Some Words For Happy Birthday

Once upon a time, you had to actually remember someone’s birthday, pick them up a greeting card, write some words in it by hand, and get it in the mail well before their big day.

On the birthday girl or boy’s side, that same technology makes it easy to thank everyone for their thoughts. The day after your birthday, you can simply type out "thanks for all the birthday wishes" and broadcast the message via your medium of choice. Done and done.


Here are some simple and straightforward ways to say thank you to all the people who wished you a Happy Birthday.

• Thank you all for the birthday wishes. You really made my day!

• Thanks for all the birthday wishes! You made a great day even greater!

• Thanks for wishing me a Happy Birthday, everyone! It was happy indeed, thanks to you!

• Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. You guys are the best!

• To everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday: Thank you!!! I had a great day, and hearing from all of you was one of the best parts of it!

• You rock! Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!

• To all who posted birthday wishes… thank you so much for thinking of me!

• Thank you all for taking the time to post your birthday wishes. I loved hearing from each and every one of you!

• It was nice to hear from so many people yesterday. Thanks for making me feel special on my birthday.

• Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed hearing from so many friends.


A great way to thank people is to give them a chuckle. Here are a few humorous thank you messages.

• My thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. The rest of you are dead to me.

• To everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday: thank you so much! To everyone else: I am in the process of unfriending you.

• Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. Hearing from you slightly lessened my despair at turning a year older.

• My thanks to everyone who congratulated me on turning a year older yesterday. To those who rubbed it in… your time is coming.

Some Words For Happy Birthday

• Thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes, everyone. They almost made me forget that I’m speeding toward the grave.

• Thanks for all the Happy Birthday wishes, even the ones that teased me for being so old!

• Thank you all for the birthday wishes! You made turning a year older seem a little less sucky!

• Here’s my obligatory "thanks for the birthday wishes" status. But seriously, I really do appreciate it!

• Hey everyone, your birthday wishes really meant a lot to me. Not as much as a present or cash, but a lot.


Finally, here are some especially sweet wording ideas. These messages are just the thing if you’re the touchy-feely type.

• Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I love you all!

• Thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! The best birthday gift is being reminded of what wonderful friends I have!

• My thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. It really meant a lot to me.

• Thank you all for making me feel like a queen on my birthday. Every single birthday wish was special to me.

• Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Hearing from so many family members and friends makes me feel grateful for all the wonderful people in my life.

• My birthday was awesome, and that’s thanks to all the awesome people who took time to send me birthday wishes. Thank you!

• Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. I feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.

• Thanks for the sweet birthday wishes, everyone. They made me feel wonderful.

• Thank you all for the beautiful Happy Birthday wishes. You made my day extra-special.

• Gosh, you all make me feel so special. Thank you for your kind birthday wishes!

• Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. You guys are simply the best!

Of course, another great way to thank people for wishing you a Happy Birthday is to return the favor. Check out our birthday section for unique birthday messages of all kinds.

Our mums mean the world to us. They’re our caregivers, our voices of reason and oftentimes, our best friends too. Mothers are superheroes in their own special way.

But what about the card?

Some Words For Happy Birthday

It can sometimes be difficult to find the right words to let her know just how much she means to you. How do you summarise every wonderful thing that she has done for you in a few sentences? "Happy birthday" just isn’t enough.

If you, like so many of us out there, struggle to find the perfect words for your lovely mum, have a look at some of our ideas below.

Jump To a Section Below

• How To Wish Mum a Happy Birthday

• Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Mum

• Funny Birthday Messages for Mum

• Birthday Messages To Send From Afar

• Happy Birthday Mum Quotes

• Happy Birthday Poems for Mum

• Happy Birthday Mum in Heaven

How To Wish Mum a Happy Birthday

A few extra touches here and there will really make your mum feel special. Follow these steps to personalise the card – it will make all the difference!

• If you have a special name that you call your mum, like "mumsy", "momaloo" or even "mama duck", use it to address the card.

• Think about what makes your mum unique. Is she very loving? Does she love being glamourous? Would you describe her as creative or thoughtful? Think about whatever it is that makes her exceptional and select a few adjectives to incorporate into your overall message.

• Try and write a birthday wish from the heart. Think about all the sweet, perfect things you wish for her for this new year in her life. Don’t rush it – sometimes something as precious as this takes time.

There’s no one in the world who could ever measure up to your mum, which is perhaps why it can be so difficult to put your birthday wishes for her into words.

Below are a few suggestions for you to use as a guideline. Incorporate any special memories or inside jokes you may have into them to help make her feel extra important on her special day.

Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Mum

• Mum, if it weren’t for you, I would never even have become half the person I am today. Thank you for being an exceptional mother, an amazing friend and someone I look up to every day of my life. Happy birthday!

• I don’t know where I’d be without you. You taught me to be patient, you taught me to be kind. You also taught me to work hard and to respect others. Most importantly, you taught me to see the best in myself. On your special day, I want to say thank you for everything. Happy birthday, Mum!

• Cheers to a woman who is full of grace, love and lessons. We could not be more thankful for all you have done. Happy birthday to the world’s most wonderful mum!

• Mum – there are 365 days in a year, but your birthday outshines every single one of them.

Some Words For Happy Birthday

• We are so blessed to have you to turn to for advice, to mend our broken hearts and to make such special memories with. We appreciate everything you have done for us and not a day goes by when we are not thankful for you and everything you continue to do. Happy birthday!

• Mum, you are not just the most special mum in the world. You are out light on my darkest day, and the brightest smile in any room. You do so much for our family – I think you’re a superhero! Happy birthday, SuperMum!

• Happy birthday to the very first friend I ever had! I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you by my side through all of life’s ups and downs. You’re always there for me, and I hope you know that I am always here for you.

Funny Birthday Messages for Mum

• Thank you for not telling my sisters/ brothers I'm your favourite!

• Happy birthday to a mom who looks young enough to be my sister. Note that if you ever start looking younger than me, we're going to have problems!

• Happy birthday to my dear Mum! May we continue to drive each other crazy for years to come.

• We have the perfect mother and daughter relationship. You're my mother & I'm perfect. Happy birthday, Mum!

• Happy birthday, Mum! Now that I'm older I want to thank you for never leaving me in a shopping cart and running away. I know it was tempting.

• I would have got you a funny card, but I know at your age bladder control can be a problem… Happy birthday, Mum!

• Happy birthday, Mum! Guess raising me didn't send you to an early grave after all!

Birthday Messages To Send From Afar

Sometimes it’s not always possible to be with your mum on her special day. Here are some ideas for those of you sending birthday cards from afar.

• No matter how far apart we may be, you are always in my heart, Mum. Happy birthday!

• Mum, you showed me how to face the world, and now I’m travelling it! I couldn’t be more grateful for everything you have taught me. Happy birthday!

• Thank you for always giving me hope, always encouraging me and always supporting me. I wish I could be there with you on this special day. Happy birthday, my precious Mum!

• Mum, the more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. I might not be there with you today, but today I am celebrating you. Happy birthday!

• Happy birthday, Mum! Thank you for being there for me through all the highs and through all the lows, and for everything in between. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you, but I do wish I was there with you.

• Sending love and hugs from afar to you, my Mum, my superstar! I hope that this day is just as special as you are! Thank you for everything that you have done for me – you mean more to me than words can say. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Mum Quotes

• “To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the whole world.” – Dr Seuss

• “A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” – Unknown

Some Words For Happy Birthday

• “All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” – Abraham Lincoln

• “Happy Birthday to the woman who gave me life then taught me how to live it.”– Unkown

• “A mother is she who can take the place of all other but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Meymillod

• “Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” – Unknown

• “Behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begins.” – Mitch Albom

• “A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place.” – Amy Tan

• “Everything I am, you helped me to be.” – Unkown

Happy Birthday Poems for Mum

• Roses are red, violets are blue, there's no one I'd rather turn to in times of need than you. Happy Birthday, Mum!

• I hope to be a mother like you. Strong, loving, devoted, inspiring, wonderful, and cool. Happy Birthday!

• I just want to let you know, you mean the world to me. Only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly.

• Celebrating you today brings joy to my heart. To me, you'll always be a priceless work of art.

• Mother, you are beautiful. Mother, you are kind. Endearing thoughts of love for you are always on my mind. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Mum in Heaven

If your mum is no longer with you in person, you can still celebrate the beautiful woman she was and your memories of her. Here are some messages that say “Happy heavenly birthday, Mum”.

• Mom, I know Heaven must be beautiful right now… because it has you in it! Happy birthday.

• Though you are not here with me, I know you will always guide me and be with me through thick and thin. Happy Birthday Mum in heaven.

• No words can describe how much I love you, and how I so wish you were here with me today. For your birthday, I send to you in Heaven all my love.

• Wherever you are resting I hope that you can see, how precious and uplifting your memory is to me.

• Not a day goes by when I don't think of you, miss you, love you and thank God that I was blessed to be your daughter/son. Happy birthday, Mum.

• May our friends and family in heaven hold you closely and sing you a song. And I'll be sending a million hugs and kisses today and all year long.

Some Words For Happy Birthday

• So many memories, Mum, come flooding back today. Of birthday celebration before you went away.

When it comes to your mum’s birthday, be sure that you write her a card that’s from the heart. She is the most wonderful woman in the world, after all.

No matter what the birthday gift may be, she will absolutely love it and treasure your card’s message forever. Remember: she even loved those macaroni necklaces you used to make for her in nursery school!

If you have an Italian friend, significant other or relative whose special day is on the horizon, a sure-fire way to impress them is to learn how to say Happy Birthday in Italian!

The official greeting is Buon Compleanno, with buon meaning ‘good‘ and compleanno meaning ‘birthday‘.

IPA: /buò·n com·ple·àn·no/

Buon compleanno. Spero che tutti i tuoi desideri si avverino.

Happy birthday. I hope all your wishes come true.

In speech, another popular greeting is Tanti auguri (or even more simply Auguri) which is the Italian for Best wishes. It can be used, not only for birthdays, but any special occasion including anniversaries, the new year, graduations and so on.

Tanti auguri! Non vedo l'ora per la tua festa!

Happy Birthday! I can't wait for your party!

If you're writing a card or a letter, buon compleanno tends to be the primary choice. Sometimes you'll even see the two expressions combined:

Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!

Best wishes for a happy birthday!

Tanti auguri di buon compleanno, figlia mia! = Best wishes for a happy birthday, my daughter!

Another popular expression is Auguroni! which is formed by adding the plural augmentative suffix -oni onto the end of auguri. It literally means big wishes.

Happy Birthday Wishes and Greetings in Italian

When writing a birthday card, it can be a challenge to think of something touching to write in English, let alone in Italian! To get you started, we've listed a few basic greetings that you might find inspiring:

• Tanti auguri di buon compleanno alla persona migliore che conosco. = Happy birthday to the best person I know.

• Auguri di buon compleanno dal profondo del cuore. = Happy birthday wishes from the bottom of the heart.

• Buon compleanno! Che questa giornata possa trascorrere serena e piena di gioia. = Happy birthday! May this day be serene and full of joy.

In lieu of using the birthday boy or girl's name in your card, you may wish to address them according to their relationship to you instead.

figlio = son
figlia = daughter

Buon compleanno, amico mio!

Happy birthday, my friend!

You may also wish to mention their age in your greeting, particularly if they are celebrating a landmark birthday. Below are a few of the most important milestones worth celebrating:

Buon primo compleanno!
Happy 1st birthday!

Buon sedicesimo compleanno!
Happy 16th birthday!

Buon diciottesimo compleanno!
Happy 18th birthday!

Buon ventunesimo compleanno!
Happy 21st birthday!

Buon trentesimo compleanno!
Happy 30th birthday!

Buon quarantesimo compleanno!
Happy 40th birthday!

Buon cinquantesimo compleanno!
Happy 50th birthday!

Buon sessantesimo compleanno!
Happy 60th birthday!

Buon settantesimo compleanno!
Happy 70th birthday!

Buon ottantesimo compleanno!
Happy 80th birthday!

Buon novantesimo compleanno!
Happy 90th birthday!

Buon centesimo compleanno!
Happy 100th birthday!

Lei sta festeggiando il suo sedicesimo compleanno. = She's celebrating her 16th birthday.

If a dear friend or relative has a good sense of humour, you can wish them a happy birthday by teasing them about their age.

Auguroni zio! Stai invecchiando, ma ti vogliamo bene lo stesso!

Happy birthday uncle! You're getting old, but we love you all the same!

Or you can turn the ageing joke to something complementary with a phrase such as:

Buon compleanno zio. È vero stai invecchiando ma, come il vino buono, invecchiando migliori!

Happy birthday uncle! It's true you're getting older but, like a good wine, getting old makes you a better person!

Happy Birthday Song in Italian (with Lyrics)

The Italian version of the Happy Birthday song is Tanti Auguri a Te, which literally translates as Many Wishes to You. The tune is identical to the English version and the lyrics are more or less a direct translation.

Version 1

Tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri a [person's name]
tanti auguri a te

Version 2

Tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri a te
tanti auguri felici
tanti auguri a te

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