Love Poems For Him From The Heart That Rhyme For Him

Love Poems

Rhyming and Free Verse Love Poetry

Free love poems and verses for romantic love messages and notes. Short, long, sad, teen, relationship love poetry, more. Find the words of love you're looking for right here.

Never Like This

Iā€™ve held others before,
But it was never like this,
Where my body inhales you
And quivers with bliss,

Where my senses are reeling
From the strength of desire,
And if I canā€™t have you soon,
Iā€™ll be consumed by the fire.

By Karl Fuchs

Love poetry should make the recipient feel treasured. This free rhyming romantic true love poem is a love rhyme that could also be used as a relationship poem.

If Not For You

If not for you, I wouldnā€™t know
What true love really meant.
Iā€™d never feel this inner peace;
I couldnā€™t be content.

If not for you, Iā€™d never have
The pleasures of romance.
Iā€™d miss the bliss, the craziness,
Of loveā€™s sweet, silly dance.

I have to feel your tender touch;
I have to hear your voice;
No other one could take your place;
Youā€™re it; I have no choice.

If not for you, Iā€™d be adrift;
I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do;
Iā€™d be searching for my other half,
Incomplete, if not for you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry can describe a fulfilling relationship. This love verse does that. You can attach this to a romantic gift or put it in your own love card.

My Everything

Bonded to you in emotional bliss,
united in physical rapture,
I realize my dreams and fantasies.
Engulfed in contentment
and satisfaction,
I know heaven in your arms.
My intense hunger nourished,
deep yearnings fulfilled,
I am open to you in total trust.
You are my refuge,
my everything

By Joanna Fuchs

Some years ago, when I thought about starting a poetry site, I prayed about it. "Lord," I said, "I'm about to write a poem, and if you want me to go ahead with this poetry site idea, make it a really good one." I started writing, and in a short time, "Creatures of the Fire" was done. I looked at it and just knew I had the go ahead from God. Technically, it's the best poem I've ever written, with its internal rhyme and metaphors. I loved it then, and it's still my favorite.

Creatures of the Fire

We swan-dive into the volcano, burning;
Weā€™re creatures of the fire,
Mingled male and female, yearning
For the heat, the sweet explosion of desire.

I splash into the pleasure, all consuming;
Iā€™m joyfully insane,
My passion for you deep, and fully blooming;

You make my body sizzle with your kisses,
And yet thereā€™s so much more;
My heart is kindled, too; It knows what bliss is,
This closeness that Iā€™ve never felt before.

My body and my heart belong to you;
Iā€™m peaceful and complete.
I see more adventures coming for we two,
We creatures of the tender fire and heat.

By Joanna Fuchs

Before using our poems please see our

See Our Other Pages of Love Poems

We have SIX pages of love poems,
this page and the following five others.

Until I Met You

Before I met you,
I thought I was happy,
and I was,
but I had never known
the rich contentment,
deep satisfaction,
and total fulfillment
you brought to me
when you came into my life.
Before I met you,
I felt a lot of things,
good things,
but I had never experienced
the indescribably intense
feelings I have for you.
Before I met you,
I thought I knew myself,
and I did,
but you looked deep inside me
and found fresh new things
for us to share.
Before I met you,
I thought I knew about love,
but I didnā€™t,
until I met you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry can use imagery, as this romantic poem does in its references to nature.

A Love Song

Let me sing you a love song
About what I feel in my heart;
Butterflies can't find nectar
Whenever we're apart.

You're a flower in bloom.
In the dark, in the gloom,
It's you who brightens my day.
How many ways do I need you?
Every day, every way, come what may.

By Karl Fuchs

Reasons Why

Our love is the long lasting kind;
Weā€™ve been together quite awhile.
I love you for so many things,
Your voice, your touch, your kiss, your smile.

You accept me as I am;
I can relax and just be me.
Even when my quirks come out,
You think theyā€™re cute; you let me be.

With you, thereā€™s nothing to resist;
Youā€™re irresistible to me.
Iā€™m drawn to you in total trust;
I give myself to you willingly.

Your sweet devotion never fails;
You view me with a patient heart.
You love me, dear, no matter what.
Youā€™ve been that way right from the start.

Those are just a few reasons why
Iā€™ll always love you like I do.
Weā€™ll have a lifetime full of love,
And it will happen because of you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Some love poetry is specific to gender, as this man to woman love poem is.

One In A Million

You're one in a million, my most special one;
Your radiant smile is as bright as the sun;
You're smart and caring and have many great charms,
And my heart really sings when you're wrapped in my arms.

I'm happy you chose me from all of the rest,
And I'm proud 'cause I know that I got the best.
You're so cute and sweet, and you glow like a pearl;
I just love you so much, my most wonderful girl!

By Karl Fuchs

Hereā€™s a free verse love poem that attempts to describe feelings of longing when lovers are apart. Of course, you can change the color of eyes to whatever you want...brown, gray, green, etc.

Come to Me

When youā€™re away from me
I long for you...
in my thoughts,
in the center of my soul.
I yearn to see
the affection in your eyes...
blue depths of love for me.
I crave the safe warmth
of your arms around me...
my cave of comfort, ease and peace.
My body aches with hunger for you...
the exquisite torture
of delayed ecstasy,
coming soon, coming soon.
I long for you, I yearn for you,
I ache for you...
Please, bring all that I crave
in your incomparable self.
Come to me. Come to me.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poems are usually written by people who are happy in their relationships--at least the happy love poems are! Here's a love poem from one very happy partner to another. This is perfect for a romantic card or to accompany a romantic gift.

Safe Within Our Love

How did this miracle happen
That we're so very blessed,
So closeā€¦and more contented,
Than I ever would have guessed.

I never thought that I
Could spend each precious minute
With just one special person
And find happiness within it.

I've learned so much from you
About loving, sharing, giving;
I know if I hadn't met you,
I wouldn't be really living.

We're facing life together;
We're handling joy and sorrow;
I'm glad you're on my side,
Whatever comes tomorrow.

You're my perfect partner,
Sweet lover, trusted friend.
We're safe within our love,
A love that will never end.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry often describes the good qualities of the loved one, as this love verse does. This I love you poem is in free verse; that is, it doesn't rhyme.

All The Things I Love About You

I love you for the warm, sweet affection
in your eyes
whenever you look at me,
and the special smile
you save only for me.
I love that you always seek
to have your body close to mine,
reaching out to touch,
to hold my hand,
to wrap your arms around me.
I love how you show me you care
by looking for ways
to make my life easier and more comfortable.
I love that when I ask you to do things,
you try to do them
instead of thinking me demanding.
I love that your favorite place is near me,
that youā€™d rather be with me
than anywhere else.
I love you for more reasons
than this page has space to write,
so Iā€™ll try to tell you and show you in person
all the things I love about you.

By Joanna Fuchs

This love poetry describes unconditional love, the kind weā€™d all like to have. Itā€™s a love verse describing true love that never fails. Joanna wrote this romantic poem for Karl on his birthday in 2008. It could be a love poem for a boyfriend or a love poem for a husband, or any kind of love poem for him.

You Just Keep On Loving Me

No matter what I look like,
Whether pretty or plain you see,
When Iā€™m all dressed up or in PJs,
You just keep on loving me.

Sometimes Iā€™m happy and cheerful;
Other times grumpy and sad;
Your absolute love never wavers,
Whether Iā€™m grouchy or glad.

Love Poems For Him From The Heart That Rhyme For Him

Sometimes I try to change you;
And sometimes I criticize;
But I feel something melting within me,
When I see all the love in your eyes.

Your tolerance is endless,
However I choose to be;
Having my love makes you happy,
So you just keep on loving me.

And that is why, my darling,
Whatever else I do,
One thing is sure; no matter what,
Iā€™ll just keep on loving you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry can imply the erotic, as this love message does.

Like You

I had many loves before I met you,
interesting loves,
companionable, fun-loving,
comfortable loves,
but only one real love, unique love...
like you.
No one made my heart pound,
my skin damp, everything juicy
through and through...
like you.
None left me breathless,
panting with excitement,
satisfaction, and finally peace,
like you.
Before you, there were others,
but none captured
my mind, heart and soul forever...
like you.

By Joanna Fuchs

No One Loves Me Like You Do

No one loves me like you do;
Iā€™ve never felt like this;
You please me in so many ways,
With a word, a caress, a kiss.

No one understands me like you do;
You see me deep inside,
You choose to overlook my flaws,
The ones I try to hide.

No one satisfies me like you do,
When our bodies intertwine;
You give so much with your tender touch,
Youā€™re amazing, and youā€™re mine!

No one loves me like you do;
You fill my every need,
And that is why, my darling,
Iā€™ll follow wherever you lead.

By Joanna Fuchs

People who are looking for love sayings want to say what they feel but donā€™t know what words to use. I hope this love message meets that need.


I always yearn to come to you,
be with you,
connect with you,
unite with you,
merge with you.
I always love to nurture you,
nourish you,
meet your needs,
feed your hungers.
I will always cherish you,
treasure you,
adore you.
I aways want to be yours,

By Joanna Fuchs

Romantic love poetry often centers on obsessive thoughts of the loved one as this free romantic love poem does. It could also be called a falling in love poem.

I Think Of You

When I think of you, you fill my mind;
Thereā€™s no more thinking room I find.
Iā€™ve never had such thoughts before;
Iā€™m lost in you, whom I adore.

I think no more of mundane things,
Like common pleasures that living brings.
I just think of you, and Iā€™m filled with dreams;
To keep your love fills all my schemes.

By Karl Fuchs

Your Love

Your love is
a magical gift,
a wondrous miracle,
my greatest treasure.

Your love creates in me
peace, contentment,
ecstasy and bliss.

Your love gives me
feelings of safety, stability
emotional security.

You are the best thing
that ever happened to me,
the amazing love of my life. 

By Joanna Fuchs

This free verse love poem is dedicated to faithful, neverending love that survives, no matter what.

Your Love Lasts

Weā€™ve been together
through chaotic and difficult times.
At times I lost me,
but I never lost you,
because you were always
right by my side.
Your love lasts.

Fatigued, depressed and overwhelmed
about what was happening,
I always had your love
as my one good thing.
Your love lasts.

Irritated, angry, overwhelmed,
I still had you,
understanding, forgiving.
Your love kept me alive,
and made me whole once again.
Your love lasts.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry can describe how the loved one fulfills long-held dreams. This free rhyming love poem does that.

A Dream Fulfilled

How could anyone ever know,
The sweet dreams that I dreamt as a youth,
Could blossom and focus and grow,
Until now theyā€™d turn up as a truth.

A truth filled with blessing and wonder,
A truth filled with love and with caring,
A truth with a voice loud as thunder,
A truth with a message worth sharing.

For you, my love, filled all my dreams,
Of a life I thought never could be.
Now with you at my side, Iā€™m contented;
For my dreaming came true, donā€™t you see?

I never gave up on my dreaming,
I persisted because I just knew,
A wait for real love is worth waiting,
Now youā€™re here, and my dreams have come true.

By Karl Fuchs

For all you men whose women tell you that you never say what they want to hear, this free verse love poem is for you.

Iā€™m Writing It Down

Sometimes a manā€™s mind and tongue
seem disconnected.
My mind realizes your wonderfulness,
but my tongue might fail to tell you.
Maybe, since my eyes and brain
see how very obvious
your lovely, endearing qualities are,
my tongue thinks
I donā€™t need to let you know.
In case there is any doubt
about what I am thinking and feeling,
I am writing it down for you:
I always think
you are the prettiest, smartest,
most wonderful, kindest,
most loveable girl
in all the world.
I want to hug, kiss, love
and adore you forever.
Please try to have patience
with the negligence of my tongue.
I am working to keep it in the loop better.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

New Love

Iā€™ve fought so many things in life,
Mental, emotional, physical strife.
With you, only harmony and peace I find.
Happiness, contentment fill my mind.

With so much love, thereā€™s just no room
For conflict or for doom and gloom.
Rapture, ecstasy and bliss
Is what I feel each time we kiss.

Itā€™s wonderful and totally new;
Iā€™m deeply, madly in love with you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry can use the beauty of nature to convey tender feelings as this free online love poem does.


My thoughts of you are like raindrops on flowers...
My thoughts of you are like a rainbow at a splashing waterfall...
My thoughts of you are like a full moon
shining through a cloudy night sky...
No matter what wonders my eyes have seen,
Nothing compares to the beauty I see
when I look at you.
My love for you is beautiful.

By Karl Fuchs

Love poetry can include love messages that talk about the search for Mr. or Ms. Right, as this sweet love poem does.


We all are explorers on the great sea of life;
We search and we hunt for our pleasure.
Some adventures are fruitful, and some disappoint,
But few find a gem they can treasure.

Iā€™m so blessed I found you as my priceless prize;
Youā€™re a treasure in every way.
I searched with the rest and discovered the best;
Finding you was my luckiest day.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Love poetry can acknowledge how strong the bonds of love can be. This love rhyme makes that clear.

The Prisoner

What is it about you that makes me feel weak,
And gives me the goose bumps whenever you speak?
Why does the sight of you fill me with pleasure,
Like a spotlight that shines on a glorious treasure?

Love Poems For Him From The Heart That Rhyme For Him

Are you so different from others Iā€™ve known?
What qualities do you have that are yours alone?
What can it be that fills up my heart?
And makes me feel lost whenever we part?

Thereā€™s no easy answer for this marvelous bliss,
For the wonder I feel whenever we kiss,
For the fire that rages at the touch of your skin,
For the way my heart pounds for you way deep within.

It must be the power of love that I feel,
That ties me in bonds that seem strong as steel.
I could fight to get loose, but Iā€™d rather give in;
To stay trapped by your charms is how I will win.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Love messages can appreciate a specific quality of the loved one, as this free love poem appreciates unconditional love. It also qualifies as a relationship poem.

You Let Me Be Me

While others tell me I have faults and flaws,
And pick me all apart and criticize,
You love me, sweetheart, just the way I am;
I only see affection in your eyes.

My pesky quirks you only find endearing;
Your perfect mate is what you choose to see;
I love you for a multitude of reasons;
And most of all 'cause you let me be me.

I never have to change to meet your standards;
Acceptance is the greatest gift you give;
I appreciate you for your sweet devotion,
And Iā€™ll love you for as long as we shall live.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love messages can be custom tailored to the recipient. Joanna has strawberry blonde hair, so Karl wrote it this way, but this romantic love poem will fit any woman. Change "reddish" to "golden" or "raven" (black) or "chestnut" (brown).

My Girl with the Reddish Hair

Pirates bold in days of old
Searched the world for treasure rare,
But none they found as bright and sound,
As my girl with the reddish hair.

Precious gold and sparkling jewels
Were fortunes to make men care,
But none were worth a penny
Next to my girl with the reddish hair.

These pirates fought and died for wealth;
Their lives I wouldnā€™t share,
For I have the only wealth I need:
My girl with the reddish hair.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love messages can convey a "before you" and "after you" state of mind. This love poem in free verse (it doesn't rhyme) describes a person whose self knowledge may have been faulty.

Because of You

I was self sufficient,
gratified by my independence,
alone, but not lonely,
I thought.
But I was restless,
searching blindly for something
to fill an empty place
I didn't even know I had,
dimly aware
that I was somehow unfinished.
Then you came,
and filled everything,
every space, every need,
even secret dreams
I had concealed from myself.
I was self sufficient,
and restless;
Now I am profoundly peaceful
and complete,
because of you.

By Joanna Fuchs

The Wizard

There's a story told of a wizard
Who, for money, would cast a spell,
And I'm sure that you met this wizard,
And you, his wares he did sell.

What else can explain how your smile
Can make my heartbeat roar,
Or how your look slows my breathing,
While causing my spirits to soar.

I'm sure that you and this wizard
Conspired to control my brain,
For I'm always thinking about you--
Feeling happy and slightly insane.

Now I hope I meet that same wizard,
For I'd give him all of my gold,
To make you want to stay with me,
And share happiness as we grow old.

By Karl Fuchs

Love poetry can tell a story. Here's a love message from someone who's had some rough relationships, but finally found his dream partner.

The Dream Road

I've had a dream, since I was young
Of just how life should be,
But through the years, try as I might,
That dream eluded me.

I dreamed of a life that was filled with bliss;
I dreamed of love and sharing.
I dreamed, imagined and creatively planned
An adventure for two who were caring.

The road to today was paved with the dreams
That slowly got ground to dust.
And I've trudged that road and carried my load
And tried very hard to adjust.

Each step made me stronger; each test made me wiser,
So on my long walk, I grew,
Till the time was right, one magical night,
For the road to make room for two.

Now my brain shouts your name, and your loving reply
Makes a place for you in my heart.
(Name), it cries--so tender, so wise--
Let's make the adventure start!

Together we're blessed with a perfect match,
Something that's bright and new.
It's not too late, so let's create
A life that makes dreams come true.

By Karl Fuchs

Love poetry expresses the all-encompassing nature of love. This free romantic love poem describes how the loved on is always on your mind.


My thoughts of you come frequently;
Theyā€™re always filled with you and me.
No matter what I see or when,
It brings you back to mind again.

Iā€™d be sitting, reading a book,
Or be out walking by a brook;
No matter what the path I took,
Iā€™d see dream images of how you look.

Each day is filled with dreams of you;
I hope that all these dreams come true.

By Karl Fuchs

Love poetry can describe some of the craziness that love brings with it, as this free romantic love poem does.


When love strikes us hard and makes mush of our brain,
When love sneaks in and makes us insane,
All sense can depart and leave the brain blank,
When love like that strikes it can drain our whole tank.

So beware of the power you exert over me,
For Iā€™m under your spell; thatā€™s clear as can be.
Whenever youā€™re near, my brain slips out of joint;
I fight my love, but what is the point?

Love Poems For Him From The Heart That Rhyme For Him

Youā€™re my strength and my weakness, for I love you so dearly,
And I hope our love shines through the years just as clearly.

By Karl Fuchs

Perfect For Me

How do you do it day after day,
Staying perfect for me in every way,
But do it you do, so I canā€™t complain;
You put up with me, even when Iā€™m a pain.

Problems arise, and solutions get tried;
Through it all, you are always right there by my side.
Your caring for me is a gift without measure;
Your passion and strength make our union a treasure.

Though parts of us fail as we get older,
There are parts that get better and make our love bolder.
Your love and devotion make my life shine,
So I hope that forever you will be mine.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Love Poems for a Wife

Karl wrote this love poem for Joanna's birthday in 2014.

A Love Poem for My Wife

You're the love of my life, my sweet, wonderful wife,
And that's what you'll always be.
I can hardly believe the good fortune I've had
Through the years since you married me.

Each year spent with you is a blessing; it's true!
Each year brings contentment so rare;
Each year binds us stronger and deeper in love,
and my wish is for more years to share!

By Karl Fuchs

This love poem has a "forever" quality about it. It's about soulmates, the perfect team.

Partner for Life

My partner for life is you, my sweet wife;
I feel the bright joy you provide.
You fill life with pleasure;
You're my very own treasure;
Without you, I'd be empty inside.

Let's cherish the good times, learn from the bad,
Make the most of the life we share
If things get you down, don't worry; don't frown.
Always remember, I care!

By Karl Fuchs

Teen Love Poems

Teen love poems should address common experiences, like unrequited love, as this teenage love poem does.


I see you at school
And you glance my way,
Passing in the halls
In your ordinary day.

But anytime
Your eyes meet mine
Is a day so rare,
A day so fine.

Just another face,
Iā€™m nothing to you;
You look but donā€™t see;
You havenā€™t a clue...

That my heart is racing;
Iā€™m trembling inside;
So much love for you
Iā€™m trying to hide.

You smile at others;
You pass me by;
Iā€™m invisible,
And I want to cry.

By Joanna Fuchs

Teen love poems often talk about how one person wishes another would think of them as more than a friend, as this teenage love poem does.

Just Friends?

You say that you like me,
But that we're just friends;
Can I feel the same?
Well I think it depends:

Can I quit breathing fast
Each time you appear?
Will my heart stop its pounding
Whenever you're near?

I'd like to feel nothing,
And get rid of the thrill.
I wish I'd stop loving you,
But I don't think I will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Love Prayer

Itā€™s pretty amazing how many searches there are for a love prayer, so hereā€™s a romantic prayer that I hope meets those needs.

Love prayer

I pray the Lord will bless you, Love,
With all thatā€™s good from heaven above.
Lord, please keep him well, secure;
Create in us a love thatā€™s pure,
Unselfish, giving, fond and true,
Fixed on loving and serving You.

By Joanna Fuchs

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Relationship Poems

Love poems can also be relationship poems, as this love verse is.

Love Can Stay Strong

When love first comes and all seems right;
Itā€™s beyond our reason that we two can fight.
Yet fights will come, and anger might thrive,
So letā€™s try to be sure that our love will survive.

Letā€™s make our plans with similar goals,
So our wants and desires wonā€™t hit hidden shoals
That set us crashing when things get hard,
So our love can stay strong even when it gets jarred.

For if love can stay strong when itā€™s tested by fire,
Then we'd share a future that most would admire,
A future where partners would strive side by side,
A future where love would always abide.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

This love poem is actually a relationship poem with an important message.

The Lover's Quarrel

For many years weā€™ve lived and loved,
Our lives a rich delight.
Then one dayā€™s events caused us to clash,
And the friction led to a fight.

You think that words canā€™t do a lot,
But words are not inert.
Words have the power to sooth and calm,
But can also cut and hurt.

If thoughts are kept within your head,
They can be dealt with by you alone.
But once the words are past your lips,
Theyā€™re like a monument carved in stone.

So always take the time to think,
Of the hurt that can take place,
Whenever a thought is hastily said,
To cause someone loss of face.

Itā€™s hard work to tear the monument down,
To make the hurtful words lose their power.
Itā€™s so much better not to speak the thought,
And just complain to yourself for an hour.

By Karl Fuchs

See Our Other Pages of Love Poems

We have SIX pages of love poetry,
this page and the following five others.

for details.

Submit Your Own Love Message, Poem or Note

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Love Messages and Poems

from Other Visitors

Love Messages from the Heart
This rhyming poem contains a love message every lover would like to hear. You're the center of my dream, A safe harbor in the storm. Of the crop, you're ā€¦


ā€¢ Love Poems

Love Poems for Him

You want to show him what is in your heart and help him to see how much you love him. Our huge collection of love poems for him from the heart will help you do just that. Here you will find all sorts of poems about love for him: short love poems for him, funny love poems for him, cute love poems for him and romantic love poems for him. It can be difficult to truly express our feelings. Fortunately, many poets have already tried this so many times leaving behind a treasure trove of poems about love for him. We are sure you will find the best love poems for him that will capture what is in your heart perfectly.


Short Love Poems for Him

Love Poems For Him From The Heart That Rhyme For Him

ā€¢ ļ€„ Roses are red, violets are blue,
Youā€™ll never lose me, for I am (insert his name here) glue!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I love you for the man you were,
I love you for who you are today,
And because I love you for who you are,
Iā€™ll love the man youā€™ll become some day.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Days will pass and time goes by,
The years roll on, the ages will fly.
Life will speed past, and the decades will flow,
The hours will rush on, the minutes will never slow.
The world will change and we will grow old,
Yet through it all our love will remain gold.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I longed, I searched, I looked, I yearned,
I hunted, I craved, I wished, I burned.
Then you came along and everything was new,
And now I long, search, look, yearn, hunt, crave, wish and burn only for you.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Never have I found a man like you,
Someone who looks at me the way that you do.
Youā€™re not like the others, you are one of a kind,
Our hearts and our souls are perfectly aligned.
And no matter who comes trying to take your place,
Never you fear, for only you will I embrace.

ā€¢ ļ€„ My dear love, you are my man,
Whatever you need, Iā€™ll do what I can.
I know that everything that you do,
Is for the betterment of me and you.
And we are a team, just you and I,
So, tell me your needs and I will try.

ā€¢ ļ€„ To the universe you may be one person,
But to one person you are the universe.
You are my life, my everything, my world,
Iā€™ll love you for better or worse.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Do you know how much I love you?
Do you know how deeply I care?
Do you know how strongly I crave you?
I need you more than air!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I miss you today so very much,
I long to hold you and feel your touch.
Please come back to me as soon as you can,
Because you are my one and only man.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Roses are red, violets are blue,
Youā€™re the only man for me,
And Iā€™m the only one for you.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I gaze at the stars so high in the sky,
Yet one burns brighter itā€™s true.
And that one I canā€™t stop staring at,
For that one, my love, is you!

ā€¢ ļ€„ There is no man like you,
In all of my life.
And if you will let me dear,
I wish to be your wife.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I once was sad and full of regret,
My heart was shattered on the floor.
Then you came along and picked up the pieces,
And showed me love like never before.
You removed the dark shadows around me,
And you chased away the pain,
You perfectly mended my spirit,
And you taught me how to be happy again.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Without you Iā€™m nothing,
With you Iā€™m something,
Together we are everything.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friend was natural,
Falling in love with you was beyond my control.

ā€¢ ļ€„ When you hold me in your arms so very tight,
All my problems disappear and I feel so light.
The universe pauses, the angels stop and stare,
The sun brightens, the smell of flowers fills the air.
The trees hold their breath, the birds sing with delight,
This is what happens when you hold me tight.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Hey there handsome,
I havenā€™t seen you around.
Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re expecting you,
In heavenā€™s lost and found.
For you must be an angel,
As I have never seen,
Someone so stunning,
So, please make me your queen!

ā€¢ ļ€„ You take my breath away and leave me in awe,
I struggle and strain to explain your perfection,
For you are like nothing I ever saw.
The world can never understand the feelings in my heart,
I will forever seek to show you my love,
Until the day one of us must depart.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I wanted to say how much I love you,
And how deeply I care,
But words will never fully convey,
What I really want to share.
So I hope you can look into my heart,
And down in to my soul.
And there you will see my love for you,
And how you make me whole.

ā€¢ ļ¤ Please share these short love poems for him. Spread the love! Every little bit helps!

Funny Love Poems for Him

ā€¢ ļ€„ The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout,
In walked my love and the spider tried to shout.
For the spider knew he was here to rescue his dear,
And suddenly the spider was overcome with fear.
I pointed to the spider standing frozen on the spout,
My brave man towered over it with such massive clout.
And squash went the spider as the newspaper came down,
My man saved me from the spider and a smile replaced my frown.

ā€¢ ļ€„ How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
But make sure you read this with a hip-hop beat to every phrase.
You are frickinā€™ awesome and totally rock,
Your smile, your kiss and the way that you walk.
You hypnotize me and completely make me gaga,
Youā€™re up for anything and have so much chutzpah.
Your cooler than a cheetah, slicker than an oil spill,
Smoother than a babyā€™s butt, hotter than a grill.
Youā€™ve got so much style, fashion and grace,
You chill out like ice at a cool and calm pace.
Your mind is like a laser, your eyes like crystal,
Your gaze is more penetrating than a bullet from a pistol.
You seem like a dream, yet youā€™re here when Iā€™m awake,
You give me more love than I can possibly take.
A man like you doesnā€™t come around too often,

ā€¢ ļ€„ Roses are red, violets are blue,
Youā€™re a man, Iā€™m a woman,
You know what to do!

ā€¢ ļ€„ Roses are red and violets are blue,
This is a great love poem,
Just trust me, itā€™s true!

ā€¢ ļ€„ Please donā€™t worry and please donā€™t fear,
But I just returned from the doctor and he made something clear.
He told me that I am completely addicted to you,
And that I need to widen my world beyond us two.
I told him heā€™s a quack and I smacked him across his face,
I told him youā€™re my life and that heā€™s got no place,
To say such a thing to me about being obsessed with you,
For this is something that I have so very long knew,
And how dare he charge me such a high bill,
I got all riled up and it was so hard for me to chill.
Then I torched his office and burned it to the ground,
And collected the ashes and scattered them all around.
But he ran after me and said I misunderstood,
And that his meaning was that our love was so good.
And heā€™d hoped weā€™d be an example for all to follow,
I gulped and gasped and struggled to swallow.
He wanted us to show off our love for all to see,
So that other couples may also live so happily.
I felt so bad and wrote him a check as a remedy,
But donā€™t worry I post-dated it for 2080!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I made a mistake, I hope you will agree,
That we all make blunders, even you and me.
And I promise Iā€™ll never do that again,
It was simply a glitch in my brain.
I know I hurt you and you were not pleased,
But if youā€™ll forgive me, my pain will be eased.
And now you can see Iā€™m not always perfect,
So perhaps you wonā€™t feel the need to be so strict.
And despite my flaws and the error of my ways,
I want to be your woman for all of my days.
So please give me a kiss and hold me tight,
And tell me you love me with all of your might.
Let me be safe again deep in your heart,
Forgive and forget, letā€™s make a new start.
And now that everything is back as before,
I should be honest and tell you a bit more.
I made some more mistakes, but never you fear,
I can always re-read this poem to you my dear!

ā€¢ ļ€„ The day we met, I knew for sure,
That you were the man for me.
I felt a feeling deep inside,
Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t cuz I had to pee.
Butterflies were fluttering in my chest,
And my fingers tingled too,
My stomach turned over and over,
But I doubt itā€™s cuz I had to poo.
Iā€™m sorry if you think this is gross,
I just want to make sure you know,
That the feelings I had were just my heart,
And not my stomach trying to flow.
So please forgive me being so crass,
But your love just does that to me,
Right now I feel your love warming my soul,
Oh wait, I really do have to pee!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I tried all day and night,
To write love poems for you,
But I couldnā€™t make them rhyme,
So I guess thisā€™ll have to do.
Iā€™m sorry that I have no words,
That sound loving and sweet,
Instead youā€™ll just have to await,
The next time that we meet.
But know that I tried ever so hard,
And worked on this till I sweat,
Yet Iā€™m just not that good with words,
Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m just no poet.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Thank you for asking me to be your wife,
I will be devoted to you all of my life.
You filled me with joy when you got on one knee.
By the way, marriage comes with a shopping spree!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I miss you each and every day,
I gaze all night at the moon.
I see your face everywhere I look,
Please come home to me soon.
Life without you is sad and lonely,
I roam and float aimless,
I feel empty and incomplete,
Without you I am nameless.
But until the day that you return,
I will try to find things to do,
But Iā€™d be much better able to pass the time,
If I had a wad of cash to blow through!

Love Poems For Him From The Heart That Rhyme For Him

ā€¢ ļ€„ People say that roses are red, but Iā€™ve seen pink and white ones too.
So can I truly trust the things that I hear? Are violets really blue?
I couldā€™ve sworn violet was purple, am I being tricked and deceived?
Who should I trust and what should I do, with all the things I believed?
I feel so confused about all of this now, thank goodness I have you,
Youā€™re the person that I can trust and know will always be true.
Now wait a minute, I had something planned, there was something I was going to doā€¦
Oh I remember..a love poem. Here it goes: Roses are red and violets are blueā€¦

ā€¢ ļ€„ How did you come to be such an amazing man?
Never have I seen someone do all that you can.
I gaze at you and drop my jaw,
You leave me stunned, staring in awe.
You are the ideal man for any woman,
Youā€™re such a pro at making me grin.
Everything you do is so right for me,
You are exactly my perfect cup of tea.
Now I suppose I must give credit where it is due,
And remind myself how well I did when I re-trained you!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I went looking for love poems for him,
Who is him you might ask,
Why whoever you are listening to this poem,
Is the one in whose love I bask!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I heard you wanted to write me a poem,
Iā€™m still waiting to hear it from you.
Not sure whatā€™s taking you so long,
I through this together in a minute or two!

ā€¢ ļ¤ Please share these funny love poems for him. Spread the love! Every little bit helps!

Cute Love Poems for Him

ā€¢ ļ€„ If kisses were raindrop, I would bring a hurricane,
If hugs were seedlings, I would give you fields of grain.
If smiles were petals, I would give you a garden of flowers,
And if love were moments, I would give you hours and hours.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Snuggles, giggles, cuddles and wiggles,
Our life together is like feathery tickles.
I chuckle and bubble and snap and sprout,
We float and we fizzle and waddle about.
Our love is bouncy and boings and flops,
As we slip and slide through jiggling pops.
Hugs and smooches are slathered around,
And fluffy pink peaches float to the ground.
Baby balloons and blissful butterflies too,
This is the only way I can describe me and you!

ā€¢ ļ€„ I love it when you stare at me, I love it when you gaze,
I love it when you reach for me, I love you always.
I long for you to hold me tight, I long to feel your touch,
I long to fall into your arms, I long for you so much.
I want to hear your heart beat, I want to feel your breath,
I want to embrace you, I want to hold you to my chest.
I need to smell your scent, I need to see your face,
I need to sense your presence, I need your warm embrace.
I crave for you to hold my hand, I crave your happy smile,
I crave our time together, I crave you all the while.
I just want to have you here with me all of the time,
For you are the greatest man and I need you to be mine.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I wanted to buy you a gift,
That you would enjoy forever more,
So I looked and hunted and searched,
And went from store to store.
But nothing I found was good enough,
To serve as a present for you,
For you are wonderfully perfect,
And nothing I saw would do.
So I thought and thought so long,
I contemplated for hours on end,
And then I realized the ideal present,
Was to give you ME as your girlfriend!

ā€¢ ļ€„ When you smile and wrinkle your nose, my heart melts and I feel giddy.
The slightest movement of your lips, gives me shivers up my spine.
I cannot help but giggle so silly, you give me bubbles of joy,
They float their way up from my heart, and pop up as fits of laughter.
I long to see your smile, itā€™s the thing I live to see,
Something about each cute little wrinkle, it all seems to fit so perfectly.
What is it with your hair that charms me so much?
How is it that it seems to flow so smoother than all others?
And thereā€™s something in your eyes that Iā€™ve never seen, itā€™s as if youā€™ve always known me and I lived in you before.
If I see another person move the way you do, for some reason it just isnā€™t as magical.
You emit a cuteness and warmth that doesnā€™t exist anywhere, Iā€™d know your smell anywhere.
In the darkness I could find you, and I could pick you out of a crowd.
My eyes canā€™t help but follow you, I am hypnotized by your flow.
You walk and move as if to music, and I cannot help but sing.
I often wonder how I can make you happy, for I just long to see you smile.
You laughter hugs my soul, and replenishes my heart.
My brain simply cannot process you, it wonders how you can exist.
You donā€™t make sense, you defy all laws I know, youā€™re beyond all logic to me.
How could one person be so different from everyone else around.
And, yet, the most mind-boggling of all, is that I am the one who sees this.
My jaw drops when I see people pass you and not realize who you are.
They have so casually walked past the Earthā€™s most precious angel.
You are to me perfection, the pinnacle of creation,
And I am the luckiest soul to be granted a front row.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I hope you like this love poem I wrote,
Please forgive me if it doesnā€™t really rhyme.
Iā€™m trying my best to write for you,
But cute love poems take some time!
So forgive me if this isnā€™t so smooth,
And the flow of it is a bit rough,
And Iā€™m sorry if thereā€™s no imagery,
Please pardon all of this fluff.
But know that my intention is right,
And I just want to make you feel great,
I love you so very much, my dear,
In other words, youā€™re my soul mate.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I fell in love with you, and I donā€™t really know how,
Iā€™m not sure what happened, but I will declare this vow.
You are my knight in shining armor, the one who saved my life,
And all I care from here on out is that I be your wife.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Do you know how cute you are?
I want to nibble on your nose.
You make me do some weird things,
Like tickling your toes.
But I canā€™t help but try,
To grab and reach for you,
For youā€™re the most adorable thing,
That I ever knew.

ā€¢ ļ€„ What is it that makes me want to squeeze you?
Why am I compelled to hold you tightly to my chest?
What is it that makes my eyes follow you around the room?
How is it that everything you do seems so much more magical than everyone else?
What is it in your laugh and smile that makes my heart bubble with delight?
How will I ever be able to explain how it feels when you touch my skin?
Were you given some elixir designed to make me obsessed with you?
How is it that I am certain I love you, yet cannot wrap my brain around you?
Why are you such an enigma, wrapped in a riddleā€¦but in a good way?
I know that I will never have all the answers to these questions,
But it matters not, nor do I need them.
Because it is the adventure, the exploration of you that I adore.

ā€¢ ļ€„ You warm my heart, you restore my soul,
Youā€™re everything to me, and you make me whole.
Youā€™re the reason behind all that I do,
Please believe me and know that this is all true.
I exist in this world only as your other half,
You always make me happy, smile and laugh.
How could I ever ask for anything more?
You are my world, and all that I live for.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Itā€™s the little moments that I spend with you,
That make my life so beautiful.
Holding your hand and laying down beside you,
Walking together and sitting just us two.
I donā€™t need grand gestures or great presents,
For simply kissing your lips is incredibly intense.

ā€¢ ļ€„ If I could give only one thing to you,
I would grant you the ability to see as I do,
To see yourself through my own eyes,
So that you could finally realize,
How special you truly are to me,
And understand the beauty I see.

ā€¢ ļ¤ Please share these cute love poems for him. Spread the love! Every little bit helps!

Romantic Love Poems for Him

ā€¢ ļ€„ You donā€™t have to be perfect,
Just please hold me tight.
You donā€™t need to solve every problem,
Just tell me everythingā€™ll be all right.
You donā€™t have to buy me flowers,
Just let me be with you for hours.
And thereā€™s no need to do anything,
But be my man and be my king.

ā€¢ ļ€„ On the day we first kissed, my life began anew,
My soul jumped and sang, for my heart knew what would ensue,
That you were the other half I was always waiting for,
That you were the missing piece that I was made to adore.
All the lonely nights and confused and hazy days,
Mattered no longer for my spirit was finally set ablaze.
Fiery love and passion was ignited like never before,
And my lack and pain and incompleteness were to be no more.
And as your hands squeezed tightly onto my goosebumped skin,
I could not help but radiate a knowing and giddy grin.
For in that moment I remembered something my soul always knew,
That you were destined to find me, and that I was made for you.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I will be the woman that you need me to be,
You are the lock and I will be your key.
I shall always fit you just right,
I will be the wings when you take flight.
Your dreams will be my focus too,
You are the reason for all I do.
I cannot help but do otherwise,
For you fit me like the perfect size.
I devote my soul to you forever,
And I will support each endeavor.
I just long to make you happy and whole,
For I am yours and youā€™re my soul

ā€¢ ļ€„ I miss you when youā€™re gone, it makes me go so crazy,
I get all sad and upset, I feel woozy and a bit hazy.
The clouds seem to follow me, and darken my days,
I feel all confused, itā€™s like Iā€™m lost in a maze.
Just waiting for the day when you come back to me,
I float and drift about like a ship lost at sea.
I cannot fall asleep and nothing feels quite right,
I try to hug my pillow, but it wonā€™t hold me tight.
I want to occupy my mind and keep myself busy,
But I cannot find my balance and get too dizzy.
For you are the rock on which I stand upright,
And me without you is like the sun without light.
So please my darling love come back to me soon,
For until that day Iā€™ll be a song without a tune.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Strong and firm, you stand unmoving,
Courage seeps out from your skin, eyes sharp and bright.
What secrets do you let linger on within your soul?
And will you let me know them?
When will I enter into the deepest part of your heart?
So hidden and far, the end of a long maze,
I understand not who you are, but I am drawn by your mystery.
I want nothing more than to know everything about you.
And yet, I quiver at your touch and cannot speak.
From a distance I plan what to say and have conviction,
Yet when you approach I feel my will weaken and soften.
I cannot breathe deeply, for my heart is moving too fast,
Struggling and rebelling my nature takes over,
My brain melts into a puddle on the floor.
And then your skin connects with mine so slightly,
All is now lost, for I am now under your spell.
I dare not look into your eyes, for they will make me captive.
Yet I know I cannot resist and, involuntarily, my eyes meet yours,
As our eyes meet, it is like two magnets locked in.
And all resistance fades, I give in.
It is the sweetest surrender I know.
I dissolve into you, I liquefy, and we merge.
In those moments, your heart has slayed my brain,
I am yours forever and always, everlastingly dwelling safely within your depths.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I still remember the day we met, the day you came into my life,
I knew from the very beginning that I was made to be your wife.
My world flipped around and all I knew went out the door.
The torrent of my soul poured out like I never knew before.
I felt at once great love and fear, a mix Iā€™d never felt,
For it was all so powerful, as if my soul might melt.
I wanted to shout and sing though I couldnā€™t move at all,
I could not help but heed your alluring sirenā€™s call.
Before that moment I thought I knew a love that was true,
But now I felt something new as one soul merged from two.
Two puzzle pieces made only for each other, it always was the plan,
For you and me to fit together, you were destined to be my man.

ā€¢ ļ€„ The touch of your lips and the tingling of your touch,
They melt me inside and make me long for more.
You have magic in your fingers, which makes me lose all willpower,
I am a puppet and my strings are pulled by your eyes, smile and touch.
How could any one man have so much allure, so much mysterious magnetism?
Your eyes see through my own and down deep past my heart into my soul.
You seem to move in a more fluid way than all others,
As if your movement was made perfectly to delight my eyes and senses.
You hypnotize me without trying, I cannot help but be enslaved to your heart.
I wish to control myself and stay calm, but I cannot resist your charming calls.
You were created to give me joy greater than any other.
I need no entertainment, for I have you, need no excitement, for you are all I can take.
Helpless, I shall follow, led by some invisible force within only you.
I was made for you.
This alone I know for certain, all else is unsure.
I rest entirely upon you, you are my foundation, my rock.
Without you is chaos and a darkness so deep.
I am eternally in love with you, and forever afraid.
For your love is the greatest thing in my universe,
And if I lost it, there would no longer be me.
And though it is so terrifying, the thought of ever losing you.,
I know no other way but to adore you and celebrate your existence in my world.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I miss you when youā€™re sleeping, I am happy when youā€™re awake.
I want to find you when youā€™re gone, your return vanishes all heartache.
Me without you is like an echo without sound.
Your absence makes me lost, your presence makes me found.
Without you I have darkness, not even a bit of light,
And when you come to see me, I am bathed by you so bright.
Alone I am empty, incomplete like a lone puzzle piece,
The moment I sense you near, all pain and struggle cease.
When life gets overwhelming and fills with difficulties,
I simply look at you and smile, and feel a sense of ease.
I am grateful to you forever, for beautifying my world,
Now, forever and always, I promise to be your girl.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I promise to be your strength, whenever you are weak.
I promise to be your voice, when you cannot speak.
I promise to be your legs, for when you cannot stand,
And I promise to be your eyes, when you go to dreamland.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I cling to you,
I am attached and cannot escape your grip,
I am in your clutches.
Yet that is exactly where I wish to be.
I would rather be addicted to your touch,
Than live a day without it.
You are my medicine, you heal me,
Replenish and refresh my soul.
And it matters not what you do or say,
For nothing can change how I obsess over you.
You are the center of my world,
You are all that I can see, or want to see,
I am happily glued to you.
And if the universe around me should crash and crumble,
I may not notice a thing at all,
For I care not for what it all around,
Except for you.
For you are my universe.
And though I know that someday we will part,
I fear not that day, for I know that right now,
I have everything I need.
You are a gift, and though I will someday lose you,
That is precisely what makes you so precious.

ā€¢ ļ€„ Your face is like a painting to me, I have each stroke memorized.
I see the details so richly, when I close my eyes.
The shape of your lips, compels me to come near,
The glimmer in your eyes vanishes all my fear.
Your cheeks show laughter and smiles and remind of all our good times.
And when you smile my heart will melt and I am drawn in from the lines,
At the corners of your eyes, shooting outwards like beams of light.
The way your hair falls naturally, itā€™s always just right.
Your chin, so defined, rugged and firm, as sandpaper on my finger,
I cannot help but get lost in your face, trapped in you I shall linger.

ā€¢ ļ€„ I look out the window, waiting for your return,
I busy myself, trying to think about how much I yearn,
For you to come back to me and for my life to again be joy,
I just cannot believe that Iā€™m your girl and youā€™re my boy.
Why is it that I can only think about you, your touch, your love?
Why so you seem to be made for me, and fit me like a glove?
I have dreams and plans and hopes for our life,
You are my devoted husband and I your loyal wife.
And always will my heart linger on in sacred love of you,
The greatest decision Iā€™ll ever make is saying to you, "I do."

ā€¢ ļ¤ Please share these romantic love poems for him. Spread the love! Every little bit helps!

We sincerely hope you found these Love Poems for Him to be beautiful and inspiring and that you were able to perfectly express what is in your heart. In this fast-paced life, taking some time to tell him how much you love him can be so valuable and using love poems for him can help touch his soul and strengthen your connection. Sharing these love poems for him with other women is a great way to help others to enhance the love in their relationship.

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