Short & Sweet Rainbow Baby Quotes
• "For this child, we have prayed." — 1 Samuel 1:27-28
• "The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow." — Unknown
• "No rain, no rainbows." — Unknown
• "Look for the rainbow, not the rain." — Unknown
• "Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud." — Maya Angelou
• "Dreams really do come true, my sweet rainbow baby, I’ve been waiting for you." — Unknown
• "Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest of clouds, and fiercest winds, there is still beauty." — Katrina Mayer
• "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain." — Dolly Parton
• "You are the rainbow that adds colors to my gray skies." — Avijeet Das
Literary Rainbow Baby Quotes
• "When we lose one blessing, another is most often unexpectedly given in its place." — C.S. Lewis
• "This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
• "Love was a feeling completely bound up with color, like thousands of rainbows superimposed one on top of the other." — Paulo Coelho
• "The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. It is a little star-dust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched." — Walden by Henry David Thoreau
• "Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail." — Robert Motherwell
Rainbow Baby Quotes From Poems
• "Oh, God of Dust and Rainbows, Help us to see, That without the dust the rainbow, Would not be." — Langston Hughes
• "Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray." — Lord Byron
• "My heart is like a rainbow shell, That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to me." — Christina Rossetti
Rainbow Baby Quotes From Songs
• "No more teardrops now that I've found a love so true; I got a pocketful of rainbows, got an armful of you." — Elvis Presley
• "Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true." — "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
• "So when the winds are howling strong, and you think you can't go on, hold tight, sweetheart; You'll find a rainbow, rainbow, baby; Trust me, I know life is scary; But just put those colors on, girl; Come and play along with me tonight." — Kesha
• "Well the sky has finally opened; The rain and wind stopped blowin'; But you're stuck out in the same ol' storm again; You hold tight to your umbrella; Well, darlin', I'm just tryin' to tell ya; That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head." — Kacey Musgraves
• "Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows; Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together; Brighter than a lucky penny; When you're near, the rain goes, disappears, dear; And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine." — Lesley Gore
Comparison Quotes About a Parent's Love
Love is an abstract concept. Help your child visualize how deep and grand your love is with a comparison quote showcasing your feelings in relation to other monumental things. This image helps younger children understand the difficult concept of strong emotion and makes it more concrete for people of any age.
• My love for you is like an invisible elastic band. No matter how far you go, we are connected.
• I love you stronger than iron and softer than feathers.
• My love for you could stretch around the world countless times, and when the world is covered, my love could stretch through the galaxy forever moving on.
• If my love for you had a color, it would be the whole rainbow.
• I love you like the touch of a warm ray of sun, gently heating your soul at first chance of a chill.
• My love for you is taller than the sky and wider than the galaxy.
• My love for you is a guiding star leading me into great adventures in a brand-new world.
• From the moment you were born, you became the sun to my planet.
• Like a superhero squad, our love is strongest when we give it together.
Quotes About Loving a Grown Child
• You are the best thing I've done with my life.
• Even though my lap is too small, my heart will always have enough room for you.
• I know you're grown now, but my heart doesn't realize that. In my heart, you will always be my sweet baby.
• I haven't been a perfect person, but the one thing I will never regret is bringing you into this world.
• I see the best parts of myself reflected in you, but you've made all those qualities even better.
• When times are hard, when your friends turn against you and your luck seems to fail, know that I will always be just a phone call away.
• I know you must walk your own path, but let my love be the light to guide you.
• It's a beautiful thing, watching another adult walking around out there in the world with my heart beating inside them.
• I love you for the baby you were and the man (or woman) you are today.
Sweet Quotes for Young Children
Show your sweet little one how much you love him or her with these simple, child-focused love quotes:
• Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Fish have gills, so they can swim. Bunnies have four legs, so they can run. I have a heart, so I can love you.
• See the stars? I made a wish on one, and I got you.
• There's no bad thing you could do that would ever change my love.
• Wherever you go, my love is with you.
• I hug you and kiss you and tell you I love you because it fills me with joy. I'll hug you and kiss you and tell you I love you some more so you'll be full too.
• I love you when I wake up in the morning. I love you all day long. I love you in my dreams at night.
• No work is more important than my love for you.
• Playing with you is the happiest moment of my day.
• There are thousands of children in the world, and I was lucky enough to get you.
Rhyming Quotes About a Parent's Love
• There is no love more deep and true than the love I give to you.
• You deserve the best I have to give, and that's my undying love as long as you shall live.
• When I think of how I love you, there are no words to explain. I love you because you are you, it's that simple and plain.
• You may no longer be small, or need my help for all, But you'll always need love from my heart, especially when we are apart.
• They say one plus one is two and one plus two is three, but through love our one plus one is you and one plus two is we.
• Your love discovered parts of me I never knew were there and now my heart is open wide to love completely exposed and bare.
• My love always speaks to your heart as a long-lost counterpart.
• You are ours. We are Yours. From the moon to the stars, our love lasts as long as the wind soars.
• From the moment they put you in my arms, it became my life's work to keep you from harm.
• You may wonder sometimes why I do what I do. Just remember, my child, my every thought is for you.
Quotes About Love From a Step-Parent
A step-parent shares a unique bond with a child, one that doesn't always come across in traditional quotes. Living in a blended family can be challenging, but it's also rewarding. Try these quotes about this special love:
• I didn't have to love you; I got to love you. It's the best choice I've ever made.
• You may not have my eyes, but you have my love forever.
• I "stepped" into my role as your parent. I chose it. And no choice has made me happier.
• My love is with you every day, even the days you aren't with me.
• Your love wasn't give to me at birth. I work every day to earn it.
• Being your step-parent is the best wedding gift your mom (or dad) gave to me.
• Being your step-parent has been the hardest, most heart-breaking, and best thing I've done with my life.
• It's love, not DNA, that makes me your mom (or dad).
• Families aren't like socks. They don't have to match. They just have to be warm and cozy.
Love Quotes for Sons
• My son, you are my heart.
• I love the little boy you are now and the man you will become.
• You are the strongest, kindest boy I know.
• There is one man I love more than any other; he is my son.
• Son, your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world.
• You may be a man to everyone else, but you're still a little boy to me.
• No matter how many Legos I step on, I'm always so grateful to be your mom (or dad).
• My son, I'll always have your back.
• You are the boy who stole my heart.
Love Quotes for Daughters
If you're the mom or dad of a daughter, you can show your love with these quotes:
• You are more than my daughter; you're also my dearest friend.
• People say that little girls are sweet, but they don't realize they are fierce too. I'm so proud of your strength.
• Daughter, you are more beautiful than a flower and stronger than a mountain.
• I never knew I could love any woman as I love my daughter.
• Daughter, you are my dream come true.
• Daughter, no matter where you go in life, I'm only a phone call away.
• Daughter, you've taught me to braid hair, make fairy crowns, and love more deeply than I ever thought possible.
• Some people like roses or violets, but I think you are the most beautiful thing to watch growing.
• I've never loved anyone like I love my daughter.
More Sentimental Quotes
There are many places you'll find emotional phrases meant for children from their parent's point of view. Popular sentimental examples include:
• From the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, a quote about how long a parent's love lasts: "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always..."
• "I am your kiss good night, you are my I love you." is a cute quote about this special relationship from Maryann Cusimano Love's book You Are My I Love You.
• Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney features many great sayings about a parent's love including, "I love you right up to the moon and back."
• Classic children's characters Winnie the Pooh and Piglet have a conversation about love and say "How do you spell love? You don't spell it, you feel it."
Unconditional Emotions
A parent's love is deep and lasting. Communicate your feelings with your child using an emotional quote in cards, on personalized gifts, or in home décor. If you have trouble putting your own feelings into words, these sweet options are the next best thing.
Congratulations for Baby Boy: Now it is time for you to take ideas from these wishes and plan the best way to wish your near and dear new born baby boys. The birth of a child is always a very happy moment. It is the moment to pray for the baby for a prosperous life, it is the moment to wish congratulations to the proud parents who have given birth to the baby and it is the most perfect time to send wishes for the new born baby. If the child is a boy, then you must consider him to be the hero of the future; the one who will have the power to rule the world. So, to show your love to the new born child you must think of some awesome creative ideas. The best way to show your love and make the family where the child is born happy is to send some fantastic new baby boy wishes. These cute congratulation messages are perfect examples of what to say to the new parents who just welcomed their newborn baby boy
What to Write in a Newborn Baby Boy Card
Adorable Newborn Baby Boy Congratulation Messages
Images with Cute Congratulations for Baby Boy
What to Write in a Newborn Baby Boy Card
• There is nothing more beautiful than the birth of a child. Cheers to a loving mommy, eager daddy and the prettiest baby boy in the whole world!
• Congratulation for the birth of your son. May your heart swell with joy every time he smiles at you or reaches for your finger with his beautiful tiny hand!
• You’ve got future filled with many surprises. Part of it is because of the bundle of joy that you are holding close to your heart.
• Sending loads of wishes to the little prince born among us and that has made us all overjoyed.
• If the sun shines for a thousand years, it could never outshine the warmth and ecstatic joy I feel as I congratulate you for the birth of your son.
• The arrival of your new baby is the just the start of many good things. I would make a list for you, but part of the fun is discovering the little surprises that baby boy has in store for you.
• I hereby congratulate the proud parents of the new born prince and hope the best future for him.
• Congratulations for the newest member of your family! I hope this boy brings you more joy than you have ever imagine. Can’t wait to pinch its cute little baby cheeks when I see it! Congratulations!
• As you watch your newborn son resting in your lap, may joy, peace, happiness and tranquility be your constant companion. Congratulation, may your family be blessed!
• I can only imagine the happiness you must be feeling right now! I’m pretty sure, knowing you both, that you will be great parents, and that when that baby smiles, that moment will be the pinnacle of your day. Congratulations!
• Nine months have whizzed by, and today, you welcome a prince into your life and home. I share in your joy, and wish you and your family joy and happiness as you celebrate this wonderful addition to your family.
• Poets talk of the joy of holding a newborn baby in your arms. I am sure the joy they talk of is nothing compared to the joy you are feeling as you hold your new baby boy in your arms. May this joy be an ever-present force in your life!
• I am certain that you already know what parenthood will mean for you two. So, I wish to congratulate you and to ask you a very simple question. Are you up for an adventure?
• Raising a boy is always a tough challenge. Amongst many other things, they can be quite noisy and troublesome, so forget your peace and quiet for a very long time. But, when you see your little boy grow on to become a strong and independent man, then all of your worries will be gone. Congratulations!
• Every story deserves a charming prince to save the day. So I am very happy to see yours got the prince it deserves. Congratulations!
• No matter how cold someone’s heart is, it can’t-do anything else than melt at the sight of your beautiful little man, I truly can’t wait to see him all grown up ready to conquer the world. Congratulations!
• After 9 really tough months, the time has finally come! Get ready for your beautiful house to be filled with ninjas, dinosaurs, and knights! But at least it’ll be living in a fantasy world, for your little magical boy. Congratulations!
• The challenges you will now face, are not only limited to the normal struggles of raising a child but as this little man grows, you will have to constantly run around chasing him, since little boys have a constant need of exploring what’s around them. But that’s a good thing! Since he will be ready to conquer the world from such a young age! Congratulations!
• I’d like to wish for this fine young boy you now have as a part of your family, to grow up and become the man of his dreams. May luck be on his side. Congratulations!
• I really want to ask you. How does it feel to have the future man of the year crying in your arms? Because with parents like you, he is definitely becoming someone great! Congratulations!
Adorable Newborn Baby Boy Congratulation Messages
• Let the God shower all His power upon the little baby boy so that he can make all his near and dear ones feel proud of him.
• New babies herald new beginnings. May you find love, happiness and lots of laughter as you step into this next stage of your life. Kisses for your new baby boy.
• Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby boy! May your son fill your life with joy and love!
• Congratulations on the angel added to your family! That’s going to be one lucky boy.
• Goodbye tummy. Hello yummy mommy! Hello Baby Boy. Looking forward to our first playdate.
• It time to rejoice and get mad with happiness as the hero of the future was born today.
• So happy for you two! Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby boy!
• If joy and happiness were commodities, I would send you "ferry loads" as you celebrate the birth of your son. I wish you well and hope that every time you listen to his laughter, your family’s happiness will multiply tenfold.
• A newborn son is like the sun after a long period of rain: a sign of a new chapter. I take this chance to wish you good tidings as you embark on this new and exciting chapter of your life.
• Congratulation on your little bundle of joy! Now that your precious son is born, you need to brush up on stories about little monsters and super heroes.
• I pray to the Almighty to shower all the blessings upon the little prince born in this world.
• Prayers and good wishes for you and your family on the birth of your baby boy.
• Hope this day will be memorable to all the ones who are waiting for the little prince to grow up quickly and have a tremendous future.
• Sending oceans of love for the new born baby boy who is the little hero.
• Wish the best of the best future for the new born baby boy.
• Sending tons of love to the little prince and congratulations to the new parents.
• I wish this little new born baby boy to have wonderful dreams and may the Almighty always be with him to fulfill his dreams on the walk of his life.
Images with Cute Congratulations for Baby Boy
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The most precious jewels, you’ll ever have around your neck, are the arms of your children.