Happy Birthday In Different Ways

Do you know how to congratulate him in Spanish?

It is easy, you are probably thinking.

Everyone knows that it is ‘¡Feliz cumpleaños!’

If you are a Spanish student, you have probably heard this sentence at least once a year.

In case you are a 'Spanish newborn', it means 'Happy birthday.'

Whether you have to use it or someone tells you, learning to congratulate someone and wish a happy birthday is essential on your Spanish learning path.

But hear this: there is not only one expression you can use to say happy birthday in Spanish.

There are many other ways to congratulate and wish all the best for someone's birthday.

And since birthdays are always good to meet new people and socialize, even find a Spanish tutor to continue your learning process in Spanish, we’ve prepared ways to say happy birthday in Spanish and other useful tips related to birthdays.

Cumpleaños And Birthday

Birthdays are very important days for all of us.

Even those who say they don’t like their own birthdays, actually do. The day of your birthday is all about you being in the center of attention and full of positivity.

As for Spaniards, they like their birthdays even more because that’s one of the many occasions they spend time with their families and close friends. An inevitable part of birthdays is family fiestas with Spanish food traditions altogether.

Hanging around, eating, drinking, dancing, and having fun is all you need on your birthday.

So, there’s no better moment than this one to start memorizing all the following ways to say happy birthday in Spanish.

For a start, you already know that the word ‘birthday’ is ‘cumpleaños.’

How Do You Wish Someone a Happy Birthday in Spanish?

Even though there’s one basic and most popular birthday phrase to congratulate and wish all the best, there are 10 more phrases you can use to wish someone lots of love, good health, and happiness.

¡Feliz cumpleaños!

As you’ve already learned, the most commonly used phrase to wish someone a happy birthday in Spanish is ‘¡Feliz cumpleaños!’

¡Feliz cumple!

Beside this one, ‘¡Feliz cumple!’ is equally popular. The word ‘cumple’ is a shorter version of ‘cumpleaños.’

The first phrase is used both formally and informally, while the second one is used only on informal occasions, among close friends and family members.

¡Muchas felicidades!

It is common to say someone ‘congratulations.’ The English equivalent of the phrase is ‘Best wishes!’

Even though it doesn’t include the word ‘birthday’ it can be used as a birthday phrase alone or after saying ‘¡Feliz cumpleaños!’


In the meaning ‘congratulations,’ this phrase means the same as ‘felicidades.’

Interestingly, this phrase is used in Latin America, while Spain rather uses ‘felicidades.’

¡Felicidades en tu día!

This phrase means ‘congratulate on your day.’

Even though it is mainly used for birthday wishes, since there isn't a specified ‘birthday’ anywhere, it also can be used for other happy occasions, such as weddings.

Que tengas un feliz/lindo día.

The phrase where you wish a birthday boy (or a girl) ‘may you have a happy/beautiful day’ is pretty clear.

People usually use it after saying ‘happy birthday.’

¡Que disfrutes de tu día!

Besides birthdays, this expression can be used for other occasions as well.

¡Que se cumplan todos tus sueños/deseos!

After wishing someone ‘Feliz cumpleaños,’ you can continue with this expression. In English, it can be translated as ‘May all of your dreams/wishes come true!’

The expression is an ideal example to show your amazing Spanish.

¡Que todos tus sueños/deseos se hagan realidad!

Happy Birthday In Different Ways

In case you want to say the previous expression by using different words but for the meaning to remain the same, this one is a perfect synonym.

¡Que lo/la pases muy bien!

One more wish for birthdays and other special occasions, in the meaning ‘may you have a great time’ differs depending on the Spanish country you are in.

In Spain, the expression is used with ‘lo,’ and in Latin America, especially in Mexican Spanish, ‘la’ is used.

¡Pásalo/la muy bien!

This phrase is almost the same as the previous one. The only difference is in sentence construction. The meaning is the same, so it’s up to you which one you will use.

Birthday-Related Words And Phrases

Wishing someone a happy birthday and all the best isn’t enough, especially if you are preparing yourself to practice Spanish with others.

That’s why it is necessary to learn some words and phrases that are connected to the birthday.

Here are some of them.

la fiesta de cumpleaños- birthday party

el globo- the balloon

el pastel/la tarta/la torta- the cake

el confeti- the confetti

la canción de cumpleaños- the birthday song

la celebración/celebrar- the celebration/to celebrate

la fiesta sorpresa- the surprise party

los deseos- the wishes

los invitados- the guests

los regalos/los presentes- the gifts/presents

la sorpresa (the surprise

las velas- the candles

dar un regalo- to give a gift/present

desear- to wish

felicitar- to congratulate

pedir un deseo- to make a wish

Talking About Birthday

Birthday parties are ideal for making new friends.

They are also a minefield when you want to practice Spanish.

So, before you get there, make sure you are equipped with the right questions and answers about birthdays.

In the following lines, you will find the most used ones.

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?- When's your birthday?

Mi cumpleaños es en junio.- My birthday is in June.

¿Cuándo es el cumpleaños de Anna?- When is Anne 's birthday?

Es el 20 de julio.- It 's on July 20th.

¿Cuántos años cumples?- How old are you turning?

Hoy cumplo 23.- I’m turning 23 today.

¿Qué quieres para tu cumpleaños?- What do you want for your birthday?

Me encantaría recibir un/una… - I would love to get a…

No necesito/quiero nada, gracias.- I don’t need/want anything, thanks.

¿Qué planeas hacer por tu cumpleaños?- What are you planning to do for your birthday?

Voy a dar una gran fiesta.- I’m having a big party.

Este año no daré ninguna fiesta.- I’m not having any party this year.

Don’t Forget to Sing ‘Happy Birthday’

Birthday parties, and birthdays in general, don’t go without birthday songs.

The most favorite one exists in every language, so in Spanish as well.

In Spanish, it goes like this:

¡Cumpleaños feliz!- Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday In Different Ways

¡Cumpleaños feliz!- Happy birthday!

Te deseamos todos,- We all wish you,

¡Cumpleaños feliz!- Happy birthday!

Final Thoughts

From now on, when you have to attend a birthday party, you don’t have to worry about the expressions, phrases, and birthday-related topics because you have it all in one place.

From different ways to say happy birthday to words and phrases, you can use it to talk about birthdays and celebrations along with a birthday song when the cake arrives.

Don’t try to be the center of attention (unless you are a birthday boy/girl) but your Spanish knowledge will, undoubtedly, be noticed.

How do you wish someone a happy birthday in Spanish?

¡Feliz cumpleaños! As you’ve already learned, the most commonly used phrase to wish someone a happy birthday in Spanish is ‘¡Feliz cumpleaños!’ ¡Feliz cumple! Beside this one, ‘¡Feliz cumple!’ is equally popular. The word ‘cumple’ is a shorter version of ‘cumpleaños.’ The first phrase is used both formally and informally, while the second one is used only on informal occasions, among close friends and family members. ¡Muchas felicidades! It is common to say congratulations.’ The English equivalent of the phrase is ‘Best wishes!’ Even though it doesn’t include the word ‘birthday’ it can be used as a birthday phrase alone or after saying ‘¡Feliz cumpleaños!’

How to say Happy Birthday in Spanish?

¡Feliz cumpleaños!

Have you been searching for a unique way to wish someone a happy birthday? Well, you aren’t alone. After all, who doesn’t want to show their love with that perfect birthday wish! Everyone is looking for a unique way to say happy birthday.

This is why we’ve collected together 50 different ways to say happy birthday. Plus, we have something extra for you below, so read on.

How to Say Happy Birthday 50 Different Ways

You sustained one more year. Congrats!

I wish you a happier birthday than anyone else has wished you.

Didn’t we just celebrate this like a year ago?

You sustained one more year. Congrats!

Don’t count the candles, enjoy your day.

Happy you day.

Age is just a number.

I’m glad you were born.

I’m thinking of you on your birthday.

Another year, another 365 trips around the sun. May your next 365 trips be your best yet.

Time for your birthday tickles!

Happiest birthday to the happiest person I know.

May all your wishes come true.

Happy oldest-you-have-ever-been and youngest-you-will-ever-be-again day

Happy older you day.

Many happy returns of the day.

Many more happy returns.

To good health and happiness, happy birthday.

Have a good one.

May the best of your birthdays be today, and today be the least of those yet to come.

Happy level up day.

Happy anniversary of the day you were brought from the warm comfort of your mother’s womb into this world.

I congratulate you on surviving another year.

Haha, you’re older than me. Happy birthday.

Congratulations on another spin around the sun.


Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Have a smashing birthday.

Happy birthday and happy every day, you are loved.

¡ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ʎddɐɥ

Have an ecstatically happy birthday.

Love, happiness, and a day full of joy for you.

Happy anni-birth-ery!

It’s your day.

It’s your special day.

You’re how old now!? Whoa.

It’s your birthday, time to celebrate.

Have a birthday.

Of all the people I know, you are the one whose birthday is today.

It’s your birthday, yet you are a gift to the world.

Happy birthday, champ.

Happy Birthday In Different Ways

Cut the cake, pour the champagne, and let the good times flow.

Here’s to aging and wrinkles.

Another birthday?


I wish you have the nicest birthday ever!

Have a fabulous birthday.

Wishing you many more candles to blow.

A day just for you.

How to Say "Happy Birthday" in Different Languages

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag – German.

Bon Anniversaire – French.

Buon Compleanno – Italian.

Charoúmena Genéthlia – Greek.

Eyd Mawlid Saeid – Arabic.

Feliz Aniversario – Portugese.

Feliz Cumpleaños – Spanish.

Furaha ya Kuzaliwa – Swahili.

Gefeliciteerd Met Je Verjaardag – Dutch.

Gratulerer Med Dagen – Norwegian.

Hauʻoli lā hānau – Hawaiian.

La Multi Ani – Romanian.

Maligayang Kaarawan – Filipino.

Otanjoubi Omedetou – Japanese.

Saeng-il Chugha – Korean.

Selamat Hari Lahir – Malaysian.

Selamat Ulang Tahun – Indonesian.

Sheng Ri Kuai Le – Chinese.

Veels Geluk Met Jou Verjaarsdag – Afrikaans.

Say Happy Birthday in a Video Gift

The best way to say happy birthday is from the heart. And the best kind of birthday gift comes from the heart. So tell someone happy birthday with a VidDay video gift.

Other Ways to Say Happy Birthday

• All the best on your special day!

• Have a great birthday!

• I wish you a happier birthday than anyone else has wished you!

• It’s time to celebrate!

• Many more happy returns!

• May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!

• May your birthday be filled with laughter!

• All the best on your special day!

• All the best!

• Congratulations on another year of skillful death evasion!

• Happy birthday!

• Have a fabulous birthday!

• Have a great one!

• I hope you have a fantastic day!

• I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

• Hope you have an enjoyable birthday! You deserve it!

• Have a good one!

• I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come!

• I wish you all the best on your special day!

• Many happy returns of the day!

• I wish you a wonderful birthday!

• May your birthday be filled with laughter!

• Wishing you many more candles to blow out!

• Wishing you a day that is as special as you are!

Funny Ways to Say Happy birthday

There are multiple ways to say happy birthday in a funny way. The best way is almost certainly in a way that is particularly funny to the person you are sending it to. Do the two of you share an inside joke? If so, incorporating this into your birthday wishes is a great idea. They'll find it much more amusing and personal if you can include a joke you both share. That being said, it's still possible to get a laugh out of the suggestions below, so consider these next time you want to send a funny birthday wish:

• If you want something sarcastic you could go with something like ‘Didn't we just celebrate this like a year ago? Happy birthday again, I guess…'

Happy Birthday In Different Ways

• If you know they can take a joke, why not something like ‘If somebody says your old, hit them with your walking stick! Have a great day!'

• If you want to go with a cake joke, why not ‘Happy stuff your face with cake day!'

• ‘Another year closer to retirement' is great too – if you're close friends you could also mention the fun the two of you will have when you're free to do what you want all day!

Ways to Wish Someone a Belated Happy Birthday

Yes, belated happy birthday, not happy belated birthday, but we've covered that before. Anyway, let's look at some examples that differ from the standard ‘Belated Happy Birthday' wishes, to add some variety next time you accidentally forget that somebody's birthday is coming up:

• ‘Sorry I forgot your birthday – here's an excuse to make today all about you too!' – this is a nice way to avoid the awkwardness of sending a belated happy birthday message, and the person receiving the message will get a smile out of it too!

• ‘I just wanted to be the last one to wish you a happy birthday' – this is a great way to make it seem intentional, but the recipient will understand the humor behind it too. Fill in the rest with something heartfelt and a joke to wish someone a belated happy birthday is a brilliant choice.

• ‘Why celebrate a birthday when you can have a birth-week/month? Happy birthday!' – you can edit this one to suit how long it has been since their birthday passed.

New and Different Ways to Say ‘Happy Birthday'

There are always alternative ways to say happy birthday, and some of them are incredibly unique. Next time you want your birthday wishes to stand out from the others, why not try some of the suggestions below?

• ‘Don't count the candles, just enjoy the glow' – this is a witty way to wish somebody a happy birthday without having to say it.

• ‘Happy anni-birth-sary' – this is an alternative to happy birthday that is becoming increasingly popular, but it's still unique enough that you can be the first one to use it in your circle of friends.

• ‘I hope this day is as special as you are' – this is just a kind way to wish someone a great birthday.

• ‘Congratulations on another year well spent!' – this can be especially good if they have achieved something special in the past year.

How to Say Happy Birthday | Images

Ways to Wish Someone a Happy Birthday in English | Image 1

Ways to Wish Someone a Happy Birthday in English | Image 2

Above everything else, if you are sincere in your birthday wishes, even if they are late, then the person you are sending your birthday wishes to will be grateful. Make sure if you choose one of the funnier options above, it is a joke you know they will understand and appreciate, and you won't go wrong!



1 year ago

May God bless you with all the happiness!


10 months ago


Rakesh Roshan Pradhan

8 months ago

I am join


3 months ago

It's really wonderful

Birthdays are fun. They're meant to be a day of celebration and happiness. But when we send birthday wishes or messages they tend to be boring and repetitive.

How many times have you heard or seen a variation of “happy birthday, have a really great day!”. It's a bit overdone.

So how does a huge list of clever and funny ways to say happy birthday that will make you seem hilarious sound?

You don't even have to give us credit! You can pretend you thought them up all by yourself.

Hopefully they'll give the birthday boy or girl a laugh or smile and be something original they receive on their big day.

• Funny Ways to Say Happy Birthday

• Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday

• Rude Ways to Say Happy Birthday

• Funny Ways to Wish Someone a Belated Happy Birthday

Funny Ways to Say Happy Birthday

Use these funny birthday wishes as a way to say happy birthday to a friend or loved one and put a smile on their face.

1. Go easy on these birthdays. Too many will eventually kill you.

2. Another year without dying. Good on you!

3. Didn’t we just celebrate this like a year ago?

4. Happy better than the alternative.

5. If you count the day you were born as your first birthday, you are actually a year older than you think you are. Just sayin'

6. I wish you a happier birthday than anyone else has wished you.

8. Happy anniversary of the day you were abruptly ripped from the warm comfort of your mother’s womb into this cold, unforgiving world.

9. Defriend all of those who did not recognize the anniversary of your existence.

Happy Birthday In Different Ways

10. Happy birthday to you and 1 in 365 people worldwide.

11. I’m going to overlook the existential futility of life for a moment and wish you a happy birthday.

12. Wee! Another spin around the sun!

13. Happy year-older-you day.

14. Ebola. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Tornadoes. Overdose. Car accidents. Murderers. Meteorites. Autoerotic asphyxiation. Quicksand. Congratulations. You’ve beat 'em all for another year.

15. It’s your birthday, yet you are a gift to the world.

16. You’re still hot after all these years… just not as hot as your birthday cake will be once all those candles are lit!

17. Your birthday is the perfect time to recognize all your wonderful qualities, including the fact that you’re older than me.

18. Did you know that birthdays are good for you? Studies have shown that the more of them you have, the longer you live!

19. Yours is one of increasingly fewer birthdays I approve of.

20. Don’t fret over another birthday. You were already old.

Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday

Some birthday messages are boring and overused. These creative birthday wishes are a different way to say happy birthday.

21. Your birthday cake has an impossible job. Because no one holds a candle to you.

22. Another year, another 584 million mile trip around the sun. May your next lap be your best yet.

23. Of all the people I know, you are one who’s birthday is today.

24. Enjoy the dash between the two dates on your tombstone.

25. Don’t worry about turning a year older. Pretty soon you won’t be able to remember your age anyway.

26. Congrats on escaping the womb many years ago.

27. Happy stuff your face with cake day!

28. I always limit my budget on buying birthday gifts according to what that person gave me as a gift on my birthday. Enjoy your gift of nothing!

29. May the best of your birthdays be today, and today be the least of the best yet to come.

30. Wishing you happiness despite hardship, success despite struggle, and a birthday that becomes memories of dancing gold.

Rude Ways to Say Happy Birthday

Some people don't mind sarcastic or rude birthday messages. The sort of things that really stick the knife in and make fun of how they're getting. Use these rude birthday wishes if that's the sort of way to say happy birthday you're looking for.

31. Happy increased-likelihood-of-getting-oral day.

32. I don’t know how you made it over any hill with gravity pulling everything else down!

33. Happy anniversary of the nine-month anniversary of your mom getting laid. Oh, and tell your mom happy one-day anniversary of that again tomorrow night.

34. Have a happy birthday. That’s an order, maggot.

35. Happy ‘over the hill’ day!

36. Happy day you came out of your mom’s vagina!

37. I didn’t get you a gift or a card, but please accept this half-assed Happy Birthday wish sent via social media.

38. Happy oldest-you-have-ever-been and youngest-you-will-ever-be-again day.

39. Tell me again: how old you are? Wasn’t your childhood pet like.. a dinosaur? Ha ha… happy birthday you ancient old, awesome human.

Funny Ways to Wish Someone a Belated Happy Birthday

Sometimes we forget birthdays. It happens, right? A good way to avoid the birthday boy it girl getting too mad is with a funny belated message.

39. I know I'm a little late but that's only because I wanted to be the last one to wish you a happy birthday!

41. Sorry I forgot your birthday – here’s an excuse to make today all about you too!

42. Why celebrate a birthday when you can have a birth-week/month? Happy birthday!

43. Sorry I missed your birthday… hopefully you’ll have another one next year…

44. I’m sorry my birthday wishes are belated—I honestly didn’t think you’d live this long. Happy birthday!

45. You’re amazing, wise, super cool, fantastic, brilliant, intelligent – but don’t get too excited. I’m only saying all these things because I’m a couple of days late! Happy birthday!

Hopefully you've enjoyed these different and funny ways to say happy birthday to someone. Birthdays are all about having a good time and enjoying the day and now you can contribute to that fun with a funny birthday message.

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