Last Birthday Wish At End Of The Day Quotes


Thanks for your suggestions, Hannah--and thanks for being our Wonder Friend!


My birthday is almost here i hope when i blow out my candles my wish comes true!!!

Good luck, Ally! And have a GREAT birthday!

pradeep mehrotra

My birthday is 21 November 1960 but is celebrated and entered in mark-sheets as 22 November 1960 ,I have gone through many turmoils in my life please ,please wish me happy birth day this time.

pradeep ivon

Thank you for joining the discussion, pradeep! We hope you have a WONDERful birthday in a few days! ๐Ÿ™‚

pradeep ivon

thanks for your wishes; my birthday will be in April!


It's my birthday today!



Hey, bob! Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis! ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy birthday, Elyssa! We hope you have a WONDERful day! Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis! ๐Ÿ™‚


Every birthday I have to take 10 tries to blow out all my candles. I just don't know why.

Thanks for sharing your connection, Lina! Sometimes it is hard to get all the candles out! ๐Ÿ™‚


The part I found the most interesting was that the cake represented the moon and a candle represents the light of the moon.

We're THRILLED you had fun exploring this Wonder, Dheeksha! Thanks for sharing what you learned! ๐Ÿ™‚


hi Wonderopolis i was wondering why it takes so much breath to blow out candles?

Hi, Bethanie! Sometimes it can be tricky! Have you ever seen someone try to blow out a trick candle that just keep relighting? It's crazy! ๐Ÿ™‚

i know i am late but happy birthday wonderopolis and i am looking forward to more mermaid wonders.


Thanks, k'lajah! We appreciate your support and hope you're having a WONDERful day! While you're visiting, be sure to check out Wonder #1210: Are Mermaids Real?. Have fun WONDERing! ๐Ÿ™‚

We just watched the video and we're wondering why some people believe that the wish doesn't come true if you use more than one breath or say it out loud.


Happy birthday to you, (cha cha cha!) Happy birthday to you,(cha cha cha! Happy birthday Wonderopolis!! Happy birthday to you! (cha,cha,cha!)


Thank you SO much for singing the birthday song to us, RoseMary! We had an awesome birthday! We're glad you're WONDERing with us, Wonder Friend! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€

McKinsie H.

Hi wonderopolis! I was just WONDERing, how many different kinds of candles are there? Just WONDERing! McKinsie H.


That's a great question, McKinsie! We're unsure of the exact number of different candles, but can think of several that serve different purposes. In addition to birthday candles and trick candles, there are scented candles for your home, really small candles called tea lights, candles used in churches and synagogues, and not that long ago, candles were used to light rooms. What other candles can you think of? What purposes do they serve? ๐Ÿ™‚

Mary Shepard

I think that it was very interesting because I never knew that the ancient Greeks started the whole thing by worshipping their gods. What interested me the most was when it told me that people thought the smoke would ward the evil gods or float their wishes and prayers up to the gods!


Thank you for sharing what you learned from this Wonder, Mary! We WONDER if you'll be blowing out any candles soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€

Last Birthday Wish At End Of The Day Quotes

I've heard that if you tell someone your wish it doesn't come true

Jenna G.

Happy very late birthday Wonderopolis. Thank you for telling me this. I wondered why we did this before.


Why, thank you very much, Jenna G.! We're glad you learned something new with us! ๐Ÿ˜€


Happy birthday WONDEROPOLIS!!!!!! Hope there aren't any "trick" candles on your cake:3


A birthday girl or boy or (website!!)


Great reason, Demure! Thanks for sharing your reasons for celebrating and blowing out birthday candles! It's fun to say hip hip hooray for a birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks for telling me about this wonder wonderopolis I think your next wonder should be about do dogs understand you when you speak to them. I have a dog named Maddie my friend Maclin would like that wonder because he has a dog too! Best website in the world. (Anyone who agrees with me say I ) I I I I!


You are oh-so-welcome, Wonder Friend Brooke! We hope you have a very happy birthday on Saturday! ๐Ÿ™‚ We love your suggestion for another Wonder-- thank you! We bet Maddie is one lucky dog to have a family like yours! Say hello to Maclin for us, too! "I"! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the interesting answer!


Well thank you, Oband! We're happy you enjoyed our wishing Wonder! Happy new year! ๐Ÿ™‚


Hey, I think this is really cool. I think it is so great, that I am using it for a school blogging assignment. I had no idea about any of this stuff like how Greeks used to do this. It is so fascinating.


We're so happy that you are learning more about the history behind blowing out birthday candles, Paige! Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis today! ๐Ÿ™‚




Thank you for the birthday wishes, Jourdan! We appreciate them very much! We think it's AWESOME that you like exploring the past Wonders of the Day as well as the new ones! There are over 400 Wonders to explore, so we know you'll have LOTS of fun learning new things! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday, Wonderopolis! I might be kind of late to celebrate, but still...happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much, KK! What a super nice thing to say! We will take a special birthday wish from a great Wonder Friend like you anytime! ๐Ÿ™‚


I think because the extra air is more water vapor. The more water vapor, the easier to make the fire go away.


That's some pretty smart thinking there, Izzy! Way to go for WONDERing even MORE about this Wonder of the Dayยฎ! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday, Wonderopolis! I never learned so much about candles! I like Wonderopolis because I get to learn so much. Nice job, WONDEROPOLIS!


Thanks for the birthday wishes, Mahima! We really appreciate them! We think it's GREAT that you learn so much when you visit Wonderopolis! We like learning something new every day, too! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday, Wonderopolis. I learned a lot about how the birthday candles started. It was very cool how it came from Greece.


Hi there, Will! Thanks for letting us know you learned something new and cool from exploring this Wonder! It makes us happy to hear that! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Wonderopolis. Happy birthday to you.


You're a GREAT Wonder Friend for singing us that awesome birthday song, Will! Thank you very much! We're glad you visited this Wonder of the Dayยฎ today! ๐Ÿ™‚

the beach Connor

Last Birthday Wish At End Of The Day Quotes

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to wonderopolis, happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW! Thanks so much for the awesome birthday song, Connor! We love that we are still getting birthday wishes from our Wonder Friends! We had the best birthday ever, and we are really looking forward to all the super cool things we've got planned for the coming year! Thanks for being part of Wonderopolis! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Wonderopolis. Happy birthday to you!


Why, thank you, Maria! We really appreciate you wishing us a happy birthday! We had a great first year and look forward to many more so we can meet awesome Wonder Friends like YOU! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday to you cho cho cho ... Happy birthday to you ... You are 1 year old this year... You are the best... Including my teacher... We see Wonderopolis every day at school, except on weekends. I love wonderopolis.

Zaid Al-ruwaishan

Happy Birthday Wonderopolis. I hope you stay for years and years to come. It's a pleasure and an opportunity to read about your wonders. Thank you for your time and effort to create these wonders. By the way, cute video you posted! Keep on it!


Cool, happy birthday!


Thanks so much, Deanna! We had a GREAT birthday thanks to our GREAT Wonder you! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy, Happy Birthday Wonderopolis! I have heard about trick candles before. My friend had them at her birthday party and it was SO funny to see her blow out the candles over and over again. I never knew that blowing out the candles on your cake was a tradition for the ancient Greeks! Are there any other people that have traditions for blowing out birthday candles? I will definitely try to nominate a wonder, have a great day!


Thank you for sharing the story about watching your friend try to blow our her trick birthday candles, Sara! We're sure it was a funny thing to watch! There are probably many more birthday traditions celebrated by people all over the world. It will take a lot more WONDERing to find out all about them! ๐Ÿ™‚

We are celebrating your birthday today on Wonder Wednesday! We are also celebrating 2 birthdays in our class-it's a WONDERful day!


Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our two celebrating "MC" Wonder Friends! We hope today gets more and more WONDERful for you and all of your classmates (and your awesome teacher)! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kyle the beach

Happy birthday Wonderopolis! I have a question...when did you start doing Wonderopolis? Thank you for the great Wonders!!




We have really loved all the SUPER birthday wishes we've received today, Drew! Yours is awesome, too! Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚


How did Wonderopolis start? Can you please answer my question?

andrew the beach

Dear Wonderopolis, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday, wonderopolis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the video, wonderopolis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for the birthday song, Andrew! It was WONDERful! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kelsey Cooper

I love the video! I think tomorrow will be about apples.

Ruthie Rose

Hi, Wonderopolis! I go on your website all the time, but I was wondering...who was the first person in space? Also, how could I forget the most important thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDEROPOLIS!!!!!!!!!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WONDEROPOLIS! Even though I've only been using your website for one day, I LOVE IT!


We're so glad you love visiting Wonderopolis, Chyna! Thank you for wishing us a happy birthday today, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sarah Suo-MC

Dear Wonderopolis, Happy Birthday to you!

Olivia Scott

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDEROPOLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mysterious Missy(Missy)

Hi, Wonderopolis! King Leer has a nice question...who did invent Wonderopolis? Have an awesome b-day! I'd like to give you cake, but i can't. Sorry. ๐Ÿ™ I'll be sure to come tomorrow!!!! I LOVE WONDEROPOLIS' WONDERS OF THE DAY!!!

Mysterious Missy(Missy)

WONDEROPOLIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOO!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. How does cancer happen? (just wondering because my dad died of pancreatic cancer) ๐Ÿ™ P.S.S. I THINK THE WONDER FOR TOMORROW IS ABOUT EITHER FOREST OR WILD FIRES.


Last Birthday Wish At End Of The Day Quotes

We're truly sorry to hear about your dad, Missy. WONDERing about cancer and where it comes from is something a lot of Wonder Friends think about. Thank you for the awesome birthday wishes and for suggesting a Wonder of the Dayยฎ about something so close to you and your family. You are an AWESOME Wonder Friend!


Happy birthday to you You're wonderful, too Your wonders are awesome and so are you, too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDEROPOLIS!!!!!!! P.S. who invented origami???????????


We loved our birthday song, Cassie! It was very special to us! We also love the idea of an origami Wonder of the Dayยฎ! Thank you so much for suggesting it! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jayme Leonard

Happy birthday and thanks for the information.

Mrs. Johnson's third grade

Happy Birthday Wonderopolis!! We liked learning about birthday candles. We are still wondering about a few things... First, do you know who invented candles and how long ago they were invented. Were they like the candles we use now? Second, do you know who the first people were to make cake? How did they make it? What ingredients did they use and how did they cook it? Thanks so much! Mrs. Johnson's third grade


Happy birthday, Wonderopolis!


Thank you so much, Elango! It really means a lot to us that so many of our Wonder Friends are wishing us a happy birthday today! ๐Ÿ™‚

autumn school girl

You should also do a Wonder on Charles Dickens and his stories.


We hear you, Autumn! We think that is a WONDERful idea for a Wonder of the Dayยฎ! ๐Ÿ™‚

nick B

Best Website EVER!!!! So many awesome wonders! Hope you have another Great Year!

king leer

I hope you have a good birthday and do a wonder on William Shakespeare and his stories. I am celebrating my birthday on December 15, so bye. P.S. who created Wonderopolis?

autumn school girl

Halloween traditions, and why you do them.

autumn school girl

I am looking forward to the next 365 wonders too! I think we should wonder about the card game Magic the Gathering. I play it myself and think other people should learn about it too!


We will have to learn more about that card game, Autumn! ๐Ÿ™‚


We LOVE that song, J.O.! Thank you for singing it to us! We love the idea of an computer animation Wonder, too...great job! ๐Ÿ™‚


You're welcome, Wonderopolis, and I have a wonder for you! What are the 5 smallest countries and the 5 biggest countries (When I mean size, I mean population, and square feet, it doesn't matter which one you do)? You don't have to, but I will be extremely happy if you just put it into consideration!


What a great idea for a Wonder, E.N! Thank you so much for taking the time to think about it and for letting us know what you WONDER about! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy birthday, Wonderopolis! I hope you have more and more years in the website biz! Good luck! P.S. I thought we just put candles on the cake for the fun of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

macbeth (aka david)

Happy birthday! See you tomorrow!

nick B



We really appreciate it, Nick! Thank you for your awesome birthday song! ๐Ÿ™‚

autumn school girl

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have many more successful years!


Thank you, Autumn! We are excited for the next 365 about you? We have SO MANY new things to "WONDER" and learn about together! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kerrick Elementary School

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDEROPOLIS!!!! We are so glad you have stayed around for 1 year and we look forward to many more Wonder Years with you!! Today we shared some stories of birthdays we have been to (ours or our friends). We even have a student whose birthday is tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™‚ Everyone LOVED the trick candles they have seen and had funny stories to share.


Wow, Kerrick Elementary School! Thank you for the SUPER GREAT birthday wish! We are so proud of all of the learning that has happened this year in Wonderopolis, and have enjoyed meeting so many new Wonder YOU! ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs. Russ's Classroom

Last Birthday Wish At End Of The Day Quotes

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to yoooou! Happy Birthday, to you!!! We all enjoyed learning about "trick" candles!


Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Wonderopoplis. Happy birthday to you! Mrs. Phillips' Second Grade Class Monroe Primary (Monroe, Ohio)


That was so AWESOME, Mrs. Phillipsโ€™ Class! We were singing right along with you! Thank you so much for the awesome birthday wishes and for visiting Wonderopolis! We appreciate you! ๐Ÿ™‚


Why do we carve pumpkins for Halloween? And where did it originate?


Hi, Hannah! Thanks so much for letting us know what you WONDER about! Be sure to visit Wonderopolis every day this month...we think you might REALLY like one of our upcoming Wonders of the Day! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy Birthday Wonderopolis! Thank you for a great first year of Wonders and am looking forward to many more ahead.


We are too, eherreid! We can't wait to share all the exciting things we've got planned! We're so happy to know you'll be along for the ride! ๐Ÿ™‚


Happy Birthday WONDEROPOLIS!!!!


Thanks so much, RC! We hope you have a WONDERful day today! ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Birthday Wonderopolis!


Thank you, Melissa! We're celebrating all of our AMAZING Wonder Friends (like you) today ! ๐Ÿ™‚

40 Happy Birthday Quotes For Friend

Find a Happy Birthday quote for a friend to wish them a happy day on this special occasion.

The birthday of a friend is a reason to celebrate. Make them feel special and appreciated by recognizing the day they were born. Share one of these quotes with them and bring a smile to their face.

Inspiring and encouraging quotes to share with your pal!

โ€ข May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks.
May your heart be as light as a song.
May each day bring you bright happy hours,
that stay with you all year long.
Irish Quotes and Saying
New Day

โ€ข May your dreams come true in the coming year.
May each day be filled with nothing but cheer.
Happiness is wished for you dear gal,
Happy Birthday to My Pal!

โ€ข Life is better with someone like you in it. Wishing you happiness and sunshine in the coming year.
Meaningful Quotes

โ€ข Times have changed my Friend, but the one thing that has not changed is that we keep aging together each year.
Funny Quotes

โ€ข Warmest wishes go your way for all that makes you smile on this special day!

โ€ข Forget the failures of the past year and stay focused on the success that you'll have in the coming year. Yesterday is gone, your birthday it is, so be happy my friend, you have reached another year!

โ€ข The passing years are like teachers. They show us the right way to do things. So, my friend, with all your experience next year should be a good one. Happy Birth'd.

โ€ข You are my sister, you are my friend. We will be pals to the very end. Happy Birthday to my Sis-Friend.

โ€ข A birthday is just another day where you go to work and people give you love. Age is just a state of mind, and you are as old as you think you are. You have to count your blessings and be happy. Abhishek Bachchan

Friendship Poems

โ€ข What age is happiest?
Had you asked me,
I would have made this plea:
the Now is best.
Wilhelmina Stitch, The Happiest Age
Birthday Poems

โ€ข Enthusiasm and happiness you bring to others, my friend. May the people surrounding you on this your birthday bring you more. Kate Summers

โ€ข Happy Birthday to you, my friend. You deserve a great day.

โ€ข We have gone through the valleys and seen the mountain tops during our friendship. This birthday I wish you only mountain tops for the coming year.

Last Birthday Wish At End Of The Day Quotes

โ€ข May God give you many blessings on this day and for the coming year.

โ€ข When we are together I feel like I can just be myself. No matter what I say or do you never judge. You truly are a great friend. Happy Birthday, thanks for being you. Kate Summers
Thank You

โ€ข My friend, just a number is all that is age. Life is like a book, so keep turning the page.

โ€ข You are a great pal
I think you are swell
Born you were today
May you be happy in every way!

โ€ข On this special day, I want to thank you for always being there. A true friend you are. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and many more!
Happy Birthday Wishes

โ€ข You listen, you understand, you are fun to be with. So on this birthday may you have lots of fun, hugs, and love from all of us who love you, my dear friend. Kate Summers
Love and Friendship

โ€ข (Birthday Advice) Don't ever rob a bank. Enjoy life. Have fun. Choose to be happy now; don't wait until you're 'successful'... Peter Farrelly

โ€ข When I am feeling down, you act like a clown.
You make me smile too when I feel blue.
I am never depressed when I'm with you
Birthday wishes to you for happiness in all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer

โ€ข You are amazing and wonderful and that is what I hope your birthday will be like - amazing and wonderful. Theodore W. Higginsworth

โ€ข Your determination and persistence are an inspiration to me. Your perseverance is admirable. But, your friendship is precious. Have a Happy Birthday.

โ€ข Date of birth is a funny thing
When you were younger you use to sing
My companion, my friend, be happy still
Living this long is really a thrill!
Funny Birthday Quotes

โ€ข The world keeps changing but you my friend remain true. Happy Birthday

โ€ข A birthday could be considered a new beginning. My friend may the coming year see all your dreams come true.
New Beginning

โ€ข Birthdays come and go, but friends like you make the years happier. Theodore W. Higginsworth

โ€ข An extra dose of happiness is sent to you this day. Because friends like you make this world brighter I must say!

โ€ข Oh, my friend, we have seen the years fly by, and as we age may our friendship continue to grow with each year passing.

โ€ข My friend, I appreciate you. And on this birthday may only good things come your way.

โ€ข On this birthday, I send you Oprah Winfrey's quote, "Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance." May every day be one that you do this.

โ€ข I can't imagine life without you, my friend. Happy Birthday.

โ€ข May sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home... May good fortune be with you and may your guiding light be strong. Rod Stewart, Forever Young

โ€ข My dear friend, we have been through lots, but you always find a smile. So on this day as you age, I sure hope you are smiling! Byron Pulsifer
Smile Poem

โ€ข You have always been an ally
May the day never come we say goodbye
As friends like you are rare to find
Remember you're only as old as in your mind!

โ€ข It doesn't take a birthday for me to be thinking of you, but still, birthdays bring special thoughts and best wishes to you.

โ€ข Memories of birthdays past, laughing and happiness we always share.
So on this your birthday my friends I just want you to know how much I care!

โ€ข Heres' hoping your day is filled with sunshine and sparkles. You deserve the best of birthdays. Happy Birthday to a cool friend!

Friendship Quotes

Happy Friendship Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages

Birthday Poems

We hope you have found a suitable quote for your friend! Growing older is always better with good friends surrounding you. May your friendships be as old as your age!

More Quotes to inspire and encourage

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