Do Not Weep For Me
of death, I will fear Spirit for ever Thee,dedication: dedication to my
, of the shadow Son, and the Holy
confidence, I fly unto I ask for , through the valley
with Jesus your Inspired with this to lead others.websites:
Yea, though I walk and joyunaided.
strength of spirit Information obtained from for His name's sake.or pain, but only peace
intercession was left to protect others;Keith W. Boakes, Mgr., N.J. LIC. #4035of righteousnessno more sorrow, no more weeping
or sought Thy strength; strength of body Fax: 609-625-9141in the paths
there will be Thy protection, implored Thy help,I ask for Mays Landing, NJ 08330he leadeth me into paradise where
who fled to will not go.6050 Main Street
soul;Welcome him now
anyoneme where others
Boakes Funeral Home, Inc.He restoreth my ever.
Prayer Cards
it known that courage to take sanctity.beside still waters.and peace for
that never was own fears;surrounded your presence, the perfume of he leadeth me all its cares, give him happiness gracious Virgin Mary,and conquer my smelling flowers that in green pastures;is freed from
Remember O most courage: courage to facehalo of sweet to lie down life: now that he MemorareLord, I ask for and the invisible He maketh me
greatly in this hand.Policeman's Prayerpain, but your smile want.
You loved him hollow of His fire or shed in my shepherd; I shall not your in the involved in a
remember the blood
The Lord is our brother to meet again, may God keep to aid when hands, feet and side, we not only
Psalm 23Father we entrust And until we I am pledge
that pierced your be also.Loved Him
fields,others whomrecall the wounds
am you may and ever.soft upon your
neighbors and all of salvation. As we lovingly myself, that where I Spirit for ever
And rains fall to protect my only true sign take you to Jesus your Son, and the Holy
your face,
courage, the alertnessit is the again and will and joy with
shine warm upon Give me the midst, for we acknowledge
I will come or pain, but only peace May the sun
young and old.back in our you,
no more sorrow, no more weeping your back,of all people
to bring it a place for there will be be always at
and property
by other symbols, please help us go and prepare into paradise where May the wind save the lives
has been replaced place for you? And when I Welcome her now rise with you,I work to
cricified Jesus. Because the Cross and prepare a ever.May the road
whileto glorify the that I go
and peace for Irish BlessingYour loving care in our time
told yougive her happiness and life everlasting. Amen.Help me with for 50 years, you were chosen
not so, would I have
all its cares,the body,performing our duty.
Cross, which you bore many rooms; if it were is freed from the resurrection of
from harm while wounds of the In my Father’s house are now that she
sins,may be protectedyou forgive. Through your visible me.
life:Saints,the forgiveness of so that we be healed, and forgives those
hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in greatly in this the communion of Firefighters
you ask to
Let not your You loved her Church,to Firemen and Lord, He heals those
John 14:1-3your mercy.the Holy Spirit,the Holy Catholic
Give special guidance friendship with the evermore.our sister to I believe in all men:body and mind. Because of your and even for Father we entrust the dead.of light to blessings, and peace for time forth,Loved Herthe living and are a beacon cures and healings, earthly and spiritual in from this Amenjudge
Your strength, power, and wisdom
venerate you. They ask for and thy coming in the next.shall come to
Mankind,who love and outwith you forever
From thence He Almighty God, Protector of all everyday by those preserve thy going
and supremely happythe Father Almighty.Fireman's Prayeroffered to you
The Lord shall in this life of God,and my wife.thousands of prayers
thy soul.happythe right hand
hand my children prayer to the He shall preserve may be reasonably
and sits at with your protecting to add my all evil;
So that I
heaven,lose my life; please blessBeloved Padre Pio, Saint of Pietrelcina, today I come
preserve thee from to Your will.He ascended into
fate, I am to St. Pio of PietrelcinaThe Lord shall if I surrender
from the dead.And if, according to my night.
all things right He rose again protect his property.which I ardently
nor the moon You will make hell;the third dayevery neighbor and
the grace of by day,would have it, and trusting thatHe descended into to guard my
to grant me, through his intercession,not smite thee
not as I
was crucified, died, and was;
I beseech Thee The sun shall as it is,
Pilate,the best in souls. With confidence,
thy hand.Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius
and to give the good of
thy shade upon
pathway to peace.born of the
fill my calling Father and for the Lord is hardship as a
Spirit,I want to
of Your heavenly thy keeper:
time, and accepting
by the Holy that fate.
the gloryThe Lord is moment at a
Who was conceived the horror of so faithfully for
nor sleep.
at a time, enjoying one
Christ, His only Son, our Lord,older person from so much andlaboured
will not slumber Living one day and in Jesus
or save an who loved Thee thee
the difference.and earth;too late;
in Your sufferings,he that keepeth
to knowCreator of heaven before it is Pietrelcina, who generously participated
to be moved:and the wisdom Almighty,
a little child God, Padre Pio of suffer thy foot
can,God the Father Help me embrace
on earth, the servant of He will not the things I
I believe in life, whatever be it's heaven and
and earth.courage to change The Apostles' Creed
to save some Thee to glorify which made heaven
cannot change,Lord forever.give me strength
on the cross, I humbly entreat from the Lord,the things I port of my
rage;willed to die
My help cometh acceptrest in the
called to duty, God, whenever flames may us that You
my help.the serenity to and I will When I am
Your love of from whence cometh God grant me of my voyaging,
Firefighter’s Prayervictim for sinners, so impelled bythe hills
Prayerall the days all eternityand charity,
mine eyes unto The Complete Serenity me
Together in God's Heaven for Oh Jesus, full of grace I will lift difference.
starlight shall favor the day we'll bePadre Pio
Psalm 121to know the Surely sunlight and precious memories until
of Joseph, intercede for us.Matthew 5:3-10and the wisdom
rideth calmly, And think on Jesus Christ, of Mary and Heaven.I can,
and my ship
youof our Lord the Kingdom of change the things
waves with oil,this earth for St. Jude, Apostle, martyr and relative for theirs is
the courage to Thou anointest the blessings waiting on St. Jude
of righteousness,cannot change,of eternity;God has many
to eternal life.for the sake the things I in the homeland
you to dowe are born who are persecuted,accept
harbour before methere's much for
in dying that Blessed are those the serenity to
Thou preparest a beyond today for we are pardoned, and it is
of God. God grant me Thy care, they shelter me.
Try to look in pardoning that be called children
The Serenity PrayerThy love and now share
we receive, and it is For they will Amen.with me;
Heaven's beauty I in giving that peacemakers, danger, For Thou art now with Jesus
as to love; for it is
Blessed are the
Ma liberaci dal I shall dread
For I am as to understand; to be loved see God.
indurre in tentazionelife,despair
to console; to be understood clean of heart, For they will
E non ci and tempests of grieve with great
be consoled as Blessed are the debitori.
amid the thunders I am gone, but please don't weep or
much seek to be shown mercy.rimettiamo ai nostri
Yea, though I sail
Precious Memoriesmay not so
merciful, for they will Come noi li
His Name's sake.see you come!
O Divine Master; grant that I Blessed are the i nostri debiti
of holiness for Oh, the joy to sadness, satisfied.
Rimetti a noi by the star
that meeting,Where there is for they will
nostro pane quotidianome
Oh, the rapture of darkness, light.
thirst for righteousness,Dacci oggi il
Log and guideth call you home;Where there is
who hunger and così in terra.He keepeth my
He will gently
despair, hope.Blessed are they come in cielo all complete,
Where there is inherit the land.
tua volontàin the deep When that work
doubt, faith.meek, for they will
sia fatta la and steereth me
in Jesus' land.Where there is
Blessed are the regno
waters--you shall rest
injury, comforted.
venga il tuo across the dark
Do it now, while life remainethWhere there is
that mourn, for they will tuo nome
He leadeth me not idly stand;
love.Blessed are they
sia santificato il drift.
so you must hatred, let me sow heaven.
sei nei cielimy Pilot; I shall not
you,Where there is the kingdom of
Padre nostro che The Lord is
still waiting for Thy peace.For theirs is The Lord's Prayer (Italian)
My PilotThere is work an instrument of poor in spirit,
AmenThe Lord is our Father's will.
Lord make me Blessed are the apo tou ponirouPsalm 23: Mariner's Version
pray to trust Prayer of St. Francis AssisiThe Beatitudesreesĕ imaskeep.
beyond earth's shadows,Lord.
forever and ever.apo pirasmon ala
Good enough to Try to look Through Christ our
that I am you dearly still;
promise, come to thee.your son, and the Holy
ke mis enengisi me and judge
for I love intercession. I, a poor sinner, encouraged by this Jesus,
tis ofeletes imonYou'll smile at sorely,power of the
and joy with afihiomen
Peacefully asleep,not grieve so
in vokes thee, will feel the but only peace os ke emeis
as I lay Then you must Tuesdays, and there piously
or pain,ta ophelimata imonyour Landing net
for nine consecutive no more weeping ke afese imin
When nestled in one doubt or
soever visits it sorrow,Thos imin simeron
Humbly pray,could I have promise that who
be no more
ton epiousionmade, I then most on,
altar with the where there will ton arton imon
final cast is And with Jesus' arm to lean come to Thy
into paradiseyisBut when my
to tread;seek aid to Welcome her now
ke epi tis another shining day,way so hard
all those who and peace forever.
os en ourano
to fish for
me in that revelation has directed give her happiness
souI may live himself to meet
distressed, who by miraculous all its cares,yenithito to thelima
God grant that And he came the afflicted and
is freed from souFisherman's Prayer
glade.O glorious St. Anthony, safe refuge of now that she eltheto ē vasilia
hand.dark and fearful St. Anthonylife;
soupalm of His Oh! But Jesus' love illumined every
Senor por largo, largo tiempo.greatly in this ayiasthito to onoma
you in the shade?la casa del
You loved her en tis ouranis
May God hold valley of the
mi mansion sera mercy.Pater Imon O
meet againcalmly trod the vida,
sister to your The Lord's Prayer (Greek)And until we
why I so mientras dura mi Father, we entrust our Amen.
your decks.Did you wonder y tu favor
Loved Daughterand the power, and the glory, forever.fall soft upon heaven at last.
bondadLord, Amen.the kingdom,And the rains
at peace forever, safely home in Me acompana tu Through Christ our For thine is
your face,I am now copa.
and our departed.from evil,
shine warm upon passed;
y rellenas mi you
but deliver us May the sun
over; every restless tossing
perfumas mi cabeza
are united with not into temptation,sails
and grief is con aceite tu
in glory and And lead us always fill your
All the pain a mis adversarios,we greet Christ
against us.May the wind light.
la mesa frenteof faith until those who trespass you.
In this everlasting Me sirves a by the words
as we forgive rise to meet joy and beauty protegen.
be comfortedour trespasses,
May the tide There is perfect tu vara me
In our turn, may we too And forgive us Irish Blessing (Nautical)
and so bright!tu baston y for your servant.
bread.As we go, this we know, God is nigh. Amen.Heaven, dear ones; Oh so happy
conmigo,may be opened day our daily
'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars, 'Neath the sky.I am in
porque tu estas of Paradise
Give us this Thanks and praise, for our days,Safely Home
temo ningun mal,that the Gates heaven.
is nigh.the same;muy oscuras no
accept our prayer it is in All is well, safely rest God
is broken, and nothing seems
quebradasmercy,on earth as
From the lake, from the hill, From the sky.our family chain Aunque pase por
O Father, in your great doneDay is done, gone the sun,at our side.
nombre.departed's earthly life.Thy kingdom come, Thy will be
cannot see you, you are always amor de su during ourname.
is so proud.And though we me dirige por
you have given Hallowed be thy of whom he still our guide.
del buenogood thingsheaven,out for us
peaceful memories, your love is Fortalece mi alma, por el camino for all the Our Father, who art in
He's still looking You left us conduce.We thank you
The Lord's Prayerand heavenly cloud,called you home.agua fresca me
died in Christ.Amenthrough a light you,the day GOD
y adonde brota all who have nuestra muerte.
with his Masterus went with reposar
Last Day with la hora de Now gazing down
for part of el me hace on the
ahora y en all mankind.
go alone;en verdes pastos will rise again
ruega por nosotros, pecadores,and most of you, you do not
mi pastor; nada me falta;that our departed Santa María, Madre de Dios,
love of country hearts to lose El Senor es
hopede tu vientre, Jesús.He stood for
It broke our Psalm 23 (Spanish)with the sure
el frutoin his the same.
anni.We are filled
y bendito es his brother ever loved you dearly, in death we Signore per lunghissimi
Always thinking of In life we mia vita, e abiterò nella casa del
departed into your entre todas las his part.
your name.i giorni della we commend our
Bendita tú eresand bravely did
going to call saranno compagne tutti Most merciful Father,
el Señor es his nation
that GOD was trabocca. Felicità e grazia mi
Resurrection Prayergracia,He was loyal
that morningil mio capo. Il mio calice evermore.
llena eres de heart.We little knew
nemici; cospargi di olio
we loved for Dios te salve, María,
always in his The Broken Chain
occhi dei miei and with those Hail Mary (Spanish)Stripes, they flew forever
be.mensa sotto gli be with youAmen.
The Stars and is yet to tu prepari una
that we may della nostra morte.Stars and Stripes
where the best
sicurezza. Davanti a me place,Adesso e nell’ora
love best.
again in Heaven,vincastro mi danno
for that happy peccatori
the game I Until we meet e il tuo
prepare us also Prega per noi
a round of meme. Il tuo bastone
for us,Santa Maria, Madre di Dio,To play you
you gave to male, perché tu sei con
prepare a place Del tuo seno, Gesú.
are having fun.of the love
oscura, non temerei alcun And while you
E benedetto è il fruttoshared when you will carry memories
in una valle . . .
fra le donnetimes that are
Now my heart suo nome. Se dovessi camminare
see more clearly
Tu sei benedetta
But by the letting go
il giusto cammino, per amore del that we may Il Signore è con te.holes in one,
the gift of mi conduce. Mi rinfranca, mi guida per God,
Piena di grazia,not measured by
to you life's greatest gift,ad acque tranquille
Lift us up, strong Son of Ave Maria,
For success in So I gave
mi fa riposare of our sight.
Hail Mary (Italian)thought
su pascoli erbosi save the limit
Amen.of making shots He loved you
nulla;is nothing
death.For the excitement
and I knew Salmo. Di Davide. non manco di
and a horizon hour of our rough.
the answer,Psalm 23 (Italian)
a horizon,and at the
in sand or But Jesus knew the Lord forever.
life is but sinners now,
I have found just yesterdaythe house of
of this mortal pray for us
For the patience like we did dwell in
Love is unending, and the boundaryHoly Mary, Mother of God,game I love.
againand I will to you.thy womb, Jesus.
friends and the walk and talk
of my life;if we belong
the fruit of For the many
So we could all the days
and blessed is
swung a to stay
yours is ours among women
times I have for I wanted
mercy shall follow
For what is blessed art thou For all the my selfish thoughts
Surely goodness and . . .
with thee:
Golfer's PrayerI struggled with
by their return the Lord is
to say "goodbye"my cup runneth not lose them
Hail Mary, full of grace,and please, Lord, through it all, be at my
It was time head with oil;
so we do Hail Mary
me;His outstretched arms,thou anointest my
giving,me. Amen.those who need Where Jesus held
of mine enemies;them in the mercy, hear and answer
and compassion for beyond the skyin the presence did not lose
but in Thy me;to that place
table before meyet as you petitions,those who entrust
were looking homewardThou preparest a them to us;
the Word incarnate,despise not my concern for all But your eyes comfort me.
who first gave
Oh Mother of Give me, Lord, concern:once again.
thy staff they back to you, O Lord,stand, sinful and safe.
strong and happy Thy rod and We give them come, before Thee I
community to keep that you werewith me.Back
To Thee I
dedication to my Oh, how I wished for thou art
We Give Them Virgins. My Mother!it well;
handno evil;
and ever.O Virgin of
job to do tightly to your that you were
near your bed, so very close raise the curtain
We must have curtain fall,
you, The day God It broke my
love you still.could have saved
knew why.I'm leaving, You never said
el día que Dios al perderte pero
alcanzar.lleva lo mejor.
ustedun lugar vacio.
I'm sure a darkest,I still think
angels, and I'm sure that danger and showing
angels --that they're always hovering shining from a
to be found joy,courage
everything she doesThere's magic in
I loved you me with tears...
--and he was in the hearts
our sadnessThink how he of warmth and
him as resting life holds so
His/Her Journey's Just Begunpeace as I at some moment
the dead.
or your husband,Think of me
Poem for Thy And bury your When you are
part of the we all must shared,
and not with a soul set me,When I come
must realize God mankind knows will view.them, and so He
a rosebud before Perhaps God tires small child
question the wisdom When God calls start
cherish memories; the love we Little Angel 1come this way
need me, call & I will come.heart.It's only for
for me if you each have how much you many years.
You must not When I am - David Haskinsit live on.
her only that or you can shared.
be empty because or you can smile because she Tearspeace, you've earned your
your best,a wife not You fought for
would be hard to fight,This is the its timeA time for
sharing, a time for season,
loved, and will never she lived, everyone's friend.A Beautiful Life
tears, and chased away appeared, then trouble disappeared.safest place to
Grandma always held you
wish will someday That part is
It is a day.
a part of Distance may separate So anytime you
Take a look all my love.
From the heavens
through the sunshineTime has taken
of and labor,
Your loving smile, Your gentle face:now, Our hearts are
Your spirit flew You toiled so
always think of cried,
Remember me in
beautiful sea, Remember heard.left.
To the angry, I was cheated, but to the AwayAnd if times faith be strong,
Strengthening our special recollections, I’m hoping you AwayOf happy memories
sunny days.whispering softly down leave an afterglow I'd like the
of us went can ever fillloved you dearly, In death we
If love alone whom we will
We think of
nothing new.We Thought of And never, never be afraid
and in cheerBut fill each do all things
gallant smile:and hug your a little while free.
Lift up your seemed all too you the sunshine too will miss.
left a void,I've found that I could not hand when I me, for now I'm free;
climb,earth were in
be beautiful for He put his the garden, and saw an
us went with It broke our were hard to
he only takes
arms around you He then looked
God's Garden 1
you have seen always. Why, when I have life I could
in the sand. Sometimes there were beach with the your heart
day, right from the in the wintertime
Remember me in in the spring
there, I did not soft stars that When you awaken
snow.sleep,Do Not Stand
at rest.Although we loved
his arms around God saw you
grieve for my Remember I have ever had heartache, and remember I've had loads
the last weary poem or prayer.of poems and
printed on site, so we can
services, as well as offer prayer cards
or prayer that be to put
wide selection of not.stag on the
flies south at shadow that dances memory that dwells
Do not weep pushes through the
gentle rain that I held suffering
The angels gathered For He will call,
tears of sorrow, we see a
me went with could ever fill.loved you dearly, In death I
If love alone it, and only God You never said
nosotros se fué con ustedRompió nuestros corazones
eran dificil de
precioso porque él solo se El pusó sus brazos hacia Dios miró al jardín y vio
storm is gone,When night seems over you.
Yes, I believe in Protecting us from I believe in heaven
kindness and compassiona source of both hope and
There's love in a Mother's Touchwere beside you.
Grieve not...nor speak of is ever losthim as living how nothing but a place Just think of -- his journey's just begun,
Leave me in in lifetoo long on good for you, or your wife
a little.go.friends we knowhome.
It's all a a journey that that we once
longWhy cry for has set for Go
left behind The saddest word
more beautiful to much we need
So He picks wonderful and mild.death of one We mortals sometimes
Little Angels 2
day, right from the
I will always
and say, "Welcome Home."And then, when you must
listen with your
So if you
memories within your
by trust.
So grieve awhile for the love guess
we had so see and do.who love me,
on.memory and let You can remember
yesterday,the loved you Your heart can
pray that she'll come back,or you can
You Can Shed So go in us you gave Not just as
A stronger person love and how A wife, a mother, a grandma too,everything beautiful in
giving;A time for is an appointed Of one we
She died as to me!Grandma wiped my Grandma's love always
open wide. She had the Grandma’s LoveThe memory of I know that cherish.
my eyes.
going through the For I carry
Apartyour baby, your child, your best friend.can start.
other and carry all of you,I'll be watching
Mebest for all Your life was
more.We miss you to none.
HardFor if you times we loved, the times we
Remember me.gazing at a seen, but I can faithful, I have never
return.there…Just a Memory I belong.
journey on, So let your our hearts forever,
I’ve left sweet Just a Memory
the sunand bright and
leave an echo I'd like to
AfterglowFor a part
place, No one else In life we in our hearts.
our keepsake with too.
today, But that is in the sky.near;hand in comfort
live on and bravely with a wild tears
leave you for now, God set me
grief.Perhaps my time
I wish for Ah, yes, these things I If parting has
stay that all.I took His
Don't grieve for
were hard to be well on
you were weary, and He knew God's garden must
tired face.God looked around
For part of and whispered "Peace be thine."rough, and the hills
be beautiful for
He put his"
leave you. The times when walk with me
time of my the sky. In each, I noticed footprintswalking along the
I live within all remember Each And remember me
summer bringsflowers bloom early
and cry, I am not
in circled flight, I am the
autumn's gentle rain,diamond's gift of
there, I do not the best.stopped beating, Hard working hands
pass away.So he put Come to Me
Then forget to by the way.Forget that I
frowned, and remember only of my journey, and I travel your own favorite an extensive library prayer cards are
include: occupations, hobbies, branches of military
We now also card, and a poem
Another option would We provide a Therefore, the wise weep
I am the wild goose that
I am the I am the the mountain stream.
spring flower that I am the I have not
so many thingsthe pain and
Letting Goin His way,gone beyond our
When through our For part of place, That no one
In life I I cried.before I knew
Pues parte de
Contigo."momento mas aspero, y las Colinas
tiene que ser y vió su rostro cansado.
El jardín de Diosand when the tears away...
angels are watching
each day...clouds appear.
Angelsthe light of There is a
Her laughter is
We can find
her smile.
The Magic of
as though I
Grieve Notfor nothing loved
And think of
know today
no days and
the tearsonly one.
be with the
as I was
thoughts to dwell
It is not dead, cry for me
Miss me - but let me
go to the
the road to must go alone.
For this is Remember the love
little - but not too
gloom-filled room,
and the sun
Miss Me, But Let me little child departs, we who are must try.
land of Heaven
God knows how
fold,our world seem
compares With the above,
my remembered each
childwith a smile soft and clear.
I'll be near; and if you on.So bless the
grief be comforted traveled on alone.
I thank you you can only Be happy that
many things to love and those
open your eyes, love and go cherish her
yesterday.tomorrow and live
be full of
she's left.
your eyes and
is gone,our hearts, we'll eternally keep.
you to rest.For all of
another,heart, you were always
might.You taught us
Legacy of LoveYou have made loving, a time for
heaven-For everything there
be kept,
end,always be, A precious memory
me.and snug.
Her arms were
The Memory of in my heart
again for and
faceand tears to
It keeps me
you go,
While We Are I'll always be
here's where you care of each
I'll be watching far.
Time Has Taken You did the, we miss you
earth was done.You said goodbye
You Toiled So laughed.
of theand admire it's simplicity,shore,
I cannot be And to the
To the living, I am gone; to the sorrowful, I will never Don’t despair, for I am
place…I’m home where
Now it’s time to
memories Stay in to weep;done.
who grieve, to dry before and laughing times
I'd like to happy one,you home.
you, But you didn't go alone,you hold a have died.
in His keeping, We have you Your memory is
days before that you with love waiting for you
youand hold you Reach out your
loneliness on empty my nameBut start out
grieve and shed When I must
--God wanted me
now with undue Good friends, good times,a loved one's touch.
sorrow;A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
day.Tasks undone must
back and left for me
I Am Freerough, and the hills
you would never He knew that to rest.upon the earth, and saw your
God's Garden 2not go alone;your weary eyelids
road was getting God's garden must
your tired face.saw an empty
that I carried
and would never
so I said, "Lord, you promised me, that you would was only one. During the lowest life flashed across
dreamed I was forever near For But most of
leaves of goldthe fun that Remember me when
at my grave Of quiet birds grain, I am the
blow, I am the and weep, I am not to us, He only takes A golden heart we watched you, And saw you be,for a day.of the day.blundered, and sometimes fell
I have done,
you can, that I ever to the end those below, or bring us
We also have All of our themes. Some of those the card.
front of the non-denominational Being.
around the Summer rising.I am the knew me.gone.chuckling laughter of
I am the the mighty Oak.for me for I thought about
For they knew scene some day.
in God and dearly-loved one has
When Curtain fallsyou, But you didn't go alone
you hold a have died.I needed you, A million times You were gone
You Never Said fué solo;y susurrus "La Paz Sea camino estaba cada
En el jardín de Dios sobre la tierra God's Garden (Spanish)
light shine clear,to wipe our
And I'm convinced that
Performing little miracles, within our lives Whispering encouragement whenever I Believe in
and we see warm and wise.
in her eyes.lives worthwhile.
and sunshine in with you.
talk of me - E. Brennemantouched...
away.that we could where there are
the sorrows and -- this earth is him as gone
While you live, let your thoughts pleasant to recall. But not too
now and again to allow your much.
When I am
good deeds
at heartA step on and each one
go.low.Miss me a
rites in a of the roadto find.
So when a difficult, still somehow we To make the
old.aged to His much to make
For no heartache dwell with Him
little angel, who lives within
And you will forget you, My precious little
I'll greet you love around you touch me,
away, for life goes we must part.
then let your But now it's time I love and me in tears;
I have so To those I do what she'd want: smile,
or you can
tomorrow because of your back on
or you can
and see all You can close tears that she
Your love in has come for mother.
one way or and in your strength, you gave us
from remains forever.
parting.A time for
for everything under Treasured Seasonsamemory will always
came to an Grandma's love will
happy, because she loved Inside of Grandma's hug,I was safe very start.
you go.But for now, I will hold
To see you
dreams that I
smile to my always.
will never let I'm back again.within your heart.
if I'm there,So take good brightest star.
Although not very remember you.your family true.
fill your vacant As time goes your work on
you gone.
fought, the times we and your memories upon a flower
stand upon a listen.peace,
Remember Me 2sorrow and dismay,
in a better cannot sever.Eternal joy and
by your side, But there’s no need when life is
tears of those Of happy times
life is be a day God took
hearts to lose
In our hearts
you, You never would God has you your name
you yesterday and We thought of
For I am turn will comfort
useful ways,Feed not your
sake and in through the years,Please do not
Leavewith me
Don't lengthen it My life's been full, I savored much;
with times of with remembered joy.
close of the to love, to work, or play.I turned my
path God laid your weary eyelids, and whispered "Peace be thine."road was getting
He knew that the best.
and lifted you He looked down called you home.
you, but you did So he closed
He saw the to and saw
the garden and of footprints, it was then me?" The Lord replied, "My precious child, I love you
set of footprints footprints; other times there
Scenes from my
One night I I will be that are told
you walk through sunny days in Remember MeDo not stand
swift uplifting rush.sunlight on ripened thousand winds that at my grave hearts to prove make you stay.
With tearful eyes was not to have you sad battles, and won, ere the close Forget that I've stumbled and I have spoken; Remember some good
Just forget if
When I come from any of needs.
scenic landscapes.wide variety of the back of
photograph on the several pre-printed religious and
the transformation of I am just
I shall return of your vision.of those that
I have not
I am the face.
wind that shakes Do not weep going through.
to youon a fairer
faith and confidence And know a took you home.
heart to lose In my heart
you, You never would A million times
goodbye.le llamó a su casa.
usted no se Así que él cerró sus cansados párpados
él sabía que el y lo levantó a descansar.Luego él miró hacia abajo
rainbow will appear...I believe we'll see a
angels sometimes come you do too,
us the way,near,
Mother's face.
in her embrace,her words are
just by looking to make our a Mother's touch,so...'twas Heaven here but laugh and loved so much.of those he can really pass must be wishingcomfortfrommany facetsDon't think of shall leave you, too, in peace.which it is Think of me or your childrensometimes, but not too Livingsorrows in doing lonely and sick Master's plantakeMiss me - but let me
your head bowed
free.I want no
to the end loves children, angels are hard always be "Goodbye"
Believing this is takes but fewit can grow
of calling the Who does so
of His love.little children to As a special
shared, your smileI will not
alone,you'll hear my
Though you can't see or I won't be far
a while that grieve you must;shown.
gave me in I give you
tie yourself to
gone, release me; let me go.Welcome Home
Or you can she is gone,
be happy for You can turn
you can't see her,open your eyes has lived.
You can shed sleep,
Now the time
just as a
us all in to find,you gave us legacy we have For everything You remembering, a time for caring.And a time forget.In our hearts A beautiful lifethat my fears.Grandma made me heart, right from the And never let
come wish, my only one,
part of my
It brings a you with me us, but my heart
need me, Close your eyes inside yourself deep If you're ever wondering
up above.and through the
me from you,We will always
Your love for No one can
sore.before we knew,
hard for those me, I will never
the times we you hearts, thoughts,As you look So as you I cannot speak, but I can happy, I am at Rita S. Beerof loneliness Bring For I am bond that parting would keep.I’m no longer that I leave I'd like the
the ways,
of smiles when memory of me with you the It broke our
love you still.
could have saved never part.
you in silence, We often speak
We thought about You Todayto die,
and I in waking hour in the same,And for my sorrow to you --When I Must
heart and share brief;of tomorrow.Be not burdened
then fill it peace at the stay another day, to laugh,heard Him call;
I'm following the So He closed
He saw the pain.he only takes
arms around you
empty, the day God hearts to lose climb.the best.and lifted you down upon the God looked around only one set needed you most, would you leave see only one two sets of Lord.Footprintsstartin the stories the fall as Remember me on die.shine at night,in the morning's hush, I am the I am the I am a Do not stand God broke our you dearly, We could not you, And whispered, "Come to Me."were getting tired, And a cure going, I would not fought some hard of fun.Forget unkind words mile,When I'm Goneprayers. You can choose accommodate all your various floral and from Lifelong Publisher, which include a you choose on your loved ones prayer cards. Our selection includes
But rejoice at
wild hills way.
Autumns call and
on the edge
in the heart