A new year is like an entirely blank canvas to us, as it’s for us to decorate anyway we wish. Regardless of what you and your friends experienced this year, as 2022 draws to a close, the best course of action at this point is to focus on the year ahead () in hopes of making the most out of it.
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Therefore taking good advantage of it to send your friends a thoughtful New Year Prayer for friends is just one gesture that can make the difference between an average year and a great year to come.
You should have no difficulties in coming up with a new year prayer messages for friends, however, if you do, you are at the correct place for some amazing assistance.
Happy New Year Prayer Messages for Male and Female Friends to Be BlessedNew Year Prayer for Friends
My blessed friend, In this new year, I pray may your dreams be bright and that your heart is happy always. I wish you a life that is filled with the beauty and joy of the lord. Have a blessed new year, my friend!
Wishing you my friend a happy and prosperous new year. You have supported me when it has counted. Thank you for the smiles, the sound advice, and the many wonderful memories. This year, I can’t wait to create more with you. Have a prosperous new year buddy.
To my good friend, As the new year comes to materialization, I pray that you are always surrounded by the warmth of goodness. May you have the patience to endure life’s trials, no matter how tough they may seem. AMEN!
We may have been far apart from each other, But As we look forward to the lord in this forthcoming year of 2023, I pray that we meet again in the new year, with prayers of happiness fulfilled. Have a great year my good friend!
To all of my friends from school and neighborhood, And all those I have forgotten to mention, May this New Year of 2023 be a time for new beginnings and I hope you will be blessed by the lord with his knowledge, wisdom, and courage. Happy new year to my friend!
To my dear Friend, In this new year, I pray that you have a happy and healthy new year. I hope that you will be with me next year just as much. I’m hoping we’ll be together again next year and in other years to come as well.
May this new year bring you joy everlasting and unlimited blessings. May the year be as wonderful as your lovely soul, I wish you all the good that the year has to offer. Happy new year pal.
Health is wealth, Therefore my pal, I decree that in this new year you shall experience the health of the heavens, no sickness or disease shall befall you, and may your soul find rest in the blessing of the lord!
Heavenly Father, I come before you on behalf of my lovely Friend, I am asking that you send your Holy Spirit to sanctify his soul, mind, and body so that he may live a happy new year and be free from sin, temptation, death, and sorrows.
My wonderful Friend, In this new year I pray that everything you do shall prosper, be blessed, and will bring with it even more blessings to glorify God’s name. Happy new year to my sweet Friend!
New Year Prayer Messages for Friends
For me, its truly a pleasure to have you as my best friend, I know 2022 might have been a rough year for you, but I pray to the lord that he will make 2023 the best years you have ever experienced. Have a sweet year my friend!
Not a day passes in a year that I do not thank God for giving me such a Friend who has a blessed soul, As we come into this new year, I pray that life becomes even better for you than it was before. AMEN!
Hey, best friend, I may have much to ask the lord on your behalf, but firstly I ask that he will Please help me keep you happy, healthy, and strong. A sickness free 2023 I pray for you. AMEN!
Dear Friend, I pray that as the year 2023 draws near in a few days, weeks, or months, it will be a day filled with love and joy for you and the entire family for all the beautiful things you have been doing for each of us. Blessed new year to my pal!
Happy New Year to my best friend. Because you have always been the pillar of strength in my life and a shoulder I can always cry on when things are not at their best, I, therefore, ask that the lord will be your comforter in this year of 2023.
My friend, may this new year bring a strong bond between you and mom, I pray that the love both of you have for one another continues to grow from strength to strength each and every day of the year. AMEN!
For always being there for me whenever I do need you, I decree that the heavenly lord of heaven will always be there for you in this new year of 2023 and beyond. Have a blessed new year my sweet friend!
Dear pal, I decree and pronounce that this new year of 2023 will be your best year on earth, in Jesus name, regardless of how many years you have spent on earth and regardless of everything you have accomplished in life.
To my amazing and ever present friend, I hope this season brings lots of love, joy, peace, and happiness your way. May you never experience shame or sorrow and the lord’s blessings will immerse you always. AMEN!
Who will say a thing and it comes to pass when the lord has not spoken? Whoever is saying a negative about your life, my dear Friend, I pray that the Lord will cause that mouth to wither, and may this new year be filled with favor for your sake. AMEN!
Happy New Year Prayer for a Male Friend
My beloved Friend, Because the Lord is your shepherd, In this new year, you shall never want, He will guide you alongside peaceful waters, he will heal your soul, and he will set a feast before you in the midst of your adversaries. AMEN!
I’m so grateful to have you as my pal. In 2023, I hope you will have a great new year and I pray that the coming year will be even better. New year blessings my friend!
May this year of 2023 be filled with opportunities that will cause breakthroughs and divine manifestation in your life, dear Friend. In all you do, make sure to have a wonderful year ahead!
It’s an honor and something to be really proud of to make a prayer for you my friend this new year’s eve. Although I have so much to ask the lord, I will ask him to bless you beyond measure this year. AMEN!
I am very much aware that it’s going to be a tough year ahead, so I summon the Lord and ask him to guide, protect, and watch all of your movements in this coming year. AMEN!
My friend, In this 2023, your going out and coming in shall be protected, you shall enjoy the lords divine protection, and may your spirit, soul, and body be of the lord. AMEN!
Hey pal, I have no idea what your resolutions are for the coming year, but I make a decree in the holy name of God that I hope all of your goals will be accomplished this year and that you will enjoy the process of working toward them. AMEN!
The new year is just around the corner, I hope that you will stay safe and secure, and I pray the lord will always be there for you through tough times. I wish you all the best for 2023.
As we go into this new year, Dear God, I pray that you give my Friend the strength and courage to overcome all his trials and tribulations. Give him strength and courage to win battles. Blessed new year, my handsome Friend.
Thank you for being my friend, even when we’ve been apart. I wish you a happy new year filled with every blessing that I can send your way. I love and miss you, my dear friend!
New Year Prayer for My Female Friends
My sweet Friend, I really want to thank you for being present, nurturing, and protective throughout the year. As we cross over to this new year, I pray for God’s protection in all that you do. Have a blessed new year, Friend.
As we celebrate this new year with love and hope, Friend I pray that whatever are your plans and heart desire for the new year, may my God, who is also your God, take his time to honor them. in Jesus name!
My God, I want to thank you for being ever present in the life of my Friend this past year. As we welcome this new year, I pray that whatever blessings you have designed for her this year will be hers to claim. AMEN! New Year’s blessings to you, Friend!
Since the start of a new year is an ideal opportunity to begin anew with a fresh perspective on life and new prospects, Abba Father in heaven, I pray for my Friend in the hopes that she may be healthy and lead a simple life. Friend, HNY!
As the new year approaches, I want to express my gratitude to my Friend and ask God to grant her pleasure. I pray she has intelligent ideas, makes the right choices, and flourishes in everything she does. Dear Friend, Happy New Year!
To my lovely friend, I hope that this new year brings you a few worries and that your life is always happy and full of love. And may each day find you closer to a world free from want, anger, and grief. Have a wonderful new year, buddy!
Anytime I remember that you are my Friend, I always feel lucky and blessed to be called your friend. I hope you will have a blessed new year, buddy!
Friend, in this new year, in the name of Jesus, may the Lord always stand up to fight your war for you. May he always be by your side, lead your steps, and protect you in every way. AMEN!
Happy New Year Blessings for Friends
Regardless of what happens, I will continue to pray for your peace and prosperity in the new year. May this new year be different than the previous ones. AMEN!
Dear God, In this new year, I pray that you please bless my awesome Friend with good health, happiness, love, and understanding so that he will have a blessed year ahead. AMEN!
My good friend, As we approach 2023 I wish that we will be able to enjoy this new year together and I hope that we will keep in good health. Have a healthy new year my friend!
To my Friend, I wish you the happiest new year yet! I pray that the Lord would continue giving you the mental toughness and resourcefulness you need to accomplish all of your goals this year with ease. Hallelujah!
Although 2022 may have been a challenging year, I hope that this one will bring your family better lives and allow everyone to put enough food on the table each night. Wishing you a happy new year, friend!
I see your struggles, I see how much effort you put in to make something meaningful out of your life, my dear Friend, and I believe the Lord sees it too. Therefore, I pray that everything you dream of comes true! Happy New Year! I love you so much.
My dearest friend from the past and present, I wish you love and happiness in the coming year, just as I do with my entire family by my side in these wonderful moments of life. Best wishes for the new year my friend!
Oh, my God I ask that you bless my Friend and shower him with your love on this New Year’s Eve. I wish him a prosperous, healthy, and nutritious year. Give him the perseverance to face every challenge that will come his way.
This new year, may your dreams be bright and your heart is happy. I wish you a life that is filled with beauty and joy. Have a prosperous new year my friend.
I hope that the warmth of goodness will always be around you in 2023. May you have the fortitude to persevere through the challenges of life, no matter how difficult they may seem. Have a lovely year, my friend!
Happy New Year Prayer to My Friends
May you have bright dreams and a delightful heart in the coming year. I want you to have a life packed with happiness and God’s aesthetic value. Good luck in the coming year, my friend.
As friends, I pray that we will continue to give each other hope, love, laughter, happiness, and support always. In this prosperous year ahead, may you find all of your dreams coming true. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
my closest pal, We should probably say goodbye to this year and look forward to what lies ahead because it went by a little too quickly. I wish you and your family many blessings in the upcoming New Year. Have a prosperous new year my friend.
The new year is upon us, and I want to express my gratitude for having met you this past year. You have been such an amazing friend to me and helped me on so many occasions when I needed it most. My friend, I wish you luck in the upcoming year.
My dear friend As we celebrate the arrival of the new year, I pray for peace and health, joy, abundance, and love in 2023. I also want to thank you for being a blessing to me in 2022! Good luck in the coming year, my friend.
Dear friend, Tomorrow is the first day of the new year. We are all starting afresh. I’m hopeful this year will be even better than last. I pray for you and me to have more understanding and tolerance for each other in the future. Blessed new year wishes my friend!
My friend, In this new year, I pray that we will always have love even when things get tough. And when we are parted from each other, I pray that you’ll always remember me as someone who loves you very much. I wish you a happy new year!
Dear buddy, May God continue to bless you with good health, happiness, and peace as the new year gets underway and we look to our hearts for the hope and joy of a new beginning in this new year.
To my buddy, This is my New Year’s prayer for you: may all your needs be met, and may all your wishes come true. And always remember that I love you very much! Best wishes for the New Year ahead!
Sweet, Sentimental, and Funny New Years Wishes
Here are some sweet, sentimental, and funny New Years wishes for friends that you can try out:
• Heres to hoping the New Year is better than last and a total blast!
• May the New Year bring joy, prosperity, and good health to you and your family.
• I hope the coming year brings many blessings to your brood. We cant wait to share memories, laughter, and fun with you all!
• As you know, we failed our New Years resolutions by the end of the first week of last year. Lets try a little harder this time around, shall we? Whether we succeed or fail, Ill be right here cheering you on. Hope you have a wonderful year filled with adventure and delight.
• I know this past year wasn't the easiest. Heres to new beginnings and great friends that will always be by your side. Cant wait to see where the new year takes you вЂ" and wherever that is, Ill come visit!
• Wishing you the best New Year ever. Hope its as wonderful as you are. Thanks for the years of friendship and fabulous memories.
• Ready for a fresh start? I know I am! Heres hoping this next year brings us new adventures, new opportunities, and new goals to conquer. Thanks for being my best friend and always having my back.
• Dear friend, may God grant you serenity and happiness this New Year. We wish you and your family members all the best this upcoming year.
• As the old year leaves its mark, the New Year is yet to be written. Cant wait to see what you do with this new chapter. Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a wonderful New Years Day.
• Its the start of a new year! Wishing you good luck as you navigate the chaotic New Year celebrations and transition into the next chapter of life. My wish is for it to be filled with new hopes, joy, and lasting memories.
• I couldnt ask for a better person in my life. Sending lots of love this holiday season and wishing you a great year ahead.
• I know my new year is going to be fabulous! Why? Because youll be in it! Thanks for being so supportive, kind, and funny. The whole year has been memorable thanks to you.В
• Looking forward to another year of joy and fun together, dear friend! Wishing you a very happy New Years Eve.
Quotes for the New Year
Theres no shame in drawing inspiration from famous figures whove said it best. Here are some of our favorite New Years quotes that you can use to share well wishes this holiday season:
• "Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right." вЂ" Oprah Winfrey
• "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one." вЂ" Brad Paisley
• "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." вЂ" Albert Einstein
• "May all your troubles last as long as your New Years resolutions." вЂ" Joey Adams
• "For last years words belong to last years language and next years words await another voice." вЂ" T.S. Eliot
• "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person." вЂ" Benjamin Franklin
Blustery Card
Design: Carrie ONeal
This dual Merry Christmas and New Years card is perfect for celebrating joy this holiday season. It features an elegant arch photo slot where you can upload your favorite snap of friends from this past year.
Good Fortune Card
Design: Raven Erebus (photo courtesy of Angela & Evan Photography)
Send your best new year wishes for good fortune and prosperity with this delightful card. It features a painted character for the words "good fortune" and a photo slot for your favorite picture of you and your bestie.
Glitter Fireworks Card
Design: Ringleader Paper Co. (photo courtesy of Jimmy Bishop)
Share warm wishes for a festive and prosperous New Year with this stunning design. Featuring dazzling bursts of fireworks and gold foil accents, its sure to ring in a New Year full of blessings.
Next Card
Design: Shari Margolin Design
Drawing inspiration from Ariana Grandes song, this cheeky card is perfect for bidding adieu to a year that was less than fabulous. Share funny New Year wishes with a friend using this card and look forward to a new year and a new you.
Design: Ana Sharpe Design
Share happy New Year quotes and happy New Year messages in this brilliantly bright card. The card features vibrant fireworks and modern, whimsical text. Its available in several colorways and features a backside with plenty of text room for a personal message.В
Out With the Old Card
Design: Signature Greenvelope
As they say, "out with the old, in with the new!" If your bestie is ready to kick last year to the curb, use this festive card to ring in the New Year. Its modern and trendy вЂ" just like your friend вЂ" ensuring it will bring joy to this time of transition.
New Years Cheers Card
Design: Design Swift
Hope Card
Design: Jamie Alexander