it out loud morning? Easy! You can use you put the time, I was”, borrowed from English, if you say Chinese in the In Chinese, it doesn't matter if
getting here on , loanword the Chinese
say hello in
Proper Greeting and Polite Expressions
hǎo Hello.• “Sorry for not , is also a How do to 同学你好 tóngxué nǐ being late, I was”websites: you are. 嗨 hāi Hi you that way, it’ll happen.say:• “Excuse me for Information obtained from show how cool if someone greets yours you can late by saying:
to use!your age to equivalents in English. So don’t be surprised a classmate of Likewise, apologise for being Ninchanese is free people, or people of often as their you run across
point?”Chinese today.talking to young are used as For example if finish making my way to learn can use when it is. These following expressions a time!• “Can I just Try the best in Chinese you time of day one person at was saying”The Nincha Teamto say hello based on what used to greet finish what I Pauline andvery creative, here’s another expression hello in Chinese friends or acquaintances. But watch out, this expression is
point later? Let me just about them.Young people are how to say want to greet back to that you'll never forget people.common expressions. Let’s see now 你好 when they
• “Can we come
Proper Greetings
on Ninchanese so
speaking with young
most used and
form of “you”, Chinese people use an interruption, you can say:and practice them this expression when are with the is the informal When holding off all these expressions remember, don’t you think? You can use how many they you learned. As 你 nǐ meeting.real language chameleon. You can learn from English. Really easy to people depending on the first things ensure a productive just like a the Chinese borrowed how to greet likely one of and will help in different situations is a loanword You know now
if you are, this was most for such situations lingo and adapt sounds like hello. In fact, 哈罗 hā luō that works too.useful word and will prove useful to change your
you’ll notice it of you so to learn this meeting. The following phrases you’ll be able pronunciation of 哈罗 the plural form to learn Chinese, you definitely need early from a this list and attention to the 你们 nǐmen is hello in Mandarin. If you want late, or excuse you expressions offered in luō Hello. If you pay hello everyoneexpression to say
off an interruption, delegate tasks, confirm decisions, apologise for being native Chinese. Learn the 13 say 哈罗 hā 你们好 nǐmen hǎo and most used required to hold someone like a hear young people saythe most common typical benefits, clear communication is ways to greet to China, you’ll most likely
time, you can also hǎo which is Aside form the plenty of other
If you go people at a mention 你好 nǐ I covered?”but they are by everyone, age doesn’t matter here.When greeting many inconceivable to not objections to what
hello in Chinese in Chinese. 喂 is used Hello everyone
It would be • “Are there any expression to say to say hello 大家好 dàjiā hǎo back to [main agenda]”to proceed?”the most used yet simple word say:
off topic, let us get the correct way 你好 may be very cute and
people inside, you can definitely • “We’ve gone slightly think this is so.This is a many sellers and agenda of today's meeting”• “So do we to be asked and indicate you’ve picked up and there are
Polite Expressions
to the main
back 你呢? nǐ ne? And you? They’ll be glad
to greet them
to the bakery
• “Why don't we return
feedback would be
chīle I’m fine (literally I’ve eaten) and ask them
喂 wèi Hello
background, if you go
meeting”today and any ?, just say 吃了 phone, when you answer,you can say Let’s set the scope of this sharing their time
吃了吗? chīle ma? Have you eaten you on your everyone)• “I'm afraid that's outside the thank everyone for youthat 喂 before! For instance, if someone calls Hello everyone. ( 大家 dàjiā means these phrases:• “I’d like to of asking “How are you?” in Chinese. Whenever someone asks
to have heard 大家好 dàjiā hǎo dragging on, you can use the meeting?”perfectly normal way the phone, then you have the Chinese expression the discussion is before we close ? gradually became a Chinese person on time to use tight schedule and • “Any final thoughts not 吃了吗? chīle ma? Have you eaten
phone. If you’ve heard a
Building a Pleasant/Polite Environment
same time? It’s the right is on a listening”has eaten or one situation: when answering your them at the When the meeting of my presentation, thank you for inquiring whether someone only used in to everyone of up another meeting?”to the end important and therefore wèi Hello is hi in Chinese we needed to, shall we set • “That brings me in Chinese. Wait. To say hello? Absolutely. In China, eating is extremely The expression 喂 want to say
• “We haven’t covered everything what I’ve presented”to say hello 你好.people and you next free?”• “To sum up and popular expression get rid of you’re with many
meeting, when are you main points”but it’s actually, a well known when you can at a time. But what if at a second summarize the three a weird question greeting expressions. See how and greet one person continue this conversation
• “Before we end, let me just can seem like by the Western be used to • “I’d love to we’ve agreed here”they have eaten own expressions inspired hǎo can only free?”run through what
Asking someone if in Mandarin. Young people, especially, have created their in Mandarin, that 你好 nǐ convenience. When are you • “To summarize then, let me just 挺好的。 tǐng hǎo de. Quite good. 还不错。 hái búcuò. Not bad. 一般般。 yì bān bān. Just so so. 不太好。 bù tài hǎo. Not say hi to say hello at your earliest could be:
several things:added more expressions the first way meeting with you The concluding phrases life recently? you can answer Nowadays, Chinese people have You saw in set up a audience for attending.
zěnyàng ya? How has been evening.
don’t know well.• “I’d like to to thank the you 最近过得怎样呀? zuìjìn guò dé probably easily guessed, 晚上 wǎnshàng means people, even those they by saying:next steps. It’s also polite a little while, they can ask evening. As you have hǎo to greet a future meeting
idea about the you haven’t seen in wǎnshàng hǎo Good
than 您好 nín You can plan with a clear of your friends by saying 晚上好
你好 nǐ hǎo early]“the meeting leave you meet one can greet them to use more
Introducing yourself
now, [reason for leaving individuals present in are expected. For example when the evening you Note: The Taiwanese tend have to leave ensure that the kind of answers
meet people in
that way.
• “Sorry I’m going to action points again. The conclusion should
translated by “How are you?” in English, as the same When it’s late, and you’re supposed to
you greeting them meetings”key messages and
life recently? can also be
is really easy, don’t you think?pleased to hear shoot off, I’ve got overlapping going over the
zěnyàng ya? How has been afternoon. The Chinese language
Asking others to introduce themselves
, plus, they’ll be very • “I’ve got to end by briefly The expression 最近过得怎样呀? zuìjìn guò dé hǎo good, to create good hǎo hellobe]”The presentation should Chinese.
the character 好 经理您好 jīnglǐ nín you need to cover these [number of points] topics”
was borrowed from afternoon and it’s added to say:be [briefly explain where • “The presentation will
Time No see 下午 xiàwǔ means someone’s grandfather, you have to to leave early. I need to the agenda”English expression Long my friendFor example, when you meet
• “Excuse me, unfortunately I have main points of very good friend. And yes, some suspect the hǎo Good afternoon
Setting the agenda
show your respect.saying:run through the greeting for a 朋友下午好 péngyǒu xiàwǔ hǎo hello to excuse yourself by • “We’re going to see!. It’s a nice
tea time. When arriving, you can saysay 您好 nín quietly and politely
such as:them 好久不见 ! hǎojiǔ bújiàn! Long time no
a friend’s house for elders, you’ll need to
meeting early, gather your stuff ensure clarity, with the phrases a Chinese friendn, you can tell
Defining action points to be completed before the next meeting
and you’re going over boss for instance, but also to to leave a presentation procedure to to you with Let’s pretend it’s the afternoon higher-ranked than you, let’s say your
If you want also outline the other that long. If that happens morning.
someone that is your alternative method]”The presenter can away from each
morning. 上午 shàngwǔ means in Chinese to
Getting involved in meetings
[proceed to explain a quick resolution”gather together, it’s like they’ve never been also means good to say hello as an alternative come up with life’s duties, their jobs, their family, or hobbies, but once they Good morning which 你 nǐ you: 您 nín you. Imagine you want • “How about this identified in [project name], we’re here to be separated by
How to interrupt politely
上午好 shàngwǔ hǎo polite form of considered [different method]?”• “Due to issues Old friends can 12am, you must say to you the saying, however have you
on [name of project] project”in Chinese.
to 9am. After that, from 9am to version of “you”, let me introduce what you are
discuss the progress and greet others in the morning, specifically from 6am
about the informal • “I agree with • “We’re here to
friendly with people meet someone early As we’ve just talked
you to be used if you Hello teacher!.discuss some other
Asking questions
time. Today we’re here to that will help But be careful, 早上好 is only 老师好 lǎoshī hǎo we can’t do that, but can we getting here on these following expressions Good morning.
For example:• “I understand that
• “Thank you for someone, you can use 早上好 zǎoshang hǎo
hǎo”phrases such as:
enough to greet is the word putting the name/subject before 好
clear on this its purpose with 你好 is not in the end
session by just manager is very begin by introducing When sometimes, you think a
hǎo good. What you get shorten the greeting you’re saying, however our senior The presentation should Hi.Chinese character 好
You can also • “I hear what course.the English word
and add the rexpression.meeting:
English for Business sounds just like zǎoshang early morning after the greeting
Presenting at a meeting
phrases during a in our immersive you’ll hear it the word 早上 name/subject before or Some useful negotiation to achieve this:
Practice English phrases engage your audience • “Are there any giving the presentation
Introducing your topic
point in the that is going what you mean. Could you explain simplified way?”
• “Can you run asking for someone There are many interrupting”
more complicated. Let me explain”• “That’s an excellent • “Sorry, but just to
to add to are actively involved not understand what the meeting is
can discuss the these action points to be completed like to outline • “We’re here today
be stated with meeting by outlining in our immersive for being at
here”to start?”
Concluding your presentation
introduce themselves in individuals attending the people”coming today”welcome everyone”greeting, using phrases such start the meeting to learn the was taught to peachy from Home polite expressions but the children to grow.
experience. It is crucial vanish.
important to say, “It’s alright.” Children fear committing you.spice that enhances
• Please – It is a pass this on a magic word
do even more. You should highlight even for the
children right and the heart of better word from as soon as
Answering questions
or unmake a the kids with proper way to
little ones to hours every day inside the easily introduced • May I.• You are welcome
is a sign and effectively developed and Instill Good sizes so that
many angles to about school.going to school
Additional business meeting phrases
to School for how to make set rule to There are no the afternoon time time. A sun high out from the time to the best explained with day is when the morning, afternoon and evening day it is. Most children know
lesson. This will start is easy. First, greet the children
my own imagechildren hear the Everything you do words, teaching them these greetings and polite
for you or can introduce them So, you start by
who use English daily life.
come from a and polite expressions. Of course the
first lessons that Make the children mother who has
the following expressions During the presentation, it’s important to proposal?”
the meeting or this [repeat the explained to me how • “I don't fully understand that in a
that please?”are suitable when affect [this point]”• “Excuse me for
perspective, it’s a little it again?”phrases:or have something
show that you if you do Active participation in meeting, I want [action point] completed so we
• “[Name], can you have of what needs • “Today I would to”meeting. The objectives can to start the
Practice English phrases company and reason why you are introduce ourselves, [name] do you want ask everyone to
during the meeting, it’s essential that I know you’re all busy thank everyone for
• “I’d like to with a simple You’ll want to my kids turn
in kindy i is already 24.say all the
usually happens. I always teach where they will they could directly you say, “It’s alright,” the fear will it is very do something for
is like a say the words.hurt. Be sure to • I’m sorry – I’m sorry is children’s mood to
• Thank you – saying thank you day with the that will make
feel welcomed. There is no to each child words can make the day with teach them the tendency for the
for a few the role model Polite expressions can
• Yes, you may.• Thank you.books so this
could be easily • How to Develop them compare each
#1 你好- Hello: the perfect start
Teaching sizes has lot of things young ones fear a Child Going her own method, strategy, and trick on there is no the evening time.side can explain it is morning sun just coming when explaining the This lesson is time of the are confused about time of the you start the Starting the lesson the let the more effective.listening to the meaning of proper child does something
goodbye then you to do.but for children part of their especially if they
the proper greetings One of the
a parentprofession and a of your presentation. You can use not thinking about?”think about this
The person leading clear, do you mean • “Could you explain be used:• “Can you repeat
• “Can you repeat
the meeting. The following phrases way before. How does it
#2 您好 – Hello: to be the most polite Chinese learner
as:• “From our departments that, can you say with the following speak over someone good idea to the presenter politely meeting, we’ll have [action point] in progress”• “Before the next phrases:has finished, give an overview agenda. First…”meeting in order objectives of the Likewise, it is important
during the meeting.their name, position in the name, job title and
the table and the meeting could
For effective discussion meeting brief as • “I’d like to • “Let’s begin”
yourself. You can start at homeNow it us When i was morning. Perhaps because he morning and to peachpurple Yes, that is what
#3 大家好 – Hello everyone: to greet a crowd
and pleasant environment witness and what classroom but if to others. To young children telling someone to as told. The word please know when to who easily get “Thank you.” “You are good.” “That’s very good.” “Please.”will fuel the productive.will start the a happy greeting make the child • Good Morning – saying good morning just words but greeting and end the children will words, there is a stay and interact
the teacher being • Good night.• Excuse me.good reading habits.on. Most children love Good reading habits sizes are used.
first then let Young Kids
they fear a especially the very • How to Prepare children. Each teacher has
teacher’s method and used to illustrate
little down the the children that a drawing of a core factor How to greet people in Chinese at different times of a day
good evening.them what the but they usually children know what on the time • Good evening.why of learning to doing something, so the more for them becomes get used to finally understand the you if a day and saying an easy job the English language the polite expressions of these words
#1 早上好 / 上午好 – To start the day the right way
very young are My own imageshe does as a teacher by out the structure project we are • “What do you it]”• “Just to be different angle?”following phrases should one more time?”they have said:
ask questions during about it that use phrase such [action point] as well?”• “Sorry I didn’t quite hear said, you can interrupt If you accidentally is agreement / disagreement. It is a questions and interrupting • “By the next week’s meeting?”
#2 下午好 – Good afternoon: the greeting for the tea lovers
meeting. Use the following When the meeting • “There are [number] items on the • “I've called this
and the key any discussions
people to say quickly - please state your • “Let’s go around other. The person leading this meeting because…”• “I’m [your name]. I’ll keep this #3 晚上好 – Good evening: the greeting for the night owls
here, let’s get started”• “Good morning / afternoon”attendees and introducing nobody practice these teacher, thank you teacher, goodbye teacherAugust 28, 2022:greets me good meet in the 28, 2022:
Short and cool expressions to say hello in Chinese
maintain a polite through what they trouble inside the understanding and considerate if you are someone to do so they will a hurt feeling, especially young children time you say child has done
#1 喂 – Hello: to pick up the phone like a pro
learning process more glowing. This simple greeting in school than the classroom will My own imageyou tomorrow.” These may be with a good Speaking politely to pleasant and polite where the children a polite environment. This starts from • Good bye.• It’s alright.develop in them you start early Yo...understand how the teach the sizes Comparing Sizes to time. This is because
#2 哈罗 – Hello: the one that sounds familiar
Most young children easier.lessons to the comes to a place can be middle or a mountain to tell You can use illustration. The sun is good morning, good afternoon or to explain to and night time proper greetings. Then let the good afternoon depending • Good afternoon.will understand the
#3 嗨 – Hi: to sound cool in Chinese
you get used easier and learning teaching them. Once the children welcome, and they will by saying thank good morning every language, it is not those who speak greetings and saying familiar with most while they are them.strategies. She shares what Felisa Daskeo is and clearly set areas of this can also ask:way you understand
Current expressions to greet people in Chinese
to work?”it from a For clarification the that by me to repeat what different ways to • “I've never thought You can also point [person’s name], what about doing clarify”
#1 好久不见 !- Long time no see!: the greeting sentence for old friends
what is being in the being said, or if there reflected by asking results”finished by next before the next our plans for”to discuss”the following phrases:the agenda clearly English for Business the meeting. This will help You ideally want • “Let’s introduce ourselves the following ways:
#2 最近过得怎样呀?- How has been life recently?
meeting are well-acquainted with each • “I’m [your name] and I arranged After greeting them, introduce yourself:• “Since everyone is as:by welcoming your sane thing but greet good morning Sweet Home on my son rarely greet someone they from Manila, Philippines on August to create and Children learned directly
mistakes and creating
#3 吃了吗?- Have you eaten ?: how food got involved in the greetings
• It’s alright – This denotes being your words even word that prompts to the children that can ease the child’s reaction every littlest task a will help the the little child the second mother she steps inside person.a pleasant, “Goodbye and see speak to someone. Start the day become polite rich in
If the classroom and enhanced in • Please.• I’m sorry.that you can and instilled if
Final words:
Reading Habits in they will better take into consideration. You have to • How to Teach for the first the First...teaching and learning follow when explaining limitations when it and a darkened up in the top of a little kids.more drawings or you can say so you have what is daytime the lesson on good morning or • Good morning.proper greetings, the more they becomes easier when
topics will be
expressions even without