The amazing thing about love is that it can be wonderfully magical and infinitely complex. Undoubtedly, when you love someone, all you want to do is shout it from the rooftops. Unfortunately, though, when you’re face to face, staring at a blank text box, or trying to put pen to paper, finding the right words to express the depth and breadth of your love is likely one of the hardest things you’ve ever done—especially when it comes to anniversary wishes.
Words can be pretty elusive, but here’s a little secret: You don’t have to use your own! There are plenty of professional wordsmiths in the world, and if you look in the right places, you’ll find the right ones to help you express your love to your favorite lady.
But, of course, time is always of the essence, so if you’re finding yourself at a loss for words, here are 50 love quotes that perfectly express "happy anniversary" to your wife.
Quotes From Songs
• "I've known it from the moment that we met no doubt in my mind where you belong." — "To Make You Feel My Love" by Bob Dylan
• "And the songbirds are singing/Like they know the score/And I love you, I love you, I love you/Like never before." — "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac
• "I can hear her heartbeat for a thousand miles/and the heavens open every time she smiles..." — "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison
• "The very thought of you makes my heart sing/Like an April breeze on the wings of spring." — "My One And Only Love" by Sting
• "You’re always the first and the last thing on this heart of mine/No matter where I go, or what I do/I’m thinking of you." — "Thinking Of You" by Dierks Bentley
• "I said I love you, that’s forever." — "Just the Way You Are" by Billy Joel
• "If I go a million miles away/I'd write a letter, each and everyday/'Cause I know that nothing/Nothing can ever change that love I have for you." — "Nothin’ Can Change This Love" by Sam Cooke
• "Take my hand, take my whole life too/For I can’t help falling in love with you." — "Can’t Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley
• "You’re the closest to heaven, that I’ll ever be." — "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls
• "I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words/How wonderful life is while you’re in the world." — "Your Song" by Elton John
Quotes From Film and Literature
• "If I know what love is, it is because of you." — Narcissus and Goldmund by Herman Hesse
• "I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever." — Rabindranath Tagore
• "Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born—you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars."― E. E. Cummings
• "I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow." — Leo Christopher
• "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever." — Alfred Tennyson
• "You make me want to be a better man." — As Good As It Gets by Melvin Udall
• "If I had to dream up the perfect woman, she wouldn’t even come close to you." — Cory Matthews in Boy Meets World
• "I know that somehow, every step I took since the moment I could walk was a step towards finding you." — Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
• "No matter what happens, I will never, not in a thousand tragic outcomes, ever regret loving you." — Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch
• "If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets." — Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
• "I love you. You…you complete me." — Jerry Maguire
• "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." — The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
• "Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever, and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you." — Meet Joe Black
• "We loved with a love that was more than love." — Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe
Romantic Love Quotes
• "You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known and even that is an understatement." — F. Scott Fitzgerald
• "I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be." — Unknown
• "I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you." — Zelda Fitzgerald
• "I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything." — F. Scott Fitzgerald
• "When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul." — Joey W. Hill
• "Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again." — Unknown
• "It’s like in that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together." — Serendipity
• "From the moment I saw her I knew this one was worth the broken heart." ― Atticus Poetry
• "A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." — Max Muller
• "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." — Maya Angelou
• "Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses." — Lao Tzu
Short Love Quotes
• "My soul and your soul are forever tangled." — N.R. Hart
• "I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes." — Unknown
• "I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you." — Roy Croft
• "A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you." — Henry Wadsworth
• "So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." — Paulo Coehlo
• "I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything." — F. Scott Fitzgerald
• "I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars." — J. M. Storm
• "There are only two times I want to be with you—now and forever." — Unknown
• "You are my today and all of my tomorrows." — Unknown
• "I have found the one whom my soul loves." — Song of Solomon 3:4
• "Your hand touching mine. This is how galaxies collide." ― Sanober Khan
• "True love stories never have endings." — Richard Bach
• "Where there is love there is life." — Mahatma Gandhi
• "If forever does exist, please let it be you..." — A.R Asher
• "Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips." — Percy Bysshe Shelley
After the happiness of your wedding day, you and your spouse will embark on the beautiful journey of married life. You’ll share everything together, from seemingly mundane details of your day to day lives to a home and possibly children. Year after year, you will grow together and your experiences as a married couple will strengthen your relationship and bond. You will continue to date each other, getting to know each other on a level that no one else will understand. You’ll be there for one another through all of the good and all of the bad. Each wedding anniversary is a celebration of this unique relationship and all of the memories of the past year. Here are 20 wedding quotes for your husband to inspire you whether it’s your first anniversary or your fiftieth.
1. Thank you for being my husband, my partner, my lover and my best friend. Happy anniversary!
2. All these years, you have been amazing. As a dad to our kids and as my lover, I have been happy in your arms and I could see that we’ll be happier for the rest of our days. Thank you for everything. Happy anniversary, my darling.
3. Since I met you, my life has never been the same. Thanks for making it better and happier. I love you and Happy Anniversary, hubby! I thank God for giving me the best husband!
4. I am so lucky to have you as my husband and this is my best day in my life. Happy anniversary to you my dear.
5. The very first moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew our hearts were meant to be. You are my courage, my angel, my soldier. You saved me. I love you.
6. You are truly a blessing from God. Thank you for being my partner, husband, lover and friend. Happy anniversary!
7. You’re the cheese to my macaroni.
8. No one else would understand our relationship, and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do. Happy anniversary!
9. Thank you for being there, especially when times get difficult. I love you and always will.
10. With you, I became a better person. Without you, my life will never be complete. Thank you for choosing me as your better half. Happy anniversary!
11. You’re the only one I want to annoy for the rest of my life. Happy wedding anniversary!
12. Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right and the other is the husband!
13. Another year to create precious memories together. Another year to discover new things to enjoy about each other. Another year to strengthen a marriage that defines forever. Happy anniversary!
14. Thank you for treating me just as special on the days that are not our anniversary.
15. Not only have I seen truth in your eyes, you remind me of time itself for you are my past, present, future and forever. I love you. Happy anniversary.
16. Loved you then, love you still. Always have, always will.
17. If I had to choose again, I’d still choose you. Happy anniversary!
18. A lover, a partner, a husband, a best friend. I can’t believe that I have all rolled into one!
19. I was incomplete without you. I thank God that we met and we are together now. Happy anniversary!
20. On our anniversary, I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed annoying you all this time & how excited I am to keep doing so in the future.
Your husband is your life partner, staying strong with you through all the good times and all the bad. On your wedding anniversary, you’ll have the opportunity to really express your feelings and appreciation for everything you’ve been through. These wedding anniversary quotes for your husband are a great place to start, and you can tailor them to include personal stories and jokes. On a day as special as your wedding anniversary, you’ll want to make him feel special with your words and gifts.
20 Wedding Anniversary Quotes For Your Husband
Express your love and gratitude towards your husband with these wedding anniversary quotes. Both funny and serious ones are included to inspire you!
BrideBox Wedding Albums
Happy 1 Year Anniversary Quotes
1. One year ago on this day, our souls became one. I feel so blessed to be your life partner. Thanks for respecting my feelings and for always understanding me. Happy one year of togetherness!
2. The most precious gift that God has ever given me is you, dear husband! Congratulations on our first year of married life! It was wonderful to share all the things with a person like you. I hope our love will remain the same forever!
3. Last year, on this beautiful date two wonderful heart had united. Congratulations on your first year of togetherness! You love and respect each other which is very important in any relationship. May you always be happy like this! God bless you!
4. My dear wife, happy 1st wedding anniversary! I may not be that expressive but I know that you can feel how much I feel for you. I just hope that till my last breath I will find you next to me. Love you!
5. The luckiest person is he/she who finds a true friend in his/her life partner. Undoubtedly I’m one of that luckiest person. My girl, happy 1st wedding anniversary! May our bond becomes even stronger every day!
6. My dear love, I’m so grateful to God for making you, my spouse. You are one of the most important parts of my life without whom I’m incomplete. This last year was the most beautiful year of my life. May our love only increase day by day! Happy 1st anniversary!
7. My son and beautiful daughter-in-law, congratulations on your 1st year of the wedding! I’m thankful to the Almighty that my son has found the best partner in his life. Wishing you both an amazing and memorable day!
8. Congratulations to us for our successful one year of marriage! On this special day, I want you to know again that, I’ll always be there for you. I’ll never leave your hand and no matter what comes, my love for you will never be less.
9. I send this message with great love and affection to one of the most beautiful couples who successfully completed the first year of their wedding today. Congratulation to both of you! May God keep you happy and bless you with a healthy child soon!
10. My dear, today is very special as it’s your first wedding anniversary. Congratulations to both of you! I’m happy to be a part of this beautiful celebration. Wish you all the very best for your upcoming days!
Happy One Year Anniversary Quotes
11. The most important day of this year has come. Happy 1 year anniversary, my daughter! I am so happy for both of you dear. Always be like this. You should give thanks to God who offers you happiness every day.
12. Many congratulations for the 1st year of your love! It’s really good to see you together happy. If you stay strong and trust each other, then nothing can destroy your bond. May God keep showering his blessings upon you and fulfill all your wishes!
13. Dear lovely wife, you are my strength and my inspiration. You are special to me every day. It’s impossible to measure my love for you. May we always walk on the same route of life holding the hand! Happy 1st year of our relation!
14. My better half, happy 1 year wedding anniversary! Our love, trust, and respect for each other is the basis of our relationship. Sometimes we fought, argue but I believe that it’s a part of our love.
15. My love, in all these 365 days, there were many beautiful moments with you. Before meeting you, I didn’t know the true meaning of love and affection. You are the best life partner and are perfect in every way. Thanks for fulfilling me. Happy 1st anniversary!
16. My dear daughter, the best thing for any parents is to see their children’s happiness. We are blessed seeing you both happy. Congratulations, my child on your one year anniversary! Wish you a successful married life!
17. My dear friend, it’s wonderful to see you celebrating your first season of love. Happy anniversary! Enjoy this lovely day with much fun and make a lot of beautiful memories. Cheers!
18. Congratulations on the 1st year of your love story! I’ve never seen such a special couple. Celebrate this beautiful day and keep celebrating your love every day. Be happy always. My blessings are with you!
19. Beloved husband, today, we are to be congratulated on our 1st year of wedding! Thanks for always supporting me and making me feel special. May our love continue growing every day and our marriage last forever!
20. You are the person I always dreamt to spend my life. All the love for you, gorgeous lady! I hope this day be the beginning of another lovely year of our togetherness!
Happy One Year Anniversary
21. Happy 1st anniversary, lovebirds! You are a perfect couple and made for each other. May God bless your relationship and protect you always!
22. It’s time to celebrate your 365 days of the union. Happy anniversary, lovely couple! May this day be filled with many good wishes and blessings! Wish you many years of happy life!
23. The most awaited day has finally come. Happy 1st anniversary, my queen! The love we have for each other is the root of our bond. I wish we’ll always be celebrating this day together!
24. Happy first year of togetherness, dear! There is still a long way to go together. Love is the most essential thing in any relationship. I wish both of you much happiness! Be blessed!
25. It was really wonderful to share our lives, dear. I feel peace at your side and I can do anything to keep your smiling face. Happy one year of the wedding! May this day come again and again in our lives!
1 Year Anniversary Paragraph For Him
26. One year ago, my prayers were answered. I got married to a person who not only the best soulmate but also my best friend. I can proudly say that I’m the most fortunate women in the world. My king, many congratulations on our first anniversary! You made me feel loved every day. I can’t imagine living without you. I wish God will always bless us and make our unity even stronger!
27. Today we celebrate our first year of life together. My life doesn’t make sense without you. You have completed me and made me understand the meaning of true love. Thanks for tolerating my immaturity and making me the queen of your kingdom. Today I promise that I will try my best to make our lovely family happier every day. Love you so much today and forever!
28. Beloved life partner, happy 1st anniversary! Being your wife is the best thing that ever happened to my life. I don’t think there would be any reason to smile without you. My life is beautiful because you exist in it. You are my inspiration and are perfect in all the way. I don’t know what I’ve done so right that God has given me such a wonderful husband! Cheers to our amazing bond!
29. Beloved soulmate, the best decision I have ever taken was marrying you. I feel proud that you are my husband. You fulfilled all the promises you made. You are my life, my superhero, my protector and my everything. Happy 1st anniversary! In this 1 year, I had enjoyed every second at your side. All I wish today is to be with you until my death.
30. My handsome partner, congratulations for successfully completing the first year of marriage! I can’t explain how happy I am today. You are the man of my dream and nothing is great than sharing my life with you. The greatest blessings for me is to be a part of your life. Thanks for caring me, respecting me, listening to me and of course giving me the infinite love.
1 Year Anniversary Paragraph For Her
31. I can’t believe that 1 year has passed so fast, it still seems that just yesterday we got married. Happy first wedding anniversary, gorgeous! You were my dream that came true. No matter what I’m doing, I always think of you. I may not be a perfect husband but there’s no doubt that you are the perfect wife. I wish we’ll have a wonderful journey of life together!
32. It’s been one year since we said yes before God. Every day you make me feel how special I am to you. Nobody understands me as like as you. I don’t know how I would have survived if I never met you. My girl, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. I want to make you feel as happy as I feel by being your side. Happy 1st anniversary, my love!
33. Happy 1 year anniversary, my sweetheart! During this year, the love we shared, the laugh we had together and all the time we spent with each other were the best moments for me and I wish this will never end. Thanks for loving me unconditionally and making me what I’m today. Love you a lot and wish to spend the rest of my life with you.
34. My dear soulmate, happy first anniversary! This year has passed so quickly because I was so happy with you. Every day I give thanks to God to send you in my life. Everything seems okay when we are together. You are just perfect and I couldn’t ask for a better life partner than you. We truly made for each other. May we always be like this and our love lasts forever!
35. The best feeling is to live with the person you love the most. And I’m the luckiest person to have you in my life. Time flies quickly when I’m with you. You are like the sunshine who only knows how to light up life. You have decorated my messed up life. You are the best wife and my best friend. Love you darling! No matter what comes, may we never apart from each other! Wishing us a wonderful 1st anniversary!