Want to convey your greetings, thanks, congratulatory messages or condolences in Spanish? If you’re at a loss on what to say to your Spanish-speaking friends during the most important occasions, take your cue from this list and get the Spanish greetings, phrases and sentences you need.
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1. Spanish Birthday Greetings
2. Spanish Wedding Anniversary Greetings
3. Bereavement/ Offering Sympathy
4. Spanish Christmas and New Year Greetings
5. General Congratulations in Spanish
6. Congratulations: New Baby
7. Congratulations: Academic-Related
8. Spanish Engagement and Wedding Greetings
9. Congratulations and well wishes (work-related)
10. Get Well Wishes
11. General Thanks
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1. Spanish Greetings for Birthdays
Let’s start off the list with birthday greetings. This list will help you with how to greet someone in Spanish during their birthday.
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy birthday!
¡Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad!
May all your wishes come true!
¡Que cumplas muchos años más
May you enjoy many more years!
¡Que tengas un maravilloso día!
Have a wonderful day!
Mis mejores deseos en este día tan especial para ti.
Wishing you the best on your special day.
2. Spanish Greetings for Wedding Anniversary
Do you wish to greet a married couple in Spanish during their wedding anniversary? Here’s how.
¡Feliz aniversario!
Happy anniversary!
¡Felicidades por su aniversario número ,,,!
Happy _th anniversary!
¡Felicidades por sus bodas de ...!
Congratulations on your ___ wedding anniversary!
... de plata
silver (25th)
... de oro
golden (50th)
... de diamante
diamond (60th)
3. Bereavement/ Offering Sympathy
Expressing condolences can be quite challenging especially in another language. How do you express your sadness at someone’s loss in Spanish? Here are some simple Spanish phrases to help you.
Estamos con ustedes.
We are with you.
Mis condolencias para la familia.
My condolences for the family.
Mi más sentido pésame.
My deepest condolences.
Lo siento.
I´m sorry.
Que encuentren pronta resignación.
I hope you recover promptly from your grief.
Lamentamos su pérdida.
We are sorry for your loss.
4. Spanish Christmas and New Year Greetings
The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song says. You simply couldn’t miss out greeting your Spanish-speaking friends during Christmas and New Year! Here’s how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Spanish.
¡Feliz navidad!
Merry Christmas!
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Happy New Year!
¡Que este año que llega esté lleno de bendiciones!
May the coming New Year bring you blessings!
¡Felices Fiestas!
Happy Holidays!
¡Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
5. General Congratulations in Spanish
Are congratulations in order? If you need to pat someone on the back for a job well done, here’s how to congratulate someone in Spanish.
Bien hecho.
Well done.
Sabíamos que lo lograrías.
We knew you could do it.
Estamos orgullosos de ti.
We are so proud of you!
¡Lo hiciste excelente!
You did an excellent job!
Te quiero felicitar.
I want to congratulate you.
6. Congratulations: New Baby
Hooray! A little bundle of joy have just arrived! Time to congratulate the new parents. Here are some ways to do that in Spanish.
¡Felicidades por el nuevo integrante de la familia!
Congratulations on the new arrival in your family!
¡Felicidades por el nacimiento de su niño/niña!
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy/girl!
¡Qué gusto saber que ya nació!
We are delighted to hear that he/she has already born!
7. Congratulations: Academic-Related
Did someone just aced an exam, graduated, or got into some University? Tell them how thrilled you are with these phrases. Say congratulations in Spanish!
¡Felicidades por tu graduación!
Congratulations on your graduation!
¡Buen trabajo!
Good job!
¡Felicidades por tus buenas calificaciones!
Congratulations on your good grades!
¡Felicidades por tu maestría!
Congratulations on getting your Master´s degree!
¡Felicidades por entrar a la universidad!
Well done on getting into University!
¡Felicidades por pasar el examen!
Congratulations on passing your exam!
8. Spanish Engagement and Wedding Greetings
Engagements and weddings are among life’s most important events. When you need to extend your warm wishes on somebody’s engagement or big day, take your pick from this list on how to congratulate them in Spanish!
¡Felicidades a los futuros esposos!
Congratulations to the future spouses!
¡Felicidades a los novios!
Congratulations to the groom and bride!
¡Salud por los novios!
Cheers to the newlyweds!
Espero que sean muy felices.
I hope you will be very happy.
¿Ya tienen fecha para la boda?
Have you set the date of the big day?
¡Felicidades por esta nueva etapa!
Congratulations on this new stage!
¡Mis mejores deseos para los dos!
Best wishes to you both!
¡Felicidades por su boda!
Congratulations on the wedding!
9. Congratulations and well wishes (work-related)
Did someone just move up the corporate ladder or got the job he or she had been eyeing? Greet them in Spanish! Here’s what to say.
¡Felicidades por tu nuevo empleo!
Congratulations on your new job!
¡Felicidades por tu ascenso!
Congratulations on the promotion!
¡La mejor de las suertes en tu nueva etapa!
We wish you the best of luck on your new stage!
We wish you success!
¡Suerte en tu nuevo trabajo!
Good luck on your new job!
¡Suerte en tu primer día de trabajo!
Good luck on your first day at work!
10. Get Well Wishes
Do you have Spanish-speaking friends or colleagues that are sick and need some cheering up? Wish them a speedy recovery! Here's how to say get well soon in Spanish!
Recupérate pronto.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
¡Que te mejores!
Get well!
Alíviate pronto.
Get well soon.
Espero que te sientas mejor.
I hope you feel better.
11. General Thanks
Finally, for some ways to express your gratitude to someone, here’s how to say thanks in Spanish.
Thank you.
Muchas gracias.
Many thanks.
Se agradece.
It´s appreciated.
Mil gracias.
Thanks a thousand times.
No sé como podría agradecertelo.
I don’t know how to thank you.
Estamos muy agradecidos.
We are very grateful.
Que amable de su parte.
It is really nice of you.
Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With this handy list, you'll know exactly what to say during the right occasions.
For more Spanish phrases, check out the e-book below!
Funny Baby Card Messages
What to write in a newborn baby card: best funny baby card messages about parenthood and daily life as a new family. Check out the funny new baby congratulations ideas below and simply choose your favorite one. Sometimes it's even possible to combine several sample messages to make it all the more hilarious.
so cute when asleep!
Sample Texts: Funny Baby Card Messages
50% mommy, 50% daddy, 100% baby (or baby's name)! Best wishes on the arrival of your newborn daughter / son.
Parenthood is a wild ride full of love, laughter, questions, anxiety, learning, excitement, craziness, hugs, kisses and much more. Congrats on your baby girl / baby boy!
Being a parent means, learning to sleep with a foot, or even two, in your face!
Baby is cute. Mommy is cute. Daddy is lucky...
Now as you travel down the road of life, remember...
... the stroller, the diapers, the formula, the toys, the bottles, the pacifier, the blanket...
Not all treasure is silver and gold... Best wishes on your 'personal new treasure' and little darling!
"Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do" (Matt Walsh). Congrats on your new arrival and good luck with transitioning from theory to practical experience!
Being a mother is the highest paid job in the world since the payment is in pure love!
"Ah, I feel so rested and did not have to worry about anything at all today". Said no mom ever...
Sleep when your baby sleeps. Everyone knows this classic tip, but we say why stop there? Scream when your baby screams. Take Benadryl when your baby takes Benadryl. And walk around without pants when your baby walks around without pants.
Having a baby is like living in a frat house - nobody sleeps, there's a lot of noise and there's a lot of throwing up...
More Funny Baby Card Messages
You have been getting on your mom's nerves for nine months. Now it's daddy's turn!
Good moms have sticky floors, dirty ovens and happy babies! So take it easy, be calm and mommy on!
Woo-hoo, a mini version of you two!
Mummy and daddy, congratulations on your baby girl / baby boy ... let the noise begin!
Just wondering: if olive oil is made of olives, what is baby oil made of?
No one can imagine life having their own children. But when they are born no one can imagine life without them.
Sleep is overrated. As is coffee, wine and any free time ever...
You used to have time. Now you have a baby! (alternatively a baby girl, a baby boy, your and baby's name)
Motherhood is going to look great on you. Just keep calm and diaper on.
Congratulations on your new alarm clock!
We are thrilled and congratulate you on your new family addition. Always remember: Silence is golden - unless you have a toddler. In that case it's very, very suspicious!
Heard your home has grown by 2 feet!
Hurrah, it's a girl / boy! Parenthood is one of the best journeys in life. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Congratulations on your new baby girl / boy! Love, joy, baby puke and smelly diapers... Don't panic, it's only a baby!
A little one has joined you both, how happy you must be... It was great when there were two of you, but even better now there's three!
You could have bought a few Porsches or could have traveled the world for a couple of years. But you have chosen sleepless nights, Lego in the living room, parent-teacher conferences and puberty instead. From now on you will be parents - and we think you took the right decision!
Congratulations on your new family addition. Hitting the bottle is about to take on a whole new meaning!
Congratulations on your newest tax deduction!
Congrats! Your baby is so much cuter than other babies!
Having a baby will make you so grateful for everything, like the fact that your cells didn't multiply and create twins.
Eat. Sleep. Poo. Repeat. The baby obviously, not you. You will never sleep...
Funny baby card messages if you are a mother/parents yourself:
Motherhood / parenthood is a wonderful, rewarding, messy, noisy and sometimes crazy experience... Every day will be a new adventure, enjoy the ride - it's all worth it!
Don't worry. It gets easier after the first 18 years.
Funny Baby Shower Card Messages
Soon it will be: Goodbye tummy - hello mummy! Until then all the best and wishing you a safe and healthy delivery for both you and baby.
Sleep all you can before baby comes. In fact, do not get up for anything short of labor!
Your hearts are certainly filled with gratitude and your belly is filled with baby.
Can't wait for your bun to be done!
Sorry, we're all drinking without you. Have a happy baby shower!
24/7. Once you sign on to be a mother that's the only shift they offer!
Since you can't drink right now, I'll raise two glasses to you and your soon to arrive new bundle of joy!
Remember this happy day forever! For a long time, this is one of the last showers you'll get to enjoy in peace...
Funny Baby Card Messages For Baby Girl
Any of the above messages will qualify if you just add "Hurrah, it's a girl" or "Congratulations on your new baby girl". But these are especially cute for newborn girls:
From now on follow this bedtime routine: read her a story, tuck her in tight, say a sweet prayer and kiss her goodnight... And then start all over again...
May your little newborn girl play with fairies, grow angel wings, braid the hair of a mermaid, fly to the moon and ride a unicorn.
Congratulations on your little baby girl. While her fingers may be small, she's probably already got everybody wrapped around them!
Funny Baby Card Messages For Baby Boy
Any of the above messages will qualify if you just add "Congratulations on your new baby boy" or "It's a boy". However, these are suitable for boys only:
You've got male!
A brand new baby boy to fill your hearts with love and joy!
Don't worry about the difficulty of raising a baby boy. It's just as easy as running a marathon, doing your taxes and wrestling an octopus at the same time... every day!
A giggle, a toy, hello to a cute little baby boy!
For help on how to start and end your card and what to write on the envelope, check out my new baby congratulations cards page.
Dear Sweetheart,
We've reached a new milestone together. Before you even entered this world, you were loved unconditionally and cherished. Your mother and I prayed for you and now here you are, beautiful, healthy, and full of energy. An imagination of life has now become reality, and the feelings have increased tenfold as you lay here in our arms. You were born 7 pounds, 12 oz, measuring at 19.75 inches. Your mommy was an absolute champ and birthed you naturally, free of any chemicals to your little body. We're so thankful to see you healthy and equipped with all 10 fingers, and all 10 toes. Your hair is much thicker and fuller than we anticipated (you can thank your daddy for those nice hair genes). You smell like sweet cream, and your skin is softer than a fresh rolled mochi ball. You lay peacefully with your hand barely larger than my thumb on your chin without a worry in the world.
When we first heard we were having a girl, we were overjoyed, curious, slightly nervous, and emotional for your future. We started decorating your room in pink and gold, filled all the cubbies with cute little clothes, and hung bible verses on the wall. We wanted to create the perfect environment for you to grow up in a clean, creative, and safe place.
Your mother and I are going into this new chapter in life with God's favor, trust, and confidence. We are especially excited to see your God-given gifts unravel as you grow older each and everyday, teach you new things, challenge you, help you dream big, and see you live them out without fear.
Remember these things everyday:
• Put God first.
• Our love for you is unconditional.
• Keep family close. Family will always be there for you.
• You never have to feel alone.
• Time is precious. Spend it wisely.
• Surround yourself with good people.
• Follow your passions.
• Don't be afraid to fail. At least then you will never wonder what if.
• Prayer has healing powers.
Your mother and I promise to take care of you, protect you, not give up on you and most importantly be present in your life.
Love, Mom and Dad.
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card
Before delving into specific ideas for the text, here are some factors to consider as you think about what to include in the baby shower card:
Simple Baby Shower Card Messages
If you’re not a wordsmith and just want to write something simple and sweet in the baby shower card, or you’re not super close to the mom-to-be, here are some messages to consider:
"I’m so happy for you."
"I can’t wait to meet your baby."
"Wishing both you and your new baby all the best."
"Your little family is about to get bigger and cuter."
"Wishing you moments of joy with your new little baby."
Baby Shower Card Messages Focusing on the Gift
Since a baby shower involves showering the mom-to-be with gifts as well as love and support, you may consider mentioning the gift you've chosen in your baby shower card message. Here are some ideas:
"Wrapping your gift almost made me keel over with cuteness overload. Just giving you a warning!"
"I’m overjoyed to shower you with this special gift I know you’ll love."
"When I was raising my little ones, I couldn’t survive without this item. I think you’ll find it valuable too."
"So happy to be attending your baby shower, and excited to be helping you load up on some goodies for the baby!"
Funny Baby Shower Card Messages
Being a parent can be a challenging job, and sometimes it’s nice to just have a laugh about it. If you’re absolutely sure the recipient of your baby shower card appreciates your style of humor, try one of these messages:
"Hope you have a nice baby!"
"In just a few months you’ll become a stain removal expert!"
"Say hello to your bundle of joy, and goodbye to sleeping in ever again."
"Thanks in advance for naming the baby after me!"
"Congratulations on being so creative! Can’t wait to see your latest project!"
"Don’t worry. After they turn 18, you can kick them out!"
"I can’t wait to see who the baby resembles more!"
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Boy
If you know the mom-to-be is having a baby boy, you could choose one of these messages for the baby shower card:
"Oh boy! We can’t wait to meet your little guy."
"We hope your little boy is just as handsome as his dad."
"Snips and snails, and puppy dogs' tails — get ready for boyhood!"
"Your little boy is lucky to have two amazing parents who love him. Congratulations!"
"Here’s to lots of fun and joy with your little boy!"
"May your baby boy bring you loads of joy and troublemaking."
"It’s beautiful seeing your family grow. Cheers to a baby boy."
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Girl
If you know the mom-to-be is have a little girl, here are some sweet wishes you can include in the baby shower card:
"Here’s to a bubbly baby girl to love and spoil. Congratulations!"
"Sugar and spice. May your new baby girl bring you everything nice!
"We’re all tickled pink to hear you’re having a baby girl. Congratulations!"
"Little girls grow up so fast. One minute you’re dressing her in princess outfits, and the next minute she’s trying on bridal gowns. Enjoy every minute."
"We hope your little girl will be beautiful inside and out, just like her mother."
"May your pink bundle be showered with everything splendid."
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for Twins
If the mom-to-be has revealed she’s having twins or triplets (or even more), you could acknowledge this in the card. Here are some ideas of what to say:
"Double the baby, double the excitement, and double the trouble!"
"Sometimes the best things come in pairs."
"One baby is special, but two babies are super special."
"Now you have two reasons to smile!"
"Cheers to your babies!"
"Wishing you double the congratulations."
"Could there be anything better than two babies? Oh, maybe three!"
"Let me know if you need help counting all those fingers and toes."
"We can’t wait to see double the cuteness."
"Now you can look forward to four arms hugging you!"
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Close Friend
If you’re a close friend or relative of the mom-to-be and would like to send a personal message of support, here are some ideas:
"Congratulations on your baby’s arrival! I know that you’ll be a terrific mom."
"From one mother to another, the moment you set eyes on your little one, you’ll be smitten forever."
"The unconditional love you’ll feel for your new baby will be something you’ve never felt before."
"After reading books and articles on motherhood, you’ll think you’ve prepared for everything, but the best lessons come with time — and I’ll be there for you whenever you need me."
"Congratulations! Mommyhood looks so good on you."
What to Write in a Baby Shower Card From Grandparents
If you’re one of the grandparents-to-be, you may have something special in mind for your message, especially if the mom-to-be is your daughter. Here are some phrases for welcoming a new grandson or granddaughter:
"We are overjoyed to welcome our baby’s very own baby into the world."
"Don’t you worry — we’ve babyproofed the house and have been practicing singing lullabies. Grandparenthood, here we come!"
"Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. But that’s what grandparents are for!"
"Grandbabies are always welcome in our home!"
"Remember, you can’t return them when they misbehave, but you can always drop them off with us!"
The Bottom Line
Composing the perfect message for a baby shower card won’t seem difficult once you start, especially if you think about the relationship you have with the mom-to-be and/or the dad-to-be. Also, if you have any details about whether the mom-to-be is having a boy or girl, these can provide inspiration for the message. Don’t be afraid to craft a truly personalized message, adding a funny story, a personal anecdote, something positive about the mom-to-be, or a unique insight from your own experience as a parent. This time can be both exciting and scary for new parents — and a little humor or a kind message of encouragement may mean a lot to them. If you want to call attention to a special gift you’ve purchased, feel free to tailor your message to include that in the baby shower card. If you’re still hunting for a present, check out our massive list of great baby shower gift ideas.