A Love Poem For Her

Short Love Poems

Short love poems are in great demand, so here is a whole page dedicated to short love poetry. If you're looking for short love messages or short romantic poems, this is the place. Short love sayings use imagination, as this short love verse does.

Idle Dreams

In idle dreams of long ago,
I imagined my true love;
A perfect match, a soulmate,
An angel from above.

Now youā€™re here, and now I know
Our love will stay and thrive and grow.

By Joanna Fuchs

The following short romantic poem contrasts the time before and after your love began. It's a short love message sure to please.

I Never Knew

I never knew about happiness;
I didnā€™t think dreams came true;
I couldnā€™t really believe in love,
Until I finally met you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Short love poetry should make an impact, despite its length, as this free short romantic poem does. Itā€™s a rhyming poem written in limerick format.

Fool For Your Charms

Every day with you gives me a thrill;
All my dreams you richly fulfill.
I'm a fool for your charms;
You belong in my arms;
Love me; please say that you will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Short love poetry can emphasize the longing to spend time together, as this free short love poem does.

Love Time

If I could have all the time in the world,
I know what I would do:
Iā€™d spend the time
In pleasure sublime,
Just by being with you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Before using our poems please see our

Short love messages can be light, even funny, or they can be intense, as this short love verse is.

Every Thought of You

Each thought of you fills me with sweet emotion;
I give to you my deepest devotion.
My fondest wishes you completely fulfill;
I love you totally, and I always will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Short love poems can be lengthy, or they can get their message across in a few words, as this short romantic poem does. It's a rhyming poem.

It's You

Of everything I know and love and treasure,
Itā€™s you, my love, who gives me perfect pleasure.
I love your way with me, your touch, your kiss;
To be with you is happiness and bliss.

By Joanna Fuchs

See Our Other Pages of Love Poems

We have SIX pages of love poems,
this page and the following five others.

Short love poetry has to pack at lot of feeling in a few lines as this short romantic poem does.

My Everything

When all goes wrong, and my life runs amok,
I think of you, and I get unstuck;
In the midst of chaos, you make my heart sing;
Youā€™re my peace, my happiness, my everything.

By Joanna Fuchs

Short love poems can deliver big romantic messages: Sometimes love is enough to make a life happy and fulfilling, as this short love saying illustrates.

Because I Had You

If tomorrow my life were finished,
With many fun things left to do,
It wouldn't matter at all,
Because, my love, I had you.

By Joanna Fuchs

(Yes, I know "fun" is a noun, not an adjective, but it's common usage, and I claim poetic license.)

The following short love poem for him (or her) in free verse tells why you love him or her. This short romantic love poem is perfect for a small greeting card.

You're Perfect

Your femininity/masculinity attracts me;
Your steady strength supports me;
Your tenderness sustains me;
Youā€™re the perfect love for me.

By Joanna Fuchs

Short love poems take different forms. Instead of rhyming, short love poetry can be in free verse, as this short love message is.

My Perfect Refuge

When life is cold,
I wrap myself in your warmth,
nestled in your love,
my perfect refuge.

By Joanna Fuchs

You say you want short love poetry, a short love message that says it all in just a few words, a short love poem for him, and it has to be a short love rhyme? Iā€™ll give you a short romantic poem...really short; here it is: (Note: An alternate title and second line would contain the words, "I Win," instead of "You Win."

You Win

A Love Poem For Her

Itā€™s crazy, but youā€™re all I want and need;
You win; Iā€™m yours forever; I concede.

By Joanna Fuchs

This short romantic poem gives prayerful thanks for the gift of love.

Thanks for Love

I say a prayer of thanks each day
To the good Lord up above:
Thanks for the gift of you in my life,
For your deeply fulfilling love.

By Joanna Fuchs

Interested in learning more about prayer? Curious about the Christian religion? What is Christianity?
What is a Christian? What is Christian faith?
To see the answers and find out how to become a Christian,

Short love poems often describe the change that true love brings. This short love message, a rhyming poem, does that.

Now That You're Here

Life without you was fine, was okay.
It was spent aimlessly, getting through each new day.
Now that you're here, joy and pleasure I see,
Each second and minute filled with sweet ecstasy.

By Joanna Fuchs

Short love poems can still communicate a lot. As short love poetry goes, this sweet, short love message says it all.

I Always Will

I loved you then,
And I love you still;
I adore you now,
And I always will.

By Joanna Fuchs

This short love poem describes some of the feelings of those in love.

Simply Love

Happy, full and rich is my life;
Contentment is all I see.
Why all the rapture, joy, delight?
Itā€™s simply because you love me.

By Joanna Fuchs

More Love Poems!

We have SIX pages of love poems,
this page and the following five others.

for details.

 ā€ŗ  ā€ŗ

ā€¢ Short Love Poems

1. "Echo," Carol Ann Duffy

"I think I was searching for treasures or stones
in the clearest of pools
when your face . . .
when your face,
like the moon in a well
where I might wishā€¦
might well wish
for the iced fire of your kiss;
only on water my lips, where your faceā€¦
where your face was reflected, lovely,
not really there when I turned
to look behind at the emptying airā€¦
the emptying air."

2. "I Will Wait for You Forever," Diana J. Briones

"The days are cold, the nights are long,
but my love for you stays strong.
I hold you in my heart
and have you on my mind.
Iā€™ll wait for you; however long,
my love for you is blind.
You are my lover and my friend,
you are my everything.
I shall remain here waiting,
even if for eternity."

3. "The New Beginning," Olufunke Kolapo

"Like the warmth of the morning sun,
So do thoughts of you embrace me,
Revealing how alive I am
A glorious light of the new day,
so is your presence in my life,
relieving it of its shadows,
and marking the start of a new beginning."

4. "Poem to First Love," Matthew Yeager

"To have been told "I love you" by you could well be, for me,
the highlight of my life, the best feeling, the best peak
on my feeling graph, in the way that the Chrysler building
might not be the tallest building in the NY sky but is
the best, the most exquisitely spired, or the way that
Hank Aaronā€™s career home-run total is not the highest
but the best, the one that signifies the purest greatness.
So improbable! To have met you at all and then
to have been told in your soft young voice so soon
after meeting you: "I love you." And I felt the mystery
of being that you, of being a you and being
loved, and what I was, instantly, was someone
who could be told "I love you" by someone like you.
I was, in that moment, new; you were 19; I was 22;
you were impulsive; I was there in front of you, with a future
that hadn't yet been burned for fuel; I had energy;
you had beauty; and your eyes were a pale blue,
and they backed what you said with all they hadn't seen,
and they were the least ambitious eyes I'd known,
the least calculating, and when you spoke and when
they shone, perhaps you saw the feeling you caused.
Perhaps you saw too that the feeling would stay."

5. "For My Husband," Susan Loughlin

"Loving you has no end and no beginning
Loving you is everything
It is infinite in time
And limitless in magnitude
Beyond even my own comprehension
Your love brings me home
Enfolds me and warms me
In its eternal embrace
Endless and palpable
Beyond all lifeā€™s storms
A connection like no other
Twenty years long
But timeless in our hearts
Deep and true
Tillā€™ death us do part."

6. "I Love You," Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And weā€™ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love."

7. "Variations on the Word Love," Margaret Atwood

"This is a word we use to plug
holes with. It's the right size for those warm
blanks in speech, for those red heart-
shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing
like real hearts. Add lace
and you can sell
it. We insert it also in the one empty
space on the printed form
that comes with no instructions. There are whole
magazines with not much in them
but the word love, you can
rub it all over your body and you
can cook with it too. How do we know
it isn't what goes on at the cool
debaucheries of slugs under damp
pieces of cardboard? As for the weed-
seedlings nosing their tough snouts up
among the lettuces, they shout it.
Love! Love! sing the soldiers, raising
their glittering knives in salute.
Then there's the two
of us. This word
is far too short for us, it has only
four letters, too sparse
to fill those deep bare
vacuums between the stars
that press on us with their deafness.
It's not love we don't wish
to fall into, but that fear.
this word is not enough but it will
have to do. It's a single
vowel in this metallic
silence, a mouth that says
O again and again in wonder
and pain, a breath, a finger
grip on a cliffside. You can
hold on or let go."

8. "The Good-Morrow," John Donne

"I wonder by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepersā€™ den?
ā€˜Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ā€™twas but a dream of thee.
And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone;
Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown;
Let us possess one world; each hath one, and is one."

9. "To My Dear and Loving Husband," Anne Bradstreet

"If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love letā€™s so persevere,
That when we live no more, we may live ever."

10. "I Carry Your Heart With Me (I Carry It in My Heart)," E. E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and itā€™s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

11. "For Keeps," Joy Harjo

"Sun makes the day new.
Tiny green plants emerge from earth.
Birds are singing the sky into place.
There is nowhere else I want to be but here.
I lean into the rhythm of your heart to see where it will take us.
We gallop into a warm, southern wind.

Toward the ancient encampment of our relatives.
Where have you been? they ask.
And what has taken you so long?
That night after eating, singing, and dancing
We lay together under the stars.
We know ourselves to be part of mystery.
It is unspeakable.
It is everlasting.
It is for keeps."

12. "Yours," Daniel Hoffman

A Love Poem For Her

"I am yours as the summer air at evening is
Possessed by the scent of linden blossoms,

As the snowcap gleams with light
Lent it by the brimming moon.

Without you I'd be an unleafed tree
Blasted in a bleakness with no Spring.

Your love is the weather of my being.
What is an island without the sea?"

13. "Love Comes Quietly," Robert Creeley

"Love comes quietly,
finally, drops
about me, on me,
in the old ways.

What did I know
thinking myself
able to go
alone all the way."

14. "Close Your Eyes," Elizabeth Smith

"Close your eyes and think of me
Close your eyes and try to see
Our hearts together and what could be
Our love forever as destiny."

15. "For Him," Rupi Kaur 

it wonā€™t
be love at
first sight when
we meet itā€™ll be love
at first remembrance
ā€˜cause iā€™ve recognized you
in my motherā€™s eyes when she tells me,
marry the type of man youā€™d want to raise your son to be like."

Loving yourself is tough. Waking up every day with a proud sense of who you are can feel exhausting, or even impossible. But we all know, deep down, we can be the best versions of ourselves when we love ourselves fiercely and freely. Sometimes it takes mantras and prayers and sticky notes on the wall and chats in the mirror to make self-love stick. Poetry can help too. 

Here are six self-love poems to remind you of your worth and value in this world; to bring you to a centered place of peace within yourself.

self love is 

a revolution 

that every atom

in your body is 

marching for. 

You are not small. 

You are not unworthy. 

You are not insignificant. 

The universe wove you from a constellation, 

just so atom, every fibre in you comes from

a different star. 

Together, you are bound by stardust , altogether

spectacularly created by the energy of the

universe itself. 

And that, my darling, 

is the poetry of physics, 

the poetry of you. 

accept yourself as a work in progress the continue 

to build yourself into the person youā€™re dreaming to be;

the person you have all the potential to be. 

accept your flaws, accept your truths. accept your past. 

and make light of them. no one can tear you down if 

you make peace with who you are and where youā€™ve 

been. if you are going to focus on the negative at all,

focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing. 

sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest 

place to sit. itā€™ll trick you into comparing yourself 

to others and itā€™ll trick you into believing you aren't 

A Love Poem For Her

good enough. but you are. you have always been

and you always will be. youā€™re much more powerful 

when you believe in yourself. if you donā€™t love 

all of you, who will? 

give yourself time to blossom. 

who taught you 

to unlove yourself 

so sweetly 

that you actually thought

 it tasted 


Iā€™ve spent

So much time

At war with 

Myself, I have 


I am the walls 

of my home

Forgive her, and she 

Will forgive you, too

No matter how many times

You asked her to break 

ā€”my relationship with my body 

The universe took its time on you

crafted you to offer the world

something different from everyone else

when you doubt

how you were created

you doubt an energy greater than us both.

ā€¢ Love Poems for Her from the Heart

ā€¢ I Love You Poems for Her

ā€¢ Cute Poems for Her

ā€¢ Romantic Love Poems for Her

ā€¢ Sweet Poems for Her

ā€¢ Beautiful Love Poems for Her

ā€¢ Short Love Poems that Will Make Her Cry

ā€¢ Cheesy Poems for Your Girlfriend

ā€¢ Best Love Poetry for the One You Love

ā€¢ Long Love Poems for Her from Him

ā€¢ Love Poems Images & Quotes

A poem is an art form. Words, in this case, are the way we convey emotions. Poems are written using carefully-chosen words fitting together as a powerful tool to offer up your innermost feelings. Often, it is written in the midst of powerful emotions.

ā€œContrary to what many men believe, you do not have to spend large sums of money to woo a woman ā€“ it really is the thought that counts,ā€ says psychologist Richard Wiseman. Writing poems is one of the most romantic gestures you can use to woo your lady.

Youā€™re really lucky if you have a "hidden poet" inside you. Not everyone dares to write poetry as it is difficult to master. But no worries. We have a collection of poems you can use for inspiration.

You can write your own poem based on one of these that suits your relationship. Make your own poem unique, special and meaningful. Otherwise, you can send one of our poems below.

A Love Poem For Her

Be honest. Do not pretend to have written it. Tell her how and where you found it, for example, you can say you saw this poem on MemesBams and it reminded you of her. Tell her it speaks to exactly how you feel.

Tips on writing a poem:

ā€¢ Not all poems rhyme. But, every word counts. Choose words that vividly reveal your feelings and feel right.

ā€¢ Thereā€™s nothing wrong in using a clichĆ©, especially if you intend to inject humor. Otherwise, clichĆ©s may be ineffective. Examples: "busy as a bee", "blind as a bat", "eats like a horse."

ā€¢ Brainstorm for ideas. Look for inspiration to invoke your inner creativity. Read from our collections of poems below

Love Poems for Her from the Heart

Say it from your heart, especially when it comes to words of love. Someone elseā€™s phrases often can express what you feel deep in your soul. After all, you donā€™t have a corner on falling love. Check out these poems for her:

ā€¢ How is it that you are real?
My dreams never created something like you.
I still have to pinch myself,
Because Iā€™m amazed you are true.

ā€¢ I always think of you, in my sleep, in my dreams,
I always think of you, all night all day, hoping youā€™re alright,
I always think of you, wishing that you were thinking of me too, every minute, every second of the day, I think of you,
I really do, all becauseā€¦. I love you

ā€¢ I never really knew you
you were just another friend
But when I got to know you
I let my heart unbend
I couldnā€™t help past memories
That would only make me cry
I had to forget my first love
And give another try
So Iā€™ve fallen in love with you
And Iā€™ll never let you go
I love you more than anyone
I just had to let you know
My feelings for you will never change
Just know my feelings are true
Just remember this one thing
I will always love you

ā€¢ Defeated by love
by Rumi
The sky was lit
by the splendor of the moon
So powerful
I fell to the ground
Your love
has made me sure
I am ready to forsake
this worldly life
and surrender
to the magnificence
of your Being

ā€¢ She Walks in Beauty
by Lord Byron
She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of Cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all thatā€™s best of dark and bright
meet in her aspect and her eyes.

I Love You Poems for Her

"I love you" is a powerful, beautiful phrase. Be creative. Choose one of these poems, send it, add some warm words of your own.

ā€¢ As nectar fills the flower,
giving sustenance to the bee,
I need you every hour,
to give your love to me.

ā€¢ Until you came into my world,
there was nothing but darkness and gloom.
My world was missing the clouds and the sun,
and also the stars and the moon.
I never believed in magic,
but you just appeared from thin air.
I thought I would only be lonely in life,
but now Iā€™m a complete pair.
You make me who I am at this point,
mold me in every way.
Thereā€™s not a precious moment,
where I do not want to give you my entire day.
The passion between us is strong,
ferocious to those that see.
The feelings that are shared between us.
Me for you and you for me.

ā€¢ I'll plant a row of daisy seeds,
In the space below each eye,
So they'll remind you of your beauty,
When they bloom each time you cry.

ā€¢ Riding Mountains
By Julie Hebert
My love for you rides mountains,
So many ups and downs, emotions soar.
But one thing never changes,
My love for you, I cannot ignore. There are days I feel this is too much,
And I don't know what to do.
But let's face it, who are we kidding,
I want nothing else but you!

ā€¢ I Always Will
By Joanna Fuchs
I loved you then,
And I love you still;
I adore you now,
And I always will

Cute Poems for Her

There are the great love poems that will touch not only her but also your heart. So, if you want to say "youā€™re amazing" in a way she will appreciate, just choose one of these texts.

ā€¢ When I wish upon a star
I do not have to look too far
ā€™cause sitting right next to me
shining bright and true
is the loveliest star I ever knew,
Itā€™s true stars are gassy,
They tend to twinkle and fade
but my little star for eternity was made
I know your flaws,
You surely know mine
but like stars in the sky
our love will burn up the night!

ā€¢ Daydreaming, with a smile on my face
Blissfully lost, in the sunniest of hues
Carelessly happy, oblivious to worries
Is what Iā€™ve been, since Iā€™ve met you
So surreal, everything has become
Life feels, too good to be true
My heart knows, this is just the beginning
Of a lot more to look forward to

ā€¢ More dazzling than the stars
More stunning than the sun
Prettier than the moon
Baby, you are the one
More fabulous than dawn
More magnificent than twilight
Sexier than the colors of dusk
Baby, youā€™re a gorgeous sight

ā€¢ You came into my life like a star
And filled my heart with joy
You took my pain as if it was yours
And gave me love that no one could.
You gave me a shoulder to cry on
You were my pillar when I was falling
You were my strength when I felt low
With your smile, you made my living on earth worthwhile.

ā€¢ If I were a bird,
a robin or a jay,
Iā€™d fly to your house,
and serenade you all day.

Romantic Love Poems for Her

She will appreciate a man who isnā€™t afraid to be romantic. But, be sure to avoid the common, over-used phrases. Send her one of these verses:

ā€¢ My heart speaks softly, through reminiscing of past times
and the kiss of your seemingly honey-lips in the future.
Your essence rampages like a wild horse
galloping to find a fresh stream of water on a scorching summer day.
Your love triumphs because of your commitment and zeal for life..
And because you encompass my love everydayā€¦

ā€¢ Last night was the best night of my life.
I canā€™t wait until we become man and wife.
Then we wouldnā€™t be making love in sin.
We could let our love flow within.
I love the taste of your sweet tender kiss,
This I donā€™t ever want to miss,
The way you hold me, oh, so tight,
You make everything seem just right.
Iā€™m so happy that I have you.
My love for you is so very true.
So for now I will let the thought go,
Cause I just wanted you to know
That I love you so much my sweetheart
I donā€™t ever want us to be apart

ā€¢ I love you from head to toe
And more than youā€™ll ever know.
It hurts when you are sad,
And makes me sad when you are mad.
I know we fight every now and then,
But please know I will love you until the end.
I just know you are the one for me,
And the only one there will ever be.
You are the one I want to spend my life with,
To call my wife and to share a kid.
I will never tell you the words goodbye,
And I will love you till the day I die.
If I was to pass on before you do,
I will be waiting at the gates of heaven for you.

ā€¢ I will love you,
Not starting with
Your skin or
Your organs or
Your bones:
I will love madly first,
Your naked soul.

Sweet Poems for Her

These poems are universal. Choose one of them to wish your girlfriend Happy Anniversary or just to say good morning:

ā€¢ Whatever you say,
it takes my breath away,
When you look at me this way,
It takes my breath away,
When you hold me tight and stay,
it takes my breath away,
When you say I love you,
It really completes my day!

A Love Poem For Her

ā€¢ Without you I am incomplete,
never have I missed someone so,
my arms long to hold you tight,
and Iā€™ll never let you go.
Your face, your lips, your soul, your heart,
please promise me weā€™ll never again be apart.
For without you, I am but a shell,
you are my heaven and without you is hell.

ā€¢ My angel, my life, my entire world, please be with me always, my one and only girl. I love you so deeply, that I know is so true, for there is no one else, my heart beats just for you. No matter what happens, youā€™re always the one that I want to come home to, Iā€™m the Earth to your sun.

ā€¢ They say, roses are red
And, violets are blue
But I say to you my dear
I will always be true.

Beautiful Love Poems for Her

The most romantic poems for her can be found below. Donā€™t miss a chance to tell her how beautiful, nice and important she is to you.

ā€¢ Our future is a gift to be opened,
filled with unimaginable treasures.
Itā€™s a book to be read,
brimming with all of lifeā€™s pleasures.

ā€¢ Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou artā€“
Not in lone splendor hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like natureā€™s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earthā€™s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moorsā€“
Noā€“yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillowā€™d upon my fair loveā€™s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake forever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live everā€“or else swoon to death.
Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another valentine.
We know the rules and we are both pedantic:

ā€¢ Todayā€™s the day we have to be romantic.
Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.
You know Iā€™m yours and I know you are mine.
And saying that has made me feel romantic,
My dearest love, my darling valentine.

ā€¢ When we fell in love
I wondered if it was true
My now years later
I would never trade you.
For what we found in each other
Others only dream of
You make each day of my life
Better than the rest.

Short Love Poems that Will Make Her Cry

A poem doesnā€™t have to be long to touch her heart. Hereā€™s what we mean: Be sure these short but very romantic verses will make her cry.

ā€¢ There is nothing I would rather do, than spend all of my time making a queen out of you,
You deserve a crown, a scepter and a throne, your beauty so breathtaking, my love is for you alone.

ā€¢ When I say youā€™re my life, I hope you know that itā€™s true,
When I tell you youā€™re my world, know that I only have eyes for you.
When the words cannot come because you take my breath away,
Know that I love you more than words could ever say.

ā€¢ For so long I had searched, looking for love thatā€™s true.
And then one day my soul saw you and said, "Oh, there you are, Iā€™ve been looking all over for you.

ā€¢ Sometimes Iā€™m sad and life gets me down,
but I always know I can turn that around,
by closing my eyes and picturing you,
the source of my joy, my angel, I thank you.

Cheesy Poems for Your Girlfriend

Sometimes it just feels right to be cheesy. Corny can be fun:

ā€¢ When darkness falls and weā€™re apart
Can love heal this lonely heart
I love you dearly that I do
Sleep is good when dreaming of you
With all my love I give to you
You are so sweet I know not how Iā€™m with you
(Read the first word of every line)

ā€¢ Youā€™ve seen me take a fall,
Youā€™ve seen me make mistakes
Iā€™m sure youā€™ve often said,
"This is all I can take!"
I am your clumsy Valentine
that much is true,
But as ungraceful as I am
I truly love you,
Iā€™ll never be president
or a romantic book cover,
But one thing you can bet on
Iā€™m gonna love you forever!

ā€¢ Your love is better than chocolate or an intoxicating wine,
Itā€™s better than cinnamon I have to make you mine!
Your love is better than caramel or any liqueur filled truffle,
Itā€™s better than hazelnut,
Oh, I love you double!
Your love is better than lush berries or a ripe, succulent peach,
Itā€™s better than sugar,
My heartā€™s within your reach!
Your love is better than sangria or a sweet, fizzy lemonade,
Itā€™s better than any nectar for you, my heart was made!

ā€¢ The blaze of sunshine touches my face;
As I woke up with your thoughts I canā€™t erase.
And then outside the window, the view I start to gaze;
Tryinā€™ to solve the mystery as complex as a maze.
I donā€™t know what I feelā€” I think Iā€™m falling;
Hanging at the edge with hopes someone is catching.
My heart is too fragile, donā€™t want to see it breaking;
I hope you feel the same, or else I will be crying.

Best Love Poetry for the One You Love

Poems about love mean a great deal, especially to her. Express your love with one of these ideas:

ā€¢ There are no words to describe how beautiful she is,
or how special she is,
or my love for her.
To put these things into words would be to define them,
To quantify them, which means to limit them.
There would be a beginning and an end.
There is no definition fitting, nor any limit,
nor beginning or end to her beauty,
or to how special she is, or my love for her.

ā€¢ If roses were red and violets are blue,
I would take us away to a place just for two.
Youā€™d see my true love and how deeply I feel,
Youā€™d know so clearly that my love is so real.
Together weā€™d build a castle where we could dance and play,
Iā€™d be all yours and youā€™d be mine until our dying day.
Weā€™d live all alone in sweet happiness and love,
And the angels would watch over us from above.
And even though now our love is so very new,
I will forever hope that this dream will come true.

ā€¢ In all the world there is
no heart for me like yours.
In all the world there is
no love for you like mine.
By Maya Angelou

ā€¢ When I say I love you, please believe that itā€™s true,
When you hear my heartbeat, know that itā€™s just for you.
When I say weā€™re forever, please know there will never be,
Another person in this world who worships you like me

Long Love Poems for Her from Him

These poems will remind either of you how deep your love resides:

ā€¢ I love your lips when theyā€™re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the Lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses on my face.

ā€¢ When I am without you, the sun seems so dim.
When I am without you, the clouds always follow me.
When I am without you, the birds seem to sing sadly.
When I am without you, the plants seem to cry.
When I am without you, it is your face I imagine.
Yet, when I am with you, the sun bursts through the clouds.
When I am with you, the birds dance and sing sweetly.
When I am with you, I know I can move mountains.
When I am with you, your face warms my soul.
When I am with you, everything falls into place.
When I am with you, I remember why I fell in love with you

ā€¢ You make me laugh when I want to cry,
Make me live when I want to die,
Make me smile when I want to frown,
You turn my life upside down.
Believe in me when no one else does
Youā€™re my now, my is, my was.
When you call my name I begin to blush,
Iā€™m afraid people notice I need you so much.
When Iā€™m with you time flies by fast.
Itā€™s like the present is the past.
I need you more than you can believe,
Love you more than you can conceive.
Think about you every night and day
And hope my life can stay this way
I donā€™t want it to be any other way.

ā€¢ The wind whispers of passion,
A red rose breathes of true love,
Flying on the wings of a falcon,
As pure white as a dove,
Dew drops sparkle on the grass,
And fade away at the tips,
I reach down in paradise,
And kiss your sweet lips.

Information obtained from websites:
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