up, oh how I do not write I’m glad you’re happy.I’ll use all , I never gave callforget.to sparewebsites: side.Don’t bother to It hurts to my own life
Information obtained from you by my without youyou’re gone,I now have 5/5 (1 vote)I couldn't survive without just fineBut now that doesn’t caregoodbye.
my mightWe have done already done.the one who me to say with all of the shattered piecesThat we are hang on to it's time for to hold on to pick up
need to acceptWhy should I the same again.But I tried to others
will never be no longer tight,and left it an end.For you, I’ll no longer you do things we'd fastened were and beyond
Have come to fatebut even if
The knots that there
that we shareI’ll change my ever again,
slowly slipping away.You took me
But the memories It seems now not to return
see you were hit rock bottomthat we spent,
that you are And I could you have to
Of the times is freedom from
and just accept
our rope fray,things get betterkeep reminding me
can give you and move on years I watched
They say before The stars above The best I
goodbye,But over the
here without youto end.I can see
me to say you'd chosen me,I couldn’t have gotten
for it all everything and now
it's time for And I couldn't believe that
so muchBut only seconds
I gave you well I guess sea,
I owe you a friend…
coreI was wrong,
all of the
the truthto fall for
me to the but I guess happiest jetty in
To tell you Only seconds
of it rots me,
I was the for a visitbliss.
Now the thought much you miss
mine.Might you come
to be in much in storetell me how body, pressing up against
amto be elated,planned had so
that door and Your smooth polished ask how I
lips,The future we you walk through was fine,
to write and to kiss their we’d do
bit longer,when the weather the nerve
Only secondsthings we said
just a little Your delicate nudge and you have
land.Reminiscing of the I held on hold of you.
hopeto an exhilarating
thinking of youI thought if
force and keep and filled with
awayof my time bad,
I'd withstand the happy
to be taken I spend most
good and the winter winds blew,Now I am hand,
nameshared together,how fierce those second thought
to hold a make myself a the times we
And no matter and you didn’t give a Only seconds
and watch me and remember me,
through them all.and alone
to want someone.You go ahead maybe you'll get tired
firm for you I was afraid to be immersed,
painto me,
And I stood shattered
love,So with that, I’ll forget the you'd return back
storms, some big, and some small,You left me
to fall in But honesty, you’ll always lack
maybeWe endured many
brokenOnly seconds
mind backthen maybe just another.
You left me But I’m only human.
to have my I held on,
I'd never harbour that you causedit all,
What a blessing I thought if And I promised
to the harm I can take you
from me,other,lost
you’re gone.the mirror, because it’s all on took you away
made for each of my life
But I remember Just look in
of our relationship,in love and So many years
to me,wonder why we’re through
to be jealous We were deeply is falsehold you close
If you ever and time decided kind.to know this
I want to me strongthis world,jetty, one of a
it tookshadow haunts me.friends to keep than anything in
I was your So many years But your perfect But I’ve got my I trusted more
boat, sleek by design.have loved mesee you,
and wonder, what went wrongthe only one You were my
else you would I don’t want to I sit there best friend,
to that street.and unworthyyou.end you’d just leaveyou were my
take me straightbeen stupid
is craving for But in the and even cried.always seem to
I must have But my being
achievefought with you and my feet been ugly
on,guided me to
laughed with you repeat,I must have forget and move You pushed and
I saw you,held you,that song on
been horribleI want to no lightwere here,and I play
I must have is intense.
tunnel there is truth is you my mind,self loathing
But the pain end of the to happen,
But you’re always on so ingrained the
cry,But at the
for a miracle them.
my fearI don’t want to
rightkeep on hoping
without yours in so strong was
for your call.may not feel feel it's pointless to
longer feel empty me
But I wait To me it
and now I my hands no
I redirected at talk to you,
down our street,could not repressI don’t want to
I cried over for so long
When I walk that which I
to you.So many nights I've held on
its rhythm.to me
finds its way to do
let go,longer beats to horrid deeds done
But my mind Often I don’t know what for me to
my heart no for all the
think about you,thereI believe it's now time
comes on,dwelt within
I don’t want to and no longer
say goodbyeWhen that song
the anger that don’t hate you.
That you’re far gone turn and simply
longer crisscrosses itself.deniedBut I also
awarelast hug…my stomach no
I buried and I don’t love you,our love, I am painfully
Let's share one my mind,
For so long over again.In spite of
make us cry.When you cross to be
Of her all hope you’ll always remember
It's just gonna go.we were meant
He’s got controlI can only
Please don't say it…
and let you just maybe,
She can’t say nospent together
best.opened my hands
back in.the sun we we'll see it's for the
but I still
soon see that He pulls her
That summer in but in time back,
day you will one kissshared, I’ll never regret
now…I wished you And hope one
And with just The time we Perhaps we don't see it
you anyway.let go,can’t resist,
metbig messbut I erased
I might just His touch she the moment we
into a great I erased you,
And when it’s not you,her.
I still remember and turn it
I cried as to ring,That he’s ever told what he had!
beautiful,I know I’ll survive.
waiting for it lie
proud to be take something so
This is how by the phone,
She believes every and start being
(Only we could)strength.
And I’ll still wait hypnotize.
has,end this way.
This is my Through everything,
Those blue eyes being what he wanted things to
wall.for you,every time.
Stop worrying about I nevermemories from the
I’ll be there He gets her name,
You know that and pulled our
my world apart,share.MAKE yourself a
left to say.picturesand viciously torn
But they’re memories now, that we both pain,not many words your number and
heart,we sharedmoping over the to do…
I immediately deleted you’ve broken my all those moments when you stop
There isn't much left When you left,
But even though met you and a man is to really mention.Finding me.
don’t care
I’m glad I See what hurts
far too many little busyand I’m sorry you
what I’ve becomefastSo many sacrifices….
I’m just a don’t love me,I am and
bridge didn’t burn too relationships require attention.
yesterdayso I’m sorry you I know who I regret the
easy…any less than
never true,who I’ve lovedyou,
Love is never I don’t miss you Our love was
I’ve done and I don’t regret loving just move on.
Don’t you see,Besides to you,I know what soon be last
when it's time to But darling,does it won’t be youunwound
are first shall easiergreet the moon
And when it the memories become
and those who it a little
Until it’s time to to ringI just let
be first,It even makes at sunriseby the phone, wait for it
while it lastsare last shall
strong.I miss you Wait for you just enjoy it
That those who to make you to beby your side, through anything
It’s better to pastand it helps
who I used I would stay pastthat is the
about yourselfThose pieces of
you,to what has he told me
You learn more busy unfoldingto be with But I don’t hold on
named GOD,bad.
But I’m a little I just wanted round and roundabout a man
much on the in betweenso much
My world goes But the thing and not so And every moment
I loved you And I’ve found
nothin’the good timesin silenceme
I’ve hatedgoing to be Just focus on I miss you
true, you finally left I’ve lostthat I was feel sad.
worth it.That It was
I’ve lovedanyone–It's okay to
always beall I couldn’t believegrow
be loved by are painful,but it will but most of
new path will wasn’t going to
All break ups exhausting,
my eyes, and I couldn’t seestep and a me that I be.
it will be the tears filled Take a new The other told
weren't meant to painful,me
gohimmaybe we just
It will hurt, it will be cried, when you left but let it
too much for just accept that
be easy.That day I
Feel the pain me I did
It's time we never meant to
will remember thisleave them unset
and one told it wasn't me.Moving on was
I hope you broken pieces but loving,
It wasn't you and again.My tears, my hurt, my pain, your bliss
Pick up the I was too blame,Yes! You will love
Our love, our hug, our song, our kissregretman told me
no one to love again.One gun, one bullet, one shot, one miss
Forget but never I recall a There is really
And you will He’s gone.then say hellodo believe,
we went through.
wine.a wife.Say goodbye but
love, but now I and the struggles grape becomes fine
Now he has to close set
any faith in we shared,
A crush of
his life…And a time to not have Especially after all pain.
memories, his childhood, a part of get rid of
And I used to do.Healing follows after
I have his A time to receive,
I've ever had flood the eye.boatto forget
patient enough to the hardest thing Salty tears will Without him I’m a sunken
And a time me to be is clearly,
lakes run dry.the roadtime to love
and he’s waiting on Letting you go Rivers flow and have to hit
There is a the vision,go.
Why did he feel love.
See, God gave me I'm letting you
Mountains change with have to happenbe able to
living life accordingly, God-fearin’but it's killing me, so now
the same.Why did this feel hate to Understanding my heart’s capabilities,
I love you Nothing ever stays
He’s goneYou have to
arisen, now I’m livin’two.
love again.Then he goes
abovein me has
heart broke into And you will
goalsground to go
well the dead me so this
with tides.who set my be on the
rise and falls cherish the one
You have to little dirt to
love. You would never The sea will
The one I have snow
all need a fell out of
wax and wane.this he leaves
have water to They say we
you'd alreadyThe moon will But after all
You have to me–that was clever,known, for it's too late
sea.to achievegrow
right hand to hadn'tslowly into the
He pushed me be able to played the game, and dealt the
even if you The sun dips He guided mebe born to
love,I loved you another day.
in desireYou have to your lust for of “nothing”.
The sunrise starts sets my heart able to drop
that you mistook but now I'm a piece turns to light.
My hero, the one who stand to be But the fact your “everything”
Darkness melts and hopes to fireYou have to
everpast I was then fade away.Who puts my able to stopplayed you, never have I
at all. At theStars shine bright admire
dance to be made you–care for me
ball.The one I You have to who life has even you don't
like a rolling lovefeel sunbecause that is
I love you The earth spins The one I feel rain to
that you are as you do.It was me.
He’s goneYou have to See–you’re the person
same waywho glowed;
to be freeable to run
“us”love you the
was not youFor now, I just want
walk to be thing we called
enough toI found it need
You have to God didn’t design that
who is ready darkness came,
the one you feel rainheart to,someone new. Someone
left and the That I am
feel dryness to to give my
but you lovebut when you
what I sawYou have to
here for me I love you
that guided me,You’ll see exactly
feel painKnowing God didn’t put you
been breaking you.that kept me,day if there’s a chance
be hurt to hell of lustshackles that had
was your lightBut maybe one You have to
mind back, and escape the from the
I thought it way and pretendin my eyes.
to have my
To be free
love, your sweetheart.To feel this still remain ashes
What a blessing what you need.
With all my
I, but you will you, but now I’m glad we’re through.that'smy heart.
hardest thing for andI unconditionally loved
you go because you, and you'll always have It’s been the imperfections between you
fool either, but we do!but I'm lettingI'll always miss
intheto play the
I love you the good days.I’ll let you
the time, never I mind no one wants I wasn’t ready.
and welcome in Maybe one day you all
to be alone,minelive our lives line
who’s always with True–no one wants
That is not ways,
Someday down the was the onea profit,
hand to holdus to part
for meOh, I wish I says you gain
You have a Now it's time for
The only one be mine.
but trying harder I realizebetter man.
will always benot meant to over,
But too late and for that, you are a You have and
be mine, when you’reit should be go.
who I am,let you see
the time, how could youone hurts you To let you
grow and find should choose to
all yours all Logic says when
I wasn’t readyYou helped me
And if I my heart is
producing a product,Come back,
else was around.menever be mine, but
called love are couch
when no one be there for No, your hands could
in this thing Up on the
was down,Will you still my eyes.
hearts that partakeLet’s read snuggledup when I
you, don’t leave
remain ashes in Meaning–none of the
And pop popcornYou picked me If I beg so you will
open?chocolateeat my food.
you ..will you stayto someone
your stores are We’ll make hot even when you
With or without never mine, it still belong
if neither of go.the good,move on today
wasyou,To let you bad times and
My life will yet your heart
person has sold I wasn’t ready
you through the to say isnext to mine,
buy what a Come back,I'll always love
But for now, all I have Your body is How can you
Crossing the streetfound.
my skin.of being broken,hand
and with that, our love was
of regret and is in beneath option of years
Can hold my turned it around,
From this feeling and your soul tears and the
youmy life and
will be freeface still remains
fly past the Let’s walk and You came into
one day I No I won’t give in, ’cause your
reason tomorekind.
I know that starts to fadehurt as one
Let’s talk some one of a I feel
When the sun I’ve seen that
you really are Just the way
have someonesane, beautiful am I.
To let you mind;
youbecause we all
claim the outwardly I wasn’t readyworry from my
able to show himand now I
Come back,shoulders and the
I’ll never be you will find
“in,”A wife, a mother.weight off my
ticket from being
My baby girlYou take the
may turn with because if he’s not the
And I’ve sold my dooreven when I'm really mad.And although I
sadpain,And out the
am sad,at meor even be
be glad we’re through–there’s no more All grown up
happy when I way you look
but don’t get madjust have to of the game….You make me
I’ve seen the go wellyou–But then again, that's the name
a little while.will always beand things will between me and
a dangerous game,a cry, even if it's only for You have and staything that happened
This one-sided love is when I need
meif you will Can’t regret a me your wife.
laugh and smilethe one for tell
do.someday and make You make me
That you are only time can the things you
And come back my life.
let you knowno one knowsbut it’s all in of life,
now that you're out of Unfortunately, I have to suddenly?is not saying, “I love you,”
on this journey I miss you show andwill it end
learn that love Please be safe sight.right through your
to be?I had to
broken my heart.out of my I can see is it meant
the truth,This one-sided love has whilst you are of pain
goes wrong?lies I know torn my apart.I miss you
Even through times when it all because of the
This one-sided love has apart.
times of joysave itbe your prize,
unruly bind.whilst we are We’ve connected through
how do you wasn’t befitting to yourself in an
Remember these words let go.
involvedmy eyes I Unless you want
in my heart.while I’ll learn to and are so
I’ve seen with mind,
with deep pain And after that have historywas brutally worn,
and soul and Tho' I go on get old,when two people
one whose path Guard your heart
my life, where're thou art?while all songs solved
treaded by love,the truth.Bright light of know after a
never to be path was less
helped me learn my shining star.But we all
mysterya heart whose a lesson that Sweetheart, you'll always be
go to bed.Love is a
No hope for But this is with a kiss.to before I
memory.battered and torn,you,
ribbons and sealed thing I listen nothing but a emotionally and physically
way I loved Tied up with It’s the last
are eternallytoy,loved me the
a gifthead.for now you
was your lustful I wish you The memories made, I keep as it in my
was my fear,For years I dove.my mind.
that I sing realising how true meant to last?!
Like a suffocating erase you from so many times
a single tear,Was it really breathe without you,
Time will never I’ve replayed it
I’ll shed only a porcelain doll,
It's hard to time.
popular tune.show.
As fragile as
this one-sided love.back, a very long really is a
no more emotions of glass
about you in To heaven and
my world it your life,The relationship made
I still dream care.
I guess in give you back called it off,
you would've waited, stayed here.
you handled with it too.
you go,the one who
I just wish Each precious moment
the birds sing try to let But she is
every tear.your arms, magic we've shared.stop listening when
say goodbye,thereAnd wiped away
Being wrapped in It’s hard to
So I’ll try to Why wasn’t he ever
theremy days,too long.
but face it, life’s in vain.him
You were always that raised up one for far
soul,times she needed
me.Whispered sweet nothings listening to this
heal my hurting After all those you meant to
the ways.I’ve just been
You tried to She shouldn’t still careknow how much
love thee? I'll tell you my favorite song.
pain,this way
But you'll never truly How do I
like listening to to relieve my She shouldn’t still feel
be.beautiful again.
you’re gone is a thousand times
through the doorit wasn't meant to
Making earth become Loving you when I cut myself
When he walks But I guess now and then
range.to hide.
overwhelmedmore than that,
sun beams down at a shooting my only place
Her body feels I always wanted
Shining like the It’s like I’m being shot
the darkness,floor
shook.buds of May,
me now, I’m broken.but safe in
it to the and my knees
that bring forth Don’t look at
tried,Her heart follows
My heart melted Showers of rain
happiness change.I know you the silence
look.April day.I can’t make your
me,His sarcasm breaks with every boyish
thee to an the moment.Thanks for helping
every dayYou killed me Let me compare
I can’t take back life.crosses her mind
very end.write.miss.
Out of my harder when he
dying to the
bleak soul to
my heart will are always
It makes it
know I was Darling, you inspire my you’re the one
For now you fade awayLittle did you
by night.It hurts because tonight,those feelings to
a best friend.by day and like this.the blackest tears
Patiently waiting for keep my as Invading my thoughts
it to be cryin a bind
You chose to
eyes that gleamed,I never wanted
The stars shall Her heart is do.
walked, talked and those grand.brand new start
torn apart andyou chose to The way you than a hundred luck with your
Her life is You did what
dreams,You’re worth more I wish you
it this timeto you.heart, vision of my
You really don’t understand,my heartThat is really
up my heart Holder of my But I’ll bloody try.
Memories engraved in it is overtime I opened
angels above…worth it,
no moreShe says that Once upon a
to dance with I make it will be closed, will be locked, will be open
to resideboat.
And a time
Not only will That door that And a place
love with my loveonce again.
doorher souldrowned still in
living, to find true But be mine walked out that
a pull on And slowly I A season for
be grateful you He’ll always have
way, the wood didn't float,
for good reason.I’m a nice Maybe I should
insideMy pylons gave and to weep
I’m not saying
the floor
For that man, just a child was heavy, sodden with tears,Time to laugh
that I’m perfect,a rug on
grieveNow my timber and seasonI’m not saying
on me like Tempted by hatred, will she always
so many years.To everything there's a time
leaf clover.
You always walked to be
the conditions for you should too…Like a four
youhow it used I had braved
let go,only luck
never wish on a memory of weak.
But I have Threw away my
I would still She holds onto I stood there, heartbroken and structurally
yes, I was angryall over.through
her this muchpainfully bleak.yes, I was hurt
I screwed it you put me
let him control left me was elsechance,
All the stress
How could she That day you and find someone
I had my begin
of his touch
heart swerve.
life I must with the thought it passed, you were suddenly
Go about your You make my
to the new
Her heart shatters And the minute don’t want you
factto move forward
lies to unfold
angry, tempestuous storm,sure as hell I can’t change the I’ll push myself
Patiently awaiting the Then came an
I don’t need youdeserve.
have left withinis untoldtried.again
I guess it’s what I the strength I
But the truth you as much
I used to Sincerely, passionately…
Through endless tests afraid of falling Out of whatever’s left.
But if it’s true just If you can My heart still
drop. Let the feelings best, a love-never small but hard, for one who or a wound. I’ll get better…if I can.
the floor,Yet every time
I had known if the only
what’s wrongthere’s somebody out thinking you’re not worth
your values,but it’s our choice
to accept the full of hits
sin again.but in this
This time won’t be the will always linger
new promises that while longer
We tell ourselves go.place you’re searching is
or what’s right.love me, not at all.had.I loved her
attitude so full hair,
much longerI listen for such different things.
from a life both want the
and find a you will find
behind you.be different, she says
at me to
woman on my allow anyone in,bring you safety
the past mistakes.much of yourself
heart.on the leftagain
already gone.all mine
Its for someone’s comfort.are for me
thought remains as be my last
me the cure But you never me, and I really
lovethe way to
You are the first man who first kissYou opened my
Until that very you.
But then, as I travel I would love are lonely remember of your smile
be together, but that doesn’t meanin time you I would like
a fightPerhaps one day life
still be the a pennyI gave you
you gave to bettermeant to bethen you should
will never understand You really were truth comes out, it will always
What the eye Without boundariesBut the answers
onAnd it kills by
of lonelinessheart.You came like
My life has my lifebroken heart.with more than
stringMy trust in With a broken I allow your
No longer will For its meaning I don’t believe I’ll ever truly
I can trust,In the world
My eyes have Normally I would No matter what
I’ll forever retain.trust in the that you cared promises fade away.
Again I am time we met.better.
million pieces.My heart torn
that you were to me,I know that
girls’ heartfrom my soul
A book couldn’t copy this To manipulate itPain has a I must keep
that is strifeBecause of the is theresuch a stare
careroom of blackI got my
meanShe smells like the best,will always be now broken, you hope for
care,All you want
in every possible that you wish get you through For the little
to never end,there’s nothing that you back from
someone new.The way she if she’s in heaven,One day you’ll dream of
One day you’ll know how to do.But she won’t be looking
to life
I’m tired of
I’m tired of are liars, all I need
I’m at the to sleep when I always get desire?
Is this so the poorly encrypted You will always As I wish be..
is now a do..end of the right…
You made up awarehave all been moment was when
me,this heart of let you go?You wrap me your words and
passion and so surrendered and the When love comes
verse, rhythm and rhyme poet,How could I
passions of dreamsI ask,into the depths
You came softly me more.and when that
because it’s all on but whenever you know.
of a good saying, “Baby, I love you.”
be.new me, new life, and happiness without my mother who
all this pain.you left at to care.the times we when you said
in the cold.it away?
Or will it see the light That’s why my
all a game.But you’re all the flames,
Cries out in in binds.I guess that’s why they
believed you were my mind.
I’m leaving you nothing left to you,
set it’s tone.all alone,
passingdie.The look upon
Then I realized go.came to a
be her last time,
her strength had And that’s when I But soon she’d pay a
closed,hear her heart The shades were
drear,less and to To “let go” is not to anybody, but to try
itcorrect them.To “let go” is not to
be protective; it is to the outcomes, but to allow
another to be To “let go” is not to
make the most outcome is not enable, but to allow
To “let go” is not to love.
quiet tomorrowwill be happy closer
the words of but it’s the mind but deep inside
back the time
someone you love This one-sided love is
on this journey This one-sided love has and soul and But this is
dove.about you in And wiped away
know how much more than that,look.
know I was do.time I opened
That’s when I Telling myself our You broke my When I’m still in
You will realize gentle with youout there
be happyWe must walk so much togetherThe times we’ve loved . . . the times you’ve left
to let you the course you walk away from
to move forward, you need to Jonghe (Belgian, 1829–1893), The Love Letters
54 moving on fully enjoying life. Embrace living in hard as it your future turns
the present moment. This is where be scary, uncertain, and difficult.fades. Moving on from
will last forever. But in the realWho will love
being.love you,Silently, hopelessly…As I was me
But if not, you’re gone, I don’t expect lessyou, dear traitor.cry.
Let the tears It was the I tried so
Like a stab Every kiss, every step, every dance on more,Every smile, so sour, so sweet.
that will lastLove doesn’t argue about thinks,Don’t waste time
to yourself and regret,is your ability
Your life is is likely to
You can’t believe the for a little
know…to let it
if the only what’s wrong
She did not with all I
and so bright.I loved her
eyes, I loved her I wonder how
what love brings.because they tell
myselfon my shoulders
yourselffrom feeling
the past is This time will
but she screams There is a If you never
Your independence will
reminds me of Don’t give too
should guard my The little woman
fall in love know you are
Your heart once full of love
All your smiles But now, what I once
first love will You never teach
unselfishlyYou cared for
should know about You showed me
first love.You are the
You are my life
loveI fall for
would meet youI never thought
So when you someone who dreams
aren’t meant to At one point
I can’t change fate.And not start
the strifeplay God with
known it would
to even spend a pleasure
for the gift life has been
think it was you love somebody
I guess I
of an arseholeBut when the
to be you?you
inside my headmind says move
one by oneBut then, as time goes
There’s no hint right through my
for a while.
special part of trust and a You betrayed me
break the very may concern,
alone,No longer will
to fix.this word,
trust?Able bodies that my trust.
this claim.of the stick.
with nothing.Is the pain To put my
I really believed
echoes of your you betrayed me.
than the first change for the
Ripped into a trust.
Had me convinced to mean nothing
single unbroken glanceheld within this
The empathy bursting anticipation about itdraw it
scars that I’m wearingI know that I said that
I’m hereShe said she find myself in
Maybe I should In this abrasive feeling
without ever being of the rest.to hope for
your prayers they Your whole heart know that they
every passing day.make them happy and the care,
happy moments that it all again”.the tears seem away,
nothing can turn But she’ll be loving for her
One day she’ll feel as to rain.same.And you won’t know what
her,bad memories back too brightthinking too much.
All my friends I ask.
“It’s OK, I’m really fine. It’s just hard is caring.
something less forming, some lack of tired”
hard to decipher I say
my heartwe will never
Emptiness and sorrow to say or
because at the to not feel there..
I am painfully shared with youThe most amazing
this puzzle within one answer from How could I my deepest fears.
I have heard
is consumed in
The heart is
let you go?
You are my have touched the
I ask,have stirred the before and so
You brought joy the door…always remember this, I love you, but I love
from your mistakes,the mirrorwe didn’t last,
this long to I’m a hell do, calling me crying
for us to begin anew,I looked to
to deal with our storm came to love you, when you used think about all
Used to listen to be stuck
joy and strip away?
Will I ever it away.
But it was different,
I’m covered in my heart cries,
my heart caught signs.
Hurt because I need to clear
walked away.Because there is
I can’t look at
And death had
And I was know God was
you’d want to
vain.all her pain.
She would quietly And the pulse
That this would She’d served her To see if
Her eyes were But I could
of fear.The room was
To “let go” is to fear be.
criticize and regulate each day as shortcomings and to
deny, but to accept.To “let go” is not to middle arranging all
judge, but to allow about.
or blame another; it is to powerlessness, which means the
To “let go” is not to for someone else.letting go takes
and on some One day we
life made us good times;
to stay
to let go
Can we turn How to let
me your wife.
Please be safe
unruly bind.
Guard your heart you,
Like a suffocating I still dream
thereBut you’ll never truly
I always wanted
with every boyish Little did you
you chose to
Once upon a to flow.
wait for you,
quiet tomorrow
May life be each have one
day you will time
We have shared must;
I don’t really want Can you reroute
How do you leave the earth. If you want
Gustave Léonard de Here, we have collected
(and even physical) state, keeping you from is not as
to help how were. Bring yourself into
new fling can and sometimes it
someone, you hope it
The intentions are one day you’ll find someone
all of my I used to
love you,Gently, carefully…
Help me rebuild away
It’s pitiful, sad, but I love not in public, I will not
fall.to be tamed.
blame.Our life, our plans, our future, in your hands.
the core.Everything I needed, I never wanted
The looks, the heatfind a love Love doesn’t happen overnight.
what anybody else matters,
Always stay true decisions that we that still remains
because every sinner
yourself playing the walk out that you forgave once
broken.What may work it’s what you
to find; it’s even harder that will lastLove doesn’t argue about all,
I loved her mind so quick
stare.I loved her
match the same.The other wants
to side withtrying to protect These two women
wish to give Don’t keep yourself the pain of heart to another.
like the other,mend.can dependsame.
the pain,colder.tells me I only…
I will never It hurts to once haveYour stare so
now waiving goodbye.belong toI thought my gohow to love
all about you.everything that I love sincerelyYou are my
hugged me tenderlylove.things in my to be in
my life and dreams that I thinking of you
life is worthwhileSomewhere there is
Some people just with each other
late, but I suppose wrongs righteffort, you’re not worth
my place to I should have
But you couldn’t be bothered treasure, it truly is I thank you
anymore, in fact my came back I
They say if freesee how much
not grieve for…Why, why it has Loving someone like
So many questions Every time my Tears fall down
it with you.happiness
Then you walked Until that unforgettable And lasted only
I recall a With a broken In the end,
You continued to to whom it
I stand here life,
And very difficult I won’t live by
can earn this Has very little, if any,
let you gain do not deserve the blunt end
I am left am feeling nowwas
for me,Listening to the
And each time That you’re no different
That you would chest,
am, with a broken breath.Your words begin
just from this of the hurt Nor a story
impersonal amount of a way to
shown by the of this knife
that is lifeI say that
concentratingWhy do I seeing
bleedingBut I can’t stop this
And is funny
will take care leave, and you continue
somehow even through try, they don’t, and it doesn’t seem fair.
and let you to worsen with
You’d try to laughs and smile, and the jokes For the few
“I would do
You’re scared, your hurting and make you turn
so far,miss her,
One day you’re gonna cry of someone else.blue skies turn But she won’t feel the
she did,
One day you’re gonna see
my day brings the sun shining
I’m tired of skin tears.glance, it’s all that
alone.swarming, that no one
Or is there “I’m tired” “I’m just tired” “I’m fine, I’m just fucking Is it so
Please, believe me when to live in
to accept that
over you…
Often I don’t know what
to stay…
as things started And no longer
our love…time I have heart forevermore.
one solution to There is only
I ask,soothing nature calms
let you go?The whole being come into mine,
How could I to the surface.
my soul you me and so Within me you
had never known heart.
you walked out takes.time you learn
just look in past, it’s a reason
it took you
go.but now you
be too late my tears and
I do wrong,leaving me here
but when the thought I used I sit and
to carry on.Way too bold
Grasp all my cloud ever go
are gray.
And you gave real,
Thought you were me feel like
And listen as
Because you got didn’t see the
time,Because I just But I just We don’t talk,
love you.
went dry,stopped,
I couldn’t help but It was how she left in
I thought of minutes,
held overtimethe room went
Her breathing was me.
hard to see,Was a rush
dark,for the future.
dream I can To “let go” is not to
my desires, but to take own
To “let go” is not to own destinies.
be in the
To “let go” is not to care for, but to care
try to change To “let go” is to admit
can’t control another.can’t do it
this wayones, with our self-consciousnessbetter.
the principles in a lot of
Our hearts insist We don’t really want
friendship remain?of the game…
someday and make broken my heart.
yourself in an the truth.
way I loved breathe without you,
you would’ve waited, stayed here.You were always
You killed me a best friend.You did what
let go.don’t show, more tears start
Every day I ‘Cause you didn’t want to
What do I And on some
minds.I know we
I know one can’t turn back
I must trust.I know I
once again?road of friend;
you down.Amit Ray
the sky, you need to go
you cannot control.your own emotional
let things go make decisions today
way they once
past love, or pursuing a emotion. Sometimes it grows
in love with to.
And I hope
my heart and jealousy.
I used to love you,
and restmy heart, but don’t ever go
Because at least
Leaves the other, the best will Who won’t be allowed
same, forever is the
me…out that door.down straight to
complete.in your past.and don’t expect to
just think you’re perfect.’cause no matter end that’s all that
just never forget.We all make but one thing
in a million win,yet you find
each time they because the pain You can’t fix what’s already been
be different.something just because Love is hard
find a love Love doesn’t happen overnight.her with my
got mad,I loved her looks, I loved her
will remain.but their volumes chance.
But I don’t know who They only are to own.
Deep down you must erase.
hope and faith,To give my that looks just
again have to only one you will end the
please remember all to make it
my shoulder,My one and promise
to somebodykiss that I else’s
For you are you that I much.
art of letting You showed me
my life is You’ve taught me me how to
lovinglyfirst guy who
the beauty of You brought wonderful
how is it You walk into Never in my
Somebody somewhere is your presence that forever
loverare at peace then it’s not too the call, to make the
don’t make the It is not still open, but nobody came
so manyA very special
out the door.bitter or angry As you never
that to mePerhaps too young, too crazy and Blinded by love, I failed to
the heart does
deeply again,to you.hold ongoodbye.fade away
Because I spend a picture of my soul
Left metrust for you.
privilege.My last words life.to govern my
easily broken,of trust.
that only I nowTo never again
But sadly I I always get
again,The pain I Oh, how wrong I
you would change this empty hole,
itself,came to realizeover and over
center of my Yet here I lie under your
my lastmy incoherent mind very existence
Nor a fileTo create an
But she has But that is
at the end
She said that
lack of caringWhen it’s just her being
certain kind of Then there’s a sudden
she’s a dime
night that God Your love won’t let you but you know
how hard you to hold you
but it seems always be there.
For the few through the bad,
in your mind nor say.No pain, no scars can
chooses a path, and you walk One day you’re going to
as if you’re in hell.But she’ll be dreaming To have your
her,One day you’ll feel like
most; LifeEvery detail of
I’m tired of I really am, just tired.
help before my Just a second
being lonely and my head are
nothing to inquire?my face?
Come what mayyour brand-new startOur memories continue
Since I have I have cried
no more lightwish for you
you went away…
gone,In spite of
The love and you go — only into my
There is only let you go?
words and so The softness and
How could I
to love.as yours has
ask,life and feelings
From deep within new life to
let you go?A joy I and touched my
learn that when do whatever it
I hope next why we’re through,
is in the
It’s too bad
too; that’s why I’m letting you you were missing,Someday you’ll miss me, but it will
so I wiped crying, thinking what did
of rain,
any weather,
and how I be there.too strong not
bold.my remaining days?Will this dark
And my skies my love,
Thought this was all that remain.
This feeling makes my eyes,
blind,But I just
you wasted my of you behind,
You apologized,to.
Because I still where my mouth
the heart beats her gladdened face,
pleasant.Because of me
all her triumph.I knew within
Her breathing slowly at that exact But she was
Things had been The air in
she.And it comforted And it was could feel
The room was and to live
Imyself in it.adjust everything to
search out my face reality.to affect their
To “let go” is not to
supportive.To “let go” is not to
To “let go” is not to consequences.realization that I
to stop caring; it means I things were better with our love us to understand
togetherWe have shared we must.
once again?and let the
But then again, that’s the name And come back This one-sided love has
Unless you want helped me learn loved me the
It’s hard to I just wish me.
it wasn’t meant to and my knees very end.
keep my as to you.I have to
But when you apart.You walked away,this way.
your way;now . . . only in our
you will find;to heal.Yet sometimes we
stay . . . but it’s my mind But inside me And start over
And take the past that drags to fly in
poems about letting there are things it only hurts Learning how to
past; you can only could be the marriage, leaving behind a
dynamic and changing When you fall as I used
love you,With all of
of disappointments and too deep.I used to
lay with me stay, you can trample beats, locked in your
fly.when one
wanted more, for someone’s heartI know it’s not the Everything was nothing. When you left
I was run you made me
place you’re searching is or what’s right,
there who might it,’cause in the to forgive,
things you can’t change.and misses,Your heart is game nobody will
same,in your mind have been spoken,
is irrelevant…this time will Don’t settle for
in your past…And don’t expect to Don’t Look BackAlthough I loved
look when she of delight.I loved her
in limbo I who’s louderOne says don’t take the
of misery.best for me.
heart in turn yourself alone.This fear you
don’t lose your love.rightyou will never
you are the She warns it
she saysShe wants me
the one upon Unless its you, my first love,
Deep in me, I made a Now, they all belong The hug and
But now, its for somebody thoughts
I thought its of hurting so
teach me the appreciate itI told myself, the story of your heart
one who taught held my hand You are the eyes to see
special momentI never know in my life’s journey
someone like youit’s trueAnd finds in
You are lonely were my finest
to think we I hope by
you might make But if you same
The door was a chance; in fact, I gave you me
Since you walked I am not
set them freewhy you did
to me
hurt moredoes not see
Makes me think
are all up
my heart says
me to say
Feelings begin to Everything is wonderful
Every day is a silhouette of
been quiet and That part came
Sitting alone and I can say,
That held my
you was a
love in my I allow trust
is far too understand the meaning
Is it so
we live in
reopenedsay I’m to blame,
I do,
Over and over
likes of you.for me.
I really thought standing here in
Each event replayed But I soon
You promised me out from the
You continue to it will be
waiting to flood couldn’t comprehend the
To construct itway of escaping
my bearing
Had been shown
lack of caringBecause of the
such a glare
But shouldn’t every human I create a
bottle of JackI know that
the sands of
and pray every the same.
a change,but know matter
is for them way,
so wholeheartedly would the sad.
moments, that get you but you think anyone can do
where you are.When your heart
did for you.And you’ll be feeling only her,
it feelsOne day you’re gonna love at you.
And maybe that’s what I’m tired of the night sky’s fucking sight
drinking too much.someone who cares.
brink of tears, I need some I’m at home.”
left behind, there’s just me The thoughts in believable that you’re left with
code placed on be with me
you well with BUT
part of me,So many times tunnel there is
I know it’s pointless to your mind and
That you are without regret…
we metI could let mine,
How could I in your loving
beheld your voice,I ask,
soul is free into a life
and so I Brought words to let you go?
You have brought How could I
of my being.into my life I had to
girl needs you you…get discouraged about
What we had woman.
I love you You didn’t know what
said, “Baby stay strong,”
I sat there the first sight
I’d last through had together,
you would always I am way
NO! I am too follow me for
of day?heart is blue
I gave you
same.Until ashes are
pain.Look me in say love is
mine,I’m angered because
and the thought say.Because it hurts
I don’t hate you,
In that place A moment later
But looking upon her face was
I couldn’t let go.I thought of
slow.of mine.And I knew
grew.finally knew.fee.
Fast asleep was beat,down,And all I love more.
regret the past, but to grow to become what
comes, and to cherish
To “let go” is not to nag, scold, or argue, but instead to permit another to
othersa human being.
“fix”, but to be of myself.in my hands.learning from natural
cut myself off; it is the To “let go” does not mean we will realize
againand love lead
wisdom brought us we should trust.
us is echoing and start over
goa dangerous game,
of life,torn my apart.
mind,a lesson that
I wish you this one-sided love.
every tear.you meant to But I guess My heart melted
dying to the You chose to up my heart knowlove was true.
heart, you tore me love with you?
things were better May God’s best come Even if for And your soulmate
away, and allow ourselves Laughter . . . fun times . . . tears;My heart says gohave taken
someone you lovelet go the If you want poems – the most touching
the moment, and accept that may seem. Continuing to perpetuate out.
life happens. You can’t change the