Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Niece

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

Before delving into specific ideas for the text, here are some factors to consider as you think about what to include in the baby shower card:

Simple Baby Shower Card Messages

If you’re not a wordsmith and just want to write something simple and sweet in the baby shower card, or you’re not super close to the mom-to-be, here are some messages to consider:

"I’m so happy for you."

"I can’t wait to meet your baby."

"Wishing both you and your new baby all the best."

"Your little family is about to get bigger and cuter."

"Wishing you moments of joy with your new little baby."

Baby Shower Card Messages Focusing on the Gift

Since a baby shower involves showering the mom-to-be with gifts as well as love and support, you may consider mentioning the gift you've chosen in your baby shower card message. Here are some ideas:

"Wrapping your gift almost made me keel over with cuteness overload. Just giving you a warning!"

"I’m overjoyed to shower you with this special gift I know you’ll love."

"When I was raising my little ones, I couldn’t survive without this item. I think you’ll find it valuable too."

"So happy to be attending your baby shower, and excited to be helping you load up on some goodies for the baby!"

Funny Baby Shower Card Messages

Being a parent can be a challenging job, and sometimes it’s nice to just have a laugh about it. If you’re absolutely sure the recipient of your baby shower card appreciates your style of humor, try one of these messages:

"Hope you have a nice baby!"

"In just a few months you’ll become a stain removal expert!"

"Say hello to your bundle of joy, and goodbye to sleeping in ever again."

"Thanks in advance for naming the baby after me!"

"Congratulations on being so creative! Can’t wait to see your latest project!"

"Don’t worry. After they turn 18, you can kick them out!"

"I can’t wait to see who the baby resembles more!"

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Boy

If you know the mom-to-be is having a baby boy, you could choose one of these messages for the baby shower card:

Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Niece

"Oh boy! We can’t wait to meet your little guy."

"We hope your little boy is just as handsome as his dad."

"Snips and snails, and puppy dogs' tails — get ready for boyhood!"

"Your little boy is lucky to have two amazing parents who love him. Congratulations!"

"Here’s to lots of fun and joy with your little boy!"

"May your baby boy bring you loads of joy and troublemaking."

"It’s beautiful seeing your family grow. Cheers to a baby boy."

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Girl

If you know the mom-to-be is have a little girl, here are some sweet wishes you can include in the baby shower card:

"Here’s to a bubbly baby girl to love and spoil. Congratulations!"

"Sugar and spice. May your new baby girl bring you everything nice!

"We’re all tickled pink to hear you’re having a baby girl. Congratulations!"

"Little girls grow up so fast. One minute you’re dressing her in princess outfits, and the next minute she’s trying on bridal gowns. Enjoy every minute."

"We hope your little girl will be beautiful inside and out, just like her mother."

"May your pink bundle be showered with everything splendid."

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for Twins

If the mom-to-be has revealed she’s having twins or triplets (or even more), you could acknowledge this in the card. Here are some ideas of what to say:

"Double the baby, double the excitement, and double the trouble!"

"Sometimes the best things come in pairs."

"One baby is special, but two babies are super special."

"Now you have two reasons to smile!"

"Cheers to your babies!"

"Wishing you double the congratulations."

Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Niece

"Could there be anything better than two babies? Oh, maybe three!"

"Let me know if you need help counting all those fingers and toes."

"We can’t wait to see double the cuteness."

"Now you can look forward to four arms hugging you!"

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for a Close Friend

If you’re a close friend or relative of the mom-to-be and would like to send a personal message of support, here are some ideas:

"Congratulations on your baby’s arrival! I know that you’ll be a terrific mom."

"From one mother to another, the moment you set eyes on your little one, you’ll be smitten forever."

"The unconditional love you’ll feel for your new baby will be something you’ve never felt before."

"After reading books and articles on motherhood, you’ll think you’ve prepared for everything, but the best lessons come with time — and I’ll be there for you whenever you need me."

"Congratulations! Mommyhood looks so good on you."

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card From Grandparents

If you’re one of the grandparents-to-be, you may have something special in mind for your message, especially if the mom-to-be is your daughter. Here are some phrases for welcoming a new grandson or granddaughter:

"We are overjoyed to welcome our baby’s very own baby into the world."

"Don’t you worry — we’ve babyproofed the house and have been practicing singing lullabies. Grandparenthood, here we come!"

"Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. But that’s what grandparents are for!"

"Grandbabies are always welcome in our home!"

"Remember, you can’t return them when they misbehave, but you can always drop them off with us!"

The Bottom Line

Composing the perfect message for a baby shower card won’t seem difficult once you start, especially if you think about the relationship you have with the mom-to-be and/or the dad-to-be. Also, if you have any details about whether the mom-to-be is having a boy or girl, these can provide inspiration for the message. Don’t be afraid to craft a truly personalized message, adding a funny story, a personal anecdote, something positive about the mom-to-be, or a unique insight from your own experience as a parent. This time can be both exciting and scary for new parents — and a little humor or a kind message of encouragement may mean a lot to them. If you want to call attention to a special gift you’ve purchased, feel free to tailor your message to include that in the baby shower card. If you’re still hunting for a present, check out our massive list of great baby shower gift ideas.

I remember how happy you were the day you got accepted into your dream school. Then the day we helped you move in, your first time on your own, the first time you came home to visit. We are so proud of you that you set out on your own and earned this major accomplishment all by yourself. We love you so much. Congratulations, my son / daughter / nephew / niece, on your graduation!

Congratulations Message For Graduation For Niece

Today you have made your uncle/close relative glad, my dear niece. I am so glad about your achievements and I know there is just more to come.

My dearest niece, I am so upbeat to watch you accomplish your objectives. Congrats on your adventure to progress. I generally needed to consider you to be a graduate! Appreciate this meriting minute in your profession and life.

Best Congratulations Message For Graduation

There's no preferable inclination overviewing my niece experience her fantasies. Congrats dear!

Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Niece

From my most loved child niece to a savvy and splendid graduate, I am so pleased with the lady you've moved toward becoming. Congrats on achieving another development.

Congrats to my most loved researcher! Your folks and I are past pleased with your diligent work and the vast majority of all, the lady you've progressed toward becoming.

Best Congratulations Message For Graduation

To my dearest niece, always remember how hard you attempted to arrive and how much more remote you'll go. Congrats on your graduation day!

Congrats to my sweetheart niece! I've generally had confidence in you and I'm sure you can do anything you put your brain too. Wishing you a future brimming with the achievement of satisfaction.

Best Congratulations Message For Graduation

Having a niece like you is extremely valuable. I am so fortunate to have seen your development throughout the years. I need you to appreciate all that life has to propose for your comings.

Congratulations Message For Graduation For Niece

Congratulations Message For Graduation For Niece

What a brilliant young woman you have moved toward becoming! Calling you a graduate is a glad event and I realize that your future is brightest of all. Congrats on this unique time in your life.

Best Congratulations Quotes For Graduation

This isn't only an accomplishment, this is your graduation! We are so glad for you! See you at your Thanksgiving party! Your folks should truly be glad for you since we are! Congrats from your aunties and uncles here in Jersey!

Congratulations Message For Graduation For Niece

Feeling soothed on the grounds that you graduated from school? In a couple of more months, you will wish that you are as yet an understudy once more. Joking! This present reality is cruel however you are one intense child, you can survive. Congrats on opening another part in your life!

Best Congratulations Quotes For Graduation

Your cousins venerate you so much, we are for the most part pleased with you. This is a major venturing stone to your future achievement. Congrats! I wager your mother and father is tearing up in light of the fact that you are moving out seriously. In any case, in any case, I am so happy you graduated. You merit it, you are a determined kid.

Congratulations Message For Graduation For Niece

You are nearer to the satisfaction you had always wanted, great job! You buckled down and now you are acquiring what you contributed. You are a keen child, you will do incredible things later on. I have confidence in you. Congrats!

Best Congratulations Quotes For Graduation

Congrats! We knew you would make it. I am wishing you away loaded with circumstances and exercises that will improve you turn into a national and a superior individual.

Congratulations Message For Graduation For Niece

The time has come to commend the organic products you gathered from quite a while of serious examining! You merit this achievement, and I am almost certain that the Lord has more open doors in store for you. Keep doing awesome. Congrats!

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

I am almost certain that your folks will arrange you an extremely costly gathering since they are so pleased with you. You merit every one of these endowments you are accepting on the grounds that you are a kind-hearted kid. Be set up for this present reality, it won't be simple. Be that as it may, you will make it, I know. Congrats, kid!

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

Before long, your folks will have a certificate to edge and hold tight your dividers. I am certain that they will likewise edge and hang your graduation picture. You are honored with exceptionally steady guardians and they are honored to have an extremely dependable kid. Congrats on your accomplishment! Continue advancing and remain humble.

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

Congrats on your graduation and welcome to the grown-up world. It won't be simple since you won't have your mother clean your wreckage, sew your somewhat conditioned garments, do your clothing, and cook you supper. It will be extreme since you should go to bat for yourself yet with every one of the exercises you will pick up, it is all justified, despite all the trouble.

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

Wanting you to enjoy all that life has to offer on the new part of your life. We know you will be effective sometime in the not so distant future, and it begins today. Keep pursuing your fantasies and beating your apprehensions. We are imploring that the Lord will favor you with enough intelligence and learning. Congrats!

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

You have been doing right by us since the day you were conceived. You battled your fight in your hatchery dauntlessly, confronted your apprehensions through center school, and graduated school with distinction. Nobody would ever be prouder than us, child. You are the boldest, most decided individual I have ever known, and I am extremely pleased that you are my child and I am your father.

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

We are so appreciative to have been honored with a little girl like you. You never neglect to do right by us. This is only one of your numerous accomplishments to come. We are amazingly pleased with you! Congrats!

Congratulation Message For High School Graduation

At the point when the Lord gave us you, I said to myself, “you are the most valuable blessing I at any point got, I am mollified with my life”. Be that as it may, you amazed constantly us with all that you do. You achieved constantly things. I am pleased with all that you do. I adore you. Congrats on your graduation!

Congratulation Wishes For High School Graduation

Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Niece

We are only the proudest guardians in the entire world! Congrats on this new turning point! Before long, you will reveal to us that you are getting hitched. And afterward, months or years after the fact, you will disclose to us you are having an infant. Time flies so quick and you are quickly developing old. In any case, it doesn't make a difference since you are my infant regardless. I am so pleased with what you have accomplished. I adore you, congrats!

Congratulation Wishes For High School Graduation

Since your first day at school, we knew you would make it right up 'til today. You are one autonomous, restrained, and lively child. You figured out how to have companions while concentrating on your examinations. We didn't need to set up rules since you have earned our trust, and you know your confinements. We are honored to have you like our girl. Congrats on this achievement! Your father and I adore you to such an extent!

Congratulation Wishes For High School Graduation

I don't know how we could deliver a magnificent child like you. Joking. You were from the best guardians, obviously, you will be wonderful. Well done! We are so glad for you.

Sentimental Bridal Shower Wishes

Share your heartfelt sentiments with a message of love and congratulations. Use any combination of these for a bridal shower or bachelorette card message to let her know how happy and excited you are to celebrate with her.

• After the "Yes," before the "I do," happy shower to you!

• Congratulations on a wonderful partnership and the many happy years to come! I can’t wait to celebrate you on the big day!

• Happy shower. Happy couple. Happy wishes!

• Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and in the many blissful years to come.

• Just wanted to shower you with happy wishes!

• Love and blessings to you on this joyous day!

• May your marriage be filled with love, laughter and happiness!

• Cheers to many happy years!

• The best is yet to come! Cherish each moment along this journey.

• May your wedding day be as beautiful as you! Can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.

Funny Bridal Shower Wishes

If you want to give the bride a laugh, share a funny moment or joke in your card. Just be sure the bride will appreciate the message and that it is appropriate for the setting. You don’t want to embarrass her in front of all her family and friends!

• Congratulations on finding the one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life!

• There has never been a happier occasion for me to buy a blender!

• You two are like Cholula and tacos; hot and perfect together!

• I can’t wait to watch you act surprised as you open the gifts from your pre-selected wedding registry.

• Not sure if I’m more jealous of the fact that you’re getting married, or of all the cool gifts you’re going to get. (Just kidding, it is definitely the gifts.)

Congratulations On The Birth Of Your Niece

Related Gift Guides & Inspiration

Advice for the Bride-to-Be

If you want to give the bride-to-be advice as she gets ready to start a new chapter of her life, use these ideas or offer wisdom from your own experiences!

• Success in marriage is the sum of small efforts focused on showing love and appreciation, repeated every day.

• Choose to love each other, even in the moments when you are struggling to like each other.

• In every disagreement in your marriage, remember that there is not a winner and a loser. You are partners in everything. It is you two working together to find the solution to a problem.

• The ingredients for a happy marriage are trust, patience and communication. Their combination creates a love that will last for years to come.

• It’s not about getting married, it’s about staying married. Take time to cultivate your love so it continues to blossom.

Bridal Shower Quotes

Sometimes the perfect words have already been said. These quotes are great for any bridal shower card message. Use them on their own, or combine them with another sentiment to wish the bride well.

• "The best thing in life to hold onto is each other." – Audrey Hepburn

• "A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short." – André Maurios

• "Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years." – Simone Signoret

• "We love because it is the only true adventure." – Nikki Giovanni

• "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." – Aristotle

• "Before you marry a person you should make them use a computer with really slow Internet to see who they really are!" – Will Ferrell

• "You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not." – Jodi Picoult

• "It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life, and suddenly, you can’t remember how you lived without them." – Anurag Prakash Ray

• "A marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s the way you love your partner every day." – Barbara De Angelis

• "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." – The Beatles

Choosing a Gift for Your Bridal Shower Greeting Card

If you're still shopping for the perfect bridal shower gift to go with your card, we can help with that too.

While registries are great to help the bride stock up on home essentials, sometimes they lack a personal touch (because let’s face it, towels aren’t exactly inspiring). If you’re looking to go off-registry, check out these bridal shower gift ideas.

Buy a Happy Bride Gift Card

No matter which bridal shower card sayings you use, the best message is one that is heartfelt and sincere. Having friends and family around to celebrate her love is the best gift of all, but a meaningful gift and a handwritten message are great ways to remind the bride how much you care.

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