Generally, We have a list of birthday greetings for a 7-year-old kid.
• Cinderella told me that the 7 dwarfs are wishing you a happy 7th birthday. 🙂
• The seven wonders of the world are congratulating you on turning seven.
• You did what the week couldn't do. It has 7 days but you have 7 years; you defeated it. Happy Birthday to the strong kid.
• Greetings from all 7 continents to the youngest 7-year-old in the whole wide world. Cheers to your new age.
• 7 is odd and you’re special, that’s a great combo. Cheers on clocking 7, dear.
• One day, you will show the world how great you are at Mathematics. Happy Birthday to the smartest 7-year-old.
• Say goodbye to 6 and jump to 7. May your new age pave the way for the best video games. With much love.
• The seven seas are singing “Happy Birthday to you”, that's for the best 7-year-old ever.
• I’m blessed, lucky and excited to be sharing with you this 7th birthday, dear. May all your wishes come true.
• You don’t know how happy I’m to be a part of your 7th birthday. Enjoy it, little friend.
• 7 is a prime number, so turning 7 means you’re at the prime of your childhood. So much energy, too excited for the fun about to come.
Here are some funny ways to wish a 7-year-old a happy birthday.
• When you turn 7, you get 7 times better at everything, even at playing games with me. Oh, dear, I’m in trouble. Anyways, Enjoy today.
• Today’s your 7th birthday, so you can eat 7 times today. You’d like that, right? Have fun, foodie.
• Blow your candles and you’ll receive your wishes 7 folds. Don’t you dare wish for more wishes!
• Turning 7 is very special and magical. It’s the only time you can play hard and not lose your teeth. 🙂 Have fun, dear.
If you have a 7-year-old boy in your life, wish him a happy birthday by one of these ways.
• Happy Birthday to the 7-year-old footballer who scored 7 goals in his life. Love you!
• I've never seen a 7-year-old boy with much compassion for his parents like you have. I’m in love with every bit of your making. Happy Birthday to the greatest boy.
• This is the beginning of the 8th chapter of your life, I wish it’s many more fun and excitement than the previous ones. Happy 7th Birthday, Little Boy!
Here are some messages for a 7-year-old girl in a general way.
• Just like a rainbow with 7 colors, your 7 years on earth have been wonderful and beautiful. Here’s to many more years, little girl.
• Seven flowers are kissing the world's cutest 7-year-old girl.
• Yesterday, we had a 6-year-old princess. Today, we have a 7-year-old queen. WOW!
Here are some fabulous birthday messages from parent to son on his 7th Bday.
• Wow! It’s been 7 years with my son, surely doesn’t feel that way. Fun times do fly fast. Happy Birthday, Son!
• Happy Birthday, Son! Make 7 wishes, one for you, one for mom and FIVE for daddy. 🙂
• 7 hours celebrating is better than 7 hours doing homework, right? Happy 7th Birthday, my cool son.
Here are 3 ways to wish your 7-year-old daughter a happy birthday.
• Took you 7 years from being that little girl in my arms to being a damsel. It’s been fun all the way. Best wishes for the best daughter.
• Very cute at seven. What if you're eleven! You're the gift that God has given. Congrats, daughter on turning 7.
• you've been here for 7 years, but for me, it's like we've been together for 7 centuries. I love you so much sweetie.
• Happy 7th Birthday my little nephew. You are one of the coolest kids around. Your auntie loves you.
• For a 7-year-old, you are wild. I'm looking forward to seeing your 17-year-old copy. Remember, your uncle is waiting.
• You are growing to the boy we are all proud of; I hope your 7th birthday turns out as you’d planned with friends. Happy Birthday, Dear Nephew!
• Do you know that 7 is the number of luck?! Yes, you're Lucky Little 7. Don't forget to share your luck with [aunt/uncle].
• Happy 7th Birthday to the most amazing niece in the world. I'm proud of the girl you have become.
• Happy Birthday to my little niece! You are 7 times cuter than me, but I love you 7 times more than you love me.
Here are some sweet messages for a 7-year-old grandson from his grandparent.
• I know that 7-year-olds prefer celebrating with classmates, so I ask you to just add your [granddad/grandma] to this celebration. Enjoy your 7th Bday.
• This is the time to enjoy everything. Don’t forget to share the cake with your granny.
• 7 days of the week are not enough to celebrate the best 7-year-old boy. Happy Birthday, Dear Grandson!
Here are birthday messages for a special 7-year-old granddaughter.
• 7 years old! How big you’ve grown! May you become bigger than your granny soon. Happy Bday, sweetie!
• You made your [grandma/grandpa] proud for being the cleverest girl at school. Happy Birthday, Dear Granddaughter!
• 7 words will make your day, Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl!
Celebrating 7 years of togetherness. It is so important to express your love and affection to your beloved one. There are some speeches that may help you to do this. I put together a nice collection of quotes about 7 years of togetherness and still Counting.
Happy 7 Years of Togetherness Quotes for Him or Her
• 7 years together! 7 years of ups and downs, smiles and frowns, challenges, joy and sorrow. Yet through it all we have survived. We have endured every obstacle that came our way. I am so glad you are my partner in crime and life. I know our love is everlasting and nothing can ever divide us, for you are an indispensable part of me. happy 7 years of togetherness and still counting.
• It’s so crazy to think that we have been together for 7 years. I don’t really feel like we are married; I still feel as if we are just dating. Thanks for staying with me and loving me for the past 7 years. I cannot imagine my life without you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
• I will always love you and always be here for you. I can’t imagine a life without you in it. The past 7 years have been the best of my life and hopefully many more to come. Love ya baby!
• You are my best friend, my lover, and the most amazing person I have ever met. You’re caring, generous and thoughtful, I just want to spend every minute with you! Our love is an adventure that would make even Indiana Jones jealous. You are the one for me. I love you 7 x 7.
• It’s not how long we have been together that counts, it’s the love that we share each day that matters. I love you with all my heart and am so glad we found each other. Cheers to our 7 years of togetherness.
• My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never. With you, I have grown to become a better person. I am thankful to be in this relationship with you, where you have helped me evolve into an individual of pride, confidence and trust.
• 7 years of togetherness and still counting. I hope that we’ll never hurt each other as life goes on Thank you for the 7 years of togetherness works. Love ya Baby!
• I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you. Each day brings more happiness and an eternity of love. You are my soulmate, my forever. 7 years together, and every year has been better than the last.
• I’ve loved you every moment of our seven years together. I love the way you smile, the sound of your voice, and simple things like holding your hand or even just sitting next to each other on the couch. I look forward to spending many more years with you while we grow old and wrinkly! I can’t wait to see what each year has in store for us. Together Forever.
• I’ve been thinking about how long we’ve been together. I love you more everyday as we’ve made it this far. Happy anniversary darling. The best thing that ever happened to me was becoming your wife 7 years ago.
• I can’t believe the amount of progress we have made in the past 7 years. You are more than I could ever imagine. Every day that I spend with you is amazing. The ups and downs, the laughter, the tears, the struggles. You make each moment special for me. I will never forget it and I will never let it go. Nothing has brought me more joy than being able to say I love you with all my heart and soul for the rest of our lives.
• What can I say? I love you. We’ve been together for 7 years and I can’t wait to see all the years we have ahead of us. My life would be dull and gray without you. You make me laugh, smile and feel loved. I hope you know how much you mean to me!
• I can’t believe that I get to spend my life with you! I love you more than ever. I can’t wait for the rest of my life with you by my side. We make a great team and our love is so strong that it will last us a lifetime.
• I can’t begin to describe my love for you. It grows every day. You are the most beautiful creation God ever allowed on Earth. I am honored and humbled to be with someone so amazing and wonderful as you. Everyday in your presence it is a blessing I cherish and wish for the rest of eternity. I Love You!
• Every morning I wake up and your face is the first thing I see. I feel so lucky to have you in my life! I absolutely love you! Congratulations to our 7 years of togetherness.
• There are not enough words to tell you just how much I love you and just how much you mean to me. I want you now, tomorrow, always and forever. No one else comes close to being a perfect match for me. Happy 7 years anniversary.
• Hey Sweetheart, it’s been 7 years today since we met and I knew you were the one for me. Every day I look at you and smile. We have had our ups and downs but we are stronger than ever! Our love is awe inspiring! I love you so much my baby!
• It has been 7 years since we first met. Lots of things have happened since then, but one thing that has not changed is how much I love you. My love for you just keeps growing every day, never ceasing or diminishing. I want to be with you forever and always because my heart belongs to you.
• We’ve had our fair share of arguments, fights and turbulence. But we always make up and remember why we first fell for one another. We’ve been through a lot together over the last 7 years. I really love you!
• Celebrating 7 years of togetherness, 7 years ago I married the man who is my heart and soul. It was a simple ceremony in front of our family and friends. I was so terrified to realize that the biggest decision of my life had been made. I thought this was it; life is over! He pulled through for me though, he has always been there for me, standing by my side. Through thick or thin he has always kept me moving forward.
• What an amazing ride we have had. You have always had my heart, so very long ago. Everything that you do helps me to appreciate you even more. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side and never look back. I love you more than you will ever know.
• I’m still in awe at how lucky I am to be with you. We have been through so much and I love you more every day. You are the best man I know.
• I used to count all the stars and now only count the reasons i am in love with you. You complete me in every way, shape and form. I’ve never been so in love with anyone as much as I am with you, and I will spend every last day of my life making you happy. You are my everything!
• I am so lucky to have you. Hope this 7 years of our togetherness brings us many more to come. I’ve never been happier.
• I want you to know that no matter what happens, I am always here for you. I love you very much and thank the Lord for bringing us together. 7 years and still counting!
• I love you so much, happy 7th anniversary. Every day I am so thankful of the opportunity to spend my life with you. I would not choose to be with anyone else in the world!
• 7 years of a very long, beautiful and satisfying relationship. 7 wonderful years of going through life side by side. 7 wonderful years of contentment, joy and peace. What a blessing it is to have you as my beloved partner, the love of my life.
• Seven years is a long time. We experienced the best and worst of times, but in the end it was you that was there for me to lean on and push me through the hard times. Thank you for standing by me and letting me know that I am loved and cared for. I love you!
• Just because it’s been a year, doesn’t mean I love you any less. In fact, every day I love you more. We have gone through a lot in the past 7 years and yet, here we are. You are what makes life so beautiful and amazing. I hope you know how much you mean to me. Every day without you is like a day with no sun…
• Day after day you stay by my side. I want to spend every moment of my life with you and only you. Letting go is not an option, I will love you till the end of our days.
• I will never forget when we first met. We have so many wonderful memories and I am so thankful to have you in my life. You are on my mind 24/7 and I am always thinking of what to do to delight you. My love for you grows each day and I can’t wait for the next 7 years together!
• I never thought I would meet the person that would capture my heart in such a way that truly meant something. I love you. Happy anniversary!!! It is hard to believe that it has been 7 years, and we are still standing, stronger than ever. As our love grows, so do the memories of how we got here. Thank you for sharing your life with me! You are an amazing man!
• After seven years and so much love, I still can’t help myself but tell you how much I love you. Every single day, every moment is filled with thoughts of our love. You are everything to me.
• Seven years ago, we were just two people who lived a thousand miles apart. Today, we are husband and wife and best friends for life. You are my best friend, my partner in life. And today, I am so excited for our future together as we grow old and raise a family. I love you!
• I love you with all my heart and soul. I have been so blessed to share these years with you. Thank you for being an amazing husband and father to our children. I can’t imagine life without you in it. I hope we spend many more years together as husband and wife!’
• I promise you to be your strength when you feel weak, your smile when you feel sad, your shelter when you feel hurt. I promise to be your eyes when you need to look the hardest and to be your conscience when you doubt. I will never leave your hand against all odds, I will not give up loving you even though the storm is around us. And why should I? I treasure each and every moment we’ve been together and cherish the love that we share.
• Life is never perfect, but love makes it so. Looking back, the best decisions I have made in my life were all due to you. 7 years of togetherness and still counting.
• I love you so much my baby. Happy Anniversary! I feel like God really blessed me when he sent you to me. You’re my everything and I know I have so delighted you with my actions and make the 7 years of togetherness worth it for you in every way that I could.
• I love you and I’m thankful every day for the seven years we have been together because with you by my side I know our love will last through eternity. I love you, babe!
• We have been building a life together for so long, You are my partner in all ways, my best friend, and the love of my life. I can’t imagine who I would be without you in my life. I cannot wait to experience the next 7 years with you! I love you.
• I love you, madly, deeply, and with all my heart. You are my soul mate, my anchor in life and the love of my life. I can’t imagine spending another 7 years without you… I can’t imagine living a single day without you by my side.
• Every morning I wake up and feel so incredibly thankful that you are the one I have woken up to every morning for the past 7 years. You mean so much to me and I cannot wait until the day we are together for our next anniversary.
• I’ve said it before and I’ll say again. You are my everything! 7 years we’ve been getting through this journey together and I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime.
• Happy Anniversary my love. I can’t believe it has already been seven years since we were joined in holy matrimony here in the church together. It seems like yesterday that we were standing there all shaky and scared taking our vows to each other, but now look where we are. We are still going strong and have been through good and bad, thick and thin, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, but we made it through to this day. Big congratulations to us.
• Our love for each other has withstood the test of time and that is a true sign of a lasting relationship. I am so thankful that we are still together after 7 years of being in love. I am looking forward to many more years with you.
• 7 years later and I still can’t believe we are married! I am so lucky to be with you, I love you more than you can imagine. Happy 7th Anniversary!
• I love you more than anything in the world baby. You are my life, my world and the only one I want to spend every minute of every day with. 7 Years! Wow! I just can’t imagine how our love story will end, but know that I will never stop loving you from now until forever.
• I love you and I thank God every day for bringing me into your life. You have changed who I am and have given my life a whole new meaning. There are no words to express how much you mean to me. I love you more than anything in the world!
• We have been through all this and here we are still together and more in love than ever. I want to cherish every moment we have the next seven years and the next seven after that. You are my rock, my rock of love. I love you!
• 7 years! Thanks for putting up with me all these years. Without you none of this would be possible. I thank my lucky stars every single day that we met. I love you with all my heart and soul and I promise to always be honest and faithful to you.
• I have been by your side for 7 years now, through the good, the bad and ugly. I love you more than anything in this world. You make me smile, and fill me with so much joy that words cannot express.
• I love you more today than I did seven years ago when we promised to cherish and to love each other in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.
• Every time I think about my future, your face is all I can see. Every time I close my eyes you are all I am able to see. You mean so much to me that it is hard for me to comprehend our love. Sometimes I can’t believe that we are together. You have always been so wonderful to me, and on our anniversary I love you more than ever!
• I know you will always be there to talk me through my rough days, you’ll keep me laughing and smiling, and I know we will still be together in another 6 years and forever. Happy Anniversary!
• All these years you have been my partner, my soul mate and my best friend. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and I still can’t believe that I am lucky enough to go on doing this for the rest of my life. When we first met, there was something in you that pulled me towards you so strongly that I couldn’t resist, and now that connection draws me closer every day!