More congratulations specifically for Tired Parents
A child enters your home and for the next twenty years makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad.
Insomnia: A contagious disease often transmitted from babies to parents. Congratulations on becoming parents.
Tickle your newborn to see the cutest of wriggles. Make faces at your newborn to see the most adorable of all giggles. Such a delightful sight it will be when your baby learns to walk and jiggle. Congratulations to the new parents of a baby worthy of drools and snuggles.
By becoming parents you have officially entered life’s vicious loop – which is all about tantrums, cries, late night feeds and changing nappies after your baby takes a poop. Congratulations.
Life will keep changing, but there is one thing that will remain constant till the day you die – your love for your child. Congratulations on finding something so magical.
May your baby’s future be brighter than the sun’s radiant beam, may your little child fulfill all your dreams. Congratulations on your newborn!
You can use any of the above quotes to congratulate the new parents for their new baby. They will absolutely love these and will remember you for such a nice gesture. These are ideal new baby congratulation quotes to add to gifts, cards, or to send in messages in the early days to help encourage the new parents and let them know you love and support them.
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Some of those are sooooo sweet! I'd be all melty if I received those wishes!
The birth of a new baby is such a blessing for any family. This is such a great way to celebrate this milestone.
New babies are the most precious thing ever. You can quote me on that 😉
You got some great quotes here, I love the ‘this won't be the last' one… I'd love to have more grandchildren here one day. 😉
Oh how sweet. Love them all.
Such cute quotes – they made me want to have another baby so someone would say them to me – LOL!
I feel like there's been a dry spell on new babies here recently. We had a zillion all born in one year, and now I'm sitting around waiting for babies to snuggle. I'll share this & see if it encourages anyone!
After being up every 3 hours the past few nights with my 6 month old, some of these are not ringing true at the moment. but I am sure on a better nights sleep I would feel much more inclined to share good wishes with new parents!
Love the quote about insomnia. That is so true!
Have to admit, the insomnia quote is my favorite as well. Love a sense of humor when it comes to parenting.
Congratulation Messages and Wishes for New Born Baby
Read on to find the best new born baby girl message you like from the list and go ahead and use it to express your thoughts on the new bundle of joy!
• Welcome Baby Girl! There’s so much to see & do so much adventure waiting for you, time 4 fun and time to run, everything’s new under the sun.
• Congratulations on your new little princess! Can’t wait to meet her!
• We are so excited for you and wish you all the best for the newest addition to your family. We are so happy for both of you. Congratulations!
• A baby girl is special, and really is fun, congratulations on your new little one.
• Congratulations on the new little bundle of joy, wishing you much happiness in the years ahead!
• Congratulations on your new addition; A baby girl is a treasure rare; A sweet pink angel, a little doll, Nothing else can quite compare. Her smiles and coos will bring you joy; She’ll fill your hearts with love and pleasure; So cherish these special infant times, With your little girl, your precious treasure.
• This brings congratulations , and the warmest wishes too. Now that you have a brand new daughter , to share your life with you.
• A baby girl brings worlds of joy by merely being there. Within the shelter of your arms, the comfort of your care.
• A Baby Girl is a Blessing , A Gift from Heaven above, A Precious Little Angel , To Cherish and to Love!
• May your precious little baby girl, fill your lives with happy days; In so many new and special countless little ways!
Hope you enjoyed reading this collection of congratulation messages and wishes for new born baby girl.
So bookmark this page right now and use these congratulation quotes and messages to convey your wishes to the new parents.
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Ruby Samy is a Freelance writer!
Everything that happens in your life once you have a baby just feels different. From simple things like showering or making a meal to the big stuff like heading back to work, post-birth life brings a whirlwind of emotions. These texts to send to a friend whose maternity leave is ending are one way to encourage the new moms in your life to keep her head up despite all of the chaos of the moment.
With so many changes in their life, support from friends can mean the world to a mom who is faced with the end of maternity leave. After weeks at home to bond with their new baby, anxious feelings about re-entering the workforce are bound to happen. Maybe she’s doubting her ability to keep up, wondering what to wear, is worried about childcare or the office, or she’s just going to miss cuddling her baby all day — whatever her feelings are, they’re valid and they matter. A quick text from a friend can bolster confidence and provide some much-needed solidarity.
It can also be exciting for moms to get back to a part of their pre-baby life, but every person will feel a little different about this time. No matter what your friend is feeling about their return to work, there’s a text below to help you show them that you care.
Supportive Texts For The End of Maternity Leave
• You’re a fantastic employee and an even better mom. You wear both hats so well and I can’t wait to see you shine back at the office.
• I am so proud of you and I know that your baby is, too.
• The end of maternity leave is actually the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and I know you’re going to rock it.
• Don’t worry about cooking on your first day back. I’ll drop off dinner at 6.
• You’ve got this.
• Your baby is going to love playing with all the other babies at day care — they’ll learn so much!
• You survived a 14-hour labor, sleepless nights, and cluster feeding. Your first day back at the office will be like a walk in the park, mama.
• Everyone at work is going to be so excited to have you back!
• If your baby could talk, they’d say, "Good luck at work, mom!"
• Your feelings right now are so valid.
• Your maternity leave may be ending, but the bond you’ve made with your baby is for life.
"Been There, Done That" Texts
• I know how hard it is to head back to work after maternity leave. I’m here if you need to talk.
• Here’s a digital gift card for coffee. Based on my personal experience, I know you’ll need it.
• If I can do it, you can do it.
• Text me on your pump break if you need to vent!
• I know you’ll have a lot on your plate when you get back to work, so I’ll come by at lunch with takeout.
• I know your desk isn’t where your heart wants to be, but I promise everything will be OK.
• Take some photos of your baby to put on your desk. Seeing their adorable face will help you get through the day.
• Don’t listen to your co-worker’s unsolicited baby advice if you don’t want to. Nobody is a better mom to your baby than you and you’re doing great.
• Going back to work is hard, but I promise that not having to change diapers all day is amazing.
• It’s hard right now, but it gets easier, I swear.
Funny End Of Maternity Leave Texts
• Happy last day of freedom!
• I can’t wait to hear how nice it is to spend a solid eight hours with adults again.
• Congratulations on surviving maternity leave! Spending 24/7 with a newborn is no joke.
• Seriously, nobody at the office will know that your dress is a maternity dress. The fact that it's adorable is all that matters.
• Don’t you wish maternity leave lasted forever? Me either. Congratulations on getting back to work!
• Pumping at work is just like pumping at home, but the chairs usually aren’t as comfortable.
• If you want to escape a boring meeting, just yell, "I’m leaking!" and run out of the room. They won’t ask questions, I promise.
• Wanna pack up our babies and run away to a private island instead of heading back to work? (We don’t even have to take the husbands.)
• Spit-up is 100% an acceptable accessory to wear to work now.
What to say to Someone Going into Labor
• I'm so excited and happy for you!
• What an amazing time! Best wishes for a healthy birth
• Good luck and hope it all goes well
• Congratulations for the miracle that is happening
• You're going to be meeting your sweet little baby very soon!
• You're going to make a wonderful mom. Congratulations!
• We're going to be celebrating the arrival of a tiny bundle of joy soon!
• I am so happy for you! Congratulations and best of luck with everything
• This is it! Don't be nervous you're going to do amazing! And you'll soon be holding what is about to become your whole world
• You've got this girl!
What to Say During Labor
Labor and giving birth can be both good and bad. What you say and the words you use may well have an impact on how your partner remembers their labor. So here's a few ideas of what to say and why it should help to make the whole experience smoother for her.
• I love you so much and you're doing so well!
• You're doing an amazing job!
• I couldn't be more proud of you and what you're doing
• I'm here for you and not going anywhere. Whatever you need I'm right here
• You're going to make the most incredible mom!
• You're doing it, and you're almost there! Just hang in there
• Just keep thinking of the baby and how this is all for him/her/them
• I love you my darling
• You're doing such a good job!
• You're got this honey. Just a bit more and it will all be over
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Safe Delivery Messages
Wish a soon-to-be mom and her new baby well with these safe delivery wishes and quotes.
• Wishing you all the best for a smooth and safe delivery
• Best wishes for a healthy and safe delivery
• Hoping your delivery is as safe and happy as it can possibly be
• Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery
• I'm sure you're going to have a brilliant delivery and nothing to be anxious about
• Have faith that your little one will be just fine and your delivery will be as routine as possible
• Congratulations and all the best for a safe and healthy birth
• Your delivery will be fine and over in no time leaving you with a healthy and happy new baby
• You're about to begin the greatest adventure there is. Sending my best wishes for a safe delivery
• You will be in my prayers for the safe delivery of your new baby boy/girl
Good Luck on your Labor Quotes
If you aren't sure how to wish a pregnant women good luck for her labor then the good luck birth wishes and quotes below will give you some examples of how to say good luck giving birth to the expectant mother.
• I hope you have a normal, textbook birth without any complications. Best of luck!
• Hoping you have a fast, safe and healthy delivery
• Good luck and best wishes for a painless and quick delivery
• Best of luck for a smooth labor and quick recovery!
• Here's to a routine labor with no surprises. Best of luck and thinking of you and your baby
• Good luck! Can't wait to see your little bubba!
• Wishing you a swift and uneventful labor
• Thinking of your and sending good luck vibes for a healthy and happy labor
• Good luck!! Although you don't need it as I'm certain everything will be absolutely fine
• Good luck to my best friend. Your labor will be perfect and you have nothing to be worried about
Congratulations for Baby Boy: Now it is time for you to take ideas from these wishes and plan the best way to wish your near and dear new born baby boys. The birth of a child is always a very happy moment. It is the moment to pray for the baby for a prosperous life, it is the moment to wish congratulations to the proud parents who have given birth to the baby and it is the most perfect time to send wishes for the new born baby. If the child is a boy, then you must consider him to be the hero of the future; the one who will have the power to rule the world. So, to show your love to the new born child you must think of some awesome creative ideas. The best way to show your love and make the family where the child is born happy is to send some fantastic new baby boy wishes. These cute congratulation messages are perfect examples of what to say to the new parents who just welcomed their newborn baby boy
What to Write in a Newborn Baby Boy Card
Adorable Newborn Baby Boy Congratulation Messages
Images with Cute Congratulations for Baby Boy
What to Write in a Newborn Baby Boy Card
• There is nothing more beautiful than the birth of a child. Cheers to a loving mommy, eager daddy and the prettiest baby boy in the whole world!
• Congratulation for the birth of your son. May your heart swell with joy every time he smiles at you or reaches for your finger with his beautiful tiny hand!
• You’ve got future filled with many surprises. Part of it is because of the bundle of joy that you are holding close to your heart.
• Sending loads of wishes to the little prince born among us and that has made us all overjoyed.
• If the sun shines for a thousand years, it could never outshine the warmth and ecstatic joy I feel as I congratulate you for the birth of your son.
• The arrival of your new baby is the just the start of many good things. I would make a list for you, but part of the fun is discovering the little surprises that baby boy has in store for you.
• I hereby congratulate the proud parents of the new born prince and hope the best future for him.
• Congratulations for the newest member of your family! I hope this boy brings you more joy than you have ever imagine. Can’t wait to pinch its cute little baby cheeks when I see it! Congratulations!
• As you watch your newborn son resting in your lap, may joy, peace, happiness and tranquility be your constant companion. Congratulation, may your family be blessed!
• I can only imagine the happiness you must be feeling right now! I’m pretty sure, knowing you both, that you will be great parents, and that when that baby smiles, that moment will be the pinnacle of your day. Congratulations!
• Nine months have whizzed by, and today, you welcome a prince into your life and home. I share in your joy, and wish you and your family joy and happiness as you celebrate this wonderful addition to your family.
• Poets talk of the joy of holding a newborn baby in your arms. I am sure the joy they talk of is nothing compared to the joy you are feeling as you hold your new baby boy in your arms. May this joy be an ever-present force in your life!
• I am certain that you already know what parenthood will mean for you two. So, I wish to congratulate you and to ask you a very simple question. Are you up for an adventure?
• Raising a boy is always a tough challenge. Amongst many other things, they can be quite noisy and troublesome, so forget your peace and quiet for a very long time. But, when you see your little boy grow on to become a strong and independent man, then all of your worries will be gone. Congratulations!
• Every story deserves a charming prince to save the day. So I am very happy to see yours got the prince it deserves. Congratulations!
• No matter how cold someone’s heart is, it can’t-do anything else than melt at the sight of your beautiful little man, I truly can’t wait to see him all grown up ready to conquer the world. Congratulations!
• After 9 really tough months, the time has finally come! Get ready for your beautiful house to be filled with ninjas, dinosaurs, and knights! But at least it’ll be living in a fantasy world, for your little magical boy. Congratulations!
• The challenges you will now face, are not only limited to the normal struggles of raising a child but as this little man grows, you will have to constantly run around chasing him, since little boys have a constant need of exploring what’s around them. But that’s a good thing! Since he will be ready to conquer the world from such a young age! Congratulations!
• I’d like to wish for this fine young boy you now have as a part of your family, to grow up and become the man of his dreams. May luck be on his side. Congratulations!
• I really want to ask you. How does it feel to have the future man of the year crying in your arms? Because with parents like you, he is definitely becoming someone great! Congratulations!
Adorable Newborn Baby Boy Congratulation Messages
• Let the God shower all His power upon the little baby boy so that he can make all his near and dear ones feel proud of him.
• New babies herald new beginnings. May you find love, happiness and lots of laughter as you step into this next stage of your life. Kisses for your new baby boy.
• Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby boy! May your son fill your life with joy and love!
• Congratulations on the angel added to your family! That’s going to be one lucky boy.
• Goodbye tummy. Hello yummy mommy! Hello Baby Boy. Looking forward to our first playdate.
• It time to rejoice and get mad with happiness as the hero of the future was born today.
• So happy for you two! Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby boy!
• If joy and happiness were commodities, I would send you "ferry loads" as you celebrate the birth of your son. I wish you well and hope that every time you listen to his laughter, your family’s happiness will multiply tenfold.
• A newborn son is like the sun after a long period of rain: a sign of a new chapter. I take this chance to wish you good tidings as you embark on this new and exciting chapter of your life.
• Congratulation on your little bundle of joy! Now that your precious son is born, you need to brush up on stories about little monsters and super heroes.
• I pray to the Almighty to shower all the blessings upon the little prince born in this world.
• Prayers and good wishes for you and your family on the birth of your baby boy.
• Hope this day will be memorable to all the ones who are waiting for the little prince to grow up quickly and have a tremendous future.
• Sending oceans of love for the new born baby boy who is the little hero.
• Wish the best of the best future for the new born baby boy.
• Sending tons of love to the little prince and congratulations to the new parents.
• I wish this little new born baby boy to have wonderful dreams and may the Almighty always be with him to fulfill his dreams on the walk of his life.
Images with Cute Congratulations for Baby Boy
Browse through our unique collection of wishes and famous quotes.
Find the best messages and cards for every occasion.
The most precious jewels, you’ll ever have around your neck, are the arms of your children.