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Birthday Wishes for Niece
• ♦ Funny Birthday Wishes for Niece
• ♦ Belated Birthday Wishes for Niece
• ♦ Birthday Wishes for Niece Turning 1
• ♦ Birthday Wishes for Niece Turning 2
The nieces are bouquet of love and happiness, they are the one who unites family members and create a happy home. They share a special bonding with every member in the family. So, when it comes to wishing her birthday, sending simple ‘happy birthday to you’ message could be too flat and boring for him/her. A niece would require a birthday wish with extra cheese. If you are unable to jot down an appealing birth wish for your niece, check out our amazing collection of wishes that will delight your niece for sure. We have a wide collection of wishes, this include, funny birthday wishes for niece, belated birthday wishes, cute birthday wishes for niece and many more.
Happy birthday to the piece of my heart, happy birthday to love of my life, happy birthday to my darling sweetheart, Happy birthday, and have a great day!
Many-many happy returns of the day dear angle. You came in our life like an angel and filled it with love and care. Happy Birthday!
To the loveliest sweetheart, warm wishes for your birthday. Have a great day!
Many-many happy returns of the day, you born as an angel and now grew up as a sweetheart. Happy Birthday to you sweetheart!
Happiest birthday to the youngest member of the family, nieces always bring the best in the family. Have a wonderful day ahead.
Wishing you loads of love and happiness on your birthday. Hope you always have a wonderful time with us, my niece.
You are the best thing happened to me, I never had any sister but then you are here. Wishing you a very happy birthday niece.
It is amazing how one day some people walk into your life and you can’t remember how you ever lived without them. Happy birthday to the beautiful soul in you.
Happy birthday to one of my best person, my niece. I am so glad you came into my life and you have always got my back. Love you!
You are the cutest of all, and I love you. Happiest birthday, May each wish of yours be filled. Loads of hugs and kisses!
Happiest birthday to you my niece, my youngest power of winning, you make my heart smile baby, I love you!
You are like a candle that spreads light all around. Wishing a very happy birthday to my lovely niece who always strives to make other people’s lives happy.
God has been kind to me, that is why he has given me such a wonderful niece like you.
It is a pleasure watching my little niece grow up into a lovely woman. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
May God make all your wishes come true on this lovely day. This is my sincere wish for you. Wishing you a very happy birthday my lovely niece.
Have a wonderful birthday dear, all my blessings are with you and ready to wish you a great day and the whole year.
Happy birthday, my sweetheart! I am celebrating your birthday from the time you were not aware of birthday day meaning. Glad to see you growing!
Wishing you a happy birthday from the depth of my heart. Though, Im far away, yet not apart.
I am sending all my wishes to make your day special and the whole year, the most special. Happy birthday!
May all great things come to your life and make it fun and happening. May you have a great time. Happy birthday Dear!
Many-many happy returns of the day, dear niece, may you have a great time, this is my wish!
Happy birthday, my sweetheart, may you have a wonderful day and your birthday celebration remain full of fun and enthusiasm!
There should not be any shortfall in your birthday celebration. May it remain the best of your till date life. Happy Birthday my Niece!
You have come like a blessing in my life. May you have everything that you deserve and exciting that you find.
Happy, happy and happy birthday to you my sweetheart. Have a day well spent and with many rewards.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Niece
The nieces are bouquet of love and happiness, they are the one who unites family members and create a happy home. They share a special bonding with every member in the family. So, when it comes to wishing her birthday, sending simple ‘happy birthday to you’ message could be too flat and boring for him/her. A niece would require a birthday wish with extra cheese. If you are unable to jot down an appealing birth wish for your niece, check out our amazing collection of wishes that will delight your niece for sure. We have a wide collection of wishes, this include, funny birthday wishes for niece, belated birthday wishes, cute birthday wishes for niece and many more.
Rosy lips, dimple cheeks, running nose.I recall all these lovely poses, on your birthday. Happy birthday dear niece!
Happy birthday dear niece, whenever I see you, I recall your cranky face with running nose.!
You were sweet and cute, I never thought you would turn as boy like this. Happy birthday!
You and my dog has only one difference. You can speak in our language and it can’t. Rest all is same. Happy Birthday, keep growing.
Many-many happy returns of the day, you keep growing around fields and hay.
I had perception, I have the best niece in the world, but as you are growing, you are changing my opinion. Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you little monster, may you have a great birthday celebration and you eat all the cake!
Happy birthday honey, celebrate birthday with fun, but don’t eat the whole cake all alone. HBD
Happy birthday to you, dear niece, may lord, give you lots of brain and intelligence this year.
Hope you will become little mature this year because of blessings you receive from people around you. Happy Birthday To You!
Belated Birthday Wishes for Niece
Oh, you forgot to wish your niece happy birthday? It is better to be late than never. But wishing your niece happy birthday late would not be easy. He/she will not forgive you for this mistake. So, better be prepared and check out our collection of belated birthday wishes for niece and cheer him/her.
I’m sorry I forget your birthday, but from the depth of my heart, I am wishing you happy birthday.
Lots and lots of birthday wishes to you, though it has come late, but it is coming with a heartfelt message.
Dear niece, first of all I’m sorry for not wishing you on time, I hope you are all fit and fine. Happy Birthday to you.
Happy belated birthday to you, dear niece, I love you like a lot. I’m sorry for missing your birthday.
Although, I’m wishing you so late, but my birthday wish has not come alone, its has beautiful gift and a cake.
hey my cute, chubby, honey, sweet niece! I love you and wish you a happy belated birthday.
My blessings are with you always, no matter my birthday wish come to you on time or not. Happy Belated birthday.
I could have come with lots of excuses for not wishing you a happy birthday on time, but all I am saying now is ‘I am sorry’.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Happy belated birthday. But, it is not coming alone, it is accompanied with gifts and chocolates.
Many-many happy returns of the day! Wishing you belated happy birthday dear niece and wanting you apology for forgetting.
Birthday Wishes for Niece Turning 1
It is cute to see niches growing slowly and making everyone mad for their cuteness. When they turn one, it’s their first milestone. Obviously, they won’t be able to read your message and understand what you feel for them, but their parents do. And so, don’t miss the opportunity wishing your niece on his/her first birthday. Check our category birthday wishes for niece turning 1, pick the one and send it.
Oh! my cute little son, its great you have turned one. May lord shower all his wonderful blessings on my dear niece.
As you have turned one, the cuteness on your face has overloaded. I have invited many, be ready to share posses.
I filled your room with toys in tonnes, all for the reason that now you have turned one. Happy Birthday.
Oh, your cute and naughty smile is killing many. You endear face and style is jealousing me honey! HBD
Happy birthday sweetheart and have a great day. In just one year, you so many fans, it has made me perplexed.
You have just turned one and my girlfriend is already become yours. I’m afraid what all things you are going to hijack more.
Happy birthday, my sweet little niece, you are wonderful and cute. Your smile is sexy and sweet.
Happy birthday niece, you are cute, sexy and sweet. And you have cuteness overload, as you have turned one.
Wish you a happy birthday day my sweet niece, you are best boy I know and you have cuteness overload.
Many-many happy returns of the day my sweet little one, your face has cuteness avalanche.
Birthday Wishes for Niece Turning 2
Second birthday celebration of niches is no less than a reward when he/she the first one in the family. If you cannot join your niece on his/her second birthday, send lovely birthday quotes and wishes to your niece’s parents, who would love to receive wished on his/her behalf. We have a lovely collection of birthday wishes for niece turning 2 category, which you can send directly.
Happy birthday to you my sweet niece, all my blessings shower on you this is my wish.
As you have turned two, all I want to say today is I love you. You are cute, sweet and smart.
You are a perfect combination of sweetness, smartness and good looks. Happy second birthday to you.
I have seen many kids, some are cute, adorable and sweet and some are innocent, bubbly and neat. But, you are blend of everything. HBD.
A warm wish for my niece who is sweet, cute and bubbly. May you grow as the most handsome boy.
Your cuteness has stolen many hearts, your curls are attracting me from distance apart. May you turn as the most beautiful girl.
Happy birthday dear niece, you have got all features that are called as sweet.
Now you have turned two. And I can’t stop saying I love you, I love you.
You are cute as kittens, sweet as honey. The innocent smile on your are killing so many.
Happy birthday sweetheart! I want to wish you lots of happiness, good health and wealth in life.
birthday wishes for niece, birthday messages for niece, birthday sms for niece
Nieces are some of the sweetest family members you can ever have.
They may not be your real daughters, alright. But your nieces will always treat you as their biological mom or dad.
Some nieces might even place you higher than their real parents in the family pecking order. That’s especially if you’re the kind of uncle or aunt with whom they’re comfortable sharing their life’s challenges and secrets.
As a considerate uncle or aunt, it’s only fair that you reciprocate your niece’s tenderness by equally treating her as your real daughter. That includes pampering her with gifts as well as being her reliable support system. It also entails remembering her special days and helping her mark those occasions in style.
Now, birthdays are probably the biggest occasions nieces usually look up to their uncles and aunts to swing by and drop them a thoughtful gift. But it might happen that you don’t live nearby, hence cannot attend your niece’s birthday in person.
Well, there’s no need to fret. You can always help your niece celebrate her birthdays by dedicating to her a cute birthday wish. Here are 80 clever ways to wish your niece a happy birthday.
Birthday wishes for niece
1. A dozen roses & a dozen smiles, a dozen reasons to remember how you make my heart swell. Happy Birthday!
2. You are the kind of person who spreads joy and happiness wherever you go. You have certainly brought joy and happiness into my life, and I hope that your birthday brings you even a measure of what you bring to others.
3. Dear niece, you are a flower that this family treasures so much and today we celebrate you. Happy Birthday and may you have many more to come.
4. You can’t achieve every dream you dream of but chase those which are important and have significance in your life. Happy birthday. I hope and wish that you experience all wonderful things in life and life up to the expectations of your parents.
5. A niece is someone as beautiful, talented, and intelligent as her favorite aunt — me of course! Happy Birthday to my amazing niece!
6. As my niece, you deserve to be spoiled. As your uncle/aunt, I deserve to spoil you. Now that’s synergy. Happy birthday.
7. Dear niece, you are still young and have plenty to look forward to. I wish you nothing but the best on your birthday and future endeavors.
8. Do not ever be sad in your life. Love may be lost but what can and should never be lost is you and what you are. You are the best, you are the prettiest, so never forget to love yourself. Happy birthday. You are our sweet angel and our world. God bless you with all the sweet love and success.
9. Happy birthday my courageous niece! May courage never leave your heart. May you always have grit to stand every difficulty and win.
10. Happy birthday my strongest niece! May you be like a rose with spikes. Beautiful as like a rose and protective towards yourself with your spikes. The world is brutal.
11. Happy birthday sweetest niece! May you never get defeated by anyone. May you have the Godlious power. May you triumph everywhere wherever you go.
12. Another birthday means another chance to start over. It’s time to dream new dreams and set new goals. I hope you were able to accomplish and learn a lot of things. Never stop being determined, but also learn to loosen up a little. Life is meant to be enjoyed, you know. Happy birthday to my dear niece.
13. For your birthday I thought we should do something we both love to do; annoy the mess out of your parents! Happy birthday to my adorable partner in crime.
14. Happy birthday to my amazing niece. I hope your birthday is decadent and outrageous! Indulge in the finer things, howl at the moon, and dance the night away!
15. Happy birthday to my dear niece. Words can’t express how happy I am to be celebrating your birthday with you dear.
16. Happy birthday to my dearest niece. I am always happy to be there for you and be on your side always supporting you anytime you need. I am just a call away to be your patient listener and be your best friend and guide for the rest of your life. I wish you all the love and success in your life.
17. Happy birthday to my kindest niece! May you be the nectar of all flower gardens. May you be the beautiful angel of all heavens.
18. Happy birthday to the most stylish niece on the planet!
19. Happy birthday to the world’s best niece! May all your all dreams come true and may you have the power to fulfill them all.
20. Happy birthday. I’m sure that your parents have given you a fantastic birthday party, so here’s some gifts from your favorite uncle/auntie!
22. As you celebrate this auspicious occasion of your birthday, may you ever have a smile on your face and joy in your heart. Happy Birthday.
23. As you celebrate your birthday this year, I want you to know that you are a special girl. My prayer is that God will grant you health, wealth and happiness all the days of your life. Happy Birthday.
24. Before you were born, I thought I had everything I could ever need or want. When you entered this world, I realized that life is so much more meaningful with you in it. Happy birthday.
25. I am so thankful that such a sweet, cute, adorable, and loving girl like you was added to our family. You have brought so much love into our lives, and I hope that you have a spectacular birthday.
26. Happy birthday to the world’s most adorable niece! I hope that your big day is filled with too many happy moments to count and that you receive everything you wish for. You deserve to have every happiness in life.
27. Happy birthday! Aren’t you lucky you have such a beautiful uncle/auntie celebrating your birthday with you?
28. Happy birthday. I am truly grateful to God because He sent you to me. You are treasured and cherished and I wish all your good dreams will come true for you today and always. You are like sunshine and we are blessed for having you as a part of this family, dear.
29. Happy birthday. Niece, you are as sweet as a cupcake! I hope you have an absolutely scrumptious birthday!
30. I feel jealous of your parents because they’re blessed with such a beautiful, intelligent, pretty and talented girl like you. I wish a wonderful bday to my gorgeous niece.
31. I hope that for your big day you get everything you could ever wish for. I’ve brought you chocolate, candy, and cake, but I’m still working on that pony. It’s coming one day. I swear!
32. I relive my youth every time I get the chance to see life through the eyes of an incredible niece like you. Happy birthday.
33. I want you to take a moment to look in the mirror so that you can know what perfection looks like. It must be difficult proving that people can indeed be perfect, but you make it look so easy. I hope your special day lives up to how perfect you are.
34. I wish you live as long as you want to. And that your life may become a history to be emulated by all. Happy birthday cheeky niece!
35. If I could turn back time, I would have chosen you as my best friend and companion at the coolest parties! Have a crazy birthday.
36. Life has many highs and lows: triumphs, successes, defeats, and failures. If ever you face those last two – come to me, because I will always be there to love, support, and encourage you. Happy birthday, niece.
37. Life is not a box of chocolates but you can always toast to every moment in life with cheer and joy. Happy birthday to my dear niece. All the movie nights, humor, and fun are the most memorable moments that I cherish and I wish you all happiness, fun, and wisdom in life.
38. May all be loyal to you and you to them. Loyalty is virtue bestowed by God on you. Happy birthday to my sincere niece!
39. Is it your birthday AGAIN? Stop getting older! You’re starting to catch up to me! Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece! Another year older and another year wiser!
40. Learn to smile more and don’t be so serious all the time. There is more to life than chasing dreams. Relax and look around and see happiness in the little things around you. Happy birthday. I wish and pray that life teaches you many more valuable lessons as you grow and I am always there by your side anytime you need.
42. May you become the hero of your life and an inspiring for everyone. Happy birthday my hero niece!
43. May you have the will to write your own destiny. May you have the will to achieve everything. Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece!
44. My dear niece, I hope that you will never lose the beautiful twinkle in your eyes. Happy birthday, my little angel.
45. Never be afraid of the chance of failing and never feel alone in any situation. I’m always at your side so that you can grab my hands at any time. Wonderful birthday, niece.
46. Niece, don’t think of your birthday as getting older. Instead, think of it as getting better. It’s hard to improve on such a wonderful person, but you always defy expectations. Happy birthday, Niece.
47. May you live your whole life happy and prosperous. I wish that you fly like a calm dove spreading peace and gentleness everywhere. Happy birthday my dearest niece!
48. May you reach the stars and shine all of your life. You are brilliant and full of talent and wisdom. I wish that you stay this way all of your life. Happy birthday niece and may God bless you.
49. May your life get filled with all stars and your career full of glory. I always want to see you happy inside. If any harm comes your way, I promise I’ll bring the whole world down. Happy birthday my beautiful niece!
50. My dear niece, happy birthday! May your bright little smile always stay with you through the days to come.
51. Niece, you and I are like donuts with cream cheese: we make the best combo! May your special day be filled with lots of sweet people and even sweeter treats. Happy birthday Niece!
52. Noisy as a kid, it is hard to see you so calm and composed as you have been growing into a wonderful person. To the most beautiful and special niece in the world, happy birthday. You make such a wonderful human, you are an inspiration to follow even as a child. God bless you.
53. Pure joy is what I felt when you were born. Pure joy is what I feel whenever I’m with you. Happy birthday, dearest niece.
54. Take a break on your birthday and spend your time doing all that you love and go out and have some fun. Happy birthday. May you reach all of your goals and fulfill all of your dreams. Anytime you need a word of advice, I am always there.
55. Thank you for being such a wonderful niece and for making me look like a five-star aunt. I wish that all your dreams will come true. Never stop chasing your dreams, no matter how impossible you think they are. We will all help you make it happen. Happy birthday.
56. On my cloudiest days in life, you are a beautiful rainbow. Thank you for always bringing light, laughter, and love into my life. May your year be chock full of wondrous moments.
57. Our relationship is built not only on laugh and smiles, but it is also built on a special bond that exists only between us. Have a gorgeous birthday. I love you.
58. The day you were born, you melted my heart. I never knew I could love someone so quickly and easily until I met you. May your birthday be full of as much amazement and joy as you bring me.
59. The most awesome niece deserves nothing less than the best birthday celebration. Happy birthday from your aunt!
60. There is not a day that passes by which doesn’t find me in awe of you. You are a celebration of life in all you do, today on your birthday and in all your tomorrows.
62. To the most talented niece, happy birthday. I am so proud of you and talk about all of your creative skills and brilliance to all I know. I am your greatest fan and your best guide in all that you need in life. Happy birthday. May you shine like a star and be successful in everything that you do.
63. There is nothing I would rather do than spend a whole day celebrating how amazing you are. Although one day is not nearly enough time, we can start with today, and then take the rest of the year. Happy birthday, niece.
64. Time flies and you have grown up to be an amazing person so full of good thoughts and wisdom. Happy birthday. May God bless you with all happiness and fulfillment of your dreams. Stay wise and always enjoy your life.
65. Time to party girl, because it is your big day. Don’t worry about what parents have to say, because you know am your trusty-sidekick and will always back you up any day you need my help and support. Happy birthday.
66. To my niece, Happy Birthday. You are more beautiful with every passing year. Celebrate with your whole heart today and enjoy each and every moment to its fullest.
67. To the sunshine of our lives, happy birthday! May you always stay happy and healthy. Remember that luck only favors those who are prepared. Never lose hope in life and always keep going, no matter what. Live up with this attitude and you will always shine bright like a star.
68. To the sweetest niece, happy birthday. I will always be your go to person whenever you need someone to talk to and share anything you have to say. I want to see you reach the greatest heights. Always remember to see the brighter side of life, no matter what challenges you face in life.
69. Trust me, dear, you are not only my cute, lovely niece but also you are the perfect caretaker of my large heart. No one can take your place. May you have a wonderful Bday.
70. We wish you never feel the lack of any. Not of food and not of wealth and not of love. You remain blesses and pious at heart. Happy birthday my crunchy niece!
71. What’s wrong with fussing over you, spoiling you, and pampering you every single day that we’re together? Isn’t that what uncles/aunts and uncles are supposed to do? I hope you have a wonderful birthday, sweetheart. Your gift is on the way.
72. You were cute as a button when you were little. You have grown up into a wonderful angel. May God bless you with all the sweetness, love, and success in life. Happy birthday. Live your dreams and dream big.
73. Your smile and giggling is so generous that I forget my all worries. May worries never touch your heart. Happy birthday to the sweetest niece I’ve ever known.
74. When I was younger, I made a wish to meet a special person in my life and one year later you were born. You have stolen my heart and I am immensely happy that it has happened. Happy birthday, sweetie.
75. Whenever you feel like packing your bags and running away from home, I demand to know what time I should pick you up and where you want to go. That’s the kind of relationship I want us to have. I’ll forever be your cool aunt. Happy birthday my niece! Have a great celebration.
76. Wishing you blessings as bountiful as the hairs on your head for your birthday, your future, and all the days in between.
77. With me as your uncle/aunt, you don’t always have to work hard. You just have to play hard. Let the party begin. Happy birthday.
78. You are my best partner in everything. I trust you without any doubt and I wish you never get betrayed by anyone in your life. Happy birthday my charming niece!
79. You are so precious to all of us. You are the apple of my eye. I love you more than anyone else because you are the most adorable niece. When you were born, my eyes were filled with tears to see that cuteness and innocence on your face. Happy birthday. May god bless you with many years of joy and happiness.
80. You may be the best daughter of your mom, but trust me, you are the best friend of mine. Always keep smiling like this. Blessed birthday.
Birthday wishes are an ingenious way to express your love and adoration for the people that matter in your life, such as your niece.
It doesn’t matter if you live in a different city than your niece. Sending them a cute wish from the above collection will help remind them how much you treasure their presence in your life.