more than I can express and just want you both to know how much I care! Happy anniversary!

• Thank you for being my mom and dad. Today, as I reflect on the road we have traveled as a family, I know I am more grateful than ever that you are my parents. You have always been there for me and have shown me the meaning of unconditional love. I love you both so incredibly much and vow to be a loving and caring daughter for as long as I live. Happy anniversary!

• I feel blessed to be your daughter. I’ve never felt more loved than when I am with you. Thanks for giving me the most amazing childhood growing up, with the most amazing parents in the world.  Happy 15th anniversary mom and dad!

• There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish I could spend more time with you. It has been 15 amazing years and I hope we get the chance to celebrate many more together. I love you both with all my heart and soul, and can’t imagine life without either of you!

• Happy 15th anniversary Mom and Dad, thank you for always being there for me. I love you both so much. Thanks for showing me how to love someone unconditionally, with all my heart. Thanks for showing me how to be kind, compassionate, and understanding. Thanks for showing me the value of family. Most of all, thanks for showing me that I can always be myself! Love you both!

• My parents, I know it may seem like I don’t care sometimes. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth. You are both amazing people and I respect you both so much! It is because of you two that I strive to be the best person I can be! Thank you for all you do. Happy anniversary!

• I still thank God for bringing you into my life, every day. You set a standard for what a perfect Mother and Father should be to their children. I love you both very much. Happy anniversary to you both!

• Growing up, I wondered if I would have the opportunity to have you as my parents. Then one day I got my wish, that’s when my life really began. Your love is the greatest gift you have given me. It has overflowed for everyone who meets you and touched many around the world. Thank you, mom and dad, for being the best parents a daughter could ever have!

• I don’t know how you do it, but somehow you manage to make me feel like the most important person in the world. I feel like the luckiest person alive because I know that no one else can love me like you can. You are my heart, my world and my sunshine. I love you more than anything in the entire universe! Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!

• Father, the years have flown so quickly. The love you and Mom have for each other constantly inspires me. I’ve learned so much from watching you both over the years. We wouldn’t be here without your love and dedication to each other. You are the best role models a son could ask for! Happy anniversary!

Anniversary Wishes To Parents From Daughter

• I’m so glad I get to call you, my parents. You are always there to help guide me through life. Every time I have a question or need advice you are there with open arms and an open heart. I love you both more than words could ever describe. Happy anniversary!

• I am so lucky to have such amazing parents. They are the grandparents of my children and they still make me laugh on a daily basis. I really love you both and I’m lucky to have your love in my life. Happy anniversary!

• Happy 15th Anniversary Mom and Dad! I am so thankful to have you both as my parents. I don’t know where I would be without either of you. You have been with me through my good times and my bad, and I appreciate it more than you will ever know. I love you with all my heart.

• Being your daughter has been the greatest honor of my life. You raised me to know the value of hard work and to cherish family. But most of all, you taught me how special it is to love someone with every ounce of your being, and even though that isn’t easy, it makes you stronger. Thank you for teaching me that a home can be a little house or a big house or a castle, as long as it belongs to the people who love each other the most, Happy anniversary!

• I can’t imagine my life without you; you were the rock that held our family together and allowed me to realize all I ever wanted. I love you and miss you. Happy anniversary to my parents.

• Mom and Dad, I love you both so much, you have made so many sacrifices to take care of me all these years. I could never repay you for all the material things you have given me over the years. Thank you for showing me what true love is, through your actions of devotion every day. You are definitely my role models!

• As we cherish today, I would like to let you know how lucky I am to have the best Mom and Dad in the world. You are both my inspiration and best friends; you’ve shown me true love. My heart is bursting with joy as I look at the three of us here together, knowing how much we love each other. You’ve given me all that anyone could ever want or need, simply by being yourselves.

• To my wonderful parents, thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me. Thank you for being there through everything. Thank you for being the best parents in the world to me! It means so much to have you by my side and I am so glad we’ll never be apart! I love you both so much and hope we celebrate many more anniversaries together!

• There is no greater love than parents for their children: yours is the only love I know of that is stronger than time, deeper than life and more lasting than any other force in the universe. Happy anniversary!

• Dad, I want to congratulate you both on your 15th wedding anniversary. I know that you were the love of his life and vice versa. I wish you both could wake up every morning and share another loving smile. I can’t wait to follow in your footsteps and find my soulmate.

• Mum and dad, I just wanted to say thank you for always being there for me. I want you to know how proud of you I am. You both did an amazing job raising me, and I will never forget that. Congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary! I love you both so much!

• I know you have loved me since the day I was born. You have never known what it’s like to not have me in your life, even for an hour. From the time I was little I always knew you would be there when I needed you. 15 years ago, today you made that official by marrying my mom. There are no words that can explain how much I love you both.

• I remember when I was still so small, you have taught me how to be brave. You are the best parents in the world. Happy anniversary, mom and dad!

• I hope that your life together is filled with countless laughs, plenty of love, and happiness. I am so happy you both found each other because it has made me the happiest person alive. I love you mommy and daddy more than anything in this world.  Happy anniversary!

• I am so lucky to have you as parents. You are my rocks, the stable base that I can always rely on. You have worked so hard for me, given me so much more than I could have ever hoped for. Thanks for being great parents! Happy anniversary!

• I thought about what is the most original gift for my parents tomorrow, my 15th wedding anniversary. There is something I always wanted to give them, my love! Every day they give me more confidence, happiness and hope, an ability to believe in myself. The I’m grateful for all that you did for me and I love you very much Mom and Dad!

• You have been my parents, my best friends and everything in between. I love you both so much and can’t thank you enough for your passion and dedication to our family. You taught me how to be grateful & independent. I am forever humbled by your selfless acts of kindness towards me and all of the sacrifices you made throughout the years. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for always having my back! I love you both. Happy anniversary!

• Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. I could have never asked for better parents in my life. There will always be a place in my heart where I can never thank you enough. Happy anniversary!

• Happy 15th Anniversary Daddy and Mom. I hope you have been able to enjoy this year, without having too much stress from work, your health or other worries. With all your hard work you deserve to live the life. Don’t forget to take care of your health, because there is nothing more important than that!

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