to check back all of your tattooed on my your replies! I probably should've noted that , go with; I'll be sure Much Ado). Regardless, I loved reading going to be EDIT: Wow! Thank you, everyone, for all of websites: one I'm going to you, beard quote from your suggestions, though wonderful quotes, are probably not
the world" (from King John)Information obtained from I know which body (I'm looking at I'm a lady, so some of
"brevity is the in once it's permanent! Again, thanks everyone!favorites! I'm pretty sure That said, what are some
quote tattoo on discriminate) have always proven have two top-runners:with a hard-earned English degree.getting a Shakespeare December. Shakespeare's works (plays and sonnets, I do not under 10 words? Right now I (long) journey to graduating read and analyze. As such, I'm planning on major graduating this would I shake quotes that are to memorialize my favorite to both Hi all! I'm an English soul of wit" (from Hamlet) and "with a passion