Want to convey your greetings, thanks, congratulatory messages or condolences in Spanish? If you’re at a loss on what to say to your Spanish-speaking friends during the most important occasions, take your cue from this list and get the Spanish greetings, phrases and sentences you need.
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1. Spanish Birthday Greetings
2. Spanish Wedding Anniversary Greetings
3. Bereavement/ Offering Sympathy
4. Spanish Christmas and New Year Greetings
5. General Congratulations in Spanish
6. Congratulations: New Baby
7. Congratulations: Academic-Related
8. Spanish Engagement and Wedding Greetings
9. Congratulations and well wishes (work-related)
10. Get Well Wishes
11. General Thanks
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1. Spanish Greetings for Birthdays
Let’s start off the list with birthday greetings. This list will help you with how to greet someone in Spanish during their birthday.
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy birthday!
¡Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad!
May all your wishes come true!
¡Que cumplas muchos años más
May you enjoy many more years!
¡Que tengas un maravilloso día!
Have a wonderful day!
Mis mejores deseos en este día tan especial para ti.
Wishing you the best on your special day.
2. Spanish Greetings for Wedding Anniversary
Do you wish to greet a married couple in Spanish during their wedding anniversary? Here’s how.
¡Feliz aniversario!
Happy anniversary!
¡Felicidades por su aniversario número ,,,!
Happy _th anniversary!
¡Felicidades por sus bodas de ...!
Congratulations on your ___ wedding anniversary!
... de plata
silver (25th)
... de oro
golden (50th)
... de diamante
diamond (60th)
3. Bereavement/ Offering Sympathy
Expressing condolences can be quite challenging especially in another language. How do you express your sadness at someone’s loss in Spanish? Here are some simple Spanish phrases to help you.
Estamos con ustedes.
We are with you.
Mis condolencias para la familia.
My condolences for the family.
Mi más sentido pésame.
My deepest condolences.
Lo siento.
I´m sorry.
Que encuentren pronta resignación.
I hope you recover promptly from your grief.
Lamentamos su pérdida.
We are sorry for your loss.
4. Spanish Christmas and New Year Greetings
The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song says. You simply couldn’t miss out greeting your Spanish-speaking friends during Christmas and New Year! Here’s how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Spanish.
¡Feliz navidad!
Merry Christmas!
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Happy New Year!
¡Que este año que llega esté lleno de bendiciones!
May the coming New Year bring you blessings!
¡Felices Fiestas!
Happy Holidays!
¡Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
5. General Congratulations in Spanish
Are congratulations in order? If you need to pat someone on the back for a job well done, here’s how to congratulate someone in Spanish.
Bien hecho.
Well done.
Sabíamos que lo lograrías.
We knew you could do it.
Estamos orgullosos de ti.
We are so proud of you!
¡Lo hiciste excelente!
You did an excellent job!
Te quiero felicitar.
I want to congratulate you.
6. Congratulations: New Baby
Hooray! A little bundle of joy have just arrived! Time to congratulate the new parents. Here are some ways to do that in Spanish.
¡Felicidades por el nuevo integrante de la familia!
Congratulations on the new arrival in your family!
¡Felicidades por el nacimiento de su niño/niña!
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy/girl!
¡Qué gusto saber que ya nació!
We are delighted to hear that he/she has already born!
7. Congratulations: Academic-Related
Did someone just aced an exam, graduated, or got into some University? Tell them how thrilled you are with these phrases. Say congratulations in Spanish!
¡Felicidades por tu graduación!
Congratulations on your graduation!
¡Buen trabajo!
Good job!
¡Felicidades por tus buenas calificaciones!
Congratulations on your good grades!
¡Felicidades por tu maestría!
Congratulations on getting your Master´s degree!
¡Felicidades por entrar a la universidad!
Well done on getting into University!
¡Felicidades por pasar el examen!
Congratulations on passing your exam!
8. Spanish Engagement and Wedding Greetings
Engagements and weddings are among life’s most important events. When you need to extend your warm wishes on somebody’s engagement or big day, take your pick from this list on how to congratulate them in Spanish!
¡Felicidades a los futuros esposos!
Congratulations to the future spouses!
¡Felicidades a los novios!
Congratulations to the groom and bride!
¡Salud por los novios!
Cheers to the newlyweds!
Espero que sean muy felices.
I hope you will be very happy.
¿Ya tienen fecha para la boda?
Have you set the date of the big day?
¡Felicidades por esta nueva etapa!
Congratulations on this new stage!
¡Mis mejores deseos para los dos!
Best wishes to you both!
¡Felicidades por su boda!
Congratulations on the wedding!
9. Congratulations and well wishes (work-related)
Did someone just move up the corporate ladder or got the job he or she had been eyeing? Greet them in Spanish! Here’s what to say.
¡Felicidades por tu nuevo empleo!
Congratulations on your new job!
¡Felicidades por tu ascenso!
Congratulations on the promotion!
¡La mejor de las suertes en tu nueva etapa!
We wish you the best of luck on your new stage!
We wish you success!
¡Suerte en tu nuevo trabajo!
Good luck on your new job!
¡Suerte en tu primer día de trabajo!
Good luck on your first day at work!
10. Get Well Wishes
Do you have Spanish-speaking friends or colleagues that are sick and need some cheering up? Wish them a speedy recovery! Here's how to say get well soon in Spanish!
Recupérate pronto.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
¡Que te mejores!
Get well!
Alíviate pronto.
Get well soon.
Espero que te sientas mejor.
I hope you feel better.
11. General Thanks
Finally, for some ways to express your gratitude to someone, here’s how to say thanks in Spanish.
Thank you.
Muchas gracias.
Many thanks.
Se agradece.
It´s appreciated.
Mil gracias.
Thanks a thousand times.
No sé como podría agradecertelo.
I don’t know how to thank you.
Estamos muy agradecidos.
We are very grateful.
Que amable de su parte.
It is really nice of you.
Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With this handy list, you'll know exactly what to say during the right occasions.
For more Spanish phrases, check out the e-book below!
My dearest Niece,
I feel the warmest atmosphere ever by your presence today. Home has brightened up to the full light with your arrival. Before you even entered the world, your mother and I had anticipated you to be the baby girl. And, finally you are here! Your sister is just out of words to express this happy moment for fulfilling our wishes with your warm arrival.
I am already excited for your new beginning and before you start knowing this world and growing before our very eyes, there are only little things I want you to know and it can all wait for now but still life is unpredictable, and I want to share few of them right at this moment when I am still here.
I only want you to be the power of kindness—always ready to help people in need without judgment and hesitation. I will surely admire your boldness with gentleness.
Great things are not always big. Do not follow the world’s perception on "success". You always try to be the best version of yourself. You do not need to take part in unhealthy competition to be the most successful one. We are here neither to win nor to lose anything. The only success you can get in this life is through your happiness. I want you learn to be happy in little things in a great way. Please, do not compromise your happiness for anyone else, even for your parents. On this life journey, you will meet many people whom you can never make happy, satisfy and complete. In such situation with those ungrateful people, I do not want you to get angry or pissed off. Just do your duty from your side that is needed to be done with your happy heart.
My little one, expectation hurts. Give people whatever you can but never expect anything in return. Your effort and your generosity will surely be paid off someday. I want you to be generous.
I do not want you to spend your days only by watching electronics screen. You know, these days people are spending much of their valuable time looking at the screen and I too do the same and I hope I will be able to change myself very soon. I want you to be connected with nature and our locally available resources and believe me, you will find more happiness and excitement with this rather than keeping your eyes busy all the time in electronic screens.
My little one, you are not obligated to follow or fulfill certain criteria made by this constructive society just because of your gender. So be your own kind of beautiful, little baby.
My niece, I will keep on writing you. Be grateful for having your loveliest parents and I hope you will get your beautiful name soon. I had chosen you a name, but your handsome, choosy Daddy wants something connected with Lotus. I am still thinking for your name that you will thanks me later. Stay healthy, happy and kind.
This is my first letter to my first niece. Today, I take this opportunity to write my words for all the newly born baby girl. You all are special.
Your Sister,
When aunts and nieces want to show their love and affection for each other, using great aunt and niece quotes is a suitable option. Choosing the right quote for a special time, such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or wedding will ensure that both the giver and the recipient feel special and loved.
Finding the right quote, however, can be a bit tricky, which is why it’s a good idea to choose from some of the best quotes around.
Lovely Quotes for Niece from Aunt
No matter for what reason you need niece quotes from aunt or quotes for a niece, ready-made quotes are a wonderful choice.
These ensure that the person sharing the quote, no matter if it is in a card or verbally, has the right words for the occasion. It’s a good way to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding how they feel about each other.
1. I can’t explain how happy I am to be a part of your life. I may not be the perfect aunt but you’re the perfect and best niece in the world. May God always protect you from all evil things and give you a happy life!
2. It feels amazing to see you becoming a great woman. You’re the girl I love the most and I’m proud to be your aunt. Distance may separate us but we’re connected by heart and you’re always in my prayers.
3. The sparkle of your eyes gives me peace and the beautiful smile on your face brightens my day. My dear niece, you’re the most adorable, prettiest, and sweetest person I know.
4. My beautiful niece, you’re very special to me. I’ve always considered you as my own daughter and nobody can take your place from my heart. Count on me always, my child! Aunt loves you a lot!
5. My days become brighter whenever I’m with you, my niece. Today and always count on me because your happiness matters a lot to me. Best wishes for your life!
6. Being an aunt of such a wonderful niece is like a blessing. Your innocent smile makes my day. May God give you a life filled with success, love and lots of victories! All the best in your life!
7. One of the happiest things for me is when everyone says that we look alike. My dear niece, my cutie pie, I love you a lot and want to be at your side forever!
8. I’m always thankful to God for giving me the best niece in the world. You are like a daughter to me and I love you with all my heart. May God keep you happy forever in your life!
9. With each passing day, you’re getting more beautiful not only by face but also by heart. You’re the best child I’ve ever met. I’m so proud of you, my dear and hope that God fulfills all your wishes!
10. Though we’re aunt and niece, we always have a friendly relationship. I know you can feel how much I love you. Keep in mind that, your aunt can do anything for your welfare!
11. It’s a great feeling to see you becoming an amazing person. The beautiful smile on your face brings light to my heart. My dear niece, you’re one of the best things that happened in my life. I love you!
12. I didn’t give birth to you but raised you in my heart. You’re my life and I always love and care for you. I know God has the best plan for the best niece in the world! Love you a lot!
13. You are the best niece I always wanted to have. I cheer for your happiness, my child and always want you to achieve everything you want. I’m always here with you to help you and to support you.
14. You’ve come to this family to brighten up our lives and I’ll always be thankful to you for this. My beloved niece, never forget that your aunt is here with you for everything.
15. Despite having a huge age difference, we’ve always been like friends. I’m lucky to have such a good relationship with you. My dear niece, you’re the best and deserve only the best!
16. What a joy to have an intelligent and hardworking niece. I have the confidence that you can do anything if you want. I pray to God to help you in gaining success and give you a bright future!
17. You’re the sunshine of my day and the sweetest dream of the night. My niece, whenever I see your face, my heart fills with love. I adore you dear!
18. I’m so glad and proud of whatever you’ve already done at this age. I love you, my niece! A life full of love and success is what I wish for you.
19. I’ll always be thankful to God for sending the cutest doll in our family. My dear niece, you’re the star of my eyes and the biggest reason for my joy. God bless you!
20. Having a niece like you is a great fortune. God gave you the most generous heart. I hope you continue being this kind and lovely girl! Love you, dear!
Best Aunt Quotes for Niece
The most important thing to remember when choosing an aunt and niece quotes is that the person’s personality should be considered. This will ensure that the quote matches their personality and that they will appreciate everything that is being said. The age of the person, as well as their personality, will dictate if the quote is serious or funny.
21. Never lose hope and strength because this world is for them who have the courage. I’m sure God has the best plan for the best child like you! Good luck with your future, dear niece!
22. My niece, the little princess of our family, you’ve illuminated our life. You are the light of our house. Wishing you a long, happy and adventurous life!
23. I feel pride and happiness when you call me "aunt". Continue being that lovely and good girl. I hope God makes the way of your life colorful and full of success!
24. Dear niece, you’re the best gift my brother has given me ever. I hope your life be full of laughter, joys, love, and success! Many good wishes!
25. There’s no word to express how happy I’m to be your aunt. Adorable niece, the day you were born was one of the best days of my life. I pray to God to give you enough strength to fulfill your wishes!
26. It’s impossible to describe the love I have for you. Dear, you’re exceptional and deserve all the love and affection of the world. May God continue showering his blessings upon you!
27. I may be like a second mom to you but for me, you’ll always be my first child. I’m so proud to see you becoming an amazing person. May you always be healthy and get all the success you want!
28. From you, I learned the true meaning of love. The time I spend with you is always the best. I hope you never lack anything in your life. Lots of love from your aunt, lovely niece!
29. I just don’t want to be an aunt to you, I want to love you as a mother and want to support you as a friend. My dear niece, you’re the best part of my life, which can never be separated. Love you!
30. I love you like my daughter. You’re a precious child and I’m lucky to have you. May no sorrows ever touch you! My prayers are always with you.
31. My dear niece, you’re the owner of my heart. You give me immense happiness and my love for you is unconditional. I pray to God to grant you with many years of happy and healthy life!
32. My heart fills with love and joy whenever I see your innocent face. I love to carry you in my arm, hug you and kiss you. Always remember that your aunt loves you a lot and can do anything for your happiness!
33. You came into this world and made me feel how good it is to be an aunt. My dear niece, thanks for coming into our lives. With all my heart, I wish you a life full of fun, joy, and victories!
34. I could feel the true happiness when for the first time I became an aunt of such an adorable and special niece. You are a blessing for me, dear niece. May God never leave you and continue to guide your path!
35. I happily say that I’m the aunt of a beautiful princess! You are and always will be very special in my life. Have a blissful and blessed life!
36. I’m really glad watching you grow up so well. Whenever I think about you, my heart fills with joy. My niece, I’ll always love you and support you no matter what comes!
37. I can’t express how lucky I am to be able to call you my niece. Never forget to count on me because you’re very important in my life. Love you, darling!
38. Being an aunt of such a lovely doll is a blessing. My little niece, you are my life and I’m very grateful to God for having you. Lots of good wishes and countless blessings for you!
39. You are a very dear child and it always gives joy when you’re by my side. There’s no niece on this planet as special as you. You’re the best. May you always have joy in your heart!
40. You have a large space in my heart. You’re the loveliest niece that any aunt would like to have. I hope, all the moments you spend be filled with beautiful things, love, and joy!
Great quotes are a wonderful way to share love with another person. If you are stumped as to how to express your feelings for either your aunt or your niece, then you can count on these 40 aunt and niece quotes to help you show your love and affection.
Let us know which one you choose and also how much it meant to the person with whom you shared it.