Spread the holiday spirit – messages for family and friends
This past year went by so fast, and now the holiday season is just around the corner – it's time to find the right gifts and words! Unlike gifts, kind words cost nothing, but their echoes are truly endless. Don't forget to send your sweetest and warmest wishes to your loved ones. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
• May this beautiful holiday season fill your heart with love, your home with joy, and your life with laughter. Happy Holidays! Wishing you and your family love, peace, and joy!
• Warmest wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year! May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.
• Happy Holidays! Wishing you a wonderful and fun-filled holiday season! May the holiday spirit fill your home and heart.
• The holidays are a joyous time – indulge yourself in things that make you feel happy and stress-free. I am wishing you lots of love, happiness, and blessings!
• Wishing you a joyous and fun holiday season and a most prosperous New Year!
Be a great boss – bring joy with holiday business card messages
In business, building strong relationships is essential – nobody can do everything alone. The past year has been difficult for all of us, and the holiday season provides an excellent opportunity to express your gratitude to employees and clients alike. A well-written and designed Happy Holidays message is a great way to show appreciation for their dedication, work, and loyalty. Make this holiday season special for those who have supported your business throughout the year.
Messages for employees
• Our warmest wishes for a happy holiday season! We couldn't do it without you. In gratitude, your team members at [company name].
• Happy holiday! Thank you for your hard work! We are wishing you all that is merry and bright for the New Year ahead.
• Happy holiday season! Your dedication and commitment to the company shine through in all that you do, and we thank you for your hard work.
• Wishing you a happy holiday season! We couldn't do it without you. This year and always, you're a valued member of our team.
• Thank you for a great year! Our success is your success – please accept our warmest wishes for a truly wonderful holiday.
Messages for clients
• Happy holiday season! The team at [company name] wishes you peace, joy, and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
• We wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year! We look forward to working with you in the years to come. Happy holidays!
• Wishing you a happy holiday season from the team at [company name]. Cheers to the New Year!
• We're so glad to have you as a client and look forward to serving you in the future. Happy holidays! Best wishes from your friends at [company name].
• Wishing you a happy holiday season and great success in the year to come. Season's greetings from the very merry team at [company name].
Start it right – Happy New Year wishes for friends
The beginning of a new year is an excellent time to reevaluate your life, set goals, and work toward them. Be it switching to a healthier diet, exercising more, or starting a business (print on demand, perhaps?) – the new year brings 365 days full of opportunities.
Whatever it is you would like to achieve, always remember those who have helped you along the way, and wish them well.
• Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year! May the future be pleasant, the past a bright dream, and all the people in your life remain faithful and dear.
• You've truly been an inspiration to me. I'm so proud of everything you accomplished this year, and I can't wait to see what you do in 2022! Happy Holidays!
• I hope that you have a truly remarkable and blessed year ahead! Happy new year to you and your family!
• Happy Holidays! Cheers to the new year, and new beginnings!
• I'm genuinely grateful to have a friend like you! May you be blessed with a life full of health, wealth, happiness, and success!
Inspirational Christmas messages to warm your loved one's heart
Christmas is more than just a season, it's a feeling and a state of mind. It is, for many of us, the most wonderful and merry time of the year. The beauty of Christmas lies in our hearts, those blessed moments with family, and the warmth we feel toward each other. Capture the magic of the season – celebrate your friends and family with these Christmas messages!
• I don't want much for Christmas. I just want the person who is reading this to be loved, healthy, and happy. Merry Christmas!
• May the festive season bring hope and remind you to never give up on your dreams. Merry Christmas!
• As you go dashing through the busy holiday season, take time to appreciate the true blessings of Christmas – the moments with family, the companionship of friends, and the fellowship with all. Merry Christmas!
• I hope the love of your family keeps you warm on these cold winter nights. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
• To the most wonderful family in the world. I wish you a spectacular Christmas filled with love, joy, and happiness. Merry Christmas!
Make your loved ones smile – 'Happy Holidays' funny messages
Although the holiday season is a merry, bright, and fun time, it's easy to get carried away by holiday preparations and the hustle and bustle of it all. To save you the struggle of having to dig through the whole internet, we've compiled a short selection of amusing ‘Happy Holidays' greetings.
• I wish for your holidays to be filled with many big smiles and big celebrations – but hopefully not big credit card bills! Merry Christmas!
• I love the holidays. But sometimes I could use a little less "Jingle Bells" and a little more "Silent Night". Merry Christmas!
• Time to get into the holiday spirit... gin, vodka, whiskey...!
• They say the best Christmas gifts come from the heart… but cash and gift cards do wonders too! Happy Holidays!
• For some, the best part of Christmas happens… when it's all over! Wishing you a stress-free holiday season!
• I hope you love the present you told me to buy for you. Happy Holidays!
And, please, dear reader, don't forget to mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas! Just kidding – may all your gifts arrive on time! We hope they always do.
The best Christmas quotes for custom holiday cards
As the cold winter winds find their way toward us, there's no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than enjoying some beautiful sayings with a cup of warm beverage. If you're looking for inspiration for holiday cards, here are a few we've collected just for you. So, without further ado, let's take a look at some of the loveliest Christmas quotes.
• It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving. – Mother Theresa
• Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New Year will bring new opportunities. – Michael Josephson
• What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. – Agnes M. Pahro
• At Christmas, all roads lead home. – Marjorie Holmes
• Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends. – Margaret Thatcher
Create the perfect gift – try these 'Happy Holidays' images
Why is gift giving so hard? The answer is simple – we're most probably overthinking it and looking for the “perfect” present. Why not make it fun? If your loved ones – unless they're your children – wished for a particular thing, they'd probably get it themselves. Remember, it's the thought that counts, the heart you put into it, and the way you present it.
How do you say 'Happy Holidays' in French?
Parlez-vous Français? No? No problem! We got you. Check out these ways of wishing happy holidays in the language of love and romance. Your foreign friends will surely appreciate the effort, no matter the pronunciation… or spelling!
A common way to wish someone a Merry Christmas is “Joyeux Noël!“. However, if you'd like to greet someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas, you can go for a less risky one – “Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année!” This phrase covers Christmas, New Year, and it's the same as “Happy Holidays!”.
Learn how to say 'Happy Holidays' in Spanish!
The Spanish language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and, as we continue improving our festive vocabulary, let's take a look at some simple – and heartfelt – ways to greet people during the holiday season in Spanish.
These are the greetings you'll hear most often, and they're pretty straightforward – you can't really go wrong.
• ¡Feliz Navidad! – Merry Christmas!
• ¡Felices Fiestas! – Happy Holidays!
And, if you'd like to add a little more love and affection to your message, you can write – “Con mucho cariño, te deseo una Feliz Navidad“. It simply means, “With all my love, I wish you a Merry Christmas!”
How to say 'Happy Holidays' in German?
Last but not least – Weißwurst, Pretzel, and Beer! Wait, no, that's Oktoberfest. Let's get back to the winter holidays. As December rolls in, the famous Christmas markets in Germany are a sight to behold. If you know any Germans, they're probably over there… or wishing they were there. To warm their hearts more than Glühwein, make sure to greet them with these.
• Ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest! – A blessed Christmas!
• Frohe Weihnachten! – Merry Christmas!
• Frohe Festtage! – Season's Greetings! / Happy Holidays!
Choose Printify – choose the best personalized gifts for holidays
It's been said that time is of the essence, and that's certainly true around the holidays. As our lives increasingly revolve around that daily hustle, we're here to help you along the way with anything you need.
Are you looking to create the perfect gift, design unique ornaments, add great holiday products to your online catalog, or perhaps you'd like to start your own business? With Printify – your little holiday helper – opportunities are endless! It's free, available to everyone, and incredibly easy to use.
How to Say Merry Christmas in Italian
The most common and direct way to say Merry Christmas in Italian is Buon Natale
Ti auguro Buon Natale, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
However, there are other expressions that are used as well.
Buone Feste corresponds to the English Happy Holidays and implies best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You could also say, tanti auguri di buone feste, best wishes for a happy holiday season.
Slightly more formal, used in writing rather than in person: Auguri di un Natale sereno (best wishes for a peaceful Christmas). For example, if you’re sending a card to someone in Italy, you could write: "Auguro a te (or ‘lei’ if you don’t know the person well) e alla tua (‘sua’ if using lei) famiglia un sereno Natale e un felice anno nuovo (I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year).
If you want to be fancy and try a slightly longer phrase (why not?!), you could say: Ti auguro un Natale pieno di amore, pace e gioia sincera, My best wishes for a Christmas filled with love, peace and sincere joy.
So now you have a few options for how to say Merry Christmas in Italian, but what about the ‘Happy New Year’ part?
Let’s take a look.
How to Say Happy New Year in Italian
Happy New Year is Felice Anno Nuovo, as in Ti auguro un felice anno nuovo (I wish you a Happy New Year). You use ‘ti’ if you’re talking/writing to one person you know well, ‘le’ if you’re writing to one person you don’t know very well or have a formal relationship with, and ‘vi’ if you’re writing to a group of people, say a family. Le auguro un felice anno nuovo, vi auguro un felice anno nuovo.
You could also use related expressions, such as, Auguri per un felice 2022 – Best wishes for a happy 2022, or Auguri di buon anno, best wishes for a good new year.
How to Write a Christmas Card in Italian
Now let’s put together what we’ve seen so far to write a sample Christmas card so you can wish your loved ones Merry Christmas in Italian.
Caro/a/i/e (Dear – o for male singular, a for female singular, i for plural, e for female plural) – name -,
Ti/Vi (ti for singular, vi for plural) auguro Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!
Con affetto (with love),
The version above is the simplest. If you want something fancier, here’s another example.
Carissimo/i ____,
I miei migliori auguri per un Natale pieno di amore e pace, e per tanta gioia, serenità e salute nell’anno nuovo (My very best wishes for a Christmas filled with love and peace and for a New Year filled with joy, serenity and health).
Useful Italian Vocabulary for the Holidays
Now that you’ve learned how to say Merry Christmas in Italian, see below a list of useful words related to the holidays – le feste:
Vigilia di Natale – December 24, Christmas Eve
Santo Stefano – December 26, a national holiday in Italy
San Silvestro – New Year’s Eve
Capodanno o primo dell’anno – New Year’s Day; in Italian, we also use Capodanno to refer to the New Year’s Eve festivities, as in the most common asked question this time of the year: cosa farai a Capodanno? What are you doing on New Year’s Eve?
Epifania – Epiphany, January 6. And of course, Befana, the good witch who arrives on January 6 with sweet treats for children who behaved well, and coal for those who misbehaved. It’s a common joke for female friends in Italy to send each other messages on the day of Epifania to wish to one another, Buona Befana!
Now, without looking at your notes, how do you say Merry Christmas in Italian?
Buon Natale, cari lettori!
Christmas Wishes
Christmas is a magical holiday season that brings with it joy, love, and heartwarming thoughts. Inspire your friends and loved ones with just the right words needed to spread some Christmas joy. Christmas wishes allow you to convey your love and sincere thoughts in just the right way to anyone you know.
List of Christmas Wishes
• Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. May this joyful season greet you with health and happiness.
• Wishing you the best during this joyful season. I hope your holidays are filled with festivities and plenty of merry enjoyment.
• May your family feel the love, peace, and joy that come with the spirit of Christmas. Enjoy the happy cheer.
• May the light of Christmas be your sun that you may never walk in obscurity; I offer you this season’s gifts of Joy and unending tstimonies. Merry Christmas
• Merry Christmas: I bring you divine favour, long life, good health, prosperity, success and the peace of Christ born of a virgin.
• May the joy of Christmas give you key to every closed door; light to dispel any darkness in your life and may God grant you peace and favour. Happy Yuletide
• May the air of Christmas lift your spirit; the sun brighten your destiny and may moon of the season glow with God’s favour in everything you lay your hands.
• I share in white Christmas dream of our joy with splendour of Christ’s humble birth; may your days be bright and merry. Merry White Christmas
• Christmas is sign of stars, angels and love divine come down from heaven, may love of Christmas remain with you. Merry Yuletide
• May the magic and heavenly gifts of Christmas gladden and fill your hearts with joyful songs, cheerfulness and laughter.
• In this season of Christmas, I wish you peace of the season, spirit of love, comfort of faith and beauty of the Yuletide.
• As we celebrate birth of divine baby born of a virgin, the servant and king, Jesus Christ, may your heart find peace of Heaven.
• Yuletide is a season of peace, goodwill and abundance of mercy, may the joy of Christ’s birth ignite your heart with gladness and laughter. Merry Christmas.
• Sending warm wishes to you and your family during this Christmas Season. May your home be blessed with love and happiness.
• I hope your holiday is filled with plenty of warmth, love, cheer, and happiness. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
• May your holiday be merry and bright as well as the rest of your days. Sending you lots of love this Christmas season.
• With Christmas come faith, hope, and love. I wish all these things for you and your family during the holiday season.
• Remember during this beautiful holiday season that loves makes all things possible. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
• May your home be filled with the magic and joy of Christmas and may your hearts be filled with love and warmth.
• Thinking of you during the holiday season and wishing you the best in all things. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
• From our home to yours, we wish you a Christmas that is joyful and warm. Well wishes to you and yours.
• Sending thoughtful wishes your way in the hope you know the joy and treasures that come with the Christmas season.
• Sending love and plenty of Christmas cheer to you and your beautiful family. Happy holidays to all of you.
• May you experience lots of love, laughter and joy this Christmas and beyond and a very Happy New Year too.
• Here’s to hoping the Christmas season fills your home with the warmth and joyfulness that you and your family deserve.
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