Happy Fathers Day Message From Wife
To you
Our daughter is a princess
And for her, you are the king,
I am filled with joy to be
The queen in this beautiful
A fairy tale that is our home,
Congratulations on your day
Happy Fathers Day to My Husband
Happy Fathers Day Wishes From Wife
Dear husband,
I wish you a very happy day
Because you deserve it for being
Such a great dad for our children
And also a wonderful husband.
I wish you the best…
Happy Father’s day.
Happy Fathers Day Message for My Husband
Let this Father’s Day
Can be very special to you,
Every day you make a great
An effort to bring up our family,
I am happy to be your wife and
The mother of your children.
Congratulations, my life."
Cute Romantic Love Sms for Husband
We are a powerful duo.
Together we have fun.
We have become awesome parents &
I'm so grateful that you're my love!
Happy Father's Day To My Husband!
Happy Fathers Day Msg in English
What in the world could I change
About a man that loves his family,
Works hard, and treats his wife with
Love and respect? Absolutely Nothing!!
Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wonderful!
Happy Father’s Day to My Husband
Fathers Day Messages From Wife To Hubby
Love Sms for Him in English
Fashion come and go in this world,
But something that will never stop
Being fashionable is the love that a
Father has for their children, I am
Very lucky to spend my days with you.
Happy Father’s Day to My Husband
Happy Fathers Day Message From Wife
I Am Blessed To Have A Loving
Husband Like You & More Than That,
To Have A Man Who Knows How To Raise
And Take Care Of His Children So Well.
Happy Father’s Day To You.
I Love You Sms for Husband
You are so full of compassion, love, and strength.
When we need a strong hand of support in our family, you are always there.
I love you for being who you are and for all that you do.
Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful husband and father!
I Love You So Much
Dear Ex-Husband,
You are the best father I know. When I fell in love with you, I knew you were the person I wanted to have a family with, build a home with, and raise children with. 9 years later, we are still raising our children together — but we are raising them in different homes.
I never imagined this for us. But the one thing I did imagine was having you parenting by my side, and that's just what we are doing. I am forever grateful for the fact that, even after we got divorced, we are following through with our goals for how we wanted to parent, and we are doing it together.
This Father's Day, I hope you appreciate how much we love you. Actually, I hope that every day, you feel the love that our children have for you. So I wanted to let you know that even though we are no longer together, I can appreciate the dad you are.
Courtesy of Margaret Jacobsen
When I look at our children's faces, I see you. I see you in their confidence. I see you in how they approach problems and find solutions. I see you in their inquisitiveness, their wit, and their love of potty humor. When we first separated, it was hard to hear and see you in everything our children said and did. But now, it no longer hurts. Instead, it makes me proud. I'm proud that you are the other parent supporting our babies as they grow up, and I'm extremely lucky that I don't have to do it alone.
Even though we are divorced, I'm constantly learning from you.
For the last two Father's Days, you've had to share this holiday with a new addition to our family: my partner. You've handled this with kindness and grace. Last Mother's Day, I didn't do the same. I was adamant that it was my holiday with my kids, not a holiday for the kids to celebrate with your partner. I'm sorry about that. I should've been more generous. See, even though we are divorced, I'm constantly learning from you. I'm learning about humility and kindness, and I'm relieved that when I forget those things, you act them out, so the kids can see it, learn from it, become it. Thank you for extending love to the people I've brought into my life and into our children's lives. Thank you for sharing holidays, birthdays, and other family traditions.
Courtesy of Margaret Jacobsen
If someone told me that 10 years after we met, that we'd one day be divorced with two kids, I would have been devastated. But even though our marriage didn't work out, our friendship was and is my favorite part of our 11-year relationship. You were my first real best friend. You showed up and continue to show up when I need help or just a shoulder to lean on. I've learned what it means to love your friends by watching you love me, in marriage and after marriage. The vows you gave me are vows you've continued to act on, despite the fact that we live in separate homes and have separate lives. You showed me that love doesn't stop, even if relationships shift and change, that love can still exist. Thank you.
Thank you for offering to take the kids on days that are mine, and not yours, just so I can nap or get work done. Thank you for always surprising them with me at school pickups. Thank you for never turning down a family dance party. Thank you for being willing to always put our children first, no matter what.
Thank you for speaking so highly of me to our children when I'm not in the room. You choose to focus on my strengths, as opposed to my flaws. It's so cute when the kids come back to my house and tell me stories you've told them about me: when we dated, when we were first married. Thank you for laying a beautiful foundation of love and respect, so when our children look at us, that's what they see.
Courtesy of Margaret Jacobsen
I knew you were going to be a magical father before we even knew we were going to have kids. But one of my favorite memories of you is lying on the bed with you while I was pregnant, and you singing different Beatles songs to my belly. I just remember thinking, "Yes, this is the person I will raise brilliant children with." It gives me chills when the kids put on their own Beatles records and dance around singing the same songs you used to sing to them before they were born.
Thank you for offering to take the kids on days that are mine, and not yours, just so I can nap or get work done. Thank you for always surprising them with me at school pickups. Thank you for never turning down a family dance party. Thank you for being willing to always put our children first, no matter what.
We are lucky to know you, to have you in our family. I'm so excited to celebrate you this weekend, and hopefully I will remember to celebrate you more than once a year. Because you deserve it.
Father's Day Messages From Wife: A good husband and father is a blessing from God. He is a perfect husband, along with an ideal dad of your kids. Even after years of marriage and parenthood, he never gets tired of taking care of the family. On this father's day, let your husband know he is doing a great job of husband and dad. It will motivate your husband and make him feel special. Tell your husband how much you love him by sending these father's day messages from wife to husband.
Father's Day Messages From Wife
Happy Father's Day to the world's greatest father, husband, guardian, and companion.
I consider myself fortunate to have you as my husband and father of my child. Happy Father's Day.
You're a fantastic and the most caring dad. My children are lucky to have you. Happy father's day.
I'm blessed to have a supportive husband as well as a caring father of my kids. You're our home.
Happy Father's Day, honey. I always get butterflies when I see you play with our kids.
Life seems so much easier if someone has a father like you. Our kids must be the luckiest. Happy father's day to you.
You are filled with kindness, affection, and strength. You are my and our children's safe place. We are very grateful for your existence. We love you. Happy Father's Day 2022.
One day is not enough to show our gratitude to our father hence won't try either. Happy father's day.
You're the shield to our family who protects our children and me from every possible harm. Happy father's day!
You brighten my life, and You make our kids smile. You're the best thing that has ever happened to us. Happy Father's Day, my love.
Happy Father's Day to the man of my dreams and the father of my child.
I thank my lucky star for seeing what a wonderful father you are. Happy Father's Day, darling.
Happy Father's Day, my wonderful husband! You are someone our children admire and respect.
Romantic Father's Day Messages From Wife
Happy Father’s Day to the man of my heart. You're my forever happy place. I love you.
Happy father's day to the world's romantic husband and caring father. May God protect you from every harm.
Happy father's day to the amazing husband and dad at the same time. Thanks for being the best every day and fulfilling all our dreams. Many, many good wishes to you on this father's day.
Happy Father’s Day to my loving husband! Thank you for being a fantastic dad to my child and husband to me.
Thanks for showering our kids and me with unconditional love and care. Happy father's day, dear.
Nothing can be better than having you as my life partner and the father of our kids. You handle everything so efficiently. Thanks for all your effort. Happy father's day, my love.
Thanks to my husband, who never gets tired of working hard for our family. A fantastic father's day to you.
Happy father's day, my husband. Thanks for taking care of our kids and me.
Father's Day Messages for Husband Far Away
Distance doesn't matter when you are connected through love. Happy father's day, dear husband.
Home is not home without you. I'm eagerly waiting to meet you soon. Happy father's day, lovely husband.
You held my hand on our first date, at our wedding, and the birth of our children, and you continue to do so even though you are far away. Happy Father's Day, sweetheart.
It amazes me how you take care of our children's needs being so far away. Happy Father's Day, love.
The children miss their dad every day. come back soon. Happy Father's Day, dearest husband and father.
Happy Father's Day! I wish you were here today so I could show you how much your children admire you.
You may be miles away from us. But today is your special day, and I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you made for our kids and me every day. Happy father's day, my dear husband.
Thanks for being so patient while nurturing our kids. Father's day is incomplete without you, dear. Happy father's day 2022.
No matter how far you are, we know you are always there to protect us and take care of us—on this father's day, wishing for your good health and welfare. Happy father's day, dear.
Your distance can not bother me feeling the love you have for me and our kids in your heart.
Funny Father's Day Messages From Wife
Happy father's day. Stop making the team with our kid against me.
Remember how we joked we'd never be strict parents like our parents? The joke is on us. Happy Father's Day.
There are three kids in my house. One of them is you. Sometimes I think you annoy me more than the kids do. Yet can't deny the fact that you're an amazing father. Happy father's day.
You know you have many similarities with our kids. Both of you never make sense most of the time. That's why you're their favorite parent. Happy father's day.
Happy father's day to the coolest dad. Let's hope our kids don't possess your bad habits.
Warm wishes to you on father's day. Being a dad for you is so easy, just being awkward around the kids.
I couldn't do this parenting thing without you. Thank you for being my partner in crime in this eternal job we have received after birthing these kids. Happy Father's Day.
Wishing you a delighted father's day. May you become a strict dad sometimes.
Aren't you and I doing an excellent job raising children? You're an awesome dad. Happy Father's Day.
We're cool parents, and it's all because of you. Happy Father's Day, cool dad!
Inspiring Father's Day Messages From Wife
You are a source of comfort and happiness for our family. Happy Father's Day, Hubby!
I couldn't have asked for a better father for my children. Happy Father's Day, my dear husband.
You are a partner in my life that I admire more than you realize. You are everything I wished for in a partner to help me build a family. Happy Father's Day.
The way you take care of our children and me makes me feel so blessed. Happy father's day, dear.
Thank you for working so hard to provide us a good life, wishing you the best father's day. You are everything to our kids and me, and we are grateful to you.
Happy Father’s Day. You are someone our children aspire to be someday.
Thanks for always making time for us, no matter how busy you're. We love you. Happy father's day, husband.
Happy father's day to my husband. It amazes me how you handle everything so nicely. No one can beat you. You are the one whom I can lean on. Thanks for being the best daddy.
The love and care you show us every day move me. Our kids are fortunate to have you.
Happy father's day to the best dad, husband, guardian in the world. Today is your day. Enjoy to the fullest.
From all the dedications, sacrifices for your family to the love, your husband proved that he is the greatest father of your kids you could have asked for. So, dedicate this father's day to your husband, sending him a beautiful father's day message. Sending Happy Father's Day Wishes to your husband is the best way to thank him for all his encouragement, sacrifices, love, support, and time that he gives to you and your kids every day. Express your gratitude by sending inspiring or romantic Father's day wishes to your husband today! Let him know how amazing he is, not just as a husband but also as a father.
Here are 50 excellent Christian Father's Day messages and sayings to wish your father, father-figure or husband a special day.
#1 The patience you have shown throughout my life still amazes me. There are times where I don’t know how you were able to handle me and my issues. But you did manage me and with great strength and leadership. Thank you for all of your help, and I pray that the Lord blesses you this Father’s Day.
#2 Father, you have always been a strong leader for our family. I will never forget the times that we had together and how you taught me about the Lord. I am very grateful that I am your child, and I want to wish you a very Happy Father’s Day.
#3 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Happy Father’s Day to a wise man who fears the Lord.
#4 As I think about what you mean to my family and me, I give thanks to God. You have been a tower of courage under fire and strength under pressure. You taught me what it looks like to stay the course, no matter what. Thank you, and may the God of all good things bless you this Father’s Day!
#5 We are so far apart this Father’s Day, and my heart longs to see you. You are my friend and my biggest supporter. Thank you. My prayer is that the love and laughter of your children will fill your day. God bless you!
#6 I can’t thank the Lord enough for the best gift he’s ever given me: a best friend, a companion for a lifetime’s journey, and an awesome father who makes growing up fun for my children. Happy Father’s Day, my dear husband.
#7 Our dear father, you raised us with loving discipline and counsel that brought the revelation of our Lord. You made us who we are now. You really make us proud. Happy Father’s Day.
#8 We are so far apart on this special day, and it is not how I wanted it to be. My prayer is that you will feel my love and know how cherished you are to me. May the Lord bless you with great joy this Father’s Day!
#9 Happy Father’s Day to the man we are honored to call our father. In the fear of the Lord, you find your strength and confidence and make a world safe for your children. Thank you for being our father.
#10 Happy Father’s Day. I am really blessed to have a rock I can stand on for courage and support. I am really blessed to have a foundation that lies securely beneath me. I am really blessed to have you, Dad.
#11 "Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged." Thank you for always encouraging me with your wisdom and gentleness. Happy Father's Day.
#12 Dad, Happy Father’s Day. You are the one who held my hand when I took my first step. You are the one who held my hand on my first day of school. You are the one who held my hand when I walked down the aisle. You are the one who always holds my hand and never lets go, an assurance that God always holds me close to his heart.
#13 I am so grateful to God for giving me a father like you. Your encouragement and gentle guidance have always been a guiding light in my life. My prayer is that my heavenly Father will bless you, my earthly father. Happy Father’s Day to you!
#14 You serve the Lord by setting the example and leading this family with love and your gentle care. But above all, you serve the Lord by believing in us and praying for us. Happy Father's Day, Dad.
#15 This Father’s Day, I think back on the times we spent together when I was growing up. You always took the time to listen, even when it was nonsense. Your patience has created a bond that lasts through today. Thank you for being my inspiration and role model.
#16 Thank you for always looking to the Lord for direction on how to bring me up. Your support and leadership have been crucial in my life. May he bless you greatly for your faithfulness. Much love to you on this Father’s Day.
#17 Thank you, Dad, for everything you’ve taught me. Your teachings are graceful garlands for my head and pendants for my neck. My prayers and good wishes to you. Happy Father’s Day.
#18 Father’s Day is an important day for me because it reminds me of how thankful I am for your life. I praise God for giving me a father like you. May the Lord bless you and grant you his abundant love all of the days of your life.
#19 Daddy, I may have outgrown your lap, but I will never outgrow your heart. I will always be your little [girl/boy], where I find the Father’s love in your embrace. Happy Father’s Day.
#20 It takes a special man like you to be a great Dad, a man who puts his family first, who teaches us through example and brings us to love God. Happy Father’s Day.
#21 The life of a man of God is truly an incredible thing to witness. I have watched you over the years, and your faith in the Lord has been steadfast. You have been like a roadmap, all your ways pointing your children to the Lord. For this, I will be eternally grateful. I love you, and I want to wish you a very Happy Father’s Day!
#22 Dad, I pray to the Lord that you’ll never lose your joy, because there’s no greater joy for a man than to hear that his children are walking in the truth. Thank you for showing me the path to righteousness. Happy Father’s Day.
#23 Father’s Day is a time to celebrate what you mean to my family and me. I praise God for giving me a father that loves me. Your friendship has been the most important of my life. May his blessings fall upon you this day as we celebrate you!
#24 When I think about the mark that you have made on my life, I believe that your sacrifices have moved me most. You gave up so much for your children, which taught me how to love the way Christ does. Thank you for loving me as a father should. Happy Father’s Day!
#25 I am very grateful to be sharing my life with a man who fears God and loves his family unconditionally like you. I’m blessed, I’m cared for, I’m loved. Thank you, my dear husband.
#26 The love that you have shown me has made me a better person. Through you, I have experienced a piece of my heavenly Father’s love. Thank you for bringing me into your family and calling me your child.
#27 Life has not always been easy, and you have sacrificed many things to ensure that I had all I needed. Thank you for being such an incredible example of fatherly love. May the Lord bless you in abundance for the selfless love that you have given.
#28 Dad, you guided my steps for so many years. Now, I am doing my best to follow your lead with my family. Thank you for showing me how a godly parent should lead their children. I send you my gratitude and love this Father’s Day.
#29 Today I just want to thank you for being my teacher, my counselor, my friend, my source of strength and wisdom, and especially for being my father. I pray that God pours forth his overflowing grace and love on you on this special day. Happy Father’s Day.
#30 Scripture commands that we are to honor our mother and father. Honoring you comes easy because of who you are as a person and how you have loved me. Thank you for your love and support. May the Lord bless you this Father’s Day!
#31 "The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him." Thank you for being such an awesome father. We are truly blessed. Happy Father’s Day.
#32 Offering a prayer on this Father’s Day for a man who trusts the Lord and always puts his hope in him. I pray that the Lord will renew your strength so that you soar on wings like eagles, you will run and not grow weary, and you will walk and not grow faint.
#33 You always encourage me to conquer great distances by taking the first step, no matter how small the first step is. And you show me how to take a leap of faith by trusting in God’s care and providence. I am proud to be your [son/daughter].
#34 You are the one who showed me how to be strong and courageous, and not to be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord our God will be with me wherever I go. That’s what I call wisdom. Dad, you are my hero. Happy Father’s Day.
#35 The love I experienced from you has given me a deeper understanding of the unconditional love of my heavenly Father. Through your love and concern, I have felt the touch of the Lord in my life. My prayer is that he will bless you this Father’s Day and beyond.
#36 Dad, Happy Father’s Day. You are not a man of many words, but you love your family above and beyond, just as God has loved you. You’re the best, Dad.
#37 Fathers are a blessing from the Lord. He instills them with strength and wisdom to shepherd their families. My prayer is that your children’s love and laughter will surround you this Father’s Day. May you be blessed by all of your loved ones and those who cherish you.
#38 "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." The Lord has been really good to me by giving me you as my father. Happy Father’s Day.
#39 This Father’s Day, I want to send you a note to thank you for all that you’ve done in my life. The godly influence you have shown me has been at the forefront of my mind in every trying circumstance I have encountered. Thank you for caring and guiding me.
#40 The love of a father is a remarkable thing. It’s a love that instills a sense of security and strength. As a child, I remember how secure I felt when I was with you. Now, as an adult, I still have that confidence in you. I know that I’m loved and that you are on my side. Thank you, and may God bless you this Father’s Day.
Psalm 13:5
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.
The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him.
In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.
Psalm 34:8
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
Proverbs 16:9
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 20:7
The righteous who walks in his integrity — blessed are his children after him!
He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Masters Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.