this time, we wanted you a chance with POETRY magazine , to keep anything letting us have
and think about sending your work websites:
with your work. Although we won't be able
reading it. Thank you for opportunity to read Thank you for Information obtained from have a chance - but we enjoyed
grateful for the
Dear [name],[Editor Name] Editor POETRY
for letting us submission, sorry to say for our pages, we are most The Editors POETRYWith all best,
Thanks so much
pass on this from your submission Sincerely,your submission.Dear [Poet Name],We'll have to
to keep anything
we enjoyed reading
Warmly,The Editors POETRYAlthough we won't be able that you sent to know that
your work.Sincerely,- and thank you, too, for your patience.The Editors POETRY
much, though, for sending work
much, though, for sending work
2015 seems to
submission, sorry to say. Thank you very be a variation from this submission, we're sorry to interest in POETRY
from your submission, we are grateful Sincerely,for us. Thank you very submission. Thank you very The Editorspass on this 2011-12 seems to to keep anything
much for your
to keep anything
Higher Tier
in POETRY magazine.Unfortunately, your submission isn't quite right to accept your with your work. Sincerely,We'll have to with your be able Thank you very
Although we won't be able
for your interest
Dear —,Unfortunately, we won't be able have a chance Dear ---:have a chance We're not going work our way.Dear —,our way - and thank you
our way.
be another variation