Happy Bday Handsome

Birthday Wishes for Husband: Finding the right words to celebrate the special days of your loved ones might seem hard at times, especially when it comes to your husband’s birthday. You always want to make him feel extraordinarily special on his birthday. But if you don’t know what to write on a birthday wish, don’t worry. Here we have brought for you some of the most brilliantly crafted birthday wishes for your husband. Just pick the one you like or just modify them according to suit your likings. Make him feel loved and adored in every way you can.

• Birthday Wishes for Husband

• Romantic Birthday Wishes for Husband

• Birthday Messages for Husband

• Funny Birthday Messages for Husband

• Long Distance Husband Birthday Wishes

• Advance Birthday Wishes for Husband

Birthday Wishes for Husband

You will always remain to be my greatest achievement in life. You’ve always been the man of my dream. I’m thankful to God for having you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the most loving, caring and kind-hearted husband in the world. May you live a thousand year more and continue loving me for the rest of your life!

Happy birthday to my husband! I can never grow tired of saying what a wonderful and dutiful husband you are to me! I love you, my precious!

Wishing a meaningful birthday to my lovely husband! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to the Best Husband! You are the humblest and kind-hearted person I’ve ever come across. Thank you for being in my life!

Happy birthday to my amazing husband. I am that lucky girl who has found a best friend and a husband in the same person. Thank you for always being there for me.

You’re the most caring and loving husband alive. Happy birthday!

I have no words to describe how important you are in my life. Your love has made my life complete and blissful. Love you and Happy birthday!

I want nothing but your love in life. May you find all the success you desire in life. Happy birthday!

Words can’t describe how special and perfect you are to me. I just want to say I love you so much and happy birthday handsome.

Growing old with you is so amazing. Happy birthday, dear hubby. May you live a thousand years more!

Thank God for giving me the most handsome, loving, and caring husband in this world. Happy birthday my husband!

Happy birthday husband! Thank you for being the reason of my smile. I love you so much. May God bless you forever and always.

On this day, I pray to God that he fulfills your life with infinite joy and give you all the success in life. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my husband. Thank you for who you are and all that you do. I love you so much!

Growing old with you is awesome. Happy birthday my love!

Wishing a very Happy Birthday to the love of my life! Words will never suffice how much you mean to me. May you always stay blessed!

Happy Birthday to the amazing husband of the world. You are the best gift of my life.

Happy birthday hubby! You are the cause of my happiness!

I simply thank God that He made you be my life partner. Life with you is really amazing. Thank you for being so kind and loving! Have the happiest birthday ever!

You are the most adorable and romantic husband in this world. Thank you for being my only love and my entire world. Happy birthday husband!

Happy Bday Handsome

Life couldn’t be precious without you. I treasure every memory of ours of this precious life. Happy Birthday, love.

Never in a million years I thought I will get a husband as loving and caring as you. I’m happy that I have you. Happy Birthday honey.

No matter how much old we get I won’t stop loving you. I’ll always hold your hand and get old together, making memories. Happy Birthday, Husband.

I may not be with you, but my heart always wants the best for you. Today, I wish you have a wonderful time. Sending my kisses on your way. Happy birthday!

Dear Husband, Happy Birthday! You never cease to amaze me and make me love you a little more every day! You truly are the most unique ever!

Darling, I wish you the happiest birthday ever! You are the best!

Sweetheart, Happy birthday! Thank you for never leaving my side all these years and for keeping the vows you had made to me. I love you!

Happy birthday, love. You are special to me every day!

Dear, you are the blessing I’m always thankful for. Wishing you a blessed birthday!

No day is more important than the day you were born. You deserve all the attention on your birthday. Happy Birthday and love you to the moon and back.

I want to be that wish when you blow the candles on your birthday cake. Happy Birthday my lovely husband.

A perfect marriage is not a fairy-tale, it’s a reality to me. Thanks for making my dreams come true. Happy birthday!

Every moment I spend with you becomes a moment I will treasure forever. Happy birthday to the one who showed me what true love really is!

You’re the sunshine in the darkest of my days. Many happy returns of the day!

Today you deserve the best birthday ever. Always keep smiling and be happy!

I’m grateful to God because He heard my wish. I wanted a direction to sanity and He has sent you. You’re my sanity. Happy Birthday.

You never cease to amaze me with your ability to love me unconditionally. I am grateful that you are here with me. Happy birthday handsome!

Romantic Birthday Wishes for Husband

Sweetheart, you must be made of all the good things of the world because nobody makes me happier than you! Happy Birthday, my charming husband!

Nothing gives me more pleasure than you hug, your kisses and your touch. I want to lose myself in you so that no worries can find m in life. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to the most special person in my life. You are my love, my heart and my joy.

You are my Mr. perfect because when I’m with you, everything around me seems perfect and flawless. Happy birthday to my perfect husband!

Happy Birthday to you! There are not enough words to describe what you are for me, but I hope saying "I love you" will summarize it.

Your kisses are sweeter than candies and your hugs are softer than a teddy’s. I’m in a very serious kind of love with you. Happy birthday!

You have blessed my life in every possible way one can do. You are the perfect reward to me for my true love. Happy birthday to you!

The only thing I’m good at in life is loving you. I can love you at any time, any age, and in any situation. I’ll never get tired of loving you. Happy birthday handsome!

Your age is increasing, so is my love for you. Every day we spend together, I fall deeper in love with you. Happy birthday!

No one can be a perfect husband, but you are the closest that any man can be. I love more every day than yesterday. Happy Birthday!

Darling, you are the anchor that keeps me grounded to the earth in my darkest days. I could not ask for more! Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, my dear husband! My world begins and ends with you, so thank you for being in my life. Love you to the moon and back!

Happy Bday Handsome

It doesn’t matter where you go and what you do, the warmth of my love will always surround you. Happy birthday to my prince!

On this day, I just want you to know that you brighten up my life every day and every moment. Happy birthday to the love of my life!

Whatever happens in life, I know deep down in my heart that I can always count on your love. Thank you for being such a wonderful husband. Happy birthday!

Birthday Messages for Husband

My life just can’t get any better than it is with you. You have showered me with unlimited love and given me a million reasons to live for. Happy birthday to you!

My love for you is infinite, immeasurable and interminable. It will be the same even when you are 100 years old. Happy birthday my love!

With you, my life is full of love, happiness, and entertainment. You make me feel grateful to live and to thank God for everything. Happy birthday my dear husband!

You mean everything to me. I live for you, I breath for you and I dream for you. You’ll always be my one and only till my last breath. Happy birthday!

You are the only person who loved me truly and unconditionally. Every day I spend with you feels like a day spent in heaven. Happy birthday to you!

Today my goal is to make you smile like a sunflower and laugh like a child. Because today is your birthday. Happy birthday, my handsome husband!

Waking up seeing your face makes my day beautiful. And I always want it to stay like this. Happy Birthday darling.

Whenever I fell down you were always there to help me to stand up and keep on going. I want us to go on till the death apart us. Happy Birthday.

Let’s celebrate your birthday like old times. Let’s ring out the memories which we kept enclosed at the core of our heart. Happy Birthday.

Behind my success I had you. You are always special to me. Happy Birthday my dear husband.

The road to our journey was rocky and rough yet we made it to here. I pray that we can make it to the last of our life like this. Happy Birthday Mr. Husband.

I still remember the first time I looked into your eyes and my heart skipped a beat. Till now I feel my heart racing whenever you look at my eyes. I love you my husband and Happy Birthday.

I want to be the light that leads you to the end of the tunnel. May God bless us both with a joyful life. happy birthday!

I thank God every day and every night for giving me such an amazing husband as you. May your days be filled with smiles and cheers. Happy birthday!

I wish to be everything you need and everything you want. May you live a healthy and joyful life throughout the years. Happy birthday to you!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Husband

Happy birthday, my dear! Don’t be embarrassed about the big party I’m throwing because we will celebrate until all your hair turns white! Much love!

It must be exhausting to be the husband of the most perfect and amazing wife ever, so I’ll take a day off and let you be amazing instead! Happy Birthday, baby!

The whole day I kept planning for your birthday and baked cake for you. Now, it is your turn. Go clean the kitchen and make us dinner. Happy Birthday to you dear hubby.

I just noticed that your hair got greyer, wrinkles appeared and you got fat layer under the skin. Officially you are getting old. Happy Birthday old man.

You should be glad that you have got the most awesome wife in the whole world. I should be your best gift. Happy Birthday Husband.

Don’t think that today is your birthday and you will get away with it. You have to do grocery shopping otherwise I can’t make your birthday cake and dinner. Happy Birthday to the laziest husband.

I thought husbands are to protect wives from danger. But the irony is I had to protect you from a spider. Such a scared cat. Happy Birthday.

Long Distance Husband Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday, my dear Husband! It hurts to feel the coldness of your absence beside me, but your love keeps me warm. Love you always!

Darling, Happy Birthday! I hope you have a cheerful day because no matter how far we are from each other, our love and trust will only grow stronger!

Days without you by my side are the hardest, but I will always wait for you with my arms wide open! Happy Birthday to you, honey!

You don’t always have to be with me to make me feel blessed. Sometimes a simple thought of you can make me smile in pleasure. Happy birthday!

Happy Bday Handsome

Whatever happens in life and where ever it takes you; just remember, you can always feel my love in the air. Happy birthday my love!

Wishing you a joyful birthday from a long-distance away. I wish I was with you right now to make this day a memorable one for you and for me. Happy birthday!

Distance can never destroy true love. Today, I may not be with you, but I know, you can always feel my presence in your heart. Happy birthday, love!

I can always see your face when I close my eyes. You are away from home but you were never away from the heart. Happy birthday, dear hubby!

Distance can only make love stronger and more intense. I know you are feeling it too. Happy birthday my dear husband. I love you!

Advance Birthday Wishes for Husband

Dear husband, your birthday is still a few days away but I can barely contain my excitement! So an advanced Happy Birthday to you! You are the best ever!

You are the most special to me and so is your birthday! I hope you’ll have a wonderful day next week but for now, happy birthday in advance!

Wishing you a happy birthday in advance, baby! Thank you for making me smile every day and I wish to do the same for you!

It’s a blessing that I have got a husband like you. I wish the God shower you with all his blessings. Wish you a very Happy Birthday in advance.

Just the way you can’t start a day without coffee. Like that my day does not start without you. Wishing you advance Happy Birthday darling husband.

You are my lucky charm. All the best things happened to me when you entered my life. I love you to the moon and back. Wish you an advance Happy Birthday.

I pray to God that he gives you all the best things in the world. I hope that all your dream and desires get fulfilled. I wish you an advance Happy Birthday.

It is another opportunity to celebrate our marriage and years of happiness in the day you born. Wishing you advance Happy Birthday.

I’m a rich woman because I have a husband with a rich heart. Happy Birthday in advance.

Honey, Happy Birthday! I know you have already figured everything out but can you please act surprised when you enter your birthday party tomorrow?

Throwing a surprise party on his birthday is not enough anymore. The love of your life deserves some sweet words too! Because nothing can make him feel more special than a sweet birthday wishes from his loving wife. Your birthday wishes can melt his heart right away and make him feel the warmth of your love instantly. Every word you say on this day to express your love for him will surely remain in his mind forever. So, instead of wasting your time by searching for birthday wishes on the internet, pick anyone from our list of happy birthday wishes for your husband and send him right away. Be the first one to make him feel super special on his birthday!

Chances are you’re here because you want to wish a friend a happy birthday in Italian in a way that your message will be well received.

In Italy, we love to celebrate special occasions and anniversaries, so learning how to say happy birthday is essential if you want to have a great social life.

compiere in Italian, and, of course, sing the Happy birthday song in Italian, a must for every party.

And, if that’s not enough, we’re also going to learn about some Italian birthday traditions and FAQs.

Let’s get started!

How to say "Happy Birthday!" in Italian

There are two main ways of wishing someone a happy birthday in Italian:

• Buon compleanno!

This literally translates as "good birthday" and it can be used on its own or in combination with:

• Tanti auguri!

which means many wishes. You could say, for example:

• Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!
Many wishes for a good birthday!

Of course, there are many variants of these phrases too. Let’s see some of them.



Italian pronunciation

Happy birthday!

Buon compleanno!

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh!

Happy birthday!

Tanti auguri!

Tahn-tee ah-oo-gooh-ree!

Belated happy birthday!

Auguri in ritardo!

Ah-oo-gooh-ree een ree-tar-doh

Thanks for being born!

Grazie di esistere!

Grah-tsee-eh dee eh-zee-steh-reh!

Happy birthday my love.

Buon compleanno, amore mio.

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh, ah-moh-reh mee-oh

Happy birthday, brother/sister/mom/dad.

Buon compleanno, fratello/sorella/mamma/papà.

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh, frah-tell-oh/soh-rell-ah/mahm-mah/pah-pàh

Happy Bday Handsome

Happy birthday grandma/grandpa.

Buon compleanno, nonna/nonno.

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh, john-nah/nohn-noh

One hundred more of these days!

Cento di questi giorni!

Chen-toh dee kwess-tee jor-nee

Wishing you a very happy birthday!

Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!

Tahn-tee ah-oo-gooh-ree dee boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh

Happy birthday my friend.

Buon compleanno amico/a mio/a.

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh, ah-mee-koh/ah-mee-kah mee-oh/mee-ah

Best birthday wishes to you!

I migliori auguri di buon compleanno!

Ee mee-llyoh-ree ah-oo-goo-ree dee com-pleh-ann-noh

Happy birthday beautiful!

Buon compleanno, bello/a!

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh, bell-oh/bell-ah!

Happy 21st/ 30th/40th/50th etc. birthday

Buon 21esimo/30esimo compleanno

Boo-on vehn-too-neh-zee-moh com-pleh-ann-noh

Hope all your wishes come true!

Spero che tutti i tuoi desideri si avverino!

Speh-roh keh too-tee ee too-oh-ee deh-zee-deh-ree see ah-veh-ree-noh

I wish you a happy birthday!

Ti auguro un buon compleanno!

Tee ah-oo-goo-roh oon boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh

Happy birthday, have a good one!

Buon compleanno, divertiti!

Boo-on com-pleh-ann-noh, dee-verr-tee-tee

Auguri is translated as "wishes" and it can be used for other special occasions, too.

• Auguri di Buon Natale
Merry Christmas

• Auguri di Buon Anno
Happy New Year

• Auguri per la festa del papà
Happy Father's Day

"When is your birthday?" and the verb compiere in Italian

If you’re talking about birthdays, it’s good to know the verb compiere (com-pyeh-reh) in Italian, which means "to turn" (referred to years).

Here’s the conjugation of compiere:

• Io compio (com-pyoh)

• Tu compi (com-peeh)

• Lui/lei compie (com-pyeh)

• Noi compiamo (com-pyah-moh)

• Voi compiete (com-pyeh-te)

• Loro compiono (com-pyoh-noh)

Happy Bday Handsome

When you ask someone when their birthday is in Italian, you need to use this verb:

• Quando compi gli anni?
(When is your birthday? - Lit. "When do you turn years?")

• Compio gli anni il 24 giugno.
(It is on the 24th of June. - Lit. "I turn years on the 24th of June.)

Here are some more useful expressions that you can learn to ask and talk about birthdays:



Italian pronunciation

When is your birthday?

Quand’è il tuo compleanno?

Kwan-dèh eel too-oh com-pleh-ann-noh

My birthday is…

Il mio compleanno è il …

Eel mee-oh com-pleh-ann-noh èh

How old do you turn?

Quanti anni compi?

Kwan-tee ahn-nee com-pee?

I turn…

Ne compio…

Neh com-pee-oh…

How old are you?

Quanti anni hai?

Kwan-tee ann-nee ah-ee?

I am…

Ho … anni.

Oh … ann-nee

What year were you born?

Di che anno sei?

Dee keh ann-noh seh-ee

I was born in…

Sono del…

Soh-noh dell…

You don’t show them!

Non li dimostri!

Non lee dee-most-ree

You carry them well!

Li porti bene!

Lee por-tee beh-neh

You look younger!

Sembri più giovane!

Sem-bree pee-ooh joh-vah-neh

What would you like for your birthday?

Cosa vuoi per il tuo compleanno?

Coh-sah voo-oh-ee per eel too-oh com-pleh-ann-noh

The birthday boy/girl

Il festeggiato / la festeggiata

Eel fess-teh-jah-toh

The present

Il regalo

Eel reh-gah-loh

The cake

La torta

Lah torr-tah

The candles

Le candeline

Leh can-deh-lee-neh

To blow the candles

Spegnere le candeline

Spe-nyeh-re leh can-deh-lee-neh

To make a wish

Esprimere un desiderio

Ess-pree-meh-reh oon deh-zee-deh-ree-oh

To make a toast

Fare un brindisi

Fah-reh oon breen-dee-zee

Birthday party

Festa di compleanno

Fess-tah dee com-pleh-ann-noh

Surprise party

Festa a sorpresa

Fess-tah ah sor-preh-zah

To celebrate a birthday

Festeggiare il compleanno

Fess-teh-jah-reh eel com-pleh-ann-noh

To wish a happy birthday

Fare gli auguri di compleanno

Fah-reh lly ah-oo-goo-ree dee com-pleh-ann-noh

To pull the ears

Tirare le orecchie*

Tee-rah-reh leh oh-rek-kyeh

*more on this in the "Italian birthday traditions" section

Happy birthday in Italian song with lyrics

What kind of birthday would it be if you don’t sing a birthday song for the festeggiato?

In Italian, the classic birthday song "happy birthday to you" uses the expression "tanti auguri a te", and not "buon compleanno"!

It goes like this:

Tanti auguri a te,
Tanti auguri a te,
Tanti auguri (name)
Tanti auguri a te!

Tanti Auguri

This isn’t a specific birthday song; in fact, it is often sung at graduations or other parties, but if you find yourself at a birthday party, it might well come up, and if you know it, sing along!

Happy birthday in Italian lyrics goes like this:

Perché è un bravo ragazzo, (For he’s a jolly good fellow x3)
Perché è un bravo ragazzo,
Perché è un bravo ragazzo….
Nessuno lo può negar! (Which nobody can deny!)

How to write a happy birthday card message in Italian

On a birthday card in Italian you can let your creativity loose. You can keep things simple and just say "auguri", or you can praise the person’s qualities and virtues before wishing them a good life with the super classic: cento di questi giorni. (A hundred of these days.)

If you want to wish someone something, you can use the expression ti auguro… which literally means "I wish for you…/ I hope"

• Ti auguro di raggiungere tutti i tuoi obiettivi!
I hope you can reach all your objectives!

• Ti auguro tanto amore e felicità!
I wish you a lot of love and happiness.

At the end of the card, you can repeat Buon compleanno! and send them a hug (un abbraccio), a kiss (un bacio) or love (con amore).

Italian birthday traditions

Here are some traditions of an Italian compleanno. Some might be common in other countries, but others are a bit more unique!

• Non fare gli auguri in anticipo
Don’t say happy birthday in advance! This might sound strange, but Italians find it is bad luck to tell someone happy birthday in advance. It is better to be late than early in this case!

• La torta di compleanno
Of course, there is no birthday without a cake! In Italy, it is usually the festeggiato/a who picks it or makes it

• Spegnere le candeline
When the cake is served, of course, all the lights will go off and the candles lit. The birthday boy or girl will have to blow them and…

• Esprimere un desiderio
At the moment you blow out the candles, remember to think about your birthday wish (but don’t say it out loud!)

• Tirare le orecchie
This is probably the weirdest Italian birthday tradition… We pull the festeggiato/a’s earlobes as many times as the age they’re turning, sometimes counting out loud, and with various degrees of pain, based on your relationship to the guest of honor!

• Offrire da bere / da mangiare
In many countries, you get treated to food and drinks on your birthday. In Italy, it is the opposite! If the birthday girl or boy invites guests out for drinks, she or he is expected to pay for everyone!

• Compiere 18 anni
Turning 18 is the biggest milestone in terms of Italian birthdays. When you’re a teenager, that’s a big deal. You will now be maggiorenne (of age) and therefore able to get your driving license, travel abroad without special arrangements and get drinks in bars and pubs!

Italian happy birthday: what you need to know

1. Should happy birthday be capitalized in Italian?

Il mio compleanno, che è il 25 gennaio, quest’anno cade di lunedì.
My birthday, which is on the 25th of January, this year falls on a Monday.

2. Should you text your ex happy birthday?

Well, in Italy it is actually quite common to stay friends with ex-partners, and even a simple tanti auguri can show you remember them kindly. I’d say, why not?!

3. Is it better to say "tanti auguri" or "buon compleanno?"

There is no difference really between the two expressions. If you’re not sure which one you want to use, just combine them, as we showed above: tanti auguri di buon compleanno!

Cento di questi giorni…

Now you'll be able to wish someone special a happy birthday in Italian, celebrate and sing with your friends, and enjoy some birthday cake.

Remember, practicing is key when learning Italian, so go out there and ask all the native speakers you know to tell you about their Italian birthdays, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes, sbagliando s’impara!


Information obtained from websites:
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